Solar Trees to Be Submitted Copy in c.d

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  • 7/30/2019 Solar Trees to Be Submitted Copy in c.d



    In modern days the use of non renewable resources is being a major part of lab works.

    There are different types in these sources, but the utilization of them is must.

    In an age of global concern for escalating fossil fuel prices, energy security and

    CO2 emissions, a fervent demand for sustainable energy sources endures. In apt response

    to this critical issue, a renewable alternative energy innovation is receiving wide spread

    interest and attention. Hence the development of solar trees taken place.

    What is a solar tree?

    Solar trees are artificially designed trees and plants which are power houses of

    renewable energy harvesting the eternal profligate power of sun, wind and heat. It is a

    highly efficient, all artificial, molecular level energy converting technology, which

    exploits the principles of natural photosynthesis. In fact each tree or plant in so life like

    that to most casual observers they are living trees and plants.

    Solar trees are more powerful than wind farms, more efficient than solar panels and more

    practical and aesthetically pleasing than both. Artificial trees and plants which are so

    lifelike that to most casual observers they are living trees and plants. In fact, each tree or

    plant is a powerhouse of renewable energy harvesting the eternal profligate power of the

    sun, wind and rain. The essential element in this technology is Solar Botanic's artificialleaf (Nanoleaf) which captures the sun's radiant energy in photo voltaic and thermo

    voltaic cells converting the radiation into electricity. Simultaneously as the wind blows

    the layers of voltaic material in the stems, twigs and branches are moved, compressed and

    stretched, creating electricity. Thus as the sun shines, the winds blow and the rain falls,

    millions of micro circuits are activated, each making its contribution to the electrical

    energy of the tree.


    The nano leaf is a combination of high tech materials brought together in a leaf

    design to convert all 3 energy sources: Light, Heat and Wind into electric energy. Our

    trees are quantum source of power and an excellent electricity provider.

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    Furthermore, the leaf petiole or the stem, and twigs comprise nano-piezovoltaic material

    these tiny generators produce electricity from movement or kinetic energy caused by

    wind or falling raindrops. The Nanoleaf; designed to capture the suns radiant energy in

    photovoltaic and thermovoltaic cells, and convert the radiation into electricity. As the

    wind blows the layers of voltaic material in the stems, twigs and branches are moved,

    compressed and stretched, creating electricity. Consequently, as the sun shines, the winds

    blow and the rain falls, millions of micro circuits activate, each making its contribution to

    the electrical energy of the tree. An average tree with a canopy of approximately 6 square

    meters can generate enough energy to provide for the needs of the average

    household.Designed to appear as genuine and attractive as their organic counterparts,

    with the capacity to harness the eternal prolific power of the Sun and Wind, the

    applications of SolarBotanic trees are impressively extensive and adaptable.

    A fundamental flaw in conventional solar cells is that electrons give too much energy by

    sunlight and lose that energy in heat form, as the electrons move thermally to the bottom

    of the conduction band. SolarBotanic hotcarrier solar cells would use quantum dots

    (i.e., nano-particles) to confine electrons long enough so that they could be extracted

    before their energy dissipates as heat. With this process of combining the conversion of

    light, heat and wind, more energy is generated, as the hot carrier can now be efficiently

    used with the implementation of thermovoltaic cells.

    Biomimicry is an emerging science resolving human problems by adopting natures

    ingenious processes. Using biomimicry techniques,a SolarBotanic artificial tree, or plant

    structure, functions as a passive solar-wind harvester. Ultimately, energy is harvested

    then efficiently captured, concentrated, stored and/or converted to a high value energy


    Main benefits:

    SolarBotanic trees have the capacity to supply a single household or can be installed in

    areas where natural growing groups of trees would previously have been used,(i.e., along

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    motor ways, in suburban streets, parks,etc.), and can make a significant contribution to

    the national electrical grid.

    In areas where wind turbines are not welcome the SolarBotanic trees can be used in

    groves, capturing both wind and sun. SolarBotanic woods of oak, ash, beech or sycamore

    have the advantage over organic deciduous trees where instead of losing their leaves in

    winter, they maintain foliage and continue to generate energy. In deserts, where

    hydroponics allow the cultivation of fruit and vegetables, SolarBotanic trees and plants

    both shade the growing tunnels, and provide electricity to circulate water and cool the


    Conversely in cold regions SolarBotanic trees can provide cheap heating and lighting for

    crops which would not otherwise be viable.

