software engineering Module 4

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  • 7/31/2019 software engineering Module 4


    Module 4


    The goal of the coding or programming phase is to translate the design of the system produced during

    the design phase into code in a given programming language, which can be executed by a computer and that

    performs the computation specified by the design. For a given design, the aim is to implement the design in

    the best possible manner. The coding phase affects testing and maintenance. During implementation, it should

    be kept in mind that the programs should not be constructed so that they are easy to write, but so that they are

    east to read and understand. Quick Fixes to modify a given code easily, result in a code that is more difficult

    to understand. Ease of understanding and modification should be the basic goals of the programming

    activity .Simplicity and clarity is desirable.

    Programming Practice:

    The primary goal of the coding phase is to translate the given design into source code, so that the code

    is simple, easy to test and easy to understand and modify.

    Good programming is a skill that can only be acquired by practice. Much can be learned from the

    experience of others, and some general rules and guidelines can be laid for the programmer. Good

    programming is a practice independent of the target programming language. Some concepts related to coding

    is discussed.

    1. )Top Down and Bottom Up

    Given the hierarchy of modules produced by design, in what order should the modules be built staringfrom top level or starting from bottom level.

    In top down implementation, the implementation starts from top of the hierarchy and proceeds to the lower

    levels. First the main module is implemented, then its subordinates are implemented, and their subordinates

    and so on.

    In a bottom-up implementation, the process is the reverse. The development starts with implementing the

    modules at the bottom of the hierarchy and proceeds through the higher levels until it reaches the top. Top-

    down and bottom-up shouldnt be confused with top-down design. Here the design is being implemented, and

    if the design is fairly detailed and complete, its implementation can proceed in either top-down manner. Which

    of the two is used mostly affects testing.

    The main reason is that we want to incrementally build the system that is, we want to build the system

    in parts, even though the design of the entire system has been done all large systems must be built and tested

    separately, the issue of top-down versus bottom-up arises. The real issue in which order modules are coded


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    comes in testing. If all the modules are to be developed and then put together to form system for testing

    purposes, it is immaterial which modules is coded first. When modules have to be tested separately, top-down

    and bottom-up lead to top-down and bottom-up approaches to testing. These two approaches have different

    consequences .When we proceed top-down testing a set of modules, at the top of the hierarchy, stubs will have

    to be written for the lower level modules that the set of modules under testing invoke. In Bottom-up, all

    modules in the lower hierarchy have been developed and driver modules are needed to invoke these modules

    under testing.

    When the design is not detailed enough, some of the design decisions have to be made during

    development. For example, building prototype is a top-down development.

    In layered architecture, layer provides some service to layers above, which use these services to

    implement the services it provides. It is generally best for the implementation to proceed in a bottom-up


    In practice, in large systems, a combination of the two approaches is used during coding. The op

    modules of the system generally contain the overall view of the system and may even contain the user

    interfaces .On the other hand , the bottom up level modules are working correctly before they are used by

    other modules.

    2.) Structured Programming

    The basic objective of the coding activity is to produce programs that are easy to understand .it has

    been argued that structured programming helps develop programs that are easier to understand. Structured

    programming is often considered as gotoless programming.

    A program has a static structure as well as a dynamic structure. The static structure refers to the

    structure of the text of the program, which is usually just a linear organization of statements of the program.

    The dynamic structure is the sequence of statements executed during the execution of the program.

    The correctness of the program means that, when the program executes, it produces desired

    behavior .Much of the activity of the program understanding is to understand the dynamic behavior of the

    program from text of the program. It will clearly be easier to understand dynamic behavior if structure in

    dynamic behavior resembles the static structure .The closer the correspondence between the execution and text

    structure, the easier the program is to understand.

    The goal of Structured programming is to ensure that the static structures and the dynamic structures

    are the same. Develop programs whose control flows during the execution is linearized and follows the linear

    organization of the program text.


