
Definition of Sociology: Sociology is the systematic and scientific study of human behavior in groups and society. Sociologists study various aspects of social life, including behavior in large organizations and small groups, deviant behavior, and the characteristics of political and religious institutions and social movements; sociologists study the social- psychological explanations for behavior. Ex: A person that goes to a football game to watch the people rather than the game.


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Transcript of Sociology

  • Definition of Sociology:

    Sociology is the systematic and scientific study of human

    behavior in groups and society.

    Sociologists study various aspects of social life, including

    behavior in large organizations and small groups, deviant

    behavior, and the characteristics of political and religious

    institutions and social movements; sociologists study the social-

    psychological explanations for behavior.

    Ex: A person that goes to a football game to watch the people

    rather than the game.

  • Knowledge:Knowledge accumulates in one of three general ways:.

    Mysticism- refers to knowledge gained by intuition, revelation,

    inspiration, magic visions, or spells.

    Rationalism- refers to knowledge gained through common

    sense, logic, and reason.

    Empiricism- (real world knowledge) refers to knowledge that is

    gained by sense observation-by observing or experiencing

    phenomena with the sense of touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste.

    Ex: Based on scientific Observations.

  • The Sociological Perspective:

    If sociology is the systematic and scientific study of

    human group behavior, and a perspective is a viewpoint,

    or a particular way of looking at the world.

    Then, the sociological perspective is a particular of looking at

    the world of human activities that focuses on their social nature.

  • Humans are social animals that congregate to establish

    families, groups, tribes, communities, and nations.

    Our desire to be social, far outweighs biological and instinctual

    drives of other animals that cluster for survival.

    This choice of collectivities with rules, laws and various other

    guidelines; sacrifices freedoms of the individual. Yet, it protects

    the individual in the sense that society is made up of individuals-

    but laws govern the collectivity or Macro-level as well as Micro-

    level or individuality.

  • The term sociology was not coined until the latter part of

    the nineteenth century. Human behavior, and why people

    behave the way they do, has been a part of the human

    consciousness, writings of philosophers, poets, and

    religious leaders, and ancient civilizations.

  • The Pioneers of Philosophy and the

    Social Sciences:Greece had a profound impact on western social thought

    with three very distinctive social philosophers:

    Socrates- (469-399 B.C.) is noted as being one of the most

    profound thinkers and teachers of all time. He refused to accept

    the classical or traditional explanations of religion, politics, and

    the rights of the individual in relation to the state. He came up

    with the Socratic Method of teaching (questioning and

    answering orally rather than written).

  • The Pioneers of Philosophy and the

    Social Sciences:Greece had a profound impact on western social thought

    with three very distinctive social philosophers:

    Plato- (427-347 B.C.) is noted as being a student and follower of

    Socrates. Plato, in Athens, developed the Academy-a school

    where he incorporated the Socratic Method. He drilled his

    students endlessly of questions that became central to

    philosophical and sociological inquiry.

  • The Pioneers of Philosophy and the

    Social Sciences:Greece had a profound impact on western social thought with three

    very distinctive social philosophers:

    Aristotle- (384-322 B.C.) is noted as being a student and follower of Plato.

    Aristotle was more practical in his beliefs of government and society.

    Whereas, Plato was more idealistic and utopian. Aristotle and his students in

    the Lyceum, which was like a modern university, through the Socratic

    Method explored social issues, religion, politics, education, the rights and

    duties of the citizenship, and the relationship between the individual and the

    larger society.

  • During the 17th and 18th centuries, or the Age of Enlightenment, Western

    Culture emerged from the middle ages, also known as the Dark Ages, into a

    new era of social thought.

    Over several centuries, the standard way of explaining social events shifted

    from a theological to a scientific.

    Rather than attributing human behavior and social conditions to

    supernatural forces, people searched for logical-rational cause-and-effect


    As a direct result, the religious bodies, such as the church, were replaced

    by the universities as the primary source of knowledge.


