Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

Social Media as a new paradigm for fundraising & Event Planning For Non - Profit Organization 501c (3) Fund Raising Campaigns 2010- 2011 prepared by Teresita A Krueger v 1.2 This presentation sanitized for general Purpose viewing Friday, September 10, 2010
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Learn about the Future of Fund raising via Social Media Technology

Transcript of Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

Page 1: Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

Social Media as anew paradigm for

fundraising & Event Planning

For Non - Profit Organization 501c (3) Fund Raising Campaigns 2010- 2011

prepared by Teresita A Kruegerv 1.2

This presentation sanitized for general Purpose viewing

Friday, September 10, 2010

Page 2: Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

Milestones Minus 2 months 1 month Day of Event


email campaign



Next Wave (givezooks!, eventbrite..)

Tweet on account

Post on Wall

Discuss in group(s)

email Sponsors

email Constant Contact


create event & solicit sponsors............Send invitations & post social media............Send reminders ....................................... Send Thank You

email demographic Org

Contact List

email thank you for attending

with web link

email invitations to Constant Contact list

announcementindicate sponsors Dashboard

post thank you to

sponsors & photos

Post Link to post event on website Wall, Facebook....

event dashboards

Typical planning schedule for Fund raising, event planning

Friday, September 10, 2010

Page 3: Social Media & The Future of Fundraising




Next Wave Plans:event &


Contact Model


Event & Fundraising

authored from President:✓to Constantcontact List (all opt-in contacts)

✓create reason to attend - talking pt. for any meetings

✓donation emails/letters/face2face with donation PtOfContact✓raffles before & during event

Website activities:✓provide links to website from:

✓other publications - trade, industry, social, professional..✓Social Networks - carefully chosen

✓website and program mentions of donation and POC

Social Networking and the Internet activities:✓review on-line event mgmt :

✓Social Networks - carefully chosen


✓no of invites✓meeting plans with POC (pt of contact) for sponsor organizations✓break even pt (no of persons)✓goals for sponsors✓discounted numbers for full tables

✓amount of donations - based on goal✓favorable mentions in programs, website

social fundraising for nonprofits, connecting individuals and

organizations online to increase charitable giving. Social fundraising (the Obama model of fundraising), also called peer to peer fundraising or person to person fundraising, is

the intersection of online fundraising with social networking.

Social Media Fund raising canhelp accelerate and simplify these tasks.

Driven both by tasks & person-time availability

Friday, September 10, 2010

Page 4: Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

The Future of Fundraising is in a Networked World

Web Awareness

Simple to use Online tools on

free web sites for fundraising &

Event planning

Social Media to communicate with a mass audience of


Peer to Peer Fundraising - a new set of online tools make this both a possibility and a growth imperative for any organization

Friday, September 10, 2010

Page 5: Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

• Donor - fatigue

• less tolerant of direct mail solicitation

• Fund raiser- fatigue

• over reliant on mass market, direct response

• Recession?

• never recession-proof

• Mission - fatigue

• falling response rates lead to ever increasing volume of prospects to feed donor pool

Fundraising - up to now

Friday, September 10, 2010

Page 6: Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

mapping out online communities.

create/enhance contact listslisten, learn, engage similar

mission organizations, find out what they do.

ask the burning question - where do organizations go to create a presence in Web 2.0 world.

evaluate funding sites

Beating that FatigueStart by;

The Rise of onlinePhilanthropyscaled fundraising activities having the effect of transforming charitable organizations facilitated by technology.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Page 7: Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

Insights Recommendations

The future of fundraising is stop interrupting what people are interested in and to become what people are interested in.

Individual donor funding has become over reliant mass market and direct response techniques -

Peer-to-Peer Fund raisinga new set of online Web based tools makes

this approach not just possible but imperative for any organization to grow.

The younger supporter segment displays a greater willingness to tell others- They are the ones using social media on a daily basis....

Most suited for non-profits as they seek to take the costs out of fund raising activities and increase the reach of the

organization to new members and donors.

Contact Lists =====>Campaigns ====>

Campaign Management ====>

CommunitiesCrowd Funding

Content Management

Combining the enthusiasm, skills & networking experiences of Fund raisers with the data-driven

discipline of Web based marketing

Friday, September 10, 2010

Page 8: Social Media & The Future of Fundraising

My Recommendation: Example of GiveZooks! at a glance

✦Why use the social media form of engagement ?

➡ Precedence set by several local non-profits, catholic schools, and women’s organizations - successfully !✓Women’s Economic Ventures (Santa Barbara, CA)


✓Manlius Pebble Hill School (Rochester, NY)


✓Jaradoa Theater (New York, NY)


✓People for People Foundation of Gloucester County (Mullica Hill, NJ)


✓Marin Catholic School, Mary


✦An online, Internet media for nonprofits to put their fundraising efforts online, promote them through social media channels and process donations.✦ Reduce overall costs of event or fund raising execution by adopting a single point of contact/communications and solicitations via multi-purpose web site✦Raise awareness of charitable organization, thus encouraging donations, attendance to events, memberships✦Fee system tolerable-

•Events product priced separately and is based on a small transaction fee per ticket, per donation total (starting at 2.0%)✦

✦Feature functions that do the work of many✦transparency to donors, supporters - link back to organization web site✦10,000 email/mo, generate via contact lists ✦easy web design, ticket sales tally, donation tally, widgets to promote web site on other web sites✦subscription services for enhanced features - fee based

Friday, September 10, 2010

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Embracing Innovation is a cornerstone for achieving growth!

➡ Headlights:

‣ Finance Plans - this web based capability is do-able

‣ Needs - support from committee

‣ Movement- go ahead and implement

‣ Identifying Pilot Event - Fundraisers

‣ Influence - use email Contact List & Social Media Contact sites

‣Go to Enablement - create presence on chosen social media site

Call to Action - Need Your Help

Friday, September 10, 2010

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Thank You










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For more information contact:Teresita A [email protected]

Friday, September 10, 2010