Snapshot Elementary Teacher's Book


Transcript of Snapshot Elementary Teacher's Book

  • :.:

    I ,)Work organises projects

  • -

    L The Liverpool Project staff (from left to right) Mick Jordan, the project leader; Stella Brennan, the hostel warden, wit h her husband David. and children Katie and Sam

  • Learning go Communicati(J Talk about personal ~ taile; Grammar PreseJlt si mple Vocabulary Countr les and nationClIi Family members Types of music

  • --

    FBGREECEP2) Comprehension 3) B Useful phrases BRDGKMKTO Answer T (true) or F (false). listen and repeat. RAUENRBUR 1 All the volunteers arc from Nice to meet you all. .l

    ;'England. Wh o's wh o?

    2 11le volunieers ilre now in Everyone calls me [Spike] .

    Liverpool. 1\11 ri~Jh t, everyone.

    ~ 3 Mick is one 01' Ihe volunteers. Welconw 10 [Liverpool]

    4 Spike'~ real name is Jennirer. Lel's go! 5 Mick checks the volunteers'






    4) Vocabulary Countries and nationalities

    a> Find nine countries in the word square and write them in a list with their nationality adjectives. Country Na tion;] Ii ty 1 POIOl HI P()/i~/1

    b> Add five more countries and nationalities to your list,

    5) Communication Talking about personal details

    ~ WhJrs he r name) It'c Sandra. ~ Wha t national ity .S

  • 7) '3 Listen and read That evening there is a welcome party at the hostel. Sldla: lIello, everyone ! I'm Stella

    Brennall the hoslel warden. and lhi

  • Sonata ~ont\lSO Music -like -


    - Grammar snapshot


    Present simple

    Positive statements Negative statements

    I come r'om Spain. I don 't come from Por tugal.

    He . from Spain. He ... come from Portugal.

    What are the missing words?

    Make similar sentences using she, we and they.

    13) Pract ice ........

    a) , J Look at the information about the Teen Work volunteers. Complete the conversation about Joe. Then listen and see if you were right. A: Whcrl ... Joe 2 fro m? 8: He ' .. Manches ter.

    1\ : 011 , really! Wll ere t1 0es he .... in Manchester?

    B: l-le " ... ill L1 ~m QlI hou~e il l the ::.uburbs.

    "A : ..... his ravollTile s(,hool su bject?

    B: 1 th ink he likes Computel science. A: What sort of music 7... he < .. . ? B: Well , III like

  • Lilcq)()()1 is ;1 l'lr~(' Lil~ \illl,lIul in rite: Itllrrh\\'t~,t o( FllgLlll I 1111 rltt: Rilcr }.\Lr't'I . I t i, ,I IiI c:I) indu'll ill, culrur.d ,lIul C
  • ~ Read the story and put the n the erse fer sentences at the bottom of the page in the correct places. Then listen and see if you were right.

    to come. Let's get the ferry.

    Liverpool is an interesting city I

    . I've got a book about the history of Liverpool.

    You can read it if you like.

    Yes, il is. Let's go! H goes across the River Mersey. ~ n,ey don'llikc boals. Come over here nlank you, They aren't here ye l.


  • You mustn't

    play loud SIC.

    "'1) Vocabulary Parts of a room, furniture and objects Match the words with the items in the picture . . I- /11lm_W

    Which items are not in the picture?

    bed radio tab le lamp wardrobe mi rror l~rpe curtain desk wa~hl>asil1 annch

  • Grammar flash 2) Practice ~

    Prepositions of place in lre cupboard on (he table under the desk in front of the radiator behind the curtains above the armchair next to the table opposite the bed on the left! right (of) between the windows in the corner (of) near the door

    Complete Spike's description of her room with the correct prepositions. 'lyjy '"'--:'0111 sr, thr.:; hcst.el ,i a It tJ,"':.. ~ L1.. it's 01 : The >Iv II's are pa le ejlfer ''It'i thet"e Zi'?C'1"e plal browi" CUI-ta il',s Sf rhe wind(1ws. Pn !/It;.rig}:t of vhe doo'" ther"e's 8 bed wit h a f?rri~ (.:., duvet. I ket:p my ra,.lio ca~'~";ttf ~Iaye'"' .. :.(' nOGI" ' ... the bed. fh:m;'s a hro',..r bClol~~-a'''(~ t'le beo. but ar'en't any !:looks " .. it-I ' . . , the door there -

  • Grammar snapshot

    there is / there are with some and any

    Positive statements

    Ther~'s a desk in the room.

    There ,., , posters above the bed.

    Negative statements

    Thert' isn't a TV.

    There ..,. pictures on the walls.

    Questions Is '" a washbasin in the room ?

    , , ' bOOKS in the bookcase?

    Short answers Positive Negative Yes, ... is. No, [here ... . Yes, Ihere are. No, there

    What are the missing words?

    5> Pra cti ce Test your memory. Ask and answer about the t hings in Spike's room on pages 14 and 15

    uesk wardrobe pos ters carrel radio so ra bookcase TV washbasin Lable ('upbotlrd la mp mirror pit'lu fes vtlse armchair chair hooks wac; tepaper bin A: Is there a desk in Spike's room? B: Yes, there is. Ie's next to lhe window A: Art' there any pictures on the wail'i! B: No, thfrf aren't.

    6) Inte raction

    St udents A and B

    [J raw an outline of your room at home, Draw the


  • ------ -

    Grammar flash

    must/mustn't. can/can't (I, you, he, she, it, We', they) You must be q jlet :.lner 10,]0. You mustn't piay IOUO'llJsic (it te r You can put some posters on rhe w,,1 " You can't r>'lake coffee In 'IOdr f;)O'"

    11) Practice a> Talk about your school rules wIth must/mustn't.