    To Explain



    And Scientists

    To Explain


    Polar Extreme Model

  • This era created Francis Bacon (1561-1626), who is largely

    credited with developing the Scientific Method.

    The Scientific Method is the basic steps that provide a systematic framework

    to guide the research process.

    Although social thinkers and philosophers has long pondered the influence of

    society on human behavior, the formal discipline of sociology did not emerge

    until the early nineteenth century.

    Sociology began in France, it gained momentum in Germany, and Great

    Britain, and it eventually arrived in the United States as each of these countries

    experienced an industrial revolution.

    The transition from feudalism to industrialism in Europe is believed to be

    responsible for the development of the social sciences, especially


    In the industrialization and urbanization periods, the proletariat or

    common-folk/working class, were now considered to be important

    members of society because they were consumers/workers. During the

    feudalism periods they were not as such.

  • This era focused on the conditions of their lives. Never before had

    society been confronted with such a rapid social change.

    People were made aware of social problems such as: poverty,

    unemployment, homelessness, mental disorders, and crime.

    The time was just right for a systematic approach to the study

    of society.

  • Auguste Comte- (1798-1857)-is honored with the title

    Father of Sociology. Comte was somewhat an

    eccentric person (he claimed to practice Mental

    Hygiene or refused to read the works of others as he felt

    it would contaminate his own originality or thoughts. He

    is regarded as one of the most original thinkers of all


  • It was he who coined the term sociology and argued, in 1838,

    that the methods of science should be applied to the study of


    Comte wrote Positive Philosophy-the first systematic

    sociological approach to the study of society, which offered

    solutions to social problems.

    Comtes new approach or science, emphasized Positivism the

    use of observation, comparison, experimentation, and the

    historical method to gain necessary facts to analyze society.

    Comte established two specific problems for sociological

    investigation: Social Statics and Social Dynamics.

  • Social Statics- refers to the problem of order and stability

    or social structure or the relatively stable elements found

    in every society.

    Social Dynamics- refers to the problems of social


    What make society or societies change and what

    shapes the nature and direction of the changes?

    Comte was so confident that the scientific method would unlock the secrets of

    society that he came to regard sociologists as the Priesthood of humanity. They

    were experts that would not only explain society or social events, but would

    guide society in the direction of greater progress. Comte believed sociologists

    could cure the social ills of society.

    Although later sociologists have generally had more modest ambitions, they

    have continued to wrestle with the problems of social order and social change.

  • Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)- she is considered to as a co-founder of sociology along with Comte. In 1838

    she wrote How to Observe Manners and Morals. This

    was one of the first books on social research.

    While Comte was introducing sociology to France, Martineau

    was laying the ground-work for sociological research in the

    United States and Great Britain.

    Martineau produced another book entitled Society in America

    which was on e of the first and most thorough sociological

    treatments on American social life.

    This book addressed moral values; compared the system of social

    stratification in Europe to that in America.

  • Martineau also condensed and translated Comtes

    six volume positive philosophy into two volumes

    and became the first to present sociology to


    Martineau had similarities to Comte in her views

    on social order and social change.

  • Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)- was considered to

    be a major influence in sociology.He devised a theory to explain the problems of social order and change. He

    also compared human societies to living organisms.

    Ex: The parts of an animal, such as the heart and the lungs are interdependent

    and contribute to the survival of the total organism.

    Similarly, Spencer argued, the various parts of society, such as the state and

    the economy, are also interdependent and work to ensure the stability and

    survival of the the entire system.

  • To explain change, Spencer pushed from his analogy even

    further. Applying Charles Darwins theory of evolution to

    human societies, or On the Origin of Species (1859), he

    argued that they gradually evolve from the forms found in the

    primitive societies of his own time.

    Spencer believed that evolution- means progress, and he

    strongly opposed attempts at social reform on the grounds

    they might interfere with the natural evolutionary process.