    SolarBotanic energy systems possess the ingenuity and versatility to provide clean

    electric energy systems for grid-connected power, grid-independent power, water and

    space heating, industrial process heating, and power plants. SolarBotanic renewable

    energy holds immense potential as a supplement or alternative to fossil fuels for serving

    energy markets world wide and for developing nations.

    Theory of conversion:Solar radiation:

    There is always sun light

    Sometimes bright sometimes diffused.

    It doesnt matter

    Solar trees and Nano leaves are able to pick up any light, from the visible

    spectrum to invisible spectrum, infrared light (one cant see but can feel). The nanoleaves

    is an innovative combination of photovoltaic & thermo voltaic materials that enable the

    leaf to produce electricity even long after the sun set. Nanoleaves only reflect a small part

    of the sunlight that strikes them, mostly the green light, and the rest of the spectrum is

    efficiently converted into electricity


    There s always wind

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    Even there on a day.

    Even if there is a small amount of it. It doesnt matter.

    Solar trees, leaves, twigs and branches are moved by the wind they are

    sensitive to external pressure caused by wind , the incorporated nano piezo generators

    produce millions and millions of Pico watts day in day out, they join the stream of


    The more wind there is, the more nanoleaves are moved. Wind that is moving

    thousands of nanoleaves in a tree canopy are causing mechanical strain in the ptile, twgs

    and branches. Nano piezo-electric elements that will generate millions and millions of

    Pico watts of power.

    Nano leaves flap back and forth due to wind. The stronger the wind the higher

    the flap frequency, and therefore the larger the watts generated in the watts generated I

    the petiole, twigs and branches.

    Artificial photosynthesis:

    When we look a at a leaf, we wonder about its anatomy and its structure that

    enables to trap co2, one of he culprits of global warming, and liberate oxygen as its


    Through the process of photosynthesis, the energy of sunlight has been harnessed,

    not only to create the biomass on our planet today, but also the fossil fuels. The overall

    efficiency of biomass formation, however, is low and despite being a valuable source of

    energy, it cannot replace fossil fuels on a global scale and provides the huge amount of

    power needed to sustain the technological aspirations of the world population now and in

    the future.

    The time has come to exploit our considerable knowledge of the molecular

    processes of photosynthesis and plant molecular biology to attack the challenge of

    providing non-polluting renewable energy for the future benefit of humankind. However,

    there is an alternative and complementary approach for using solar energy.

    Nano system could form a key component of an artificial photosynthesis model and

    once achieved, this would revolutionize the quality of life on our planet.

    Artificial photosynthesis has the potential to not only produce hydrogen that could be

    used as a clean fuel for vehicles but also mop up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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    A team of Chinese researchers found that carbon nano tubes mimic this important

    step in photosynthesis. Plants ,some bacteria and protistans are capable to use the energy

    from sunlight to produce sugar, which cellular respiration converts into ATP, the fuel

    used by living things.

    Designing composite materials that effectively absorb all the colors in solar

    spectrum for conversion to electricity, fuels, and heat would be a crosscutting

    breakthrough. Captured solar energy must be transported as excited electrons and holes

    from the absorber to chemical reaction sites for sites making fuel or o external circuits as



    Urban and rural:

    Recreational parks, city parks

    New housing estates

    Golf courses and resorts

    Mountainous regions





    Penthouses, balconies, verandas

    Private gardens

    De-forested areas

    Areas of commercial interest; islands, nature resorts

    Ponds, lakes, seas, and oceans

    Crop protection

    Easy to install

    Weather resistant : rain, hail, dust, lighting, wind

    Good monetary values for private homes

    Various sizes, colors and species

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    Aesthetic natural design, in harmony with nature

    Application for designer gardens, pent houses, balconies

    For Homes

    Drastically lower your electric bill and add lasting value to your home.

    SolarBotanic residential solutions offer up to 50% more power than conventional solar

    systems, and our Green trees and shrubs blend in beautifully with your environment.

    For Businesses

    Take control of your energy costs, a natural solution to solve your rising electricity rates

    and reduce the impact on our environment.

