
I'HK AVATKRFORn NEWS i:sTini,lsu1:D 18*7. (Alilrrman HEiiHONn , Proprietor.) l.. »l:ilK«T I•IKl 'fl.ATKIX IN TIIK SOUTH OK IltKLANII . i' ulili " >/ii'I envy Frilay Keening, nt Xo. 19 Kin g Street [OITOMTI : TUT 1'HOVINClAt. BANK.] i' liicK THI :I : K l' i:. \(r.; V. ' . AUI . V ( IN ADVAXCK ) l'is.; ]?V l' llST. YKAIll.Y, l. " .s.. IX ADVANCE. Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: \V .\TKKVOi:r>—Mr. W. K KI .I.V, Little noorjrf ' s.strct't. Tit AMOK K—Miss CLANCY , Kcfrcshrncnt ltoorns, in Straiiil-strcct. VASSAIVE KAST—TV' Misses LCVK, llolrl , Square. CAHIIICK-OX-SUIK—Mr. J.JI. M VHIHV , News Agent. DUXOAUVAN—Mr. JI ATTIIF .W WAI. SU, Blackpool. KILKENNY-— Covi.K Brothers , Booksellers, Ac, SHIPPING IMPORTANT TO EMIGRANTS. "ALLAN" LINE. SIEAM FROM KINGSTOWN (DUBLIN) DJKECT TO AMERICA, ONCB A YvKEK. —SHORT SEA PASSAGE. .. , The Steamers of tho A LLAN* Line sail g^j j^d^. from K INGSTOWN (D UBLIN ), to A- M KKICA , <Kar^KiVv^ KvE''v THURSDAY, carrying Steerogo "wmmmim Ur Passengers at the samo rato to cither QUEBEC, BOSTON, or N EW YOKK . These Steamers ofler tho tiiotiTKST TASSACK to Can- ada, mid giro a direct route to the Western States of America and California , to which Passongcrs are booked on Through Ticket. TUT srtKXIJIU SCltEW STEAMKUS ST. PATHICK From Dublin July "J7 NOVA SCOTIAS Au b - . :i COH1XTHIAX Aug. 10 \nd Everv TiiriisoAY thereafter duriug the Scasou. HATES OF PA SS ACE MONEY: Suloon C.iliin to Quebec £13 13<. lntmniiVrat * W«n I" Qarttfr, Hnsl nii in New Y ork 51 8-. S(e* rai. 10 Qu'l'CV, Ko>tnn , or Nrw York 0 * ' ¦ < ' . Fur further particular*, apply to J AMK S & ALKXA X- IEK ALLAN , 70 G reat Cly de Street, GlaFgow, and l' J Eilcu < >uav , Dublin ; or to thoir AGENTS : THOMAS PUltCKLL, Watcrford ; J. M. MURPHY , Xew-lane, Carrick-on-Suir. EUWAII D BUTLER , lunistiosue. fmlil7-tf NATIONAL LINE. •a- THK *TKA.MKRS Or" THIS LINK ARK TIIK UlUiES T PAHSEXGE U STEAMSHIPS AFLOA T STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK KVKUY WEDNESDAY , AND FROM QUEENS- TOWN EVERY THURSDAY. ,-^«ia -VTAT10NAL STEAM SnlP / -^ Dlp-? \ T IN COMPANY (LIMITED). *^iife liiUj Si*A Thencw full-powered British Iron ^ BH&I BI C2BQHHK& Screw Steam-shi ps S ^ip* . Ton* I SttijH. Ton* WA1S , "inwni ?!H* KstfUksrs YMl.TlKUMiison W7 WiVrT , (inn* .Vnil KHIX , IJIWIOD 3.110 ITALY , WI-I I -I .T J70" HKI.VCTIA . lirisirs .1115 HOLLAND , Ilror-:—¦ "KiO l'KXSYI.V'XIA , K. iup... 2HT4 FHANUK . ThoiuH'ii 3571 VIIIGIXIA , Suralur itoTli THKVL'KKS . Tbnuius.... «I7 DKXMAHK , Ambi-wo.... JS50 Will bedrspntched from Liverpool to New York a* follows * ITALY Wednesday Aug. 2nd. SPAIN (new) Wednesday Aug. Hth. ESULAND Wednesday Aug. 16th. Awl train Qiircnstimn ILii- lollouini* day*. Tlif Sulmm acci'miundatiuu on buaid then 1 Sti'amcir is mv-utpasfceu, \l»c Slu' f-rnorns \m\\z unusuall y I HT ^ I*, ami open utVthe r>almitw, which aifi hituatcd in the poop on deck —tlie poop being 1WI Int lui'i:. Kate ot pa«*iiL*e 12, 15, iirnl 17 (i jinra* . ai-enrditiir to nc- it>mm<xlatinn in Stutit lotiin— H II listing same privilege ill Saturn. Kelurn Ticket*. Twenty-five Guinea*. Tin; Stecracc accouiiii<jil; ui<iii iiui*qoalli'il for Fpace , light , ¦ml limitation. Abundance of Kn-sh Provisions served oo ("nf.Vfil l y the Coin]m>)'\ S'ewalds. Itutcs cl pBsstpc on Kntiiccd Term*. p^c«^ n »,. rH bnnkril through to A c pinwall , San I' rnnciiiro, tl:r iul'iitil totnir: ut Canitdii , jud of the Uinta! Stnto, on I.ivoiimWc lerm> : aU", to Ao>trali« , New Sfailanr) , Cliili" , niid Jwpiiit , at Inw rlncui^li r^tet , Tin New Yurk Htid San Fr»nci«-o. Fur Freight <ir ]*a«Miie upply to Tnit N ATIONAL STI AM Snip COMPAST (LIMITED), '21 mid23, Water-trot , I,iierpcol; To. N. anil J. CfMMisa and linos., Qneeni.ti.un j to Mr. MfcjmiT , Nf\ts Acent , CBrricV-on-Soir; or .Mr. ItlctlAlm 1' III I.A S, l' nrtlnir ; or to the Jititt for llotirford— MICHAEL DOWNEY , Quay. STEAM TO NEW YORK ••WHITE STAR" LINK , FROM LlVERl'OOJi *> f~|""lHE Muguificent new full-powered ^aJb ^K JL Steamships of the OCEANIC ¦y&Hii^- STEAM NAVIGATION CO. (Limited) , ~v * tm*iJtv!v >xM so constructed as to sccuro ijuick and reK»l»r passages , will bo despatched as under:— OCEANIC Aug. It. BALTIC Sept. II. ATLANTIC Aug. i-\. ATLANTIC Sept. 2*. OCEANIC Sept. 7. OCEANIC Ost. li . CalliDR at QUKKNSTOWN on FRIDAY to embark Pas. -enaiTS. Th»r Steam^l'i p" RfToid rrxciul ncrommoJution to Cabin Prtbieni'cr't j I | IO v.iloon, ftnti > .room>, nnd cmo\e-toonis fire, amid.lii ps. A . «ui"Ki:nii and htewAtdtss carrinl . Saloon , €18 1»«. .ind £1(1 Hi'., IMurn Titkrt» , 27 Guinenn SU«- ace, i'l' I". For hills and furiher pmiculars , n|i|'ly lo ISMAY , IMltlK . & CO., 10 \Viiiei-str«t , Liverpool ! mil 7, E i«t Iiidi.i-8?enue , I^hJou. [i'lB-tf] T S. HARVKV . West of Knclitid Insurance OSic<-, \V«lerfid THE GUION LINE. UXITKD STATES MAIL STEAMERS, O " NK of the following or other First class , full-powered Steamships ffi-jM STT 1 will be despatched from LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK , EVERY WEDNESDAY. Coptoiu. Captain. WYOMIWS Kml . * x li'iKT.iy MINNESOTA T\V Kwini- n WLSCONMN J. A. Wilhimi. HANllATrAN..W. Fnrsyth I1>\I1O * ' MI : N PIIICK 'XKI ' .IJA X KA... .I AV . O CABI ) J.K\A1) A "" .V\V. C. 0r.).i.s , MONTANA illoililiiit) njLOKAliuT. V. K IH- KSAS HAKOTA ll)o.) And are iiitniil'i ' . to S»il .n follows . WYOMING Wednesday Aug. MINNESOTA Wednesday Aug !• . IDAHO.. Wednesday Aug. 10. COLORADA.... Wednesday Aug. SI. CALLING nt QL'EKNSTOV\ N tlie Jay followior, tucmbaik l*iii- . -t:ii^fi^ . r<>M-ncrr> Uoki-d tliruujli to San Kniiic:>c> and nil inland 'T^OW.- l«.« l.'verpo..l S,» Y.,rk :-Cnbi n r»»»«e £\r , 15< . «li'l t»8 1<>- - SL.race I' ii-ssicrjtreducnl r«te» Tlie Lulcr include? HII unlimilol ^pp ly ul piovisiou*. ^oukeil >nd wrted op by the Cum,i:mj ' , Mew.rd.. For frriirlit or pi»asr , apply 'o M It CAMI'ION , Ciuioiiilion.e ({any, Wnlerforil ; JOHN DKVKKS.UX. (Ju-y. WMM I UI J ; TIIU.MAS KAVANA<:H , tlie Si|uar.-, Uunxarvan JAMKS bCOIT A CO., Q.i« >'¦"•«"'•¦«• "' ,. , .„ .)•¦ -I] (iL'ION A; CO., 2.5 W.ln-str.ft , l.i»erpo«il VN«1 AN1> AND SOUTH WALKS , ARC 'IHE SOUTH OF IIIK1.\NI J . »v GKKAT WESTKUN RAILWAY . rm MILFOKI J HAVEN , lncoimi.'ction with tlie WATKII.OK' I & LiMKnttK and WlTElilnlili & C' KXTItAI. Iltl.LAXil LiuUS. SHORTEST ROUTE, and REDUCED FARES, •j Tl >;ij.rf» r-ui'i" <""^ ^"o ¦ fV "' J/u '- ^<f- -rt* , ff ij St<a»>m M 'JCIIY WEEK DAY. j ftV f" v& LV LKAVK WATKKIOBII at4 p.m., on Ai-rival of 11.10 a.m. Train from Limerick , nnd 10.50 a.m. Train from Jlnryborough, A IIKIVIX K IX LuXDOX lit at 11.15 following jnorning. DOWN— LKAVB LONIKIN (Padtlington) at 4.50 p.m., Ulld AlllllVK AT WATKKfOKI I IlllOllt !>.3O ll.lll.. ill time forthe 'fruins <m the Wuterford and Lime- rii-k and Ccntml Iiclniiil Liccs. FARES— WA TKUf O ltl) AX1) LONDON : .S IM . I. K.1 (iivailiililu 1 Days) 1st Cliiss & Suloon , 4 ()8 Od ind Class it Saloon, 85s M 3iil Chiss & Fore Cabin, -iOH Od H KII K . N (a vailable 1 Mouth) Ut Clims it SalooD, 7ti« Od ., ,, 2nd Class i Sidoon, 5Us 0<l Fni!¦!" information tan he ubUiiuctl from Messrs. In kvis and Co., New Mill' ord, and Mr. DowXKV , Adel phi Wlmrf , Waterl' ord ; and the SKII L' CKII FARKS I H-IWII'H other iiniwrtunt Statiouii, the Time Tables, mill Throug h Rates for Good* , Ac., of Mr. W. J. Bus- SII .L, the U KKAT Wi-<n:i;N COIII ' AXV ' S AUK .\ T, PAUL'S SQUARE, WATEHFORI) . J. 0R1ERS0N, General Manager. l' liiUhiKtoii , January, 1S71. fmy.28 The L-vinrs are resjicctfull y solicited to mako a TIIIAL of THE GLENTIELD STARCH , V1IIC1I TIIKV «II.L UN" To " l; lU! ">' l':i:10ll TO AW (ITIII II KTAKMI FOR DRESSING LACES , LINENS , ic. It is now used in all Laundries , from tho cottage to the palace, and when once tried is found to be iudispensable. {£- When yon nsk for GLK . NTIELD STABCM , >re fj m t i/oi< <ji( if , »s inferior kinds are often subsii. tatcd for tho sake of extra profits. SHIPPING WATEEFORD STEAM COMPANY. ZlTTEtfD ED OBDXB of SAILING—ATJQTJST, 1871 _ M - VTOTICE. —TheWaterfordSteamship «»iJ> ^. X"l Company rcceire Goods for Shi pment V^^ I^Vou tho following Terms only:—They rcnerve yA<m clla £*a the right to curry I g any, not by particular \ csscl.s, with liberty to Tow Shi ps and call at other Ports ml will not be accountable for injuries or losses arising; from delay, accidents of tlie Sew, Rivm, Fire, the Qnccn"s Ene- mies, defective Navigation , or accidents from any other canse, nor for any los« wliicfa mi»ht have been covered by Insurance, nor for Lealajre, Brealoge, Condition , Quality, or contents of any I arcels or Packages , unless speciHll y entered nnd ad «i. I rtm t rcisM pai.l . Goods not removed to be Stored nt the usk and eipense ot the Consicn»e». WATER KORD AND 11UISTOL ,. ,. a 'P"#> ^""" . or other eligible Vrwrl. direct. J roni W nterford lo : J. toa nriitlA t0 w »teifo rd : Tueida,, Aut. I , _ 0 More. Tlmwilt,, Au,. 3. ~ 7 Aim luc. -d»y. 8. ... 1 Aflo ' i. Tborala/ ,, in, ...V] Anon Towday, 13, _ R Morn . Thnwl.i, 17, ... 1 Morn. Tuesday, ¦!< , ..,13 Noon. Thowlay ' 54 ' .. )1 M0I1, TueKlay 20, ... 8 Mor.. Tbundar " 31 . ... 17 Moc . Juvema. From Waterfora to Bristol , From Bristol to Walarford , Direct. I calling at Pembroke Dock. Friday, Ann. 4 „. tl Morn Tnerf.j. Anf . 1 ... » Mon. FriXj " " IQ ~ ,1 Ari ' n TueWaj, ,. B - II Morn Friit.r, ,. 18, ... Jl Morn TnMd.y, Is e Morn Frldij, Sept . 1 .„ II Mora.|Toei<»y - . ... r,\ Morn CSJ* On Karl y Morninir Sailings, the Cahin of the Steam• «" T' 1 '?. e 0 P? n l0 T«x>r > Pnssen S er« arriving from London by the NiElit MailTniii:. Cabiu Fare, 16». Od. j Servants and Children , l(h. Od. Return do. 263. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin Cork , or \\ eiford, 31«. 6d., SUivard' a fee included ; Deck 7i. Od. Females attend the Laili>« ' CM«. WATER FORD AND LIVERPOOL. Lara and Camilla, or oilier elinible Ve»Fcli. IKOM WATm»oxii: i ritnM LIVEWOOL : w»^ rMd»y Auc 2, 2 Aft ' n|We<lne»iJaj Aai S. ...II Horn Frldsv , 4, _ : Affn Fridiy .. 4 , .»!1 Kora MoncUj 7... 3i Aft ' n MondiJ, ,, 7 , ... 3 Affn Wcdne«l»y .. . ..... 3} A'l'»!wedac«d»y 9, _. 5 Mom F.M..J, ,. 11 , .. 8 Morn FrMij 11, _. J M.irn Mnnday H. ... U'Xch.n Momlaj ,. 14 , _. 9 Mom Wetirwday IB .,.. 1 AffnlWertnesiliy in. Morn lriil«j, 18, „. 1 AII ' niFridir ., IS. ..It Msrn Monday 31 , _ 3J Afl' n Munil.y 2l ,._ I Affo \\edne».ij)- 2.1,. ... ;,j Alt ' ajWedoefilay - '1,... i Alfn FrlJar .. s.v ... 7 Morn Frnlav. «, ... * MCn .Mon<l»r ,. :3. 11 MonTMonilav. , VS . ... 8 .Morn Uedn.ilaj M ... 1 Affn WcdoMdij ;„ 31, ...lOMora Cabin Far*, 15s.; Servants and Children , 10s.; Deck , 7s, 8d . : Cliildrrn. li . Females attend tho Ladies ' Cabin. Goods nieivi'd at Cliirence Dock. WATER FOR I) AND LONDON. Juroia aiul Vesta, or other eli gible Vessels. F' .H'K »ATXSri>U P , TRO» LOXOON , W K l-i , !. Y . I WEEKLY. LoiniNO BiiifTiis:—London—British and Forei gn Steam Wbsil , Loner Eait Suiithfield , and West Kent Wharl , Soutliu*ni L. WATER10R1 ) AND I'LVJIOUTH , Aurora ami Vesta, or other i-ligible Vessels. rKOM WATKRFOIIU: 1!:OM PLTJdOUTH : W i: K K L Y . I WEEK I. V . Taliinp Goods for Falmouth , Southampton , Portsmouth , and places adiaccnt. WATEHFOBD AND NEW ROSS. F ROM WATEBFORD Dail y, Sundays cxeepted, at 4.0 r.H. FKOM N EW HOE»—Daily, Sundays eiccpted , at 8.45 A .M WATEHFORD AND DUNCANNON. F ROM WA TERF OBD Dail }-, Sundays excepted, at 4.0 P.M. FROM DOKCAKKOR— Daily, Sundays eiccpted , »t 8.15 A.M. Ilerths secured and every information given by thcAgcnts. Bristol—The Geueral Steam Packet Office. Liverpool— Waterlord Stea m Shi p Company, 23, Urunsiviek-istreet, Was ' iitls 'ton 15uilJin~s. London—ANTHOT. G. UoDlKflOlc , 20 .Mark Lanp; Ilritisll nnd Foreign Steam Wharf , Lower Eu«t Suiithfield , and West Kent Wharf , Sonthwark Pfy- montk— H JS XBT J. WAHIXG , the Wharf , Milbay. f.ie20-tf1 Ann at thrCouiiianr ' ii Offire . tbe MALL. WATER ' KORD. CL1DE SHIPP1KG OOJIPANy. AUGUST , 18 71. STEAM COMM UNICATION Between Glasgow, Cork , and Waterford, Carrying Goods Htl'lirou-ch Rates to LlMBniCK , TlPFEBART , CAnin , C' LOXMTL , CABRICX -OK -SVJB , KILKEUST , AB- BtTLElX , MAItTDOKODOn , ulld N F .WFOBT (Mon). 1 "Vj)k rriHE New and Powerful Screw •^JM K T^ -¦- Stwinera SKERUYV ORK , CUM- ^Satw^RRAE , SANDA , KUDYSTONK , KIN- T «-^ japl ^**^ tf SALE, and SALTKK , or other Fiist-Class Vessulf , arc intended Sail under ( UII ICM prevented by ny nnfcireseen circumstance), with or withnul INlots , and with lilirrty to Tote Vessels , and to render Assistance to VI ' SSP I R in Distirss r— FROM GLASGOW TO COHK mid WATKRF0U1) , every MONDAY , WEDNES- DAY And FRIMAY , ai^ p.m.; Rail to Grwnock 7 p.m. Noll!.—The Stratum . -ailing on Mnnday a and Wednes- day* call first it Wuterford. The Steamer on Friday goes diirct to Cork , nnd call* at Watrrford rttnininf. FKOM WATERFOKD TO UKt.FAST, Via COIIK. FRlDAYS...4:b , lltli , 18t!i , and 25iU Aasuil . and lit Sept , PI10.M COHK TO 11ELFAST Direct . 8ATURl>AYS...6tb , 12'b ,10th ,iind 26th Aog., and 2od S.-pt •iEI.FAST TO CURK&WATEltFORD . riaGLASGOW M0NDAYS...7tb , 14th , SM, ,, nJ 2Sili Aur., and i.h Sept FROM COltKTO DUBLIN , Via WATERFOItl) , MONDAYS....7th ll-li , 2Nt , and 28th Aug., and 4tb FROM WATERF0RD TO DUI1LIN , Direct , TUESDAYS..lit , 8th ,15lh 22ud & 20ih Au-, nnd 6th Sept . DUIILIN TO CORK & WATERFORD . rti GLASGOW WEDNESDAY8..2nd , 9tb, 10tb ,23rd,& 30th Aur.,40:hSept , FROM CORK TO Glaifnw (direct) TUoriday, 3rd Ao*, 4 p.ra Glass"" I*}" ... Saturday, 6th 6 Glasgow (riaWalirfoid * Dublin) Monday " ill 0 p.m Glasgow 'direct ) Thursday, 10th 0 p.m GU-noir (via Hel' ast) Saturday I2lh 2 p.m OU"irow (rm Wattrlord & Dnblin) Monday, 14th ' J p.m Gliwoiv (direct) Thursday, 17ih ¦) Glavnx 1 (»'a l!rlfa»t) .Saturday, 10th 5 [i.m Glasjnw (ri«Watrrluid& Dnblin) Mmiday, 21»t I! p.m GI.I' BOW (direit) Thur'tlay/iitli b p.m C1»' L '»« { via lic ' .f^t) ... Saturday, 2tllli 1 p.m (ilatmxr (tin Waterlord i Dublin) Monday, 2Stli 2 p.m (ibb:iiw (ilirect ) Tlmraday, 31st 3 p.m FKOM WATKRFOKD TO Coik and Ghacow .... ...Wedneadav, 2nd Aug., 1 p.m C«rk , l' t'HnM , ami lil.i*-o*f ... Friday, -l-* .l! 1 p.m Dublin and (ila*i!oiv ... Tuwday Ath 1 p.m Coik imd Gla.goiv Wednesday !l|li 1 p.m On!: , li-lfiwi , i.u-J (;ia«-»iv .„ Friday, Illli 1 p.m Dublin and Gl.isjcv Tuesday, 1' itli 1 P-u> Cork mid Gla-^ow Wt'iliies'lay, ll 'lb 1 p.m Coik , IWf.i>-t , and Gl.- .^ow ... Friday, 18th 1 p.m DnWin ami U UKCOW TnesiUv , 22nd 1 p.m Cork .ind (ili«w Weilneaday 23rd 1 p.ra Cork , Uclhiol , and Gla-gon- ... Friday, 2olh 1 p.m DuUin and Gbis^uw- ... Tuudtiy, 2flth 1 p.m Cork and Glasgow Wednesday, 3O:h 1 p.m FADES :- Gbi«iow to Watirfnrd or Cork...Cabi D, 17^.0.1 .; Deck , I./*. Cork and VVitcrlurd to HtUiui ... 17s. 0.1. Ws Cork to Waterford 8<. fid. 4i. Cork Hiid Walcrford to iJulilin ... 1(». Od. Oi, Return Ticlett , atailal.le for one jf o "th , not travf erallf (ila«KO>» to Cork nr Waterlord Cabin, 25s. Oi. Waterfoid to Cork Cabi n, 12s. 6-1. 83-r NOTE.—The Clyde Shi pping Company Insure al ; Goods Shi pped hy tlu-se Linn ul Sti»uiei» , at . per Cent 1 —values to lie drclared ut time of Shi pment. Forms and al information to IK* lud atthu OtKr.*. For Rates of rreiuht , &c, apply to—CORK SitAKMlir Co., Pi-uroM- Quay, Cork ; JonN LV DDY, WA TSRPOBD and LtMinlCK ?R AILKAT OFF ICE, LIMKUICK ; CAKOLIX nnd EOA . X, No. 20, Kdeu Quay, DcDLt.v ; J AMBS M AD - DOCKS and H AL * ., N' ewpurt (Mon.) ; J. C. PIBKEKTO.X, 10 Victoria St ., ; G B A IIIM HRTMSJ.K, Gr««HH:V ; C' LTDE SlIirFIKO COMPAW , 3. 0-tttnlil Str»et , Glasgow ; orlo MICilAKI. DOWNEY , »l23-tf Custom Him.. Quay, Waterford. LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT THE DIRECTORS OK TIIK WATKIIFOXD i CENTRAL I RKLA . MI RAILWAY COM CAXV (for tho pur|K).so of REPLACING tho INSTALMENTS «.f tho (JOVERN- MENT LOAN nudBONDS i* alliu|f due) uro prepared to Accept LOANS ON DEPOSIT, payable oil short notice , upon such terms na may bo agreed on. They will also accept MONEY en MORTGAGE BOND ' S, at FIVE PER CENT, payable upon Ono Year' s notice, or for such term of years a* may be fixed ; nud for tho DEBENTURK STOCK, bwiii}; Intcrwt at SIX PER CENT, for TIIIIKE YKAVS, and FIVE PER CENT in perjietuity tiftenvurdu. For tho Year ending the 2DtU of Sept., 1870, tho Traffic Receipts wero£29,080 DSs. lid.—tho Working anil other Expenses hciu^ £13 , 128 II*. 4il.—leuving a baluncu of J^14,«(J1 •!». 7d. for Interest i*u Loans , af- ter tho payment of which there in u considerable sur. plus; and tho Roci HptH continue steadil y to incrvaso. They will , every Hnlf-ycar , send to eaeL Creditor a Statement uliowin^ the lull part iculars and Amount of tbo ucvcral Loiuts due by the Company. App lications to bo oddreimed to the unde. -fitpied, at tbe Company' s OIKccs, Watcrford Terminus. tBy Order), WILLIAM WILLIAM S , Secretary. Water ford, February 20th , 1871. (ialO) £12, 000, 000 STEELING, GL'AUANTKKD by Government , urc to be Jiitnbutfd ' iii in ioua BUIIK npwHrila lo JKiO .UUO. Any tierMiti by ii:«»liiis J-l '" "'" bona jMe Govirnoicut irHtu- urtii.n ' may rralise X3U, 0GO. Por Pro»|*ctu» (which will be orwiirilnl liw of tiP""") ""P 'y ' T !lrl"r , :«IJre*»«l Mr. J. A. RINCK. No. 14, Duk«-»t , Adi ' i.lii., I^IM. IOII , W.(.\ tim Cotlin Factory & Undertaking Establishment JIANOil-sTRKKT , V/ATKHFOItU. "O ICIIARD flTZGEUALD begs to infirm his JK, numerz-k Fricadf. and tho Public g. nerally, that he it vw prepared to execute all Oi ler i in the TTHDZBT AUIKQ HmiNESB. IMPORTANT ADVERTISEMENT BY J . & P. COATS , HUHM: SEWIKG , TATrtNC, AUD CROCHET COTTON MANUFACTURERS , PAISLEY, ll.ld.ta ol PRIZE MEDALS aw.irde.l iU the I.ON'DON nud I'ARIS EXHIBITIONS lor Excellence of Quality. ¦ V; J. <fc P. COATS beg to call tho attention of Consumers to their IMPROVED . ^ BESf' SOFT J9BWING COTTON, which , with tho view of nioro full y meeting tho wants of Sowing Macbindir , they iu>tu* mako Six- Cord in« '" length?, from No. 10 to 10U inclu>ivo. Tho importnDco of this change will bji ttoro clearl yjuudcr- btoou when they Ktntc that in tho TKAIIE , Wrapper Thread, in all lengths , known as Swr^Cto^w such to No. •10 OTt ty, bciuft Four-Coril liom i' l to 70, nnil Thrcc-Cord above that number. ¦ .Jvi^w From its increased STHENCTII , SMOOTIIXKSS , aod KLASTICITV , J. &. V. C. can confidenftjvwcommend thoir BEST SIX-CORD as unsurpassed for cither Hand or Machine Sewing, nnd aro satisfied WRi the obnngo will bo fully appreciated by nil who use a reall y good Thread. It is equall y suitable for cvory Knd of Shuttle or Spool Machine , Lock or Chain Stitch. * . ' . ' ; Host GLACE THREAD , Extra Qualit y, manufaetured expressl y for Sewing Mnchino Work, may also bo had by tboso who prefer it. TATTIN .; or CIIOCIIKT Conox, of a superior quality, in Hank or on Keala, snitablo for tho finest Embroidery, Point Lace, (iuipure, nnd other Fancy Work. [f 10.0m GREAT ATTRACTIONi . SHIRTS ! FIT WARRANTED. —Our CASHMERE COTTON SHIRTS aro a perfect and agreeable substituto for Flafincl. They nro cml , alf orbenl , and do . NOT shrink. Our FINE WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS arc excellent valno. Patterns , with lustructions for accti- rato Self-Meastirement , free by post. P. T0BIN & SONS, 58 & .7J Quay, Hosiers, Shirt and Collar Makers , nnd mal.t.lyi General Outfitters. SECOND DELIV E ^ R X~ NEW SUMMER GOODS ON SATURDAY, the 29th of JULY, 1871 , "Vy K will bo prepared to SHOW A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of NEW SUMMER GOODS (om ' ' SECOND DELIVERY), which for sty lo, quality, and general excellence, cannot bo surpassed. WOOLLENS. BLACK, BLUE, AND CLARET ; SUPERFINE WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTHS (Warranted Fust Colors) ; PILOTS, BEAVEHS, FANCY COATINGS , AND MANTLE CLOTHS; FANCY TR0WSERINGS ; IRISH, ENGLISH, AND SCOTCH TWEEDS. DRESSES. GLACE and CLOUDED ALPACAS ; GRANITE MOHAIRS; ALPACA LUSTRINES ; MAULED CHALLIES; FKENCU MEKINOES; HOSIERY and GLOVES , HATS and CAPS ; LADIES' &. GENTLEMEN'S TIES A LSO , A L A11 U- J WHITE COUNTERPANES .t MARSEILLES QUILTS ; DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS : M. POWER & SONS , Nos. 2 & 3 , BROAD STREET and 1 , LITTLE PATRICK STREET S34- AX INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. McLEAN & McINTOSH , PLUMBERS, LEAD MERCHANTS , $'c, BEG to intimate that they have now nddud to their business a BRASS FOUNDRY mid ENGIKE V .U- 1NG ESTABLISHMENT, where Brass Work of every descri ption will bo cast nnd finished off iu Firet-class style, anil with ns littlo delay as possible. JICLKAX nud MC I XTOSII also beg to tender their sinccro thanks for tho kind patronage bestowed on them, and hope, by their coustaut attention to busi- ucss, to merit a contiuunnco of same. C2J* Lcoil , llraio, Cojij'O-, anJ Iron lVorfec, 3, LIUl'LE GEOltGE' S STREET, WATERFORD and ROSE-1NN STREET , KILKENNY. N.B. Green-houses, Conservatories, uiid Public Buildings Heated on the most improved principle by tho circulation of hot water. (mylo-Gm) YBATMAN'S YEAST POWDER hiu, by its <-lctf]b*iit*r, ci:tii^tv »n|ipr->edvd BAKING POWWEUS. YBATMAN'S YEAST POWDER. Tlit Sale is itiini<iisr , aud kttll incrcnsiutf. Il will keep good lor yean in nut climate. YEATMAN'S YEAST l'UWDKE m^ltcii I' tistry linlit and digestiTe, savin™ r^gs nnd butter , nnil tK'liciotm hifiuc-uiudebrcMil in fire oiinutp- . Used in Her Mujp.sty* -* kitchen , the Armj and K»vy t nud sold by all Grocers and CLenmts. YEATMAN'S YEAST POWDER, told iu Id. and 3d. Holes , nnd <M. md In., 2j. UJ., and 3s. Ciniateni . (j.i20t (30 Sold by R. RYAN, Grocer , 12 Broad Streot , and 111 Onay. Watorford. 5 & 0. GEORGE'S STREET, WATERFORD Ileliriiuj pom the Drapcni linzinest , niciiii/ (¦/ the Exj 'i- ration of the Lcatc mi't the inability of the I'wj rtittitt to 2>rnrurc a n-nevcul. J PEXDER oilers tlie Entire of his STOCK »t HALF tin; I'ricr , winch ccustst s chitll y of Black and Fancy Silks, Mantles, Millinery, STRAW iiud SAHLE HATS , KURS , FLOWERS nnd FEATHERS , STAY:-, CIUXOLINKS , GLOVE. -! , 110- SIKltY , A«. S^le e.cb ilay fro m Ttu to Five n'Clock. J. l'ENI'Ell solicits nn h^pcaion. [mlilO-ly Tl 1K WOKLIJ-llENOWNED ELIAS HOWE" SEWING MACHINES ELIAs IlOWh (.lunior), the Original Invctittir of tho Kewiug Machine , was decorated by the Emperor with Tho Cross of tho Legion of Jlouur ut The Paris Evjf isilif in Vnivcrscllc , LSG7. Goi.n Mtu.u. —Amsterdam Exhibitiou , 1SGU, and it has obtained the highest houors at all tbo great Ex- hibitions. Tlie Qualities which lleomiuiewl them ore :— 1—Tcuuious on Upper and Lower Thread ore en- tirel y new and effective. ' 1—Beauty and Excellence of Stitch nliko on both sides of Fabric sewed. ' A Strength, Viraincas nnd Elasticity of Seam that will not Rip or Knvcl. 1—Uses n Smaller Needle for samo Thread than auy other Machine. 5—Economy of Thread, (i—For Hamming nud Braiding aro especi- ally Unequalled. 7—Their Perfection and Complete- ness. 8^Will not cuail y get out of order and readily learned. II—Adapted for every description of Sew- ing. lO^Simplicity und Suiioriority of Mcohanhin. " THE FAMILY MACHINE" Is unrivaled for its Beauty of Stitch ; tho grout ranjjo of work it, will do, und its simplicity uud superiority of Mechanism. With it a child cuu Scam, Hum, Fell , Tuck, Quilt , Itniiil, liiud , Cord mid Embroider, ic, <Sc. ^tachines for Families uud Dres^.mukers ; Machined for Tailors , Boot-makei s and Saddlcra, lo bu »eeu daily iu operation AT 110JJERT LOCKE &, Cu., Ageuts for Waterford , Where all arc invited lo come uud see what tho cele- brated "Ef.lAS HOWE" Sowing Machines can do ! N.H. Observo tho Medallion Trado Mark , Por- trait of Et.ns II OWK Embedded in each Machine— nouo gcuuino without it. MAXC KACroitir—Bridgeport, Connecticut , U.S.A. 1'HINCII 'A*. OITICK—( iaa, nroadway, New York. ELKOPK . V N DKi'OT—(i l . Regent.street, Loudon, \V. N. P. STOCKWI .I.1. , European Manager. U IIAM I II -*-G7, Bolil.strcet , Liverpoul. RKl'KKSENTAIIVK Hill lllKI.A NU J. l' KKMt.J.I. UK , Com- mercial Hotel ,, Dublin. O'J'-ly) NERVOUS DEU1L1TY, aiid ull NE11VOU8 AFKKt. 'rIONS, tthptbec the H: MI I I ul ea rly error, or other*' * !*?, are liy very limplc and iHeiiienaive ni(iiii» quickly currd in Mil Kr»ntc mul (jcnnHiiy. Tlie a nsi. dint iu this cuuntiy, will lK happy to tend lire tn nil aj.pli. cmiti lull palliciiliin uf thenindc ot trrjtiocnt tbeinudopti-d , on recei pt uf n dnefie-1 mviilopr. All pi!r»un« nuy core them. mhn, 4nd tliu-i not inn tbe rink ut Iviue; titlimianl . AdJiesi Mi ni". A. I) UVAL, 13, NrtviniirVrt-Htri-ct lliiminiilniin. HEALTH AND MANLY V1GOU. -A hMia,\ man of 20 you.* MiWrieno in tbo treatment ol NERVOUS DE- BILITY , Spurmttonbu; and other affection-, which are oltcu Hcquirt-d in i-ariy lite, mid unlit auffereri tur rrmrrmge. and other Kocial dutiei , li:m uuhlirbid i BooV K 'rmn the lull brnrliiot li ia louit i>|>riii-iiu! KTH I H, »:ith pl.iin direction! for ll.e recoriMy of ilriilth mid *Stu-ni;lli. A hiiwle cupy lent tn any mlJirt> on ricriplul One Stilinp. Addrmi to tlie SrerfUry , Iilslitnlr n Anntnuiy liirniinclinni fjl-lyl CAEDIFP and NEWPORT COAL COMPANY WATERFORD. miUS COMPANY HAS OPENED COAL DEPOTS A. AT TIPPER A R-Y aud at ih« diUcrcnr, othor RAILWAY STATIONS along thoWutcrford , Limoriek , und Kilkeuuy Ituihvay liuus. All Orders will bo re- coired aud promptl y attended to by JAMES DA VIES, Manager. Offites , 21 Williani-stroct , Watorford. ( PLAIN and CHEN£ REW'S ; FllENCU BATISTE (for COSTUMES) ; PRINTS and FRENCH PRINTED MUSLINS j SKIRTS and SKIRTINGS (New St y les). CUFFS, COLLARS, ic. j PARASOLS (ALL SIZES) in COTTON, ZANELLA and SILK. STOCK 0 F GREY and WHITE CALICOES, IRISH nnd SCOTCH LINENS, SHEETINGS , TOWELLINGS , TICKENS , HESSIANS, Ac. HOJI E RULE. IRISH MANUFACTURE. ASK FOR KELLY'S "SNOW-FLAKE" STARCH, 83J- IJL'QU/nES NO BOIL ING ! A li I) K K s s : JOHN KELLY , (mhiil.tJm* 1 ) liAliROW W0nKS, <iliAIGVK General VICTUALLING ESTA3LISHMENT 17 , GEOltGE'S STRKET. JOHN STAFFORD BEGS to inform tho Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry of Watcrford and surrounding districts , that he HAS OPENED HIS NEW VICTUALLING ESTA . BL1SHMENT , AT 17 GEORGE'S STREET, where he offers for Sale the very Bo3t descri ption of BEEP , MUTTON , PORK , AND VEAL. *|fr All Joints Cut to Suit Purchnaera. i . S., in returning to his numerous suppor- ters, for the very largo share of patronago which thoy accorded him during tbe long period he has been in business, begs to ausure them tliat in IUB New Esta. ¦ jlishment they will find it their interest to continue that support. Or* 1'ho Jvstiblishmcut will be open from Seven in thn Morning until Nino at Ni ght. OJS.SEHVE :—General Victualling Eatabluhment , 17 licort je x i Street. diiM i JOHN STAFFORD. PHOMIKTOB. THIRD DELIVERY or SUMMER GOODS. MR. A. vn MRS. KELLY JI.WE Jl'ST RETURNED FROM L ONDON. AND T)rJG; to netjtiaint * ,heir Custouicrs and •^ tho Public thai owiug to tho late- ness of the Season , THEY HAVE PURCHASED THEIR STOCK Considerably under Valuo ! If^J" Ami ofler Ibo xrimo advantage in all departments of their business. MRS. KELLY , MILLINERY , MANTLE , AND GENERAL DRAPERY WAREHOUSE , 75, QUA Y, WATEIIF0UD. Jnuo 22nd . 