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    No meaningful program can be written as a sequence of simple statements without any branching or

    repetition .So how is linearizing achieved?

    -By using structured constructs

    -We use structured statements in Structured Programming.

    A structured statement has a single entry and single exit i.e. the execution starts from one defined point and

    ends at on defined point. Thus a program has a sequence of structured statements. Thus sequence of

    execution of these statements will be same as sequence in program text.

    Most commonly used statements:

    Selection: if B then S1 else S2

    If B then S1

    Iteration: while B do S

    Repeat S until B

    Sequencing: S1; S2; S3;

    Structured Programming helps write programs clearly. It helps in the formal verification of the programs.

    In a linearized control flow, if we understand the behavior of each of the basic constructs properly , the

    behavior of the program can be considered as a completion of the behavior of different statements.

    Although efforts should be made to avoid such statements that violate single entry and single exit , if

    the use of such statements is simplest , then the point of readability such constructs are used.

    3. )Information Hiding

    A software solution to problem always contains data structures that are meant to represent information

    to problem domain. With the problem information represented internally as data structures, the required

    functionality of the problem domain, which in terms of information in domain, can be implemented as

    software operations on data structure.

    Any information in the problem domain typically has a small number of defined operations performed

    on it.

    When the information is represented internally as data structures, the same principle should be

    applied, and only some defined operations should be performed on data structure. This is the principle of

    information hiding. The information captured in the data structures should be hidden from the rest of the

    system, and only access functions on the data structures that represent the operations performed on the

    information should be visible. For each operation on the information an access function should be provided.

    The rest of the modules should only use these access functions to access and manipulate the data structures.


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    All modules, other than the access functions, access the data structure through the access functions.

    Information hiding can reduce the coupling between modules and make the system more maintainable. With

    information hiding, the impact on the modules using the data needs to be evaluated only when the data

    structure or access functions are changed. Also when a data structure is changed n, the effect of the change is

    generally limited to access functions if information hiding is used. Otherwise all modules using data structure

    may have to be changed.

    By using information hiding, we have separated the concern of managing data from the concern of

    using data to produce some desired results.

    Another form of information hiding is to let a module see only those data items needed by it. Thus

    each module, is given access to data items on a need to know basis. Most languages do not support it.

    However the information hiding principle discussed earlier is supported by many modern programming

    languages in the form of data abstraction.

    With support for data abstraction, a package or module is defined that encapsulates the data. Some

    operations are defined by the module on the encapsulated data. The advantage of this form of data abstraction

    is that the data is entirely in the control of the module in which the data is encapsulated .Other modules cannot

    access or modify the data; the operations that can access and mo0dify are also a part of this module.

    4.) Programming Style

    For writing a good code we need to apply some general rules:

    1. Names

    Selecting module and variable names is often not considered important by novice

    programmers. Most variables represent entity in the problem domain, and the modules some process.

    Variable names should be closely related to the entity they represent, and module names should reflect

    their activity. It is a bad practice to use cryptic names or to use the same name for multiple purposes.

    2. Control Constructs

    Use single entry and single exit constructs. Use a few standard control constructs.

    3. Gotos

    Use gotos sparingly in the program. Only when the alternative to using gotos is more complex

    should the gotos is more complex should the gotos be used. If goto is used, forward transfers is more

    acceptable. Use of gotos in exiting loops or invoking error handlers is more acceptable.

    4. Information Hiding


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    Information hiding should be supported where possible.

    5. User Defined Types

    When facilities like enumerated data types are available, they should be exploited where

    applicable. For example,

    Type days = {Mon Sun};

    They make programs much clearer.

    6. Nesting

    If nesting becomes too deep, the programs become harder to understand. It is often difficult to

    determine the if statement to which a particular else clause is associated. Where possible avoid deep

    nesting, even if it means a little inefficiency.

