Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

CONTENTS Sl. No. CHAPTERS PAGE No. 1. Introduction 2. Research Design 3. Company Profile 4. Data Analysis and Interpretation 5. Finding 6. Suggestions BIBLIOGRAP Government First Grade College N R Pura 1

Transcript of Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

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1. Introduction

2. Research Design

3. Company Profile

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation

5. Finding

6. Suggestions



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Meaning and definition of Human Resources

According to Leon C. Magginson, the term human resources (HR) can

be thought of as “the total knowledge, skill, creative abilities, talent and

aptitudes of an organisation’s workforce, as well as the value, attitude and

beliefs of the individual involves”.

In simple sense human resources management means employing

people, developing their resources, utilising, maintaining and compensating

their services in tune with the job and organisational requirements with a

view to contribute to the goals of the organisation, individual and the

society. The function of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilising a

labour force, such that the—

(a) Objectives for which the company is established are attained

economically and effectively,

(b)Objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible

degree, and

(c) Objectives of society are duly considered and served”.


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People in any organisation manifest themselves, not only through

individual section but also through group interactions. When individual

come to their workplace, they come with not only technical skill, knowledge

etc.., but also with their personal feeling, perception, desires, motives,

attitude, value etc. Therefore, employee management in an organisation does

mean management of not only technical skills but also other factors of the

human resources.


A close observation of employee reveals that they are complex being,





(4)Socio-logical and,

(5)Ethical being.

The proportion or intensities of these dimensions of the human factor in

employment may differ from one situation to anther but the fact remains that

these are the basic things of the human factor in organisation

A Social System

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Human resources management is relatively new and developed as a part

of management. In its simple term, personnel management is the task of

dealing with human relation, moulding and developing the human resources.

A Challenging Task

The human resource manager plays a crucial role in understanding the

changing needs of through organisation and society. Further, he faces some

challenging tasks in attaining the employee, organisational and society

objectives with the available resources.


The function of HRM can be broadly classified into two categories,


i. Management function and

ii. Operating function

1. Managerial Function

Management function of personnel management involving

planning, organising, directing and controlling. All these function

influences the operative function

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Functions of HRM

Managerial Function Operative Function

Planning Employment

Organisation Human Resources Development

Directing Compensation

Controlling Human Relations

Industrial Relation

Recent Trends in HRM

(A)Planning: it is predetermined course of action. Planning pertains to

formulating strategies of personnel programmes and changes in advance that

will contribute to the organisation goals. In other words, it involves planning

of human resources, requirement, recruitment, selection, training etc.

(B)Organising: An organisation is means is means to an end. It is essential

to carry out the determined courses of action. In the words of J.C.Massie,

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an organisation is a “structure and processes by which a cooperative group

of human beings allocation its task among its member, identifies relationship

and integrates its activities towards a common objective.” Complex

relationships exist between the specialised department and the general

department as many top managers are seeking the advice of the personnel

manager. Thus, an organisation establishes relationships among the

employees so that they can collectively contribute to the attainment of

company goals.

(C).Directing: The next logical function after completing planning and

organising is the execution of the plan. The basic function of personnel

management at any level is motivating, commanding, leading and activating

people. The willing and effective co-operation of employees for the

attainment of organisational goals is possible through proper direction.

Tapping the maximum potentialities of the people is possible through

motivation and command. Co- ordination deals with the task of blending

efforts in order to ensure successful attainment of an objective. The

personnel manager has to co-ordination various managers at different levels

as far as personnel function are concerned.

(D)Controlling: After planning, organising and directing various activities

of personnel management, the performance is to be verified in order to know

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that the personnel functions are performed in conformity with the plans and

directions of an organisation. Controlling also involves checking, verifying

and comparing of the actual with the plans, identification of deviation if any

correcting of identified deviations. Thus, action and operation are adjusted to

per-determined plans and standards through control.

2. Operative Function

The operative function of human resources management are related to

specific activities of personnel management viz., employment, development,

compensation and relations. All these functions are interacted with the

managerial functions.

(A)Employment: It is the first operative function of human resource

management (HRM). Employment is concerned with securing and

employing the people possessing the required kind and level of human

resources planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction and internal


I. Job Analysis: It is the process of study and collection of information

relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. It


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Collection of data, information, facts and ideas relating to various

aspects of including men, machines and materials

Preparation of job description, job specification, job requirements and

employee specifications which will help in identifying the nature,

levels and quantum of human resources.

Providing the guides, plans and basis for job design and over all

operative functions of HRM.

II. Human Resources Planning: It is a process for determination and

assuring that the organisation will have an adequate number of

qualified persons, available at proper time, performing jobs which

would meet the needs of the organisation and which would provide

satisfaction for the individual involved. It involves:

Estimation of present and future requirement and supply of human

resources based on objectives and long range plans of the organisation.

Calculation of net human resources requirement based on present

inventory of human resources.

Taking steps to mould change and develop the strength of existing

employees in the organisation so as to meet the future human resources


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Preparation of action programmes to get the rest of human resources

from outside the organisation and to develop the human resources in

terms of existing employees.

III. Recruitment: It is the process of prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for jobs an organisation. It deals with:

Identification of existing sources of applicant and developing them.

Creation/identification of new sources of applicants.

Stimulating the candidates to apply for jobs in the organisation.

Striking a balance between internal and external sources.

IV. Selection: It is the process ascertaining the qualifications, experiences,

skills, knowledge etc.., of an applicant with a view to appraising his/her

suitability to a job. This function including:

Framing and developing application blanks.

Creating and developing valid and reliable testing techniques.

Formulating interviewing techniques.

Checking of references.

Line manager’s decision.

Sending letters of appointment and rejection.

Employing the selected candidates who report for duty.

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V. Placement: It is the process of assigning the selected candidates with the

most suitable job of term of job requirement. It is matching of employee

specification with job requirement. This function includes:

Counselling the functional managers regarding placement.

Conducting follow-up study, appraising performance in order to

determine employee adjustment with the job.