1871. It , liAHKoxsriiAM) STREET, WATEiironu, May Ut , 1B71. HENRY AUDLEY & CO. ""STt^'lIlLE returning their sinccro and grateful * * aeknowlcdgmonts to tho public for tho eitcnsivo Patrouago hitherto bestowod upou them, beg to acquaint their kiud patrons thut, thoy huTo added to their Stook , n ull Depart- ments, c o Jt ¦• it I s I x c : fJiioctiiits iind OILS, rtiinijiKKV , ITALIAN U UOUS, COLOUIIS , U IIANDLEIIV , DHLCS, COKUAOK , CANVAS , <tc. which they can caulidently recommend. N.B.SOLK AOEXW ia Waterford for PEACOCK and Buciu.Vs PATENT PAINTS. C35* Orders executed with aoourucy aud des- patch. HATS ! HATS ! HATS I FJ^-ta 0»®" Manufacture Ftwwwe). JjM rpitv 4, LirrLE GEORGE 'S STREET, ^^^ -*- IKAT£KFOJ : D. C<0~ Huts Bought in this Est&bliBhmoat , Dressed Free of Vliurge. (myl3.Um) . JACOB, BROTHERS, IRONMONGERS, "WATERFORD, A GENTS for SAMU ^ LSON AC O' S. Mowiug Miiohincg, XJL Reaping Machines, and Combined Mowing and Reaping Maohiues. Also , J. & F. HoWAun' s Patont Horso Rakes , l' atont Haymakers and Champiou Ploughs. Earl y Orders respectfull y solicited to inauro timoly delirery. Lists foi-wtirdcd on upixlication. (my8) V. J. if. - THE COMMUNITY of tho G OOD SHEPHERD WATElli'OUD, beg respootliilly to inform their kind friends raid tho charitable pnjj lic that A BAZAAR IN AID Ol- 1 TUECll MAQDALKX ASYLUM , will bo UcJi this year nndor tho I' atroua-'O of tbo Most Kov. Dr. O'JJ KIHX , Lord Bishop of VVutcrford and Lismoro. Contributions, in money or kind , in work, or in fanoy articles, will be moat gi. -atelully received. ( V". Jl. CHILLY , Superioress. H.O , TEL S CITY MANSION HO-mL , 30 LOWER BRIDGE STREETw DUBLIN, ADMITTEDLY ono of the BEST SITUATE, CHEAPEST, and . WOST'XOMFORTABIE FAMILY and COMMERCIAL HOTELS in tho City. Bed, Is. i BrcakJhst . ls. . *, Duiner,(0rdinary) is. 6d. Dining and Sitting; Kooms sot apart for Ladies and Families, frco of chargol Accommodation for Seventy- fire Persons. [jaS-ly] 83T A Night Porter always in attendauco. PATRICK S. CAREY, 'Pixtprictor. DUBLIN. The European Hotel , Bolton Street. riWE EUROPEAN is tho largest , tho best situate, JL nnd tho most «omfortnblo Hotr ' in tho City. All modern improvemeuU have bf *n rottfntly introduced , and tho entire House papered , painted, and decorated. Twenty SniteB of Apartments for Families. Draw- ing KoomB from 2B. 6d. to 6s. Sitting Rooms on the ground floor free of charge. ,. •gar Soup, Fish, Joints, Fowl, and Entree in Coffee Room and Restaurant , from Two to Seven o'clock dail y. BedrUotadJ' ng Servants , -8s. 6d., 2s.and Is. Od. [mSl-tn J. MOLONY, Proprietor. " MILFORD HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL , ADJOINING tha Terminus of tho Sonth Wales Railway Company at New Jfilford, and the Landing Stage of tho Watcrford Royal Mail Packets. The Public aro respectfully informed that the above extensive Establishment is replete with evory accom- modation. Coffee , Commercial , nnd Sitting Rooms ; Billiard and Smoking Rooms. Tho Rooms aro largo , lofty, and airy, bcnutifull y decorated, olognntly fur- nished, and are otherwise fitted up with every regard to comfort and convenience. This Hotel is situated on the banks of tho far- famed Milford Haven, and commandn a most exten- sive, view of Her Majesty' s Dockyard , and of the romantic aud picturesque Scenerv of the ncighbonr- hood. Visitors, Tourista, Commercial Gentlemen, and Families will Und this Establishment, for situation nnd comfort, combined with Moderate Charges, sur- passed by no other in tho Princi pality IJSJ} 1 " Jlot , Cold , and Shower Baths. All communications should lie addressed to ( J. WHOTTCi; , Maniu-or. GREAT HOTEL, TRAMORE. THIS well-known tind highl y favoured Hotel is now OPENED under tho immediate Supervision of Mn. J OHN Powi:tt ,. Proprietor , (assisted by his son, Mr. PATCICK Pou EH), who, for tho purpose, of giving more attention to tho business in TKAMOKE , has parted with tho Adol phi Hotel in Waterford. J, P, begs most respoctfull y to retnrn his sincoro thank B to tho Nobility, Gentry, nnd other Visitors for their kind patronage, and assures tbcm, that nothing will be left undone lo make this Establishment ono of tho most Coinfortabl u Hotels in tho South of Ireland. Tho situation oftbiB Hotel cannot bo surpassed iu any Sea Bathing town iu tho kingdom ; it commands a bploudid view of tho beautiful Hay, ami wilbiu two minutes walk of tho Railway and Strand. A first- clnss Billiard and News Rooms aro attached ; us also Livery SUiblcs fur a large number of horses. Nothing but tho CHOICEST WINES and SPIRITS kept , and ovorything served of tho best quality, aud iu tho neatest sty lo. PittVATi: AI' A HTMKXIS for familio?. Hoarders will ensure the best attendance, and most comfortable living at u moderate charge. An ordinary each day at six o' clock , p.m. preniselv. Pic Nic PAKTIKS nupplicd with every rermisilo at tho shortest notice. Dinners, Dejeuuerrf, &c. nt private residences carried oat in first-class style, and at tho smallest sbodo of profit. (mliu ' -tf) mJNMORE EAST HOTEL JOHN POWER begs most respectfull y lo return his sincoro thanks to the Nobility, lientry, and other visitors to Dunmore, for the kiud patronngo hv bus received ainco opening tho abovo Establishment, and desires to say that his arrangements for tho Season aro now complete, whou he hoped to rcccivo a continnance of their support. Tho Hotel is deli ghtfully situated , commanding an uninterrupted view of tho Shi pping entering tho mouth of tbo harbour, togcthor with a, largo extent of Sea and tho beautiful Coast. Tho Pier also is £ccond to few in the kingdom as a promenade, and tho Grove has been extensivel y bcaulilicd by tho Most Noblo tho Marquis of Waterford. It is one of tho most secluded and uni que Bathing Placos ia tho South of Ircluud, aud is withiu tt short drivo of tho City of Waterford, between which and tho Daumoro Hotol a well ap- pointed Omnibus runs daily. Thcro are spacious Livery Stables and a good Posting Establishment conucctcd with tho above. Privuto Apartments speciall y for families. Boarders will rcceivo tho best attendauco at a modoratc scalo of charges. An ordinary each day at six o' clock pre- cisel y. Pic Nic parties supplied with every requisite at tho shortest notice. Dinners, Dejeuners, &c, at private residences carried out io first-class sty le, and at tho smallest ubado of profit. (je-3) IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS, TOURISTS , AND OTHERS. If you mm! comfort , convenience , and economy, T II V T II E WATERFORD ARMS' HOTEL, CORNER OP COLHECK ST. AND THE MALL. |£ij" LUNCHEON S read y at all times. (jy l) IMPERIAL HOTEL , SQUARE, DUNGAKVAN. MARGARET 0 CALLAOHAN , PjmriurroK, BUGS to inform her friends and tbo public that sho has opened tho " I MI 'KKIAI . " which is most convenientl y situato on tho SQUAXK , between the National Hunk nnd tho Post-ollice, and exactly oppu. uito whuro tho Couch aud Day Cars start from. M. O'C. will pay every atteutiou to thoso patron- ising the Hotol. Charges very moderate. Q3$" Cars can bo bad ou the shortost notice, Imperial Hotol , Dungarvnn, May 1 , 1871. (m3-tf IMPERIAL HOTEL, KILKENN Y WALTER HAALOJN , riioi'BiETOu , BEGS to inform bis Commercial friends and the public generally, that ho has just mado largo additions and improvements in his Hotel , and trusts by strict attention to business, to merit that kind pa- tronagewhich they have hitherto solibcrally bestowed. Tho POSTING ESTAHUSHJIKNT conducted as hereto- fore, and OmnibuBtra , as usual , attend all tho Trains. Kilkenny, March 8 , 1871. [mhlO-tf] KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, MONCK STREET, WEXFORD. THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel , in which everything can bo had on tho most moderate terms. J55" Best Dublin and Weiford Spirits; also Brandies Wines, Porter , Ale, Ac. (nul5-tf.) &&T Curs ou Hiro at the shortest notice. DUBLIN. Commercial & Private Lodging House 49 MARYBOROUGH STREET. PARTIES Visiting Dublin can bo accommodated , with or or without Board, and all the comforts of a home , on lloderato Terms. [o25-tfj iKff' Situation central , close to Backville-ttroet. SPECIAL NOTICE. WILLIAM YOUNGER & CO. invito particular attention to tUcir LIGHT DINNER ALE , NOW so much soug ht for in tho London MarkoU. It doo* not contai n high alcoholic, properties , but is well flavoured , and pofsesses many iuvi goratiug qualities, resembling Champagne. Wines . HIIDS ., 5-ls.; BULK., 136S. ; HAW BRLS., 18S., to bo had in Wood, Bottle, or Jars, from the STORES, 81, CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY, WATERORD. (i jiwmj M. B. CAMPION, AGENT FINE-FLAVOURED STRONG BEEF TEA, AT ABOUT 2J(J. A PINT. ASK FOR LIEBIG C0MPANY8 EXTRACT OF MEAT, requiring Baron LIEBIO , the Inventor' s Signaturo on overy Jar, being tho only guarantee of gonuinonoss. ^ "^ '}l^ i\ Excellent economical stock for Soaps , Saacci , ao. " Purchase of House Furniture. JOHN PENDER io prepared to bay (if preferred) by private treaty, at tho Highest Price , the ri. 'HNiTi rtK of HOISKS , md Pnoremr of'EViu* KIXU . Liberal Advi nces mado on all Property sent for ab*o- luto Sale, affording tho public an opportunity novor beibro sffored. . . f $f 8alea of Property of orery description nego- cintod privately, and no charge made nnl««s a salo it ofl\;cted. Valuations for Probate Dnty and other pur- poses completed with nccuncy and despatch. rmhlO-ly] JOHN PENDEB, Auctionoer. HENRY BELL, . : OIL AND COLOR MERCHANT, WATERFORD DRUG'HALL , 02, QUAY. BELL'S CHEMICAL FLY PAPER,surpass es all other* , causing total destruction, to . Flics, Wasps , ic Tho enormous quantities of thia articl p which bavo been sold during the fevri seuons daring its discoveiy, gives tho advertiser tho greatest confidence in strongly recommending it. In Bheets, \A. each. COXCTMTKATEI) ESSKNCK Or RKD JASAIC*. SiRSAPA- niLLA , for making a Decoction at the >instantiit may be required and in a manner superior to that usually adopted. Sarsaparilla is tho principal ingrediant in tho Lisbon Diet Drink , whioh has been so long es- teemed ou tho , continont as a purifier of tho blood or scrofulous affections , scurvy, and othor cruptivo | dis- eaaea< It is especially applicable to those soasons of the year when blotches , pitnp los, ringwormB, anil other affections of tho skin aro rnoro generall y dovfeloped. In bottloi , Is. 6a., 2B, 6d., 4s., -U. Gd., and 10a. each. GENUINE TOOTH PowDin. ' FIUGKANT FLOSIMNE * TmcTUKK-op TiiRkEv- RHUBARB ' " ' SELECT PREPARATIONS, f rc. BELL' S GLYCERINE AND LIME CaEAJi (a Coinjxmml a/ Mai * Wasiwid-CWi^ttideli g litfqlly wblinjfwad cleansing properties of this preparation ' aro well known, making it almost an indupensiblq artiole of the toilot. In bottles Is. each. ' , - BELL' S AJIECA NUT TOOTH PASTE romovo3 and pre. vents tho formation of Tartar, imparts to tho teeth a pearly whitoness, without injury to the enamel , and gives a delightful fragrance to tho breath. Iu Pots, Is. each. BELL' S ALMON D SHAVING CREAM. —This is the mo3t economical and agreeable, of all tho varieties of shav- ing eoaps. ATKINSON ' S BEAR' S GBKASE. GRAM - LAB ErraivKs- CENT GINGER BEER POWDERS . FRUIT LOZENGES, with Hirro, in boxes , Is. each. ExTnACToe ROSES AMI ROSKM. UII , for cleauing, per- fuming, and beautifying tho Hair. Distilled by H KNIIV BELL. This admirable preparation instantly removes dandriu " aud grease from the Hair, imparts vigour and health to tho roots , aud effectually praventa prema- inatnro decay ; it will bo found grateful and pleasing in its operation, most beneficial in its results, and is highly recommended for tho nursery, in conjunction with BELL' S PERSIAN OIL . JOII . VNN JI AUU FAKINA ' S GENUINE EAU »E COLOCNE . LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. BELL' S Fi.KNirunB COMPOSITION . —This reviver pos- sesses a great advantage, over tho ordinary furniture cream uud varnish , as it cleanses as well nt) polishes nil sorts of French pulished furniture , pajnor macUie. ito., imparting with very little lubour, a brillinul ap- pearance, being perfectly frco from bees' wox. It is not liablo to be marked by tho iiugcra. In bottles , lid., 1 s., aud 2s. each. BELL' S FGUSUN OIL —Whilst possessing all theboau- tify iug qualities of the finost Hair Oils , thia celebrated preparation also acts on tho roots , the reby nourish- ing tho hair and stimulating the growth. Ia bottles , Is., and 2s. Gd. each. G KANI'LAK EtKKUVKSCKNT ClfKATES Of MAUNESIA , I KON, I KON AND QUININE , AND QUININE . BEI . I. ' S ESSENCE or RENNET never fails in making Sweet Curds uud Whey, IL most wholesome and nutri- tious preparation for children nud consumptive per- sons , and a deli ghtful summer bevcrago. Iu bottles , Id. each. AROMATIC ASTRINGENT for tin G UMS (f',v«in.\ , l At.Mo.iti R OLL for CIIAITKII H ANI ' S and CMI ' . M. IIN * . BKLL' S ANTiniM.ot.'s PILI .S, a safe ami cflic : iuioii -< rr- medy for Persona aftcetcd with bitinus complain: . >> \> . struction in tho stomach and bowelii , Ac. D; i-i' . iw ^r two at bedtime ; in boxes, (id., la. uuil ^'i fct, iMI'KOVKI l SEIIILET7. PunilKRS ill OuC.iM&^SJ ¦!¦¦- . POLISHIN G PASTK for llra^sefl , 'i'in, A C. "^A^ ^ CAJII 'HII K. VTKI ) TIN CTIKK or illiKii . lor il, 1 ' * '**! i ; : i and G C. MS. H ELL' S ESSENCE nr J AMAICA ( IIM . III , | n p:in.| from the finest (linger , and pnrticnlarly u-r;ul in Indigestion , Flatulency , and SIKIXIIIS in the Stuni. -ivh , &c.—Doso, from half to ono tc.ispooufut iu n giusa of water, as required. Tmri.K FiiKNcii ROSE WATER .—This concentrated preparation far surpasses wliat id usual l y Hold , having greater emollient, properties aud a, stronger fragranco nf tlm finwnr frnm whinh it 19 fli<:t.illpi[. GLASS FOR GREENMIOUSE USE, in 2U0 Feet Casos, 15 and 21 oz. STUCK SIZES : —^0x12 ; 18x24 ; 10x20 ; 15x20 : llx "iO ; V.l / . ' M. Any other Sizes can bo had by giving timo to order from tho manufacturer. Estimates for POLISHED BRITISH PL. IT>: GLASS J-in. thick , sent ou application. (jeSO-Iliu.) STEAM THRESHING TO ])E SOLD, a PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE and THRESHING MACHINE, nearl y New. Apply to "ALPHA , " caro of Mossrs. FENNESST, Watcrford. flyU-tf To BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS THE COMMISSIONERS for IMPROVING tho PORT and HARBOU R of WATERFORD, are prepared to receivo TENDERS for THE ERECTION OF A QUAY, of about Three Hundred Foot long, abovo r,ho Brid ge, according to Plans and Specifications to bo seen at tho Ballast Office , Waterford. Tenders to bo delivered at the Ballast Ofiicc ,Wnter- foril , directed to tho Secretary, and endorsed, " Tender for Building Quay," nt or urfnro ELKVEN o 'Clocl: on MONIIAV , tbo 11th AUGUST, 1871. By order , HbTfll N. KEVINS , Secretary, Watorford Harbour Commissioners. Ballast Oilico . ' Wntorford, 20th Jul y, 1871, H BRICKS FOR SALE. EDWARD POWER , GLEN , h;is for SALE a quantity of the very bost descrintiou of B1UCK , at hia BUICK FIELD , GRACEIJIEU , neav Waterford . Prices Moderate. Glen , aOth June , Ib71. (jeJO-tO THE ONE THING WANTED HOLLOWAV'S PILLS. TUB HI.OOD. These ftmoos Pilli art to cmupOTed that thr-y oiicmtc wholnMimcl y on the Stomach, the Liver, the liowela anil other organ*, by correcting any derangement* in thrir luuctiom, whereby i steady supply of pure materials for tho rci:cw»l uf tho Illood is furuisliril , nnil r. corittaut nbgtrjiction ot rlTitc produclii is effected. This pnfret cir- culation thus brcouicB the f ery fuuntain of beflllu IZ'X life, and overcomes all fnrm of dix«nse wherever its attuxtioo. . GESED AL or TOS LIVBH ABD STOKACII . All who cicr iuJul ^re .it table , either ia citing or drinkiup, ¦Uould tnka Hbuut ttu ol these famont Pills it bed time , from which will result a clear brad and good stomach tbe following inoruiu;. Tboutai.ds of Ludiea art alwayi coin, ¦iluiuini; uf bick hcailucbei , waut of appetite , want ut energy, and want of atrcnjitli ; to correct all these erili , thret) or four uf these 1'Uls should be talcon twice a week , ubeu tbey would give the inrnlid tbe health aod appetite of * ploug h- man. FBMiLf 8 07 ALL AGES ABD CLASSKS. Ob»trUCllOHS of any kind , either in young persotii<, or tbu>o between fort? or fifty—the mo»t critical period ol life—may be radicall y re- moved by using tlieso PilU according to the printed directions which aeconipa'iy euch boi. Yuoop DCKOIIS with sickly nsd •allow complexiom may . have the bluom of health restored by Ibis wonderful corrective, which purifies tbe blood aud •xpela all ftrosa and impure bnmoan. from tbe ijnteuj. UewAre tben or the critical age from fort y to flltr , in it ¦cudt many tbouunda to a premature fra»o—ftbew Pills should he t»li>u at that period ol life two or three times a week. ' ' ' ' WAKT 07 STBEXOTU Asp EHEKOI . Persons of soJeo- ttry bahits, or those troubled in mind, working in Factories, or Coul Pils , who cannot obtain "that amounl of fresb air and exercise which future rrtjaim, suSer from wwknesi und debility, lowneu of tpiriU and waut of appetite. [All such should take a dote or two ol tbrst Pills every three or fonr days , as tbey net geutly and elfectuall y on the system anil impart vigour aad enerny to tbt body, nhtcb is always lollowed by a Kood appe:itr, sound and relrciliinj sleep, and a bi«li flow of apirila. latrBCDSKCixs OF Yooin 8OEE» ASD 'ULCIM. Ulo ' .clien, us also swellings, can with ccrlaiuty be radically curttl if Ibe Ointmeot be used freely, nud tlit Pills taVou ni ght and momiog as recommended io tba priated instnic- liont. When tmled in any other wtjr-lUsf rompliiinta only ilry op ia one place ' to-luwkjcat ia tnotber ; wboreas tbis Ointment will remove the humour from tbe system and leave the patient a vigorous nod lieallby Wof, , It will require time, tided by the UHO( tba PBU, to Iniye ¦ lu(iu( cart. - * ' : ' MoUowuj ' s Fills art the bnt rnui ) lium * in tit Korld for tkt follmdm } diuau* t ¦ ' Ague Debility laflammallonSore ThfoU Atihma Dropij Jaunillce ¦ Blocs and Gravel Biilmui Com. Uytenterv Llvrr Oora- Hecoodtir Synntam ., plsilni*. Erytintla* ,, plalaU _ TIG I)osliittreax ' * Blotehes oa ' Female lr- ' tiattovT: -tMubi, lh« Skin retclu-llles Pllt a Ulcers Bowe l Cora- ' Fevers ol all Rheumitlim Vans real Affections plalola kioda Ketentloa of Worms of all kinds Colics Fits Urioo Weakness, from > i Constipation of Gout 8noluli , or ubitaver cttue, tlie uowels Heart.ache KIDS ' S Evil tt., kc. , . CoDSumptioo Indiaestiua 4 . ' ' ' Sold ut tbe estiiblisbnicut of Profe&sor HoiiowiT; SM StrSDd (neat Ttmplc lint), Loudon ; also Tie .Newa-OBefc No. 49 Kiug-Ktttt , Wuttrlotil, and by all retuecUblt Dracgists nod beulms in Mediciuet tbroogbout the dtiHtedi forld, at tbe lollowin* price! :-l«. 1 Jd. 2l. 9d^ *». *M*il s , lit. .ami 33«. each box, Tbtre is a considrraMs aiiuil bj , ilkina; the larger siin •' ¦ ¦ ¦ I N.B.—Directions for tbe guidance , 01 piUmta fa «I»T7 daKKiltr aie iaUedto each boi. . .; * ' , ' ; BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO ' ' CATHOLIC c£*R8? , ° BcMsfijLERS , & ' On Sale at The Newt Off ice. With the Recommendation of the Biihop rf Waterford and Lismorc, tin Ri ght Rcr. pr.XTBBirf A Catechism for the Instnictioil o ^ Quldren. i BI.IILE i . MOST Bov. Dr. JAME8 BUTLER ^ Archbishop of Cashol- and Emly. ' . ¦ Printed on Good Paper , »nd in. largo cJearType. BECOMMENBATIOK : "I approve of this Edition of tho Right Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTH- R' S Catechism , and recommeod ' it to tho Faithful of these Dioceses. ' : "»J< D. O'BRIEN, R.C.B. "Waterford, Jane 2, I860. " - ifatT Ordors from any part of tho Diocese, sent in and directed to C. .REDMOND, Printer and Publisher JFafer/onJ News Offico , <19 King-street, promptl y ut tended to. Tho Trade supplied on moderate trarnis. -i Slay be had iictail fro m overy CathoUo Booksoller In ^ tfio DidnWo. ¦'¦ - ' ' NEW P0TAT0B8 FOR 8AXE. ^j criuxsit WIG S TMAN ; imstf THOJIAS IT STKEKT, " has constantly ON SALE, NEW POTATOES of tho very BEST QUALITY, at Lowest Prices. ( BENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS. BySnrcial Anpnintroeut to Ilia I' liiNCE nf WA LBB PRIZE UEUAU—London, Dublin, ami Park. 1%/TAKER of the GOLD CASKETS presented by XTX thr City nr London In H.K.H.IhifuiNcsol WJILKS , H.U.H. tlie DOKB or L' DisBDuen , Sir Joust Ui'iicor. vB , M. LsssEFt , 4c. i ¦ WATCHES-Chronntnctere , Cliroun;rapb. » , ICeyleis lie. peatei. i , LcvrrK , Hurtzotitulii , lur L<«dtrti mid 'Jentleiuen. CLOCKS—Kir Dininit anil Urairii!g.ronm< , Carriagrs , Clinr- clw» , Hull or Sliop, Perpetual COendm* , Wind Dial<> , £c l JEWELLKUY—^ peLinlitim in .Mon"i;riiin> ' , iDinnimids ' Crys'Hb , mul Kiln- (j"bl , fur DrMil and other Prramiti SILVEIt ASU KLIiCTUO-l'LATK—Kiir Prrm-niution Uacinir, Diners a la Rune, or Tea Table, <tr WOUKS OK ART, in Hiwur , bT n, e U,,| AitUtcs. IMUOKS Mill uWnutiniH of Watrlu-s , Clutli", PI II I P, Jcivn ' . lery. Chains, 4c., ten liluttr.itcd Pain|ihleta , \ia,l free lor twu Htampd. a^Wattbes , duels, Jtivtlleiy, Cbaius , Plnte, Ac, stnt lo ull tiiirts ot the world . J. W. BENSON, S/' . 'diii Factory und Cit y Show 7"oo-: w - LUDGATE HILL, AMI OLD 110ND-ST., L0XD0X. •CP Wmclieii ri 'pmri'd by skillij woikuirn . Old MI VIT ' Watches (!.•!¦! , .Inv.ll.-ry, &¦:, .•j.-«- .:- _-<l . ?.!,¦,. l, ;,i,t, Slii p|>i:r« , mul U' aldi Clnln nopji "-' 1 fn-Hy] ' COUPELLE. De EOOS & Co.' s PREPARATIONS, A N A.SSOBTMENT of PERPDMES, at Is. / JL nnd nt Od. each bnlllc , with tlie lnllowitip-iia a <.ed I're- piiratinm ol CouFeiXK , Du llooa i Co., llrrlford Plate liloomsl'iiry Square , Lit tiilini , mny tm Imd in at THE N F* VS Ortici 1 , Ktuu- .stirL't: —Guitx Vitw , or Veg*tabl Life Drops tlm ^lent rt'itifdy lor Nrrvou»iie!»< , &c. Madumi: COCPELLK ' S Hair i' .niuiina Fluit) , tvli ' nb lias been found \rimdiTlully elKcfious in Itiinp itiit tbe hair to ita tirigiurl color; al. 111, CuorBLLB ' a H.iir Dye. Tbe Renal 1' ilU , KHU-ilf- I' uradn, Lime Juice and Gl y- cerine, nnil A«*<li-!'-(l IVrfmnrs. DR. DE R00S' celebrated GUaTJ3 VlT^E ur l.lKlC iJl'UI'S i lor Spmi.iitoriiiOM, .Vnuturual l%mi:ii:iii:>i a I inpuK-ncjr , *Srxu:il Iii»|Mciiy, lability, Kpilipsy, nml all lli.r-«- di-eaNr?i for •I IM-I I AUrciiry, SHrwpaulla , &C, arc too often rir.ploynl by Eugli. <b I'lijjiti.uii to tbe ultimate ruin t'f tlif SuflVri-r' n ItPnltli . Tjie fiUTTAi VlTyE are tlie mult of Ion? practical in- ri^li.Mllon of ll.c ri-umtiej llre t atlH|iti " .l lur Ihr.T discnsl.s. T:-.-:r riili , ftimliUtinp, >!»c qunlllir> , ami , above all , tlxu ruitip fete rfilovar/im of the uerviws system ^ rruder ll ¦•in in rvrry imprrt wortliy llirir sifnilicint tit!•• . They iu.iv lio taken mlhnnt liiifirAlicc nr re>ti«i;il ofilict , Ac , ml In this res'ircl »lio they may rhim pre-t'ininrnce over mo*t oilier ailvcrti« i-il incilicinfs. liy |,roniolinir iii^i»stiun— niMir ;Aliin z tlie con^litlllifiri—cnricliiu if vithuut inllaiains tli-- t-luotl—brni-iu< wittimu slituulatinp thu nrrvou* sybtctu t.o tiotrnll y— lln-jr strrn^llicn tbeiieneral Imliit , ami restore tin; urinal l>r.,liliy time of the nervous anil mnt-rular fibres , lliu< r-uliv^nirit- xiiil tiiviff iirati-i £ luttb body ami iniml. Tin- tiUTTJE VITiE bavo been particularly siircfsifnl witli youiiit pt-up lc who litivi- 1 lie appeurjucc nf old iiyu ; who are p^tn ami rfleunnatr , anil nbn , liavtii*; HII utttr ili.Uste for everythitifr .nrc incnpacitntt-d for atud y, business omiji.viiuiit. Thiiuuntl s uf oppan-iitl y linpchm cavj. , given up hy the /«- cuHy, have I'fi-n pciitnineiitly cutnl , anil liaveUnnu gt.itt-tul cvi.ifiice ut tln . > I ' xd. I'ricc i* . OJ., Us, and 33s. ol nil Cluinista , or direct ou rrci-ipt ol htdtnpy , or posl-nllico nrnVr iiiblressed to Dr. Ue Uoo. 1 , llolloiil llt-usi', Hulluril Srjunre , London , W.C or at The J\V K\< Olhce , Waiei r^nl. Post 1-reefor _ ' Slump *, oven end', or 1'2 Stamps in an Envelope. mUE MEDICAL ADVISER , on premature JL ilecay nl tlie nystein , ami its >pe«l y rolointimi ; cbap- ters on certain di. -onlen', aud tbe br*t means for thi-ir re- moval ; the microscope an an aid to diajuoji« j ilnrriugp , its dirqualitications; rules nml prescription* for sclf-trrnlmrnt , &c. ; illtutmteil with nuiiierinii c;is"« . Hy Dr. Waller Do Koo» , Itt-IUitd Htiusi- , Ilnitnid Sninn r, l.iihil on , W C NOTICE TO IXVALIDA-Alilinush there *ii no ile- nyiu^ ' that tlie (Juttaj Vilx are admirably udapted for all tlie cutupUinls enumerated- below , tbeir rcmsrlthbli} elucacy in tboso cases where they bave bad a fair trial haviujr been most t conrloMve : still , iu all loui-ataiiding or severe CPSCS , it will be judicious to write , without dtlaiy, to Dr. S)t. Uoos, Holford Home, Hiilford Square, Irtn^on, W.C, uitiiig a minute detail HM to the Fymptoms nnd duration of tli e cum- plaiut , general health , bMlr , cccap.ition , n %e, IK . enclosing a Punt office Order lor £1 It., wben advtcn and medicines will ba torwatded pi-r return. Correcpondeneo> c-mliuui-J until a cure ia rftected. All communications considered strictly confidential. DOES YOUR HAIR PALL OFF, OR TURN (SKKV , Ax. ? If so, uie KOSAL1 K COU- l"KI,LE'SCUINUl'Uli\U , not ed antivtr lbn worlil fur iis mimcclons propeitirs nnil sj Ibennl y rcroenytba 1 . can be depended upon. It ia gnarauteed to prodocesVibislcrni , mou. -tacliioiH, Ac, in a fuw weeki', ,11111 will bo fqpnd emiu- entl y succusfol iu nou-hjbing;, curling, and] bcaotif yiD? tbo h.iir ; clieckinsr grcyness strcnstbeoinL- wc^k lnir, prevent- ing its falling off and rcoorint it in bililm-M frum whatever C4USP. Upwimls nt 100 |iliymr ' nn« have nTiimtiiemleil it in tlm nuraeiy, for pimmiting n fine, liralthy bead of hair , nnd avrrtiui; linl-lnejn in niter yrarf. Miiy be ubtamtd tbrouij li nil CliumisiK , in Routes price 2* ejeh, * *> OUSEKVt) a 16 page pamphlet ia inclosed with each paclcajze , wbicb has a rcil stamp outnide beariiifr I lie wunk lbsulic Cuuprllt io white teller* ;lhe v>ord> Coupclle' s Criiinlriar are aUo moulded in ench lultle. 111 wa9 bald nine yei«i8, but 1 fiu<l new Imir coming ra- pidl y." —J. Hour. " Tbanks to your ituff , I bare an ex- cellent monstachc and whiskeis. " —Major lirowne. " I had lonl toy hair iu patches, but it has restored it . " —Miia Howilt. " After SU yeac' a balduess, it bai acted miracul- ousl y." —II. Jloir. '' *• ( #*-Sold nt Tnn N KW» Olflce, Waterlbrd. 10 UK GIVEN AWAY I A New Medical Work on M«rtis(ie, tbe csoso out! cure of prcruaturo ihxliua in man . Nervous Debility lmpoteacy, Ac., with Holes for rcraoviaa;certain dirquhficationi that destroy tlm bnppineaM of Werliled Life, or EVERY MAN HIS OTO DOCTOR. For Two SltimpslinUereai mir y avoid tbe nomeroua impostora nbo send tbeir books for nothing, publish tasti- nooiala which tbey write tbetuselres , fictitious reviews from imaginary Jonruals ,profess to care diseases wittfinstrnmeuls imteid of Mcdiduu , lad other abiurditics aj cruel as tbey are deceptive. A physician, 25 years extensively enmged iu tbe treatment of Debility and Ib* variou-t mental and nervons atTections ro aulting therefrom , will send free, on receipt of Two Penny Stamps ' a prrpny pujtagp, i paiupblet containing his highl y succeusful and only safe treatment , vilh all the necc&iary preacri plioos and directiom by wbicb laffertra mar core themselves at triflini; cost. Addrett Mr. Lures , Medical Publisher, 11 Hand Court, Holboro ' , London. ' " ¦ " v" Jutt ' T ' ubiutit&ivoitfrMf or 'T&o Btampi , A GUIDE TO THE CUBE OF ' tfifryoUS- NESS. Uy HS.NBT SKiirr/IJ.D. or thJ (Jnivenity of Jena, tuibor of tbe " Peb p lo' s Qaide to Health , ' , " Ac. A Medical Work on tie New Special Treatment , by Medi- cinri only, or Nervons. 'Men ' tal, and Pbytical Debility, Low- on or Spirits, Indi gtskion , Dicg ' nen of Bi ght, Painful Drfami,, Waot of Enfpgy, ajjilj' rematore Decline ; with in- •tractitnt tor perfect -rtstontion to health aad vigour br tbe Nxw SricuL T X«ATKIBT. The WABMBQ VOICB (160 v>(w) ii ilUstrated with cases and tettitnotuala. Givp> advice and rules for Cure by the ou of tbo N«4 Itetnediet with a New Chapter on the use Anil abuse of KfJctricity for tbe care of Nervous discasea, with Letters from Patientiwbo have trird tin so-ca ' tled Remedy, proving tliat E LXCTEICITV It BOT LnB, and wilt not core Norvons Debility, Free br pott for two atrampj. Addtw* Dr. U. SHIIB. 8 Barton CraceDt, LOOJ IID , W.O. , IHTOKTABT TO CoUHTRI PiTIUSIS.-CoSWLT A LOX. BO» Vaxtisuia Wit«ootfcB. -Dr. SMIIB WUI, for tbe bouofit of country patients , in recoiioi daacriolijos of tbeir UKS, tend bit opiDion , with idi ' ic* aod. ' dlrMooi lor tho most ancccstM twtorBtion ; tp btallb., "*'jT^;^ (nlo-tf.) WONDEBFUJ^ lJTOIwSS^^SOOVERY showing-lb».Un«ean»o. ' ol JfetvouV , IJsnUI. anil i-bysicaj lM»\M,iUatmnM»tm9 , indigestion , Want of Energy, Premstnn Dcator ^ wilb olaln dirociioDs for P£K- Too' niosl itorjoYtiD* rtcl •UwWBasvnkianaiiDff oomplajnia rot) e.«i!y bi naor* WITaOOTiUJIDWmK u h,r . clfaj ly d«miiiirr» > «J ,«tid 1 / tb«nJtitelyinHr aujbi»bly , nc . eeufal tie«tmen«i««»dopud by .Ibe ,Aulhor , titiS ) explained V^»3^ filg TO;cp^9,M8KLp ' tvtimWi4tA tf H" ' e *' t poaaibta cost. Seat fret OQ rrr,i, > ^atI?(^dt , Knl4fcrt 8<iiUnL l 1 oDd<»; W.Oi'/' w » t-TiiAWritlrj WMl* ifM «W atxl' auopl. W.pplicttion v. »T]i«o«eet Wr*ii>rtr»^nu»,. r«blic,«eii ii to prove how Matvo-iaaiu ' ud ootuotBiltot UaLidittcaa bt effatnVli! by to WUBOVU ^f ia mj oS S i ^S S b ^t

