Solar Energy Fundamentals and Challenges in Indian ... · Solar Energy Fundamentals and Challenges...

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014 1 ISSN 2250-3153 Solar Energy Fundamentals and Challenges in Indian restructured power sector Ashok Upadhyay * , Arnab Chowdhury ** * Deputy Director (Generation), M.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh ** Pursuing MBA (Power Mgmt.), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies., Dehradun, Uttarkhand Abstract- In recent years the solar energy technologies has experienced phenomenal growth. The realization of technological improvements, growing public awareness of environmental issues, the economic climate and number of policy instruments have facilitated and sustained this strong interest in these technologies. Since the cost of electricity generated from solar is still expensive and also the power from renewable resources including solar is infirm power, large scale development of renewable resources did not take place and distribution utilities are also least interested to purchase power from renewable sources. This paper provides an overview of technical, economic and policy aspects of solar energy development. It reviews the status of solar energy in terms of resource potential, existing capacity, along with historical trends and future growth prospects of solar energy. The paper also focuses on the technical, economical, and institutional barriers to the development and utilization of solar energy technologies. The paper reviews existing fiscal and regulatory policy instruments to support solar energy development, indicating how successful these policy apparatus are in achieving their goals. And finally a review based on existing studies of the future prospects of solar energy supply under various scenarios in Indian restructured power sector is provided. Index Terms- Environmental issues, economic climate, policy instruments I. INTRODUCTION he Indian power sector is predominantly based on fossil fuels, with about three-fifths of the country‟s power generation capacity being dependent on vast indigenous reserves of coal. But in few last decades Indian government has taken several steps to reduce the use of fossil fuels-based energy while promoting renewable generation. Solar energy constitutes the most abundant renewable energy resource available and in most regions of the world even its technically available potential is far in excess of the current total primary energy supply. As such solar energy technologies are a key tool to lower worldwide carbon emissions. The wide range of technologies available today, to harness the sun„s energy, is classified into passive and active technologies. The active technologies, which formed the content of this paper, are broadly divided into photovoltaic and solar thermal, where solar thermal can be further classified into solar-thermal electric and non-electric applications. The market for many of the solar energy technologies has seen dramatic expansion over the past decade in particular the expansion of the market for grid-connected PV systems and solar hot water systems have been remarkable. At present India is fifth largest country in the world of electricity generation, having presently installed capacity of 243 GWs out of which 69.5 % is from thermal, 16.5 % from hydro, 2% from nuclear and rest about 12% from renewable energy sources. Although Indian power sector has experienced a seven times increased in its installed capacity a jump from 30,000 MW in 1981 to over 243028 MW by March, 2014 but still there is a huge gap in generation and demand in India hence need to be established more generation plants preferable to be come from renewable sources by governmental as well as various private participation. As per the load generation balance report for FY2013-14 issued by CEA, the anticipated peak shortage in the country during FY2013-14 works out to 6.2% based on the anticipated demand and availability of power. Solar energy has emerged as a viable, cost- effective and commercial option for grid connected power generation. During the past few years, a significant trust has been given to the development and induction of solar energy technology for use in different sectors. India is the only country in the world with an exclusive Ministry to promote the renewable energy sources. Presently the installed capacity of solar energy projects in India is approximately 3000 MW. India plan to produce 20 GW of solar power by 2020. While the cost of energy from many solar energy technologies remains high compared to conventional energy technologies, the cost trend of solar energy technologies demonstrates rapid declines in the recent past and the potential for significant declines in the near future. In addition to cost, it is found that a number of barriers that appear to limit the rapid growth of such technologies. These include technical barriers such as low-efficiencies, challenges with energy storage, reliability of balance of system components; and institutional barriers such as lack of information, outreach and regulatory structure. In response, a number of highly effective policy instruments have come together in some of the most successful markets for solar energy. These include fiscal and market based financial incentives (e.g. feed-in-tariff, rebates, tax credits), regulations (e.g. renewable portfolio standards, solar energy mandates) as well as a number of pilot demonstration projects. While the continued operation of such initiatives is imperative for the future growth of these markets it is also becoming apparent that innovative ways to reduce the fiscal burden of policy incentives are needed. As such, there is presently growing interest in market-based mechanisms to complement existing fiscal policy incentives. Solar energy has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years due to both technological Improvements resulting in cost reductions and government policies supportive of renewable T

Transcript of Solar Energy Fundamentals and Challenges in Indian ... · Solar Energy Fundamentals and Challenges...

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014 1 ISSN 2250-3153

Solar Energy Fundamentals and Challenges in Indian

restructured power sector

Ashok Upadhyay *, Arnab Chowdhury


* Deputy Director (Generation), M.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

** Pursuing MBA (Power Mgmt.), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies., Dehradun, Uttarkhand

Abstract- In recent years the solar energy technologies has

experienced phenomenal growth. The realization of

technological improvements, growing public awareness of

environmental issues, the economic climate and number of

policy instruments have facilitated and sustained this strong

interest in these technologies. Since the cost of electricity

generated from solar is still expensive and also the power from

renewable resources including solar is infirm power, large scale

development of renewable resources did not take place and

distribution utilities are also least interested to purchase power

from renewable sources. This paper provides an overview of

technical, economic and policy aspects of solar energy

development. It reviews the status of solar energy in terms of

resource potential, existing capacity, along with historical trends

and future growth prospects of solar energy. The paper also

focuses on the technical, economical, and institutional barriers to

the development and utilization of solar energy technologies. The

paper reviews existing fiscal and regulatory policy instruments to

support solar energy development, indicating how successful

these policy apparatus are in achieving their goals. And finally a

review based on existing studies of the future prospects of solar

energy supply under various scenarios in Indian restructured

power sector is provided.