Correcting misplacements, if any.

VI. Induction and Orientation: Induction and orientation are the techniques

by which a new employee is rehabilitate in the change surrounding and

introduced to the practise, policies, purpose and people etc.., of the


Acquaint the employee with the company philosophy, objectives, career

planning and development, opportunities, product, market share, social

and community standing, company history, culture etc.

Introduction the employee to the people with whom he has to work such as

peers, supervisors and subordinates.

Mould the employee attitude by orienting him to the new working and social


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(B). Human Resources Development: It is the process of improving,

moulding and changing the skills, knowledge, creative ability, aptitude, values,

commitment etc.., based on present and future job and organisational

requirements. This function includes:

I. Performance Appraisal: It is the systematic evaluation of individual with

respect to their performance on the job and their potential for development. It


Developing policies, procedures and techniques.

Helping the function managers.

Reviewing of reports and consolidation of reports.

Evaluating the effectiveness of various programmes.

II. Training: It is the process of imparting to the employee techniques

and operating skills and knowledge. It includes:

Identification of training needs of the individuals and the company.

Developing suitable training programmes.

Helping and advising line management in the conduct of training


Imparting of requisite job skills and knowledge to employee.

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III. Management Development: It is the process of designing and conducting

suitable executive development programmes so as to develop the

managerial and human relation skill of employees. It includes:

Identification of the areas in which management development is


Conducting development programmes.

Motivating the executives.

Designing special development programmes for promotions.

IV. Career Planning and Development: It is the planning of one’s career and

implementation of career plans by means of education, training, job search

and acquisition of work experiences. It includes internal and external


V.Internal Mobility: it includes vertical and horizontal movement of an

employee within an organisation. It consists of transfer, promotion and


(C). Compensation: It is the process of providing adequate, equitable and

fair remuneration to the employees. It includes job evaluation, wages and

salary administration, incentives, bonus, fringe benefits, social security

measures etc.

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I. Job Evaluation: It is the process of determining relative worth of jobs.

Select suitable job evaluation techniques.

Classify jobs into various categories.

Determining relative value of jobs in various categories.

II. Wages and Salary Administration: This is the process of developing and

operating a suitable wages and salary programmes. It covers:

Conducting wages and salary survey.

Determining wages and salary rates based on various factor.

Administering wages and salary programmes.

Evaluating its effectiveness.

III. Incentives: It is the process of formulating, administering and reviewing the

schemes of financial incentives in addition to regular payment of wages

and salary. It includes:

Formulating incentive payment scheme.

Helping functional managers on the operation.

Review them periodically to evaluate effectiveness.

IV. Bonus: It is includes payment of statutory bonus according to the Payment

of Bonus Act , 1965 and its latest amendments:

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V. Fringe Benefits: These are the various benefits at the fringe of the wages.

Management provides these benefits to motivate the employees and to meet

their life’s contingencies. These benefits include:

Disablement benefits.

Housing facilities.

Educational facilities to employees and children.

Canteen facilities.

Credit facilities.

Medical, maternity and welfare facilities.

(D). Human Relations: Practicing various human resources policies and

programmes like employment. Development and compensation and

interacting among employees create a sense of relationship between the

individual worker and management, among workers and trade unions and the


It is the process of interacting among human beings. Human relation is an

areas of management in integrating people into work situation in a way that

motivates them to work.

Developing the communication skills.

Developing the leadership skills.

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Motivating the employees.

Boosting employee morale.

Improving quality of work life of employees through participation and

other means.

(E).Industrial Relation: The term ‘industrial relations’ refers to the study

of relations among employees, employers, governments and trade unions.

Industrial relations include:

Indian labour market

Trade unionism

Collective bargaining

Industrial conflicts

Workers’ participation in management and

Quality circles.

(F). Recent Trends in HRM: Human Resources Management has been

advancing at a fast rate. The recent trends in HRM include:

Quality of work life

Total quality in human resources

Hr accounting, audit and research and

Recent techniques of HRM.

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The scope of human resources management in the modern days is vast.

In fact, the scope of HRM was limited to employment and maintenance of

any payment of wages and salary. The scope gradually enlarged to providing

welfare facilities, motivation, performance appraisal, human resources

management, maintenances, of human relations, strategic human resources

and the like. The scope has been continuously enlarging.

The scope of Human Resources Management includes:

Objectives of HRM

Organisation of HRM

Strategic HRM



Wages and salary administration/compensation



Industrial relations

Participative management and

Recent developments in HRM.

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Having discussed the scope of human resources management, now

we shall discuss the importance of human resources management.


Objectives are pre-determined goals to which individual or group activity

in an organisation is directed. Objectives of HRM are influenced by social

objectives, organisational objectives, functional objectives and individual

objectives. Institutions are instituted to attain certain specific objectives. The

objectives of the economic institution are mostly to earn profits, and that of

educational institutions are mostly to impart education and/or conduct

research so on and so forth. However the fundamental objective of any

organisation is survival. Organisations are not just satisfied with this goal.

Further, the goal of most of the organisations is growth and/or profits.

The objectives of HRM may be as follows:

i. To create and utilise an able and motivated workforce, to

accomplish the basic organisational goals.

ii. To establish and maintain sound organisational structure and

desirable working relationship among all the members of the


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iii. To secure the integration of individual and groups within the

organisation by co-ordination of the individual and group goals

with those of the organisation.

iv. To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group

development so as to match it with the growth of organisation.

v. To attain an effective utilisation of human resources in the

achievement of organisational goals.

vi. To identify and satisfy individual and group needs by providing

adequate and equitable wages, incentives, employee benefits and

social security and measures for challenging work, prestige,

recognition, security, status etc.



The concept of HRD was formally introduced by Leonard Nadler in

1969, in a conference organised by the American Society for Training and

Development. Leonard Nadler defines HRD as “those learning experiences

which are organised for a specific time and designed to bring about the

possibility of behavioural changes.”

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The term learning experience refers to purposeful or intentional learning

and not incidental learning.

