Social Media for Music


Transcript of Social Media for Music

Social Media for


Right now their is a social media resource for just about anything or

anybody, but lets focus on social media for music in particular. Its not

a new concept, but the different ways that social media sites go about it is

very interesting. The most interesting part is that their is

definitely a lot of room for innovation.

Social Media for Music | On MySpace

MySpace is attempting to re-innovate themselves with

investments from people like Justin Timberlake, but in most people’s opinion the ship has sailed, and a

company that was thought to be the future of social media was hit by the

wave called Facebook, washed ashore and buried undersea.

MySpace for music was a great way for bands to share a few songs, tour

dates, messages, and artwork to potential and already established

fans. The only problem was that the conversation was really a one way


Although their was a wall for fans to post comments, it seemed that it was so flooded with content that flowed in all directions that it was largely ignored by both artists and

fans alike.

Social Media for Music | On Facebook

There are thousands of social media for music pages on Facebook that

you can easily click on in your sidebar of your profile to become a

quick fan. Your friends will be notified social media for music pages that you rock out to when they see the artists in their sidebar and click

on the link.

I’m sure that you’re fans of a lot of these pages, but as the case with MySpace forums, I feel that the

pages really go largely unread and ignored. It is almost like a badge

that you wear, without much interaction with the actual page.

However, its marketability for bands and record labels is not a bad investment, seeing that the social media for music

page is free and your audience is worldwide, endless really. Its very easy for hardcore fans to check your page for tour updates, links to videos, and other interesting stuff regarding your band’s


Social Media for Music | On Twitter

As of right now, I’d say that if I had to choose one source for social media for music, it would be Twitter hands down. Following an artist on Twitter

gives you an insider’s view of a musician’s life on the road and some

of these pages are just damn entertaining.

I like social media for music on Twitter because believe it or not, a

lot of these artists comment on fans posts. When the post’s contain an @

with the artist’s name, you’d be surprised how many artists post little

replies to the comments.

Social Media for Music | On Yelp

Perhaps the latest social media for music game player would be Yelp.

Already famous for user reviews, you would think that Yelp would be the most innovative player in the social media for music world, but it seems that they may fall into similar styles

with other competitors.

Social Media for Music | Bottom Line

The bottom line for social media for music is that the game is getting repetitive, its largely a one way

conversation, and overtly ignored. So its time for you to put your innovative

caps on and fix the leaks.