Soa meets clouds

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When SOA Meets the Clouds

A SOA perspective from trenches

Edgar A Silva
JBoss Brazil

In the Real World...

Events driven billions of peopleDifferent people may react differently against some events

Examples:Simple lights in semaphores

Raising a hand on front of some taxi

A simple smile..

So Why...

We have a complete passive model when we are designing a Service Oriented Architecture?

Many events happens into a business organization and Services can react on just one single way?

Some actual SOA drawbacks

Fault of Services Resilience

Processes are statics and depending dramatically of improvements made just by humans

Passiveness Services

Time to change...

Time to identify new patterns for a SOA 2.0 approach:EDO- Event-driven Orchestration

ESM Event Services Monitoring

Conceptual Foundation

CEP/ESP Complex Event Processing

JEE6 Profile Services


SOA 2.0 = SOA1.0+Events+Responsiveness

EDO-Event-Driven Orchestration

Actual Orchestration Techniques:Many languages, few interactionOur long frustration over BPEL for years

Many standards, few exchangeWhy SCA when we already had JBI?

Even with all those shortcomings do you really expect that your orchestration could works fine?

EDO-Event-Driven Orchestration

Big mistakes over ProcessesBPM and its big confusing on the MManagementBasically an Engine

ModelingA Designing Tool

MeasurementA Monitoring and Metrics tool

Poor reality: No options counting with everything in just one Tool/Product

EDO-Event-Driven Orchestration

ProcessesWhy do you need BAM?As one of the answer you can tell: To answer where are the weaknesses into my processes

How fast could you react against some weakness into your process?a) Stop, Planning, Wait others humans interactions, Test and Deploy...

b) Measure and Deploy...

EDO-Event-Driven Orchestration

Processes X MeasureMeasureShall be an Event

Which are fired in a time-window

According some circumstances a process can react productively, promoting changes in real-time in order to obtain a better:a) Performance

b) Results

c) Reducing drastically time and costs for the changes

EDO-Event-Driven Orchestration

Services Orchestration based in Process

Service 1Service 2

Service 3

Time line for signal an orchestration process

External System Action

JMS Message

Human Interaction

Just these action on this time-line can operate the services

EDO-Event-Driven Orchestration

Services Orchestration based in Events

Service 1Service 2

Service 3

Time line for signal an orchestration process

Events can be set of actions and can influence the process in any time and in real-time

EDO-Event-Driven Orchestration

Services Orchestration based in Events

Service 1Service 2

Service 3

Time line for signal an orchestration process

Events can be set of actions and can influence the process in any time and in real-time

Service 3A Newer Version

EDO-Event-Driven Orchestration

Services Orchestration based in Events

Events Services Monitoring A New way to see BAM

Service 1Service 2

Service 3

Time line for signal an orchestration process

Events can be set of actions and can influence the process in any time and in real-time

Service 3A Newer Version


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