Among the Indian authors, T Ventateswara Rao worked extensively on

HRD. He defines HRD in the organisational context as “a process by which

the employees of an organisation are helped in a continuous planned way to:

i. Acquire sharpen capabilities required to perform various function

association with present or expected future roles;

ii. Develop their general capabilities as individual and dis-

cover and exploit their own inner potentials for their

own and/or organisational development purposes;

iii. Develop an organisational culture in which superior- subordinate

relationship, team work and collaboration among sub-units are strong

and contributes to the professional well-being, motivation and pride of


Features of Human Resources Development:

i. HRD is a systematic and planned approach for the development of


ii. HRD is a continuous process for the development of technical,

managerial, behavioural and conceptual skills and knowledge.

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iii. HRD develops the skills and knowledge not only at the individual

level, but also at dyadic level, group level and organisational level.

iv. HRD is multi-disciplinary. It draws inputs from Engineering,

Technology, Psychology, Anthropology Management Commerce,

Economics, and Medicine etc.

v. HRD is embodies with techniques and process. HRD techniques

includes performance appraisal, training, management development,

career planning and development, organisation development, counselling,

social and religious programmes, employee involvement/workers’

participation, quality circles etc.

vi. HRD is essential not only for manufacturing and services industry but

also for information technology industry.


Human resources management deals with procurement, development,

compensation, maintenances and utilisation of human resources. HRD deals

with development of human resources for efficient utilisation of these

resources in order to achieve the individual, group and organisational goals.

Thus, the scope of HRM is wider and HRD is part and parcel of HRM. In

fact, HRD helps for the efficient management of human resources. The

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scope of HRD invades into all the functions of HRM. The scope of HRD


i. Recruiting the employees within the dimensions

and possibilities for developing human resources.

ii. Selecting those employees having potentialities for

development to meet the present and future organisational needs.

iii. Analysing, appraising and developing performance

of employees and individuals, members of a group and organisations with

a view to develop them by identifying the gaps in skills and knowledge.

iv. Help the employees to learn from their superiors

through performance consultations, performance counselling and

performance interviews.

v. Train all the employees in acquiring new technical

skills and knowledge.

vi. Develop the employees in managerial and

behavioural skill and knowledge.

vii. Planning for employee’s career and introducing

developmental programmes.

viii. Planning for succession and develop the employees.

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ix. Changing the employee’s behaviour through

organisation development.

x. Employee learning through group dynamic, intra

and intra-team interaction.

xi. Learning through social and religious interactions

and programmes.

xii. Learning through job rotation, job enrichment and


xiii. Learning through quality circle and the schemes of

workers’ participation in the management.


The objectives of HRD are:

To prepare the employee to meet the present and changing future

job requirements.

To prevent employee obsolescence.

To develop creative abilities and talents.

To prepare employees for higher level jobs.

To impart new entrants with basic HRD skills and knowledge.

To develop the potentialities of people for the next level job.

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To aid total quality management.

To ensure smooth and efficient working of the organisation.

To provide comprehensive framework for HRD.

To enhance organisational capabilities.


All business and industrial organisations are dynamic. In fact, liberation,

privatisation and globalisation made the business firms further dynamic. In

other words, they have been changing continuously in terms of technology,

types of business, products/services, organisation strength and the like. The

changes invariably demand for the development of human resources.

i. Change in Economic Polices: Almost all the governments across the

globe have changed their economic policies from

communistic/socialistic pattern to capitalistic pattern. Even the

Government of India liberalised its economic policies in 1991.

ii. Changing Job Requirement: Organisational dynamism brings changes

in organisational design and job design. The changes in job design

bring changed in job description and job specification.

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iii. Need for Multi-skilled Human Resources: The changing trends in

industrialisation, structuring jobs and organisations demand the

employee to take up multi activities.

iv. Organisational Viability and Transformation Process: Organisational

Viability is continuously influenced by the environmental threats. If

the organisation does not adapt itself to the changing environmental

factors, it will lose its market share.

v. Technological Advance: Organisations in order to survive and

develop should adopt the latest technology. Adaptation of the latest

technology will not be complete until they are manned by developed


vi. Organisational complexity: With the emergence of increased

mechanisation and automation, manufacturing of multiple products

and rendering of services, organisations becomes complex.

Management of organisational complexity is possible through HRD

vii. Human Relations: Most of the organisations today tend to adopt the

human resources approach. This in turn, needs HRD.


The functions of HRD include:

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Performance Appraisal

Employee Training

Executive Development

Career Planning and Development

Succession Planning and Development

Organisation Change and Organisation Development

Involvement in Social and Religious Organisations

Involvement in Quality Circle and

Involvement in Workers’ Participation in Management.

Techniques of Human Resources Development

Techniques of human resources development are also called HRD

methods. HRD instruments, HRD mechanisms or HRD subsystems. They


Performance Appraisal

Potential Appraisal

Career Planning

Career Development

Employee Training

Executive Development

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Organisational Development

Social and Cultural Programmes

Workers’ Participation in Management

Quality Circle

Employee Counselling

Team Work

Role Analysis

Communication Policies and Practices

Monetary Rewards

Non-monetary Rewards

Employee Benefits and

Grievance Mechanism.


According to Pareek and Rao, an HRD manager must possess the

following attributes:


Knowledge of various types of performance appraisal system

and potential appraisal systems and ability to develop them.

Knowledge of various types of tests and measurement of


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Ability to design and execute training programmes at various


Knowledge of behavioural sciences.

Knowledge and skill counselling.

Knowledge of techniques in behavioural research.

Knowledge of career planning and other personnel practices


HRD managers or departments play a crucial role in the organisation. The

HRD manager at SHELL performs a wide range of function provides the

function of the HRD manager at SHELL. These functions include:

1. Role Analysis: The HRD manager should design the wider role rather

than mere jobs based on the organisation’s present and future needs.