Index Terms- Environmental issues, economic climate, policy



he Indian power sector is predominantly based on fossil

fuels, with about three-fifths of the country‟s power

generation capacity being dependent on vast indigenous reserves

of coal. But in few last decades Indian government has taken

several steps to reduce the use of fossil fuels-based energy

while promoting renewable generation. Solar energy constitutes

the most abundant renewable energy resource available and in

most regions of the world even its technically available potential

is far in excess of the current total primary energy supply. As

such solar energy technologies are a key tool to lower worldwide

carbon emissions. The wide range of technologies available

today, to harness the sun„s energy, is classified into passive and

active technologies. The active technologies, which formed the

content of this paper, are broadly divided into photovoltaic and

solar thermal, where solar thermal can be further classified into

solar-thermal electric and non-electric applications. The market

for many of the solar energy technologies has seen dramatic

expansion over the past decade in particular the expansion of the

market for grid-connected PV systems and solar hot water

systems have been remarkable. At present India is fifth largest

country in the world of electricity generation, having presently

installed capacity of 243 GWs out of which 69.5 % is from

thermal, 16.5 % from hydro, 2% from nuclear and rest about

12% from renewable energy sources. Although Indian power

sector has experienced a seven times increased in its installed

capacity a jump from 30,000 MW in 1981 to over 243028 MW

by March, 2014 but still there is a huge gap in generation and

demand in India hence need to be established more generation

plants preferable to be come from renewable sources by

governmental as well as various private participation. As per the

load generation balance report for FY2013-14 issued by CEA,

the anticipated peak shortage in the country during FY2013-14

works out to 6.2% based on the anticipated demand and

availability of power. Solar energy has emerged as a viable, cost-

effective and commercial option for grid connected power

generation. During the past few years, a significant trust has been

given to the development and induction of solar energy

technology for use in different sectors. India is the only country

in the world with an exclusive Ministry to promote the renewable

energy sources. Presently the installed capacity of solar energy

projects in India is approximately 3000 MW. India plan to

produce 20 GW of solar power by 2020. While the cost of energy

from many solar energy technologies remains high compared to

conventional energy technologies, the cost trend of solar energy

technologies demonstrates rapid declines in the recent past and

the potential for significant declines in the near future. In

addition to cost, it is found that a number of barriers that appear

to limit the rapid growth of such technologies. These include

technical barriers such as low-efficiencies, challenges with

energy storage, reliability of balance of system components; and

institutional barriers such as lack of information, outreach and

regulatory structure. In response, a number of highly effective

policy instruments have come together in some of the most

successful markets for solar energy. These include fiscal and

market based financial incentives (e.g. feed-in-tariff, rebates, tax

credits), regulations (e.g. renewable portfolio standards, solar

energy mandates) as well as a number of pilot demonstration

projects. While the continued operation of such initiatives is

imperative for the future growth of these markets it is also

becoming apparent that innovative ways to reduce the fiscal

burden of policy incentives are needed. As such, there is

presently growing interest in market-based mechanisms to

complement existing fiscal policy incentives.

Solar energy has experienced phenomenal growth in recent

years due to both technological Improvements resulting in cost

reductions and government policies supportive of renewable


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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014 2

ISSN 2250-3153

energy development and utilization. This paper analyzes the

technical, economic and policy aspects of solar energy

development and deployment. While the cost of solar energy has

declined rapidly in the recent past, it still remains much higher

than the cost of conventional energy technologies. Like other

renewable energy technologies, solar energy benefits from fiscal

and regulatory incentives and mandates, including tax credits and

exemptions, feed-in-tariff, preferential interest rates, renewable

portfolio standards and voluntary green power programs in many

countries. Potential expansion of carbon credit markets also

would provide additional incentives to solar energy deployment;

however, the scale of incentives provided by the existing carbon

market instruments, such as the Clean Development Mechanism

of the Kyoto Protocol, is limited. Despite the huge technical

potential, development and large-scale, market-driven

deployment of solar energy technologies world-wide still has to

overcome a number of technical and financial barriers. Unless

these barriers are overcome, maintaining and increasing

electricity supplies from solar energy will require continuation of

potentially costly policy supports. Drives moving in the direction

of reduction of capital cost of solar energy through technological

development and increase in Plant Utilization Factor with overall

improvement in efficiency. Drives are also moving in the

direction of developing storage facilities for energy from solar to

make them firm and useful form of energy.

Restructuring of power sector has changed the traditional

mission and mandates of utilities in complex way, and had large

impact on environmental, social and political conditions for any

particular country. At the same time, new regulatory approaches

are being found for reducing environmental impacts in

restructured power sector. Enactment of the Electricity Act

2003 (the Act) has provided further support to renewable

energy by stipulating purchase of a percentage of the power

procurement by distribution utilities from renewable energy

sources. The renewable purchase obligation as well as

preferential tariff for procurement of such power has been

specified by various State Electricity Regulatory Commissions

(SERCs). Despite all strategic policies in place, purchase of

Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) has not been very

encouraging and sale of now solar REC is at a very low price.

SERCs must prevail upon Discoms to meet them RPO

obligation. Cost of energy generated from solar can also be

reduced by promoting competition within such projects. At the

same time, adequate promotional measures would also have to

be taken for development of technologies.

While the Electricity Act, 2003, the policies framed under

the Act, and also the National Action Plan for Climate Change

(NAPCC) provide for a roadmap for increasing the share of

renewable in the total generation capacity in the country, there

are constraints in terms of availability of RE sources evenly

across different parts of the country. This inhibits the State

Commissions, especially in those states where the potential

of RE sources is not that significant, from specifying higher

renewable purchase obligation. This paper discusses the latest

technological development in the field of solar energy and its

storage facilities. This would help to minimize cost of power

procurement, and lead to efficient resource utilization across the

country and provide incentive for investment in appropriate

technologies. The paper also highlights salient features,

technological development, potential and achievement,

advantages and key barriers in development of solar energy

projects in India. This paper also highlighted the implementation

and operational or grid related issues in solar power projects.

Finally, the paper finds that the future projections for solar

energy technologies are broadly optimistic. According to the

projections considered here, the market for solar energy

technology is expected to grow significantly in the long-term as

well as short-term. Further, despite its technical and economic

limitations at present, it is expected that solar energy will play an

important role in the future.


Government of India has come out with Acts, Policies and

Regulations to support renewable Energy. The major contributors

are as under.

1.1 Electricity Act, 2003

The Electricity Act 2003 has promotes electricity generation

from co-generation and renewable energy sources. The Act

accelerated the process of renewable energy development in the

country (2).

Section 3(1) of the Act provides that the National

Electricity Policy (NEP) to be formulated by the

central government, in consultation with the state

governments for development of the power

system based on optimal utilization of

resources including renewable sources of energy

Section 4 of the Act provides that the Central

Government to prepare a national policy, in

consultation with the state governments,

permitting stand alone systems (including those

based on renewable sources of energy and

other non- conventional sources of energy) for

rural areas.

Section 61 (h) stipulated that the terms and

conditions for the determination of tariff to be

prescribed by the SERCs to promote co- generation

and generation of electricity renewable sources of


Section 86(1) (e) empower the SERC‟s to specify,

for purchase of electricity from such sources, a

percentage of the total consumption of electricity in

the area of distribution licensee. The aforesaid

section of the Act also empowers the SERCs to

promote co-generation and generation of electricity

through renewable sources of energy by providing

suitable measures for connectivity with the grid and

sale of electricity to any persons.

SERCs have specified a Renewable Purchase

Obligation (RPO) and have specified feed-in tariff

and other terms and conditions to promote co-

generation and generation of electricity from

renewable energy sources.

1.2 National Electricity Policy 2005

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ISSN 2250-3153

The National Electricity Policy 2005 stipulates that

progressively the share of electricity from non- conventional

sources would need to be increased; such purchase by

distribution companies shall be through competitive bidding

process; considering the fact that it will take some time before

non-conventional technologies compete, in terms of cost, with

conventional sources, the commission may determine an

appropriate deferential in prices to promote these


1.3 Tariff Policy 2006

The Tariff Policy has stated that, in Pursuant to provisions

of section 86 (1) (e) of the Act, the Appropriate Commission

shall fix a minimum percentage for purchase of energy from

such sources taking into account availability of such

resources in the region and its impact on retail tariffs.

Such percentages for purchase of energy should be made

applicable for the tariffs to be determined by the SERCs

latest by April, 2006.

1.4 National Action Plan of Climate Change

The National Action Plan of Climate Change has set the

target of 5% renewable energy purchase for FY 2009-10 which

will increase by 1% for next 10 years. The NAPCC further

recommends strong regulatory measures to fulfil these targets.

NAPCC have set the target to achieved 15% of total energy

requirement of the country from renewable by 2020.



Solar energy can be produced by two methods. One is Solar

PV i.e. through photovoltaic cells and other is Solar Thermal i.e.

through concentrated solar power.

