Social Effects of ICT. AT WORK computers have Removed boring repetitive tasks in factories – now...

Social Effects of ICT

Transcript of Social Effects of ICT. AT WORK computers have Removed boring repetitive tasks in factories – now...

Social Effects of ICT

AT WORK computers have• Removed boring repetitive tasks in

factories – now done by robots…

• Removed the need to do lots of calculations manually- e.g. calculating salaries, taxes, profit and loss

• It is quicker to search for the data you want on a computer database e.g. To find a customer or details of what you are selling.

• It takes less time to keep records accurate and up to date.


• Because computers are quicker fewer clerical staff are needed so thousands of office jobs have disappeared e.g. Payroll staff and filing clerks. Also Banking staff have been reduced with increasing use of ATMs.

• Fewer manual workers are needed. For instance as

computers can do a lot of jobs in factories.

Working with computers

• There are more IT jobs available but these require: – Different skills– Different abilities

Staff need to be trained to do these new jobs

Teleworking & Telecommuting

Many people can now work form home using the Internet.

To do their work they can use:

• Video conferencing

• Email

• Skype

• Access to the work Intranet


Advantages for employee

• Flexible hours.

• Saves travelling


• Saves on the cost of travelling.

Disadvantages for employee

• No social

contact during the day.• Difficult to get motivated.• Difficult to separate job

from home


When things go wrong• Photo editing can be used to change pictures and video.

Misleading information can be created when the technology is abused.

• Hacking can lead to computer fraud.

• Incorrect and undesirable data may be stored about people without them knowing it.

• Plagiarism is easier with so much work published on the Internet.

• Invasions of privacy – employers monitoring staff.

• Software theft.

In the Home

• The microprocessor – controlled devices such as washing machines, dishwashers etc. have reduced the time spent on domestic tasks.

• There has been an increase in leisure time activities associated with digital devices such as games consoles, digital televisions, mobile phones and computers.

Advantages of having this technology at home.

• It is easier to carry out domestic tasks quickly and efficiently – multiple programs on the washing machine.

• The ill or disabled can be assisted by the technology e.g. shop from home.

• It provides entertainment in the

form of games.

Disadvantages• Some people find technology difficult to cope


• Digital control devices can be costly to repair.

• People can become isolated from society.

• Computer games are time consuming and family interaction can be reduced.

• Undesirable material may be viewed on the Internet.

Computers in every day lives

• Use of credit cards & debit cards to shop.

• Computerised statements give detailed information.

• Inland revenue has more accurate records about us by monitoring the Tax people pay.

• Information about availability & cost of items helps us make informed decisions.


• We are all on many databases.

• Who gets access to the information?

• Do we want to be monitored.

• What about CCTV cameras linked to computers?

• Do you want people to know what you buy?

• Data protection?.............