2. Human Resources Planning: The HRD manager, based on the role

analyses, should plan for the human resources which would meet not

only the future organisational requirement but also capable of being


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3. Recruitment: It is the process of searching for prospective employees

and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organisation.

4. Selection: It is the process of ascertaining the qualification, experiences,

skills, knowledge etc,. Of an applicant with a view to appraising his/her

suitability to a job.

5. Placement: It is the process the selected candidates with the most

suitable job. It is matching of employee specification with job


6. Induction and Orientation: Induction and orientation are the

techniques by which a new employee is rehabilitated in the changed

surrounding and introduced to the practices, policies, purpose and people

etc., of the organisation.

7. Performance Appraisal: It is the systematic evaluation of individual

with respect to their performance on the job and their potential for


8. Training: Training is a systematic process by which employees learn

skills, knowledge, abilities or attitudes to further organisational and

personal goals.

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9. Management Development: It is the process of designing and

conducting suitable executive development programmes so as to develop

managerial and human relation skill of employees.

10.Career Planning and Development: It is the planning of one’s career

and implementation of career plans by means of education, training, job

search and acquisition of work experiences.

11.Organisation Development: organisation development is an

organisation wide, planned effort, managed from the top, with a goal of

increasing organisational performance through planned intervention.

12.Compensation: it is the process of providing equitable and fair

remuneration to the employees. It is includes job evaluation, wages and

salary administration, incentives, bonus, fringe benefits, social security

measures etc.

13.Social and Cultural Programmes: social and cultural programmes

enable the employees to interact closely with each other, open-up their

cognitions, share the strength etc.

14.Workers’ Participation in Management: workers’ participation in

management enables both the management’s and workers representative

to share and exchange their ideas and view point in the process of joint


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15.Quality Circles: Quality circles are a self- governing group of workers

with or without their supervisors who voluntarily meet regularly to

identity, analyses and solve problems of their work field.

16. Teamwork: Teamwork requires a joint effort of the members to plan,

make decision, implement them, evaluate them and correct them.

17.Communication Policies: The free-flow of upward communication

policies encourage motivate the subordinate to share their new ideas,

experience and other work related issues their supervisors.

18.Grievance Mechanism: Prompt settlement of employee grievances

leads to job satisfaction and satisfied employees are encouraged to

enrich their resources with a view to enhance their contribution to the


19.The other function of HRD manager include:

1) To develop a human resources philosophy for the entire organisation

and get the top management committed to it openly and consistently.

2) To influence personnel policies by providing necessary input the

personnel department/top management.

3) To plan and design HRD methods.

4) To monitor effectively the implementation of various HRD methods.

5) To work with unions and association and inspire them.

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Human resources is by far the most important resource of the

available resources of an organisation every human being has unique feature

that differentiate him/her in an working environment .To constitute a

resources skill, attitude and knowledge should be present in the workforce

some of the workforce may be introduced to the organisation without all

their [skills, attitude, knowledge] where as some of the employees may lack

any one of the attitude. In pursuance to this development of human resources

become in abatable to all the after selecting them. In this regards to increase

this skill and upgrade the knowledge trade in will be provided to the

employees and after their process the performance of the employees will be

evaluated and then a proper decision is taken and develop the organisation.


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The present project report will be done on training and

development and its influence and efficiency and output of various

programmes run by Social Welfare Society at N.R.Pura.


The present study will have the following objectives

To study the human resource activity adopted by welfare society.

To study training processes adopted to increase efficiency.

To study performance appraisal method adopted by welfare society.

To study various factors governing the enhancement of skill,

knowledge and attitude through society programmes.

To identify any problems in graduation and implementation of HR


To provide proper suggestion for over all development of an



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For the purpose of doing present project report following methods will

be used,

1. Data Collection:-

For the purpose of doing present project report primary source of data

and secondary source of data will be used.

Among primary data sources questionnaire techniques, personal

observation, and face to face interview techniques will be used for the

organisers and the beneficiary.

In secondary sources of data the text material from the organisation,

references from website, news will be used.

2. Sampling:-

For the purpose of doing present research the sample size consist of 35

beneficiary respondents and 15 organisers and work executive of the

organisation. A scheduled questionnaire will be distributed to the

sample size to collect the require information. For convenience of

analysis total respondents have been multiplied with six to make 100


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3. Data Analysis and Interpretation:-

The data so collected through primary and secondary sources will be

classified, tabulated based on age, income, gender, nature of training,

benefits accrued, output level and other criteria. And then by the used

of statistical techniques like mean and medium, the same data will be

presented in tabular and graphical from with interpretation and

inferences there to.

4. Advantage or benefit of the study:-

The proposed study contributes in increase of management knowledge

about social services and various programmes while running an NGO’s.

The study will highlight some of unic programme organised and run by

the society which will inspire each one of as at the same time it will

highlight various opportunity available the organisation from

government and semi government and local resources.

A part from this study will also highlight weakness in regulation and

implementation of HR policies of the organisation more over. The

study will become a source of information to further comprehensive

study in the same discipline or area.

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The present research work will have the following limitation:

Time constraint

Respondents bias

Statistical change may take place during the course of study

Generalisation cannot be made to the present research work because it

is under taken only for welfare society at N.R.Pura.


Chapters No Description

I. Introduction

II. Research Design

III. Company Profile

IV. Data Analysis and


V. Findings

VI. Suggestion

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History of Norbertine Fathers in N.R.Pura Region

N.R.Pura mission region comprises the whole civil district of

Chickamagalure, in Karnataka. It has an area of 7224 sq.kms. Earlier this

mission region belonged to the Diocese of mananthavady. Taking into

consideration of the vastness of the diocese, shortage of priest, difficult

working conditions and the need heavy financial investment for the

development of the area, the mission was officially entrusted to Norbertine

Fathers Mananthavady on 25th may 1995. Since then we have initiated

developmental programmes in the region focused on pastoral, educational

and social activities.


