Snds 2015 - pushing for better visual storytelling

Liv-Jorunn Håker Ottesen Head of digital development, Sunnmørsposten @livhaker

Transcript of Snds 2015 - pushing for better visual storytelling

Liv-Jorunn Hker OttesenHead of digital development, Sunnmrsposten


Why I care about online design

133 years old


25.000 copies, six days a week

25 municipalities

30 people in the newsroom

Johnny AppleseedType a quote here.



Standardised a tool

Your audience dont care how its done - as long as it works.

Other newsrooms success online

Journalist + designer + developer

The story about OdinVG


Ddskampen i Barentshavet VG

ONA15Los Angeles

The Baltimore SunWinner ONA awards 2015

Kera NewsWinner ONA awards 2015

The tools are here

3 take aways from ONA15

1. Think product

2. New technology

19% pad

40% desktop42% mobileAudience at, average - 2014-2015

19% pad

40% desktop42% mobile2015Glasseswatcheswearableshologramrobots2017?

Amy Webb (@webmedia)Digital Media Futurist

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, 360 footage and film, 3D TV, drones, robots, holograms

3. New content

Immersive Journalism

Nonny de la Pea (@ImmersiveJourno)Godmother of Immersive Journalism

The technology is fascinating and feels like magic right now, but

you are the storytellers!

Are you up for the challenge?