Social Media Group project

Social Media Project Prepared by: Dharam Brahmbhatt Paresh Parmar Chirag Mehta


Effect of social media in personal relationships

Transcript of Social Media Group project

  • 1. Prepared by: Dharam Brahmbhatt Paresh Parmar Chirag Mehta

2. Contents What is Social media? History of Social media Current situation of social media Future effects of social media on different relationships a. Social media and the future of Friends relationship b. Social media and the future of Partners relationship c. Social media and the future of Business relationship Conclusion 3. Social media Main purpose is Building Online Communities Conversation supported by online tools Based on user participation and user generated content To much popular in todays era Use of social media is expanded everywhere Effect of social media Issues related with social media 4. Social media and friendship Technology and Internet plays an important role Everyone is familiar with the media Change the communication way with the friends To much Social networking sites available Keep our contact up to date Facebook, twitter are very captivated now a days Cross promoting your blog with friends 5. Past situation People used to make a friends like in a limited way that we know him personally Its very difficult to make a friend from all around the world There is a filter available in communication way If you want to give some message to your friend so you have to give it massage face to face So your message wasnt controlled by anyone We carrying a normal conversation with person like face to face We will share our all kind of opinion with our friends because of there is a no issue of privacy Conversation is not shared by other person build-new-connections/ 6. Present situation Technology invented day by day There are lots of networking sites available from which we can make a friends Facebook, twitter, MySpace, Google+ etc. Most popular is facebook like world largest social networking site Every user has a more than 200 friends which is not possible without social media and also from all around the world We can do instant messaging at any time and any where and anyone who is our friend the-way-we-interact-with-the-world.php 7. Accessibility is one the best benefits in social media We can be familiar with the what's going on around us and also in our friends life we can share each and every information on social networking sites We can also get a response from not that single person but from other people also Its a become a common interest in public 8. Having using this site we can also be in touch with our old friends We can make a friends from all around the world Sometimes we also find our life-partner and after all is all about a good friendship If we want send some important message on time so we can also share it via social networking site We can use social media to get our message out to thousand or even million of people uncensored Even we can make a group online for ant community so we can be in touch with all this people who is in the same community etworking_PPt 9. The main thing is we can be in touch with our all kind of friends like school friends, college friends, relatives and with stranger whom we meet online 10. Future situation Its very hard to predict the future of friendship in social media As technology invented day by day so its like new kind of invention available and new resources available for making friends online Technology allows for more information to be shared without face to face, person to person intersection Its may be provides some context and reflection on society like what's happening around us Social transformation and change frequently emerge with conversation with friends friendship/ 11. In future may be no one can make any formal conversation they do all this thing on social networking sites Very busy and hectic life so cant able to take time to meet personally so better to use media 12. Advantages Easier way to be in touch with old friends Making online friends is very important like its useful in every field Like in social way, business, personal relationship and etc. You are able to share your opinion and information Its very easy to organize the event online with group of selective friends which is very important thing Even you can see the personal and all kind of information of your friend so you can contact him and ne in touch with the friends 13. Second one is its playing important role in terms of fun Every people being enjoyed their time by spending lots of times with the interacting with their friends Even we can do discuss about our study, nation and any current topic that is going on today and we can share some information and also get a some positive and negative response with the status 14. Disadvantages There are like many disadvantages of social media Lost our social skill No one want to meet their friends by personally Lack of formal and normal conversation Lack of physical connectivity Issue related with privacy Sharing personal information might be cause the problem 15. If we get any negative response from the statues so the conversation between friends might be converted into the cold war. Lack knowledge of social media and how to manage the social media The reason is declined in intimate relationship. How to make a safe conversation with the friends Privacy is the main issue we must have to understand that how we can manage each and everything with safe fully teens_n_4845556.html 16. Conclusion So at the end we can conclude that social media and friendship is the one thing that attract by everyone So we can say that if we can take some steps towards the privacy, personal information, and sharing information then there is a no problem at all But we do have to make a normal conversation like face to face. 17. Partners Relationship Social media plays an important role in the relationship between partners. With the increasing use of technology the methods of communication between partners changes day by day. internet-and-social-media-2/ Past methods of communication between partners A. Face to face B. Telephonic C. Letter/ mail 18. In the past the bond between partners are very strong because of face to face communication. The interference of technology is very less. Very few people have idea about their personal life. No one can give comments on their personal relations. The level of relationship and trust between partners are high. Very few chances of getting information spread among any community of partners. Photos and videos of partners are limited to them only. 19. Present Situation With the advancement of technology every single person has active on more than one social network sites. People started to make their profiles with all the information about their partners. 20. Now there are numbers of ways to connect with any person on social networks and see their details. We can easily know about the partners of an individual. People started to share personal photos of their friends or family members partners among the social group s. Any one can give their comments on that photos or videos. Interaction between partners is increase but they are also using social networks for that. The level of warmth in the relationship is decreasing as compare with the past. 21. Every one is getting more busy and busy on social networks. People started to upload photos and video of their recent visit with partners on social sites. Even during their meeting they are used to active on social networks. 