    For example,

    if C1 then S1

    else if C2 then S2

    else if C3 then S3

    else if C4 then S4

    This structure can be converted into the following structure.

    if C1 then S1;

    if C2 then S2;

    if C3 then S3;

    if C4 then S4;

    This sequence of statements will produce the same result as the earlier sequence, but it is much easier

    to understand. The price is a little inefficiency in that the large conditions will be evaluated even if a

    condition evaluates to true, while in the previous case the condition evaluation stops when one

    evaluates to true.

    7. Module size

    Large modules often will not be functionally cohesive; and too-small modules may incur overhead.

    There can be no hard-and fast rule about module sizes the guiding principle should be cohesion and


    8. Module Interface


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    A module with a complex interface might not be functionally cohesive and might be implementing

    multiple functions. Any module whose interface has more than five parameters should be broken into

    multiple modules with a simpler interface if possible.

    9. Program Layout

    How the program is organized and presented can have great effect on the readability of it. Proper

    indentation, blank spaces, and parentheses should be used to enhance the readability of programs.

    Automated tools are available to pretty print a program.

    10. Side Effects

    When a module is invoked, it sometimes has side effects of modifying the program state beyond the

    modification of parameters listed in the module interface definition, for example, modifying global

    variables. Such side effects should be avoided where possible, and if a module has side effects, they

    should be properly documented.

    11. Robustness

    A program is robust if it does something planned even for exceptional conditions. A program might

    encounter exceptional conditions in such forms as incorrect input, the incorrect value of some variable,

    and overflow. The program should not just crash; it should produce some meaningful message and exit


    5.) Internal Documentation.

    In the coding phase, the output document is the code itself. Some amount of internal documentation is

    useful for enhancing understandability of the programs>it is done using comments.

    Comments are textual statements that are meant for program readers and are not executed.Comments, if

    properly written and kept consistent with the code, can be invaluable during maintenance.

    The purpose of comments is not to explain in English the logic of the program-the program itself is the best

    documentation for the details of the logic. The comments should explain what the code is doing, not how it is

    doing it. This means a comment is not needed for every line of the code. Comments should be provided for

    blocks for code, particularly those parts of code that are hard to follow. In most cases, only comments for the

    modules need to be provided.

    Providing comments for modules is most useful, as modules form the unit of testing, compiling,

    verification and modification. Comments for a module is often called prologue for the module. It is desirable

    if the prologue contains the following information:

    1. Module functionality or what the module is doing.


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    2. Parameters and their purpose.

    3. Assumptions about the inputs, if any.

    4. Global variables accessed and /or modified in the module.

    Explanation of parameters, stating how global data is affected and the side effects of a module can be

    quite useful during maintenance.

    In addition other information can be included, depending on the local coding standards

    .Examples are the name of the author, the date of compilation, and the last date of modification.

    If a module is modified, then the prologue should also be modified, if necessary.


    Verification of output of the coding phase is intended for detecting errors introduced during this phase.

    It is to show that the code is consistent with the design it is supposed to implement. Program verification falls

    into two categories:

    o Static

    o Dynamic

    In dynamic methods, the program is executed on some test data and the outputs of the program are

    examined to determine if there are any errors present. It follows the traditional pattern of testing.

    In static techniques do not involve actual program execution on actual numeric data, though it may involve

    some form of conceptual execution. The program is not compiled and then executed as in testing.Common forms are code reading, program verification, code reviews or walkthroughs and symbolic

    execution. Unlike dynamic techniques where only presence of an error is detected, here errors are detected


    Types of errors detected by the two categories of verification technique are different. The type of

    errors detected by static techniques are often not found by testing, or it may be more cost-effective to

    detect these errors by static methods. Consequently testing and static methods are complementary in nature

    and both should be used for reliable software.

    1. Code Reading

    Reading of code by programmer to detect any discrepancies between design specifications and actual

    implementation. It involves determining the abstraction of a module and then comparing it with

    specification .It is the reverse process of design.


