Social media impact of foster mythbusting week 8-15 Sept

Social Media Impact of Foster Mythbusting Week 8-15.9.13 Using: Hashtags #foster #mythbusting Twitter @aslongasittakes Facebook /actionforchildren LinkedIn /action-for-children Google Plus +actionforchildren N.B. total impact on social media includes all our posts, celebrity posts and level of conversational engagement around our campaign hashtags #foster #mythbusting through the week.

Transcript of Social media impact of foster mythbusting week 8-15 Sept

Page 1: Social media impact of foster mythbusting week 8-15 Sept

Social Media Impact of Foster Mythbusting Week 8-15.9.13

Using:Hashtags #foster #mythbusting

Twitter @aslongasittakesFacebook /actionforchildrenLinkedIn /action-for-children

Google Plus +actionforchildren

N.B. total impact on social media includes all our posts, celebrity posts and level of conversational engagement around our campaign hashtags #foster #mythbusting through the week.

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@aslongasittakes Twitter account overall performance during Foster Mythbusting weekOur Twitter account alone achieved a Potential reach of almost 1.5 million, which is the total number of people who could have seen our tweets. 720 unique people engaged with us on Twitter during the week. 647 new followers were added, a rise of almost 20% compared with weeks over August. Potential Impressions, or potential times our tweets were shown in people’s Feeds, topped 16.5 million.

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Top tweets about Mythbusting week using campaign hashtags #foster #mythbustingMythbusting week coincided with reaching 50,000 followers on our Twitter account, a milestone which inevitably got a lot of people tweeting about. Good news for the campaign, as launch day Monday saw the most tweets using our hashtags #foster #mythbusting – 159 in total. This was boosted with a tweeted ask to follow us to reach 50,000, which achieved 27 Retweets, Mentions and Replies alone.

The top moments most engaged with on Twitter during the week also coincided with the big media wins – going on BBC Breakfast, Daybreak, ITV Lunchtime News and BBC Asian Network on Monday really boosted our campaign reach. Each retweeted us, giving an extra audience boost of 207,000 with @daybreak, 36,000 with @itvcentral and 32,000 from @bbcasiannetwork

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Second peak in Tweets with #foster #mythbustingAfter launch day Monday, engagement levels dipped across all channels due to a range of reasons. On Thursday people engaged with fostering issues after the success of Richard Farleigh’s Wright Stuff appearance.

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Top conversations on Twitter

Our Mythbusting campaign reached out to current foster carers as much as getting the public interested in foster caring.

Using the survey data really helped as a talking point to engage people with fostering issues and what they can do to help

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Celebrity Tweets

Lorraine Pascale (80,000 followers),Laurence Llewelyn Bowen (3,800 followers) and Steve King (116,000 followers) all contributed tweets, with an extra combined audience of almost 200,000.

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Other top influencers engaging with #foster #mythbusting on TwitterThe Nihal radio phone-in on the BBC Asian Network helped to bring real-life fostering stories to a broad audience. I livetweeted during the show, and Nihal, who has over 67,000 followers, retweeted us.Mumsnet helped us with a tweet, with an audience of over 55,000 targeting key potential foster carers.The Scottish National Party’s Twitter account @thesnp also retweeted our campaign to their 23,000 audience.

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Foster mythbusting engagement on FacebookWe made 24 posts with 786 individuals Talking about our Stories on Facebook (anyone who Like, Share or Comment on our posts). From these Stories over 55,000 people could have seen our foster mythbusting campaign posts on Facebook.

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Top posts on Facebook and LinkedIn

The most engaged post with Foster myth was on LGBT posted on 9.9.13, the campaign launch day. I chose this story to coincide with the launch as I saw this as strongest, and performed well with great engagement across channels.