Transcript of'HK...

Page 1:'HK AVATKRFORn NEWS i:sTini,lsu1:D 18*7. (Alilrrman HEiiHONn, Proprietor.) l..»l:ilK«T

I ' H K AVATKRFORn NEWSi:sTini,lsu1:D 18*7.

(Alilrrman HEiiHONn , Proprietor.)l..» l:ilK «T I • IKl 'fl.ATKIX IN TIIK SOUTH OK IltKLANII .

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Straiiil-strcct.VASSAIVE KAST—TV' Misses LCVK , llolrl , Square.CAHIIICK-OX -SUIK—Mr. J.JI. M V H I H V , News Agent.DUXOAUVAN—Mr. JIATTIIF.W WAI.SU, Blackpool.KILKENNY-— Covi.K Brothers, Booksellers, Ac,




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Suloon C.iliin to Quebec £13 13<.lntmniiVrat* W«n I" Qarttfr, Hnsl nii in New Y ork 51 8-.S(e* rai.'« 10 Qu'l'CV, Ko>tnn , or Nrw York 0 *'¦<'.

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/- Dlp-? \ T IN COMPANY (LIMITED).* iife liiUjSi*A Thencw full-powered British Iron^

BH&IBI C2BQHHK& Screw Steam-shipsS ^ip *. Ton* I St tij H. Ton*

WA1S, "inwni ?!H* KstfUksrsYMl.TlKUMiison W7WiVrT, (inn* .Vnil KHIX , IJIWIOD 3.110ITALY , WI -I I-I .T J70" HKI.VCTIA . lirisirs .1115HOLLAND , Ilror-:—¦ "KiO l'KXSYI.V'XIA , K. iup... 2HT4FHANUK .ThoiuH'ii 3571 VIIIGIXIA , Suralur itoTliTHKVL 'KKS. Tbnuius.... «I7 DKXMAHK , Ambi-wo.... JS50Will bedrspntched from Liverpool to New York a* follows *

ITALY Wednesday Aug. 2nd.SPAIN (new) Wednesday Aug. Hth.ESULAND Wednesday Aug. 16th.

Awl train Qiircnstimn ILii- lollouini* day*.Tlif Sulmm acci'miundatiuu on buaid then1 Sti'amcir is

mv-utpasfceu, \l»c Slu'f-rnorns \m\\z unusually I HT^I*, amiopen utVthe r>almitw, which aifi hituatcd in the poop on deck—tlie poop being 1WI Int lui'i:.

Kate ot pa«*iiL*e 12, 15, iirnl 17 (i jinra*. ai-enrditiir to nc-it>mm<xlatinn in Stutit lotiin— H II listing same privilege illSaturn. Kelurn Ticket*. Twenty-five Guinea*.

Tin; Stecracc accouiiii<jil; ui<iii i« iiui*qoalli'il for Fpace, light ,¦ml limitation. Abundance of Kn-sh Provisions served oo("nf.Vfil ly the Coin]m>)'\ S'ewalds. Itutcs cl pBsstpc onKntiiccd Term*.


rH bnnkril through to Acpinwall , San I'rnnciiiro,tl:r iul'iitil totnir: ut Canitdii , jud of the Uinta! Stnto, onI.ivoiimWc lerm> : aU", to Ao>trali« , New Sfailanr), Cliili" ,niid Jwpiiit , at Inw rlncui ^li r^tet, Tin New Yurk Htid SanFr»nci«-o. Fur Freight <ir ]*a«Miie upply to

Tnit N A T I ON A L STI AM Snip COMPAST (LIMITED),'21 mid23, Water-trot , I,iierpcol;

To. N. anil J. CfM Mis a and linos., Qneeni.ti.un j toMr. MfcjmiT, Nf\ts Acent , CBrricV-on-Soir; or.Mr. ItlctlAlm 1'III I.A S, l'nrtlnir ; or to theJi t i t t for llotirford— MICHAEL DOWNEY , Quay.


*> f~|""lHE Muguificent new full-poweredaJb K JL Steamships of the OCEANIC

¦y&Hii - STEAM NAVIGATION CO. (Limited) ,~v*tm *iJtv!v>xM so constructed as to sccuro ijuick andreK»l»r passages, will bo despatched as under:—OCEANIC Aug. It. BALTIC Sept. I I .ATLANTIC Aug. i- \. ATLANTIC Sept. 2*.OCEANIC Sept. 7. OCEANIC Ost. li.

CalliDR at QUKKNSTOWN on FRIDAY to embarkPas.-enaiTS.

Th»r Steam^l'i p" RfToid rrxciul ncrommoJution to CabinPrtbieni'cr't j I |IO v.iloon, ftnti > .room>, nnd cmo\e-toonis fire,amid.lii ps. A .«ui"Ki:nii and htewAtdtss carrinl. Saloon, €181»«. .ind £1(1 Hi'., IMurn Titkrt» , 27 Guinenn SU«-ace, i'l' I". For hills and furiher pmiculars, n|i|'ly lo

ISMAY , I M l t l K . & CO., 10 \Viiiei-str«t , Liverpool !mil 7, E i«t Iiidi.i-8?enue, I^hJou. [i'lB-tf]

T S. H A R V K V .West of Knclitid Insurance OSic<-, \V«lerfid


O" NK of the following or other First

class, full-powered Steamshipsffi-jMSTT 1 will be despatched from LIVERPOOLTO NEW YORK, EVERY WEDNESDAY.

Coptoiu. Captain.WYOMIWS Kml . *x li'iKT.iy MINNESOTA T\V Kwini- nWLSCONMN J. A. Wilhimi. HANllATrAN..W. FnrsythI 1 > \ I 1 O

* ' J » M I :N PI I I C K 'XKI '.I J A X KA... .I AV . O CABI )

J . K \ A 1 ) A""

.V\V. C. 0r.).i.s, MONTANA illoililiiit)njLOKAliuT. V. K IH -KSA S HAKOTA ll)o.)

And are iiitniil'i '. to S»il .n follows .—WYOMIN G Wednesday Aug. -¦MINNESO TA Wednesday Aug !•.IDAHO . . Wednesday Aug. 10.COLORADA.... Wednesday Aug. SI.

CALLING nt QL'EKNSTO V\ N tlie Jay followior,tucmbaik l*iii- .-t:ii^fi^ .

r<>M-ncrr> Uoki-d tliruujli to San Kniiic:>c> and nil inland

'T^OW.- l«.« l.'verpo..l |» S,» Y.,rk :-Cnbin

r»»»«e £\r, 15< . «li'l t»8 1<>-- SL.race I'ii-ssicrj treducnlr«te» Tlie Lulcr include? HII unlimilol ^pply ul piovisiou*.oukeil >nd wrted op by the Cum,i:mj', Mew.rd..

For frriirlit or pi»asr, apply 'oM It CAMI'ION , Ciuioiiilion.e ({any, Wnlerforil ;J O H N DKVKKS .UX. (Ju-y. WMM I UI J ;T I I U . M A S K A V A N A < : H , tlie Si|uar.-, UunxarvanJ A M K S bCOIT A CO., Q.i« >'¦"•• •«"'• ¦«• "' , . ,

.„ .)•¦ -I] ( iL 'ION A; CO., 2.5 W.ln-str.ft , l.i»erpo«il


lncoimi.'ction with tlie WATKII .OK' I & LiMKnttK andWlTEl iln lil i & C'KXTItAI. Ilt l.LAXi l LiuUS.

SHORTEST ROUTE, and REDUCED FARES,•jTl >;ij.rf» r-ui'i" <"" "o ¦

fV"' J/u'- <f--rt*,f f ij St<a»>m M 'JCIIY WEEK DAY. jftVf"v&LV LKAVK WATKK IOBII at4 p.m., on Ai-rival of 11.10

a.m. Train from Limerick , nnd 10.50 a.m. Trainfrom Jlnryborough, A I I K I V I X K IX LuXDOX litat 11.15 following jnorning.

DOWN— LKAVB LONIKIN (Padtlington) at 4.50 p.m.,Ulld All l l lVK AT WATKKfOKI I IlllOllt !>.3O ll.lll.. illtime forthe 'fruins <m the Wuterford and Lime-rii-k and Ccntml Iiclniiil Liccs.

F A R E S — WA TKUf O ltl) AX1) LONDON :.SIM . I.K.1 (iivailiililu 1 Days) 1st Cliiss & Suloon, 4()8 Od

„ „ ind Class it Saloon, 85s M3iil Chiss & Fore Cabin, -iOH Od

H K I I K .N (available 1 Mouth) Ut Clims it SalooD, 7ti« Od., ,, 2nd Class i Sidoon, 5Us 0<l

Fni!¦!" >¦ information tan he ubUiiuctl from Messrs.I n kv is and Co., New Mill'ord, and Mr. DowXKV ,Adelphi Wlmrf, Waterl'ord ; and the SKII L'CKII FARKSIH-IWII'H other iiniwrtunt Statiouii, the Time Tables,mill Through Rates for Good*, Ac., of Mr. W. J. Bus-S I I .L, the U KKAT Wi-<n:i;N COIII 'AXV 'S AUK .\T,


l'liiUhiKtoii , January, 1S71. fmy.28

The L-vinrs are resjicctfully solicited to makoa TI I I A L of


V1IIC1I T I IKV «II .L UN" To "l; lU! •">' l':i:10ll TOAW (ITIII II KTAKMI

FOR DRES SING LACES, LINENS, ic.It is now used in all Laundries,

from tho cottage to the palace, and when oncetried is found to be iudispensable.

{£- When yon nsk for GLK .NTIELD STABCM , >refjm t i/oi< <ji( if , »s inferior kinds are often subsii.tatcd for tho sake of extra profits.


Zl TTEtfD ED OBDXB of SAILING—ATJ QTJST, 1871_ M - VTOTICE.—TheWaterfordSteamship

«»iJ> . X"l Company rcceire Goods for ShipmentV^

I^Vou tho following Terms

only:—They rcnerveyA<mclla£*a the right to curry Ig any, not by particular\ csscl.s, with liberty to Tow Ships and call at other Portsml will not be accountable for injuries or losses arising; fromdelay, accidents of tlie Sew, Rivm, Fire, the Qnccn"s Ene-mies, defective Navigation, or accidents from any other canse,nor for any los« wliicfa mi»ht have been covered by Insurance,nor for Lealajre, Brealoge, Condition , Quality, or contents ofany I arcels or Packages, unless speciHlly entered nnd ad «i.I rtm t rcisM pai.l. Goods not removed to be Stored nt theusk and eipense ot the Consicn»e».

W A T E R K O R D A N D 1 1 U I S T O L,. ,. a'P "#> """.or other eligible Vrwrl. direct.J roni W nterford lo : J. toa nri i t lA t0 w »teifo rd:Tueida,, Aut. I , _ 0 More. Tlmwilt,, Au,. 3. ~ 7 Aimluc.-d»y. „ 8. ... 1 Aflo 'i. Tborala/ ,, in, ...V] AnonTowday, „ 13, _ R Morn. Thnwl.i, „ 17, ... 1 Morn.Tuesday, „ ¦!<, ..,13 Noon. Thowlay ' 54' .. )1 M 0I1,TueKlay „ 20, ... 8 Mor.. Tbundar " 31. ... 17 Moc.

Juvema.From Waterfora to Bristol, From Bristol to Walarford ,Direct. I calling at Pembroke Dock.Friday, Ann. 4 „. tl Morn Tnerf.j. Anf . 1 ... » Mon.

FriXj" " IQ ~ ,1 Ari'n TueWaj, ,. B - II MornFriit.r, ,. 18, ... Jl Morn TnMd.y, „ Is „ e MornFrldij, Sept. 1 .„ II Mora.|Toei<»y „ -.'» ... r,\ Morn

CSJ* On Karly Morninir Sailings, the Cahin of the Steam•«" T'1'?.e 0P?n l0 T«x>r> PnssenSer« arriving from Londonby the NiElit MailTniii:.

Cabiu Fare, 16». Od. j Servants and Children , l(h. Od.Return do. 263. ; or with liberty to return from DublinCork, or \\ eiford, 31«. 6d., SUivard'a fee included ; Deck7i. Od. Females attend the Laili>«' CM«.

W A T E R F O R D A N D L I V E R P O O L .Lara and Camilla, or oilier elinible Ve»Fcli.

IKOM WATm»oxii: i ritnM LIVEWOOL :w»^rMd»y Auc 2, „ 2 Aft 'n|We<lne»iJaj Aai S. ...II HornFrldsv , „ 4, _ :Affn Fridiy .. 4, .»!1 KoraMoncUj „ 7... 3i Aft 'n MondiJ, ,, 7, ... 3 AffnWcdne«l»y .. ...... 3} A'l'»!wedac«d»y „ 9, _. 5 MomF.M..J, ,. 11, .. 8 Morn FrMij „ 11, _. J M.irnMnnday „ H. ... U'Xch.n Momlaj ,. 14 , _. 9 MomWetirwday „ IB .,.. 1 AffnlWertnesiliy „ in. Mornlriil«j, „ 18, „. 1 AII 'niFridir ., IS. ..It MsrnMonday „ 31 , _ 3J Afl'n Munil.y „ 2l ,._ I Af fo\\edne».ij)- „ 2.1,. ... ;,j Alt 'ajWedoef ilay „ -'1,... i AlfnFrlJar .. s.v ... 7 Morn Frnlav. „ «, ... * MCn.Mon<l» r ,. :3. „ 11 MonTMonilav . , VS . ... 8 .MornUedn.ilaj „ M ... 1 Af fn WcdoMdij ;„ 31, ...lOMor a

Cabin Far*, 15s.; Servants and Children , 10s.; Deck , 7s,8d . : Cliildrrn. li. Females attend tho Ladies ' Cabin.

Goods nieivi'd at Cliirence Dock.W A T E R F O R I) A N D L O N D O N .

Juro ia aiul Vesta, or other eli gible Vessels.F'.H 'K » A T X S r i > U P , TRO» LOX OON ,

W K l-i,!. Y . I W E E K L Y .LoiniNO BiiifTiis:—London—British and Foreign Steam

Wbsil , Loner Eait Suiithfield , and West Kent Wharl ,Soutliu*ni L.

W A T E R 1 0 R 1 ) A N D I ' L V J I O U T H ,Aurora ami Vesta, or other i-ligible Vessels.


Taliinp Goods for Falmouth, Southampton , Portsmouth,and places adiaccnt.

W A T E H F OB D A N D N E W R O S S .F R OM WA TEBFORD —Daily, Sundays cxeepted, at 4.0 r.H.FKOM N EW HOE»—Daily, Sundays eiccpted, at 8.45 A .M

W A T E H F O R D AND D U N C A NN O N .F ROM WA TERF OBD —Dail}-, Sundays excepted, at 4.0 P.M .FROM DOKCAKKOR— Daily, Sundays eiccpted , »t 8.15 A.M.

Ilerths secured and every information given by thcAgcnts.Bristol—The Geueral Steam Packet Office. Liverp ool—Waterlord Stea m Ship Company, 23, Urunsiviek-istreet,Was'iitls'ton 15uilJin~s. London—ANTHOT. G. UoDlKflOlc ,20 .Mark Lanp; Ilritisll nnd Foreign Steam Wharf , LowerEu«t Suiithfield , and West Kent Wharf, Sonthwark Pfy-montk— H JS XBT J. WAH IX G , the Wharf , Milbay. f.ie20-tf1Ann at thrCouiiianr'ii Offire. tbe MALL. WATER 'KORD.


S T E A M C O M M U N I C A T I O NBetween Glasgow, Cork,and Waterford,Carrying Goods Htl'lirou-ch Rates to LlMBniC K , TlPFEBART ,


1 "Vj)k rriHE New and Powerful Screw• JMKT

-¦- Stwinera SKERUYV ORK , CUM-^Satw^RRAE, SANDA , KUDYSTONK , KIN-T«- japl ** tf SALE, and SALTKK , or other Fiist-ClassVessulf , arc intended t» Sail a» under ( UII ICM prevented by• ny nnfcireseen circumstance), with or withnul INlots , andwith lilirrty to Tote Vessels, and to render Assistance toVI'SSP I R in Distirss r—


DAY And FRIMAY ,ai p.m.; Rail to Grwnock 7 p.m.Noll!.—The Stratum .-ailing on Mnnday a and Wednes-

day* call first it Wuterford. The Steamer on Friday goesdiirct to Cork , nnd call* at Watrrford rttninin f.

FKOM WATERFOKD TO UKt.FAS T, Via COIIK.FRlDAYS...4:b , lltli , 18t!i, and 25iU Aasuil . and lit Sept,

PI10.M COHK TO 11ELFAST Direct .8ATURl>AYS...6tb , 12'b,10th,iind 26th Aog.,and 2od S.-pt•iEI.FAST TO CURK&WATEltFORD .riaGLASGOWM0NDAYS...7tb , 14th, SM, ,,nJ 2Sili Aur., and i.h Sept

FROM COltKTO DUBLIN , Via WATERFOItl ) ,MONDAYS....7th ll-li , 2Nt , and 28th Aug., and 4tb

FROM WATERF0RD TO DUI1LIN , Direct,TUESDAYS..lit , 8th ,15lh 22ud & 20ih Au-,nnd 6th Sept.DUIILIN TO CORK & WATERFORD.rti GLASGOWWEDNESDAY8..2nd,9tb,10tb ,23rd,& 30th Aur.,40:hSept,

FROM CORK TOGlaifnw (direct) TUoriday, 3rd Ao*, 4 p.raGlass"" I*}" ... Saturday, 6th „ 6 p.inGlasgow (riaWalirfoid * Dublin) Monday "ill „ 0 p.mGlasgow 'direct ) Thursday, 10th „ 0 p.mGU-noir (via Hel'ast) Saturday I2lh „ 2 p.mOU"irow (rm Wattrlord & Dnblin) Monday, 14th „ 'J p.mGliwoiv (direct) Thursday, 17ih „ ¦) p.ioGlavnx1 (»'a l!rlfa»t) .Saturday, 10th „ 5 [i.mGlasjnw (ri«Watrrluid& Dnblin) Mmiday, 21»t „ I! p.mGI.I'BOW (direit) Thur'tlay/iitli „ b p.mC1»'L'»« { via lic'.f^t) ... Saturday, 2tllli „ 1 p.m(ilatmxr (tin Waterlord i Dublin) Monday, 2Stli „ 2 p.m(ibb:iiw (ilirect ) Tlmraday, 31st „ 3 p.m

FKOM WATKRFOKD TOCoik and Ghacow .... ...Wedneadav, 2nd Aug., 1 p.mC«rk , l't'HnM , ami lil.i*-o*f ... Friday, -l-*.l! „ 1 p.mDublin and (ila*i!oiv ... Tuwday Ath „ 1 p.mCoik imd Gla.goiv Wednesday !l|li „ 1 p.mOn!:, l i - l f iw i , i.u-J (;ia«-»iv .„ Friday, I l l l i „ 1 p.mDublin and Gl.isjcv Tuesday, 1'itli „ 1 P-u>Cork mid Gla-^ow Wt'iliies'lay, ll'lb „ 1 p.mCoik , IWf.i>-t , and Gl.-.^ow ... Friday, 18th „ 1 p.mDnWin ami U UKCOW TnesiUv, 22nd „ 1 p.mCork .ind (ili«w Weilneaday 23rd „ 1 p.raCork , Uclhiol , and Gla-gon- ... Friday, 2olh „ 1 p.mDuUin and Gbis^uw- ... Tuudtiy, 2flth „ 1 p.mCork and Glasgow Wednesday, 3O:h „ 1 p.m

FADES :-Gbi«iow to Watirfnrd or Cork...Cabi D, 17 .0.1 .; Deck , I./*.Cork and VVitcrlurd to HtUiui ... 17s. 0.1. WsCork to Waterford 8<. fid. 4i.Cork Hiid Walcrford to iJulilin ... 1(». Od. Oi,Return Ticlett , atailal.le f o r one jf o "th , not travf erallf

(ila«KO>» to Cork nr Waterlord Cabin, 25s. Oi.Waterfoid to Cork Cabi n, 12s. 6-1.83-r NOTE.—The Clyde Shi pping Company Insure al ;

Goods Shi pped hy tlu-se Linn ul Sti»uiei» , at 6« . per Cent 1—values to lie drclared ut time of Shi pment. Forms and alinformation to IK* lud atthu OtKr.*.

For Rates of rreiuht , &c, apply to— CORK SitAKMlirCo., Pi-uroM- Quay, Cork ; JonN LV DDY, WA TSRPOBD andLtMinlCK ?R A I LK A T OFF ICE, LIM K U I C K ; CAKOLIX nndEOA .X, No. 20, Kdeu Quay, DcDLt.v ; J A M B S M A D -DOCKS and H AL *., N'ewpurt (Mon.) ; J. C. PIBKEKTO. X,10 Victoria St ., ; G B A III M H RTMSJ.K , Gr««HH:V ;C'LTDE SlIirFIKO COMPAW , 3. 0- tttn lil Str»et , Glasgow ;orlo MICi lAKI . DOWNEY ,»l23-tf Custom Him.. Quay, Waterford.



REPLACING tho INSTALMENTS «.f tho (JOVERN-MENT LOAN nudBONDS i*alliu|f due) uro preparedto Accept LOANS ON DEPOSIT, payable oil shortnotice, upon such terms na may bo agreed on.

They will also accept MONEY en MORTGAGEBOND'S, at FIVE PER CENT, payable upon OnoYear's notice, or for such term of years a* may befixed ; nud for tho DEBENTURK STOCK, bwiii};Intcrwt at SIX PER CENT, for TIII I KE YKAV S, andFIVE PER CENT in perjietuity tiftenvurdu.

For tho Year ending the 2DtU of Sept., 1870, thoTraffic Receipts wero£29,080 DSs. lid.—tho Workinganil other Expenses hciu^ £13, 128 II*. 4il.—leuving abaluncu of J^14,«(J1 •!». 7d. for Interest i*u Loans, af-ter tho payment of which there in u considerable; and tho RociH ptH continue steadily to incrvaso.

They will , every Hnlf-ycar, send to eaeL Creditor aStatement uliowin^ the lull part iculars and Amountof tbo ucvcral Loiuts due by the Company.

Applications to bo oddreimed to the unde.-fitpied, attbe Company's OIKccs, Watcrford Terminus.

tBy Order),WILLIAM WILLIAM S, Secretary.

Waterford, February 20th, 1871. (ialO)

£12,000,000 STEELING,GL'AUANTKKD by Government, urc to be

Jiitnbutfd 'iii in ioua BUIIK npwHrila lo JKiO.UUO. AnytierMiti by ii:«»liiis J-l '" "'" bona j Me Govirnoicut irHtu-urtii.n 'may rralise X3U,0GO. Por Pro»|*ctu» (which will beorwiirilnl liw of tiP""") ""P 'y 'T !lrl"r , :«IJre*»«l Mr. J.A. RINCK. No. 14, Duk«-»t , Adi 'i.lii. , I^IM.IOII , W.(.\ tim

Cotlin Factory & Undertaking EstablishmentJIANOil-sTRKKT, V/ATKHFOIt U .

"OICIIARD flTZGEUALD begs to infirm hisJK, numerz-k Fricadf. and tho Public g. nerally,that he it vw prepared to execute all Oi ler i in theTTHDZBT AUIKQ HmiNESB.

I M P O R T A N T A D V E R T I S E M E N TBY J. & P. C O A T S , H U H M :


Excellence of Quality. ¦ V;J. <fc P. COATS beg to call tho attention of Consumers to their IMPROVED. BESf' SOFT J9BWING

COTTON, which , with tho view of nioro fully meeting tho wants of Sowing Macbindir, they iu>tu*mako Six-Cord in« '" length?, from No. 10 to 10U inclu>ivo. Tho importnDco of this change will bji ttoro clearlyjuudcr-btoou when they Ktntc that in tho TKAIIE , Wrapper Thread, in all lengths, known as Swr^Cto w such to No.•10 OTt ty, bciuft Four-Coril liom i'l to 70, nnil Thrcc-Cord above that number. ¦.Jvi^wFrom its increased STHENCTII , SMOOTIIXKSS , aod KLASTICITV , J. &. V. C. can confidenftjvwcommend thoirBEST SIX-CORD as unsurpassed for cither Hand or Machine Sewing, nnd aro satisfied WRi the obnngo willbo fully appreciated by nil who use a really good Thread. It is equally suitable for cvory Knd of Shuttle orSpool Machine, Lock or Chain Stitch. *.'. ' ;

Host GLACE THREAD, Extra Qualit y, manufaetured expressly for Sewing Mnchino Work, may also bohad by tboso who prefer it. TATTIN.; or CIIOCIIKT Conox, of a superior quality, in Hank or on Keala, snitablofor tho finest Embroidery, Point Lace, (iuipure, nnd other Fancy Work. • [f 10.0m

G R E A T A T T R A C T I O N i .


SHIRTS aro a perfect and agreeable substitutofor Flafincl. They nro cml , alf orbe nl , and do .NOTshrink.

Our FINE WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS arcexcellent valno. Patterns, with lustructions for accti-rato Self-Meastirement, free by post.

P. T0BIN & SONS, 58 & .7J Quay,Hosiers, Shirt and Collar Makers, nnd

mal.t .lyi General Outfitters.

S E C O N D D E L I V E^

R X~

N E W S U M M E R G O O D SON SATURDAY, the 29th of JULY, 1871,

"Vy K will bo prepared to SHOW A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of NEW SUMMER GOODS (om' ' SECOND DELIVERY), which for stylo, quality, and general excellence, cannot bo surpassed.











BEG to intimate that they have now nddud to theirbusiness a BRASS FOUNDRY mid ENGIKEV.U-

1NG ESTABLISHMENT, where Brass Work of everydescription will bo cast nnd finished off iu Firet-classstyle, anil with ns littlo delay as possible.

JICLKAX nud MC I XTOSII also beg to tender theirsinccro thanks for tho kind patronage bestowed onthem, and hope, by their coustaut attention to busi-ucss, to merit a contiuunnco of same.

C2J* Lcoil, llraio, Cojij'O-, anJ Iron lVorfec,3, LIUl'LE GEOltGE'S STREET, WATERFORD

and ROSE-1NN STREET, KILKENNY.N.B. — Green-houses, Conservatories, uiid Public

Buildings Heated on the most improved principle bytho circulation of hot water. (mylo-Gm)

YB A T M A N 'S Y E A S T P O W D E Rhiu, by its <-lctf]b*iit*r, ci:tii ^tv »n|ipr->edvd


YB A T M A N ' S Y E A S T P O W D E R .Tlit Sale is itiini<iisr ,aud kt t l l incrcnsiutf . Il will keep

good lor yean in nut climate.