1.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV):

Historical development: Solar Photo-voltaic (PV) is a

method of generating electrical power by converting solar

radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors that

exhibit the photovoltaic effect. Photovoltaic power generation

employs solar panels composed of a number of solar cells

containing a photovoltaic material. It is a device that directly

converts solar energy into electricity by photovoltaic effect.

Photoelectric effect was first time recognized in 1839 by F.C.

Becquerel. In this Phenomenon the electrons are emitted from

matter after absorption of energy from radiation. In 1883 – First

solar cell was built by coating Selenium with extremely thin

layer of gold. In 1958 – Bell laboratories found that Silicon (Si)

doped with certain impurities was very sensitive to light. This

finding resulted in the production of first practical solar cell with

sunlight conversion efficiency ~6% made from materials that

emit electrons when exposed to EM radiation. Mainstream

materials presently used for photovoltaic include monocrystalline

silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, cadmium

telluride, and copper indium gallium selenide/sulfide. Due to the

increased demand for renewable energy sources, the

manufacturing of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has

advanced considerably in recent years. The amount of power

available from a solar cell depends on

- Type and area of material

- Intensity of sunlight

- Wavelength of sunlight

Working principle: Sunlight is made out of tiny energy

pockets called photons and that each individual solar cell is

designed with a positive and negative layer thus being able to

create an electric field (similar to the one in batteries). As

photons are absorbed in the cell their energy causes electrons to

get free, and they move to the bottom of the cell, and exit

through the connecting wire which creates flow of electrons thus

generate electricity. The bigger amount of the available sunlight

the greater the flow of electrons and the more electricity gets

produced in the process. It is a form of photoelectric cell (in that

its electrical characteristics e.g. current, voltage, or resistance

vary when light is incident upon it) which, when exposed to

light, can generate and support an electric current without being

attached to any external voltage source, but do require an

external load for power consumption. Pure Si is a poor conductor

of electricity. Doping – introducing impurities into an intrinsic

(pure) semiconductor to change its electrical properties.

Examples of n-type dopants – Phosphorus (Ph), Arsenic (As),

Antimony (Sb). Examples of p-type dopants –Boron (B),

Aluminium (Al). Doping provides with charge carriers (holes

and electrons) that can carry electrical current. Electric field to

force electrons to flow in a certain direction. This electric field is

achieved by bringing together p-type and n-type semiconductors

together to make a diode. Holes and electrons from p-region and

n-region respectively recombine, creating a depletion region and

an electric field. The movement of holes and electrons are

represented below. Depletion region continues to grow till the

electric field becomes large enough to prevent the flow of charge

carriers from one side to the other. Now, if the diode is exposed

to light, it frees the electrons in n-region and these electrons,

repelled by the electric field, flow through the load to p-region.

These electrons constitute current. The flow of electrons and hole

can be represented as follows:

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ISSN 2250-3153

The movement of hole and electrons resulting flow of

electricity across the cell represented as given below:

Several solar cells are connected together, encapsulated in a

glass covered frame to form a module. A solar cell made from a

mono-crystalline silicon wafer with its contact grid made from

bus bars (the larger strips) and fingers (the smaller ones)

As light hits the solar panels, the solar radiation is

converted into direct current electricity (DC). The direct current

flows from the panels and is converted into alternating current

(AC) used by local electric utilities. Finally, the electricity travels

through transformers, and the voltage is boosted for delivery onto

the transmission lines so local electric utilities can distribute the

electricity to homes and businesses.

The operation of a photovoltaic (PV) cell requires 3 basic


Photons in sunlight hit the solar panel and are absorbed

by semiconducting materials, such as silicon.

Electrons (negatively charged) are excited from their

current molecular/atomic orbital. Once excited the

electron can either dissipate the energy, and return to its

orbital or travel through the cell until it reaches an

electrode. Current starts flowing through the material to

cancel the potential and this electricity is captured. Due

to the special composition of solar cells, the electrons

are only allowed to move in a single direction.

An array of solar cells converts solar energy into a

usable amount of direct current (DC) electricity.

Essential requirements for solar energy generation are

as follows:

1. High solar radiation at that particular site.

2. Adequate land availability.

3. Suitable terrain and good soil condition.

4. Proper approach to site.

5. Suitable power grid nearby.

6. Techno-economic selection of solar panels.

7. Scientifically prepared layout.

Main Components of Solar PV:

Solar cell: In order to make a Monocrystalline solar cell, a

silicon ingot, also known as a silicon boule (crystal), must first

be produced. Once a silicon ingot has been made, it is thinly

sliced and semiconductors are imbedded in the disk. The silicon

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ISSN 2250-3153

disk will have positive and negative leads, which serve as

connection points to tie multiple cells in series. Once multiple

cells are connected in series, the formation of a photovoltaic

module begins..

Photovoltaic modules: Due to the low voltage of an

individual solar cell, several cells are wired in series in the

manufacture of a "laminate". The laminate is assembled into a

protective weatherproof enclosure, thus making a photovoltaic

module or solar panel. Modules may then be strung together into

a photovoltaic array.

Photovoltaic arrays: A photovoltaic array (or solar array)

is a linked collection of solar panels. The power that one module

can produce is seldom enough to meet requirements of a home or

a business, so the modules are linked together to form an array.

Most PV arrays use an inverter to convert the DC power

produced by the modules into alternating current that can power

lights, motors, and other loads. The modules in a PV array are

usually first connected in series to obtain the desired voltage; the

individual strings are then connected in parallel to allow the

system to produce more current. The array rating consists of a

summation of the panel ratings, in watts, kilowatts, or


Mounting systems: Modules are assembled into arrays on

some kind of mounting system, which may be classified as

ground mount, roof mount or pole mount. For solar parks a large

rack is mounted on the ground, and the modules mounted on the

rack. For buildings, many different racks have been devised for

pitched roofs. For flat roofs, racks, bins and building integrated

solutions are used. Solar panel racks mounted on top of poles can

be stationary or moving. Side-of-pole mounts are suitable for

situations where a pole has something else mounted at its top,

such as a light fixture or an antenna. Pole mounting raises what

would otherwise be a ground mounted array above weed

shadows and livestock, and may satisfy electrical code

requirements regarding inaccessibility of exposed wiring. Pole

mounted panels are open to more cooling air on their underside,

which increases performance. A multiplicity of pole top racks

can be formed into a parking carport or other shade structure. A

rack which does not follow the sun from left to right may allow

seasonal adjustment up or down.

Tracker: A solar tracker tilts a solar panel throughout the

day. Depending on the type of tracking system, the panel is either

aimed directly at the sun or the brightest area of a partly clouded

sky. Trackers greatly enhance early morning and late afternoon

performance, increasing the total amount of power produced by a

system by about 20–25% for a single axis tracker and about 30%

or more for a dual axis tracker, depending on latitude. Trackers

are effective in regions that receive a large portion of sunlight

directly. In diffuse light (i.e. under cloud or fog), tracking has

little or no value. Because most concentrated photovoltaic

systems are very sensitive to the sunlight's angle, tracking

systems allow them to produce useful power for more than a

brief period each day. Tracking systems improve performance

for two main reasons. First, when a solar panel is perpendicular

to the sunlight, it receives more light on its surface than if it were

angled. Second, direct light is used more efficiently than angled

light. Special Anti-reflective coatings can improve solar panel

efficiency for direct and angled light, somewhat reducing the

benefit of tracking.