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The considerable percentage of the people in the mission is migrants

from the neighboring state of Kerala, landed up in this Taluk in 1940s and

1950s. Through there are people of different religious denominations among

the settler and they follow their own religious practices too, which over the

years have provided leadership and played a pioneering role in the socio-

economic development of the settled villages. These developmental

interventions had been more on a humanistic approach and devoid of any

caste-creed or native-settler consideration.

Most often a significant number of populations of the area is continued to

the hand to mouth existence, struggling for their daily sustenance. Since this

is being left out and neglect as a remote area with not much access to

growth, we feel it is our duty to involve in this lives of these marginalized

and lead them to them to decent living. It was at this juncture that

Norbertines entered into the region initiating various pastorals, educational

and social activities aimed at the holistic development, giving more

emphasis to the social awareness and income-generating programmes.

Involvement of Priests, and Brothers

Government First Grade College N R Pura 40

Page 41: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

The developmental programmes of the region spring from the pastoral and

social concern of the Norbertine Father working in the N.R.Pura mission


Social Welfare Society, N.R.Pura

Social Welfare Society, N.R.Pura Taluk of Chickamagalure District in

Karnataka is a registered Society under the Indian Societies registration Act

1960. This was established as the social wing of the N.R.Pura Mission to

meet the developmental needs of the Social Welfare Society is dedicated in

implementing community education and awareness programmes at village

level aimed at providing self-determination and self-reliance to the people.

The society also undertakes different developmental activities aimed at

improving the living condition and welfare of the poor and the marginalised,

irrespective of caste, colour, race or religion.

The social development activities pioneered by the S.W.S are: Rural

housing, farmers’ organisation, Mahila mandals , Income generation

programme for women, small savings, Mother and child development

programmes , Literacy programmes, youth development programme etc.

At present this a well –structured organisation involved in 28 villages

spreading into N.R.Pura, Koppa, and Chickamagalure Taluk. People in this

area are daily workers in the agricultural sector. They often fall victims to

Government First Grade College N R Pura 41

Page 42: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

the exploitative and oppressive economic, political, social and cultural

structures and situation in the society, which force them ever-suppressive

situation that annual the village economic, Social Welfare Society gives

prior importance to the rural development and total transformation of the

society. At present different Government and non-governmental agencies

sponsor various programmes of the society.



2. Details of registration :

Acts under

which registered

Date of


Place of


Registration No.

1960 Societies


8th may,1979 Chickamagalure 6/79-80

Main Activities

1. Women & Child Development programmes:

Crèche Centers

Government First Grade College N R Pura 42

Page 43: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Mahila Mandal

Awareness Campaigns

Income generation Programme

Legal Aid

Training through Village training Centers

Bank Linkage

Assistance and Liaision between concerned departments

and rural Women


2. Youth Development center

Youth Club

Vocational Trainings

Youth Club Development Training Programme

Youth Leadership training programme


Laison between Nehru Yaua Kendra and Youth Clubs

Work Campaigns

Awareness Campaigns

3. Self Help Groups


Government First Grade College N R Pura 43

Page 44: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

General SHGs

Training for sthree Shakthi SHGs

Bank Linkage

Promotional Grants to SHGs

Income Generation Programmes

Internal Auditing

Anniversaries, Competitions

Linkage Programmes

Work Camps

Awareness Campaign

Regular Meeting, Saving, Review, Support &Follow up

Leadership Training

4. Health programmes

Blood Group Detection Camps

Health Awareness Campaigns

Village Level health Check up Camps

Introduction of Native Medicine and its uses

5. Programmes relating to Herbal Medicine

Promotion of Herbal Garden in the Village

Introducing the Herbal Plants and its uses

Government First Grade College N R Pura 44

Page 45: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Herbal Medicine Preparation and Demonstration Classes

Awareness Camps on Herbal Plants and its uses

6. Programmes for addicts

De-Addiction Camps

Awareness Programme

Counselling Programmes

Referral Work for the Treatments

7. Disabled Development Programmes

Navajeevan Physiotherapy

SHGs of disabled

Assisting to get Government Schemes

8. Education programmes

General Education through monthly Meeting

Group Discussion, seminars &interactions

Free Tuition classes for the PUC students

Study Help to the poor Students

9. Campaigns on Social Evils

Public Campaign on Social Evils

Case studies

Case Settlements

Government First Grade College N R Pura 45

Page 46: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

10.Campaigns on Aids

Campaign on Aids

Training to the Youth

Village level group discussion

Exhibition on Aids

11. Programmes for Destitute

Identifying the Destitute

Referring to the Destitute Center



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1. Table Showing Respondents Gender

SL .No Gender Respondents Percentage

1 Male 4 25%

2 Female 12 75%

Total 16 100%

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It is clear from the above table that out 100% respondents interviewed to

know about gender 25% are male respondents and about 75% are female


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1. Diagram Showing Respondents Gender



Respondents1 Male 2 Female

Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no. Of

respondents 75% are female and about the minimum no. Of respondents

25% are male.

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Page 50: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

2. Table showing respondents family members


1 3 to 5 12 75%

2 5 to 7 3 19%

3 7 to 9 0 0%

4 Bachelor 0 0%

5 Spinster 1 6%

TOTAL 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100% of

respondents interviewed to know that family size about 75% are have the

family size of 3 to 5 members and about 19% of respondents have 5 to 7

members and about 6% of respondent have spinster.

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Page 51: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

2. Diagram Showing Respondents Family Members

3 to 5 5 to 7 7 to 9 Bachelor Spinster1 2 3 4 5












0% 0%6%


Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no. Of

respondents 75% have the family size of 3 to 5 and about the minimum no.

Of respondents 6% respondents are spinster

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Page 52: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

3. Table Showing Respondents Educational Level




1 Illiterate 0 0%

2 High School 2 13%

3 P.U.C 5 31%

4 U.G 8 50%

5 P.G 1 6%

TOTAL 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear that the above table out of 100% respondents

interviewed to know about 13% respondents are completed high school and

about 31% respondents are completed P.U.C and about 50% of respondents

are completed graduation and about 6% respondents are graduates.

