Social Media Analysis and Tools - PostProdcutCamp Boston View

Post Event – Social Media Metrics Stats and Free Tools to Analyze events like ProductCamp or Your Brand etc. William Toll @utollwi VP, Marketing Yottaa


Free Tools for Social Media Analysis. ProductCamp Post Event Review. These are great tools for a Product Manager or Product Marketer to use.

Transcript of Social Media Analysis and Tools - PostProdcutCamp Boston View

  • 1. Post Event Social Media Metrics Statsand Free Tools to Analyze events like ProductCamp or Your Brand etc. William Toll@utollwi VP, MarketingYottaa

2. Social Media Tools Outline The next few slides are a continuation of what I shared at the mid-point break at ProductCampBoston on April 2 nd2011.These tools are just some of the dozens of tools available to help quantify and report on people, companies and topics in the social media sphere. This is a rapidly evolving market with larger players being acquired by companies like (Radian6) and smaller, freemium or advertising based tools that have limited reliability and questionable algorithms. Product Managers and Product Marketers can use these tools to analyze mentions of their products, find and understand the influence of thoughtleaders in their industry and keep tabs of the competition. William Toll 4/3/2011 3. Hashtag Search

  • Hashtag Search
  • Twitter has a great search website that is slightly different than the search features in your account.
  • Pros:
  • Free
  • RSS Feed for search put this in your reader to monitor terms.
  • Cons:
  • Limited time storage of Tweets

4. Google Real Time Search

  • Google Real Time Search
  • Google has been launching tools for real time search at a rapid pace in 2010 and 2011.
  • Pros:
  • Free
  • Searchs go back further than
  • Demonstrates how Social Media is now influencing search engine results (SERP SEO)

5. Word Cloud

  • Word Cloud
  • Wordle is a simple and free word cloud generator.Simply input a RSS feed from a search and view the worldcloud
  • Pros:
  • Free
  • Color and font can be adjusted.
  • Cons:
  • Limited # of Tweets analyzed, can not remove words.

6. Analysis & Alerting Tool

  • Analysis Tools
  • There are many social media analysis and alerting tools, some are thousands of dollars per month some are free.Social Mention is free
  • Pros:
  • Free
  • Exportable Results
  • Alerts on keywords
  • Cons:
  • Full of advertisements and may not be very accurate.

7. Sentiment Analysis

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • There are many sentiment analysis tools, some are thousands of dollars per month some are free. TwitterSentiment is Free.
  • Pros:
  • Shows positive sentiment and negative sentiment tweets for a hashtag or term.
  • Cons:
  • Very limited results.

8. Sentiment Analysis

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • There are many sentiment analysis tools, some are thousands of dollars per month some are free.Twitrratr is free.
  • Pros:
  • Shows positive sentiment and negative sentiment tweets for a hashtag or term.
  • Cons:
  • Very limited results.

9. HashTag Archive

  • HashTag Archive Sites
  • There are a few of these the best one WhatHashTag is offline on Saturday April 2 nd .I hope it returns its the best free tool.You can use these tools to monitor events, conferences, your brand and more.
  • wt hashtag .com
  • Pros:
  • Shows top tweets, total tweets and creates an easy to share archive of tweets for review and reading later
  • Cons:
  • Not Reliable

10. Influencer Analysis

  • Social Media Influencer Analysis
  • These tools help you find and view the influence of your prospects, customers and industry thought leaders.
  • & shown here
  • Pros:
  • Excellent way to quantify total reach of individuals social presence
  • Cons:
  • Controversial
  • Not very accurate at times

11. Thank You! William Toll @utollwi VP - Marketing @Yottaa Questions & Comments Welcome: [email_address]