Inverters: Systems designed to deliver alternating current

(AC), such as grid-connected applications need an inverter to

convert the direct current (DC) from the solar modules to AC.

Grid connected inverters must supply AC electricity in sinusoidal

form, synchronized to the grid frequency, limit feed in voltage to

no higher than the grid voltage and disconnect from the grid if

the grid voltage is turned off. Islanding inverters need only

produce regulated voltages and frequencies in a sinusoidal wave

shape as no synchronization or co-ordination with grid supplies

is required. A solar inverter may connect to a string of solar

panels. In some installations a solar micro-inverter is connected

at each solar panel. For safety reasons a circuit breaker is

provided both on the AC and DC side to enable maintenance. AC

output may be connected through an electricity meter into the

public grid.


Concentrated solar power : This systems use mirrors or

lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight, or solar thermal

energy, onto a small area. Electrical power is produced when the

concentrated light is converted to heat, which drives a heat

engine (usually a steam turbine) connected to an electrical power

generator or powers a thermo chemical reaction. Solar thermal

power technologies are of three types namely Parabolic trough,

Dish engine and Power tower.

Parabolic trough technology is the Most proven and

mature technology. It consists of a field of single axis tracking

parabolic trough solar collectors. Linear receiver located at the

focus of parabola. The Heat transfer fluid (HTF) circulates

through the receiver and returns to a series of heat exchangers.

High-pressure superheated steam generated is fed to turbine. It

designed to use solar energy as primary energy source. Fossil

fuel based capability can also be used to supplement the solar

output during periods of low solar radiation. Modularity, Heat

transfer fluid – molten salt, synthetic oil etc. It Operate at

temperatures ranging between 1000C-4000C. This technology

Used to design power generation systems in the range of 30MW

– 150MW. The water requirement is 17,500 cubic metre/MW-yr.

Schematic of solar parabolic trough system is as follows:

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ISSN 2250-3153

Working principle: The common basic principle of solar

thermal power plants is the use of concentrating parabolic dish

systems in large-scale solar fields that concentrate the solar

radiation onto a receiver. All systems must track the sun in order

to be able to concentrate the direct radiation. This radiation is

first converted into thermal energy at temperatures in the range

of about 200 to over 1,000 °C (depending on the system). The

thermal energy can then be converted to power, as in a

conventional power plant, using steam or gas turbines; if needed,

it can also be used in other industrial processes, for example,

water desalination, cooling or – in the near future – for hydrogen

production. Power plants based on concentrated solar power use

the sun‟s energy to generate electricity on an industrial scale.

Solar radiation is optically concentrated, thus generating very

high temperatures for the power plant process. This high-

temperature heat can be stored, thus allowing electricity to be

generated on demand an important advantage of this technology.

Components of Solar Thermal:

High-temperature collectors: During the day the sun has

different positions. For low concentration systems (and low

temperatures) tracking can be avoided (or limited to a few

positions per year) if non-imaging optics are used. For higher

concentrations, however, if the mirrors or lenses do not move,

then the focus of the mirrors or lenses changes (but also in these

cases non-imaging optics provides the widest acceptance angles

for a given concentration). Therefore it seems unavoidable that

there needs to be a tracking system that follows the position of

the sun (for solar photovoltaic a solar tracker is only optional).

The tracking system increases the cost and complexity. With this

in mind, different designs can be distinguished in how they

concentrate the light and track the position of the sun.

Parabolic trough designs: Parabolic trough power plants

use a curved, mirrored trough which reflects the direct solar

radiation onto a glass tube containing a fluid (also called a

receiver, absorber or collector) running the length of the trough,

positioned at the focal point of the reflectors. The trough is

parabolic along one axis and linear in the orthogonal axis. For

change of the daily position of the sun perpendicular to the

receiver, the trough tilts east to west so that the direct radiation

remains focused on the receiver. However, seasonal changes in

the in angle of sunlight parallel to the trough does not require

adjustment of the mirrors, since the light is simply concentrated

elsewhere on the receiver. Thus the trough design does not

require tracking on a second axis. The receiver may be enclosed

in a glass vacuum chamber. The vacuum significantly reduces

convective heat loss. A fluid (also called heat transfer fluid)

passes through the receiver and becomes very hot. Common

fluids are synthetic oil, molten salt and pressurized steam. The

fluid containing the heat is transported to a heat engine where the

heat is converted to electricity.

Power tower designs: Power towers (also known as 'central

tower' power plants or 'heliostat' power plants) capture and focus

the sun's thermal energy with thousands of tracking mirrors

(called heliostats) in roughly a two square mile field. A tower

resides in the center of the heliostat field. The heliostats focus

concentrated sunlight on a receiver which sits on top of the

tower. Within the receiver the concentrated sunlight heats molten

salt to over 1,000 °F (538 °C). The heated molten salt then flows

into a thermal storage tank where it is stored, maintaining 98%

thermal efficiency, and eventually pumped to a steam generator.

The steam drives a standard turbine to generate electricity. This

process, also known as the "Rankine cycle" is similar to a

standard coal-fired power plant, except it is fueled by clean and

free solar energy. The advantage of this design above the

parabolic trough design is the higher temperature. Thermal

energy at higher temperatures can be converted to electricity

more efficiently and can be more cheaply stored for later use.

Furthermore, there is less need to flatten the ground area. In

principle a power tower can be built on the side of a hill. Mirrors

can be flat and plumbing is concentrated in the tower. The

disadvantage of this system is that each mirror must have its own

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dual-axis control, while in the parabolic trough design single axis

tracking can be shared for a large array of mirrors.

Dish designs: A parabolic solar dish concentrates the sun's

rays on the heating element of a Stirling engine. The entire unit

acts as a solar tracker. This CSP-Stirling is known to have the

highest efficiency of all solar technologies around 30% compared

to solar PV approximately 15%, and is predicted to be able to

produce the cheapest energy among all renewable energy sources

in high scale production and hot areas, semi deserts etc. A dish

Stirling system uses a large, reflective, parabolic dish (similar in

shape to satellite television dish). It focuses all the sunlight that

strikes the dish onto a single point above the dish, where a

receiver captures the heat and transforms it into a useful form.

Typically the dish is coupled with a Stirling engine in a Dish-

Stirling System, but also sometimes a steam engine is used.

These create rotational kinetic energy that can be converted to

electricity using an electric generator. Dish systems convert

thermal energy in solar radiation to mechanical energy and then

to electrical energy. These dishes track sun in two axes. Use

mirror array to reflect and concentrate incoming solar radiation

on to a receiver. The concentrated radiation is then transferred to

an engine. The engine transfers the heat energy into mechanical

energy. An alternator converts mechanical energy into electrical

energy. This system has high efficiency, modularity and

autonomous operation. It also has Inherent ability to operate on

fossil fuels and have a wide range of potential applications. Land

requirement for this system is – 3 to 4 acres per MW.

Fresnel reflector: A linear Fresnel reflector power plant

uses a series of long, narrow, shallow-curvature (or even flat)

mirrors to focus light onto one or more linear receivers

positioned above the mirrors. On top of the receiver a small

parabolic mirror can be attached for further focusing the light.

