Soil ,i,eo.,,,,].,, =, e,.i, p ,be o.o +hn .i,b. · tn¯t any ta~h...

~’arden S ¯fer+ey tent ?+b{rly dni,5od or umfini~hed kt+owlng the e&ma In be eS fro P ede plda ell the ~amden , Ihefi lad In elerj lath dent oe dLrmt,,re ef at Le l~erlou~+~em~4<~beying re loin:+, nd nlsa to tSe attoroe.~ x~lrlL of th~ atht, aud Ailantla ]~i]txlad. ,nd but few lu ae e.n~ aLlk or other metu- or0 s0]d t+n the oetttal soLtlera aL low prie0t+ 3¯ Aud bb it enicled. That ~y justlee 0f tb~ ns ; lad eneh o~lhait upon meh nC+llca ~ounei| tWelLty acre8 peace, up0n comptalnt madetu him up©n oath by petlt[oa~led hy inid enmplny in i, a mh~anlhropehn vic- auy crmlit~SLe ,erie. ar perloue |h¯ Lhere jndJdlellea ~f Ibo mutter, an~ tOl~’ and a rlahlnS diker an~zer in detest.’ tn¯t any ta~h parloined er era. nit lim:~ far the parpene af0~e. That he sh0ald he fenn~[n Rinhmotnd as a clever el. materiels, w~ether raised or nn- the minuet In.~hieh the laid rruught, finhhed or un£u- qu6ttle~ shall he tried* hod Ibell beer powerI~ ~illd of vo]uuleer ald ~0 :Th Soil ,i,eo.,,,,].,, =, e,.i, p ......... ,be o.o +hn .i,b. notified as c[¯lm¯n~ s Wtl~ i’vlew l0 +~l~corer rlrtun era w¯rraut und0r:l ju eaiD marly su~tatme mhxed eli t] gh it i. a r enmm~ted:~arul and in the exact edn- muir; nnd tf ernst te the laLi|f~.ellon lie ¸ ++hem 5a shelL be blonght, h+w~+Tel~th~y eeme by the leme, then Ihe sen iUeliee #h,II enm- mLtthe tltld p~r~n er perlona it Lee i felt soil hn the Unlnn." ef the s++mu county, there tn rum, in UOtll pcar~ ])eaehnx, Appes, Quint, rrem ~l.h~rged by the e-.rt of e Chef r us+ Ilb ehbe~rle~BaepL’errhea~ Gmpe~ in~r er the ~neO.lnty, of all klnds, ted ~ll other fruit+ arn hero in n emsn. qnaat [tie.~ and ¯they a or them in maoDat af~llld, IO that aueh el.tim. LF unY" lunh +’ilk I’r other ant tony he heard, and I’tJJlele~led. nn the ariel el onn who in~sted v ,s be lmr]oi~ed nr rebelled ! of eneh lime and the del~rmiuatten ef meb quof s iitn Ot: ~[n , may cattle t~e tome, and tlnn. bul none ef the’l+ :proeeedin~ sheLL he ~.ihnervnl’ hn t ;arden er 4~ther before Slt[d jaltlee, eandLfionad Io meute of tie©lean t al t nt t6a th~ enid jud:~e~anl +hall tege~weraunh charge+ ¯s may l,e tbeu thelaideumpsn~ pruterr©d against him. her or them nod tbu’eMd Ihin state, and the u ~ ~ll gl* n p~rton er persons mbell he deemed te h~’*e ~eeL~- eyl whLeh shill hlva Keen ,~id illlU Ibe ,npreme ~ g] ey n c~ enid eL]k, ur other mntnri¯ls fqund Ln h ge court, sl)nll sine he p~hiioto tha treae.ry nf thit inahe, the ~orth more ¸ .]iSlrnitfui el th0 " the skle.a ; ¯ lr pnar~+it,n. ~ne.~i.g tb~ to h~’, at+It i and Lu eMe’tht+hkl Judgements *hall be Shod1. and there radical in its d~term~an- Where the mild azurn sunshine remalus urloineg ur emheezled ¯rid ~hall be deem. in +seer ur ~nid elai~mlelor aLl, or any pert[on ti6n Ihal Ibe.Unien shall be re~onstrucied . alL th~ year, ofam]Idemeannr " ofthelandte£ted nr~the ~n,la ore wbeh he ry j~xsticu ef the It mubh et the mnn on wlnnhp!~s that x~ill not need rccousLx~e- At Hanuuouton, NeW Jcr~ey~ i iy hop and evor~ wat+hman dnrlng t~e n~l " ever dear: . or eau+e to be nppre, the enndemnu- " hende,Lall mid erery F,ersoe ot pertottt who may prop. rekaon¯h~v ha lua I°°ted °f having °r ca’trying orly bei0ag to ~uch ql,imauis as Ihe ee]ue Of his er I a ¯ny eouveylngut ~lny lime uRer kunsettieg bur Or Lts title n.4 damng¢¢; and "l;i e~n erich aud before dunrtsLng, eny hJlk ~r other matetla t +mount t~ more tlien the tUSl~eted, tn be parloiued or ¢~lielzled I nn~l the Inmn togeth6r with sneh or portene I ~neh tn6re mm thJtl he, aJlur ez the matter uv mulattoes, to ~ nathan Irue uv them grill further bleachedhn m~rulueky~e [ love them" aa dear;y-as bTassoms loon dew; As the !ight It the ~ a~¢be birds "to the ahttndantiy prove~. "" ¯ 6. That the EtlAopbm. irmesp~dve ur; ¯ air " " color, ia tro~y a I~g~ ubd It be,~ther in(l: L+ ~amluonton,:New Jer, ey to the Ioved the female P+lhi0pila. irre+peedve uv ~L-, ; nn~ Ihe~e¯ or I I~ooly a w~mao a~ +& ~ s.~+r. + Thofie]dsof~ewJer~eFaro nv~ng~ith R~[c~d That thi~’] gold With ~trawberry meadow~aud orchards un:

Transcript of Soil ,i,eo.,,,,].,, =, e,.i, p ,be o.o +hn .i,b. · tn¯t any ta~h...

  • PILLStic have effecled in theeura ,

    the liter. For three yenra I tuffe~d beyond da¯seription ; all my friend++, ~e weLInl my0eff, nametu the to.el.oleo (ha my tmh in tSli life wasthorl¯ ~nrh was tbc terrible candle]on la which[ wns reduced Lbnt lifo to me ha I beeeme ¯ bur.the. : re? wbv]e I~yat era’wee I~ ¯ stale af inflema.tio~ ; I cotfld nol elh I eould not sleep my whoLah~ly wa+ filled with pnln IweeH~K ~nuid ¯Hasia my wriell lad lakleJ, run.teeing 15era termly

    3 tereral leeaa[ons I wa~ attaeTged


    ~’arden S ¯fer+ey tent ?+b{rlydni,5od or umfini~hed kt+owlng the e&ma In be

    eS fro P ede plda ell the ~amden, Ihefi lad In elerj lath dent oe dLrmt,,re ef at

    Le l~erlou~+~em~4

  • pre.~ageon bo~Es 76¯ ~8 99 Oct. 8; In~tne Aaylun bill, 94 39

    Arehb’ld Campbe|ljr., reliorand " NOV. 3, Cumberhnd Cn’tymoving to cia’s house, "31 ss surveying bill 15 00

    /i. F. Madden, relief to" Charles92 0O Dee. 4, Expre~’go and vor-

    terag’e on books, 2 25" 1005 R. blur,hal|,

    :+* {3,,r.

    ~I0 006 00

    I 000Q SO159

    6 00,

    td O9

    1t 01

    ’ " aa]land o~ees,C.llouse

    Dec 4, J+. C. Ahbn(t nnd II. P. Madden,375 13

    exponle in +runniug eou.ty.line 15310

    D. E. I~rnr,1 leeks for jail S 00S. Heathers. dishes fur jail 2 49

    . O.A. Douglass printout: bl5Thus. Clark. Interest nnd tax on

    County bonds 355 50interest on c,,untybop,ls 120 DO

    J’bond,W" Durley, i.terest aa county ’0300

    S.boudslI. Doughty. epprori.g jnsH©e 10 00J+ IL Dongbty, granting removal to

    asy]om . 5 00Samuel 81 am; tak[n~ prilonar+ to

    jail ¯ + 0 00¯ ’ J.D. Champion, ,linaere For board

    , 0 assossur+~ 6 O0Wm. D. )louver, jail "/’ and beard

    for pr]sr, ners ~05 -°7D+ S lLi~ley, orticles for clerk’s of-

    rice¯ expruss~ge, .to, 5~ 7~Wm..~.’oor% slui’o, chairs, coal. + .... -- "

    lumber aud carpenter at courthonso 60 0.~

    Ellas Smith, E~gi~’tor’~ bill of Wey-m~;uth t~swshlp " ¯ 5S 03

    J. P,ntcr, Olios,ling snrveyor 4 SOJ. D. l~ry~,t, "

    court on ttconlnl[Itco 200 ,t

    Gee. IY, Rich, pnhl brush cnlters 900 ,,D. ]3. £om~r+5 Itpprnvh~g Jaet|oe bo~,t~ 7 O0 ts