    With government incentives and tax credits now widely available, a SolarBotanic power

    tree system is a financially sound investment that can pay dividends long into the future.

    Large Commercial for Urban and Rural applications

    With solid performance and the highest-efficiency solar products, Solar Botanic is theright choice for any City, Neighborhood, or large-scale green energy project. Solar

    Botanic solar systems can be deployed on ground, roof, or parking structures.

    Broad Leaf trees- These species can provide between 3500kWh and 7000kWh

    per year. They offer an abundance of added value: providing shade, cooling the

    air, green ambiance and much more. Installation is quick. The trees are durable

    and natural looking, to fit any environment. Also, they are flexible, similar to an

    original tree, and well secured to the ground with our Octopus root system.

    Ever green trees- These species can provide between 2500kWh and 7000kWh

    per year. They can be placed as single trees or to fence garden properties. Also for

    mountainous regions and hill sides, very good noise and sound abatement.

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    Shrubs, Plants, Roof, Wall and Fencing- A wide range of shrubs for all your

    electrical needs. Solar Botanic Nanoleaves roof Carpets can be installed in

    minutes on any roof design, various leaf and vegetation designs available. Power

    Trees & Shrubs. Depending on size and location, a tree can produce between

    2000 and 12,000 kWh per year.

    Urban & Rural applications

    Increase the green awareness in your city, help to reduce global warming, bring energy

    closer to home, recharge your car and power your home.


    As modern technology has developed in an age of cheap energy, efficiency has not

    been a priority. Finding energy resources to satisfy the worlds growing demand is one of

    societys foremost challenges for the next half centaury.

    World demand fro energy is project to more than double by 2050 and to more than

    triple by the end of centaury. Incremental improvements in existing energy networks will

    not be adequate to supply this demand in a sustainable way.

    The reverses of fossil fuels that currently power society will fall short of this demand

    over the long term, and their continued use produces harmful side effects such aspollution that threatens human health and greenhouse gases associated with climate


    World economies are dependent on a diminishing source of environmentally unfriendly

    fossil fuels. The search for clean alternative energy is a major political, economic and

    social imperative.

    Renewals such as hydro-power, wind, wave, geo-thermal and bio-mass will not be able to

    supply energy at mean annual rate. Existing sources of renewable energy, solar panels,

    parabolic sun collectors, wind and tidal turbines are inefficient, expensive and

    environmentally insensitive.

    Finding sufficient supplies of clean energy for future is one of societys most daunting


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    The supply and demand of energy determine the course of global development in every

    sphere of human activity. Sufficient supplies of clean energy are intimately linked with

    global stability.

    The importance of this pervasive problem and perplexing technical difficulty of solving it

    require a concentrated national effort marshalling our most advanced scientific and

    technological capabilities.

    There are three reasons for believing that we are approaching the end of the present

    epoch: resource limitations, environmental problems, and social issues.

    In resources terms in that near future world, oil will become scarcer and more expensive.

    we will have to change the basis of our energy use for transport .

    The first most reason for moving away from present pattern of fuel energy use is that we

    are dissipating limited resources, making change inevitable.

    The second reason fro change is that the use of fossil fuels is causing serious

    environmental problems, at all levels from the local to the global.

    At local level, fuel use in urban areas is the main cause of air pollution that is

    bad enough to pose serious health risks in many large cities. At the regional, the problem

    of acid precipitation has caused policy changes to reduce the production of sulfur dioxide

    as a byproduct of using fossil fuels.

    Even then, the long residence time of carbon dioxide molecules in the atmosphere

    means the concentrations will continue to increase for decades; thus global temperatures

    will continue to increase for about a centaury and sea levels will continue to rise for

    several centauries posing a very serious threat to the future of human civilization.

    The third reason for changes is an associated social issue. The present pattern of fuels

    energy use is grossly unequal. The only feasible way of squaring this circle is to move

    away from stored photosynthetic products to new forms of artificial photosynthesis.

    With progress in nano-technology, the photovoltaic, thermo voltaic and piezo electric

    materials are becoming more efficient and combined in one system it will give our

    products more efficiency and we believe that soon, solar trees will be a mainstream green

    energy provider, more reliable/cheap and above all better looking.

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