    This position was called Social Darwinism or Survival of the

    Fittest. This was believed to save the world, but later helped

    to understand it.

  • Karl Marx (1818-1883):

    He was educated in history, economics, and philosophy. He

    declared that the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and

    prestige, and other limited resources were not the result of

    Natural Laws but were caused by the exploitation of one social

    class by another.

    Marx believed the Bourgeoisie or the power elite ruling class,

    possessed power not because they were the fittest, but because

    they owned and controlled the means of production.

  • Marx concluded that a slow, natural evolutionary process would

    not bring necessary social change. The modern communist

    movement owe their inspiration directly to Marx. Marxism is

    not the same as communism.

    Marx believed the bourgeoisie used deception, fraud, and

    violence to seize the profits of the proletariat, or the working

    class, whose labor produced the majority of societies material


  • Emile Durkheim (1858-1917):

    One of his most important contributions was his explanation for

    suicide not as a personalized individual act, but as a sociological


    Durkheims first step was to develop a clear-cut, working

    definition of suicide.

    For example: Is it suicide for a soldier to rush into enemy fire,

    knowing he will probably be killed, in order to save the lives of

    his comarades?Durkheim said YES: Suicide occurs whenever an individual

    knowingly causes the end of his own life, whether or not he puts

    the gun to his head himself.

  • Emile Durkheim (1858-1917):

    Durkheim, through various methods, found three types of suicide:

    Egoistic Suicide: When people do not feel attached to a group or

    community that commands loyalty and participation, they find it

    easier to opt out once and for all, via suicide.

    Ex: The kid that is singled out to be a potential gang member by a

    gang. He has to prove himself, but finds he cant kill anyone like

    the gang is asking. He finds it easier to kill himself than face the

    gang everyday.

    Altruistic Suicide: An act of self-sacrifice for the welfare of others.

    Ex: When the group becomes more important than life itself. The

    individual is willing to sacrifice himself to its needs (i.e. suicide


  • Emile Durkheim (1858-1917):

    Anomic Suicide: Traditional guidelines for behavior and shared

    standards of good and bad n longer apply. What once seemed

    impossible now seems probable. Hopes soar, and people may

    become angry and lose hope when their unrealistic expectations are

    not fulfilled. Durkheim called this breakdown of the collective

    order Anomie from the Greek word Lawlessness.

    Durheim was concerned about explaining social order. He believed that Social Solidarity, which is

    a feeling of collective conscience by societal members, was responsible for social order.

    He distinguished between two types of social solidarity:

    Mechanical Solidarity: which is small, simple societies whose

    members share the same beliefs and values (homogeneity).

    Organic Solidarity: which develops in advanced, more complex

    societies despite individuals dissimilar beliefs; people are

    bonded by reciprocal needs, and fulfill different tasks in society.

  • Georg Simmel (1858-1918):

    He believed that other sociologists had defined sociological study too broadly.

    Earlier sociologist had taken the Macro-Level Approach- which was study sociology

    on the broad scale and viewing it as more than the sum of its parts.Whereas Simmel believed that a more meaningful understanding of society could be

    derived by a Micro-Level Approach, which was focusing more on small group

    interactions and the relationships between the individual and society.

    He also contributed the conceptual analysis of small group behavior.

    Especially the DYAD- which is the smallest group possible consisting of two people/

    And the TRIAD- which is a group of three people.

    Simmels theoretical and methodological contributions were the basis for the

    Interactionists perspective in sociology.

  • Verstehen, relieves the sociologist of the rigors of objective verification.

    Max Weber (1864-1920):

    He thought scientific objectivity was important.

    He was insistent on using Verstehen, which is the somewhat subjective, empathetic

    introspective, analysis of the interaction, in understanding the meaning of social


    Another important contribution was his concept of the Ideal Type. This is a conceptual

    model or typology that is constructed from direct observation of a member of specific

    cases and represents the essential qualities found in those cases.

