Social Media Policy Proposal Yvonne Ward AET/562 … · Running head: SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY PROPOSAL...

Running head: SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY PROPOSAL 1 Social Media Policy Proposal Yvonne Ward AET/562 September 26, 2016 Dr. Sean Spear

Transcript of Social Media Policy Proposal Yvonne Ward AET/562 … · Running head: SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY PROPOSAL...


Social Media Policy Proposal

Yvonne Ward


September 26, 2016

Dr. Sean Spear


Social Media Policy Proposal

Tumpi N 4 Production

A Business Proposal on the need for social media policy

Prepared for

Production Managers and Supporting Partners

Prepared by

Yvonne A Ward

CEO, Founder

Tumpi N 4 Production

September 26, 2016

Proposal Number: TN4P0-01


Tumpi N 4 Production

A Business Proposal on the need for social media policies

Executive Summary


Tumpi N 4 Production Company is a company that believes in innovation, creatively sharing,

and learning with the use of social media tools. Technology is of its effectiveness of cyber

conversation and message sharing that can pose potential irresponsibility. Therefore,

accountabilities and creating a positive culture is the plan to address any and all areas that will be

in question. The easy access with cyber connection gives a need for company policies to guide

problem-solving. Our plans for making a difference is with each shared conversation message

that provokes guidelines.


The importance of setting guidelines before social media tools are launched for employees

within the company/organization.

The proposal sharing is to create the best practice with the social media sharing and stay within

the guideline rules for compliance. Therefore, every attempt is to create a balance for each

importance. The discussion is setting norms and regulations that introduce adaptive guidelines to

cover all areas that will be with the use of social learning tools. Technology sharing is the future

through social media tools use of adapting the browsing world for resources and applications.

The new media of social learning with cyber sharing is great innovative means to cyber

communication. The responsible conversation is where we want to stay and be confidential, the

correct relevance of professional social interactions. Tumpi N 4 Production is with the positive

views of setting guidelines. The elements of transparent sharing will be with the importance of

the corrective message language collaborating each review. We will be with the use of

technology support settings adding these ideas and our share ideas the strategic communication

guide. Therefore, the company message sharing principles is communication values. The

appropriate sharing that will not be offensive with challenging words. Also, the guides and rules

will be with its group and teams guides for the resources sharing. The plan shows each area of

social media communication and how to best participate/communicate. The policy for social

media use is to all who will be leaders, partners, and workers or affiliated with the company.

Therefore, the need is rules and guidelines for what will cover compliance to building the

positive culture to lower anything that may/will come has a challenge. We are launching our use

of technology where accountability, is adding privacy policies, and procedures for best practice

to be in compliances. Addressing these areas of social learning through cyber message exchange

will prevent oversharing of personal information. Also, the too much off tone our strategic


guidelines to cover unethical and unlawful performances. The plan is for development guidelines

policies and tools or Apps that is for our supporting associates/employees team members and

partners who will be within our circle of corporate business/in-house business family. The

importance is setting the ground rules and regulation that will become the policies to create the

company culture with the use of technology, social media tools.

Why should employees carefully consider the content they share within the social media


Employees should and need to be careful with the adding of inappropriate tone when working for

the Tumpi N 4 Production Company. Cyber sharing that is with the wrong tone or message

performance can be damaging to an organization. Also, sharing too much of the wrong

particulars can change the relationship and reputation of the company and the employee’s cyber

communication account.

“OJIN is a peer-reviewed, online publication that addresses current topics affecting

nursing practice, research, education, and the wider healthcare sector. There can be other

consequences as well, such as the violation of state or federal laws that could result in

civil or criminal penalties, including fines or even jail time. Some of these statutes might

include state privacy laws, laws related to confidentiality of health records, or criminal

laws related to harassment. Case law could also create tort liability such as the invasion

of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, or possibly libel. (Guidelines for

Using Electronic and Social Media: The Regulatory Perspective. 2016.)”

