Social media as evangelism

Social Media: Evangelism and Building Online Community Randall Curtis, Ministry Developer for the Episcopal Church in Arkansas and



Transcript of Social media as evangelism

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Social Media: Evangelism and Building

Online CommunityRandall Curtis, Ministry Developer for the

Episcopal Church in Arkansas and

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Not Just the Good Suggestion

Matthew 28:18-20

18And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven

and on earth has been given to me. 19Go therefore and

make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of

the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and

teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded

you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the


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Don’t Worry I have a License to Evangelize!

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The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

● Percentages of use in social media is close between income, Race, Gender, and urbanity

● This is not your Grandchild’s internet --43% of all people 65+ are using social media

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Where are the people I am trying to reach active?

Do what you do well.Close the rest.

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Assess Your Ministries Digital Plan

What are you doing right now?

List everything

What is your Purpose or Goal?

Who are you trying to reach?

Grade Yourself

A worksheet for this can be found at Digital Plan Worksheet

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Effective and Sustainable levels of Social Media in a church

Social Pupa

Website, Facebook Page, Monthly E-newsletter

Social Larva

All of the above plus weekly E-newsletter and blog style service for news and sermons

Social Butterfly

All of the above plus Facebook Pages for active ministries

A more detailed description can be found at Social Media Strategies

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Best Practices for Your Facebook Page

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Facebook Evangelism Goals for Your Page

● Increase likes

● Increase engagement

To Reach those goals● Setting a username● Post regularly● Advertise the page in

church● Running Ads on Facebook

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Anatomy of a Post

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The Facebook Targeted Ad

Advertise your page to a your zip code with a very targeted audience by Facebook interest.

Ask yourself, “What do Episcopalians in your community like?”

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Developing Community

with Social Media

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Your good ministry instincts matter for building community online.

“The digital world is an extension of our physical world. And everything that we expect of people in the physical world is true in the digital world, and it brings us the same joy. You need trust in this world. That’s everything friendship and community is built on, and that’s all we’re talking about here.”

Sarah Lumbard, VP@NPR

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We all know the power of 'thank you' and 'well done': say them often.

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Celebrate the Joys

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Cultivate Superfans

(People who love your church so much they will make content for you)

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We all know community is nurtured by deep conversation: host them.

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Great Uses of a Facebook Group

Remember: Facebook Pages are External Facebook Groups Are Internal

Great uses for Facebook Groups:● Church Committees● Event planning Groups● Youth Ministry Parent’s Group● Diocesan wide ministry associations

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We all know our old ministry models need some tweaking: here's one to try.

Monthly Meeting In Person

Weekly Activity


Ongoing Conversation


Programs like these are being piloted and tested by churches right now and supervised by the Center for the Ministry of teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary

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Great Books for More ResourcesDangerous: A Go-to Guide for Church Communication by Cleve Persinger, Kevin D. Hendricks, Chuck Scoggins and Eric Murrell

The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways by Meredith Gould

Speaking Faithfully: Communications as Evangelism in a Noisy World by Rebecca Wilson and Jim Naughton

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All Images in this presentation use by permission or from

Thank you to Kyle Oliver @kmoliver at the Center for Ministry of Teaching at VTS for help with some slides.