    Ex: Weber used bureaucracy as an ideal type to analyze and explain the increasing

    rationalization that is part of formal organizations.He stated to maximize efficiency, formal organizations had become more bureaucratic

    in structure.

  • The Three Interchangeable Lenses (Schools of


    Conflict Theory: suggests that competition and conflict are common in social

    interaction and that the study of these processes is the most appropriate way to

    understand society.

    Symbolic Interaction: focuses on interactions between people on the processes by

    which individuals come to develop viewpoints about themselves and to relate to their


    Structural Functionalism: also known as functional analysis, focuses on the

    structures that emerge in society and the functions that these structures perform in the

    operation of society as a whole.

    * Each of these perspectives can be viewed as interchangeable lenses in a


  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)- He was influenced by Herbert

    Spencers ideas of social evolution.One of his most important contributions to sociology was his book on Folkways (1906),

    which described the process through which societal norms and customs develop.

    This led to two types of norms:

    Folkways: Which are the informal rules and guidelines based on tradition that govern everyday behavior. These are the SHOULDS of society.

    Mores: Which are norms based on moral precepts or obligatory norms, these are the MUSTS of society; sanctions for violations of mores are


    Ex: If you celebrated Halloween at Christmas time.

    Ex: If you ate your neighbors dead dog.

  • Pure Sociology (1903)-involved the study of society in an effort to

    understand and explain the natural laws that govern its evolution.

    Some American Sociological Influences:

    Lester F. Ward (1841-1913)- He was considered the first systematic sociologist.

    He attempted to synthesize the major theoretical ideas of Comte and Spencer.

    Ward created two subdivisions of sociology in his work :

    Applied Sociology (1906)-used sociological principles, social ideas, and the

    ethical considerations for the improvement of society.

  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963):

    Founded the African American Sociology.

    He was instrumental founding the (N.A.A.C.P.) National Association for the

    Advancement of Colored People.

  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    Charles Horton Cooley (1864-1929)- He developed the concept

    of the Looking Glass Self-which was to describe the process

    whereby an individuals self-concept is largely a reflection of how

    he or she is perceived by other members of society. Society is

    used like a mirror to reflect back a sense of self doubt or self-

    worth or pride.

    Ex: Like self-realization in psychology, positive or negative self-concept.

  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    George Herbert Mead (1863-1931)- He was a big contributor to

    the Interactionist Perspective. He insisted that humans were not

    functionaries responding to an existing social structure, but that

    the process of social interaction and the creating, defining, and

    redefining of meaningful symbols made society possible.

    He wrote Mind, Self, and Society (1934), where he outlined his

    theoretical perspective and development of a sense of self.

  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    Erving Goffman-He was a University of Chicago Student that

    developed an analytical framework within symbolic

    interactionism called Dramaturgical Analysis which uses the

    analogy of the theater to analyze social behavior.

  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    Robert Merton & Talcott Parsons- Shifted the attention of

    sociology from the study of day-to-day social interaction back to

    the macro-level of societal analysis.This theoretical approach came to be called Structural

    Functionalism, and this perspective dominated sociology for

    almost two decades and remains as sociologys major

    theoretical perspective. It views society as a system of

    interdependent and interrelated parts. Each part fulfills a

    specific function.

  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    Merton wrote a book called Social Theory and Social Structure.

    He differentiated between two types of functions:

    Manifest Functions: which are the intended and recognized


    Latent Functions: which are the unintended and less obvious,

    often unrecognized functions.

    Merton pointed out that society, or aspects of society, are

    dysfunctional because they threaten to disrupt social stability.

  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    C. Wright Mills- Described the sociological imagination as the

    ability to grasp history and biography and the relationship

    between the two within society.

  • Some American Sociological Influences:

    Students, you will see some overlap from chapter to chapter.

    You have just been exposed to some of the major contributors of

    sociology. We will make reference to them from time to time.