Explicit content can be screenshot for evidence to add legal grounds for a lawsuit. To

carefully consider shared materials is to carefully review the company policies for culture

identity where information with activities is adaptive to the translation company policies. The


effectiveness is to follow the system protection of shared conversation that build the company

unique social media performance not to get lost with content sharing. Employees who understand

to reframe from any harmful cyber content sharing understands the need for a cyber guideline in

the cyber environment. Accessibility is capturing the content and taking responsibility is to

follow the will of control with the substance exchange text language and sharing. The company

is all about building a relationship with right media tone with each share messages. Therefore,

what one share will be with its creative thoughts, the content share will be demonstrating the

company culture of Internet connections. The company’s social media need for balance is to the

alignment of any conversation sharing. However, the contents distribution needs to be with these

guidelines professional accountability. It is a creative exchange of the careful thinker without

causing any suspension to openness. It is the free mind that still will be critically thinking and

sharing demonstrating respect under the company culture. The company is going to create

relevant policies that will be with the common sense performance to control the over bias

comments. The policy has it where to post a message that would create inappropriate language

sharing or an off tone to cause questions will not be tolerated.

How might social media tools affect an employee's online and in-person reputation?

The use of social media tools at the Tumpi N 4 Production culture the way employees exchange

contents will be effective. The effect of an employee/works reputation will be on the behavior

standards the company will build. Employee's status will be with the message sharing, video

sharing, pictures and projects that will be positive to references the culture of the company. The

company will not tolerate using social media to vent to produce the inappropriate tone that

can/could cause changes to the reputation of the enterprise. Also, variations in the way cyber

social learning message exchanges is damaging if the employee online public conversation is


with negative projection. We know the cyber connection is the central virtual communicator to

the world of technology viral communication/messages sharing will sharing the views to build

the reputation of social media sharing. With social media tool, the benefits can be rewarding if

one is creating an image that will identify the user as professional, and respectful. Responsible

sharing will be with knowledgeable sharing contents validating the person-person online

behavior. Understanding this concept will strengthen the reputation relationship of each

employee with the organization.

How can an organization ensure accountability and responsible use of social media within

the workplace?

Tumpi N 4 Production is a team that takes transparency far-reaching. Tumpi N 4 Production will

set guidelines that add rules, regulations, and policies to create the organization’s culture,

standard and implement the world technology balance. Tumpi N 4 Production after research to

stay relevant and protect the innovated employees are added media user's future. The

company/organization will add similar policies from companies like Adidas, Best Buy.

“Peer-Review, Managing Workplace Ethics of Social Media-Each company needs to

consider three ways in which social media can impact it. First, it needs to address how

employees use social media for their personal, non-company use. Second, it should

consider how it and its employees use social media for the company’s business

objectives. Another issue of social media involves where a company needs to set rights

and responsibilities for the non-employees it invites to engage in its social media


The declaimer will address these contents about sensitive company information. Ensuring

accountability with the organization is the policies put in place will monitor each message


exchange that will be mandated by trained technicians to cover all employee messages

exchanged content. Responsibility will be the desire to have everyone ready for the changes.

Tumpi N 4 Production Company will be an information technology sharing model with creating

social media performance that will be ethical. Also, the fundamentals are supported by taking

responsibility for the cyber exchange communication. Tumpi N 4 Production behavior

performance is connecting culture. Identifying misuses of the company sharing policies and

accepting viral content accountabilities with sharing with responsibilities. Building dynamic

network is sharing where commitments are on the organization guidelines policies and

regulations within the workplace.

How is the individual employee affected by responsible use within an organization's social

learning environment?

Individual employee/workers with the Tumpi N 4 Production Company will be affected by the

levels of care the company will put into secure one's behavior of sharing and learning to evolve

with the business. Tumpi N 4 Production Company is taking the proper precautionary measures

to social learning through cyber connection seriously. Therefore, responsible employee use with

cyber sharing is understanding that responsibility comes with accountability. A learning

environment with the use of social media building real communities is the individual employee

effect on cyber exchange learning. It is also taking the viral connection to make communication

where the access to create a learning environment is with the many practical media tools. The

benefits are taking technology to another level, learning and sharing program, activity discussion

for updates and talking through community web sharing. The individual employee will now have

the protection terms and policy protection information to protect oneself and the organization


access. Responsibility is taking these commitments seriously, and following the directions to

create the team culture.