Y E A T M A N' S Y E A S T l 'U W D K Em^ltcii I'tistry linlit and digestiTe, savin™ r^gs nnd

butter , nnil tK'liciotm hifiuc-uiudebrcMil in fire oiinutp- . Usedin Her Mujp.sty*-* kitchen , the Armj and K»vy t nud sold byall Grocers and CLenmts.

YE A T M A N ' S Y E A S T P O W D E R ,told iu Id. and 3d. Holes, nnd <M. md In., 2j. UJ.,

and 3s. Ciniateni . (j.i20t (30Sold by R. RYAN, Grocer, 12 Broad Streot, and

111 Onay. Watorford.


Ileliriiuj pom the Drapcni linzinest , nici iii/ (¦/ the Exj 'i-ration of the Lcatc mi't the inability of the I 'wj rtittittto 2>rnrurc a n-nevcul.

JPEXDER oilers tlie Entire of his STOCK

• »t HALF tin; I'ricr, winch ccustst s chitlly ofBlack and Fancy Silks, Mantles, Millinery,

STRAW iiud SAHLE HATS, KURS , FLOWERS nndFEATHERS , STAY:-, CIU XOLINK S , GLOVE.-!, 110-SIKltY , A«. S^le e.cb ilay fro m Ttu to Five n'Clock.

J. l'ENI'Ell solicits nn h^pcaion. [mlilO-ly


ELIAs IlOWh (.lunior), the Original Invctittir oftho Kewiug Machine , was decorated by the

Emperor with Tho Cross of tho Legion of Jlouur utThe Paris Evjf isil if in Vnivcrscllc , LSG7.

Goi.n Mtu.u.—Amsterdam Exhibitiou , 1SGU, and ithas obtained the highest houors at all tbo great Ex-hibitions.

Tlie Qualities which lleomiuiewl them ore :—1—Tcuuious on Upper and Lower Thread ore en-

tirely new and effective. '1—Beauty and Excellenceof Stitch nliko on both sides of Fabric sewed. 'A —Strength, Viraincas nnd Elasticity of Seam that willnot Rip or Knvcl. 1—Uses n Smaller Needle for samoThread than auy other Machine. 5—Economy ofThread, (i—For Hamming nud Braiding aro especi-ally Unequalled. 7—Their Perfection and Complete-ness. 8^Will not cuaily get out of order and readilylearned. II—Adapted for every description of Sew-ing. lO^Simplicity und Suiioriority of Mcohanhin.

" THE FAMILY MACHINE"Is unrivaled for its Beauty of Stitch ; tho grout ranjjoof work it, will do, und its simplicity uud superiorityof Mechanism. With it a child cuu Scam, Hum, Fell ,Tuck, Quilt, Itniiil, liiud, Cord mid Embroider, ic, <Sc.

tachines for Families uud Dres^.mukers ; Machinedfor Tailors, Boot-makei s and Saddlcra, lo bu »eeu dailyiu operation

AT 110JJERT LOCKE &, Cu.,Ageuts for Waterford,

Where all arc invited lo come uud see what tho cele-brated "Ef.lAS HOWE" Sowing Machines can do !

N.H. — Observo tho Medallion Trado Mark , Por-trait of Et.ns II OW K Embedded in each Machine—nouo gcuuino without it.

MAXC KACroitir—Bridgeport, Connecticut , U.S.A.1'HI N CII 'A*. OITICK —(iaa, nroadway, New York.ELKOPK .V N DKi'OT—(i l . Regent.street, Loudon, \V.N. P. STOCKWI .I.1., European Manager.U IIAM I II -*-G7, Bolil.strcet , Liverpoul.RKl 'KKSE N TAIIVK Hill l l lKI.A NU J. l'KKMt.J.I. UK , Com-

mercial Hotel ,, Dublin. O'J'-ly)

NERVOUS DEU1L1TY, aiid ull NE11VOU8AFKK t .'rIONS, tthptbec the H:MI I I ul early error, or

other*'*!*?, are liy very limplc and iHeiiienaive ni(iii i» quicklycurrd in Mil Kr»ntc mul (j cnnHiiy. Tlie a nsi.dint iu this cuuntiy, will lK happy to tend lire tn nil aj.pli.cmiti lull palliciiliin uf thenindc ot trrj tiocnt tbeinudopt i-d ,on receipt uf n dnefie-1 mviilopr. All pi!r»un« nuy core them.mhn, 4nd tliu - i not inn tbe rink ut Iviue; titlimianl . AdJiesiMi ni". A. I) U V A L, 13, NrtviniirVrt-Htri-ct lliiminiilniin.

HEALTH AND MANLY V1GOU.-A hMia,\ man of20 you.* MiWrieno in tbo treatment ol NERVOUS DE-BILITY, Spurmttonbu; and other affection-, which are oltcuHcquirt-d in i-ariy lite, mid unlit auffereri tur rrmrrmge. andother Kocial dutiei, li:m uuhlirbid i BooV K 'rmn the lullbrnrliiot li ia louit i>|>riii-iiu! KTH I H, »:ith pl.iin direction!for ll.e recoriMy of ilriilth mid *Stu-ni;lli. A hiiwle cupylent tn any mlJirt> on ricriplul One Stilinp. Addrmi to tlieSrerfUry , Iilslitnlr n Anntnuiy liirniinclinni fjl - lyl


miUS COMPANY HAS OPENED COAL DEPOTSA. AT TIPPER A R-Y aud at ih« diUcrcnr, othorRAILWAY STATIONS along thoWutcrford, Limoriek,und Kilkeuuy Ituihvay liuus. All Orders will bo re-coired aud promptly attended to by

JAMES DA VIES, Manager.Offites , 21 Williani-stroct, Watorford. (








A li I) K K s s : J O H N K E L L Y ,(mhiil.tJm*1) liAliROW W0nKS, <iliAIGVK


J O H N S T A F F O R DBEGS to inform tho Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry

of Watcrford and surrounding districts, that heHAS OPENED HIS NEW VICTUALLING ESTA.

BL1SHMENT, AT 17 GEORGE'S STREET,where he offers for Sale the very Bo3t descriptionof BEEP, MUTTON, PORK , AND VEAL. *|fr AllJoints Cut to Suit Purchnaera.

i . S., in returning to his numerous suppor-ters, for the very largo share of patronago which thoyaccorded him during tbe long period he has been inbusiness, begs to ausure them tliat in IUB New Esta.¦jlishment they will find it their interest to continuethat support.

Or* 1'ho Jvstiblishmcut will be open from Seven inthn Morning until Nino at Night.

OJS.SEHVE :— General Victualling Eatabluhment ,17 licortj e xi Street.diiM i JOHN STAFFORD. PHOMIKTOB.


S U M M E R G O O D S .





T) rJG; to netjtiaint *,heir Custouicrs and• tho Public thai owiug to tho late-ness of the Season,



Considerably under Valuo !

If J" Ami ofler Ibo xrimo advantage in alldepartments of their business.



Jnuo 22nd . 1871.

•I t , liAHKoxsriiAM) STREET, WATEiironu,M a y Ut, 1B71.

H E N R Y A U D L E Y & CO.""STt^'lIlLE returning their sinccro and grateful

* * aeknowlcdgmonts to tho public for thoeitcnsivo Patrouago hitherto bestowod upouthem, beg to acquaint their kiud patrons thut,thoy huTo added to their Stook, n ull Depart-ments, c o Jt ¦• it I s I x c :fJiioctiiits iind OILS, rtiinijiKKV ,ITALIAN U UOUS, COLOUIIS, U IIANDLEIIV ,


which they can caulidently recommend.N.B.—SOLK AOEXW ia Waterford for PEACOCKand Buciu.Vs PATENT PAINTS.

C35* Orders executed with aoourucy aud des-patch.

HATS ! HATS ! HATS IFJ -ta 0»®" Manufacture Ftwwwe).

JjM rpitv 4, LirrLE GEORGE'S STREET,^^^-*- IKAT£KFOJ:D.

C<0~ Huts Bought in this Est&bliBhmoat, DressedFree of Vliurge. (myl3.Um) .


A GENTS for SAMU ^LSON AC O'S. Mowiug Miiohincg,XJL Reaping Machines, and Combined Mowing andReaping Maohiues.

Also, J. & F. HoWAun's Patont Horso Rakes, l'atontHaymakers and Champiou Ploughs.

Early Orders respectfully solicited to inauro timolydelirery. Lists foi-wtirdcd on upixlication. (my8)


WATElli'OUD, beg respootliilly to inform theirkind friends raid tho charitable pnjj lic that

A B A Z A A R• IN AID Ol-1 TUECll MAQDALKX ASYLUM,will bo UcJi this year nndor tho I'atroua-'O of tboMost Kov. Dr. O'JJKIHX , Lord Bishop of VVutcrfordand Lismoro.

Contributions, in money or kind , in work, or in fanoyarticles, will be moat gi.-atelully received.

( V". Jl. CHILLY , Superioress.




Bed, Is. i BrcakJhst. ls. .*, Duiner,(0rdinary) is. 6d.Dining and Sitting; Kooms sot apart for Ladies andFamilies, frco of chargol Accommodation for Seventy-fire Persons. [jaS-ly]

83T A Night Porter always in attendauco.PATRICK S. CAREY,'Pixtprictor.

D U B L I N .The European Hotel, Bolton Street.

r iWE EUROPEAN is tho largest, tho best situate,JL nnd tho most «omfortnblo Hotr ' in tho City. All

modern improvemeuU have bf *n rottfntly introduced,and tho entire House papered, painted, and decorated.

Twenty SniteB of Apartments for Families. Draw-ing KoomB from 2B. 6d. to 6s. Sitting Rooms on theground floor free of charge. ,.

•gar Soup, Fish, Joints, Fowl, and Entree in CoffeeRoom and Restaurant, from Two to Seven o'clockdaily. BedrUotadJ'ng Servants,-8s. 6d., 2s.and Is. Od.

[mSl-tn J. MOLONY, Proprietor. "


ADJOINING tha Terminus of tho Sonth WalesRailway Company at New Jfilford, and the

Landing Stage of tho Watcrford Royal Mail Packets.The Public aro respectfully informed that the above

extensive Establishment is replete with evory accom-modation. Coffee, Commercial, nnd Sitting Rooms ;Billiard and Smoking Rooms. Tho Rooms aro largo,lofty, and airy, bcnutifully decorated, olognntly fur-nished, and are otherwise fitted up with every regardto comfort and convenience.

This Hotel is situated on the banks of tho far-famed Milford Haven, and commandn a most exten-sive, view of Her Majesty's Dockyard, and of theromantic aud picturesque Scenerv of the ncighbonr-hood.

Visitors, Tourista, Commercial Gentlemen, andFamilies will Und this Establishment, for situationnnd comfort, combined with Moderate Charges, sur-passed by no other in tho Principality

IJSJ}1" Jlot , Cold, and Shower Baths.All communications should lie addressed to

( J. WHOTTCi;, Maniu-or.

GREAT HOTEL, TRAMORE.THIS well-known tind highly favoured Hotel is

now OPENED under tho immediate Supervisionof Mn. JOHN Powi:tt ,. Proprietor, (assisted by his son,Mr. PATCICK Pou EH), who, for tho purpose, of givingmore attention to tho business in TKAMOKE, has partedwith tho Adolphi Hotel in Waterford.

J, P, begs most respoctfully to retnrn his sincorothank B to tho Nobility, Gentry, nnd other Visitors fortheir kind patronage, and assures tbcm, that nothingwill be left undone lo make this Establishment ono oftho most Coinfortabl u Hotels in tho South of Ireland.Tho situation oftbiB Hotel cannot bo surpassed iuany Sea Bathing town iu tho kingdom ; it commandsa bploudid view of tho beautiful Hay, ami wilbiu twominutes walk of tho Railway and Strand. A first-clnss Billiard and News Rooms aro attached ; us alsoLivery SUiblcs fur a large number of horses. Nothingbut tho CHOICEST WINES and SPIRITS kept, andovorything served of tho best quality, aud iu thoneatest sty lo.

PittVATi: AI'A HTMKXIS for familio?. Hoarders willensure the best attendance, and most comfortableliving at u moderate charge. An ordinary each day atsix o'clock, p.m. preniselv.

Pic Nic PAKTIKS nupplicd with every rermisilo attho shortest notice. Dinners, Dejeuuerrf, &c. ntprivate residences carried oat in first-class style, andat tho smallest sbodo of profit. (mliu'-tf)


JOHN POWER begs most respectfully lo returnhis sincoro thanks to the Nobility, lientry, and

other visitors to Dunmore, for the kiud patronngo hvbus received ainco opening tho abovo Establishment,and desires to say that his arrangements for thoSeason aro now complete, whou he hoped to rcccivo acontinnance of their support.

Tho Hotel is delightfully situated, commanding anuninterrupted view of tho Shipping entering thomouth of tbo harbour, togcthor with a, largo extent ofSea and tho beautiful Coast. Tho Pier also is £ccondto few in the kingdom as a promenade, and tho Grovehas been extensively bcaulilicd by tho Most Noblo thoMarquis of Waterford. It is one of tho most secludedand unique Bathing Placos ia tho South of Ircluud,aud is withiu tt short drivo of tho City of Waterford,between which and tho Daumoro Hotol a well ap-pointed Omnibus runs daily. Thcro are spacious LiveryStables and a good Posting Establishment conucctcdwith tho above.

Privuto Apartments specially for families. Boarderswill rcceivo tho best attendauco at a modoratc scaloof charges. An ordinary each day at six o'clock pre-cisely.

Pic Nic parties supplied with every requisite at thoshortest notice. Dinners, Dejeuners, &c, at privateresidences carried out io first-class sty le, and at thosmallest ubado of profit. (je-3)


If you mm! comfort , convenience , and economy,T II V T II E


|£ij" LUNCHEON S ready at all times. (jy l)


MARGARET 0 CALLAOHAN , PjmriurroK,BUGS to inform her friends and tbo public that

sho has opened tho " IMI 'K KIAI ." which is mostconvenientl y situato on tho SQUAXK , between theNational Hunk nnd tho Post-ollice, and exactly oppu.uito whuro tho Couch aud Day Cars start from.

M. O'C. will pay every atteutiou to thoso patron-ising the Hotol. Charges very moderate.

Q3$" Cars can bo bad ou the shortost notice,Imperial Hotol , Dungarvnn, May 1, 1871. (m3-tf


WALTER HAALOJN , riioi'BiETOu,BEGS to inform bis Commercial friends and the

public generally, that ho has just mado largoadditions and improvements in his Hotel, and trustsby strict attention to business, to merit that kind pa-tronagewhich they have hitherto solibcrally bestowed.

Tho POSTING ESTAHUSHJIKNT conducted as hereto-fore, and OmnibuBtra, as usual , attend all tho Trains.

Kilkenny, March 8, 1871. [mhlO-tf]


THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel, in whicheverything can bo had on tho most moderate

terms.J55" Best Dublin and Weiford Spirits; also Brandies

Wines, Porter, Ale, Ac. (nul5-tf.)&&T Curs ou Hiro at the shortest notice.

D U B L I N .Commercial & Private Lodging House

49 M A R Y B O R O U G H STREET.PARTIES Visiting Dublin can bo accommodated,

with or or without Board, and all the comfortsof a home, on lloderato Terms. [o25-tfj

iKff' Situation central , close to Backville-ttroet.


WILLIAM YOUNGER & CO.invito particular attention to tUcir

LIGHT DINNER ALE ,NOW so much sought for in tho London MarkoU.

It doo* not contai n high alcoholic, properties,but is well flavoured, and pofsesses many iuvigoratiugqualities, resembling Champagne. Wines.

HIIDS., 5-ls.; BULK., 136S. ; HAW BRLS., 18S.,to bo had in Wood, Bottle, or Jars, from the STORES,



ASK FOR LIEBIG C0MPANY8 EXTRACT OFMEAT, requiring Baron LIEBIO , the Inventor's

Signaturo on overy Jar, being tho only guarantee ofgonuinonoss. ^ " '}l i\Excellent economical stock for Soaps, Saacci, ao."

Purchase of House Furniture.JOHN PENDER io prepared to bay (if preferred)

• by private treaty, at tho Highest Price, theri.'HNiTi rtK of HOISKS, md Pnoremr of'EViu* KIXU .Liberal Advi nces mado on all Property sent for ab*o-luto Sale, affording tho public an opportunity novorbeibro sffored. . .

f $f 8alea of Property of orery description nego-cintod privately, and no charge made nnl««s a salo itofl\;cted. Valuations for Probate Dnty and other pur-poses completed with nccuncy and despatch.

rmhlO-ly] JOHN PENDEB, Auctionoer.



BELL'S CHEMICAL FLY PAPER,surpasses allother*, causing total destruction, to. Flics,

Wasps, ic Tho enormous quantities of thia articlpwhich bavo been sold during the fevri seuons daring itsdiscoveiy, gives tho advertiser tho greatest confidencein strongly recommending it. In Bheets, \A. each.

COXCTMTKATEI) ESSKNCK Or RKD JASAIC*. SiRSAPA-niLLA , for making a Decoction at the >instantiit maybe required and in a manner superior to that usuallyadopted. Sarsaparilla is tho principal ingrediant intho Lisbon Diet Drink, whioh has been so long es-teemed ou tho, continont as a purifier of tho blood orscrofulous affections, scurvy, and othor cruptivo |dis-eaaea< It is especially applicable to those soasons ofthe year when blotches, pitnp los, ringwormB, anil otheraffections of tho skin aro rnoro generally dovfeloped.In bottloi, Is. 6a., 2B, 6d.,4s., -U. Gd., and 10a. each.



a/ Mai * Wasiwid-CWi ttideliglitfqlly wblinjfwadcleansing properties of this preparation ' aro wellknown, making it almost an indupensiblq artiole ofthe toilot. In bottles Is. each. ' ,-

BELL'S AJIECA NUT TOOTH PASTE romovo3 and pre.vents tho formation of Tartar, imparts to tho teeth apearly whitoness, without injury to the enamel, andgives a delightful fragrance to tho breath. Iu Pots,Is. each.

BELL'S ALMON D SHAVING CREAM .—This is the mo3teconomical and agreeable, of all tho varieties of shav-ing eoaps.


ExTnACToe ROSES AMI ROSKM .UII , for cleauing, per-fuming, and beautifying tho Hair. Distilled by H KNI IVBELL. This admirable preparation instantly removesdandriu" aud grease from the Hair, imparts vigour andhealth to tho roots, aud effectually praventa prema-inatnro decay ; it will bo found grateful and pleasingin its operation, most beneficial in its results, and ishighly recommended for tho nursery, in conjunctionwith BELL'S PERSIAN OIL .


BELL'S Fi.KNirunB COMPOSITION .—This reviver pos-sesses a great advantage, over tho ordinary furniturecream uud varnish, as it cleanses as well nt) polishesnil sorts of French pulished furniture, pajnor macUie.ito., imparting with very little lubour, a brillinul ap-pearance, being perfectly frco from bees' wox. Itis not liablo to be marked by tho iiugcra. In bottles,lid., 1 s., aud 2s. each.

BELL'S FGUSUN OIL—Whilst possessing all theboau-tifyiug qualities of the finost Hair Oils, thia celebratedpreparation also acts on tho roots, thereby nourish-ing tho hair and stimulating the growth. Ia bottles,Is., and 2s. Gd. each.


BEI.I.'S ESSENCE or RENNET never fails in makingSweet Curds uud Whey, IL most wholesome and nutri-tious preparation for children nud consumptive per-sons, and a delightful summer bevcrago. Iu bottles ,Id. each.

AROMATIC ASTRINGENT for tin G UMS (f',v« in . \,lAt.Mo.iti R OLL for CI I A I T K I I H A N I 'S and C MI '.M. I I N *.

BKLL'S ANTiniM.ot.'s PILI .S, a safe ami cflic :iuioii -< rr-medy for Persona aftcetcd with bitinus complain: . >> \> .struction in tho stomach and bowelii , Ac. D;i-i' . iw ^rtwo at bedtime ; in boxes, (id., la. uuil 'i fct,

iMI'KOVKI l S E I I I L E T7. P u n i l K R S ill OuC.iM&^SJ ¦!¦¦- .

POLISHIN G PA STK for llra^sefl , 'i'in, A C. "^A ^CAJII 'H II K.VTKI ) TIN CTIKK or i l l iKi i . lor il, 1

'*'**! i ; : iand G C.MS.

H ELL'S ESSENCE nr JA M A I C A ( I I M . I I I , | n p:in. |from the finest (linger , and pnrticnlarly u-r ;ul inIndigestion, Flatulency , and SIKI X I IIS in the Stuni.-ivh ,&c.—Doso, from half to ono tc.ispooufut iu n giusa ofwater, as required.

Tmri.K FiiKNcii ROSE WATER .—This concentratedpreparation far surpasses wliat id usual ly Hold , havinggreater emollient, properties aud a, stronger fragranconf tlm finwnr frnm whinh it 19 fli< :t.illpi[.

GLASS FOR GREENMIOUSE USE,in 2U0 Feet Casos, 15 and 21 oz.

STUCK SIZES :—^0x12 ; 18x24 ; 10x20 ; 15x20 :l l x "iO ; V.l /. 'M. Any other Sizes can bo had bygiving timo to order from tho manufacturer.

Estimates for POLISHED BRITISH PL.IT>: GLASS J-in.thick, sent ou application. (jeSO-Iliu.)



Apply to "ALPHA ," caro of Mossrs. FENNESST,Watcrford. flyU-tf


PORT and HARBOU R of WATERFORD, areprepared to receivo TENDERS for

THE ERECTION OF A QUAY,of about Three Hundred Foot long, abovo r,ho Bridge,according to Plans and Specifications to bo seen attho Ballast Office , Waterford.

Tenders to bo delivered at the Ballast Ofiicc ,Wnter-foril , directed to tho Secretary, and endorsed, " Tenderfor Building Quay," nt or urfnro ELKVEN o'Clocl: onMONIIAV , tbo 11th AUGUST, 1871.

By order,HbTfll N. KEVINS,

Secretary, Watorford Harbour Commissioners.Ballast Oilico.'Wntorford, 20th July, 1871, H


EDWARD POWER , GLEN , h;is for SALE aquantity of the very bost descrintiou of B1UCK,

at hia BUICK FIELD ,GRACEIJIEU, neav Waterford .Prices Moderate.

Glen , aOth June, Ib71. (jeJO-tO


TUB HI.OOD.—These ftmoos Pilli art to cmupOTed thatthr-y oiicmtc wholnMimcly on the Stomach, the Liver, theliowela anil other organ*, by correcting any derangement* inthrir luuctiom, whereby i steady supply of pure materialsfor tho rci:cw»l uf tho Illood is furuisliril , nnil r. corittautnbgtrj iction ot rlTitc produclii is effected. This pnfret cir-culation thus brcouicB the f ery fuuntain of beflllu IZ'X life,and overcomes all fnrm of dix«nse wherever its attuxtioo. .

GESED AL or TOS LIVBH ABD STOKACII .— Allwho cicr iuJul re .it table, either ia citing or drinkiup,¦Uould tnka Hbuut ttu ol these famont Pills it bed time,from which will result a clear brad and good stomach tbefollowing inoruiu;. Tboutai.ds of Ludiea art alwayi coin,¦iluiuini; uf bick hcailucbei, waut of appetite, want ut energy,and want of atrcnj itli ; to correct all these erili, thret) orfour uf these 1'Uls should be talcon twice a week , ubeu tbeywould give the inrnlid tbe health aod appetite of * plough-man.

FBMiLf 8 07 ALL AGES ABD CLASSKS. — Ob»trUCllOHS ofany kind , either in young persotii<, or tbu>o between fort? orfifty—the mo»t critical period ol life—may be radically re-moved by using tlieso PilU according to the printed directionswhich aeconipa'iy euch boi. Yuoop DCKOIIS with sickly nsd•allow complexiom may . have the bluom of health restoredby Ibis wonderful corrective, which purifies tbe blood aud•xpela all ftrosa and impure bnmoan. from tbe ijnteuj.UewAre tben or the critical age from forty to flltr, in it¦cudt many tbouunda to a premature fra»o—ftbew Pillsshould he t»li>u at that period ol life two or three times aweek. ' ' ' '

W AKT 07 STBEXOTU Asp EHEKOI.— Persons of soJeo-ttry bahits, or those troubled in mind, working in Factories,or Coul Pils, who cannot obtain "that amounl of fresb airand exercise which future rrtjaim, suSer from wwknesiund debility, lowneu of tpiriU and waut of appetite. [Allsuch should take a dote or two ol tbrst Pills every three orfonr days , as tbey net geutly and elfectually on the systemanil impart vigour aad enerny to tbt body, nhtcb is alwayslollowed by a Kood appe:itr, sound and relrciliinj sleep, anda bi«li flow of apirila.

latrBCDSKCixs OF Yooin — 8OEE» ASD 'ULCIM.—Ulo'.clien, us also swellings, can with ccrlaiuty be radicallycurttl if Ibe Ointmeot be used freely, nud tlit Pills taVounight and momiog as recommended io tba priated instnic-liont. When tmled in any other wtjr-lUsf rompliiintaonly ilry op ia one place' to-luwkjcat ia tnotber ; wboreastbis Ointment will remove the humour from tbe systemand leave the patient a vigorous nod lieallby Wof, , It willrequire time, tided by the UHO( tba PBU, to Iniye ¦ lu(iu(cart. - * ' :'MoUowuj 's Fills art the bnt rnui) lium * in tit Korld

for tkt follmdm } diuau* t ¦'Ague Debility laflammallonSore ThfoUAtihma Dropij Jaunillce ¦ Blocs and GravelBiilmui Com. Uytenterv Llvrr Oora- Hecoodtir Synntam., plsilni*. Erytintla* , , plalaU _ TIG I)osliittreax ' *Blotehes oa ' Female lr- ' tiattovT: -tMubi,

lh« Skin retclu-llles Pllta UlcersBowe l Cora- ' Fevers ol all Rheumitlim Vans real Affections

plalola kioda Ketentloa of Worms of all kindsColics Fits Urioo Weakness, from > iConstipation of Gout 8noluli, or ubitaver cttue,

tlie uowels Heart.ache KIDS 'S Evil tt.,kc. , .CoDSumptioo Indiaestiua • 4 . ' ' '

Sold ut tbe estiiblisbnicut of Profe&sor HoiiowiT; SMStrSDd (neat Ttmplc lint), Loudon ; also Tie .Newa-OBefcNo. 49 Kiug-Ktttt , Wuttrlotil, and by all retuecUbltDracgists nod beulms in Mediciuet tbroogbout the dtiHtediforld, at tbe lollowin* price! :-l«. 1 Jd. 2l. 9d *». *M*ils,lit. .ami 33«. each box, Tbtre is a considrraMs aiiuil bj ,ilkina; the larger siin • ' • ¦

¦¦ IN.B.—Directions for tbe guidance ,01 piUmta fa «I»T7

daKKiltraieiaUedtoeach boi. . .; * ', ' ;


'On Sale at The Newt Off ice.With the Recommendation of the Biihop rf Waterford and

Lismorc, tin Right Rcr. pr.XTBBirfA Catechism for the Instnictioil o^Quldren.

i BI.IILE i . •MOST Bov. Dr. JAME8 BUTLER^ Archbishop

of Cashol- and Emly. '. ¦Printed on Good Paper, »nd in. largo cJearType.

BECOMMENBATIOK :"I approve of this Edition of tho Right Rev. Dr.

JAMES BUTH-R'S Catechism, and recommeod'it to thoFaithful of these Dioceses. '

: "»J< D. O'BRIEN, R.C.B."Waterford, Jane 2, I860." -

ifatT Ordors from any part of tho Diocese, sent inand directed to C. .REDMOND, Printer and PublisherJFafer/onJ News Offico , <19 King-street, promptly uttended to. Tho Trade supplied on moderate trarnis.

-i Slay be had iictail from overy CathoUo BooksollerIn^tfio DidnWo.¦' ¦ - ' '

NEW P0TAT0B8 FOR 8AXE.j criuxsit WIGSTMAN; imstf THOJIASI T STKEKT,"has constantly ON SALE, NEW

POTATOES of tho very BEST QUALITY, at LowestPrices. (

BENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS.BySnrcial Anpnintroeut to Ilia I'liiNCE nf WA LBB

PRIZE UEUAU—London, Dublin, ami Park.1%/TAKER of the GOLD CASKETS presented byXTX thr City nr London In H.K.H.Ihi fuiNc sol W JILK S,H.U.H. tlie D OKB or L'DisBDuen, Sir Joust Ui'iicor.vB,M. LsssEFt , 4c. i ¦WATCHES-Chronntnctere, Cliroun;rapb.», ICeyleis lie.

peatei.i, LcvrrK , Hurtzotitul ii , lur L<«dtrti mid 'Jentleiuen.CLOCKS—Kir Dininit anil Urairii!g.ronm<, Carriagrs, Clinr-clw», Hull or Sliop, Perpetual COendm*, Wind Dial< > , £clJEWELLKUY— ^peLinlitim in .Mon"i;riiin>', iDinnimids'

Crys'Hb, mul Kiln- (j"bl, fur DrMil and other PrramitiSILVEIt ASU KLIiCTUO-l'LATK—Kiir Prrm-niution

Uacinir, Diners a la Rune, or Tea Table, <trWOUKS OK ART, in Hiwur, bT n,e U,,| AitUtcs .IMUOKS Mill uWnutiniH of Watrlu-s , Clutli", PI II I P, Jcivn '.

lery. Chains, 4c., ten liluttr. itcd Pain |ihleta, \ia,l freelor twu Htamp d.

a^Wattbes, duels, Jtivtlleiy, Cbaius , Plnte, Ac, stnt loull tiiirts ot the world .

J. W. BENSON,S/'.'diii Factory und City Show 7"oo-:w-

LUDGATE HILL, AMI OLD 110ND-ST., L0XD0X.•CP Wmclieii ri 'pmri'd by skil l ij woikuirn . Old MI VIT

'Watches (!.•!¦!, .Inv.ll.-ry, &¦:, .•j.-«- .:-_-<l . ?.!,¦,. l, ;,i,t,Slii p|>i:r« , mul U'aldi Clnln nopji"-'1 fn-Hy] '

COUPELLE.De EOOS & Co.'s PREPARATIONS,A N A.SSOBTMENT of PERPDMES, at Is./JL nnd nt Od. each bnlllc, with tlie lnllowitip- iia a<.ed I're-piiratinm ol CouFeiXK, Du llooa i Co., llrrlford Plateliloomsl'iiry Square, Lit tiilini , mny tm Imd in atTHE N F*VS Ortici1, Kt uu- .stirL't: —Guit x Vitw , or Veg*tablLife Drops tlm ^lent rt'itifdy lor Nrrvou»iie!»<, &c.

Madumi: COCPELLK 'S Hair i'.niuiina Fluit), tvli 'nb liasbeen found \rimdiTlully elKcfious in It iinp itiit tbe hair toita tirigiurl color; al.111, CuorBLLB'a H.iir Dye.

Tbe Renal 1'ilU , KHU-ilf- I'uradn, Lime Juice and Gl y-cerine, nnil A«*<li-!'-(l IVrfmnrs.

DR. DE R00S' celebrated GUaTJ3 VlT^Eur l . lKlC iJl'UI'S i lor Spmi.iitoriiiOM, .Vnuturual

l%mi:ii:iii:>i a I inpuK-ncjr , *Srxu:il Iii»|Mciiy, lability, Kpilipsy,nml all lli.r-«- di-eaNr?i for •I IM-I I AUrciiry, SHrwpaulla , &C,arc too often rir.ploynl by Eugli.<b I'lijjiti.uii to tbe ultimateruin t'f tlif SuflVri-r'n ItPnltli .

Tjie fiUTTAi VlTyE are tlie mult of Ion? practical in-ri^li.Mllon of ll.c ri-umtiej llre t atlH|iti ".l lur Ihr.T discnsl.s.T:-.- :r ri il i , ftimliUtinp , >!»c qunlllir> , ami , above all ,t l x u ruitip fete rfilovar/im of the uerviws system rruderll ¦•in in rvrry imprrt wortliy llirir sifnilicint tit!•• . Theyiu.iv lio taken mlhnnt liiifirAlicc nr re>ti«i;il ofilict , Ac,• ml In this res'ircl »lio they may rhim pre-t'ininrnce overmo*t oilier ailvcrti« i-il incilicinfs. liy |,roniolinir iii^i»stiun—niMir ;Ali in z tlie con^litlllifiri—cnricliiu if vithuut inllaiainstli - - t-luotl—brni-iu < wittimu slituulatinp thu nrrvou* sybtctut .o tiotrnll y— lln-jr strrn^llicn tbeiieneral Imliit , ami restoretin; urinal l> r.,liliy time of the nervous anil mnt-rular fibres,lliu< r- ul iv ^nirit- xiiil t i iviff i irati-i £ luttb body ami iniml.

Tin- tiUTTJE VITiE bavo been particularly siircfsifnlwit l i youiiit pt-up lc who litivi- 1 lie appeurjucc nf old iiyu ; whoare p^tn ami rfleunnatr , anil nbn, liavtii*; HII utttr ili.Uste foreverythiti fr .nrc incnpacitntt-d for atudy, business omiji.viiuiit.Thiiuuntl s uf oppan-iitl y linpchm cavj., given up hy the /«-cuHy, have I'fi-n pciitnineiitly cutnl , anil liaveUnnu gt. itt-tulcvi.ifiice ut tln .> I'xd.

I'ricc i*. OJ., Us, and 33s. ol nil Cluinista , or direct ourrci-ipt ol htdtnpy , or posl-nllico nrnVr iiiblressed to Dr. UeUoo.1, llolloiil llt-usi', Hulluril Srjunre, London, W.C orat The J\V K\< Olhce, Waiei r^nl.