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    The process of code reading is best done by reading the code inside-out, starting with the innermost

    structure of the module. First determine its abstract behavior and specify the abstraction .Then the higher-

    level structure is considered, with the inner structure replaced by its abstraction .This process is continued

    until we reach the module or program being read. At that time the abstract behavior of the

    program/module will be known, which can then be compared to the specifications to determine any


    Code reading can detect errors not revealed by testing. Code reading is also called desk review.

    2. Static Analysis

    Analysis of programs by methodically analyzing the program text is called static analysis. This is done

    using software tools. The program is not executed, but the program text is the input to the tools.

    It detects errors/potential errors or generates information about structure of the program that can be useful for

    documentation or understanding programs. Different types of static analysis tools can be designed to perform

    different types of analysis. It is a very cost effective technique.

    Static analysis detects errors, can provide insight into structure of the program, violations of local standards.

    Extensive Static Analysis can reduce effort for testing.

    Data flow analysis is a form of static analysis .It concentrates on uses of data by programs and detects

    some data flow anomalies (i.e. suspicious use of data in program).Data flow anomalies are technically not

    errors. They are caused due to carelessness in typing or error in coding. Presence of data flow anomalies

    implies poor coding. It should be properly addressed.

    An example of the data flow anomaly is the live variable problem, in which a variable is assigned

    some value but then the variable is not used in any later computation. Another example is having two

    assignments to available without using the value of the variable between the two assignments.

    For example,




    x does not appear in any R.H.S.





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    Data flow anomalies can provide valuable information for the documentation of programs. For

    example, data flow analysis can provide information about bwhi9ch variables are modified on invoking a

    procedure in the caller program and the value of the variables used in the called procedure. This analysis can

    identify aliasing, which occurs when different variables represent the same data object. This information can

    be useful during maintenance to ensure that there are no undesirable side effects of some modifications to a


    Other examples of data flow anomalies are unreachable code, unused variables and unreferenced


    Data flow analysis is usually performed by representing a program as a graph, sometimes called the

    flow graph. The nodes in a flow graph represent statements of a program, while the edges represent control

    paths from one statement to another.

    To reduce the time of processing of algorithms, the search of a flow graph has to be carefully

    organized. Another way to reduce the time for executing algorithms is to reduce the size of the flow graph.

    The most common transformation is to have each node represent a block of code that will be executed

    together. It is often called a call graph. The edge from one node n to another node m represents the fact that

    the execution of the module represented by n directly invokes the module m.

    Other Uses of Static Analysis

    An error often made, especially when different teams are developing different paths of the software , is

    mismatched parameters list, where actual/formal parameters is different in no:/type. If the programsare separately developed and compiled, this error will not be detected. A state analysis with access to

    different parts of the program can detect it.

    It detects calls to nonexistent program modules.

    It detects infinite loops and illegal recursions.

    There are different kinds of documents that static analyzers can produce, which can be useful for

    maintenance or increased understanding of the program. The first is the cross-reference of where

    different variables and constants are used .Often , looking at the cross-reference can help one detect

    subtle errors, like many constants defined to represent the same entity. For example, the value of pi

    could be defined as constant in different routines with slightly different values. A report with cross-

    references can be useful to detect such errors. To reduce the size of such reports, it may be more useful

    to limit it to the use of constants and global variables.


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    Information about the frequency of use of different constructs of the programming language can also

    be obtained by static analysis.

    Static analysis can produce the structure chart of program (which can be compared to structure chart of

    System design to see the differences).

    There are some coding restrictions that the different organizations imposes .Such restrictions cannot be

    checked by compilers, but Static analysis can be used to enforce these standards.

    3. Symbolic Execution

    Here the program is not executed with actual data .The program is symbolically executed with

    symbolic data. The program is symbolically executed with symbolic data. The inputs are not numbers but

    symbols representing input data, which can take different values .Execution of the program proceeds like

    normal execution, except that it deals with values that are not numbers but formulas consisting of symbolic

    input values.The outputs are symbolic formulas of input values.These formauls can be checked to see if the

    program will behave as expected.

