Solar System

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Presentation about Solar System by Tetha 15th Years Old

Transcript of Solar System

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2. Solar system : Is a collections of celestialobject which consist of . . . SunAsteroid PlanetsCometSatellite MeteorWith the sun as the centerof their orbitsMenu 3. Back to Menu 4. Interior Planet : Planets, which were located in the earth's orbit around the sun.(Mercury and Venus) Planet Out: Planets, which were located outside the earth's orbit around the sun. Back to Menu (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)Example ofExample ofInterior PlanetsExterior Planets 5. MERCURY Mercury, one of the planets in the solar system.Mercury orbits closest to the Sun of all the planets,at an average distance of approximately 58 millionkm. The surface temperature at noon reaches400C, while at night reaches 200C. Figure 6. Venus Venus, one of the planets in the solar system, the second in distance from the Sun. Except for the Sun and the Moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky. Venus Surface temperature reaches 450C, so theres no water or sea. Venus is often called East Star, Dawn Star, Morning Star because sometimes it looks shiny in the east at sunrise Venus is often called West Star, Evening Star, Night Star, because sometimes it appears at Sunset in the westFigure 7. Earth Earth (planet), one of nine planets in the solar system, the only planet known to harbor life, and the home of human beings. The Earth made up of several layer : Earths Crust Earths Mantle Outer core of Earth Inner core of EarthFigure 8. Mars Mars, one of the planets in the solar system, it is the fourth planet from the Sun and orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 228 million km (about 141 million mi), and the average temperature in Mars reaches -60C Name of Mars comes from the god of War of Roman people Mars has the largest and highest mountain in the solar system thats Olympus Mons which is 27 km high and 600 km in diameter Back Content Planet Figure 9. Jupiter Jupiter, fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiters diameter is about 143 thousand km or 11 times the earths diameter ( about 1300 times the earths diameter ) Jupiter is made up of dense gasses such as hydrogen and helium. Jupiters surface is covered by a rotating gas cloud, the temperature in upper part of Jupiter cloud is about 140C Figure 10. Saturn Saturn, sixth planet in order of distance from the Sun, and the second largest in the solar system Saturn has a ring that consist of collection of dust and pebbles thats covered by ice Its Surface temperature reaches -176C Figure 11. Uranus Uranus, Uranus was found by William Herschel, a British astronomer on March 13th 1781. Seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus revolves outside the orbit of Saturn and inside the orbit of Neptune Uranus has a solid core thats made up of metal and is surrounded by the layers o gas and ice. Its temperature is very cold (-241C). Uranus looks navy blue Figure 12. Neptune Neptune, eighth planet from the Sun and fourth largest in diameter. Neptune was found in 1844 as a result of cooperation between Leverier (French), Adams (English), and Galle (Berlin/German). The condition of Neptune is similar to Uranus so these two planets are called twin planets the surface temperature reaches -120 Figure 13. Naturalsatellite Artificial Satellite is a celestial object that orbits a planet and together with the planet revolves around the sun Back to Menu 14. Natural Satellite Natural Satellite is a Satellite that has naturally existed in the solar system Video 15. Artificial Satellite Artificial Satellite is a Satellite that is made by human and designed to move in a path that has been determined and serve a certain purpose example : to collect and send data or information required Video 16. Asteroid Asteroid are celestial object that are smaller than planets, they are made up of rocks and iron, and have diameters ranging from several meters to hundreds of kilometers Cluster of hundreds of thousands of asteroids called the Asteroid BeltVideo Back to Menu 17. Comet Comet are celestial objects that revolves around the sun forming an oval orbit. Comet consist of a collection of freezing dust and gasses, but if they pass close the sun, the will melt and vaporize Comet is often called a hairy star, because when the comet moves, at the back part of it theres a gas spurt like a tail, the length can reach millions of kilometers and if the comet near with the sun, its tail can be more long Video Back to Menu 18. meteor Meteor are celestial objects that move at high velocity entering Earths sky When the meteor move to Earths surface, they cause friction with the Earths atmosphere , the friction produce heat, so meteor are burnt out completely But there are also meteors that are not burnt out, so they reach Earths Surface, called Falling Star Meteor that enter the Earths Atmosphere called Meteoroid Meteor that reach the Earths Surface called Meteorites (in Arizona, has diameter 1.3 km the depth 175 m), this Meteoric Crater is called Barriger Creater Video Barriger Creater Back to MenuVideo 1Video 2 19. Back to Content 20. 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