Post 1-reefor •_' Slump *, oven end ', or 1'2 Stamps in anEnvelope.

mUE MEDICAL ADVISER, on prematureJL ilecay nl tlie nystein , ami its >pe«ly rolointimi ; cbap-

ters on certain di.-onlen', aud tbe br*t means for thi-ir re-moval ; the microscope an an aid to diajuoji« j ilnrriugp, itsdirqualitications; rules nml prescription* for sclf-trrnlmrnt ,&c. ; illtutmteil with nuiiierinii c;is"«. Hy Dr. Waller DoKoo» , Itt-IUitd Htiusi-, Ilnitnid Sninn r, l.iihil on, W C

NOTICE TO IXVALIDA-Alilinush there *ii no ile-nyiu ' that tlie (Juttaj Vilx are admirably udapted for all tliecutupUinls enumerated- below , tbeir rcmsrlthbli} elucacy intboso cases where they bave bad a fair trial haviujr beenmost tconrloMve : still , iu all loui-ataiiding or severe CPSCS ,it will be judicious to write, without dtlaiy, to Dr. S)t. Uoos,Holford Home, Hiilford Square, Irtn^on, W.C, uitiiig aminute detail HM to the Fymptoms nnd duration of tli e cum-plaiut, general health, b M lr , cccap.ition , n%e, IK . enclosinga Punt office Order lor £1 It., wben advtcn and medicineswill ba torwatded pi-r return. Correcpondeneo> c-mliuui-Juntil a cure ia rftected. All communications consideredstrictly confidential.


l"KI,LE'S C U I N U l 'U l i \ U, not ed antivtr lbn worlil fur iismimcclons propeitirs nnil sj Ibennly rcroenytba1. can bedepended upon. It ia gnarauteed to prodocesVibislcrni,mou.-tacliioiH, Ac, in a fuw weeki', ,11111 will bo fqpnd emiu-ently succusfol iu nou-hjbing;, curling, and] bcaotif yiD? tboh.iir ; clieckinsr grcyness strcnstbeoinL- wc^k lnir, prevent-ing its falling off and rcoorint it in bililm-M frum whateverC4USP. Upwimls nt 100 |iliymr'nn« have nTiimtiiemleil it intlm nuraeiy, for pimmiting n fine, liralthy bead of hair , nndavrrtiui; linl-lnejn in niter yrarf. Miiy be ubtamtd tbrouij linil CliumisiK , in Routes price 2* ejeh, * *>

OUSEKVt) a 16 page pamphlet ia inclosed witheach paclcajze, wbicb has a rcil stamp outnide beariiifr I liewunk lbsulic Cuuprllt io white teller* ;lhe v>ord> Coupclle'sCriiinlriar are aUo moulded in ench lultle.11 1 wa9 bald nine yei«i8, but 1 fiu<l new Imir coming ra-pidly."—J. Hour. " Tbanks to your ituff, I bare an ex-cellent monstachc and whiskeis."—Major lirowne. " I hadlonl toy hair iu patches, but it has restored it ."—MiiaHowilt. " After SU yeac'a balduess, it bai acted miracul-ously."—II. Jloir. '' *• (

#*-Sold nt Tnn N KW» Olflce, Waterlbrd.

10 UK GIVEN AWAY IA New Medical Work on M«rtis(ie, tbe csoso out! cure of

prcruaturo ihxliua in man. Nervous Debility lmpoteacy,Ac., with Holes for rcraoviaa;certain dirquhficationi thatdestroy tlm bnppineaM of Werliled Life, or

EV E R Y MAN HIS OTO DOCT OR.• For Two SltimpslinUereai miry avoid tbe nomeroua

impostora nbo send tbeir books for nothing, publish tasti-nooiala which tbey write tbetuselres, fictitious reviews fromimaginary Jonruals,profess to care diseases wittfinstrnmeulsimteid of Mcdiduu, lad other abiurditics aj cruel as tbeyare deceptive.

A physician, 25 years extensively enmged iu tbe treatmentof Debility and Ib* variou-t mental and nervons atTections roaulting therefrom , will send free, on receipt of Two PennyStamps 'a prrpny pujtagp, i paiupblet containing his highlysucceusful and only safe treatment, vilh all the necc&iarypreacriplioos and directiom by wbicb laffertra mar corethemselves at triflini; cost. Addrett Mr. Lures, MedicalPublisher, 11 Hand Court, Holboro', London.'" ¦" v " Jutt 'T'ubiutit& ivoitfrMf or'T&o Btampi,


NESS. Uy HS.NBT SKiirr/IJ.D. or thJ (Jnivenityof Jena, tuibor of tbe " Pebplo's Qaide to Health,'," Ac.

A Medical Work on tie New Special Treatment, by Medi-cinri only, or Nervons.'Men'tal, and Pbytical Debility, Low-on or Spirits, Indigtskion, Dicg'nen of Bight, PainfulDrfami,,Waot of Enfpgy, ajjilj'rematore Decline; with in-•tractitnt tor perfect -rtstontion to health aad vigour brtbe Nxw SricuL TX«ATKIBT. The WABMBQ VOICB(160 v>(w) ii ilUstrated with cases and tettitnotuala. Givp>advice and rules for Cure by the ou of tbo N«4 Itetnedietwith a New Chapter on the use Anil abuse of KfJctricity fortbe care of Nervous discasea, with Letters from Patientiwbohave trird tin so-ca'tled Remedy, proving tliat ELXCTEICITVIt BOT LnB, and wilt not core Norvons Debility, Free brpott for two atrampj. Addtw* Dr. U. SHIIB. 8 BartonCraceDt, LOOJ IID , W.O. • ,

IHTOKTABT TO CoUHTRI PiTIUSIS.-CoSWLT A LOX.BO» Vaxtisuia Wit«ootfcB.-Dr. SMIIB WUI, for tbebouofit of country patients, in recoiioidaacriolijos of tbeirUKS, tend bit opiDion, with idi'ic* aod.' dlrMooi lor thomost ancccstM twtorBtion; tp btallb.,"*'jT ; (nlo-tf.)

WONDEBFUJ^ lJTOIwSS ^SOOVERYshowing-lb».Un«ean»o.'ol JfetvouV, IJsnUI. anili-bysicaj lM»\M,iUatmnM»tm9, indigestion, Want ofEnergy, Premstnn Dcator

^wilb olaln dirociioDs for P£K-

Too'niosl itorjoYtiD* rtcl •UwWBasvnkianaiiDff oomplajniarot) e.«i!y bi naor* WITaOOTiUJIDWmK u h,r.clfaj ly d«miiiirr»>«J,«tid1/ tb«nJtitelyinHr aujbi»bly ,nc.eeufal tie«tmen«i««»dopud by .Ibe,Aulhor,titiS) explained •V^»3^


tvtimWi4tA tf H " 'e*'t poaaibta cost. Seat fret OQ rrr,i, >

^atI?(^dt,Knl4fcrt 8<iiUnL l1oDd<»; W.Oi'/' w»t-TiiAWritlrj WMl* if M «W atxl'auopl. W.pplicttion

v . »T]i«o«eetWr*ii>rtr»^nu»,.r«blic,«eiiii to provehow Matvo-iaaiu'ud ootuotBiltot UaLidittcaa bt effatnVli!

by to WUBOVU f iamj oSSi^SSb^t ^^

Page 2:'HK AVATKRFORn NEWS i:sTini,lsu1:D 18*7. (Alilrrman HEiiHONn, Proprietor.) l..»l:ilK«T




Onthe 1st o fAUGUSTVrr t , at TWELVEo 'Chck, Kot>n,

A GOOD, 1'IVE.TOX BOAT, built about FourYears. Timbers substantial and well put toge-

ther j new Mainsail , 2 Foresails, and 2 Jibs , o MizzcnLag ; Spnrs all new ; Sail Covers, Stove, Oars, Spurs,Gaff, Poll-hook, Lift) Buoy.^Auchor, Lamp, Hawser,Ballast, principally motal. O«cr Trawl completo,with Cablo, ic.

This Boat is in perfect order, and will bo Boldunder value, owner uot requiring her.

THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers.Tho Mall , Watcrford, 20th July, 1871. .TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION,

AT THE P1EU, AT DUNMOUE,On the lsf of AUGUSTNrrt , at TWELVEo 'Chd; Noon,

A USEFUL and HANDY BOAT, about KiglitToo*,

bailt nbout Six Years. Frame and llibs, IrishOak ; general Timbers substantial and well put toge-ther j has been newly Higgod within Thrco Years ;new Mainsai l, Foresail, and Jib of best long Flux ;Gaff Topsail, Calico ; Spars nil New ; Sail Covers,Store Oars, Spurs, Gaff, Poll-hook , Bucket, Mop,Scrubbing aud Cabin Brush, Cabin Cushion and Pil-low, Hat Knek , Lifo Buoy, Anchor Lump, Hawser,Chain Cable, two Auctiors, four Reels and FishingLines. Ballast principall y Metal.

This Boat is in perfect order, aod will be sold underraluv, owner not requiring her. It

THOMAS WA LSH & SOX, Auctioneers.



STATUA11Y continues nt our SALES-ROOMS', thoMALL , W'ntprliinl , of a most valuablo collection

of ITALIAN SCUU'TUKK , comprising exquisite^Sculptured Specimens of the must renowned Ancientand Modern Statuary, in Carrara, Surpuutine, Agate,B.irdiglio, Klba , (liiillo , Tuscan and other Marblca, inVases, Tnzxi , Kwcrs , Figuro Uruups, Auimals, »to.,including a numbor of linu copies from tho autiqnoafter Komim, (irccinu, Ktruscan , Curiulhian, uodother classical Designs. ; with a variety of 1'aucyOruumcutn! Articles.

THOMAS WALSH k SOX Auctioneers.Tho Mall , Waterford Jul y 21st 1871. It





Thcso Lauds contain 211 Acres, 2 Hoods, and 13Perches Statute Measure ; arc all iu (irass, and heldunder Lease for an unvxnirvil term of 17 Ywirs, from2nth March last , at the Animal Kent of £1UU, with aBuilding Charge of £lo per Year. There is a good,comfortable Slated House on the Premise?, consistingof Parlour, 2 Bed-rooms, Kitchen , Servants' Rooms,Ac. Tho Furm HuiuliuK * are all Slated , new aodconimodiouK , consisting of Stable, Darn, Shed for 3I>Cowa, and other Offices, all btamling iu a i«iunrr>.Thcrv is a never-failing Supply of Water on the Lands,and tho Farm is well Fenced.

The Landa avo situate' within 12 miles of Watcrford-a public coach pushes neur tho lands by Kilmac.thonius, to and from Waterford daily. Apply to

THOMAS WALSH & SUN , Auctioneers,The Mall , Watorford j or

JOriN HOE, Sol., Kockview House, Mary boro.'A pril Jl.-t , 1*71. (aiil. t)


will take place at LAUIKN TK DOIIIIYN 'S VeterinaryEstablishm.Mit , HKUK SFOHU STUKET, Watcrford,

On MONDAY , 7TH AU( .i., lit 1 o'clock.(nlN. t) THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer



Jl'ENDKIt having received instructions

• from Messrs. Cox, linos., &¦ Co.,Will Sell by I'UM.IU AUCTION , at their


5!H Lngs HED TIMBKlt.71 do. WHIT E <)o.

100 Pieces Crown UK!) DUALS.2.*> (> „ Sernnil qualitv.

2,2(10 Crown WHITE DKAl. S , 1st ard 2mlquality, lieing tho Cnr^'i now, ex ,\Wo»-, from M K M K I ..

Also , (if nrrivi 'd) the Cnrgims , ex .W.-rV, fromSundxrall , Xnn<;t , (rum Jl iett , anil K>«i«i '<e ' l , fromHalifax, consisting of:

Ml) Logs ItKI» TIMI1KH.12IKI Pieces UKI ) DEALS , !sl and 2nd quality .

I7 ,m«l „ Prepnii'il l-'LO OUINC.;I7I Logs MEM Kt, T I M U K U .2110 Pieces Kwl MKMKI. UKAL , 1*11.oW „ „ „ Jt x l l .

Those Cargoes have been speciall y purchased to suitthin market, aud are wi'l! worth the attention of theTrade.

J. PKNDKK , Auctioneer.



DLKItY , Ac., Ac—J. PKXMKIt will liuM an Anciinnnt tin- iibuvi: KrpoMtorv ,fST W.1 <!«¦ y tf 'l M;,.'l.. ,, .:tr, ,rl . M....I1, (F.».- .!.,.„),

a H .I -n II "- nl. l f.i.V / ¦¦• ;*.--.Hur.-es anti other l'lujti-i-ty tu In; entered nt Mr,

I'K MI KK'S OHice , (li'inge 's Street , up to 11 ti'(.".uck ,mornitii; tif Sale. No charge fur entry ,

rtnhln.y " J. I'EXDKIi , Auctioneer.

COATBRIDGE PARAFFI N OIL COMP'NYCO.VTll i i l lMii: .¦\v i L h T A .M a n 11" ]•' l r Jl a.

Agi'iit f"i lieliind,i \\* I M O V A V KN T K, H \ l l l < . v l : , l) » It l . lN


I'.tteutces <i f (/ . i 7.aline Oil , to linru in p:iral1iu audmiiicra ) nil lampi ; a pure white oil givingu clear bril-limit H:\ine.

Sotc A'-ent mill Cutiti-aetur for I reland :M It . W I I. I. I A M C K I f i f 1 T H S ,

JI20J No. It. Wii i l im Avcuiic, liath gar, Dnlilin. ['im


A HE rivpciM fiil lv informed in onl«r tii nave

the DISCOUXT cm tho present (JUAHT K U'SAI'COUSTs , they will bo ivciuired to he paid beforeMOXDAY, :tlst JULY , 1.S71.

Accounts can he Paid at the Office , (!n« Works, anyday (Sunday execpted), from l'l a.m. to !J ]>.m.

Gas Office , 25th July, 1S71. (It



lighted , at No. I llU ^UA Y, (or CnrrKk-Hoi M KL A N K ), udjiiiniujr Sruir 's ( .'nliinH Warelmnsi-, TO HELET. It '» a {•iniiiiil Hour, j« itn:itL ' between the (.''ii House ami Bond Stores, and on (hi! .Su'iiinbuiit(^uuy—u most desirable posiiinn for llu.-inesn Agem-y,Ac. If nquirc'l , a .Sli'ij'iiig or JJmwiij ^-ivoin couldbe added.

Ajiply to Mr. J. S. I'.W. U K I I , M './ tnr Office, r-eresfordBtrovt , WntcrUml- jU-aUti]

HOUSE AND GARDEN.TO BK LET, !\ Large and Commodious HOUSK

and KITCHEN (i.Mll )KN , with ai;dCoach-House. It if within six miles of Waterford,aud liuli'n mile ol"Kilmeiiilen I'uM Ol'ii e.

Apply to CATiir.i iixK Sri .i.iv.vx , Carriv'anuc, Kilnien ^den - or to Mr. JoiiX Pi:.\ l i Klt , Waterlnrd . (jlli-tl

TO BE LET ,(Aw * Iniu i& lhitv I'lmscmiiui ¦j h.n) ,

BKLLV1LLK LODfiK , XEWTOWX , WATER-KOHI) , cimrcuiciitly simated within Five

Minutes' walk of tho City. There aro Three Sitliuglioonig, Five lai^'O Hed Uooms, Servants' Jlooma, &c.Also Small Uardcii , Puir-lloisO Stable, aud CoachHou»c, and an eicclleut supply of Spring Water.

Apply to I. TiioitxroN .or T. S. HAKVKV , Esqra.


Stable*, l'lM«»t« Orounil, mid (J«*s« l«r a Oiw, Hrrauiinl. It ¦« Sitn<t«l on •!¦>. llmt, ol ilw Sair , wutiiii3 SI lift "' Wai'rfunl , on 111' !*4-«4|tr uml Dninnure Itowl.Kor 1'nrlical^r*, »|i|>ljf I" CitetAtr i>» iliu Un un'U ; nr,6, Hifh Stwt , WHir.lnr.1. (j>2S-li)


SCHOOLMASTER WANTED.THE Hoard of Uunrdian* will , up tu Twulro o'Ct.iek

on THUKSI> AV , the :ird AUUUST next , receivePmnoiats with Testimonial*, from IVmms v) n<m\L™Twe'r than FIKST DIVISION OF


PI 4SS and no.s«es.<ingan Ai.'iienlturist * Certihento,pfrform Z duties


thoWoVkhouK. Salary, Clo n-V.-ar, with iJatiou. and.Apartments. Attendance of Candidate » on day of

B-ta **^Tm&: Clork of, 20th Jnl7, 1K71. (ll)

THANKSTHE 8I5TEUS 01" CHAld lY ..knf.wli- .lif with l*«t

rS.miV* h'«in« - t ff-1««l 11 18-. 41. imm Iit.* Gr..n<lJu.r, fuf »• »'««'"'• f*"""1* O. (.li-ua(C, t*r M AITU HWt>L*JH. K-q., J.f.


PARTICULAR ADVANTAGES to be ob-tained this Season by Purchasing from



XEW JUNTLES and JACKETS, from 'Js. (5d. up,

% F In all the Improved Sty les.0VEUSKI11TS IN LAUGE QUANTITIES.






31 . B O L G E B ,





ON SUNDAY, tho 2nd JULY, and tho followingSundays, until further notice, EXCURSION

TICKETS will bo issued by the Train leaving Mary-borough nt 7.15 a.m., availablo to return tbo Hamo dayby tho Train leaving Waterford at G.-I5 p.m.

FARES—Mary borough, Abbcyleix, Attanugh andIlally raggctt , to Kilkenny am! back , 1st class, D A. ;covered carriages, is. ; Do. do. to Waterford aodback, 1st claw, •>.•<.; coverod carriages, Us. ; Kilkennyaud BcutiOsbriil c, to Watcrford aud back , 1st clays,•Is. ; covered <!urriagc.4, 29. (,d. ; Thomastown andBallyhalv, to Waterford and back, 1st class, 'As. ;covered carriagos, 2s. ; Mullinarat nnd Kilmacow, toWatcrlbrd uud back, 1st, class, Is. fid ; covered car-riages, Is.

Tbcso Tick-it* aro not trausfcrrablc, nnd do not en-title the holders to alight at any other Stations thanthose to which they aro booked. No luggage allowed,and no half-lures.

SKA -B AIIMMI —Trains run nearly every hour duringtho duy to aud from tho Sea-bathing Place, Tramore.

WILLIAM WILLIAMS , SecroturyHead Ofliccs, Waterford Terminus, June, 1871.




CUJiSIO.X TICKETS will be is*uod by tho Trainleaving as under :

IT lul llNKY ¦ DOWN JOCKXET.Watrrfnnl iliii . 11. 0 n.iu Jfnrrhnniuirh rfrp. 5.1-5 p.m.Kilraaton- ,. 11.In ,, Alilnvl iix „ 5.35 „MiiUinnvat ., „ Attaim^h „ 5.50 „Jlllliliale „ 11.*l „ \l;t) lynjgct „ t>. 0 „Thim.;ti<toirn ., 12. O IIIHIII KilkVuuy ,. C.£> „lJ. tmrt-t.ri.1^0 ,, 1 J.1S p.m. llirumtstiriiU.-o ., 6 3) ,,Kilkenny ., 12..'i1 „ Tuoiuit-tnu-u ., ?. .i .,ll.llyr.mi-t .. 1. 5 „ „ ".-.11 „Atti°n:ii:l. ,, 1.15 „ ,. ,,Ablicjliix ,. 1..HI „ Kilniawn- „ *.V> ,,Maryborough at1. "J. u „ .Wuti-rforil nr. 8.15

r A K K » :Firrt CLi..-. CovM Ci.rriiffcrt.

Wntcrford to Kilkenny and back 5s. 3s.Wotorford to Mary borough, fAbbeyleix, Attanagu , or > 6s, 4s.

llallyrugget And back )Aud to and from all intcrmediato Stations, First ,

8econd, aud Third at SINGLE FAKE!Tickots not transferable, and No LUCCAGK allowed.


SPECIAL CHEA P EXCURSION to WATERFORDand Back.—On tho nbove day, Cheap Excursion

Tickets will be usual by ti S P E C I A L TRAIN, run.ning as under:

DOWN J U V I IX I :Y. ri* JOI :K X I :V.Kilkitniv lU p. l.lo p.m. \\':iti-rf"ril ill p. !l. 0 p.m.Bi-nni-t.-liriiV.'i* ,k l..!n „ KihuHCtiw iirrivnl ;>.li| „Tli"Ui:i-t.uvii ,. l . l-'i MlillililT:it ., :i.-.M ,,Iti.livll.tli ,. '.'. II „ llllllvli: .li' „ !> .*> „31l.llili:.r;it ,. -'-

¦" „;\vn „ 'l .SS ..Kilmaitin- ., -¦¦'/ > „ llinn.t-l iricl -i ' ., lull) „

W»t. rf.inl iirrivi . l J. (.*¦ .. Kilk. imy „ i.. .:n ..K MIFS -Kilkenny to Watrifotd and back, ,">s. First

Class ; .'!«. Covered (.'iii n'a;.'iM ; and from all interme-diate Stations to Wiitnrt'iirtl and Back , First , Second,or Thin) Class at a SINGLE FAKE. Tickets nottransferable, and no lujjya ^o allowed.

THE ROYAL VISIT TO DUBLIN.TJOYAL AGRICULT URAL SOCIETY'S SHOW.JtlJ First and Second Class Ordinary RETURNTICKETS . i*aucd from A I .I. STATIIIV S to Mary bnroiiglion thr L'Hth tnst. anil iutiTVrnin;.- days to tilt Aui;u»tincluiiivo , will bo available fur Iteturu up to aud in-cluding MciMi .u, 7th Afiii.vr. —B y nnkr,

WILLIAM WIL LIAMS , Secretary.Hra.l ODlt'p. Wiitci'funl Tvriiiiiiiis , Jul y 21.GJF Tho (J ri-iil South-in and WVstern R-.ilway

Advertise a nimilur nriangcmcut fur their »ystem.


VISIT OF THE PRINCE OF WALESAmi oth.-r Member." of tin; ROYA L FA MILY t"

DUBLIN , l.-t AI ' CiUST , 1M7 1. —(irand Nnli.muHOUSE uml CATTLE SHOWS ; ( i iaud B.VXrj U KTami lir.nnl BALL.

FIKST A N D SKCO XI) CLASS KKTUKXTICKETS , i.ssui'd Iru m Stations mi this Line ,

to Dublin mi Saturday 2!Uh instant and inti .-rvi .-x.ioyday:* to olh proximu , will be available for return uptu , iut'luiliu ^ latter date.


TUE SDAY , 1st AUGUST, KETUItX TICK-KTS, 1st , 2iul , and :inl Class, at Mi.nday Kx-

ciir^iini CI1KA1* FAKES, will hv isiiied fr.,tn Tippcvary and intermcdiiitu Stations Down to Walcrlnrd ,by III. ' Train n-hich will I I.MVC Limerick at .">. I.', a.m.,nod 1st and 2ml Clnss fi it m|iin- Stations , by ll.oll.:t.'> a.m., avaiUbh! for nrturn l>y any Train on ihtyof issue onlv.— llv Order,

THOMAS A IX S W O K T H .I [rail Oilier , IVaterford Terminus, 2llih Julv , 1S71.

Waterford and Limerick Railway.NO TICK is hcr.'bv fivrn , that a CJ KNEUAL

MHKTIXG of 'he Sliiiiclu.lilcrs in tin: Water-ford and LiiiKTiek Rail wa y Company will be Held atthe N .w Teriuiuir: Ollin s uf I lie Company, in theCity of Wati- ifuid , mi FRIDA Y, tho ."tth day ntAUGUST , next , at tin1 )i<mr (if Et.t.vr.s o'Clock, fore-norm , lor ih<: purpose of receiving and consideringthu Director's report uud Statement of Accounts ottho Company, for tho Half-yea r Hiding the illlth dayof June l;lht , ai'd fur the ttan^netiou of utltrr ordinarybusiness of the Cnmpanv.

The TriiiisfiT Hunks kept by lint Company will boclnHtil on mill from FRIDAY , thu lMth , until the ! »thduy of Ai I . I si . ni'xt , both iluys inclusive.


Hrnd Oflicr.", Wiiterfnril 'I'ermiinis,ISth July, 1H71. [anS-at]



JL COMPANY U ptpniintl t<i rcciMVL' TKNDKKS forthe SUl'I'LY i,rii ,i K)iiT()XS of BEST LOCOMOTIVEHAND-1'ICKED STEAM COAL SereiMiwI , to extindover TIVI .I.VK MnMii s from 1st SKlTEMUEIt next.

l'artien Tendering will pleuse (|uoto I'lieu forDelive ry at Wnturfanl, also f.o.b. I'rico lit Collieries.

Further particulars can bo bud on application totl. i* undersiuiicd.

Se.ilcd Tenders, rndor.<"il " Trinli'rs for Steaui Coal"will bo received up to Nuon, on Tb'KSDAY, MthAL'tfUST next.

By older,T. AIXSWORTH , Secretary.

Hend Oliiccs, Waterford, 18th July. 1871. ji'l-it


J FENDER, Auctioneer, W.VTF.KHIKI I , has been

# Al'I'OIXTKD SOLE ACEST lor tho CuusrrtWATKUIOIHI , by Messrs. T. IIAKLKY KKO I i l l HIM ).THERH , lor their CO M I I I N K I I U K A I M X I ; uml UuwixuM.U1H NKS, TllUEMllM. M A CIII N K I , 1'r.lll l.lln , .tc, tie.

[nthlO l y]-


J O H N I ' E X U i: R ,HAYING plnci'd the Mittiugcmcut of his l'hnto-

graphic Studio iu tho hands of n FiKst CLASSAUTUT, begs to draw tho att«r.tinu nf hia I'atroUH to

HIS XEWLY.IXTIIODUCED PORTRAITS ,very miicuhlv as Fiuuily 1'ictunw, finished iu tho liijj'*-cat sty lo of Miniature rniutinj,' iu Oil , Cniyou, Sryit ,aud ilczzotintc. As nil l'urtniita are l*aiuted onIho I'riMiiiscH , he is enabled to olt'ur lidulity of l'ortrui.tii rc nud •f i'ne.'l-d pun.', with tho hi^liiMt urtislic I'IMH I I.

f j g ," Cartes ile \'isiu> and pluiu l'hotu);(iiphs CJIII botakcu In the darkest wcuther. J. 1*. uulieiu uu iuspve-liou ul' UU a\xxiuKmi. [mlilij.y #j


NEW BAN K BUILDING,Mnin streot, from thi old Honae in Henry street.

Tippcrary, 13th July, 1871. [2t


XI aud GLOVES.Apply to \YALTEH O'DONNELL & Co. (jo23)


J9L L1NERY uud DRESSMAKING , at the bousoof Mrs. BiiQTHEns , 118 Quay. [o!7-tf


A N T E D , in (he A UBLFIU H OTKL , W«tprfoid, »Viraiiu WOIIU II t» act m B v U M A I D . She must

luin Kipi' in I tint Ciipiicily ; write n KO.:II liond, nud«uil,T«Uiid AcniMiii - . Ap|iliMlian» , willi Trsiiinnniols, tob< nJJresstJ in own llninlwri 'iii K, to DATID Krooli , Pro-HriHur. fj)28-2:]

Pianoforte, Harmonium' & Music Warehouse1 2 0 , Q U A Y, W A T E I i F O l i l i .

C . A . J O N E SEXTENDS to all pnrta of tho South or Ireland ,

the TII1IEE YEARS' SYSTEM OF HIRE,after which , and without further Payment, the PIANO -FORTE or H\ KHONIUU becomes the Property of theHirer. Special terms of Hire payable quarterly, inadvance. C . A . J O N E SBuys from the most eminent makers only, as a proofof which the increasing demand and the fact that alltho Instruments sold by him during the past nine yeanhave, in every instance, '.riven satiafacUon.

C. A. JONES has just idarned from London with alarge assortment of Pinnofortcs, including Semi-grand,Grand Sqnares, Grand Trichord Obliques, Semi-CotUgoand Piccolo 1'innu-forlcii , with all recent improvements ,by McaurB. Rtoiidwood , Co'.l.irtl, tirarO, Ktrkmnn , &c.

C. A. JONES liustt large ngsortinent of Hurnioniomo—Bullish and French make.; Sccoinl-htind Pianoforte*;English and German Concertinas , in great variety;Violins , Flutes , Cornets , Ac , ic. A line-toned Organ,with Peduls nnd modern improvements, New , byfierington, will l*e Sold a Bargain.

(3B>~ New Music at hull' marked price. (my4-3inM U S I C W A R E H O U S E , 1 2 (I Q U A Y .



THE courso of Instruction comprises French ,Italian , Euglish in all its branches ; Music Sing-

ing, Arithmetic, Plain and Ornamental Needlework.Terms known on application to

(flO-tr) Miss O'MARA , Priucipa', 51 King-street.


V&-K0. 1H, H E X l l l E r r A SWEET.Terms, on application. [dl-3m]


M I S S H A Y , P R O F E S S O R ov M U S I C ,GIVES LESSONS on the 1'IANO FORTE, at

her Residence, No. 17 LOMBARD STREET, or wouldattend Pupils at their residences if veuuired.

A SCHOOL for JUVENILES 1ms becu OPENEDat tho above address, at the request of many citizens

$4$B Tcrms, on applieatinu. (ol-5t)



PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS , AMI HARMONIUMS.The above-named MUHICU I Instruments, practically


No. 8 3 TJ1 K y U A V , W A T K R F O R D .t§5" I t Years' cxpcricnco in the principal Musical

HOUSUH of London. Testimonials from the greatestProfesKors of thu period, and 3UU Hcfuroucos.

NKW MUSIC always iu STOCK , mid forwarded atllAiroiAXKKii Pino:.

Mark the Address:—H KMOVKD HIOM K IM; STIIKKT ,TO K\ THK (ilAV , W.vrKKFoun.N.B.—No Connection with any other Hoiiso iu town

HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS.All descriptions of Printing, on above Cards

J2}" E.n . vtr, l nt TriK WATKRHUII > N KWS Off'Vc


r cucvrr ot' WATERFORD .r

HKKEHV OIVK NOTICE that Copies of tboKfewhT "f VntiTi. ("r i :f:h in tlio Uuunty of Wn-

tcrfnnl, witu M;ir>riii:.l AiMitiun^ lK-fnrv the n:imi«i .if IKT^IIURthrriin L mtiilmit, ninl nut .i.tillnl M I K- IUI tltr li>viVt< r urd tul»> ta;i<lo ; nml :.l>ui ('upii^ of tin; Slt|i|.lrh]i*lltitl I.Uts fur (itchl].-ir..nv in thr -;iiil Cinuitv , ami with all /Hi:li Mitr.'iliul AililitiulLS»i* !>fnm"itil; uml .Votk-i tu <.'!;iiumiit>.-, lint-.. I MI -II this {Ll.vp.^tiil :tt tin' fnllnwiif.' liliiiw ill r.itli llaninv iif tlir.-uM Cuiiutv ,vir. : -

Ilarinty uf (iAi:i.Ti i:ii , I'ulkc Statimi , (.'ulla'.'li.ini 1.Barony of M n.iM.KTHlni t , i'oli^; St;.tioti , Tnim-iiv.Ilamiiy of UlTKl iTt fl ith , 1'olici1 Stiitinn , I'nrtknv .ll.iroiiy of DI K I K S WiTici .rr Dnr .v, I'olkv Stnlinn , Dnii'.'.i r.

TA ILlliirony uf Ur.riK ri WlTllls Dl tl 'M . Polt.v .Station, (rla-limnri- .namuyitf <.'o .s l lXi iKKii i i i l ( .'>mliniill .i:, I'olin .-t.ilion , J.i.-moni.Ilurimr of CI .K N A I I K I R V , I'UH.T station , IfcillynuiKiri Krr.Ami nUt ul rii-li tithiT l'liliti- Sttttiun tit i>arlt of >:tiil ISitrmi ii-^ ,

whi'ri' tltt'y muy lie inr> |Kt:ti-il liy nil iH-r*un..4 witlmnC Uv, trout¦oil tlnrinc Fourtivn ilu\> from tliu :£hul of J CLY ln.*t;tiit. t'u-pic.-* of ^:iiil Iti^fi-ti-r , :tit'l of saiil Slllilili-nn lital I.Ul..* fur r:ti:lt ofHAU I Itaronicri. r-iu nN" I N - iii-<|H-ctcl (It mv offitv . (it tin- ('I)L'HT-HOUSK , WATKKKOHI).

Uatiil till'- SJIK I il.-ir i/f July, 1X71.WILf . lAJt JdHX DKXXKIIV ,

Un* of Hit? lYiui-, futility of Wi.tcrfonl

N O T I C E.Oj imt 'j of Wuterfiir.l. (u Kit .

