Social Business So What..?

SOCIAL BUSINESS So What ..? In Association with Sunday, 4 March 12 The aim of the workshop is to provide an insight into Social Business, E2.0, Social Media & all of the above & deliver it from a Business perspective. Look behind the hype & share three case studies where it has delivered tangible benefits for the businesses involved.


This presentation was delivered to an audience of IT & Marketing Directors. The presentation was designed to provide an introduction to Social Business, looking beyond the hype & covering WHY, HOW & WHAT

Transcript of Social Business So What..?

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So What ..?

In Associationwith

Sunday, 4 March 12

The aim of the workshop is to provide an insight into Social Business, E2.0, Social Media & all of the above & deliver it from a Business perspective.

Look behind the hype & share three case studies where it has delivered tangible benefits for the businesses involved.

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Daniel WattsSynergem Solutions Limited07771 762 [email protected]


Mike Briercliffe07712 134 [email protected]


Sunday, 4 March 12

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Why is Social Business Important

Huge amount of hype....

Half a dozen reasons why I think it is important for business & why it will become even more so in the future

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Communication Revolution

Sunday, 4 March 12

We are going through a dramatic communication revolution

Fundamentally - Personal & professional lives..

Our networks have grown exponentially, what now...

Now an estimated 60-70% of the buying process takes place before a customer even engages with you.

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Research by organisations such as McKinnsey is proving that those companies who collect & manage Big Data are out performing their competitors by 5-10%

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Scientific Management is not Enough

Sunday, 4 March 12

Scientific management is over 120 years old & although still has a place within business it is becoming out dated.

The methodology of establishing the best way of delivering a process, engineering out the faults & inefficiencies has become too slow, it is too easily copied & there is always someone around the corner who can do it cheaper.

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Command &



CollaborateSunday, 4 March 12

The old fashioned methodology of command & control is also becoming dated.

Accelerated by IT has helped engineer out huge numbers of people & many businesses we are left with knowledge workers & decision makers.

IT is no coming full circle & instead of removing these people it is focusing on how to connect & improve communication to help these individuals make better business decisions

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Business has always gone through change...Why is this critical now..?

Well the pace is page is accelerating at an unprecedented rate & is only going to get faster.

Those businesses that can manage this change more effectively will be the market leaders of the future

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Last century scale was everything & reducing cost to serve, often it took decades to to become a market leader.

Now it can take a couple years...

Speed & Agility are the dominant traits for business in the future & scale which in the past may have been a companies greatest strength may prove to be its biggest weakness.

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World Number Onein SmartPhones

Sunday, 4 March 12

Q3 of 2011 became the market leader in smart phones.

In Q4 they extended their leadership position by selling 35 million handsets

In two years this has moved from being a small part of their business to creating 50% of the corporate income

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Where apple has one handset, Samsung has many

Where apple is secretive, Samsung engages with their customers for product development

This has been their success delivering exactly what their customers want & designing their value chain to deliver new products to market faster than their competition.

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Like many overnight successes this did not happen overnight

Back in 2007 Samsung started to engage with developers & customers asking them what they thought would drive the future innovation of phones.

Using Crowdsourcing & integrating it into their product development

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Sunday, 4 March 12

I have introduced some reasons WHY Social Business is important

Now I would like to touch upon HOW to approach social business.

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Business requires structureHowever in the future it will be much more fluidHistorically Organisations have been structured around communication limitations & knowledgeThese boundaries are disappearing as knowledge is dispersed much more evenly across organisations

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Street - Spontaneous, energetic, getting noticed, breaking rules, being different

Ballroom - Traditional, structured, has a set of rules & critically is results orientated.

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Social Media Structure

Sunday, 4 March 12

So what does that structure look like..?

I would like to share Mike Briercliffes theory of 5 levels of engagement & 3 levels of platform

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Sunday, 4 March 12

I have talked about Why & How, now I would like to share a few ideas for What...

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Private Partner Public

Private Partner Public



Establish a Communication Policy

Sunday, 4 March 12

Who has a communication policy & has it changed since the event of Social Media..?

First & foremost create a communication policy for the future rather than the past

Empower your staff so they have a crystal clear understanding of what is expected.

I split this into the three P's

It should also be recognised that this is rarely static

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Review your strategies in this order...

Go through this process & you will significantly reduce your risk of making mistakes with SM

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You Are Unique

Sunday, 4 March 12

Business, Culture & People

You change this overnight.

Consider these three elements & then consider how Social Business will deliver benefits

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Business is results driven

Identify quick wins & importantly celebrate them

This will help to engage the sceptics

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RESOURCESunday, 4 March 12

Resource your initiatives


Identify champions

Ensure you have a senior sponsor

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Train your staff

New initiatives will not deliver themselves

Define your expectations & empower your people to deliver them...

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Sunday, 4 March 12

For most businesses there will be significant challenges

Again not exhaustive but some things to look out for..

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Sunday, 4 March 12

IT is often the focal point for security & managing intellectual property because it can be easily measured.

Depending on your industry I suspect that breaches in IT are not the biggest risk to IP.

The reality is that the greatest risk is people within the business moving, often driven by the business itself, particularly in times of austerity

Ensure your company is focusing on the biggest risks, not just the ones that are easy to measure

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Particularly in larger organisations it can often feel that there is greater competition internally than from external competitors.

Social Business can be seen as a threat to individuals who have built empires & these empires can be very difficult to break down & have the habit of reappearing

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We do not like change

Sunday, 4 March 12

It is inherent in human nature that people do not like change, or very few of us do...

Culture, communication & security inevitably you will experience resistance & it will take time to adopt.

Be realistic to what you can achieve & the timeframe it will take

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Transparency & Accountability

Sunday, 4 March 12

After hundreds of years of command & control, knowledge is power & secretive organisations.

This new level of openness & accountability is often very difficult to adopt.

Integrity is a must for the successful businesses of the future

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Going full circle to the recommendations earlier in the Presentation, with so much data & so many opportunities so our biggest challenge will be focus, which is why getting strategy & direction right is so important.

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Sunday, 4 March 12

Finally if you remember nothing else from the presentation please remember these Three things.....

Social business is about:

Engagement - Staff, Partners & CustomersKnowledge TransferSpeed

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Dynamic Distributor Portal

• Created a Private Social Platform

• Transforming a distributor network into a distributor community

• Engagement, Knowledge Transfer & Speed

• The more they know, the more they sell

Sunday, 4 March 12

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• Business Technology Group

• Sponsored

• Global (was UK only) membership 17,500+

• Created & managed over two years

• Opportunties, Research & Opinions, Trends, Sentiment, Agenda Setting, Listening

Managed LinkedIn Group

Sunday, 4 March 12

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SummaryWHY:Social Media is revolutionising the way we communicate, business will adopt these tools for marketing as well as general communication

HOW:Structure, Structure, Structure

WHAT:Review - Communication, Security, StrategyEnsure new initiatives are resourced

CHALLENGES:Social Business will generate huge change, providing huge opportunities along with some challenges

BENEFITS:Engagement, Knowledge Transfer, Speed.

Sunday, 4 March 12

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Sunday, 4 March 12

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Daniel WattsSynergem Solutions Limited07771 762 [email protected]


Mike Briercliffe07712 134 [email protected]


Sunday, 4 March 12