    G~ 00H. ]l. Colwell, " - ,, ,, ,, ,a

    rices 20 70 ,,S. E. Dcvlnuey, statlunery forSurru.

    Dec. 29,g.tca u0]ea .| 50Wm. D. lloovur, Ja[I foes sod bumrd

    for pr$suners 209 93 uTnn.E. Cuneman, work ou court houre

    fence 3 O0D, B, Ingersoll, nounty examiner 15 00

    ¯ Wm. 8, BAcon meals, wo~d for olAees 25 00J. (L ,, surveying euU=l7 Jane 08 00I~. ]5, P. ~layhe~’. salary and per

    sea]age aa snooty ©ollrelar l~& 00I[, F, ~laddea, exprnaes lu attrrey.

    InK 0.quay Itns ~0 52Joha Wnl[aec, lut, on co. hondo, 12T b0Hen, E. Wri+hhuurreylug, 29 90Simon Laku, cumml aio.~er at-

    t.,ndlag sutve~ur, l& ~eD, n, Duughty~eiretioa aipOOlnl 43 e0I). B, Snow, palatial, 5 01F, R, Ura,,o,¢0,osamlner, 0 an, 1~ 000,,erie EIrlns~ roll,too bill ef

    l)ammouton+ ~0 030. A, Doagh,, printing, ~ $5B, U, /den,lh no;q, Itt’udg aurr’r I0 00

    t~P70 n:I’:zpenmmo of hoard.

    1866Isy 9, Jamcn Baker, dLancr attd

    llama #bed ’23 00- Albert Adame---’do, " ....... "4 00J, 11. CliumltiO., do, ~)

    Atlg. 14, Altmvt Adul.s do. 24Dec, 4, Jan, ]’i On, all, attettdanen

    ]). i]igN’e, do.1’, II. bladden, db. 6 6oS, L), Curdorys dr, 6 {10J, O. AbbOtl+ do. ,nd anal’led 60Wm, ~laoro, nL’oeo, Board, 3 ¢~B,, do, 6 0ilJ. (l, IIryant, do, 1’~ hi)T.-W+Iowede~---do.--- 6 IoW,,. Ii, Bali,’, do. 3 40Irvlng ]++o dr,. attd alm’a

    honso ooh, atiuoo, 0 10T, l[ender~oe, at’coon hoard 7 80Gee. W, Rich, do. 6IL B, L~eds. do. 1L 40Wm, A, EIvies, do. I"+ 60Ii. Hka,’, do, 7 ;~JJatnau l]akcr, dinner for

    Buerd and bor~ feed. 27 ~0O, A, Doutllu mak|ng an.

    .eel ttatew0ut tor 19+6~-66 10 0o1867)[my 7, J, K P. AbbotLtulary M 4"5

    cloak el Uoud,,~, C, Abb¢t, ab’oa on Board, = ~.~Wut. 5loom, ¯ do ~ o~I J, 8huw, do. 2 5(JL iii~l~e, do. 4I+. P. Uor~,~, do. a ~(

    T. l[eude.oa, do. ~1

    " 1752 " 90 88" 1748 9 25" )714 6 00" 1638 ]0 60 43" , 1750 45.00" 1718 7 50¯ ’ 1700 36 0J" 1715 1905" 1711

    11 )2" 1759 35 37" 1616 7 80 31" 1758 4 00" 1761 . 36 00

    " 1675 +.5 60 5S" J683 J. C. Abbott 6O 4O" 1732 F. H. Hoover, 21 40’! Insane Asylnm.

    maint’a~bi[I, 15:?. 11". -.°03 47 57 ’)+10" 30~ 18 I0 +" 98T ]4 85 60" 1657 ]2 00 ~4" 3LL 19 36 33

    45 85 I 867 lit)L 06 9~6 80 ">7

    7478 1735 8O

    17 9O 1 ]8

    J6 6~1690 306 $7 12

    1675627612 5.560 75 3249 04 3 15

    100 0010 9692 23 5 9051 752(I 95 + + 36

    450 ~o27oo25 5O 609OO

    11 I0

    4 3[5 ,~5

    1 99] 6s


    12 49



    tl" 82~ -¯z~.