I Hereby give Notice , that all Persons entitled to

Vol.- in .Hi.-. kvti..u of a Kni-lit. or Knt '.-lity of tin * Sliin- ,for tin* IViinly of W^iliTfnrt], in ri-H)H-ct of nny I'mpirty, -itimt ^wholly or in ]i:trt witlitn nny Marotty of 'tliU ('itllllty, whofihall not I N., on tin- Snpiilriut'iitiil \i\si ttf Knt-Jiayrr* fiir .«IR*1 IJ^rony. J IIM I tin-not iijHDi tin- Jli ".'i-I»*r of VotiT.. now ill fun-uirvlatiir.' to .-in-li llaronyi . or wlin . t«- it i'.' U]H .II tin Ui-.'i.*li-r ,nli.ill not n tuiu tin- -:uin' giialiliratiou , or contiui <¦ in tin- -ami'\'\n f Al--). -, ;.- .I. -. ril»- 1 iu -u. li li.-.-i -l . r, at il who ari' ¦!.—itiroiL- to havi- til-it- Satn.M iu-trt: -i l iu tin- lt<--'i li- r of Voti-rv ,nitwit Ui In- iiiaili * for tin.- .<:ti'i Ciniiily, nrr lu-n- ' iv iri|tiirril tuj;iv>- or H -III I to mt:, at mv lllltiT . on orU-fon* tin* Un ilav ofAIMiL 'liT. in thi- Yiar. a Xofu-i* in Writili *.-, liy t'l . ln .<l-.*uiif. iuwhidt tln*ir Nauii-anil Suniaini* (at full li'u-.'tli). llu-ir I'lini* ol.Until', ami thi' I'ariiinlar. nUhi 'ir fJ iiHlinVa t ioii, mii-t li.-h-.-ilthwritti 'il. ncitinliii '.' !¦> tin: Form iN o . !t| 1,,- r.uM.I ' r *-l fortli.Auv |ti'r.-on tvli - i i- ulioii; pri'i-nL It .- ^i-l *-, - max- al.-o niaVi-hi.-' Claim il h" think- ht , l,, it it i< n,,t n, c, -,:,rv lli 'at In I . MI Mctn -M if In' ha- thr -am.-ijntalilii ation nii.l I'lari- of AI I'H II - ;K now4'wril»"'l »n tJtr Uc-jU t.-r.

l),t..l tl .i- J_l.,.| ,\,, \ of .Inly. li;l.St'iird, ' W I L L I A M .HIHX D K X X K I I V ,

Chrk of tin- I'rac of Ho- I' ouiitv nf Wan rf-.^l.Y«f|V« ¦/ f.'li'.'... h ht ¦in:;, In II . ,- I. /.•,¦/.¦ ..; ».•: /',."',•.

(FIllt .M X".!( .,innuNV or

71'. II. ' l U-f k . . f i b ' I 't i t r r i . f thr t ',mulii i. f ll 'i i lerfar- l .

I I IKRKHY l i lVK Vdi; XIITICK. that I 'claim t,i !„• in.>«rtn i l iu tin- l.i>t for this llarouv of Vntir. < fur I lit- L'oiiutr ofWatirfonj. mnl that tin' I'arti., of my I'lairu of AI M .I I- au.lUitahhi'-ttiott :iri: rLiti il in thf i:oliiiini.lM-lon- •

Datiil tln- ilayof ill tlm vmr, ,

Tnwnlati' l or Di'iioiuiiiation , htrn t ,"2 S . s f.iiic, or orfK-r likr \.\mv in thisc '2~ •• ? = ' llariinr , anil nntnlB-r of l|ou.-i' " rifiC i! i *7 =.i l aiiyl. wiirn 'thi 'l'rojh-rty t>f itimti ' .5 j^ ' J ^*z , ur itit nit- ..I thv l Nr»,|«-rf .r. or /laid*'•s ^— ! **' — ¦= : oi t in-IKfuoi . 'r i .r Ti'Uniit l i f :mvj .L~;~ "? == or if tl. . 'Vuallfir;.ti..ii.oii .i^.- o fii.S l "Z I .- " = ' llwit-clinn.1., thru tlu li.uii-of tin'T S n j : 2* Owiii-r of thf l'rolh-rty out ot?S^ - -^^ whirli.-iii'h lU-uti.* i>.-uili '^,or*otni'Z ~ " S. ' ' "I tliwu , ami tin- ]:, n of !),¦•

'/• ' l*ro|ii*rty.

JI K S « U H"



01, LUl!, ATK Hl li l i , CITY , LONDON ,


Sold by all Chemists nnd Perfumers (with dtrcolionsfur }K.-rsoMu! use)

A M I livJI KSSII .S. CJ A It K 1 i'j I. , D KSTIST.S,

( falublhlmit l» l: ..JWlii-rc they iinictH: their ii.iiuliv- oy.Uiu DKXTfSTHY.

SK IIA H K M on Cf UK loll TOOTH AC I I C.% 'I'hlt etti - .uii lui K ry hpp liciitum , iiimvet-

.MlvSSKS. * lull* >u Hi tllfdii , niv "» HiiiiitdHt.t rehttl '\ I t k l t.M *<-;*i Hil l iuul tnjutiu rf II IR tooth jin*| tmuw a

VI,,..', i. . a i.

.,„_... rCOKAMTK T O O T H P A S T E ,jMrjOolirs. \ i ur Ulrau >itiK HIU I iiopiofing ihu Tt«ib ,

t! AUHIKL'S ) iii.|Mri« ii I.UIUM I rnluru to tin «uui«, JII J(.ifiiu brilliancy tulheeimiue l'riur. 1, Ul.

, I I O V A L D K N T I F R I C K ,AIKSSRS. Vp'1-l'iH"! Irotn » iron"- »* u-wl liy llrr. . ..... t - i - c \ ' »i'-

|v f *"" H,i- livlb ;i \w»t\ -Me

(JAisBU'.L n / niiiirm-., im,Mtl . a .Ma:i..ii, I,,.^-urMtic- In tin- lirr -Mll t . Pncu 1% . tljt

f W IIITK GUTI'A PEUCHA ENAMKI, ,.MKSSHS. V. r Sn.|i|Mii! II' -I M V I I I w i h i imiln. the

UAIIl l lKL'S J >""»' -»"¦¦' «'»' U- fu l lor I.M-lhMtlo,.VIII miftl^r lto*f t..r i(^t^)vil . 1'nre 1-. Ul

/• OSTKO "B N A S I K L S T O P P I N G ,A1 I0SSKN. S •f m"1"'"' I" wn.iii «iiii. , »iul ,,.Kr.n n». . m

"» I i- t •< 1 «> ¦« •''•-'I'•¦"¦I'-1'1"- U-..i..:i.i l p.,u..i«i:on

(j A UKI hi' 3 / lr.ti.rrr iVoill I«M h. III! I C«i !»• . O-.-l .^ 1, 1 lo-ton M \ Utlh. u.

f() I) 0 N T A Ii ( i l Q U I K 1.1 X 1 -I.I ThiN cittlTKirJ inouili -iVAth i» louk i ir-

MESSRS. -1 r,i»lrn/. It simigthrihi ilm Rumr, rm-GAUKlEli'S I diem*, nnliir , mnl iilliujui uus srcirtiniH .

ji -w.eVn» I lie hrmtlt , di ll fur cieuusili{.artitii tiiil Irt'llt in iuvalu»bV . Pricfl , o«.

S..M in WATEUFOIin h<j Mr. If . BELT.. 02 QUA/,ll~**e*. II - AUDLE Y j- Co., W 'llarmn *1 itud &'<»«."¦

Ituiu wuum uiny t» hid, lint uf ditrje, a sum I ii.iuili 'ui .



» » ' . . t'Rci'LA, or onr.Lady 'of.ADirela. will ba ob-served' a« a day of Tory SPECIAI 'i>z*mia$ in theFrnucijcan Church. Thoro will be Mass every bonr,from G a.m., till half-past ten, when Solemn HIGHMASS will bo snng.

Sot,EM.v VESPEIIS will comtnonee at 71 o'Clock intho Evonlng, after which an appropriate 'SERMONwilt be Prcaohod by the ROT. Father MAIIOM, of theOrder of 8t. Augustine, Dangarran. BKNEDICTIOSof the JIOST Hotr SACRAMENT will be giron im-mediately after Vesperi. An effioiont and welltrained CHOIR, under ablo direction, will assist at thoHigh Mass and Vaapers. (It)


Extracts f rom the TiceiUy-sccnml Annual Report, for theYia r tnding 31ft Dcccmiicr, 1870.

THE 11K.SULTS ur t i e Operations of the Yr»r eii'lin;3Lit Ddctmber, 1870, show that the Company has at-

tained u remarkilile il'iitee ol mtlidity nnd utrriiKt h.The nenr tiusineii^—tlie proeres«ion of the Income—.itid

the increase nf il« Assuriiuce Kauri, aro nil greater than inany previous yc tr.

The followinit *re the returns of the New Premium la-come sina* the U t valuation :-..

186T- - - - - JC5»,S19 S 318(9). . . . . 87,748 10 1118C0 1M,3S( 15 21870- . . . . 1O8,7<>9 7 2

The Prvwara Income for the fame ii»rii»i t 1807 I6t ,207 13 10I8U8 i'11,978 0 101SBI). . . . . 2H ,l:jr. 12 li1870 •JX.-.,G£! 18 •!

Tim A—tiranci - Ktind fur the it.ime prri/rl i- >..1»17 172,950 It 61WW Jtl ,:mi 12 tKHgl.'- . . . . 278,W7 L' H

, 1S70- . . . . 3l!»,W8 .1 2Tlw5e tacts nfT'tnl the lnn t cnncluiiri: KTulrncn that the

Company fiR<t Mipp lirtl ,i want Ki-tterall y trlf , and it ta ^nrt^.f.tclory to kuuw that iit. npenittotiti 1> F> TC In-m coniluctcd in ntlrtntrluirut nl Iniitiirrs previoitily uuwnrkiil .

Tin* Clt i i i iH paid (luting tlir yc«r Htiioinit in £01,300 2- od,rui-rnir tli > - «-hulr hum xi-iid to cUimnnts to the lurice umoutitof t'tlBl .OSt Hi. 7.1.

The Mcoitmu AT* rptnlf ml in HCC'inlMic " *ith th*1 " LifeA««nr^ncr Ctinp^nipi ' Act ," a measure which , it the ti.nt*,rrcnvftl tile I lirrclurk * curdUl ^pprnvul , nltlutui(h flninr nf itspioviaiun* will , rn fur x* r hi^ ('umpitur is cuuetrned, iuvolreioor« thmi ofilui'iiy tritnhh1 Anil expcnip .

With .i Tie** to infurtn lliRSlMretutlder! ; nf the new InveBt-mrnti of the yriir , tin: l)ircctnr« >|iprnd » nVtmletl li-t uf thrA.H'I H nl firry ilu-crip ; mi I the I)i ri'c<ur« vrunM cill '>t-leulinn to the f.iet Ilint un lr«s tlinti fOn.OOO lire in Cash, orifnine-ltmrly »;O«,» HI til.l ,. ttiTrtlinnuls.Mortjrn^rs un l'mpt-rty within the Kill er-

flout IW.Wn 4 0Lwill* rm thr Conipallj'w Pnlii-iiv . . . 7,tW l!l !>

Investment*:—In nritirh Govinuutnt Skxuritics (Consuls] . 1,870 0 (IIn Coloniiil (Iiivcmmcnt Soctnitii'.-i, vir. : —

1X ,W> Victorin IfainiN . .£S,12fi 5 11JW.OOO Cajti' of C.Hiil Hnpi- aittu . S. l:»l n OJLS.UOO South AlMtmliuu ditto . 5,:I'.!S 0 (Iilil.rtlO Oiurtiylaiiil ditto . . !> ,2H7 111 II£ IJUINi'tv Smith nahs ilitln . t, H2 HI IIJi.KIO Sntiil ilitto . . . .'tjllO.". 0 it£5,110" Nrw Zonlnti,! ditto . . -VW7 10 ¦>l-l.Omj .Miiiiritiu* ditto . . l.M 15 »I'l.UOl) Cntiaili. tlitto. . . 1,182 1:1 H

-a.'ivt t Aiiiritii '.—tii.OOl Turkish 5 i» r Ccnt .

St-K'k . . . . . . . 1. t»:« 17 0Kailiviiy uml nthrr Drlinitnns . . . 2,5tt II 0llnilu-nV niiil fitlicr MuinM . . . 2, 177 IS :llliiiiru l'ni|ti rty X *f iM i:i 7I'liri'lt: ' of S.-curitirH nf " Tnti'itiatinnal" Sit.

cii-ty, and nuiuutit dui- from O|Hi:ial I,ii|uiil* Ofi .fW IS 2

I,if ,-uml othi r Inti nvt.-" anil Il.'wrsion* . Hli , lRH I 7I.O:III- iiiHi. i Prrsimal S.turitj . . . li.1.%7 7 8.Murt)raj!i' of Ili'viTrinus . . . . ii,4OI 4 :1Ai.-i.iitr' Ilulannv . . . . . 11 ,:W2 17 SDutftiniliiiir Pniulnuu . . . . S,7ii2 Hi :lKxi«-li«! uf Pnrclnw! of niiiinr-- of ntliiT Com.

lianii-i l:l,'W0 11 1ni'imrit-i nt Tliri'C Mntlths' Notk-u . . . 12 ,UnO 0 0Owli —I> jin«it . . . 11, mm 0 0In hand, :uid un curri.-ut account . 17,*7l 1*1 t

2S.87I l:t i

JC388,40G i 61121-3. * Office fur Iifhntl :—


To whom nil npp liciitiutiH lor Rgcuctra UMY be «dilrL-s ed.A|{i-nt lor lniln«nial lirnnch :—

Jlr .JAMKS IIUGIIKS . S6, Mayor '* Walk , \V»terford

Alliance Life and Fire AssuranceC O M P A N Y ,



Sir MOSES JIONTKHOKK , Hart., F.Ii.S.{35° Prospectuses , Hate, of Assunuico and cvciy

intiirmatidii tuny he liiul ofJin. K10HAHD HARRI S, Agont,

Stock and SlmrchrokiT, 15 (jiii!cn-st., Waterford,MAIUNE ASS URANCE.

Citrines, per Stuumcr and Sailinf,' Vessel , to anyPort in tho Irish , Bristol , and English ou very Mudi-rute Turms, as well na nil Senrisks. War risks tnkon . it f)

PHOVIDKNT CL?;ilKS'Mutual Life Assurance Association.

KSTAIIMMIKI ) ISM)—Tui. srrKs :Tliotna* TVtritttr. K"i., M.I' - I Thomson nanVi-y, V.<n.It. W. frawfonl , K-i|., M.P. | llarou L. X. IliitliscliiM, M.I* .

Assursiucos of every description eUeuted daily.


street , City, K.C, Ijondon.—Thu nhove Association isvpivinlly siuthnriseil by Act of Parliament and thncertificate of II .M. Trea-ury to In.suc CirAUAVrr.KS lorall departments of tho Ooveruuieut herrice. Fidelity(.luarnutccs iK.ttu'd for Niiiiation.i of trust on moderateterms. WM. T1KJ.S. M.NKDIU) , Secrutarr.

A i l t u t f of Woli rfm d— PATKICK POWKU , i I.ittloGeorge'ii streot. [jl-iS-lj-

Mxi\\% ittaniafjci, x Deaths.JL n n i i u H Cf H i t H t ",/ I t i r lh t , M - t r r i ay e t ! f IJn i lh t , l i . focA— /irr.^n/d

)J I It T H S .(In thi' -Jltli iii-t.. at Flii'.'inuiiiit , cimiitv Kilki tniv , thr wifv

uf Mr. .lui|ih Itvn n, iif ii-. laiialitiT.llnlhi' l«th iu-t., at It. ll.-vm- 1'l.ti-o, (.'l/.n tiii l, tin- »if-' of

U.iln'rt U.inlihill . H-i)., of a r»».(In tlii 'Jytli .litui', at St. John '?, Jin., tin: wifr lit llrliry I1,

fl' .i'i-v , foriurrlv uf Cloutuul , of .1 ittti/hti-r.At'lii- i.-»iili iin'. .Mui.i-.-tr . i t . (¦lotiuii l. tin: wifi' uf Mr . M.

O*l)ouut'll , T.l.'., of i. daii'ihU-r.(In j-i-fi-nlay. iu Lin r)»-'l, tin- ivlfr of .Mr. Jruffny D-ililiyn,

ofnilii il^hUr.

M A Ji II I A U E Sflu tin' -intli .fiily, at Kith.-1'iiii'k riiitn-Ii , lVilluiin C. Fit,-

.-iiu'.n-. .Mount For<-«t , lj>,r i-y, tu .lanii-, rhli- .-t daiishtir uf \y,lianiu^toll , K M \., Wixfonl.'

.lulv '.M. at tht- L'liuri-h .if St. .l.ilm tin- llaptirl , lllai'knrk .i '.MIIIIV llnliliu , I) . O iiullivati. Kv, ., I'mf, .-.-or .Nnliolial ll.utnl oflil,i,- ,',ti,.M . to l.iuti.- RJI , v.,,ui^,--t I'hild of tin- lat,- Miuliiiol(\ .rolau. K?n., of Onlilin.

.lulv islh "I MiirjUnMii'li, Klminl Xivilli- llnnki . V i. r,K.,uf Cl'.tnlll Hou.-i"M|Uari' , IK-Un rt , tu .MnUlla Olif in , i-lih'rtdtui'.'h.UT of tin- Kt'V . .1. .Miiul.' H..1 .-.1., r.vtor ol the pnrirli of Marv-Imroiiyh.

un tl ,,- *illi in-t .. nt Ahiti-y Chi.ri'h. Murlti. 1,1 , Clninnnl ,Ihor/ i- Kil«nrd I'II I H I HI , l>i|., irlth Hr-.'iiiii-nt , rldi>t .-on ur thrl.tlr Ili -v . Jl il-l' i'l I'oMi'U, H - of,I.-y. N,,lt, , tuiM-or/ iiiii, yontiv'i'-t dau^hti-rof 'I'lioinns IJoilt'li.KHi- , lint-tivilli',tiniiitv

AIM. lVtiT.-Chur.-h. Duhlin . tint lUv. A. 1'. llunlon . I..I..D ,of Muitiit ^haltuoii Kii'torv , to II I -INI -.';!, dait'.'liti'l* of I in- (ate.Iui,i. -- 1'iirkir, K-i . of llallyliiimli-t. iiiitiity Wntirfonl.

At St. Pi-ti-r'--, llunlon , Atnlrt-w O'lt yuu K-q., Mi-ouil ^,, II ofthr Uti- Ivlll.ouil O'llva n, K-i | , llati-ira rii.-th- , Tt]i|N-r..ry, toL'iitlit -rilii : I'm-lia , onlv i-hild of i;-.-nrn.l Mi. '-ti-ati.

1> K A T II S .llu th.-:J "th in-t.. Mi** flarkr . Matior-Mrn t , ilirplv r.%T.ttM

H IT n-maiiir will l«ivr St. John 's Chiinli , nfti r lfi|rli .\f,i.«.«,ti.'inorpiw , fur intcltui'Jit al Itally.'iiiiiirt- .

llu Sunday, nt hi- n»ii|iii.v , th.-Sij uan- , in thi-i i-itr . ut unnilvuuuiil u'-'i-. Jfr. iiartbuloiui -K (invm-, fur many v.-ur* in thrtirinv , from which In- n-tirnl , aftt- r a rntlitalili 1 .M-r\1it-, un a.,«-nrim,. lt.I V.

llu tin- -'»li iu-f-. "' "IT ii-iih'iuf , Ifcirruck-rtivi't , tin- wifeof S rvi aiit-lluiur 11..W, Wntrrfunl Artilh-ry Militi a.

I lli tin- :Mrd in-t., at Jli-nnita ^i- , Kiluittoiw , tu-or;:.' Bid-.-wav ,thr I H IOVII I son of William Hiurv I^irlii-r . ¦>¦.-,¦.! II j-,atv.

.Inlv 111, nt tin- n-.iil.-tH " •>( h. . in tin: lC|nl V,.IU. „, )l(.rif .-,', llriil-ii I , nli. t of Mr. .lain.-- UTon...'!!. of Killonfbl.'.nnd u,,. r nf (Pic l.ilu Idv. .Mirli:ul O'Cutuii ll, llorril., iiaiutyrarlow.

l)ii II,.- IWli in'f-. nt ni< n -iih iiif . X. lyoii.jtrift , Tiiiix nirr,Ditvi.l ( iKi-l ly K-i|-, H.lii', in tin. .Wth j-wir irf lii« IIJP '.

I hi Hi.; lUth in-t ,. ut Ciirtlr-rtni't , N>iinj:li, Miintir, ihtit^liUrill till' lati' W. K. llutily. KM |., M.D., Thiirltr , np- A 7 venrr .

July ii, at (.'aliir, Willuni i;<,iu«, B,,., ofj Altnillii , nm I ?«yrar/.

On tin- J- lth iiwt.. i»t:hi-r n-iddi'itn-. Mulliu:iliuui>, cnltutv Tippe-ri.ri- . Mr.- . Jium* Kirkliiw , uwij 75 .rrarr.

lin tin- J5th iii-tint , lit lnr n-.idotn-,-. Fort l'n^iHiI K IIMITJ ,I.iin. rU t. Mm. Klita Alirnluiiu, ut an iulvuiux<l a^i-.

•Inly il, nt Urliuirf'>nl( Di-uw , thinl s,.,i ,,f tlii: liiU Joki,M - iVmiifll, nftrrivloiii! illiirar, pitimtlv riitrt-ml. -lt.1.1".

}jovt ilctos—})ii )i «A II It 1 V K U .

J Ird limit WCUTII. «, Pram, Mllfonl , e i - ; . Ijtni. », Cotfr-y,i.ivurjHM.I , u o ; lUiunh-r, Pbclati , Anlritii.-uu, IVIIIH ; Oirton,Kitiiiinuriti', l.imirick.

Jltli IKury, Newport , Cork, .-.ial- ; Piutx-jft Alrxutidm,Dul.lin.

25lli A.hi k Alicr. l.lovil . I.itvrpiwl , Clrmnkilty, whrat ;Irfint , Si.untiK-u, *»ilri««i , ditt., ; SiuifT-^, Cluttliain, Ruucora.rait und IIM IH ., *>Ui Ctiuibnu.', .i, l.'mwfnnl, fila-gow, x c j Vnltitn.', H, Duvij,Jlilfiinl , B c.

'.7th Jnvi nia, », llrirtul , x •' i limit , «, SHI.fiirtl , x c.

S A I L E D .25Hi Miilcnliii . Sratli , Hirri". lr.»lla»t : rUniln, «, fiUu(jow,

Nt t- r)U iir. ii r j OrvAt WivU-ni , r, ?jilf<,nl, Pi'uni v c.Jith Knti niri"- . II"". Ni'wnort.hnlUuit ; Kun»h uf Inlrnid, a,

Millunl K c j liiii'}'l 'Si I.Wi-rpK.1, u K ; l'rngn'M, P-rtuiiKliK.-,)«!ln-t.

i7tl. Mury Klcnnor, Uiw, C'unlllf, l«lh.<t s Vliritint, Dati-(rurTiin, iiianun1.

I'm lurt .Tlnt Stitrly -li i'iiiStniiiil. Atintni Iu cnlUdon wltliJohn str.uul whllf ut ittu'hor at Sttily'ji Hauk ; Aurora <huuatfLil,inrl yot on phori 1, whrri' rh*? rc:nafn^.

I.OCAr. IUH JWAY T11A1TIC.F;,- the H'ltt eaJiii ;/ F,;,hi,i, July 1, J8"l.

! \V«l«tford Un.'rluLil. i.i.rncl. Watrrf'ii Kilktnr.vKtii l tiii.I jtntf ' mil Kit- -; .'uncilon

i |.lmerlr.L> |> ienn 'llt! R« llw»>(17 mile, '.¦«] mile-j ilt "»>" "»>« . '-.'S'.milc.1 .ipenl j ni -n. I op4n. nue.t). j open).

: £ ,. .1. 1 i i. ,I .J£ t. d. ( K d 'X •. <t.Pa'ctii«.*'*«'. : tin j »::si 4 5,l«s t-r iiw it n,w i nGu>i«.'.r«tt:'| 8K M 'I io « s;in u naw t» <; (n m l

' T'.?s.1 " 1700 l» S IKI U 1 -21) ? l'8l»;u Jo'SUl 11 li

w«A 1.4i » ', 15(1 II l-'W G 1-J S j JIIJ o 3191 8 a

maUttort ittarfttteWaterford, Jtly 2Bth, 1871.

WcsthcroonUnun unsettled. Bnt faw tnumwMoiu In N»tWe


' '

FORBIO.N WHGAT-A gooil denumi ; 3d. to 6d cAnmx

msdo on bedt kinds.1NDIAX COnX—JL Urge *Jle. No change.FLO0R—Slow demand. No change. - - . .


P R I C E S C U R R E N T . .. ,IR ISJ1.' Ol.!.. j Hl».

WHKAT , p'Tunrrclnri-'i'Hin. « . i .. ili< d. •• d.— \VMi« - - - 01 n in oo 000 n 00 0— Red • 00 0 00 H0U 1 00 0— 9hippinido . - it) u 00 O.ou U l>0 0

BARLBV , pcr i.nrrd,. ! i'l l > I— lirimlinK - - • fin 0 Vi 000 0 lO 0

Malting - - 01 0 0(1 0 00 II 01 0OATS, perharrel »f )!«)>•. i

— Dlnck - - On 0 00 OTO 0 00 0— White • • no il 00 i Ion u no u_ Org y • 0J " UJ 0.05 I) 00 0

FLOUIt , por Suck , ol 28"lln— Son«r6ncf - - 40 0 41 "On 0 00 0— Inferior* • . . 25 il J» 0 HI I, III ' II

OATMI - lAL, nrr Sack . . 00 0 IKI »l 'nn 0 00 flORAN,perl iafr« l . of 8'lhn . . n f) II (ij 6 0 Oh 0

FOHK1GN Frtt .l"HBAT, pcrltarrcl , ..r>rif,;i,». ". n. •. d

— America n, Spring »n1 Winter - . "n 0 to ID 0— Mnrlanople . . 00 0 00 0— DtrillintM . . 3R 3 H «— Rhirk a .Tiicanrng, and O'lr«,» . '57 0 « •— Ilirall . . . fin o 00 0

I .tDIAN CORN , YBlluw.O ilMin .A Gnlnli , 11 " W 3— MirRtinfcFnjmnlon - . 18 0 13 3

— — Atneriptm, 10 0 On r— — French nnd American WhlleOii 0 Oil n— — Kirrnliaii , - - - - P0 0 DO I 1

— — Dnmrncd - r»> n 00 flFLOUR , A- nrtirrtn,per Imr/cl , or l:Klll,i. . 00 0 on o

— French , per mclc , of •isulhi . - it" 0 00 «I N D I A N M K A L , Ainrtlenn.ltrr hrl. of l!l«lli« .nil • Uu fl

5 Hom« Mnnuf neture , I _„ n o, n— ~ I per ¦a-k. nf-«lllb.. |2" ° 2I °

Imports ij- Exports for JPcefc ending T/iursi/ay, 27(/i inil'IMPORTS . K.XPORTS.

Wheat 7M« Quartets- Worn. ¦ . 1>A H,r.»l«.(ndirn Oorn ltKHJ dn . Oats . . . *»1o,Dan - • • do. Rarlrj - - - — do.Barley.- - — do. Indian Com —. ao.Flnnr ! * '' *">**• FlOUr • - - 274 do.rigor j Birr«lt. Oatmtiil . • il Sacki.Meal 10 Sack*. Indian meal . An.

WATERFORD BUTTER .MARKET.ff umler ofFirkim <ecig hed at the Puhlir Buttrr Marlr il

for Werk tndinn "Friday (thin dn t /J , and Prices.Saturday, - ... «5 ... ... IIS>. 0(1. lo III.. 01.Mondv SS ... ™ IK. . 04. lo IU!.. ud.Toe»!»7, _ ... 1 - ... 00-tL 0.1. to lisa, fdWeiln»il»r 3 - ... !!<.. IM. (o H S i . (1,1.Thu,i..Uy, ._ ... 3:i« ... ... 111M Od. to 111-. IM.Friday 1 ... ™ "Orw. "d. to 117< nd.

No. nf firkins corresponding werk Ust yr*r ...» 1126Price tier cwt 1«*. Ud. lo 125^ Hrl.

(Correctol this dn>j Jnr 3Vic Walcrford News.)PltOVISIO.WS.

B ACOX Pirm. pcr cxt «. — ™« 'M lo etj 01Orrti, Mo ,_ _ ... Ms nd — .V,, IM

Fin do ... _. _. I". IM _ I I , OdHRArt ii do ... :OT» nd — 37% ndT<i.l.nw do ... „ „ 4-l> M — 43. 01L»»o (chandlers') — ™ „. <0« nd — <0* ffd

B0T0HKR8" MICAT.H r r v , nrr 1b Ho R'l t.o MU\ j LA M R , per qr... S< 6d to G< 6il

Do. iteak Sd to lOd Vr.HL, prr It-... 7d 10 IMMuTT0K ,D"rlb.7d -*l to fM I PORK Ud 10 III

POTATO E«.Average price (new) w 3^1 In 4\d. per stone.

11READ.W HITK , per4ll,..0d in rid" 1 Mnu>Ht. n,pr «lh 5Jd lo Ud

WHISKKV.DtJBLiir t perKa 1 ... Ut ud I O^n , Oork, cai , 17c. ndOO H K .pantheon .— lCft DA \

FISH.N*rKni.l.n ,pr ewt 2Ss lo nm I I' tAl , ™ ... Oil lu 91HrKBt xiK , prbrlln* to 3i» Soi.r., — ... OH 10 8t8 AI .¥0» per Ih IM 10 Is 1 Tcmiivr , ._ _ Os lo < l

KOW1. AND KCGS.Fotvr,, per pnlr. 3-. (il . to 0s. I KOOH , peil2O, 5< 0.1 to H< 0.1QiESr 0*. In! to Oil per pair. I TorkeT*. liOilo 0J, a coapli

SOAP A N D CANDLES.Wm»r:. perctrfJlJ. toOis 'ia I Mootu per Ib ... flu 7dBao<m , do 23<0il to f fn I DIPT do. _ 0. M

WOOL AND HIDE S .||»Mrt »nnl.. 1«S1 to ll M I Hi««B...»Mo 3J lld perc«lWelter*Ewe- H a: „ Js 4.1 Kips... 3d „ 3jd p-rlbHltlu «m)l ._ lla lld ,, ll 3d I Calf *it „ 471 per dot.

TIMBKR.Rrn Pmr., prrtnn , C2ii6ll«!lll. I StAVKtl , p<-r 10IH1 .£3 15«.Yiuow, &° 63j «d. 6S« I LAT«« ,per do 10» 6(1 10 la

(JOM.S.OoAl.8 per ton...»« 04 to 13i 6d I OO KK . per too 16« O.I to «

FODDKR AND GHREN CROPS.B AY tier ton *'•'¦ 50> 1 Matutold., per Ion no. tOs

Do (old) 7 r-S-i* Turnip. - 1O4 I.11.STRAW , "heateo 4.S-45. Oarrots ~ 00i 00.

Do. foatan) ?- •* - 4-5 1

IMPORTS AXI) EXPORTS OV FOREIGN GRAINXcllk', Xisfu-ld,, :i,700 qiurtrr- miiir^. White Brother*

h Co. ; Iiirurrli.-til. *, (.'linrcli , (Mi-.-i-'iji , UoOO quartern uinizr, Whito}Jrot)u-r5 A; Co. Nitovu Origiuo Barbieri. (Inhiti*, iftjtii qllnrtemmaize, T. C. SIH -UCT. l»mm, Siuiuudoti , Uih .-iii , 7UU i|Uarturswheat , (roitl*; utid Stuitb.

PORTER WANTED. :\\TANTED, M Sltnii; liny, who c*» lie I'cuiurornileO, mVV l'Ulii'K U. l'eiiiiHiieut Kmiiluy iurnt. Applv Kt

tin, OlHcr. 0)-1*-!")

Wxt 838jrterforli Mstoa" 11K JUST, AMI IKAU SOT.



At no pcrinil in the cxi.stcnce of this iiatiun.ijinstitution tlitl it JIO .SSCSS n more prosperouscoiulitiou tliiin ut present, for, clour ol' tliusiu greatdrtnijcrswhicli u few ycar.sugo teiidcfl to .ilatni , andthereby create disti-Udt , it now stands ou a genuinebasis, u j irospurnux and steadily imrirovingconcern. Wlion the monetary world seemed to(juitke under the load of its liabilities—amounting,two years ago, to A'o.T'Ji I,UIK)—with securities atwhich wise men shook their heads, und overwhich the Board of Directors were divided, andcautious, timid'men were beginning to draw away,the people of Ireland, a* a general rule, still re-posed full ciinfidencc^iii the vita 'ity «f thisnational institution, nnrl the result lias been anexhibition ol' recuperative powers which fewconcerns of its kind would be able to exhibit inso short a time under Minil ivr adverse cireum.stances. Notwithstanding the low rate of dis-count during the p;tst half-year, and the generalstagnation in monetary circles, the report of thedirectors showx a balance iu hands, applicablefor dividend, of t"l ,, which is an increase inthe earnings of nearly cent, per cent, as compnrcdwith two years ago, when the amount for divisionwas but f rj ,i}(Hi . i'liis sum. too,—of which .I'tiU,-OiX) is appropriated to pay a dividend of eight percent., £7, ".<J0 carried to i-escrve, and £M> :S1 toprotit and loss—has been earned chiefly in Ire-laud, whero a legitimate banking business istransacted, aud where the principal portionof its working capital Ls supplied, the contidencoof the public bciiiK practically evinced by thefact that tho dc'Xjsits aud currcut account* haveincreased from four nnd u half to close on sixmillion*. The dangers which at one time werehanging over the ltank , from tho ugly aspect oftho securities held against liabilities, having nowpassed away, tho directors feet themselves war-ranted in at onco reducing the large provisionmude to meet any contingency that might arise,and they havo accordingly added £&i,UUU of thatprovisional fund to the reserve fund, which nowstands at £101 ,o'.lJ. With the augmenting con-fidence in the Bank, and its extended liberalityin dealings with the mercantile and farmingclasses of Ireland, there is a'strong indication ofeven a still more healthy increase of the busi-ness and thu protits of this sound national un-dertaking.

OUR MARKETS—THIS WEKK .l'ig>i, Bold by hand, in good JetnEud. Large sup-

plies vxpecU-d uext und following weeks. Ij at lerl jhiini liavo bcuu eenrce. Prices uow about H0«. pererrt. A fortnight uiuco they wero ODly 55«. Not-withstanding tbo wet WOSOD, tho cropi, ou the whole,look inomiaing. Tho potato atalks lmvo 'suffered inBomu plucus ; but we bavu nut yet seen u dUmuotlpotato.

