Social Media Plan for the Jewish Nutcracker, SF

Social Media Marketing for Events @SarahBuhr [email protected]
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Transcript of Social Media Plan for the Jewish Nutcracker, SF

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Social Media Marketing for Events

@[email protected]

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Social Media is Pervasive

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Number of users on top social networking sites

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Social networks come and go

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How to convince and convert people within social media:

• Know your audience• Grow your audience• Engage • Identify and reward advocates

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User activity by gender:

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Women are more likely to share

• Men and women are almost equally present on social network sites…However– Women outpace men in social media engagement

5 to 1– Women are 50% more likely to comment on a post– Women are 80% more likely to share something

on your fan page with their friends

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Social media channels are not your bullhorn

Social media requires listening skills• Who’s talking about you?• What do they think of you?• What do they care about?

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Know your audience

• The Jewish community• Friends connected to the Jewish community• Supporters of the arts• Others?

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Grow your audience

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Offer them a reason to “Like” you

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Why people like or follow brands

• They joined for a chance to win• You offered them something (like a discount or

sales promo)• They know someone who invited them• They are already a customer or member• They are an employee or part of the

organization• They are a competitor

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Engage your audience

• All engagement begins with a great story

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Engagement means Action• Like• Follow• Share

• Pictures• Polls• Video

• Ask for input• Questions• Ask them to retweet or share• Ask them to invite friends

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• Provide good content– Evokes emotion– Uses humor– Teaches them something useful – Calls them to action (tweet, share, blog, repost)

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Images and graphics will get you the most interaction with fans

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• Great pics and how-to’s using pics• Know their audience• Tons of engagement

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Reward your audience

• Offers• Discounts• Giveaways• Good content

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Identify and reward the advocates

• People with lots of followers/fans• People with online influence (Klout)• Super fans of your brand/event

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Engagement for events

• Invite

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• Ask for input

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• Provide shareable content leading up to the event– Pictures– Video– Good stories– How-to’s– Discounts– Offers– Prizes

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• Ask advocates to participate– Share on social media channels– Blogger networks– Press

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Social press releases

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In summary…

• Social media is about – Knowing your audience – Giving them things they want– Engaging them in a way that makes sense for what

you are promoting– Rewarding them for promoting you

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Social media should…

• Add value• Be about your audience• Be sharable• Be social

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Any questions?