“Peer-Review on -The Challenge of Organizational Learning- Developing organizational

knowledge and integrating that knowledge into everyday practice can be a powerful tool

for multiplying an organization’s impact, especially as it grows. (The Challenge of

Organizational Learning, 2016.)

When policies and procedures are followed sharing becomes sharing within communities and

advance learning. Social learning message within the Tumpi N 4 Production organization takes

virtual cyber environment has a tool to intact learning and where employees/workers adapt to

each change. Therefore, each shared content is assumed responsibility for social learning. The

corrupt individuals with a passcode and the organization information will cause issues. To

disregarded policies can cause harm with the use of technology and social learning community.

The promise from the company/organization is to stay connected with social media and its

technology environment for success. Collaborating is learning creatively with creating sensible

policies and guidelines to protect all areas of the learning communities. Adequate training will be

the strength behind all performance exchange that represents sharing of information. Also,

understanding of rules and what can cause a breach in the online connection will be supported

with open communication to build knowledge. As a company, it knows that every contribution to

social learning has its potential. Accountability to do wrong is accepting it will not be tolerated.

The use sound practices maintaining communication for any needed training is applying

reference to gain knowledge.


How will your proposal for a social media policy enhance the organization's professional

development environment?

The plan that will be put in place will strengthen development because of the user protection that

will be in place to guard personal information and identity. The plan is to promote the best

productive discussion without interfering with the public's clear motivation for real sharing. The

organization will look at similar policies used by Adidas and Best Buy where Social media

policy will help to discipline the minds understanding the cyber connection with social learning.

The elements of precautions to reference protection is training for the full expectations that come

with the responsibility to protect one's identity. Therefore, creative sharing is with innovation for

the changes that will not interfere with one learning. It is an enhancement of the organization

creative development precaution terms to create the in-house cyber community sharing.

Therefore, it is preventative measures for the organization selected network.

“Tumpi N 4 Production employees will follow the policies terms with no exceptions

where one will freely disclose one’s affiliation with the company. Granted that

disclaimers are set freeing the company from any intellectual investment in the post.

Dishonorable content such as racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, and physical disability slurs

are not tolerated. Employees are not allowed to disclose information that is financial,

operational and legal in nature, as well as any information that pertains to clients and

customers. (5 Terrific Examples of Company Social Media Policies, 2016.)”

The plan is to train with explanations that discuss how to interact while making changes.


The organization policies put in place is the branding of social learning use of cyber sharing to

maintain balance. “Social media are information-based tools and technologies used to share


information and facilitate communications with internal and external audiences. (Managing and

Leveraging Workplace Use of Social Media, 2016.)” The policy will encourage communicator

sharing with noted respect to reference friendly message tone. Also, the enhance development is

the use of social media there is no question the merging of conversation sharing will bring

changes. Also, the policy that is in place will help reorganized the sharing thoughts reframing

from the unnecessary exchange that does provoke the inappropriate languages. Tumpi N 4

Production protects employee/worker to build motivation from the learning environment that

will be effective through social media tools sharing virtually.


Yvonne A Ward Yvonne A Ward

CEO, Founder

Tumpi N 4 Productions

Accepted for Production Managers and Supporting Partners of Tumpi N 4 Productions by

Name: ___________________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _______



5 Terrific Examples of Company Social Media Policies, (2016.) Retrieved from,

Managing and Leveraging Workplace Use of Social Media (2016.) Retrieved from,


Peer-Review, Corporate Compliance Insights, Managing Workplace Ethics of Social Media,

(2016.) Retrieved


Peer Review, Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Guidelines for Using Electronic and Social

Media: The Regulatory Perspective, (2016) Retrieved from,



Peer Review, Sanford Social Innovation Reviews, Informing and Inspiring Leader of Social

Media Change. The Challenge of Organizational Learning, (2016.) Retrieved from,