    Wc con ust' co/L'u/olr)fS 111 {1./loliJ'> f"om... . 2 Wt' mu,tn't rhnv own 111 c/o.;,;

    \\, ~ f use calculators in Maths


    2 chew gum in class 3 use dictionaries In English


    4 wear make-up and jewellery at school

    5 bring personal stereos to school

    6 take food or drink into the classroom

    7 do our homework on time 8 use mobile phones at school 9 be polite to teachers and

    other students


    can/can't or

    b> Write two more school rules.

    12) line10) :" -J Useful phrases

    Listen and repeat. Organise new vocabulary (1).

    J luw., it qoing? lJey! 1 Write dowl! new word,> ill II ..,epar::tle 1l0Iel.lCJlik . [You can .. , 1if you like. Don' t fo rget that .. . Where pos-sibiL'. nrnani,,(' YO UI v()c. e.g. rllrniturt. patt.ern'), clllum'>.


  • no




    You can put posters and photographs 011 th~ walls of your bedroom. but please dn not use drawing pi ns.

    aFOOD AND DRINK You can make tea, co fTee and light SiweK'; in the kitchen. but please do not tak~ fOlld inLl) the hedrooms.

    Ynu call have rad ios and 'iound sy"rerns in your rOOI11S, but please un not play loud mUsic after 10.30 p.m.

    aGUE")T... You can have g uests in your roOIllS, blll they must Iea\e by 9 p.m.

    aTELEPHONES If you want to make phone call". please lise the public pay phone under the stairs ill the hall.

    13/" Read Read the hostel rules. Find the rule which gives information about: a) invilillU friends into your


    b) pullint} Ihings 011 bedroolll walb.

    r) coming in laIc. d) makinu phone call". c) Jl1lJking snack'>. npl3yinU 1ll1lSi,.

    14/ Commu nication Talking about rules .. Can lout po')lers on the wall?

    Yes, yOu can Ir you like, bllt you mustn't use d,aw;ng pill~.

    .. Can I make cottee i(1 my loom l No, I'm 3fraid yOll can't. You must lise the klrchen .

    Use the questions to make conversations about the hostel rules. 1 pulposter'i Ull tl1(' wall? 2 m~kt' fOrree in my room?

    rlay my sOllnd sy

  • -----

    Fast rewind UNITS 1 and 2



    1) Choose the correct part of the verb to be to complete the sentences.

    you American ? a) Am b) 8rr:. c) 15 Stefan and Gabriel .. . both vol unteers. a) is 0] are c) be

    2 A. Ale you from Spai n? B Yes, I '" .

    al am bl is cJ are

    3 Joe ... American, he's English. a) aren'l: bJ isn't c) am

    4 His name's Sam and ... Katie's br other. a) he b) !s cl h(:" s

    5 They ... Joe's bags, they're Spike's. al aren't bl are c) isn't

    6 Spike .. . nol rer rea l name. a) it's bJls c) it

    2) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb{s) in brackets. She ... coffee. [not IikeJ She dOf:sn't like co(fee

    . you .. . in liverpool? [live) 2 He ... from Poland (come) 3 I ... the guitar. (p la y] 4 We ... her Spike. (callJ 5 What .. your mother .. .1 (want) 6 My parents .. my sort of music. (not like] 7 .. . all the stJdents ... from Spa in? (come)

    3) Complete the text with can, mustor mustn't.

    'My school 15 a grrls' boarding school. We live at school

    and there are lots of rules. Everyone !!!.I!.~ .t wear a white

    blouse and a grey skirt. Ihe blouse' ... have long sieeve5

    and the skirt" .. be too short. We' ... wear make-up in

    school but we \. wear lipstick in the even ing. At

    weekends we ~ ... qo into town but we . be back by nine

    o'clock. Of course, we v ... go into bars or restJ urants

    ,hat's against the rules.'

    4/ Complete the sentences with the correct form

    of (h ere IS or (/Jere are.

    It's a big hou'it;. TIJerf'.C!r.e six bedrooms altogether.

    1 In rny rool11. a Jesk next to the bed.

    - 2 ... some posters on the wall ana . . also a brg mirror. 3 A . a pilont in you room 7

    B. No, ... , but .. . one downstairs in the> tlall. 4 A ... any good shops near you r home7

    BYes, ... SOme quite good ones. I like London because ... lots of fl

  • CoverContents1 Nice to meet you all2 You mustn't play loud musicFast rewind Units 1-23 I always have coffee4 Would you like a sandwich?Fast rewind Units 3-45 Wide angle on the worldProject 1 - Snapshot of where I live1 Take a break: Everybody's talking 6 Who are they playing?7 A Liverpool ghost storyFast rewind Units 6-7 8 Girls screamed and wept.9 What was it doing?Fast rewind Units 8-9 10 Wide angle on the worldProject 2 - Snapshot of a famous life2 Take a break: I saw here standing there 11 I've lost my rucksack12 It's the highest in the worldFast rewind Units 11-1213 You shouldn't move it14 Do I have to?Fast rewind Units 13-1415 Wide angle on the worldProject 3 - Snapshot of my experiences3 Take a break: Love is all around16 What would you like to do?17 If you complain any more, ...Fast rewind Units 16-1718 The scenes are filmed here19 They were sold as slavesFast rewind Units 18-1920 Wide angle on the worldProject 4 - Snapshot of a famous place4 Take a break: She's leaving homeStudent B sectionSoundbite exercises