Social Networks in Today's Marketing - Practical Application Research

Social network marketing Practical Application Research


Online social networks are starting to play a major role in today’s marketing, especially for small businesses. These companies lack enough resources to launch and sustain a traditional mass-media marketing campaign. Since social networks are just groups of people connected around a common social object, i.e. reason to communicate, the main goal of a socially-aware business is to join or build a community related to the company’s products or services. Being able to authentically communicate with consumers and leads is a significant improvement to the mass pushing of advertising by traditional marketers. Social network marketing empowers companies to act as publishers of interesting or engaging content. In turn, this enables consumers and leads to only pull in information that they find personally or professionally interesting. Using this new form of marketing is already helping companies increase sales and awareness; some of which are mentioned in the results section. Social networks are playing a major role in today’s marketing and are restructuring companies around people. This was the defense for my bachelor degree thesis in 2011 but nearly all of the points are still valid. The actual thesis is available on request.

Transcript of Social Networks in Today's Marketing - Practical Application Research

  • 1. Social network marketing Practical Application Research

2. Marcel Klimo 3. Over the next five years, most industries are going to be rethought and designed around people 4. Object centered sociality Public or semi-public profile List of connected users View list of connections made by others Connected by a shared object Boyd & Ellison, Engestrm 5. Word of mouth marketing Attention Interest Desire Action Tell Charlesworth 6. Permission marketing Turn strangers into friends and friends into customers Seth Godin 7. Permission marketing Outbound vs. inbound marketing Replicate publishers Anticipated reciprocity Close-up altruism Create tribes Seth Godin, David Meerman Scott 8. How would you use micro-blogging for a marketing activity? Topics People Care About Concise & Simple Follow Schedule Respond quickly Be Authentic Use verbs Berry, Baer & Naslund, Dan Zarella 9. Is micro-blogging an effective marketing tool? AJ Bombers 5 similar businesses failed Sobelmans (10 years vs. 1 year) @AJBombers This is a restaurant built by social media. Augie Ray 10. What are the limitations of Social Network Marketing? Online Not a replacement Not always suitable Not free ZenithOptimedia