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Page 53: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

3. Diagram Showing Respondents Educational Level

Illiterate High School P.U.C U.G P.G1 2 3 4 5


















Inference: it is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no. Of

respondents 50% are U.G and about minimum no. Of respondents 6% are


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Page 54: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

4. Table Showing Respondents Occupation


1 Agriculture 0 0%

2 Business 0 0%

3 Artisan 0 0%

4 Official 16 100%

TOTAL 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear that the above table that out of 100% of

respondents interviewed to know about that occupation about 100% of

respondents are belong to professional group.

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Page 55: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

4. Diagram Showing Respondents Occupation

Agriculture Business Artisan Official1 2 3 4












0% 0% 0%



Inference: It is inferred all the respondents are professional having special

education, special skill of executing a particular job.

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Page 56: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

5. Table Showing Respondents Source of Income

SL.No Source of Income Respondents Percentage

1 agriculture 0 0%

2 animal husbandry 0 0%

3 business 0 0%

4 daily wages 0 0%

5 salary 16 100%

6 others 0 0%

TOTAL 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100% of

respondents interviewed to know that 100% respondents source of income

from profession.

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Page 57: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

5. Diagram Showing Respondents Source of Income

agriculture animal husbandry

business daily wages salary others

1 2 3 4 5 6








0% 0% 0% 0%





Inference: It is clear from the above diagram that the all the respondents

source of income is profession.

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Page 58: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

6. Table Showing Respondents Annual Income

SL.No Annual Income Respondents Percentage

1 10000-20000 0 0%

2 20000-30000 6 37%

3 30000-40000 1 6%

4 40000-50000 6 38%

5 50000 and above 3 19%

TOTAL 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100% respondent

interviewed to know about that the annual income 0% of respondents fall

Government First Grade College N R Pura 58

Page 59: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

between the annual income of 10000 to 20000, and about 37% of

respondents fall between the annual income of 20000 to 30000, and about

6% of respondents fall between the annual income of 30000 to 40000, and

about 38% of respondents fall between the annual income of 40000 to

50000, and about 19% of respondents fall between the annual income of

50000 and above.

6. Diagram Showing Respondents Annual Income

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1 10000-200002 20000-300003 30000-400004 40000-500005 50000 and above

Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no. Of

respondents 38% are annual income is 40000 to 50000and about minimum

no. Of respondents 6% are annual income is 30000 to 40000.

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Page 61: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

7. Table Showing Work Experience

SL.No How Long Work in


Respondents Percentage

1 Less than 1 year 4 25%

2 1 year < 2 year 0 0%

3 2year <5 year 5 31%

4 5year or more 7 44%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100%

respondents interviewed to know about that work experience about 25% of

respondents have the experience of less than 1 year and about 31% of

respondents between 2 year < 5 years and about 44% of respondents 5 year

or more.

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Page 62: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

7. Diagram Showing Working Experience:

Less than 1 year 1 year < 2 year 2year <5 year 5year or more1 2 3 4
















Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no.

Respondents 44% are work experience is 5 year or more and about

minimum no. Of respondents 25% are work experience is less than 1 year.

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Page 63: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

8. Table Showing working Hours Opinion

SL. No Working hours are


Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 16 100%

2 No 0% 0%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100% of

respondents interviewed to know about that working hours are satisfied

about 100% of respondents satisfied by the society.

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Page 64: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

8. Diagram showing working hours Opinion

1 20%














Inference: it is inferred from the above diagram that the respondents 100%

are satisfied by the society.

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Page 65: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

9. Table Showing need of initial training

SL.No Initial Training as needed Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 10 62%

2 No 6 38%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out 100% of

respondents interviewed to know about respondents 62% are yes is initial

training as needed and about respondents 38% are no in initial training as


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Page 66: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

9. Diagram showing initial Training as needed




1 Yes2 No

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Page 67: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram maximum no. of

respondents 62% are yes and about minimum no. of respondents 38% are

no is the initial training as needed

10.Table Showing Kinds of Training

SL.No Kinds of


Respondents Percentage

1 On the job 12 75%

2 Off the job 4 25%

Total 16 100%

Government First Grade College N R Pura 67

Page 68: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Interpretation: It is clear that above table that out of 100% respondents

interviewed to know about method of training taken about 75% respondents

have taken on the job training and about 25% of respondents have off the job


10. Diagram Showing Kind of training of respondents

On the job Off the job1 2













Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no .of

respondents 75% are taken on the job training and about minimum no. of

respondents 25% are taken off the job training.

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Page 69: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

11.Table Showing Performance Appraisal System

SL. No Performance

Appraisal System

Respondents percentage

1 Individual meeting 0 0%

2 Group meeting 16 100%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear that above table that out of 100% of respondents

interviewed to know about performance appraisal system about 100% of

respondents have given the opinion that it’s performed in group meeting.

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11. Diagram Showing Performance Appraisal System

Individual meeting Group meeting 1 2















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Page 71: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the all the respondents

performance appraisal system is through group meeting.

12.Table Showing Ability and Talent of the employee

SL.No response Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 16 100%

2 No 0 0%

total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear that above table that out of 100%of respondents

interviewed to know about the company side of employee judgment about

100%respondents say that it is done by the society.

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12. Diagram Showing ability and talent of the employee

Government First Grade College N R Pura 72

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Yes No1 2















Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that about 100%

respondents say that it is done by the organisation.

13. Table showing feel the Judgment

SL .No perception Respondents Percentage

1 Satisfied 16 100%

2 Average 0 0%

3 Non- Satisfied 0 0%

Government First Grade College N R Pura 73

Page 74: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear that above table that out of 100% of respondents

interviewed to know about the respondents 100% are satisfied.

13. Diagram showing feels the judgment

Government First Grade College N R Pura 74

Page 75: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Satisfied Average Non- Satisfied1 2 3









0% 0%



Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the all the respondents

are satisfied with the judgment by the organisation.

