Solar Street Lights - Greenshine Solar Street Lights (949)-609-9636

Are Solar Power Street Lights Economical? The power bill is a bill that almost everyone dreads to see coming in the mail each month but consumers know that in order for them to have power at the touch of their fingertips, they need to pay that bill each and every month. When you don’t pay your bill, the company has permission to shut off the power to your home, leaving you in the dark, using candles or lanterns for light, and cooking by an open fire. Consumers today have become used to the fact that they are dependent on the power company to supply the power they have grown accustomed to. But, what is it all about solar power lights? Solar power is becoming just as popular but without the stress and strain of an expensive power bill each and every month. Solar power street lights are the next big thing in outdoor lighting. Whether you have a long driveway or you live in an apartment complex, you want to have the best lighting possible outside because many consumers fear what they cannot see. Having a light that shines brightly will make a difference in how you feel being in your home at night. When used side by side, solar power street lights can light up a street, parking lot, or driveway just like the street lights powered by the larger power companies. The brightness depends on the wattage of the bulb, the location of the pole, and the actual panel that absorbs the sunlight. Some of the solar powered systems have an extra battery to store extra power for times when sun is too low to recharge the lights. The street lights powered by the sun can last a full night before the sun comes out and reheats the charger again. Even when it’s cloudy outside and overcast, you can expect to see the lights on at night. Additionally, there is a small backup battery which is also charged by the solar energy and is used when the main chargers are used completely. Solar power can provide energy to many things and the most popular and common are lights. Consumers depend on lights for so many things. In the past, lights were presented only by candles or lanterns. It took time to light enough candles to light up the room. Today, it’s as simple as turning on a switch. This convenience is not only a something that consumers are used to but it’s almost a way of life. Solar power street lights is a great way to light up the night, provide protection so you can see all around you when you are out, and cost a fraction of what modern power uses each day throughout homes around the world. And in case you are looking to use solar lights for your own home or business, you won’t be disappointed. There are many companies offering small solar power systems


Greenshine Solar Street Lights 72 Fairbanks Suite 100 Irvine, Ca 92618 (949)-609-9636 Greenshine New Energy, LLC. Specializes in developing and manufacturing customized solar powered lighting systems for a wide range of lighting applications. At Greenshine we specialize in solar street lights, garden lights, and lawn lights for outdoor applications. Our lights can be installed anywhere, especially areas where grid tied electricity is not available.

Transcript of Solar Street Lights - Greenshine Solar Street Lights (949)-609-9636

Page 1: Solar Street Lights - Greenshine Solar Street Lights (949)-609-9636

Are Solar Power Street Lights Economical?

The power bill is a bill that almost everyone dreads to see coming in the mail each month

but consumers know that in order for them to have power at the touch of their fingertips,

they need to pay that bill each and every month. When you don’t pay your bill, the company

has permission to shut off the power to your home, leaving you in the dark, using candles

or lanterns for light, and cooking by an open fire. Consumers today have become used to

the fact that they are dependent on the power company to supply the power they have

grown accustomed to. But, what is it all about solar power lights? Solar power is becoming

just as popular but without the stress and strain of an expensive power bill each and every


Solar power street lights are the next big thing in outdoor lighting. Whether you have a long

driveway or you live in an apartment complex, you want to have the best lighting possible

outside because many consumers fear what they cannot see. Having a light that shines

brightly will make a difference in how you feel being in your home at night.

When used side by side, solar power street lights can light up a street, parking lot, or

driveway just like the street lights powered by the larger power companies. The brightness

depends on the wattage of the bulb, the location of the pole, and the actual panel that

absorbs the sunlight. Some of the solar powered systems have an extra battery to store

extra power for times when sun is too low to recharge the lights.

The street lights powered by the sun can last a full night before the sun comes out and

reheats the charger again. Even when it’s cloudy outside and overcast, you can expect to

see the lights on at night. Additionally, there is a small backup battery which is also charged

by the solar energy and is used when the main chargers are used completely.

Solar power can provide energy to many things and the most popular and common are

lights. Consumers depend on lights for so many things. In the past, lights were presented

only by candles or lanterns. It took time to light enough candles to light up the room.

Today, it’s as simple as turning on a switch. This convenience is not only a something that

consumers are used to but it’s almost a way of life.

Solar power street lights is a great way to light up the night, provide protection so you can

see all around you when you are out, and cost a fraction of what modern power uses each

day throughout homes around the world. And in case you are looking to use solar lights for

your own home or business, you won’t be disappointed. There are many companies offering

small solar power systems

Page 2: Solar Street Lights - Greenshine Solar Street Lights (949)-609-9636

Why Choose Solar Powered Street Lights?

Solar powered street lights have become very important in the world of lighting. In fact, it is

very popular when consumers go out in search of lighting replacement. Solar energy is a

healthy and less expensive alternative to the traditional type of power sources that we have

today. On a quest to save the planet, more consumers are choosing to go green and lighting

is one of the most important alternatives. Many consumers are choosing to educate

themselves in how the whole concept of solar power energy works so they can do their part

in making the changes needed to contribute to going green.

Be eco-friendly

Whether you want to use solar powered street lights or grow plants, the way it works is

somewhat simple; solar energy if first collected from the sunlight and the heat off of the

sun. With the assistance of solar panels, the heat is collected in a specific panel and then

converted into energy that can be used for a variety of things. The power of the heat

channeled correctly can do so many things.