    :1661" 1464 ...." I~98 -.t¢ 17"2~" 1724 ......... :% ....."¯~ 17o9.~ ~+ "-" 6.00" ~330 ’. ~ I0 50

    t OoUeet~’r,dlmtin

    " ot a~*rl~ f’lpL" ptdd|an’ !1~nr~’

    ¯ $1Y984E~aaee dun e~, q~ol~letor . 14(I O0

    ’ + ....... " .......... +t tle~e~l/.":’+~

    . ¯ . , ...+ .

    ..._’ ̄

    ~uS,i.~r{u.,.tus :’-’ ’T’ellda, ~lrgoel, &~.,, .4~alnst Marine

    ¯ ~o~

    mmd 0tkele

    Aguiu.I Io0s

    6~’69 , 1 11.540~ 511~8.~9 O0 +3 68

    : ~ 00. ).70;~90 ~0

    )~ 6O ̄’5615-OO 9018 64 0066 37 2 73)I 6"~ 3O5 O0 35

    -800 1690T ’23

    74 so 1 3513 50 16I~ 5O. :. 14

    "’~ 67 60 3 70" ]719 "" ~ 4 00" 1705,, , ¯ 0 O0

    "--1704-- ~ ..... . 7-5t~’-~

    ", J733 5 00" 1640

    ]691" 1653--" 1734" 338

    13"67" 1739" 1730


    - ii




    ,,y am*. pals o..,~1~;;4.’: ’ "Ilammonton ’ "-


    " SOt 31811 64

    Aden]is City T4 408,]]ow~y " 187 0ri

    Butt.e* ofsabool money In eolhstorthands $100 ~Balance due enlltmtor S4g 00

    ’ Deduct sohonl money+Is bnndl 100 72

    Seth Bow.n.Furman

    Johu ~.

    ATIlANIEL STRATTON’, Pr*s,.-- KL F. FP.[ES; Sao’y.

    ¯ FURMAN L. MULFORD, Treas.Applleatloa t’or.insnral~eoo.n b@ msda tn ,my otthe fullowl0g igeots ned si+rveyors :

    Wm. Moore, Jl’., ~la¥’s r.andJn|.Btllldue e’+lleetor " 2¢S 28 Lowe ~1: Nlekler. IEI Federal sl.,All of which¯ll reapect[velT’mubmitted. ’ O.mdeu. 1 : "- ’ ,’ ¯ Wm. A¯ Sla[ns,

    " I . " 1 J. O~Abbnlt,¯ Alfred W; Clemeat; I ,Mny f, 18d7, . " 21. F; Muddou lYal¢eneK.’lhommal. Willlamatewnllepoei of AIms IIla~tic Slate I~oofin~;.:The subseribe~" Is nrud [o fill all order+ for








    IT091723 ~.,r:~


    )fay 7

    8 O0 2835550362 ~01g+/l

    15 00- 28 N.mberofpnuperslnHoasn.52 25 96 is6e~luy ~59h~---30, Jul~ 2)th, 30 ’6424 328,p,.2Stb 90. /(ur. 30th 2812 1.10 95 10071 90 dgn. 2~tb, " 5K" ~lar 29th,

    Average for the yetiS- 30t¯ 24 50 57 Expenses for ooob per year $SG 47,4Expense far each per week, 1.66.8)6 92 ~umber~fdeath;, per yveS" .