These systems aim to offer lower overall costs by sharing a

receiver between several mirrors (as compared with trough and

dish concepts), while still using the simple line-focus geometry

with one axis for tracking. This is similar to the trough design

(and different from central towers and dishes with dual-axis).

The receiver is stationary and so fluid couplings are not required

(as in troughs and dishes). The mirrors also do not need to

support the receiver, so they are structurally simpler. When

suitable aiming strategies are used (mirrors aimed at different

receivers at different times of day), this can allow a denser

packing of mirrors on available land area. Rival single axis

tracking technologies include the relatively new linear Fresnel

reflector (LFR) and compact-LFR (CLFR) technologies. The

LFR differs from that of the parabolic trough in that the absorber

is fixed in space above the mirror field. Also, the reflector is

composed of many low row segments, which focus collectively

on an elevated long tower receiver running parallel to the

reflector rotational axis. Prototypes of Fresnel lens concentrators

have been produced for the collection of thermal energy by

International Automated Systems. No full-scale thermal systems

using Fresnel lenses are known to be in operation, although

products incorporating Fresnel lenses in conjunction with

photovoltaic cells are already available.

Enclosed parabolic trough: The enclosed parabolic trough

solar thermal system encapsulates the components within a

greenhouse-like glasshouse. The glasshouse protects the

components from the elements that can negatively impact system

reliability and efficiency. Lightweight curved solar-reflecting

mirrors are suspended from the ceiling of the glasshouse by

wires. A single-axis tracking system positions the mirrors to

retrieve the optimal amount of sunlight. The mirrors concentrate

the sunlight and focus it on a network of stationary steel pipes,

also suspended from the glasshouse structure. Water is pumped

through the pipes and boiled to generate steam when intense sun

radiation is applied. The steam is available for process heat.

Sheltering the mirrors from the wind allows them to achieve

higher temperature rates and prevents dust from building up on

the mirrors as a result from exposure to humidity.

Working of Solar Thermal: A solar thermal power plant in

principle works no differently than a conventional Steam power

plant. However, there is one important difference. No harm is

done to the environment by burning coal, oil, natural gas or by

splitting uranium to produce steam. It is produced solely by the

energy that comes from the sun. In order to achieve the high

temperatures required, solar radiation must be concentrated.

Parabolic trough collectors represent the most advanced

technology for use in doing this. These troughs are more than

1,300 feet (400 meters) in length and are made up of

parabolically shaped mirror segments. The troughs track the sun

over the course of the day and focus the resulting radiation along

the caustic line of the mirrors onto specially coated, evacuated

absorber tube receivers. Solar radiation heats up the thermo-oil

that flows through the receiver to a temperature of 400° Celsius

so that a downstream heat exchanger is able to generate steam.

As in a conventional power plant, the steam is pressurized inside

the turbine that drives the generator. Heat storage systems can

allow electricity output even if the sun isn‟t shining.


Nanopillars: A material with a novel nanostructure

developed at the University of California, Berkeley could lead to

lower-cost solar cells and light detectors. It absorbs light just as

well as commercial thin-film solar cells but uses much less

semiconductor material. The new material consists of an array of

nanopillars that are narrow at the top and thicker at the bottom.

The narrow tops allow light to penetrate the array without

reflecting off. The thicker bottom absorbs light so that it can be

converted into electricity. The design absorbs 99 percent of

visible light, compared to the 85 percent absorbed by an earlier

design in which the nanopillars were the same thickness along

their entire length. An ordinary flat film of the material would

absorb only 15 percent of the light. Structures such as nanowires,

microwires, and nanopillars are excellent at trapping light,

reducing the amount of semiconductor material needed.

Nanowires and nanopillars use half to a third as much of the

semiconductor material required by thin-film solar cells made of

materials such as cadmium telluride, and as little as 1 percent of

the material used in crystalline silicon cells. Overall, these

improvements could make solar cheaper. “Reducing material

costs while achieving the same amount of light absorption and

hence efficiency is very important for solar cells.

Nanonets: One problem with solar cells is that they only

produce electricity during the day. A promising way to use the

sun‟s energy more efficiently is to enlist it to split water into

hydrogen gas that can be stored and then employed at any time,

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day or night. A cheap new nanostructured material could prove

an efficient catalyst for performing this reaction. Called a

nanonet because of its two-dimensional branching structure, the

material is made up of a compound that has been demonstrated to

enable the water-splitting reaction. Because of its high surface

area, the nanonet enhances this reaction. The nanonet consists of,

structures made up of branching wires of titanium and silicon.

Recently the researchers in Germany, showed that titanium

disilicide, which absorbs a broad spectrum of visible light, splits

water into hydrogen and oxygen–and can store the hydrogen,

which it absorbs or releases depending on the temperature. Other

semiconducting materials have been tested as water-splitting

catalysts but have proved unstable. The nanonets, made up of

flexible wires about 15 nanometres thick, grow spontaneously

from titanium and silicon flowing through a reaction chamber at

high temperatures. The material is 10 times more electrically

conductive than its bulk form. Conductivity is an important

property for water-splitting catalysts. In preliminary tests, the

nanostructured version of the material performs about 100 times

better than bulk titanium disilicide.

Powerful solar cells: A new solar cell is 27 percent more

efficient without being more expensive to make. Technologies

the company which created this technology, claims that it

improves the efficiency–a measure of the electricity generated

from a given amount of light–of multicrystalline silicon solar

cells by 27 percent compared with conventional ones. Such

improvement will bring multicrystalline cells to efficiencies

about the same as single-crystal cells–around 19.5 percent–at the

lower costs. There are 3 methods which improves the efficiency.

The first is a method for adding texture to the surface of the cells

that allows the silicon to absorb more light, a trick that‟s been

used before with single-crystalline devices but has been difficult

to implement with multicrystalline silicon. The rough surface

causes light to bend as it enters the cell so that when it

encounters the back of the cell, it doesn‟t reflect right back out;

rather, it bounces off at a low angle and remains inside the slab

of silicon. The longer the light remains within the silicon, the

greater the chance that it will be absorbed and converted into


Flexible solar cells: A new method for making flexible

arrays of tiny silicon solar cells could produce devices that don‟t

suffer this trade-offs. Arrays of these microcells are as efficient

as conventional solar panels and may be cheaper to manufacture

because they use significantly less silicon. They use a stamp

made of a soft polymer to pick up the microbars and place them

on a substrate, which may be glass or a flexible plastic, and then

fabricate interconnects. A cell thickness of 15 to 20 micrometers

struck a good balance: thin enough to be flexible, but thick

enough to be mechanically stable and efficient. Arrays of the

flexible cells have about 12 percent efficiency.