Conserve Energy And Fossil Fuels

The power from the sun can be generated electrically to power solar powered street lights

or anything else. Solar energy is gaining attention and popularity due to what has been

created with solar power thus far. Urban planners, architects, and even farmers understand

the importance of using the sun for so many things. It’s a given that plants, animals, and

even humans need a certain amount of sunlight to grow, maintain, and be healthy. Farmers

have discovered that using the heat from the sun in a covered frame house with plastic can

trap the heat from the sun and heat it up high enough to grow plants even in the coldest of


Bring In Solar Energy

As long as the sun is channeled correctly, you can provide what the plants need in a short

amount of time, thus producing healthy plants that are productive. This not only proves to

be a viable resource for farmers but it can also be profitable because it allows the farmers

to sell even when the snow is on the ground. The Solar powered street lights are going to

make a big difference on your budget. Channeling the heat from the sun is practically free

to low cost so that means that you don’t have to pay the big power companies to provide

for the world. There are a host of companies offering Photo-Voltaic cells so that you can

generate you own energy to run appliances and lights. You will need to do your research on

solar power and then start making a difference in your home, one light bulb at a time. It is

not only better for your power and utility bills but you do your bit to conserve the

environment. Don’t you want to leave a better world to your future generations?

Page 3: Solar Street Lights - Greenshine Solar Street Lights (949)-609-9636

What Solar Street Light Manufacturers Have to Offer You

When it comes to lighting, you may feel overwhelmed with all the choices you have to make

when shopping around. There are different types of lighting, different types of lighting

abilities, and there are different shades to choose from. Even the simplest of decisions can

be difficult with so many choices to make. So how do you know which one is right for you?

The answer to that depends on what a professional tells you. When you need lighting for the

outside of your home or office, you want only the best.

Quality Service By Manufacturers

You want to make sure that you have the right lighting to see around a certain distance with

ease. Most people think that the standard street lights that hum loudly and look bad are the

only choices available but this is not it. Today, solar street light manufactures have more of

a variety to choose from in lighting design and brightness.

When you are ready to make the choice, you will need to first determine the area that you

need to cover with lighting. Measuring this area carefully will give you an idea of what you

need to ask for. The solar street light manufacturers are can help you determine what you

need. When you take on the challenge of setting new poles then you have more planning to

do in order to create the right amount of lighting. This will help you get better and more

eco-friendly lighting.

Outdoor Lighting Using Solar Energy

When you have a need for outdoor lighting, it’s usually due to the need for feeling safe and

secure in your surroundings. It’s also an expense that you cannot afford to be wrong on so

if you want to feel safe and secure, then consider talking to solar street light manufacturers

to find out what type of lighting they recommend and if possible, have one come to your

home or office in order to determine what would work for the space that you want to cover.

With their assistance, you can create the right amount of lighting for you and everyone that

lives and works near you. The lighting can provide a peace of mind for everyone around so

you are helping the community in a sense.

Solar street light manufacturers have the expertise to help you find the one product that

you are looking for. They can create a plan to assist you in provide the best lighting for your

area. It’s also important to consider all the benefits of using solar power over regular

power; just the ability to save the planet is an ongoing project that you can be proud to be

a part of. Do your part and choose solar. With a host of companies offering solar energy

systems, you can find the best prices and systems that suits your budget and needs.

Page 4: Solar Street Lights - Greenshine Solar Street Lights (949)-609-9636

The Advantages Of Using Solar Street Lights

Over the years, solar lights have become very popular. In order to protect the earth, its

important to use solar lights whenever possible. When solar lights are used, it requires less

power generated from man-made power lines that can cause environmental damage over

the years. More people are placing solar lights up in their home or business in order to do

their part in helping save the earth. Another option that is becoming very popular is solar

street lights. These types of lights will one day replace the traditional parking lot lights that

you see now.

Advantage Of Solar Energy Lights

Solar street lights have so many advantages; saving the planet is just one of them. Every

day that solar lights are chosen over electricity generated through power plants, more of

the air that we breathe is cleaner and less damaging to the environment. Because solar

power is cleaner, more people are choosing to use it in their homes and business.

When considering replacing your outdoor lighting, you may want to consider replacing them

with solar street lights. As the sun shines in the daytime, it will charge the power source

that will light up the lights during the night time so the solar lights outdoors can work just

as good as the indoor solar lights. This helps to light up better.

Using Solar Energy To Light Parking Lots

Using solar powered parking lot lights, you need to put them up where the sun will shine

fully on them during the day. Most people are under the impression that if it is cloudy

outside, then the sun cannot charge the solar street lights and that leaves the streets,

parking lot, or driveway dark when you need the light the most. However, this is not true.

During the day, even on the cloudy rainy days, ultraviolet rays shine through the clouds

enough to power up the street lights.

When it comes to parking lights, you want to feel safe and trust that there is enough power

in that light in order to last all night long. Consumers have come to depend on the parking

lot lights that run off of power. However, these types of solar street lights will not disappoint

you when it comes to durability, dependability, and efficiency. But solar energy needs

sunlight to recharge and in the days when the sun isn’t visible, it runs on battery packs as


Go Solar To Save On Utility Bills

If you rent, speak to your landlord about adding solar power parking lot lights to the

outside. You will be helping the environment while providing a nice even glow to everyone

in the building; providing comfort and the overall feeling of safety. And it feels good to know

that you have contributed to using eco-friendly and renewable source of power for lighting

not just your home, but the community lighting needs too.