    1 44 " births " "6 41 " " ebild"u hound uu~| Lndenturn350 Melog, fema’e l, Total

    ~umber nat on+ trial

    4 00 O~t-d,+OeTellargrnnted to

    60 40 Nathan Wleks and fatal

    ?’IT~. ~’+beeea ~,lauaty, 1t " "92 60 94 00 John Rohart ’ ..... ’- "3 07" Jemima Adams " " "8 00 1[anuah Doughty I " "

    ]0 O0 Eao,-h freltnd lad family 2 ’"."’~ --4 " ....

    raad st short notlue,own,ms’or)n|. I Im prepared

    1o eontruotors and~g secured tho services ofthe

    moat eompclent practical men. I am pruparedwnrzant all’lurk, patent reoAng

    on hahd utid for ~ale. All orders fromany part of the Statm will moot with prompt at-tention. TInank(ul fat’ p~st palrnnnle of myfrlends, and hoping a continuance of the same, 1retanin~ very respectfully,

    !. !!. WOOD; J[r., Aceut,L NO" 01 S’rAVn Svu~nv,

    . 34.48 Cooper’~ ,P.t.t, C.mde., ~V. J’,

    ------S fl E BIFF~--~AL-E.

    I~Y virtue’of u writ of earl facies, to ms direct-¯ L~ ed. isSUed out of-the OouPt el Cbaneer~ ~ ~.’J., wflLhLaold at Publio Vendee on-Thuroday-tho~lSth day of Jizne~17o3 .-- _ ~4’00"

    159T :,-- 5 501702 14001667 lO 50373 5 00

    1708 4 00]720 + .. 2001~86 ]8 00I~63 2101)1693 2680 "

    363 ~r 18~ I0

    T,J~endersqnsh~r- " -ifffor court aa Apr. 487 003653~8345





    Ireland " 3 " " 1867, at one u’rloek In the afternoon nf said day.PbeoheGifford " i " "[nal]I0 at the llotal ef Louis Kueho]a P.t Egg Ilarber

    1Amt+ ox Inventory ut Alma mouse $1440 1T City. all th,it certain frame dwelling nud lot orall of which is submitted by parcel of gro.nd situate |n Egg l]nrbor City.

    J. C, AAnorr ~ state of Nu~ Jersey, known n~,l desSgnMed a~E. Hlg~,ee.J Committeebuihltng lot Eight, in block tbPee hundred and%. 11. l,=u~a t,~enty one, ona plan oflota,,I said city, b.unded

    /ieeafltulation as foanws: Eeglnnh,~ at +. polnt nu the southeastsldo nf Cinelnnatti avenue two hundred andFor bridles $+1840 49

    Out-door re|hf +/,~50 ~ feet northeaetwardlMiscellaneous ileme e97g 21

    - - aide of the eatd.+~$06-"--’"-~ In length or breadthhoard sa|d breadth In pe+’allel

    402 00 with 8,~id u~;enue to the northwest43,05 2 tavern Llasnae~

    .0078 38

    900Ezpeure of Alms House Commiit~ 4016 2t

    37 44 Tutal expeusn less [ieoueas 13095 5968, 1 County tax 10000

    Espeoee morn than tax - 11005’~9

    24 00 1 1° Amount p’,id by oounlyeolleetor doris E ..the yosr.on ordel; given by the ’30 76 1 4-I be ~rd nnd alms b~uso cemmitte~ 1104T0 14930 05 ] [ntereet On the game 34892

    ~" 5760 2 Amt of bonds cancelled 1408 00t ~5 95 ’ 2 Interest Ou honda 8.~S 48

    30 4[ 1 Stats’tax ¯ +- ~,-o9

    ~, ’~ ~0 46 1 "sebool fnud )409 70

    Bill of In+ann Asy-lure, , 81 70

    Paid Sheriff bah ofeource~ for year 77 7o.

    [’ 378 - IO0 o0" ¯ 379 50 ID" 374 37 53" 1772 46 75" 1778 200 93!’ 1780 L 12 50"--]791 46 60

    $1P60P 34

    Dr. Wlstmr’m Balnamm of %¥Jld~herry. ¯ ..

    In the whole history of medic+d dlscoverleJ nonSUVDY hos performed an many or such remark-able cores of the namereu! affeetlon~ of the ThroatLungs and Che~t, as tbls long-tried nnd Justlye0]cbratedD.bam. 8o generally acknowledged

    " 1T87 63 75" 1771 17 59

    41 " 1783 58 59" Eleet’n bills orEg~" Hereof Tp. 13 50 """ 360 96 92----t~-" 256 20 14,t 291 71 41"" 364

    55 80332 " 2.57 20 10I 87 " 1785 110 6~

    +’ 1832 ]55 O0" Cour~ bill

    +$9 251883 103 48+

    " 1884 4 80tt

    44- ]8851770 ’1 ;,,t ~.

