Social Media Marketing for Coffee Shops

The Easy Guide on How to Boost your Social Media Marketing Learn with Wishpond The Coffee Shop


As a small coffee shop, use of social media might not seem like a significant contributor to the success of your business. Your customers stop by your store and pick up a coffee because it’s local, convenient and of good quality. So why should you then engage online to reach new consumers? Lets think of some reasons. Firstly, food services, as most other industries are taking over smaller boutique stores by consumers preferring familiar brand names. It seems like you can get inexpensive coffee anywhere! Secondly, you may think you have reached out to all potential local consumers, but the truth is that customers need incentives to come back and substitute their coffeemaker at home with better alternatives like in-store coffee and service. Competition is everywhere, and quality of product and environment alone cannot expand your consumer segment. So how can social media help tackle these problems? By virtually connecting everybody to a social network, there is incredible potential for the spread of your product and brand. Engagement with clients outside your store is close to impossible as a boutique brand and emails are primitive and time consuming to have as a primary feedback tool. To be present online is not sufficient for anyone because everyone can be. That’s why you need to implement the right tools to attract and engage customers to your network! Why not make it a social one? Interact with customers, spread ideas, advertise promotions and explain how they benefit from being related to your network. This short guide will help you utilize your social media platform as a marketing tool with the purpose of maximizing the reach of your potential customers, receiving feedback on your brand and products, and most importantly build relationships with clients outside your local store, so pay attention☺!

Transcript of Social Media Marketing for Coffee Shops

Page 1: Social Media Marketing for Coffee Shops

The Easy Guide on How to Boost your Social Media Marketing

Learn with Wishpond

The Coffee Shop

Page 2: Social Media Marketing for Coffee Shops

Identified Challenges Attaining Customers for Coffee Shops

• High Level of Competition

• Low Level of Perceived Differentiation of Products

• Difficulties Boosting Brand Presence Online

• Challenge Attaining Customer Information for CRM


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The How To’s

Social Media Solutions


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Strategic Overview for SoMe-Marketing







Engage your Customers!

Focus on a Pull-Strategy: Don’t Sell your Product, make it Compelling to Buy

Make your Platform Visually Appealing and Dynamic

Retain your Customers through SoMe CRM

Use Facebook Ads to Boost your Promotions

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1. Ask Questions!

• Get direct feedback on what your customers think about your

product and give them the opportunity to communicate with your brand

2. Be Local

• Make sure not to generalize your fan base

3. Create Contests and Promotions

• Get clients attached to your page by participating in brand related campaigns

4. Involve Customers in your Content Marketing

• Make sure to take use of the best stories from your SoMe pages in your blogs and

other areas for content marketing in order to make customers feel valued


1 How to Engage your Customers

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2 How to Implement a Pull Strategy

1. Increase the validity of your brand by posting content from

customers and employees

2. Provide news releases on products and pay attention to the

response you get from clients

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3 How to stay Dynamic & Visually Appealing

• Change the graphic theme of your SoMe page in accordance with the

current promotion or new product

• Make your page visually appealing and professional by using great

images by graphic designers

• Consistently post updates on promotions to remind clients of your

current campaign

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4 How to Retain Customers

1. Obtain customer information through CRM databases,

Facebook contests and subscription sign-ups

• Analyze and subtract information about your target market

• Follow up with email updates

2. Use Retargeting as an advertising tool

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5 How to Take Use of Facebook Ads

• Boost the reach of your Facebook Campaign by taking use of

Facebook Ads with specified demographic targeting

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How can Wishpond Help?wishpond implementations


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How Can Wishond Applications Help?

Boost Traffic and Fan Base on Social Media and Company Webpage

Increase Customer Engagement

Differentiate your Marketing Presence and Strategy from your Competitors

Reach New Customer Segments through Promotions that Goes Viral

Easily Acquire Customer Information for CRM

Obtain a Deeper Understanding of your Customers through

Wishpond Analytics

Easy to Use, Low Risk, Low Cost









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Wishpond Campaign Examples


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Starter Contests:

Intermediate Contests:

Advanced Contest:


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Application Suggestions from Product Suite

• Social Offers

• Sweepstakes

• Photo Contests

Boost your Coffe Shop with Wishpond

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Social OfferWhy create Group Offers for your Coffee Shop?

• People love FREE – Coffee is not an expensive commodity to give away

• Creates buzz about your product and build habits

• Customers visit your SoMe page more frequent and winners of

claimed offers gets accustomed to drink your coffee in store

• Easy to participate and manage

• High Potential for going viral and becoming a trend

• Great way to easily boost fan base and acquire customer information

• Applicable on all social media platforms and mobile devices!

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Social Offer Landing Page Example

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Sweepstakes Why create Sweepstakes for your Coffee Shop?

• Low involvement purchase on coffee – Lowest barrier to entry

Easy to participate for customers and win coffee related prices

• Potential for spreading rapid awareness through Like-Gating

• Great way to easily boost fan base and acquire customer information

• Applicable on social media platforms and mobile devices

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Sweepstake Website Example

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Sweepstake Twitter Example

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Why create a Photo Contests for your Coffee Shop?

• Most engaging type of online content

– On Facebook - photos generate 50% more Likes and 100% more comments

than other content

• Relates and promotes to the product your selling

– Example: Ask your customers to show where they best enjoy your coffee

through uploading and voting on photos

Photo Contest

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Photo Contest Landing Page

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Wishpond Analytics

How Does Wishpond Analytics help?

• Real-time reporting to help optimize campaign while running

• Complete break-down of who your leads are

- Interests, Demographics: Age, Gender & Location

• Segmentation tools to analyze each of your customer groups

• Complete email-address list over participants to further target customers

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Wishpond Analytics Example

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What to Keep in Mind When Creating a Campaign

Identify the desired outcome before choosing your campaign

Give a prize worth participating for that relates to your brand

Make sure the campaign is easy to understand and participate in

Promote your campaign through all channels – and use Visuals!

Remember to engage existing customers







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