Solar collectors: Looking to make solar panels cheaper,

the glass coated sheets with advanced organic dyes that more

efficiently concentrate sunlight have used. The glass sheets can

reduce the amount of expensive semiconducting material needed

in solar panels and provide a cheap way to extract more energy

from high-energy photons, such as those at the blue end of the

spectrum. The simple, flat sheets of glass have a number of

advantages over previous solar concentrators, devices that gather

sunlight over a large area and focus it onto a small solar cell that

converts the light into electricity. Solar concentrators in use now

employ mirrors or lenses to focus the light. Because the new

glass sheets are lighter and flat, they can easily be incorporated

into solar panels on roofs or building facades. They could also be

used as windows, which, connected to solar cells, could generate

electricity. What‟s more, mirrors and lenses require mechanical

systems for tracking the sun to keep the light focused on a small

solar cell. These tracking systems add cost and can break down

over the decades that solar panels are made to be in service. The

flat glass concentrators don‟t require a tracking system. Instead

of using optics, the glass sheets concentrate light using

combinations of organic dyes. Light is absorbed by the organic

dyes coating one side of the glass sheet. The dyes then emit the

light into the glass. The glass channels the light emitted by the

dye to the edges of the glass, in the same way that fibre-optic

cables channel light over long distances. Narrow solar cells

laminated to the edges of the glass collect the light and convert it

into electricity. The amount of light concentration depends on the

size of the sheet–specifically, the ratio between the size of the

surface of the glass and the edges. To a point, the greater the

concentration, the less semiconductor material is needed, and the

cheaper the solar power.

Nanowire solar cells: They have grown light-absorbing

nanowires made of high-performance photovoltaic materials on

thin but highly durable carbon-nanotube fabric. They‟ve also

harvested similar nanowires from reusable substrates and

embedded the tiny particles in flexible polyester film. Both

approaches, they argue, could lead to solar cells that are both

flexible and cheaper than today‟s photovoltaics. It is possible to

achieve 40 percent efficiency, given the superior ability of such

materials to absorb energy from sunlight and the light-trapping

nature of nanowire structures. By comparison, current thin-film

technologies offer efficiencies of between 6 to 9 percent. The

technology relies on nanowires containing multiple layers of

exotic Group III-V materials, such as gallium arsenide, indium

gallium phosphide, aluminium gallium arsenide, and gallium

arsenide phosphide. “It creates tandem or multi-junction solar

cells that can absorb a greater range of the [light] spectrum,

compared to what you could achieve with silicon. Each nanowire

is 10 to 100 nanometres wide and up to five microns long. Their

length maximizes absorption, but their nanoscale width permits a

much freer movement and collection of electrons.


i. Solar energy is a clean, renewable resource that is

continuously supplied to the earth by the sun.

ii. Solar resources are available everywhere in the world. It

gives out no emissions i.e. environmentally safe.

iii. Energy security to the country. No dependency on

foreign resources for electricity generation.

iv. Can be permitted and installed faster than other

traditional or renewable power plants.

v. Produces local, on-site energy, which reduces the need

for extensive high-voltage transmission lines or a

complex infrastructure.

vi. Reliable over the long term. With no moving parts,

fixed photovoltaic systems last longer than other energy


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vii. Clean, quiet and visually unobtrusive in nature. Solar

energy plants do not have any polluting emissions, do

not make any sound, and are not considered to be an


viii. Uses little to no water in the production of zero-

emission electricity.

ix. Has a predictable energy curve and is most efficient

when utility rates are at their highest.

x. Can be placed in virtually every geographical region

because the sun is available everywhere.

xi. Offsets the need for polluting, expensive and inefficient

power plants designed exclusively to meet peak


xii. Creates clean, renewable energy that will sustain and

support the health of future generations.

xiii. Is a distributed generation ("DG") energy source that

can mitigate national security concerns about energy


xiv. Supports national energy independence because solar

electricity is used where it is generated.

xv. Creates good, local jobs for the new energy economy. In

fact, solar energy creates more jobs per megawatt hour

than any other energy type.


i. The major disadvantage of solar or any renewable

energy is availability. The weather conditions on which

the availability is dependent is a major factor. So, we

can‟t say if in a particular time the energy from solar

will be available to us or not.

ii. The high capital cost is another factor. Though the cost

of setting up of a PV plant has come down considerably,

but in comparison to fossil fuel power generation it‟s

still high.

iii. Large land area requirement, which sometimes is not


iv. Solar thermal needs a considerable amount of water, so,

basically to be located near a large water source.

v. Storage problem, suppose the demand of power is not so

high, now the electricity produced by the solar plant will

have to be stored somewhere to supply it at the time of

demand. This increases the cost of the project.


Incentive mechanisms: Because the point of grid parity

has not yet been reached in many parts of the country,

solar generating stations need some form of financial

incentive to compete for the supply of electricity. Many

stateshave introduced such incentives to support the

deployment of solar power stations.

Feed-in tariffs: Feed in tariffs are designated prices

which must be paid by utility companies for each

kilowatt hour of renewable electricity produced by

qualifying generators and fed into the grid. These tariffs

normally represent a premium on wholesale electricity

prices and offer a guaranteed revenue stream to help the

power producer finance the project.

Renewable portfolio standards and supplier

obligations: These standards are obligations on utility

companies to source a proportion of their electricity

from renewable generators. In most cases, they do not

prescribe which technology should be used and the

utility is free to select the most appropriate renewable


Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism: The

concept of Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)

concept seeks to address the mismatch between

availability of RE sources and the requirement of the

obligated entities to meet their renewable purchase

obligation. Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)

mechanism is a market based instrument to promote

renewable energy and facilitate renewable purchase

obligations (RPO). Cost of electricity generation from

renewable energy sources is classified as cost of

electricity generation equivalent to conventional energy

sources and the cost for environmental attributes.

Loan guarantees and other capital incentives: Some

government financial institutions offered less targeted

financial incentives, available for a wide range of

infrastructure investment, such as loan guarantee

scheme, which stimulated a number of investments in

the solar power plant.

Tax credits and other fiscal incentives: Another form

of indirect incentive which has been used to stimulate

investment in solar power plant was tax credits available

to investors. In some cases the credits were linked to the

energy produced by the installations, such as the

Production Tax Credits. In other cases the credits were

related to the capital investment such as the Investment

Tax Credits.


Energy storage can be defined as “Storing of energy in a

viable form for use later in production of electricity or any other

purposes deemed necessary.” Energy storage is accomplished by

devices or physical media that store energy to perform useful

processes at a later time. A device that stores energy is

sometimes called an accumulator. Many renewable energy

sources (most notably solar and wind) produce infirm or

intermittent power. Wherever intermittent power sources reach

high levels of grid penetration, energy storage becomes one

option to provide firm and reliable energy supplies. Individual

energy storage projects augment electrical grids by capturing

excess electrical energy during periods of low demand and

storing it in other forms until needed on an electrical grid. The

energy is later converted back to its electrical form and returned

to the grid as needed. (10). Common forms of renewable energy

storage include pumped-storage hydroelectricity, which has long

maintained the largest total capacity of stored energy worldwide,

as well as rechargeable battery systems, thermal energy storage

including molten salts which can efficiently store and release

very large quantities of heat energy, and compressed air energy

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storage. Less common, specialized forms of storage include

flywheel energy storage systems, the use of cryogenic stored

energy, and even superconducting magnetic coils. Solar energy

can be stored at high temperatures using molten salts. Salts are an

effective storage medium because they are low-cost, have a high

specific heat capacity and can deliver heat at temperatures

compatible with conventional power systems. The Solar PV used

this method of energy storage, allowing it to store 1.44 TJ in its

68 m3 storage tank with an annual storage efficiency of about

99%. Off-grid PV systems have traditionally used rechargeable

batteries to store excess electricity. With grid-tied systems,

excess electricity can be sent to the transmission grid, while

standard grid electricity can be used to meet shortfalls. Net

metering programs give household systems a credit for any

electricity they deliver to the grid. The storage of solar energy

can be classified in following forms:


Compressed air energy storage

Flywheel energy storage

Gravitational potential energy storage

Pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS),


Cool water, hot water or ice thermal storage.