TRAMWAYS IN IUGLAMI.—Tbe prospectus is issuedof tho Linrerick nnd North Kerry Tramways Com-pany, with a capital of £50,000 in 10,000 abarea ol£5 raicli. It is intended to couatroct a tramwnr, ODtho siilo of tbo mail road, commencing at FoyueD,tho terminus of tbe Limerick ami Foyue» Kailwny,passing through Olcn aud Torbct, and terminalinff utLiatowel , a total disbinea of twulity-three miles. Tbeengineer to the Boitnl of Work* liaa officialJy reportedTcry faTOnrnbly on tho undertaking, and tho uece<-«nry steps bare l)«en biken for obtaining porrcraunder tho Trnnmny* Acts (Ireland) to, mnko tbeline. Passengers from LUtowol nnd the surroundingdistriot will bo able to muke tho journoy to Limerickami rotarn iu uuo day hj means of tho prupotedtrniiiwuy, sufficient tlmt) being ullnwcd Tor tbu tmnn-nctiuii of baiincus, instead of two tlnys being occupied«8 is nt present tho cn»o.

FATAL ACCIDEXT.— Mr. J. J. Shee, J.P;,. Coroner,Co.Tii.pcrnry, held on itiqnost on tho 12th at Uallina.corru, on tbo body of Mr. Power, fumor, Trho wa»killed tho dny before by falling from a jpirited honewhich ho rodo at a funeral. Verdict, occidental dtrub.

Tiik SEAWIID CABK.—Four women and a childworo liberated from gaol, baring, ipeot 31days in it, on a chnrgu of " stealing" seaweed fromthu sea-Bbore at Auuoatowu.

LOCAIt ITEMSTHE .WA.I*«TO*D BIGA ITA.—On Tae»rl«y next,.the,

Waterford regatta, an event looked forwMd to withintense internet by the public here, takes place iajMrriver, and. should tho -weather prore faTo^ g oissne far tefe certain, judging from tho ««MpJ5»r»ia every reason to hops that the regatta wilt Keren agreater success tlian thatfof'last year, an anticipationfully guaranteed by the high character of the pro-gramme, and tbe asBidaoos exertions of the committeeand' hon. 8eoreliry"in'dlicHarging""tlie"oner6n5'aaHesthey hare undertaken. The stakes to be contestedare substantial , and worth tbe long pulls that wilt bemade for them, and amongst the prizes stands theupteodid-cop,-rains-£20,- -presented -by tbe-BigbtWorshipful Henry F. SUttery, onr respected chiefmagistrate, with that public Bpirit which character-ises him, where the benefit of the city, or rationalamusement of its citizens aro concerned. Tbo rail-way companies and Waterford steamship companieshave made, arrangements for tho convenience ofvisitors from a distance, and to the thousands whomwe eipeot we bid a hearty welcome.

THE EDUCATION- QUESTION.—A Dnmerons and in-flnential deputation, consisting of the Lord Mayor ofDublin and members of the Corporation, and accom-panied by Bereral members of Parliament, waited ouUr. Gladstone, Monday, to urge upon the Governmenttbe importance of dealing early as possible with thoquestion of education in Ireland. Mr. Gladstoneadmitted the responsibility of tbo Government toredeem their pledge to deal with primary education,which, bo said, tboy will do as soon &3 timo permits,but urged that tbe Parliament has been too basywith other matters. Tbe memorial of the Waterfordcorporation was presented by Town ConncillorJames F. Scott, and those from Clonmol and Kilkennyby the Sfayors.

SALE ot PBOPERTIT.—The tenants' interest in tholeases of four bouses, Strand-street, Tramoro, two un.der a lease for two lives, at tho yearly rent of £1 13s3d., and two under leaso at £27 13s 10J , making totalbead rent £29 7s Id, three of them rotnrning £10rent, and advertised for salo by Messrs. Walsh, Mall ,were purchased on Wednosday at private sale by Airs.Flavau, widow of tbo late Captain r'lavan. Mr. P.Kelly, solicitor, had carriage of sale.

iNqcKgr.—On Thursday, nn inquest was held in theSergeants' mess, room of thoTipperary artillery, atDuncannon Fort, beforo E. R. O'Farrall Esq., coroner,touching the death of gunner T. Phobic, drownedwhilst bathing near the Fort on tbo 11th. SergeantJames Donohoe swore he heard Pbolan screaming,aud saw him sink, drowning, beforo bo could renderhim any assistance, and James Darcy, a tisbormnn,deposed bo picked np tbo body floating three hundredyards below the fort. Tbe jury found a verdict of" accidental drowning"

KoniiEKv.—A few evcoing3 since, a quantity ofmeat in a basket on a car belonging to Brian Foley,carrier, ot the quay, was made amiy with daring histemporary absence and, despite- his utmost exertions,and ofluriug a reward of ten shillings, he failed to re-cover it. Ho applied to Uigh Constablo Pallia, whosucceeded iu getting tbe ^mcat, divided between twobouses, ono part in tbe Square, and tho other inCoffee-housc-lane.

MOUNT SIOX BAND .—We havo heard that tlieMount Sioti Band, composed of 22 intelligent younglads, educated by tbe Christian Brothers, will makean excursion to Duomore on the Uth of next month(Angnst). Wo heard them piny several airs onWednosday ovening, and wo must say they aro quitsa credit to tho city .

TIIK LAI «;KST I.MroRT.vTtox YCT.—Messrs. WhiteBrothers have a stcumship now in port, from Odessa,which contains 9,500 quartors of Indian corn.

CKLSIIEI J OCT.—Several reports, correspondence ,aud much interesting matter, unavoidably crushedout owing to our extended rorort of assizes.

THE WVSK ESTATE.—Wo believe wo nro correct instating tbat tho large portion of this property purcha-sed on Saturday last by Mr. Batlor, agent, was intrust for William C. B. Wyse, Esq., of Wooley KillHonse, Wiltshire, second son of the late Sir ThomasWyse, and to whom the estate reverts, Ebonld ho sur-vive Mr. N. B. Wyse. Particulars of salo in our next.

Tho opcaing of the Quay above bridge, will givo aclear view of Shlievenamon, coanty Tipperary.

The corporation are building a shod for tho use ofthe bathing placo in the Manor.

Tbo profits of tbo National Bank increased in twoyears from. £-15,000 to £71,000.

A quarterly meeting of tho Watcrford corporationwill take placo next Tuesday, 1st August.

The Greai Western arrived from Milford ou yester-day morning, iu seven hours.

Tim Most Kev, Dr. O'Biiert h:i<i ordered the Collect , " AdpORtuUmlata Serrnitxlew ," in he said in erety M.-US; andthe Lttnuy ol tlit* U) t-nrt\ Virgin Iu he recited (Utly, beforeor alter one uf the public Mint inky bo offered in eachCtiurcli , unrW rdr ftttrti nf Rue u<Mili**r.

SALE OK STATUARY .—The HSI IC of Itiilmu Nt-itit.-irr vriix cnu-tiniicri ttMlity nt Mi-.isrs. T. Wat'h nnd Son'*, tin- Mall , auil nt-tractcd much iutt-rert nnd couittctititm.

FASHIONABLE NEWS.Amongst the arrivals at the Adclphi Hotel ,

Wntcrford, tD-lvid Kcir.'li t Proiirictur), wcrv:--AllH.-rt I) . \A-r-in-rrr. Cftjit. Tuuaou Kyr, llVL'-cuurt, Cn. Curk ; Tltutiin.-i H.Urrriitt . InnUliiinliuti ;" Wliiti'luck Lluyil , Mrnnnillv Ciuitlt; ;Rilwnnl .M'ltiiiru, Clonca Cuitlc ; Sir Xngnit Ilumlil.', Hurt.,Clultku.'icurail ; J. FRfk-nck.-, St. Jntut- .V I'luif , Luml'iti ; I^mlTillbot , Jf. AWtriL-lit, I/itiiluti j E. (r. H. <klcll, CimVI.-it .- «"m.Sichnlii*. I^miluu ; R»v. Wnltt-r Ulntwrll , Ki'thanl ; KiltninlHuwrll , CKshuiun.1 ; Cnpt. KITIIII*. W.A., I,i*inun- : t.'uiitiitiillurrr, H:illvhnu6 Cuttt'.'L' : CuliiuL-1 Bull nnd family, Kilki-mty ;Ca]it. Ckiytuit. Urttll Light Inlnntry, und Mrs. Clnvtun ; AmlinirvCuiii:n-Ti-, Ilii;h Shunt?. Mutitit Cun-^ri'vir ; \V. II. Parker, Hu.-i-rillc, Tnllow j Jiwrpk Hunmr, Ctimiui'II; A. If. millMi" Miil.ll.-tou , C". Dublin ; Mr Juhti K.-atio. Bjrt , Mir/Kwini'. and Maxtor Knuu*, C;iii|KHiuin Houj<r; »lwanl K. Fnler,Knuckalani ; (-'apt. Trrdt-11, 5Ut L.I. ; I.iintcnnut Si']iniu <,51it L.I. : 11. Keating, iivcnwul : Juhu C. Ucly, nluuMliUnue ;Kiclianl Usshor, Capia^'li i Mr. Mm. nuil Miustcrsbiui', AutiriTO.

Surgeon Murphy, R.A., 2ind Brigade, has ar-rirrtl iu thii eity fruux ifenu Slecr on li'atc. Wu (try happv trtkuuw thnt the rL-xtKi-tcil pmtlcmrtn allttdul to u in fxtrllrntkealth. thou li for many vein resident in very unhealthy partauf Indbl.

We are happv to learn from dipt. John Powerth»t Sicholna M. f'owi-r. K«|.. D.I,., FaitUli^-j; UotL-ti'. aud theJluw l'un-cr ; Mrs. L'licittr. nud tut; Mum* Chctter, Hou..i4> (tlii* nsit of Mr. Puwer's lKiyboodl nil Wrtluos.iLty. His numcrutu tenantry wt-mrejuicwl to rvu him ii'j-.iiii inthe enjoyment of t-xct-llcut bntlth, tliuj indicating the lii^kopiutuu they (.-ntcrtniu tot\-nnb him aj a pttod aud iudul rutlandlunl, rutd a* a mo»t uiuuitici-iit friend to uur tli-^erriu--(.-iHlrituWc iD'titntinns.

The Marquis of Ormonde left Kilkenny Castleon Muudnr, t., ru-mtuc bw uitlitiry dtttie.i with tin: l*t LifeGuanl-i, at Wtldsur.

The Jlanjiiis of Waterford arrived at KilkennyCattle ou Kntnnlny, nud li ft uu Sittidny ircuio- for Curr.iirli-mure.

II0AUD OP (JL'AUI )IAXS—WEUXK KAV .Aid. T. W. .l .u-oii, J.I' ., V.C., aud subsequently, Sir

1(. J. l'.M.I. ItMtr , J.I'., iu the chair.Also present—Capt. l'owcr , U.V.C, Major O'Gormon,

J.I1., Mussis. J. LiKiniy, 1". Vealc, M. Kockctt, T.Murphy, M. O'SIICB , T. Hurloy, M. Walsh, W. Kelly,J. Uiiinnett, J. H. Jones, D.L., J. I,. Couu and Aid.Kodmuml.

TI I K K I L M V C K V I H J K DISI 'IXSART DISTRICT.—Thecommiasiuners forwarded au important letter fromthu Uev. W. Burrowc*, Kilbeueun , stating it was iin-possiblo for one doctor to fulfil the ouerouj medicalduties of tho district , owing to iu very extensivoarea, mid suggesting that tho present oflicer (Dr.Cane) should be allowed £:IO a ycur to keep a horse,or that the district should be divided between twodoctors. Tho board agreed to inform the eumuiis-sioticra tlmt either course would bo desirable.

THK 1'uiiTKsTANr Ciinitii.—Tlio committee reporteda pluu (Yum Mr. Hunt , builder , whereby thu houseKeloctcd could bo m.ido suitablo for Divino worshipwithout miyiug the roof, uud tbo committoo weroinpowerod to carry out sumu within tho sum allowed,

£73.M ONTHLY CONTKACTS .—Mr. M. Mahony was declared

contractor for pork-meaks at 5Jd a Ib. nnd eggs at Ma dozen ; und Mr. M. t'lynn fur beof at H'l 13s. 8<l. acwt., and ax-hends nt ls. lOd. each. Mr. M. Murphytendered for whito blend nt 5Jd and brown at ijd.per 1 lbs., nm) Mr. W. Thotnpbou at ojd, aud brownat 12d. per 1 Ib. Mr. Thompson was accepted. Mr.M. O'Oorruun nits taken for Indian corn at -0l. (id.por barrel.

Oar extended nnsizc.1 report confines us to theabovo Bumnmry of the proceedings.

STATS or TIIK llou^x. - Hi-iii>iiiiii K, Siitutilsy,.luly l.rh707 ' hum, i; di-rli4t|ii'il, OJ ; died, 0 ; rrmniuini; ^ntur.d»v , Jul y -Jiuil 703 ; i.ver ihin day t«elvrnuuillir , :!2 ;alilr.lmllbll Ill'ill-.. 2 ; It imtld, 13 ; No. ill iufiruili i) , 203 ;ill fn-r lui.|ul^l , L't! ;o.<t a( iiruvisiut.s rnvirnl, 4'12l U. U.ICUIIUIUIH I, £105 in. 2tl. ; »fonnr iiwi , 2*. 71d *. iulirinttry.;2f. lld.; fntrr hopiiHl , 7*. oil. t niiiuiK I'*1'. 2*. ; ontHlturralirf, i>77; ent £39 17-. 21.; lilt ytur 7H ; toit, Vd317r. II .; b.haca >tfniu.t £36U7 111. 81.

OfB KOYA II \ IKITORS.—Tho only ono of tho partywho is )iut uf royal dignity is tbe only one of wbornwo think too well to say a single word. The Mar-quis of Loruo hns gained the nnrao of beiDg a yonngman of parts. Ho is a traveller and a writer ; and inthe one book of travel which ho has written,' eomethings arc said about tbo Irish in America whioh theIrish in Irclnod ought to hear just now. " My chiefamnsometi t." says tho Marqui*, "at tbe TremontHotel (Now York), was to probe the Feoiauiim oftho waiters." His own opinion of FenUahm.ii olionoted. Ho thought it "an oxpent'iv© jofco." Hewroto his book a little too toon to know what atorriblo fright thii "joke" pnt theEnglUhpeople into,and witb what painfully keen desire they' urged tohear no more of it. Tbe estimate of Iri»h senseformed by tho Beotish lad, who had norer j pet footin Ireland, and never , till. then in America, U toldwith amusing fnnity in thto little panage : "Mettwo Irishmon who would give fire dollar* to seoFenian leaders hanged. ' A TM« pfeoe or good sense."Here wo bare the liTOS Of the Fenian leaders, and tbegood sense of Irishman in1 general, rerr inromarilyappraised by tho.»l«rh'yoong Caledonian; and wefind another (trking" Isitanca : of hia creed on tholatter mbjeot ia the 'itaUment regarding politioalIntelligence that "Jamaica pegroos shewed more ap-predstion-of the objeoto «imed at than the Irish inAmerica." Hpj i» comlnf ,to. Ireland now, and ofcoarw the Irfaln peqpl* haTe>, perfect right to " ahewtheir sppraoUaon'I of him when he oomeg.—«otion.

Tbe attachment of the people of Ireland for theNattatal, inu pwtnjf *« if * tonnder, (the great O'Con-MU) IO Bid tb«chiirsn»n at it* last meeting.

The Kational Bank has now nearly JCC.OOO.OOJ ofI'eponts.'


before Messrs. F. Marcus Barren, D.L. (Chairman),0. Kogers, and J. Kearney.

MISCONDUCT.—Thomas Brazil ploaded guilty tomiscondnot while in tbo employment of Mr. Shair,carrier. Mr. Shaw said'defendant was in charge ofone of hia floats,|and tbo other day, when going tobrine; fish to the Milford boat, he was helplewlydrnnk. He had before dismissed him for drnukeneBs,bat let- him back to his employment. As Mr. Shawdid not press for a severe penalty, defendant wai letoff with a fine of 5s, or seren days' imprisonment.• PHTSICKINO FOBCB—Mr. Wm. O'Neill, Newratb,summoned .Jiis. daughter-in-law, Elizabeth, for abna-ing and threatening him on Jane 15th. Complainantdeposed th&t he asked tho defendant, who was marriedto his son, for £20, balance of her marriage portion ;aho then got excited, took np a peker and threatenedto strike him ; she tried to assanlt him several timesbefore. la answer to Mr. Strange, ho said bo toldthe woman be wonld tarn her oat of tho bouse if ubedid not get the £20. William Walsh, married toplaintiffs daughter, in answer to Mr. Howard, forcomplainant, deposed tbat be heard old O'Neill sayif ho did not get the £20 tbe defendant should gohome to her father; sho thon raised tho poker, andwith a cry of " Let me at him," rushed townrds thedoor of a room, into which O'Neill bad ran, but itwas closed against her ; sho. battored tbe door. Mar.gnret Brien deposed that on tho evening in questioncomplainant and last witness wero drinking punch inan inside room, when old O'Neill enmo out andwanted to kick oat tbe defendant. The Chairmansaid as it was a family transaction, aiid it would bobetter for them all to settle their diBerccces, thocase wonld be dismissed.

EXPENSIVE HAMMERING—John Morrissey summonedPatrick Haoigan for? assaulting him on tbu L'nd ud4th July at Ballytruckle. Plaintiff said bo waswalking bome on the first ovening, when ha met do.fondant, whom hs never quarrelled witb before ;Ham'gaa said be could boat twenty raon like plaintiff,and struck him in the head; on the 4th of July homet Hunigan, wbo again struck him for asking himwhy ho struck bis son ; be was sober the secondtime. Edward Whelan said he saw defcrduut strikeMorrissey's eon ; Morrissey them camo up andknocked down Hanigan, whom ho saw bleeding fromtho month. Morrissey's son deposed tbat Hanigmstrnck his father before tbo latter rained his baud.A boy named Burke Bwore ho saw Horrissof try tostrike defendant first. Thomas Dwyer deposed h«nw defendant and Morrissey's wife abusing and figbt-ing witb one another. Hanigan was sentenced to amonth's imprisonment, with hard labour. Ko wa»sentenced to another month's imprisonment forassaulting Morrissoy's wife.

POSKVEHINI; TO TIIK E.VD.—Constnblo 1'lowollenlummoncd Joseph Walsh, of Kilbarry, for scllincbeer, without a license, at four o'clock on Snndarmorning, tho 1th July. Michael Connors deposed hiwas coming from a funeral at an early hour on morning, aud went into Walsh's honao with an.other mini who called for two pints of beer, whichthey got ; drank it outside. Patrick Keon doposcdho Baw five or six peoplo in his adld near Walsh'spnblic bouse; they had a beer measure. Walsh saidthe parties were lighting outside hij house, and theywould have burst open tbe door if ho did not let themin. Constablo Flewollen stated tho parties wero ofthe very lowest class.

3Ir. Strange said tboro was only ono witnesiConnor*, to provo tho offence. Ho was liable to»'conviction for tippling in the boose, and could onlvbo looked on as an informer ; aud, according to U»Act, they couldn't convict on tho uncorrobatcd testi-mony or an informer. Mr. Kearr.oy : >"o, tho nanwas not tippling ; ho brought tho boor ontaido thihouse. The Chairman said that was the fifth timsdefendant hud been fined for similar offences, andselling drink at such an hour on Sunday morning tosuch characters was abominable. It was tho deter,mination of tho magistrates to put down such con-duct, and they would fino him 20s. and costs. Ad-iouruod.


PETTY SESSIONS-S.vri:B bAv.Kcforo Sir J. Numble, Bart, (in the cbair) ; and 3frJ. It. Dower.WTT. ES liv A Don.—Mrs. Margaret MOIODBC charged

Mr. John DuRgan with having a dog that 'bit her iathe leg on 8th inst. It appeared that, aho and BobbvHamilton went iuto tbe honse of defendant to sens,rato him from his wife, whom he bod bold of by th«head ; as soon as she released bis hand from tho wife'ihair the dog ran at her, c.inght her by the leg, cnt it,nnd took ont tho bit; bo cut her ia three other places,nnd would have torn her to pieces only for the as-Bistnnce of her mother, who heard her bawling forhelp. Chairman : It is a bad thing to interfere be.twecn man and wifo (great laughter). Mr. Dower:Is he a dnngerous dog ? Complainant: Yes, yoorworabp, bo bit two or three other persons, and Mr*.Dupgan told mo ho bit a poor beggar woman. D».fcndnnt'8 wifo appeared to answer the complaint,but had to ndmit that, the dog bit Mrs. Molonoy. Thefinimnl, a handsome terrier, was produced, and showeda very peacenblo disposition. Their worsb-ps heldthat bo was not a rongh, and decided that mnnlinefor the futuro wonld meet tho full justice of the CUB.

Ciur.n DK.1KKT10.V.—Jnmes Power was prosecutedfor deserting a mnlo child on tho 8tb, at BallimteAMargaret Koley, who found tho child on tho raid,swore her original informations in English before Mr.Dower, but now obstinately refnsed to speak aar-thiiij? but Irish. Mr. Downr cuutioncd her that im-prisonment would be tho pcnnlty of continued pa.vcrscness, but it was all no uae, tor Irish she wonldremain. Tho chairmnn ordered her committal to t»mndo out nt once, whereupon she quito remembaWher English , nnd deposed sho found the child on thside of the ro.-ul nt Ballinroad ns fho was going to 111river for water ; sho took it up in hor arms, and tilpeople Baid it was liko b.'g Jim. Court : Who it VtJim ? Witness: Jnmes Power, tbo reputed fsifcaMr. Koily, for defence : Do yon know tbo motic)We used to call her " Mnrynune," tho name by wlufjshe was known. Did you bear the mother was the)that day ? I heard alie iviis, but I did not «oeh«Mr. Dowor : Whcu you wero going for the water Syou know tbe child was ou tho road? I did notConstablo Conghlnn , who conducted tbo prosccutkoDid you hear it was thero ? I did not. Did you hatho child crying when you camo np to it ? Ye«,iwns crying very weakly nt the timo 1 camo np. ttKcily: Wns it wet ? Yes, because it was mining, athere was water in tho dyko nenr it. Mr. DoimWhere is tbo child now ? Constable: Insnfobqing. It is now in the possession of Sirs. AnaiSTobin's sister, who is inking charge of it. Mr. DowThero sltould be mnrlcod attention and caro paid Ithe child; it is n most important case, nndartr' ;serious hnrge ngninst the parties. I recollecttt ;woman coming before tho board of guardirwitb tbo child to have h tnken into tho ivorkbott'which could not be legally done without her goingi; it; ."ho then distinctly stated tlmt Jnmes Pr*^was the fiither. Tito board informed hor that ilii{liail <.'(.n<I proof flint 1H> wns fho father, sbo conldctf:into the house some time before tho quarter sesdr fand tho Kunrdiar.s could then prosecute him forfi|maintenance of the child. Slio wnj farther adrift;to consult Mr. Keily, or somo other profesriiggentleman, how sbo wonld net in tho case. Bt4pcarcil sbo did not do so, and took tho «hon;lflhorsolf to dispose of it. Matthew Power, brotlwKtbo reputed father, deposed thnt on this day «§jthere was a malo child left by a woman Ml®" Mary Ann" at his houso ,- I was out at the tiwjHtho fields, and when I camo in I found it on theMgray brother, James Power, followed " Mary Am wglie told mo to bring oat tbo child ; I did so, andVirfibetween them on the rood ; I wcut away for a lojisnud, and don't know any more abonl the affiir.']Dower : Why did your brother follow her ? -WiMTo make her take the child. Mr. Dower : WboVtho child after ? Mrs. Folcy fonud it on tb»]gSir. Dower: How close to them did yon learjflchild ? Woll, abont 100 yards. Mr. Doiwri|child wns safely left in yonr bonse on* that d»yf *ness: Yes, it was on the floor. Anastaaia 9$whose sister now ba» tbe child, depooed ,d»t' JPPowor was the reputed father ; sha saw, toe «Mtho road; James Power was abont J. tO sptde* ftat tbe time, and ha told her to go and lee bsfiobild wan ; sbo said she would have no call to fa»atablo .- Sid yon go where the child was T I tiichild wu wet. f it waa raining at the time, atlthe child in a dry place. Constable: Was tt»:near tbe water table? . It waa within » rnotUlditch ; the child was cry ing Tory low. Vtf!hansted from crying ? Witness said she <HRknow. How long after waq it when the elfonnd by Margaret Foloy? About half aaso. Mr. Dower: From where Pcwerstood, 1rtow of the child P Witness said ¦he bett&iMr, Dower : Did Power tell you who left tlir rl

Wltn!88: Ye«. he Wd meit wM^tT« » ?r : " there uny PniTlsion triide j

child ? Constable: I can't say, yonr'WooiSDower: Wbo gnvo the child to yonrib rlFoloy, who Tonnd it. Who dlraWetFjSr;Matthew Power, brother to tbe retttttf MMpoor unfortunate child was prodnoei.ln'cbitho magistrates said tbat iu appecintiJTiimuch changed iineo they taw it In the'irBmother at the hoard room oh1 lasfThirSfit/onrt : How old ia tbo' child 1 Cbnitabtafilborn on the 7th Jnly, 1870, and uWtwtiv*old The ehafrman inggeated «5-pc«Sr3»Muntil next Satnrday, with the1 hope'thV5ljand bis elirnt may come to some satiiftetorslment. Adjourned.- ; w ^Z l 'C $$M

WAITIXO IN TH« STBUI TOE.i L?.^Mr. Keaculy, T.C, Kilkenny, one offl*on Mo-aday, to Mr,, Gladitooe >r» latirffacation,' cnys hti Irish' friend* and-hhii«o"/at th'j atreet' door of tho ,Pr«B}«T''§j^reiidjnce, in London, no Ie«mni'j|m(an hoar before they c&M Me tmiii iiThe inrat 'ProfitaUe^i^nlmm', in ilw Wurui.-FuU .VirtfadSjwlford Uor, Onj'» IM, LooJcnti' v ' g?

Page 3:'HK AVATKRFORn NEWS i:sTini,lsu1:D 18*7. (Alilrrman HEiiHONn, Proprietor.) l..»l:ilK«T


(CmiclnJal from on/ la.<t) .HaTiiiJT disposed of the customary charitablo collec-

tion , :is tioticoil in our last, tho grand jury took upfip query book, lint none of the items presented acharacter boyond that uf mere routine. Of tho numberwero the following :—

(,'itv "tliiTlV nilariw, 1ST ite. -M. ; liri."on nffi.vtv , tfcll- Ills. ;11 jm'v for tiv.1 lx.ys in Upton H.-ri.rmatnrT, Curie, for lmtf-rrardiilins :l 'tli .lum". 1*71. tli l:b. ''"I; «n«T.innnnticms (fci KSI ••iiiiiwirt of lniuitii"* f"r tin- six mmitlu imlint: Mnri 1871,JC HIT in- M. : *«™>1 nf ±i instilim-iits i.if £S15 0*. S.I.) nrww-vkaiitl hiiiMiiw al Asylum, fcM',< . 2.1 , *c.

The grand jury next passed Mr. S. Jones collec-tion, placed before them in tho Tery satisfactorymanner usual with thnt officer , and amongsts tho re-ports road was imo as follows on

TIIK mot..• " T-. !!',¦"' J 'ir 'l n > S'li.i.n'r A* .<!z **, 1ST}.'• Tin- Uvinl r.f. r< I" tl»- im-ir-i* nu.l .•xwiiilitnrc., fli.miiiL- ;i

w i t h , - n-iuin-l f- - roiMyni -' •""'•""t »'l«».w.J liy |W rennty,

l..™rc\.t i,ri-..n.T, t..rt),..|iin luiH jaar. aurt ,i l.r.-su,t.ii,-,.tf,rll. :it aiii.miiti-:ilM>r< -«|iiin - <l. .« fii," Ml....-!..--' -W< tin- Mt.-ii.limr- nf tho s,-r,r.l mcrnVr*

Th..u"?X£. ,'• Kiulnaurk,. Ii 1».».mli..M. 1 : William Jnlm-

¦ li • l'i.-r*-M:m-n< lhriim :l: Mmnml Pcmvr. 5 : MatthewSI m.v: .1 Tl.i.n.:,- M..r,.l.v. 7 : Wn»; llurv IMIlU-r I : :l: Al.r.ilan,; lVnny. :1. Tlu; altt-nilaluv .if th« ¦¦( Sui* rint.-n.l. -.,.-,-1.:. ' l«i> «• "--•"'•"• "'i11 '•" a.lji.«ni-iii-ut t-.k 4..- ilurini: tlu- lialf y«ir f..r want ..t a.,,,..rliiii.

1 •• \VII.I.IA >I J I I I I N S U X ," limnl n.«im. Wut.-rtonl. lMh -'uly. 1S71."Tin- -....I i-M» -ti .litun - . tal,..l:.t,-.l liytlm -vretnrr ;¦[

llu. ll.uir.l..f S,,,»Ti.,fn.l.-.uv. »:. X. lloltuu . fc.|.. Mimn.l Ji.ui:,U> nn.l 17 r.-i i:il«v in nisl.«iy ..u D.«-IU 1HT .11. 1X70 ; ». com-,»itMU .....1 JO ilis.-lnre.-s rtnrin-.' tl»- *<* ¦" mth* i.m.ta;,IU l ull lit Julv. 1*71. 2Hu..l.-.< nn.l IS r,,,,al,s ,u nu*» y -lJl-t nf iuaiiit.-rian.- o fur l.aH-yrar. i-JSt .V. 11.1. Ilunuir linlf-vr-ir tl..- iiriain.-p'. .-onntv ami rity. tin; fiillnwnit!w.'.rk:~l.-. lil.n- maU all.1 K7 ma.1.-: -H l«jw riin.4 n-,«mwl sH5l var.U uf liii.-li w.m-n an.l i! I..W.-1* s lh 1«»" ..ttnm-scr>,,,:,,1,- au.l 111 n,1 : H jarVrt s mail.- an.l 57 ri : 1.!.-,,.* nn.l,- .-....1:1? mmiml : SI v.-st< ...1.1.- ami .» n- .aim ;.hirt,. 1!> .,..•..!.¦ mid l^t n-p.iin-1 : 21 ,l..flsma.ll> ,.n.K.Sr..]«m-.l :l.,l -,.«..- 17 muir.J • 7 mirs ..f sli. -«-ts mail.- anil . 1 nyairtrt :»¦ ,", n. s' I. .-.3.-' .- ml H J»1«in.l : :», n-piin,! : 12, £ m,,l ..l iSr.p.iwl ; -JH.lank.-fc. r-imnil. -Jl rn-.-« ami•• I »< .«' ".rtM.-. n-,».in>l f..r larnu-kf : SO l«.w "f Arti. l.-»a,l,.il f..r l».rra.-k ». »B by «»l.s i :»*l.v"r,-i.ial. - ;f..r iiri Iss l.y nwl.s ; :liV. l.y fmi.l.-s ; fur tin-ml'li. 1-Sf. l.y f.-mal« . Tutal »:U-1UN 1 f..r tl..- MX mniitlu,

;N :ll!. Tutal iirotitun wnrk for OIP SIX mouth?, 11» < « . M .l.tWATIC A'lI.l-11.

Tho followinct table, accurately prepared by tbcresident medical superintendent, Dr. McCabc, showstho stato or this institution for tho six mouths, in-cluding county as well BB city :—

° J county, city.Rrmainin- .-Wli XwmtNT. 1ST", — — 1:" (ifA.lm.itto.1 :M1. Suv., l«7ii, t..:ilit May, . I .

' ^Tutal - - - IM » .luring m mimtlis — — -- "'

ll.-iiiainin? :il«t May. I-T! - " — •-' i;1

Total. \|. n.litun-.l.irin-.- tl.f -ixm.mtl.s .-ml.-l ::l-t May. '71 . - f-1"*! J ,

Dodiu-t >-n-.!it f..r farm pn-lnc.- . k>:, t" > • ' -

Amount to U- al ¦ -. f-'"!'j ''• -'Dsiilv .iv.-r.iLi- inimlH-r of i-uunly iv.ti.-i.t- ,

I-J7.A. ^~,»~t 1, * »initih.Tuf <l:.v- * iiia.ut'.ian.- - -.

ciintv jiatit-nts, - ¦ - u-,.'- '-Dailyav. -rai-.- numt«rofc i tyjwt irnt« . •'¦-A--'!rr.--_'at.-iiiiinlM- ruf .lay." main-

t»iiai.«- , <-itv intirnts - 11.-I*

Ti>taln.!lrrtiv.-.lav» nia.ut.-iiani-.-¦liirin. 'tlu- half r.-ar -- — r »» - » *— '

rmiwliun uf al««-sum i.f Wi ... , , „. .. ,l.U. 2.1., .-l iar-'i- aM. . ti ioniiity — tl :S> l I . 1

n,iiu.-t aiii-.uut .-uutriliutwl l.yl.:iti.-uts - ¦- - — l7 " " , , . ..Amount ioyal.1.' l.y «», tl:S7 «.. 1.1. : char-.-c:.!.!.- to rity

i.;'.i- W '• Anlm-t amount o.ntnli.rtc.1 IIT i«iti. -iits fni n.uli\ ¦•- s.1 ¦ invalil.- hi- rity. L(~ l'is . M . Tutal payalil.-. b-imthr'ilnuiiut .-xiMii iLifinit of tn-jmiry lulvanrrs , fJlM-Js. ii.1.

I IKTIMIT .,.- rTPKM.ITl'Hi:.l- nv,W..,,s _ .