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Page 76: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

14. Table Showing Preference of the Appraisal System

Sl. No Prefer the Appraisal system Respondents Percentage

1 Yearly 12 75%

2 Half –yearly 1 6%

3 quarterly 3 19%

total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100% respondents

interviewed to know about the preference of the appraisal system about 75%

of the employees wish to have performance appraisal once in a year and

about 6% of employees wish to have the performance appraisal once in six

month and about 19% of respondents wish to have the performance appraisal

once in three month.

14. Diagram showing preference of the appraisal system

Government First Grade College N R Pura 76

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percentage1 Yearly 2 Half –yearly 3 quarterly

Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no. of

respondents 75% are wish to the performance appraisal yearly and about the

minimum no. of respondents (6%), wish to the performance appraisal half


Government First Grade College N R Pura 77

Page 78: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

15.Table Showing Method of appraisal

SL.No method Respondent



1 Open System 4 25%

2 Confidential 12 75%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of

100% respondents interviewed to know about the method used

by the company to appraise the employee about 25% of the

respondents say that there should be open system of

performance appraisal and about 75% of respondents say that

there should be confidential system of performance appraisal.

Government First Grade College N R Pura 78

Page 79: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

15.Diagram Showing method of appraisal

Open System Confidential1 2













Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no. of

respondents 75% are says confidential system and about the minimum no.

respondents 25% are says open system of performance appraisal system.

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Page 80: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

16.Table Showing nature of Performance Appraisal

SL.No Nature Respondents Percentage

1 Formal 16 100%

2 Informal 0 0%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100%

respondents interviewed to know about the way of performance appraisal

about 100% of them said that if should follow proper processor guide lines

and communication to evaluate the performance.

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Page 81: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

16. Diagram Showing Nature of performance appraisal

Formal Informal1 2















Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the all respondents

(100%) should follow proper processor guide lines the performance


Government First Grade College N R Pura 81

Page 82: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

17.Table Showing bases of Promotion

Sl. No bases Respondents Percentage

1 Seniority 15 94%

2 Merit 1 6%

3 Examination 0 0%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100% respondents

interviewed to know about the base of promotion about 94% of the

respondents said that in their organisation promotion is based on seniority

and about 6% of respondents have given the opinion that it is based on


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17. Diagram Showing bases of promotion



Respondents1 Seniority 2 Merit 3 Examination

Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the maximum no. of

respondents 94% said that promotion based on seniority base and about

minimum no. of respondents6% says promotion based on merit.

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Page 84: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

18.Table Showing Happy with Promotion

SL.No Promotion Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 16 100%

2 No 0 0%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out 100%of respondents

interviewed to know about the attitude of employee towards promotion

about (100%) are happy.

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Page 85: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

18. Diagram Showing happy with Promotion Avenue

Promotion Yes No SL.No 1 2















Series1 Series2

Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram all the respondents (100%)

happy with the promotion.

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Page 86: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

19.Table Showing Feedback Facilities

SL.No response Respondents percentage

1 Yes 16 100%

2 No 0 0%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of (100%)

respondents interviewed to know about the feedback facility of the

performance appraisal about (100% ) of them said yes.

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19. Diagram showing feedback facility

Yes No1 2















Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram all the respondents 100%

says that feedback facility of performance appraisal by the organisation.

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Page 88: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

20. Table showing the opinion about the sincerity?

Sl. No response Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 16 100%

2 No 0 0%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100%

respondents interviewed to know about the sincerity of performance

appraisal about 100% of respondents have given the opinion that the

performance appraisal system is done with sincerity.

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20. Diagram showing the opinion about sincerity

Yes No1 2















Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram all the respondents (100%)

are said performance appraisal system is done with sincerity.

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Page 90: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

21. Table Showing opinion about potentialities of an employee’s future


SL.No response Respondents Percentage

1 Good 16 100%

2 Average 0 0%

3 Bad 0 0%

Total 16 100%

Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that out of 100%

respondents interviewed to know about future scope for employees about

100% employees have given the opinion that the organisation good enough

to provide a solution to the present problems and for talented, skilful,

dedicated, motivated employees who have hungry to success for them self

and organisation have full scope in future for their development

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21. Diagram Showing opinion about potentialities of an employee’s

future development

Good Average Bad1 2 3













0% 0%


Inference: It is inferred from the above diagram that the all the respondents

100% are good opinion about employees future development.

Government First Grade College N R Pura 91

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It is found that from the study that out of 100%of respondents

interviewed about 75%of respondents are female.

It is found from the study that more number of respondents has

nuclear family.

It is found from the study that the maximum number of respondents

have not higher education.

It is found from the study that all the respondents are professionals.

It is found from the study that maximum number of respondents’

annual income is below poverty line and above the income level

prescribed by government of Karnataka of Rs 45000.

It is found from the study that maximum number of respondents have

more than 5 years of experience of job.

It is found from the study that the working hours are less than the

prescribed working hours in the minimum wages act.

Government First Grade College N R Pura 93

Page 94: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

it s found from the study that maximum number of there are 2 types

of training taken by respondents that is on the job and off the job

training and the maximum number of respondents have taken on the

job training.

It is found from the study that the Performance Appraisal system is

adopted in which the option of group meeting is followed to evaluate

the performance of employee.

It is found from the study that more number of respondents like to

have evaluation of their performance once in a year and some of them

wish to have twice in a year where as few of them wish to have thrice

in a year.

It is found from the study that maximum number of respondents

preferred confidential system of Performance Appraisal.

It is found from the study that maximum number of employees prefers

formal way of Performance Appraisal.

It is found from the study that there are 2 types of promotion

techniques adopted in a company like promotion based on merit of

which seniority is given more importance.

It is found from the study that all the respondents are happy with

promotion avenues.

Government First Grade College N R Pura 94

Page 95: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

It is found from the study that in this organisation there is a feedback

facilities for judging the performance of employees

It is found from the study that all are having the opinion that there is a

future scope for employees development provided if they are talented,

skilful , motivated and goal oriented in life.

It is found from the study that all the employees are happy with the


It is found from the study that all the facilities are good.