    Symbolic execution is also known as symbolic evaluation or symbolic testing.

    Although the concept is simple, performing symbolic-execution of even modest-size programs is veryu

    difficult.The problems basically come due to the conditional execution of statements in programs.As

    conditions of a symbolic expression cannot usually be evaluated to true or false without substituting actual

    values for the symbols , a case-by-case analysis becomes necessary, and all possible cases with a condition

    have to be considered.In program with loops, this results in a large number of test cases.To introduce the basic concepts of symbolic execution, let us first consider a simple program without

    any conditional statements.

    1. function product(x, y ,z: integer):integer;

    2. var tmp1,tmp2:integer;3. begin

    4. tmp1:=x*y;

    5. tmp2:=y*z;

    6. product:=tmp1*tmp2/y;7. end;


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    Symbolic Execution

    After Statement values of variables

    x y z tmp1 tmp2 Product

    1 xi yi zi ? ? ?4 xi yi zi xi* yi ? ?

    5 xi yi zi xi*yi yi*zi ?

    6 xi yi zi xi*yi yi*zi (xi*yi)*(yi*zi)/yi

    With one path and an acceptable symbolic result ,we can claim that the program is correct.

    Path ConditionsPath condition at a statement gives the conditions the input must satisfy so that the statement will be

    executed .Path condition is a Boolean expression over symbolic inputs that never conatins any program

    variables .It will be represented by pc.

    Each symbolic execution begins with pc=true.As conditions are encountered , for different cases referring todifferent paths in program , the path condition will take different values.

    For example,symbolic execution of an if statement of the formIf C1 then S1 else S2

    Will require two cases to be considered , corresponding to the two possible paths, one where C evaluates to

    true and S1 is executed , and the other where C evaluates to false and S2 is executed. For the first case we setthe path condition pc to,


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    Stmt pc max

    1. true ?


    2. (xi>yi) ?

    3. ------------- xi

    case(maxyi)and (xi=z)

    4. (xi>yi) and (xi>=zi) xi

    Return this value of max


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    Some important points in Symbolic execution:

    Each leaf represents path that will be followed by input values.

    Path conditions associated with two different leaves are distinct.

    If symbolic ouput at each leaf is true is correct , the program is correct.

    For modest size programs, tree can be infinite due topresence of loops.Therefore Symbolic Execution

    cant be used for proving correctness.

    The program to perform Symbolic Execution may not stop.For this reason ,build tools where only

    some paths are symbolically executed.

    4. Proving Correctness

    Refer Assignment.

    5. Code Inspections/Reviews

    It helps in detecting defects in the code. It reduces the effort during testing. It is held after the code has

    been successfully completed and other forms of static tools have been applied but before any testing has been


    The entry criteria for code review is that the code must compile successfully and has been passed by

    other static analysis tools.

    The documentation distributed to review team members includes the code to be reviewed and the

    design document.

    The review team for code reviewers should include the programmer, the designer, and the tester.

    The review stars with the preparation for the review and ends with a list of action items.

    The aim of the review is to detect defects in code. One obvious coding defect is that the code fails to

    implement the design. In addition, the input-output format assumed by a module may be inconsistent with the

    format specified in the design.

    Other code defects can be divided into two:

    o Logic and control , eg:-infinite loop

    o Data operations and computation, eg:- incorrect access of array of components


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    There are quality issues, which the review also addresses:-


    -violation of local standards

    6. Unit testing

    Unit testing is a dynamic verification method. The program is compiled and executed. It is most

    widely used.

    Coding is also called coding and unit testing phase.

    The unit testing involves executing the code with some test cases and then evaluating the results.

    Here the modules or units are tested and not the entire software system. Other levels of testing are used

    to test the system.

    Unit testing is done by the programmer itself. After coding, the programmer tests with some test data .the

    tested module is given for integration and further testing. Selection of test cases and deciding how much

    testing is enough are two important aspects of testing.
