Social + Mobile + Commerce

Social + Mobile + Commerce Entity Extraction, Linking, Classification, and Tagging for Social Media: A Wikipedia Based Approach Aug 27th, 2013 shek Gattani, Digvijay Lamba, Nikesh Garera, Mitul Tiwari 3 , Xiaoyon ib Das 1 , Sri Subramaniam, Anand Rajaraman 2 , Venky Harinarayan 2 , AnHai martLabs, 1 University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2 Cambrian Ventures, 3 Link


Social + Mobile + Commerce. Entity Extraction, Linking, Classification, and Tagging for Social Media: A Wikipedia Based Approach. Abhishek Gattani, Digvijay Lamba , Nikesh Garera, Mitul Tiwari 3 , Xiaoyong Chai, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Social + Mobile + Commerce

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Social + Mobile + Commerce

Entity Extraction, Linking, Classification, and Tagging for Social Media:

A Wikipedia Based Approach

Aug 27th, 2013

Abhishek Gattani, Digvijay Lamba, Nikesh Garera, Mitul Tiwari3, Xiaoyong Chai,Sanjib Das1, Sri Subramaniam, Anand Rajaraman2, Venky Harinarayan2, AnHai Doan1;

@WalmartLabs, 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2Cambrian Ventures, 3LinkedIn

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The Problem“Obama gave an immigration speech while on vacation in Hawaii”

Entity Extraction “Obama” is a Person, “Hawaii” is a location

Entity Linking “Obama” -> Obama“Hawaii” ->

Classification “Politics”, “Travel”

Tagging “Politics”, “Travel”, “Immigration”, “President Obama”, “Hawaii”

On Social Media Data

Short Sentences Ungrammatical, misspelled, lots of acronyms

Social Context From previous conversation/interests: “Go Giants!!”

Large Scale 10s of thousands of updates a second

Lots of Topics New topics and themes every day. Large scale of topics

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Why? – Use cases

• Used extensively at Kosmix and later at @WalmartLabs– Twitter event monitoring– In context ads– User query parsing– Product search and recommendations– Social Mining

• Use Cases– Central topic detection for a web page or tweet.– Getting a stream of tweets/messages about a topic.

• Small team at scale– About 3 engineers at a time– Processing the entire Twitter firehose

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Based on a Knowledge Base

Published: Building, maintaining, and using knowledge bases: A report from the trenches. In SIGMOD, 2013.

• Global: Covers a wide range of topics. Includes WordNet, Wikipedia, Chrome, Adam, MusicBrainz, Yahoo Stocks etc.

• Taxonomy: Converted Wikipedia graph to a hierarchical taxonomy with IsA edges which are transitive

• Large: 6.5 Million hierarchical concepts with 165 Million relationships• Real Time: Constantly updated from sources, analyst curation, event detection• Rich: Synonyms, Homonyms, Relationships, etc

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Annotate with Contexts

A Real Time User Context

What topics does this user talk about?

A Real Time Social Context

What topics are usually in context of a Hashtag, Domain, or KB Node

A Web Context

Topics in a link in a tweet. What are the topics in KB Node’s Wiki Page?

Compute the context at scale

Every social conversation takes place in a context that changes what it means

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Example Contexts

Barack Obama Social: Putin, Russia, White House, SOPA, Syria, Homeownership, Immigration, Edward Snowden, Al Qaeda

Web: President, White House, Senate, Illinois, Democratic, United States, US Military, War, Michelle Obama, Lawyer, African American Social: Petition, Barack Obama, Change, Healthcare, SOPA

#Politics Social: Barack Obama, Russia, Rick Scott, State Dept, Egypt, Snowden, War, Washington, House of Representatives

@Whitehouse User: Barack Obama, Housing Market, Homeownership, Mortgage Rates, Phoenix, Americans, Middle Class Families

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Key Differentiators – why it works?