22. Future Expansion of social networks in future will be more than present, and it effects the partners relationship. We can see more online conversation between partners. Video calls will be more in use. Texting will be more symbolic, rarely any one use any words in chat. 23. There are both positive and negative effects of social media on the relationship between partners. It depends on an individual how they can use the social sites. We are going back and losing the touch with real people, we dont have time for partners and spending maximum time on social sites. 24. Advantages With the use of social networks we can easily make contact with our partner. It doesnt matter where we or our partner is, we can easily contact him/her from the any corner of the world. Partners can share their photos, videos very easily with each other. They can make their bond strong by always keep in touch. 25. Disadvantages By viewing our profile anyone can make their comments about our partner. Most dangerous thing is relationship status, 26. The relationship status in our profile is most interesting thing for everyone. People want to know more about our partners. They try to create more contact with our partner and try to create misunderstanding between partners. For each partner because of social networks it is very hard to find time for their own friends and family member. Online photos or video of partner can be a reason of dispute between partners. Online identity or status may affect the way of respect between partners. Less face to face communication make partners bond weak. of-personal-relationships/ 27. Some sites continuously upload the information in timeline it is very harmful for partners. Its really hard to surprise our partners with visit them without informing, because some social networks always shows the current location of an individual. media-killed-the-modern-relationship/ 28. Conclusion Social media become an important medium between partners to make contact. By using social networks partners are losing emotional and physical contact with each other. In future we will see more techniques of communication between partners. Partner relationship will be empowered by social networks. 29. Business-The collection of private or commercially oriented organization The Relationship between employer- employee or we can say in-between business partner, employer-employee outsourced employee relations 30. Relationship Promoting Promoting the relationship is the hubs of Establishing, Developing, and Maintaining Mainly depending on interchange or exchange Applying the rule of give and take Depending on a principal of an exchange method where each side gives something in return for a payoff of greater value 31. In present time business marketing is depend on managing relationships Common advantage of that, Establishing extraordinary skills with key customers or Increasing advanced strategies with cooperation or we can say related partners Ways to Maintain Business Relationship Economically Socially Politically Technologically 32. If we established relationships in such a way so it expands business. 1. Managements of buyer-seller relationships 2. Reasons that influence customer productivity 3. Plans for making effective customer relationships 4. critical factors of relationship marketing success. Less chances to develop a business in the past time Reasons for that, Taking more time due to limited technology Copyright issues of symbols or trademark Less secure 33. Types of Relationships Scale of buyer-seller relationships Transactional Exchange- Centers on timely exchange of basic products at highly competitive market prices -hubs on timely exchange of basic products at highly economical market prices -These types of transactions are separate, so we can say that there is little or no worry as to the needs of buyer or seller -Example: A person comes into a store and buys a hammer. The buyer wants a hammer and the seller sells him one. Thats all there is to it! 34. Value-added Exchanges- -in between the transactional and collaborative exchanges -which is happen at the place where the marketing organizations shifts from just attracting customers to keeping them by, 1-offering additional service 2-developing a kind of service that are modified to meet buyers necessary 3-providing continuing encouragements that promoter repetition of business Which is more beneficial for buyer to develop business and also advantageous in terms of safety 35. Collaborative Exchange Occurs when options are few, market is energetic or we can say active, the purchase is complex and the cost is high Features close information, social, and operational linkages, as well as joint promises Interchanging costs are very important to collaborative or joint customers Trust is the key also depends on that all business is going on and it exists when main party has complete self- confidence in their partners skill and honesty which is important to expand the business By shaking hand with them and trusting can achieve a lot 36. Competition take placeAt each and every place competition increases Competition creates a war-like environment whereby competitors are always trying to pull customers from competitors. When the requirements or preferences changes the situation of customers then there is a possibility for customer to transfer from transactional relation to suppliers Market situations can creates different types of relationships. 37. Promoting Cooperative Relationships The good business of a good seller needs to be a strategic provider, sellers need to, Mark or target the correct customer through which he can get another Compare with their purchasing situation He needs to develop policies that suitable for each type of customer The collaborative customers are looking for the long and strong relationship Buyers perceive significant risks with suppliers, so competence and commitment are vital when starting the relationship. 38. Measuring Customer Profitability Main thing is Activity-based costing or we can say ABC is a technique that gives the cost of performance of several services to each customer By Customer Relations Managing (CRM) programs As we talk before some customers always wants profit and some are not Like that some wants quality and other wants quantity . 39. For this they has to study about cost and productivity construction with taking some ideas like, - Maintain relation with profitable customers - Convert nonprofit customers to profitable by offering some deals - Keep limitation with them who are always wants quantity and looking for profit 40. Valuing Relationships In our life some of the relations are fail because of opportunities of the events are not connected If we take an example like Retailer wants a business relationship whereas the customer responds is always in a mode of profited Then we apply accepting and dividing customer needs, the dealer is better prepared to tie up their product contributions to a particular buyers requirements.