It is found from the study that job satisfaction of all employees.

Government First Grade College N R Pura 95

Page 96: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura



Government First Grade College N R Pura 96

Page 97: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura


In order to capture the overall market gender bias should be avoided

and equal opportunities should be given to all.

It is advisable to provide HRD among the respondents having joint

family as well.

There are so many ways of doing higher education to increase the

knowledge so that output can be increased that is through E-learning

or correspondence learning.

It is advisable to the management not to under estimate the illiterate

workers and it is also advisable to give importance them to also for

getting more output.

It means 2 types of income level respondents are more hence the

respondents with more income level should try to increase further

Government First Grade College N R Pura 97

Page 98: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

income and the people way less income level try to increase more

income through getting promotion through more education, overtime

work and becoming eligible to get cash and kind benefits like annual

bonus, annual increment, free education benefits, free transportation

benefits, conational food benefits etc....

It is advisable to the management to employee more work force so

that job experience can be gained.

As par the Workers Protection Act working hours are satisfactory but

about 8 hour of work a day can increase more output and work in

progress and saves cost in stores.

It is advisable to the management to provide off the job training

methods to enhance knowledge and skills as well.

In order to avoid embarrassment to the employees in evaluating their

performance in group and highlighting their weakness in front of other

group members it is advisable to the management to even adopt

individual meeting method as well.

There is certain organisation like WIPRO, BIOCAN MAHVIR Jain

institutes evaluate the performance every day that will only create a

sense or feeling to get rid of any mistakes and improvise thereupon.

Government First Grade College N R Pura 98

Page 99: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Whether big or small organisation, everything should be in white and

black therefore Performance Appraisal should be openly conducted to

evaluate the performance of employees.

Formal way of Performance Appraisal cannot be adopted rigidly at

middle level of management as most of them are illiterate biased and

have one or the other technical problem.

It is advisable to the management that experience and merit forms a

very good combination for promotion of employee it not merit should

be given importance for promoting the employee either through

testing of knowledge or any other source.

It is advisable to the management that now employees with

knowledge should be encouraged to exploit their energy time and

effort towards company goals.

Some time oral feedback clarified all the doubts about the

strengths ,weakness ,opportunities ,and threats of a person but written

feed back some times is biased and more over may not be fully


Though sincerity is maintain in Performance Appraisal strictly

implementation is quickly not applied which gives a clue that there

Government First Grade College N R Pura 99

Page 100: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

might be influence from high authorities, workers organisation for

promotion, demotion, transfer, termination etc..


Text book:

1. Human Resource Management -Text & Cases- by P. Subba Rao, 4th

Edition, Himalaya Publication House.

2. Human Resource Management –Text & Cases- by K. Ashwatappa,5th

Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

3. Study Material of IGNOU


Government First Grade College N R Pura 100

Page 101: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

1. Human Resource Management Review

NEWS Paper :

1. The Hindu

2. Times of India

3. Indian Express

Website :



3. [email protected]

Journals :

1. ICFAI journal of Human Resource Management.


An Appeal to Respondents

Dear sir/madam,

Government First Grade College N R Pura 101

Page 102: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

I am doing a Project report titled “A Study on Human Resources

Development Programmes of Social Welfare Society at N R Pura”. I would

be grateful if you could kindly spare few minutes to participate in it.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Princy V.A



iii. B


1) The contents of this from will be treated confidential

2) The information given will be used only for academic purpose

3) The information relating to the field will be collected from

selected sample of N R Pura

4) Please tick appropriate box

5) Please answer every statement.

1. Name and Address of respondent.................................

Government First Grade College N R Pura 102

Page 103: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura



2. Gender

Male [ ] Female [ ]

3. Family members

3 to 5 [ ] 5 to 7 [ ]

7 to 9 [ ] bachelor [ ]

Spinster [ ]

4. Education al level

Illiterate [ ] High school [ ]

P.U.C [ ] U.G [ ]

P.G [ ]

5. Occupation

Government First Grade College N R Pura 103

Page 104: Social Welfare Society at N.R.pura

Agriculture [ ] Business [ ]

Artisan [ ] Official [ ]

6. Sources of income

Agriculture [ ] Animal husbandry [ ]

Business [ ] Daily Wages [ ]

Salary [ ] Others [ ]

7. Annual income of family

1000 –20000 [ ] 20001-30000 [ ]

30001-40000 [ ] 40001-50000 [ ]

50001 and above [ ]

8. How long you are working in this Organisation?

Less than 1 year [ ] 1 year < 2 year [ ]

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2 year < 5 year [ ] 5 year or more [ ]

9. Do you feel working hours are satisfactory?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

10. Whether you were provided with as much initial training as needed?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

11. If yes what was the kind of training you received?

On the job training [ ] Off the job training [ ]

12. How is performance appraisal system done in your company?

Individual meeting [ ] Group meeting [ ]

13. Is the ability and talent of the employee judged by your company?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

14.If yes, how do you feel the judgement?

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Satisfactory [ ] Average [ ]

Non-satisfactory [ ]

15. How do you prefer the appraisal system?

Yearly [ ] Half yearly [ ]

Quarterly [ ]

16.Which is the method used by company to appraise the employee?

Open system [ ] Confidential system [ ]

17. How do you like to be your performance appraisal?

Formal [ ] Informal [ ]

18. If informal, how?

I would like to report my performance [ ]

I am acceptable to any other means [ ]

19.What are the avenues of promotion in your company?

Seniority [ ] Merit [ ]

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Examination [ ]

20. Are you happy with promotions avenues?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

21. If not happy, what would you like to be the basis of promotion?

Qualification [ ] Accomplishment [ ]

Output [ ] Records of job [ ]

22. Is there any feedback facility?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

23. Do you think the system is done with sincerity?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

24. What is your opinion about potentialities of an employee’s future


Good [ ] Average [ ]

Bad [ ]

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25. Suggestions if

any.............................................................................................. ....................




Thank you

Signature of the respondent



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