Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of...

Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 •Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying of America •Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computers •Politics in a multicultural society

Transcript of Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of...

Page 1: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century

Unit 27•Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and thegraying of America

•Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computers

•Politics in a multicultural society

Page 2: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Unit 27 Choice Assignment: Select one of the following assignment choices and complete for credit by Friday 9/16. Power point slide show-Create a power point slide show with a

minimum of 5 slides [I strongly advise more] with a Title page, Content pages and an Image source page. Each slide must have an appropriate image for each topic, slide show must have entrance animation, each image must have a direct URL link [not] all topics must be addressed presenting a point of view with your opinion of the significance of each Unit 27 topic to U.S. History [e.g. how it effected society in the U.S. in specific ways]

Newspaper page[s]-Create newspaper page[s] that address each of the Unit 27 topics and present a point of view with your opinion of how each specifically affected society in the U.S. Your page[s] must have multiple articles to address each topic [different author names if you wish] with images and advertisements.

Youtube video-Create a Youtube video to explain the significance of each of the topics addressed in Unit 27. You have wide latitude to be a newscaster, t.v. personality, etc. You must not use profanity or inappropriate language [see me if you are unsure what that means]. If you cannot gain access to Youtube you may create a recorded video on a cell phone/camcorder. Video must be at least 5 minutes long.

Written essay-Write an expository essay typed in 12 point Arial font double spaced with a minimum length of 3 pages. Must have a title and info source page at the end. You should use the guidelines I have shared regarding expository essays. Each Unit 27 topic must be addressed in detail.

Cartoon strips-Create a series of cartoon strips that explain the historical significance of each of the topics addressed in Unit 27. You must have 6 panels for each topic and at least one image [drawn/copied] for each panel. There must be appropriate dialogue/thoughts in each panel to provide understanding to the reader.

Page 3: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

[Topic 1] Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the “graying” of America

[Topic 2] Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computers

[Topic 3] Politics in a multicultural society

Page 4: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Demographic changes: Surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the“graying” of America The mid to late 20th century [1950s to 1990s] saw mostly non-whites immigrate

to the U.S. [Hispanics and Asians] creating difficult assimilation due to language and cultural differences.

Native U.S. population is the oldest it has ever been with the ongoing retirements of the so-called Baby Boom generation. The financial strain on the Social Security and Medicare systems will be significant in the next 5-20 years.

Intra-continental migration from the Northern states to warmer Southwestern and Southeastern states has caused population shifts and greater demand for government social services.

Page 5: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Some suggested specific subtopics to include in your work. You may use others but this list is fairly thorough. Click for Topics

The Disuniting of America by Arthur M. Schlesinger [book about impact of multiculturalism]

El Norte directed by Gregory Nava [movie about the immigration and lives of Guatemalan immigrant siblings in the U.S.]

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 [Federal law signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson that redefined the legal immigration process.]

Social Security Act of 1965 [Federal law signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson that administered health insurance for U.S. citizens over age 65.]

Frost Belt to Sun Belt Migrations refers to the expansion of industries such as aerospace, oil and defense by large corporations to Southern and Western states because of the more favorable labor costs in the absence of unions.

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan [novel about the lives of Chinese-American immigrant families in San Francisco, California].

Baby Boom refers to the explosion of the U.S. birth rate from 1946 to 1964 [this coincided with the return of U.S. military servicemen from WWII and the Korean Conflict.

Page 6: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Text book page help by subjectIn order to make easier usage of our text book I have provided chapter and sections for topics and subtopics. Please be aware that you are expected to carefully and closely read any and all areas of the text book where appropriate information can be found.

• Great Society Program [President Lyndon Johnson’s legislation: Social Security Act of 1965 and Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965] Chapter 24, Section 3

• Sunbelt Migration Chapter 21, Section 3; Chapter, Section 1

• Baby Boom Chapter 23, Section 2

Page 7: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computers

The World Wide Web became a commercial phenomenon in the early 1990s after it had previously been a U.S. military communications tool called the ARPA network.

The cloning controversy of the 1990s created concerns about bio-ethics. A sheep named Dolly was cloned by scientists and created the possibility of the practice in humans for replacement organs and or even a whole person.

The 1980s saw the explosion of PC [personal computer] ownership and usage throughout the U.S. The wealth and power of technology companies exploded.

Page 8: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Some suggested specific subtopics/people to include in your work. You may use others but this list is fairly thorough. Click for topics

ARPANET [Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ] refers to the U.S. military project used to transmit secret information within the U.S. government. This electronic communications concept has mutated into the World Wide Web or Internet.

Wargames directed by John Badham [movie about a military computer network program used for war fighting]

Steve Jobs the founder of Apple Computers.

