Sneak Peak Genetics and Heredity Quiz

Unit 8 Name ______________________________________ Date _________ Reproduction and Heredity Choose the letter of the best answer. 1. One trait that differs in pea plants involves the placement of the flowers. In some plants, flowers grow along the stem of the plant. In other plants, the flowers grow at the tip of the plant. The stem flower position is the dominant trait, and the tip flower position is the recessive trait. Which traits would you expect to see if you self-pollinated several generations of pea plants that have the recessive trait? A.The tip flower position would not be seen at all. B.The stem flower position would not be seen at all. C.The tip flower position would skip some generations. D.The stem flower position would skip some generations. 2. Having attached or unattached earlobes is an inherited trait. Attached earlobes occur in individuals with the genotype ee. What is the relationship between an individual’s chromosomes and the genes for earlobe attachment? A.The genes for earlobe attachment are located on the chromosomes of each cell. B.The chromosomes for earlobe attachment are located on the genes of each cell. C.The genes for earlobe attachment come from one parent and the chromosomes for earlobe attachment come from the other. D.The chromosomes for earlobe attachment are made up of cells. Pretest 171 Grade 7 • Assessment Guide • Florida © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Pretest



Transcript of Sneak Peak Genetics and Heredity Quiz

Page 1: Sneak Peak Genetics and Heredity Quiz

Unit 8Name ______________________________________ Date _________

Reproduction and HeredityChoose the letter of the best answer.

1. One trait that differs in pea plants involves the placement of the flowers. In some plants, flowers grow along the stem of the plant. In other plants, the flowers grow at the tip of the plant. The stem flower position is the dominant trait, and the tip flower position is the recessive trait. Which traits would you expect to see if you self-pollinated several generations of pea plants that have the recessive trait?

A. The tip flower position would not be seen at all.

B. The stem flower position would not be seen at all.

C. The tip flower position would skip some generations.

D. The stem flower position would skip some generations.

2. Having attached or unattached earlobes is an inherited trait. Attached earlobes occur in individuals with the genotype ee.

What is the relationship between an individual’s chromosomes and the genes for earlobe attachment?

A. The genes for earlobe attachment are located on the chromosomes of each cell.

B. The chromosomes for earlobe attachment are located on the genes of each cell.

C. The genes for earlobe attachment come from one parent and the chromosomes for earlobe attachment come from the other.

D. The chromosomes for earlobe attachment are made up of cells.

3. In his laboratory, Jin is studying the genetics of mice. For a particular trait, an adult female mouse has the alleles AA, and an adult male mouse has the alleles Aa. Which of these questions could Jin answer by using a Punnett square?

A. Do these two adult mice have any other alleles in common?

B. Are AA and Aa the only alleles present in these two adult mice?

C. Is this gene associated with an inherited trait or an acquired trait?

D. What possible combinations of alleles could the offspring of these adults inherit?

4. Look at the diagram shown below. The alleles for the parents are missing.

The parents in the diagram above have which of these alleles?

A. DD and Dd C. Dd and dd

B. Dd and Dd D. DD and dd

Pretest 171 Grade 7 • Assessment Guide • Florida© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company


Page 2: Sneak Peak Genetics and Heredity Quiz

Unit 8Name ______________________________________ Date _________

5. Sean is studying fungi in his lab. Each fungus produces specialized cells that develop into new, multicellular organisms that are genetically identical to the parent organism. What does this process demonstrate?

A. sexual reproduction

B. asexual reproduction

C. fertilization

D. vegetative reproduction

6. Look at the diagram of sexual reproduction below.

Which of these statements correctly describes the genetic information in the diagram?

A. Cell A is genetically identical to cell C.

B. Cell B contains the same genetic material as cell C.

C. Cell C has genes from cell A and genes from cell B.

D. Cells A and C contributed genetic material to cell B.

7. Many plants reproduce sexually through the joining of sex cells in a flower. The female sex cell is an egg. The male sex cell is part of the pollen. By what process is the sex cell in pollen produced?

A. fertilization C. mitosis

B. meiosis D. pollination

8. There are two main types of cells in the human body. Some cells are body cells. Other cells are sex cells. The sex cells are involved in transmitting genetic information from parents to offspring. Which of these statements describes a characteristic of a sex cell?

A. It makes up most tissues.

B. It contains only sex chromosomes.

C. It has twice the chromosomes of a body cell.

D. It contains half the chromosomes of a body cell.

9. Xander examines several microscope slides showing stages of the cell cycle in onion cells. On one slide, he notes that the cell does not appear to have chromosomes. Instead, the genetic material appears to be a tangled ball of string. What stage of the cell cycle is he observing?

A. cytokinesis C. metaphase

B. interphase D. prophase

10. Erin is researching diabetes. She learns that family history of diabetes, diet, and amount of exercise are some of the factors associated with the occurrence of diabetes. Based on this information, which of these statements best describes diabetes?

A. The occurrence of diabetes depends on genetic and acquired factors.

B. A parent with diabetes has a 50% chance of passing the disease to offspring.

C. Diabetes is controlled by a single gene.

D. Diabetes is an example of a codominant trait.

Pretest 172 Grade 7 • Assessment Guide • Florida© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company