    11)64040" 1769 ~. 0 76" 1614 6 8060 ,,

    1 32 ,, 1577 3 08341 8 50" 375 4 20" ]881 63 60

    113,470 16 348 92

    725 Boedo nnd Imloreot.

    4 ~)3 Dale. I’

  • . r . - i, ",:

    ¯ ’ " +:i

    tmm the " :’

    ,:’_ bdok~ The~ ;tf~ ortbe"+anyro

    :¯¯¯: z,. e~S.ow ~ So.~.

    HALL & Kme~tq"

    DII~ 8m: In answer :to :~our: i~uirbsItioh wta beil~ o!

    I find it


    from its

    than elny brlek, mye to Day more for

    altythihg else:_ :~ . Your~ Truly, _

    ¯ . . + ." B.F. Ptxf,,~v.I~lSOm 0t~L RAm~O.~V Co~,, )

    Div. llnglneer’a O01ee-Fourth Dir.CIIIoAOO, Jan. 5, :1567. J

    -; 6~’m :’I,am -ow ’ the-

    them as the bout

    The I ex mined in-the-Divhjen, appear impervious t~ frost and

    moisture end [ eheertully recommend them

    Youm Reepeet fully,IsAAo L, SOtlgOEW:n.

    .... Arohlteet II1¯ Cmt¯ R. R¯ Co.

    -~,coox co, I,++,Tan¯ I0, 18~.

    Dr~R Sta : ’Phe Concrete Bricks whichtwo

    sad better than-clay"frost and dampness¯ I

    as I believe prove a ~nci’al

    ,.P~q~naoN & PA~cs~so~’, .Dealar~ in Gas Fixtures, Plumbing Mate-

    CmcAho; i~, I~.Gs~:~_Haviug been eXtenslrely en~uKed

    in eontmetin for the ereeffen of brick andstone I do not hesi-tate to state BuildinBlocks

    During mytnot


    and h~alt ~sl ot" la


    Yotirs Respeetfulb’,¯ . N.E. Pvr~o.~¯


    ¯ ¯ .. . ¯ , -.

    d~irable attd du- ¯ Mall Yrelght. Arena.¯ Llgkve,. At ~, - A¯ M* "r. II.

    ~ ’Vtha 8tomb 7¯~0’ 0.15 - 4.15 :

    "as a o*Jtnent Cooper* Polut~ 7.4,5. e.30 4.30i t+ 0ee solid lloddbefleld/ 8¯04 ". 10 00 4,46

    Ashland, .. ........ 10¯le ..,..,"erly med~ ham it been known Whl~ Ilor~e, ~k~l~--T’J9 la . ¯ l.[~lstruoturee of the mnelenta bear wimessthat

    8¯g~ :10.48 ti.15It02 5,1g’their work, exhibit e,8~ .. ¯ t1.~4 ~.3,~

    It is u well e+tab- B.sS- !.1.~4 &4t

    fusion of silicate 9.1¢ . 12¯0.1 5,58

    9.22 - 12.15 -+ --~i,O[~

    hardeu as the 8¯35 t2.a~, e.189.47 Leo e.$oon¯. +J’he objecli . v,’~3 I,~ ti.4e ̄me*oriel heretofore bt~-been~the diflleuh -" .at-encountered

    beau: form, UP TRAINS.the following eommunioation Aoeorr. l’r~lght. Mall¯A. M¯ a¯ W*¯, r¯ II.

    to the C~’~go Tr~b- lunate, 5.48 11.4.1 4,49..... e.lg 12.]7 a.97ntis I 8.27 ! 1.39 5.21

    ¯ ] CIIIOAUO, Jan. l~’%d, 186’I. Egg lhrbor~ 6,4.1 I.OO 5,.17/:lIc~_+r+~_+~OII _.j~’J]10_+~’~ll’~yo. ]’rl~late, EIw,md, 8.~15 . 1..+~ ~.49

    DaCoste, 7,0Y 1.50 ~.O~]ENTLEMEN : Having beeneonmltcd in re- IIammbnton, 7,16 . 2.02 6’10to the ;VlnMowt " 5’.25 2.17 8.19

    ~pring Garden," 7.3.1 ".~8 6.18"=Water ford, ¯ 7.39 ++.43 e.~4

    for Junction, 7.50 3.01 6,45L,,n~.a-Comlog/ 7.28 3.15 6.55White Rorsas 8;14 ,?..17 7,05A