Bill Gates a founder of Microsoft Corporation.

Cisco Systems worldwide leader in computer networking hardware.

Cloning several species of animals have been “cloned” using nuclear material [DNA/RNA] from living things and implanting it into others cells.

Stem Cell Research refers to the concept of using human stem cells [usually embryonic cells or umbilical cord cells] to repair or remake entirely new cells.

Godsend directed by Nick Hamm [movie about the ethics and challenges related to human cloning].

Andy Grove a founder of Intel Corporation.

Larry Ellison founder of Oracle Corporation.

Page 9: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Text book page help by subjectIn order to make easier usage of our text book I have provided chapter and sections for topics and subtopics. Please be aware that you are expected to carefully and closely read any and all areas of the text book where appropriate information can be found.

• Technology Revolution Chapter 30, Section 1

• Cloning p. 1006

Page 10: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Topic 1-Politics in a multicultural society Concerns about illegal immigration have become a very challenging problem

within several states, particularly southern border states, and governments have sought many remedies such as Proposition 187 in California in 1994.

From the 1980s to the end of the 20th century many non-whites were elected to high political office [mayors, governors, etc.].

Several controversial issues such as multicultural education and diversity [gender and racial] in the workforce have challenged traditional views of what the United States should “look like.”

Page 11: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Some suggested specific subtopics/people to include in your work. You may use others but this list is fairly thorough.

Proposition 187 refers to the 1994 ballot initiative voted on by California residents to establish citizenship screening for access to public services such as schools and health care.

Equal Rights Amendment refers to the failed U.S. Constitutional Amendment proposal that would have explicitly granted equal gender rights.

L. Douglas Wilder was the first African-American elected governor of a state in the U.S.

The Stonewall riots refers to a series of random and violent demonstrations in 1969 related to the so-called LGBT movement.

Ebonics refers to the term created by linguists and social-psychologists to describe the manner of speech of descendants of African slaves.

Political Correctness refers to the set of ideas and policies that seek and emphasize the need to limit offending various groups of people based on gender, race, creed, religion, sex orientation, etc.

Page 12: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Text book page help by subjectIn order to make easier usage of our text book I have provided chapter and sections for topics and subtopics. Please be aware that you are expected to carefully and closely read any and all areas of the text book where appropriate information can be found.

•Equal Rights Amendment Chapter 27, Section 2

•Gay Rights Movement Chapter 29, Section 3

Page 13: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Unit 27 Assignment RubricLevel 5Distinguished

Level 4Accomplished

Level 3Proficient

Level 2Developing

Level 1Beginning

Extremely clear thesis is stated [essay in first sentence, in power point show at beginning of each content slide, in newspaper articles as a headline, in videos as an opening phrase, in cartoon strips at beginning of each topic]. Thesis is supported with multiple examples [3 or more] for each topic that are relevant to topics addressed. Body paragraphs, content slides, video dialogue, news stories, cartoon dialogue contain logical and fact based evidence to support the thesis that is easily understood by readers at all levels. Conclusions summarize and restate main point of thesis and offer opinionated but justifiable explanations as to why the product’s point of view is correct. Inferences and/or explicit references to alternate/opposing points of view are also present.

Clear of point of view is stated [essay in first sentence, in power point show at beginning of each content slide, in newspaper articles as a headline, in videos as an opening phrase, in cartoon strips at beginning of each topic]. Thesis is supported by more than one example [but less than 3] that are relevant to topics addressed. Body paragraphs, content slides, video dialogue, news stories, cartoon dialogue contain logical and fact based evidence to support the product’s thesis that is likely understood by most readers. Conclusions restate main point of thesis and offers opinionated understandings as to why thesis is correct.

A thesis is stated in the first paragraph [may not be very clear]. Attempts to support thesis are present but may not offer more than one clear or logical and fact based argument. Body paragraphs, content slides, video dialogue, news stories, cartoon dialogue are present with clear attempts [may not be very convincing] to support and draw a direct link to the conclusion related to thesis.

Evidence of some analysis may be present but there is no clear thesis. Facts and evidence used to support the point of view or argument are confusing and unorganized to most readers. Body paragraphs, content slides, video dialogue, news stories, cartoon dialogue may be present but do not lead to any clear, logical and/or fact based conclusion [mostly random generalizations and speculations].

No clear analysis is present. No clear statement of a point of view is present.No logical or fact based evidence is presented to the reader.No organized paragraphs, content slides, video dialogue, news stories, cartoon dialogue are present. Mostly random and aimless thoughts written in haphazard and unorganized manner.

Page 14: Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Unit 27 Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying.

Image sources•••••••••••