The Knowledge Base

Interleave several problems

Use of Context


Rule Based

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How: First Find Candidate Mentions

“RT Stephen lets watch. Politics of Love is about Obama’s election @EricSu”

Step 1: Pre-Process – clean up tweet “Stephen lets watch. Politics of Love is about Obama’s election”

Step 2: Find Mentions – All in KB + detectors[“Stephen”, “lets”, “watch” “Politics”, “Politics of Love”, “is”, “about”, “Obama”,


Step 3: Initial Rules – Remove obvious bad cases[“Stephen”, “watch”, “Politics”, “Politics of Love”, “Obama”, “Election”]

Step 4: Initial scoring – Quick and dirty[“Obama”: 10, “Politics of Love”: 9, “Stephen”:7, “watch”: “7”., “Politics”: 6,

“Election”: 6,]

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How: Add mention featuresStep 5: Tag and Classify– Quick and dirty

“Obama”: Presidents, Politicians, People; Politics, Places, Geography “Politics of Love”: Movies, Political Movies, Entertainment, Politics“Stephen”: Names, People“watch”: Verb, English Words, Language, Fashion Accessories, Clothing“Politics”: Politics“Election”: Political Events, Politics, Government

Tweet: Politics, People, Movies, entertainment.. Etc.

Step 6: Add featuresContexts, similarity to the tweet, similarity to user or website, popularity

measures, is it interesting?, social signals

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How: Finalize mentions

Step 7: Apply Rules

“Obama”: Boost popular stuff and proper nouns“Politics of Love”: Boost Proper nouns, Boost due to “Watch”“Stephen”: Delete out of context names“watch”: Remove verbs“Politics”: Boost tags which are also mentions“Election”: Boost mentions in the central topic

Step 8: Disambiguate

KB has many meanings – Pick One

Obama: Barrack Obama. Popularity, Context, Social PopularityWatch: verb. Clothing is not in context

Context is most important! We use many contexts for most success.

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How: Finalize

Step 9: Rescore

Logistic Regression model on all the features

Step 9: Re-tag

Use latest scores and only picked meanings

Step 9: Editorial Rules

A regular expression like language for analysts to pick/book

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Does it work? – Evaluation of Entity Extraction

• For 500 English Tweets we hand curate a list of mentions.• For 99 of those built a comprehensive list of tags.

• Entity extraction:• Works well for people, organizations,

locations• Works great for unique names• Works badly for Media: Albums, Songs,

• Generic Problem:• Too many movies, books, albums and

songs have “Generic” Names• Inception, It’s Friday etc.

• Even when popular they are often used “in conversation”

• Very hard to disambiguate.• Very hard to find which ones are Generic.

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Does it work? – Evaluation of Tagging

• Tagging/Classification:• Works well for Travel/Sports• Bad for Products and Social


• N Lineages problem:• Note that all mentions have

multiple lineages in the KB.• Usually, one IsA lineage goes to

“People” or “Product”• A ContainedIn lineage goes to

the topic like “SocialScience”• Detecting which is primary is a

hard problem.• Is Camera in Photography? Or

Electronics?• Is War History? Or Politics?• How far do we go?

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Comparison with existing systems

• The first such comparison effort that we know of.• OpenCalais

– Industrial Entity Extraction system• StanNER-3: (From Stanford)

– This is a 3-class (Person, Organization, Location) named entity recognizer. The system uses a CRF-based model which has been trained on a mixture of CoNLL, MUC and ACE named entity corpora.

• StanNER-3-cl: (From Stanford)– This is the caseless version of StanNER-3 system which means it ignores

capitalization in text.• StanNER-4: (From Stanford)

– This is a 4-class (Person, Organization, Location, Misc) named entity recognizer for English text. This system uses a CRF-based model which has been trained on the CoNLL corpora.

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For People, Organization, Location

• Details in the Paper.• We are far better on almost all respects:

– Overall: 85% Precision vs 78% best in other systems.– Overall: 68% Recall vs 40% for StanNER-3 and 28% for OpenCalais– Significantly better on Organizations

• Why? - Bigger Knowledge Base– The larger knowledge base allows a more comprehensive

disambiguation.– Is “Emilie Sloan” referring to a person or organization?

• Why? - Common interjections– LOL, ROFL, Haha interpreted as organizations by other systems.– Acronyms misinterpreted

• Vs OpenCalais– Recall is a major difference with a significantly smaller set of entities

recognized by Open Calais

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