Liquid air or liquid nitrogen energy storage or

Cryogenic energy storage.

Molten salt storage.


Battery, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), flow

battery, secondary battery.

Hydrogen storage.

Power to gas.


Storage coil, superconducting storage coil or

Superconducting magnetic energy storage

Some types of Solar Energy Storage facilities:

a) Cryogenic energy storage (CES) is the use of low

temperature (cryogenic) liquids such as liquid air or

liquid nitrogen as energy storage. When it is

cheaper (usually at night), electricity is used to cool

air from the atmosphere to -195 °C using the

Claude Cycle to the point where it liquefies. The

liquid air, which takes up one-thousandth of the

volume of the gas, can be kept for a long time in a

large vacuum flask at atmospheric pressure. At

times of high demand for electricity, the liquid air

is pumped at high pressure into a heat exchanger,

which acts as a boiler. Air from the atmosphere at

ambient temperature, or hot water from an

industrial heat source, is used to heat the liquid and

turn it back into a gas. The massive increase in

volume and pressure from this is used to drive a

turbine to generate electricity.

b) Molten salt storage can be employed as a thermal

energy storage method to retain thermal energy

collected by a solar tower or solar trough so that it

can be used to generate electricity in bad weather or

at night. It was demonstrated in the Solar Two

project from 1995-1999. The system is predicted to

have an annual efficiency of 99%, a reference to the

energy retained by storing heat before turning it

into electricity, versus converting heat directly into

electricity. The molten salt mixtures vary. The most

extended mixture contains sodium nitrate,

potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate. It is non-

flammable and non-toxic, and has already been

used in the chemical and metals industries as a

heat-transport fluid, so experience with such

systems exists in non-solar applications. The salt

melts at 131 °C. It is kept liquid at 288 °C in an

insulated "cold" storage tank. The liquid salt is

pumped through panels in a solar collector where

the focused sun heats it to 566 °C. It is then sent to

a hot storage tank. This is so well insulated that the

thermal energy can be usefully stored for up to a

week. When electricity is needed, the hot salt is

pumped to a conventional steam-generator to

produce superheated steam for a turbine/generator

as used in any conventional coal, oil or nuclear

power plant. A 100-megawatt turbine would need a

tank of about 9.1 metres tall and 24 metres in

diameter to drive it for four hours by this design.

c) Battery System:Without batteries to store energy

we would only have power when the sun was

shining or the generator was running.

Marine type deep cycle batteries are basically for boats &

campers and are suitable for only very small systems. They can

be used but do not really have the capacity for continuous service

with many charge/discharge cycles for many years. Regular or

Car type batteries should not be used at all because they cannot

be discharged very much without internal damage. A very

popular battery for small systems is the Golf Cart battery. They

are somewhat more expensive than deep cycle recreational

batteries but are probably the least expensive choice for a small

system on a budget.

Flooded type These are Lead acid batteries that have caps

to add water. Many manufacturers make these types for Solar

Energy use. They are reasonably priced and work well for many

years. All flooded batteries release gas when charged and should

not be used indoors. If installed in an enclosure, a venting system

should be used to vent out the gases which can be explosive.

Gel type Not to be confused with maintenance free

batteries, sealed gel batteries have no vents and will not release

gas during the charging process like flooded batteries do.

Venting is therefore not required and they can be used indoors.

This is a big advantage because it allows the batteries to maintain

a more constant temperature and perform better.

Absorbed Glass Mat batteries are the best available for

Solar Power use. A woven glass mat is used between the plates

to hold the electrolyte. They are leak/spill proof, do not out gas

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when charging, and have superior performance. They have all the

advantages of the sealed gel types and are higher quality,

maintain voltage better, self discharge slower, and last longer.

The Sun Xtender series by Concorde Battery is an excellent

example of AGM batteries. They are more expensive, but usually

get what pay for it. This type of battery used in airplanes,

hospitals, and remote telephone/cell tower installations.

Steam accumulators: A Steam accumulator is an insulated

steel pressure tank containing hot water and steam under

pressure. It is a type of energy storage device. It can be used to

smooth out peaks and troughs in demand for steam. Steam

accumulators may take on significance for energy storage in

solar thermal energy projects. A solar power tower stores heat in

tanks as pressurized steam at 50 bar and 285 °C. The steam

condenses and flashes back to steam, when pressure is lowered.

Storage is for one hour. The longer storage is possible, but that

has not been proven yet in an existing power plant.

Phase change material: A phase-change material (PCM) is

a substance with a high heat of fusion which, melting and

solidifying at a certain temperature, is capable of storing and

releasing large amounts of energy. Heat is absorbed or released

when the material changes from solid to liquid and vice versa;

thus, PCMs are classified as latent heat storage (LHS) units.

Phase Change Material (PCMs) offers an alternative solution in

energy storage. Using a similar heat transfer infrastructure,

PCMs have the potential of providing a more efficient means of

storage. PCMs can be either organic or inorganic materials.

Advantages of organic PCMs include no corrosives, low or no

under cooling, and chemical and thermal stability. Disadvantages

include low phase-change enthalpy, low thermal conductivity,

and flammability. Inorganics are advantageous with greater

phase-change enthalpy, but exhibit disadvantages with under

cooling, corrosion, phase separation, and lack of thermal

stability. The greater phase-change enthalpy in inorganic PCMs

make hydrate salts a strong candidate in the solar energy storage


Solar pond: A solar pond is a pool of saltwater which acts

as a large-scale solar thermal energy collector with integral heat

storage for supplying thermal energy. A solar pond can be used

for various applications, such as process heating, desalination,

refrigeration, drying and solar power generation. A solar pond is

simply a pool of saltwater which collects and stores solar thermal

energy. The saltwater naturally forms a vertical salinity gradient

also known as a "halocline", in which low-salinity water floats

on top of high-salinity water. The layers of salt solutions increase

in concentration (and therefore density) with depth. Below a

certain depth, the solution has a uniformly high salt

concentration. When solar energy is absorbed in the water, its

temperature increases, causing thermal expansion and reduced

density. If the water were fresh, the low-density warm water

would float to the surface, causing convection current. The

temperature gradient alone causes a density gradient that

decreases with depth. However the salinity gradient forms a

density gradient that increases with depth, and this counteracts

the temperature gradient, thus preventing heat in the lower layers

from moving upwards by convection and leaving the pond. This

means that the temperature at the bottom of the pond will rise to

over 90 °C while the temperature at the top of the pond is usually

around 30 °C. The main features of solar pond energy storage

system are as follows:

The approach is particularly attractive for rural areas in

developing countries. Very large area collectors can be

set up for just the cost of the clay or plastic pond liner.

The evaporated surface water needs to be constantly


The accumulating salt crystals have to be removed and

can be both a valuable by-product and a maintenance


No need of a separate collector for this thermal storage


The power can be used when it needed.


Security: A more efficient grid that is more resistant to


Environment: Decreased carbon dioxide emissions

from a greater use of clean electricity.

Economy: Increase in the economic value of solar

power and strengthened competitiveness in the clean

energy race.

Jobs: New income sources for rural landowners and tax

revenues for solar development areas. More jobs in

supporting sectors such as manufacturing, engineering,

construction, transportation and finance.

Peak Demand Reductions.

Improved asset utilization.

Air emission reductions.

Improved reliability.



There are so called barriers that tend to weaken the adoption

of solar energy technologies for electricity generation and

thermal utilization purposes. These barriers are classified broadly

as technical, economic, and institutional.

Technical Barriers

Solar PV

i. The efficiency constraint is one of the main barriers to

widespread use. The thin-film and crystalline-silicon

modules have efficiency ranges of 7% to 10% and 12%

to 18% respectively. Even as PV technologies with

significantly higher efficiencies are under development,

the present efficiency ranges constitute a barrier.

ii. Strong demand for PV outpaced the supply and partly

stalled the growth of solar sector. However, the

resulting surge in production combined with the present

financial crisis has created an industry wide.

iii. The performance limitations of balance of system

components, of solar PV system such as batteries,

inverters and other power-conditioning equipment are

another area with considerable room for improvement.

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iv. Lack of clarity regarding technical limits of exporting

power to the grid and network grid protection

requirements for PV systems to safely export power.

v. In the case of stand-alone PV systems, storage is an

important concern as is the shorter battery life compared

to that of the module. Further, safe disposal of batteries

becomes difficult in the absence of a structured

disposal/recycling process.

vi. Lack of proper information about the utilization of

solar electric systems, especially PV, For instance,

incorrect charging techniques such as polarity reversal

were seen as frequent problems that damaged the

junction boxes of the PV panel. It was observed that

cracks in the glass of the PV module, water intrusion

during rainy season, dust and algal growth accumulating

along the lower section of the panels also constituted

some of the major problems of PV systems.

vii. When the PV systems are promoted, especially from

government sponsored programs, very little care is

given to the potential load of the prospective user„s

household. People have been found to install more bulbs

than the specified number. In addition, in many cases it

was found that the replacement for a fused CFL bulb

was a cheaper incandescent one. This resulted in faster

drainage of the battery. It has also been observed that in

an effort to overcharge„ the battery, the charge

controller is bypassed. Such practices reduce the battery

life and require investment in a new battery.

Solar thermal

i. In the case of solar thermal parabolic trough systems,

one of the most proven solar power technology, the

upper process temperature is limited by the heat

carrying capacity of the thermal oil used for heat

transfer. Thermal loss from heat storage in such system

remains an important technical challenge in solar

thermal technologies.

ii. In case of central receiver systems of solar thermal the

technologies such as the molten saltin-tube receiver

technology and the volumetric air receiver technology,

both with energy storage system needs more experience

to be put for large-scale application.

iii. With regard to solar thermal application for space and

water heating, thermal losses from heat storage is an

important challenge. It was observed that the losses

were up to five times greater than originally expected.

In addition many of solar thermal designs are put to

market without assessing appropriateness of people„s

needs and without proper education related to its

efficient use. Lack of trained manpower to install and

maintain such systems has also been a persistent


iv. Another barrier to solar air and water heating

applications especially in industrialized countries is the

lack of integration with household appliances.

Economic Barriers

Solar PV

i. While solar PV has zero fuel cost, low O&M costs and

is competitive on a life-cycle cost basis, the high initial

upfront cost and unavailability of easy and consistent

financing options forms a prime barrier.

ii. Cost comparisons are often made against established

conventional technologies that benefit from direct and

indirect subsidies, accumulated industry experience,

economies of scale and uncounted externality costs.

iii. Unusually high risks are assessed in determinations by

finance institutions because of their lack of experience

with PV projects.

iv. Bias against distributed technology platforms among

conventional energy agencies and utilities. Thus, in less

wealthy countries, limited sources of investment finance

are directed towards conventional energy technologies.

v. The cost of the module may decline but may not be

matched by a proportional decline in Balance of System


vi. Power tariffs are subsidized for certain sectors of the

economy (e.g. agriculture) and/or certain income

groups. As such the use of PV to serve these market

segments is at a disadvantage.

Solar Thermal

i. High upfront and maintenance costs constitute

significant barriers. This is particularly relevant for

poorer potential customers.

ii. The lengthy payback periods and small revenue stream

also raises creditworthiness risks of such systems.

iii. The bias against distributed energy technology

platforms among conventional energy agencies and


iv. In the case of solar thermal applications, diffusion can

be hindered by gaps in technical and financial data

needed for accurate planning and implementation of



The capital cost of the solar power system is higher then the

conventional source of energy. Efforts are required to be made

for reduction of capital cost of solar power projects to make it

comparable with conventional source of energy. Most of the

State Electricity Regulatory Commissions issued the tariff order

for purchase of power from solar power projects. The other

States, those having potential of solar energy also required to

issue solar energy tariff to accelerate and attract the investment in

this field. It may also be concluded that solar energy

development is of great importance from the point of view

of long term energy supply security, decentralization of

energy supply particularly for the benefit of the rural

population, environmental benefits and sustainability. For faster

development of solar energy, following recommendations are

necessary to implement

A strong need to improve reliability of technologies and

introduce consumer-desired features (in terms of

services and financial commitments) in the design and

sales package.

Page 13: Solar Energy Fundamentals and Challenges in Indian ... · Solar Energy Fundamentals and Challenges in Indian restructured power sector Ashok Upadhyay*, Arnab Chowdhury** ... other

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014 13

ISSN 2250-3153

Although solar energy is comparatively more expensive

than conventional fuels, but it can be used in

distributed generation and local distribution

networks to counterbalance the transmission &

distribution (T&D) losses incurred by states depend

on government support for development.

Incorporation of solar energy strategy into development

programmers will promote its decentralized


The government policies should encourage more

private participation and industry collaboration in

R&D for rapid commercialization of solar energy

and in market infrastructure development.

Public-private role in solar energy development needs to

be redefined. Solar energy deployment could also be

enhanced from energy services delivery perspective.


Solar power is infirm power and efforts are required to be

made it firm power by developing appropriate storage facilities.

The solar power can also make a viable source of energy by

announcing the suitable policies incentives. Re-powering has to

be a part of any strategy to scale-up solar power capacity as it is

vital to optimally utilize high solar radiation sites that remain

unused due to less effort by the government and investing

companies and to retrofit or replace the old panels with modern,

large and higher, more efficient ones. This will have to go along

side efforts to develop and facilitate introduction of a new

generation of solar panels that can harness the potential from

sustained low to medium solar radiation regimes available in

abundant measure in large parts of the country. Such efforts may

require revisiting role and mandate of Jawahar Lal Nehru Solar

Mission (JNNSM) and to position an institution that can lead

new initiatives in solar resources assessment and technology



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First Author – Ashok Upadhyay has Graduation degree in

Electrical Engineering, degree of Master in Engineering in

Industrial Engineering and having degree of M. Phil in

Renewable Energy. The main author is certified Energy Manager

accredited by BEE, Govt. of India. The Author is working as Dy.

Director (Generation) in M.P. Electricity Regulatory

Commission, Bhopal. The main author is currently pursuing

PHD program in electrical engineering from MANIT, Bhopal,

Madhya Pradesh, India, PH-09893324160.

E-mail:[email protected]

Second Author – Arnab Chowdhury Pursuing MBA (Power

Mgmt.), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies., Dehradun,

Uttarkhand, [email protected]