_¦ - - -f*c w *\ i";n-i« • — — I'' J^ *Furniture anil iHil.lini: — -- — ' : : '. \FII . 1 ami lis-lit - • • " " '''' ] '• JSM]., H»lil. >tan-li . *¦-, - - — V. 1 i?Station.-rv . jiriutiu-.-, :uul' - - ;' - > 'Impairs aii.1 alt.-ratiun^ — ¦- — ••;• J

:| JIiKiiran.v — - " -• • '¦: "Farm ami iranl.-u - " - ,Vl i • ?Salari.-. ivai.iv , uml Mii«-niliimatiull« — •¦» J" 'li.,-i.1.-tlt: .l — — — — *« U .1

n-!liTa'v!-nil-i-'iiiH.ii '«-r'of i«it iP i it- K<>, at HO 1!>-. 7.1. JI .T 1IP.-II I.

The trrnud inrv ailjoiirueil at, four until Mondaymornins. " MONDAY.

Tho prnnil jury ro-assembled this morninfr at half-past eleven , when the foHowin-f reports wero laidbefore them :— 1 1IK r.Aiil.s.

" We linvo this day Tisiuxl tho j;aol and foundeverythin>» in ailmira'blo onlcr. XothiiiR could ex-ci-ed" the internal discipline of thu prison. Thoprisdiiers had nothing to complain of.

" Si»ned , " Jimx M AIIKK , JDIIX A. Tnn i x,° ' "A. 1*. M A IIKK ."

I I I K M XATIC .\ S I M M .

" We, tho deputation of the City of AVnterfordfiraml Jurj", have on several occasions visited thisinstitution.'and each fmo we have been struck withthe very preat improvements which hnvo been cur.ried out by Dr. MacCabo who, indeed, deserves thogreatest credit for his unceasing kindness and atten-tion to his patients.

" Signed, " V.nw.MM. VKX\E «SV.

"IIKVC V W IIITF , Ki> . CoviiT.VKV." llrviv S.iRtii:xT Sccretarv flrand Jury."

COUXTV (i l lANI ) JCRY—Fiui .M.On the Rmnd jury taking their seats in tho jrand

iurv room their first business w.13 to hoarJ " TIII: o.rsTY smvKVOii 's i:i:r»i:T.

C I- NTI I- M K X X". •'•. •• ¦•rxTV »T I. »i:.i»:.--Ti> |>n.tM-t. l.v

ii i l l i - • i..rti..u uftl..- | n«yl Win;.' fmm Trimori- Mip•anN tl

" 1.if.-l««t H.UIM- . 4.-J... A Sumui.TV-..U-

' l-«W . a pr.-. ntm. nt was J.O.--.1 fur I .mt.-.-l..i!f a mrtnf tlu- n.a.1 I v t ml. r The «|.on.i.«- of four ymrs liuri.Vi i.-Ml of tl'.. work . i.hi. h ha-. answ, ml fully th- tmn r;- \*«-I i t.-ml.-.! »<• -"P. Tin- furfarf jimtn-tnl liy it l<int -x-t .- that whirl, is .-x |«wil t.. tl..- tn has Wn p..., cr.<;. h.-l ui-n. ami in )«rt.- .-i t away. SitnatM . as tin* n».l- l"l .- ' a- .1 -i--ni. .1 will L-iv.- the mini-it,- pr.,t,i-t...n, nn.l at u

r.". u•¦ i.i|«.r»l «¦"' »•««"".'. •»•"••''" '»>f this .l.-scnj^ni-1, ,1 ....U|NU ,•„,...._... J..H.1-.- -T>. l.uil.1 a nvi-r nitini-;;:: ';, ' .i.^ ¦'¦

>i» »¦ *<«**¦¦ Amma - tl2' i 7 f - lkl;

SSfeK:;.2s CSTwHT-fc KSStr'T V . 1 £..litun- uf tl,.- M.m n..w ai-pli.;! f.;r will H<;..n- 1: ... n-,'r.h.l.T.f ami wlupl. . n* it s...fc.i..sth, -W,s. -.,f thr .-ulank-

u \> I Th} ' ¦.Ji'lu 'itiun t" wi.i:-n ami rp-funn the n«ul

I.'",,;', !; ,„ ',',..- "raml ill tl..- to»nlan.l nf Dunalirattan. Samlml -.--. ¦M.-.l ar.-tuV.-u l.y th- farm-rs u,. this n«..l; ami to

":„. .1, n. 1. H.-r fa. ilitv f..r fluiiur '". <<• n-iair i- nf iml«.r1ai.o'.v .. .- .,, tV i t l . r -: H -in imj.-nitiv " iii.iilirati.-li from tin-¦"' tnr " f t h - «:i'-i«r uf I'-iWi.- Worts i" ln-lai..I . to

^T.ii i,!'' r..t th .- w. ^y v j r ^rf i *

".fe™,11?:. ' "i. *r ^rinj A1

^; : a sum'uf

-!'"::- rri^wr^/™wr/;S'«,,,, rp..-. '"" ' , ' , , „ . |Kir,,,,v ..f Mirl-ll .thir.1. At thr timi:" f-'-r". " i' «".- 'li-tin. t lv ,i,,.l. rst...l that tin- amount sn.Vn-put^ '•'. r-1 in f-.» all liability, in n

^-j.-c-t to th, I'u-r, to

'?~ l tl .-...mtv W....I.U.- snhj.-rt . In Mar.-li last, tin- ( urn-,*, '"i n.T . f " 1.1.-- Wurk- , - » .l.liitin-.' Ill- .-onnty

•,'. . - Tl.i- .lith ISL-I i.n-1 ilit.-r.-s t ..V .11»T out7 1VV;.; | j.. h t.-n '-.. I ,..-,.!. . ii ill amount tu t7«l H-s - <«!.¥,' . ': ;:' : .I i....i..t.-i,a..«- of th.- l-l. r has l»iu al-n l.y tlu-m

'"'nlrl': nil! l ll^m-l n«i-h«l . La- ..utl.-i..-;,-tnu:t.;lin . n'V'i.7"r' l. .U "-»ith tl..- flan an.l M.,-ifi.-atiuii r..r w),.,l,tl..-.iin. uf t :>«- as tl..- ...ntrilmtiun from tho.-oun.v »»' .irlalli-iliv , r ¦-.. »»w ¦> r«rtl.-r -um "f fWI U». M . is.l.-i..aml«l.

. .» ".-ill- l»-rf»n.,.il l.v .-..ntmrt , .-l.«- H-p. rv.-ion "f tl,. -« -T-liH.n " «¦.. nut tu l-- '. \l« i t.-l. A .-..ntr.urt/.r w.u.1.1 hav,- an

I;,!'. , f .r£ - «.k- i, l.-kin-.- sl,., aft.-r the outlay vi lin ' f. r ..«-I.I. -1.I. . whi. I. II- "tll.T . inj-lnyc- Cj-ul.1 1«- l;" o .- x.-r.--w. Th.- i:..mmi-M..i"rs uf Public >\ urks ilaiu.

h' ,"i, -r 1.. van-. .M.-...1. an.l alt.-r plans an.l ,|.rl(imtlons nfUnrk- ruii-tni. t..'l un.l. r tl.-ir .-..i.ln-1 . In tho pn-H-nt in-tanr.-

1 .1 h7." • nvail.1l th,m-ll.-s..f this l»,.V.T. AltPn.t.ons havrii-u .'..I- with a vi,wto,i-.,,,..u...- .i.ns!r.l.-t,.m. t s tlirr.-¦ mil n i l " .1ft,.r a f.-w« -v. - n-wint.T mil. ¦- DM - I'u-rf,,r.. not , l.k J >; ' l 'l ) r , , „.,„.„ mXUX „„ 1 v t |,,,

;"nnm ": " "r-"J Kl^

' Wo . will nn.,u,,t al.l v 1* IW.1.- to<..m.m, ' ." , . „. . . |-vjr ,„.,. l-Ki. H«. 11 nn.l 12|. Xoiv. in"A , I. I ,- i ;.n.n.l .luA- Ilia,- 1.- .-..Ivi-il as to tl..-ir ,.n«-..liT.rt tnVur.- liahilitv , M.-ssrs. I)-.l.l an.l TIIIU IJ. your «.lirit-.tT," vr W witl. a stut.-!..-i.t "f fart-j to .-..««.. thrju';!'„' ,,. „ .,,.,- for tl.- "l-ini.-ll "< VOIUI.-.- 1, whl.ll will IK- Mil,-,,,i f..ri..nrt..f- .ru.ati ..nan.l -.:ui.lan";. „,.,.„...,.,_,1' T ¦ prlmi Hi Wiiial im- ntm.nt is No 1 , Mi.l.ll. tlunl,

rZ ,,i t" Aim-towi. . l . -t i iMi , Mrs. (.aml,l,-s I.,..,,- at thr™" ii... I -,,li--s C.IVI -. ami th.- eat.- liwlimr to Ni wtoivn)"?. Tl. .1 lvai ituL-i- to I- fn.m tin- furumtlnn nf this

-.rP l » -r.:.t .Lvr. r l-al-. Its r..u,tnu-t|..U will I.- l.-l.o.T, l to tli.- Sl-trlrt iMljoinin- Tmuiun-. H will aivi-an .-a»yt" "' _^ Ht N,it(Wll (.-,,v,.. fn.m wli.ii«> lannrrs pan»••"•""" '" ,,„„,_ ,,l,,inriHut!r. Tl..-!ir<!l.ri< .


," ».?" .<' "I- -!•••! tLatthp wurk will I K- l,,,.tHcial an.l;f i.n.l.T »n .lm.u,stam- a favunniM- «....M.-n*.,. fmmtl,,. -raml Jury »»

J, ''


rwnpl .,„,,.. aml the- contract,.Tln- slK-cial wnrks -n- I" aro for th,, mwt I*rt

f^rw i.t;::. !:-"" i lav1;w i,.««.r t.. ,.«t.,-ra.,,.y.,..r

..Uilienl «.-nnnt. ri|il.u;K T,,,nA.,T, r.K . County Burv.-jor.

Vier, the grand jury bad FOtno discussion, appearingIUIIAUT

LKf-jirr or WI.BI. or M-PFKISTKSW:« I-

" Tho Wr.1 refers to m-couut of n-n-.nt* .-...¦ .' P0" '" -rtumins Valnncp in its favor uf tfi I*. "¦'¦• '"»' w.' '"• *'• "*,

- to city. m.Vln-.-atutal of tl55 :fc.M. ; an.l it U ».-,W. n.ilthat taoo willt». nnuinil for i.n.visioiiinu'theiraol AnK,y,..nt nf th- vxp.-i.-p. l> liild l.-fore tin- irraml Jury, auir-nntlnsr!•¦ A**71 i** 7*1

" TIIP L<«-«l Iuencrtir IIA. «... hrl.l. w, -11* regularly,«n.l ni.»t.thrm l<,lj. i u a i»»l rhitp of n-juir. iiml .uiul.hti-In UiU. blai.k.t». .hn-tf , ami faniitnrP. TIMTP w, n- .-uinmlft.ilt<, tlK? Dnuimrran Briikwrll .Inrinir the past lmU-.v.*r, .1 nu>l<-»nn. l24f . mal,» «7.

••Tlu- "i*1 for food. tvp«li», nnil rnntlnspiiei.-*. f'-r tlw nali-r. .r iiniuiiiitPil»»till 11« . 1M. Thr iimimittal.' tn tl,p I.isuinrei,ri<l.-w. ll «-.•!»• .10 uial.fAinlSf»m«l».- :«. Cwt uf food. r>'|«ll»R n.l runtin-fli.'iv'. ti'2 Us. 5.1. Tlu-w- .uuis havp 1..-.-I1 atlvomiilt,v th*' llonnl «-f Mtij. 'rint.-mlcnep, nn.l a jtrcs-ntm.-nt fur th-nIn..»ut vit.. t'l" :>s. .1.1. i* ni.uiml. Au pxi«-n«- uf t9 l:V. r«l.l,n« l.i-li iur.lrnil f--r tli.-.i..,»,-j-ane.- .,f jtrisumrs fur the ami a pn-s. iituu-nt fur tliataiiinuut is also r-fiuinil."

Thr i,iailit.'l> |.u.'.- a.ii.uut rlinw,il 22 male* ami A fi-lnulcff innrisou nn^lst D.-0-nib" r. 187*1; 71 i-mmnittal* tlnrin- the i"ix!n,...lln •niil lW .UH vliiiP.'.» :19 iiialpi. ami 8 frmah-s in"7 isii, Julv , 1W1 ; total cost for sir mouths, US5 li-. H«l.' " SAI.AII I KS.

Caoi.ty officer*' faUrios for !mlf.yearl y, .-CSi310* hd t prison and bridewell's officers salariej, £3G3.


To P:iyi»af*or-Scncrn' ")r 6n PP°r' of extra policef iVrl l». M .

Sir Knpent Humble nsVed wliero nil theso e.xtni.police wcro stationeJ i Ho «aid they had calls ofL DIO uuudreds of iniuuds on tbem for their uupixjtt ,

and yet when ho asked for information on tho subject | bonuircs wero, next day, somowhot " straightoncd,"Tim V f 8 M as if thp7 wp™ nfr<>ct<-'1 I>T somo of iho P°'SOD- b°t• il ,^"y "°1<J Mot S1"0 a"y explanation j Vfl wf . would kill a fon-1 would not kill a pig; tho wallneither coald Mr. Bolton , inspector of tho gaol. | of his, next tho high road, is twenty feet high,.Mr. Bloomficld thought tbo question .1 very ininor. j but , at certain places, thero is another wall , on got!.. T 'i v- ., tins on which a porson would bo within three or fourwr Jonn Keano said in Clashmoro a short timo feet of tho top of his wall. Pressed again as to hav.since they bad eleven poljcomen, but he never could inS or not Imviog suspicion as to his gardener beingnndcrsland rhy they were scut , as fourorfivc would the «uilty party, applicant said ifhe had any suspicion,. , ,i r ,. ¦ thnt ho was the guilty party ho would say yes, and,hLtcra i others ot tho Rrand jury expressed their moreover, prosccuto him. Ho could not think ituucotteut nt ueiuff called on to pay this item at possible tho man would do such nn net, he (Captainevery assizes, as no person seemed to know anything • Aylward) had always boon so kind to him.about the extra force, or what necessity thero was | Sir Robert Paul—I ECO that you're nn Englishman,for_t.hcll> , . 1 Captain Aylward.itio gratia jury unanimously refused to p.-\y tho | Capt. Aylward—I am, sir, and I am not ashamedamount uuttl Mr. Loch, tho county inspector, was | of tho fact. I am, however, Bailing out of tho Wa.

I.AIIV KLIZlHETU 's COVK.flu tin callins of this presentment, which was—To tin Secretary of tbo Commissioners of Public

Works ii Ireland, tho sum payablo by tho county ofWaterfori for constructing a pior and harbour atLady Kliiabuth's Cove., Ttamore, amounting to .t'OS.">Us. fid: one-half (£312 17s. 3d.) , with interest at6 per con;., t o bo charged upon tho eomitv nt large,tho othcr.half upon tho Barony of Middlothird, andto bo repaid by ten equal Instalmentn.

Tho Foicman said that, in accordance with a wishor tho graad jury, tho ca»o had been submitted toMr. Tandy, Q.C., and his »pinion had beeu recoived.Ho read the opinion, which stated that ho (counsel)boliavcd tbat tho grand jury wcro liablo for theamount claimed. As, hoviver, tho Judges of Assizewere going tho circuit, he rvould recommend that thomatter should bo brought inder thoir notice.

Sir Robert Paul constdfrcd it on injustico to askthem for this amonnt. Tho; had decided on advancing.£100 fcr tho complotion «f tho work, aud it coatupwar4 of £700, and lioiwoulc! certainly protestngainst kho payment of thai claim. If tho Commis.sionors «f Public Works chtosc to expend in jobbingBcvon hmdred pounds on n contract that originallycost C30I, they shonld not ID asked to pay it.

Mr. P. YV-. Power said tlat tho pier wan carriedaway in ¦ manner by tho fltit storm it encountered,aud it wa absurd of tho conmissionora to ask themfjr such swork to pay £C8o 1 Is. Gd., and interest atfive por <fnt. It was very cool of them, asking thogrand jurj to pay for the. fau'.tof its bad construction.

Forcmai—At least we should havo boon consultedbefore thy took on themselves the responsibility ofcarrying tit tho work at that fu?uro. Sir KobertPan! : It I certainly very unjust.

Tho Coihty Survoyor remarked that at present thofishermen of Tramoro aro engaged collcctiug sub-flcriptionsjo enable them to dear out tho sand thathad lecnnnlntpil there.

Si: Iiob t Paul—I object to the claim on principleIf wi pass a presentment at a certain figure, I objectto ou* beiig compelled to pay thrco times that, with-out iver ting consulted as t:> the necessity whichexistj for Aich an expenditure.

Mr Blcnmfield—It is a moastrous claim to makoon ui anil I thercforo propqso wo reject it. Lottbcraravcrse it before the judge if they like.

Sotral other grand jurors expressed their disap-provaof tho claim, and Mr. Hloomfield's motion wasultimely carried unanimously.

Thtgraud jury adjourned until ten o'clock nextmornij.

SATURDAY.ThdCirand: Jury continued the query book, which ,

in tliorcscntmcnts generally, both as to number andnaturavas uuusual ly light and unimportant. Therowas -thing; noteworthy iu them until tho juryrcachotho barony of

(il.KV.MI El Itr.To pair 201 perches (125 to bo widened) of tho

road fm Dungarvan to Clonmcl, between tjouth endof Sir's bridge, Oraigueuagowcr, oud PatrickCoffcy'Ratc, Kuockalishcen, not to exceed 13s. perperch, loO 13s. ; to bo raised in four instalments ;Lord Sidbrokc to coutributo in oid of tho present-ment ; udoro to be opened at the assizes.

Mr. . Coatcs, J.P., agent to tho Earl of Strad-brokc, formed tho grand jury, that tho man whobad pun a tender for the work uow desired to with-draw ila ho did not think tho sum would pay him.Tho Fimnn nsked why it wa* then that the mantendon and Mr. Coatcs said the party's objoctionwas th ho was not guaranteed tho full price of l.">s.a porcaloug with , at least, a contribution of £30from Id Stradbrokc. The grand jury allowed thotender drop.

To rko 801 perches in length of a new lino ofroad fn Clogheen to Carrick and Portluw, between.Tames ndou's contract at tbo old barony bounds,Hall ymlrbcry, and Kdmond Tobin's house onMartiuleane's contract, Glcndaloughin ; not to ex-ceed JlC por perch, £lL»0(i; of which £ MX) aro to bolevied ttho county ut large. To bo certified.

11ns ing a work in which tho I.arl of Stradbrokoi.i also xrested, Mr. Coates pressed ita favorableconsidcion upon tho grand jury, and stated itpassed a majority nt sessions. He denied thetruth olrumor which had gouo abroad in referenceto tho id, that it was being promoted for theepecial lonimodation of Lord Stradbroke's tennnts ,aud Btatit would l»o one equally for the ccuveniencoof the o-ining proprietors, Mr. Higgins, Jlr. do laPoor, M-nnd others—in fact, for tho entire public ofthe local, lie had figures with him to prove thattho amct required would not be a farthing inthe pourm the couuty, but, at that momeut, itwould nte necessary to trouble tho grand jurywith theuml on that point ho had but to stato thatBomo gentwn originally opposed to the undertaking,wheu th came to examine the route, and tounderstat the advantages it would confer, theychanged tr opinion, and voted for it. Mr. Quinn(juror) v4 for it and so did Mr. Gallwey. Ho(Mr. C.) aid now ask the grand jury to kindl yappoint a nmittoo of their body to visit tho routoof the proed road with him ; ho would point outits advant*, the committee to report to a futurogrand jurylu reply to an observation , Mr. Coateshospitablyd that, of course, ho would expect thocomniitteeJo him the favor of lunching with himon the ocjon. Tho Foreman, Mr. Ussher, andCapt. Aiming agreed to bo tho committee , ititi-mation to jiven to Mr. Coates of the day fixed furtho visit. MKMI . ltlAL AM. ITS I'ATK.

The Forci opened a document which , ho said ,purported »D a memorial from ratepayers in thebarony of Ouhciry . Sir Richard read the openinglines, scttiu(t that tho memorialists complaiued ofnot being sucntly represented, or represented atall , at road sons or at the grand jury ; that land-lord iuflnencndc undue selections, and preventedjustice bcitigjc. The foreman thmi silentl y readfurther on , w be observed the document appearedto him one W| ought to be torn. Mr. Iiloomfield :Is it importing Foreman : Yes, it is impertinent.In complianc-itli a wiah expressed, Sir JtichanlMusgravo rca ne of the signatures, and then torethe document.liout letting kuoivn any more of itscontents. MMTM .I I I K K N .

To keep in air, for ROVCU years, HI perches ofthe road I'ron'aterford to Cnrrick, between thoBridgu aud tr.|d railway station ; not to exceed12s. (id per pcr r annum, .£32 10s. Od. Tendersto be opened ati* assizes. It was announced bythe secretary tihcrc wns no tender received.

Mr. BloomneliJ tho fact was, there was a combi-nation umouget few contractors in tho locality notto Rend iu tende,i tho hopo that the present highoutlay would bo.tiuued upon tho road. In truth ,tho road was kefcc u bowling green—a quite un-necessary conditLami tenders wero kept back sothat it might con,. Ho .

Mr. Rogers, an uer members of the grand jury,said the road wa0 of tho hardest worked in thecounty, ni.d requitho utmost care.

The work was with the couuty surveyor, andhere ended the! pr\menta. At tbreo o'clock, thogrand jury took u[

THt'..I(;l(irs 1NJ VRIKS ,The Cr«t being in lmrony of ftnulticr.

To Ilichnnl Ayhi (Capt. of tho SOK H- if Irelandsteamer), to cotnpt o him for tho loss of 2!)fancy nnd.liarn.iloii»| i consisting of Workings, nn.lCochin-China, malitly poisoned on tho night ofFriday tho 10th , (-orning of Saturday the 11 thMarch 1K71 , nt Vill» a> m tue parish of St. John'swithout , to bo leviottlio humny of Oaultier, C13.

Captain Aylwnrd lisc,ji through Mr. Strange,that on the night of loth of March, thirty-two ofhis fowl , fancy nnd b^

wcrc locked up in tlieirhnuso between fnur[ flvo o'clock , in the besthealth ; next tnnrnin^CD lJC in

>r let out , seventeenol them died almost i-Jjalely; the remainder diedin the courso of tho . ),0 fc,j them upon wheat»ud stirabout ; huviu|suap;t.;0D that thoy weropoisoned, he gave foo*j)C kj n<i upon which he fedthose birds to others^ they wero alivo and vrellstill ; had, no reason to)cct anyono in particular ;he discharged n gard€iDout three weeks beforothat , because he wouldp]ant potatoes in the wayin which applicant de> ))ut they parted on thebest terms ; poison coul given to those fowl bybcinir thrown over the ) wa|i ;„ food.

Sir John Kcane said lj a uonbt that under theact they could present f\e poisoning of fowl. Hohad tried it with trees, found ho could not sue-cecd. On this point a capable discussion ensned,but it ended in allowing Vidcnco to bo continued,and then Ilr. Ocorge Ayh ,«,,) tonpplicant, provedto the loss of the fowl, igcribcd, and deposed totho dismissal of tbq Ka\r. Ho added that thefowl wero always full umj we]l cared. ThoMessrs. Ay lward both st ,-n reply to tho grandjury, that their houso WBI,,J painted at tho time,but those fowl never went the paint. Constable.Tames Wilson , Munor, wa neTt witness , nnd hidcvideneo went to show ti)L-tcctivc Byrne drewhis official attention to tatnstropho ; that onvisiting the. sccue ho foundyxijca of cloven hensaud two cocks—they wero i t|,0 ot)icn> appearedto bo very sick; looking n( DOR so in which thebirds resided, Ihcro could n aDy access to them,whilst iu it , from tho ouUid, accompanied Capt.Aylward with the stomachs),,, deceased hens toMr. Blee's, V.S., but they r\ut analysed, as tbopolice had no power to cxpcnncT for analysstion,deponent concluded by cxp1(, his opinion thattho fowl had received foul plQn further examin-ntiou Capt. Ay lward, said there pigg and ducks inthid yard, but uouo of (.bocro poisoucd ; the

terford harbor m'neo ISIS. To Capt. Armstrong :About six months beforo this I discharged a cookfrom my ship, but 1 cannot say cither that I suspecthim.

James Young deposed ho was one of those pnttiognp thono fowl this night, and ho Raw them quito wellin health ; next morning tho servant girl nnd Capt.Aylward's two sons called his attention to tho statoof tho fowl ; fivo of them wero lying dead ; tho restwero sick, and died soon afterwards; witness told thogirl to call Captain Awlward , and she did so.

Sir It. Paul said thero was no doubt tho fowl weropoisoned , bnt it would bo necossary to provo malice.

Mr. Strango submitted it was not rcquisito to proveabsolute premeditated malice to obtain tho compensa-tion. Ho WAS of opinion if tbo'dcath of the fowl wascansod by wilful carelessness, dono heedlessly, tho Actwould bo met sufficiently. If a person throw poisoninto a yard, or a house, that, act would bo sufficient toprovo malice.

Sir Robert Paul—If a man supplies or noils nn-wholdaomo food, can you infer ninlico against him ?

Mr. Strange—A man so acting can bo prosecuted,but if a man uses poison in such a wny ns is com-plained of here, and is not known, ho can't betonnheil.

Tho grand jury here decided in tho majority, thatIho poisoning was malicious aud, being satisfied that£15 was not over tho value, passed tho claim. Thenext question was as to tho area of tho lovy, and onthis point

Sir Robert Panl said that Capt. Aylward's housestood on the hill just ou tho boundaries of thoborough, nnd it would bo unfair in his (Sir R. P's.)opinion to put tho lovy upon the barony, tho moroparticular/ as it was moro than prohablo the act wasperpetrated by some ono from the borough.

Capt. Aylward—My bouso is about ono hundredand fifty yards from tho borough.

County Surveyor—You can't put tho ontiro damagoon tho borough.

Mr. Bloomfield—Put hal f ou tho oity and hal f onGaultier. Capt. Armstrong : Put hal f on tho parish ,and hal f upon the adjoining parish. Mr. Bloomficld'sproposition was ultimately adopted.

To Mnurieo Hartry, to compensate him for the lossof a rick of hay and a, rick of straw, maliciouslyburnod on tho ovening of Saturday, tho lDth Nov.,1S70, on tho lands of Ballybeg and Kilbarry, in theparish of Kilbarry—to bo levied off tho barouics ofGaultier and Middlothird—£(17.

Mr, Strange, fiol r., nlso appeared for this applicant,and stated that his client hail reason to suspoot thatthe damago dono to his property was malicious, be-cause of curses being uttered against him in thoncighljojrhood by somo laborers for having, likoother farmers, hired n threshing machino in tho har-vest.

Maurice Hartry deposed ho remembered tho lilthof Xovomber last; a rick of hay and another of strawwero burned on him botweon four and fivo thatevening ; had two boys working for him at tho snraetimo ; the servant girl wns patting pigs into the pig-gery when sho saw tho tiro, and called his attentionto i t ; ho went out, at onco, and saw tlm stacks onfire j the fire- was about fivo or six feet from thoground ; had hirod a threshing machino at tho time,nnd heard of complaints being madn of his havingdone (to ; attributes tho firo, so far ns he can tell , ort.tsn.

A servant boy of applicant swore- that ho was alsocalled to sec tho fire ; found iho stacks burningabout six feet from tho ground; there was no smokingthoro that day ; witness smokes only seldom , nn.lonly when ho gets a drink of beer (laughter) ; didnot smoka that day, as ho was then a tctotallrr, nndbad ui) beer ; did not know of any ono having a spitoagainst his master ; heard of sonio having cursedhim for hiring a threshing mnchine. Mnry YVhelan,servant girl , frnvo similar evidence as to tho fi re, nudthen, Hr. J. Hally deposed ho valued the pix>[icrty des-troyed—tf.o hay, at £' I 1<>3. a ton, C72, and the strawat HOs. a ton, JE15.

Tho act was decided malicious, an'l £07 was votedas cotnnensation.

Mll l l lLETIIIRII .To Maurico Foley to compensate him for the loss

of a cow-houso nud car-house, maliciously burned onSunday, 23th December, 1H70, on the lands of Clon-fndda, in tho parish of ICcisk—to be levied off thoBarony of Mieldlcthird, £21 7s Od.

Maurice Foloy, through Mr. Strange, proved to thofire, which , ho said, occurred whilst ho wns at mass ;his son first told him of it. Applicant got a threat-ening letter thrca weeks before, nnd believes, bccan.seof it , that the firo was malicious ; tho letter wasproduced at sessions, and was now in the possessionof Captain Caulficld. Tho presentment was passedunanimously.

To Kliza Flynn to componsato for tho loss of a bed-room, a parlour, a portion of a kitchen, ii portion ofthe thatch of a dwelling-honse , a thatched fowl-houso,a bag of wool , a bedstoad, bedding, and bed-clothes,furniture, a pair of trowsers, six shirts , a saddle,tlireo clutches of turkeys, and two bags of feathers,maliciously burned on Saturday, the 15th of April ,1871, nt Smonremoro, in tho parish of Dunhill—to bolevied off the barony of Middlothird , £50 Oa Od.

Tho applicant sworo to tho firo, and tho propertydestroyed ; sho believed it to bo malicious, but theonly explanation, upon that head, she could pivu was ,that a boggarman came samo day to her door, andgrumbled very much as ho did not liko what ho got ;he was brought beforo the magistrate, but was acquit-ted. Michael Flynn, son to applicant, sworo thatho found tho fire raging in tho ; thero was nocommunication between that room nud the yard ; theneighbours and Mr. Thomas Power, of Shnimclunc ,gave great help at the firo, and prevented more da-mago being done. A farmer named Walsh swore hovalued tho damage dono at JKO.

Tho Grand Jury found tho fire malicious, and thencamo the question of compensation. Mr. UarroriKUgirefted t2.'i, Sir X. Humble £10 ; Mr. lingers saidit ought tn lie .CO ; and Captain Armstrong said" split it all round and make it CIO." It ultimatelypassed on a division at CI".

IIKL'IKS WITHOUT.To Hichard Sheedy, to compensate him for the loss

of n enw-honseand piggery, with thoir nppnricnances,maliciously burned nn Friday, tho 21th of 1'ebrnary,]S71 , on the lands of Hal lynnbemcry, in the parish ofWhitechurch—to be levied off tho Baronv of DccicsWithout Drum, .CM Os Od,

Applicant, in answer to Mr. Parker, deposed lo hisloss, which ho believes to bo tho result uf malice,and said his attention wns called to it by Ihodrivel' of tho mail car, as ho went by ; tho firo was inthe corner of tho cow-houso, the fnrthest fiom hisdwelling : thero wore some bcil-clothcs stolen fromapplicant's houso somo time before, and his servantboy told him a portion of them wcro at Itynn's; Kyunlives about a hundred yards from hU hnuso ; thochildren of both families usu to play toguthor, butapplicant , latterly, had to turn Itynn's chiidreu homofrom his (applicant's) own ; novcr accused Ryanof stealing tho clothes; tho fire could not have occur-red thrnuL'h accident. Passed at tho full amount.

To Patrick Flynn , to compensate him fnr tho lossof a houso and shed containing 100,000 sawed andsplit laths, (Binglo nud double) , 100 sacks of guano,HO dozen of tiles , 3 pieces of mahogany timbnr, 12leaves of oak timber, f> pieces aud leaves nfelm, 00pitch pine deals, two largo benms, scales and weights,one cross cut saw, one hundred of ton slates, 0 firoblock**, kc, maliciously burned the night of Saturday,the Hth of A pril , 1871 , or early on on the followingmorning, on the lands of Dnngarvan, in tho town andparish of Dungnrvan—to be levied off tho County atLarse—.Cnso.

Mr. Anderson, B.I,., who, instructed by Mr. JohnHunt , solr., Dungarvan, appeared for Mr. I'lynn, iustating tho grouuds for tho application , informed thogrand jury, thnt , on a full hearing, tho presentmentsessions, awarded, .CDKO Is. Od. out of tho originalclaim of £1:13 preferred by his client, and ho(couiwcl) had no doubt that when tho grand jurycamo to hear tho facts they would havo no hesitationin regarding the firo ns malicious. On tho nightbeforo '.he firo, the yard of Mr. Flynn , in whichthis property was placed , was locked np, with allsafe inside, and, about twelve that night the lira wasdiscovered. As overy ono knows , who knows Dungnr-van, people sell things on tables in tho square of thattown, und, as was proved before, and ns would now 1)0shown, tho police, when they camo down to tho fire,found ono of tlioeo tables np againBt tho yard wall ,clearly showing that tho incendiary had got into thoyard by its means, nnd so effected his purpose. Whenthey entered tho yard, the police found two firesraging, ono in each of tho stores, places quito distinctfrom each other, and BO situated that it could not bosupposed to bo tho result of ono firo communicatingwith thn other, the moro particularly as the windwas blowing in a contrary direction at tho timo. Itwould also bo proved that two saws belonging to twosawyers then in Mr. Flynn'n employment wero,daring tho night, removed to a plaM of safoty,whilst acrosF-cut saw, Mr. Flynn-sowri property, wasburnt up with tho rest of tho articles. It wasright , however, to add, that Mr. Flynn did not sus-pect thoso two sawyers of any complicity in tho act,nut 1)0 did (inspect a man ruined Sullivan , who wasin his work before, who ho had dismissed, and towhom ho refused work tho ovoning of tho nightof the fire. Mr. Flynn, lit ono timo, introducedgome machinery into his concerns, which nctgavothis Sullivan annoyance, and ho was heard to makosome remarks in connection with it, which remarks,taken in connection with what lie said when refusedwork, govo Mr. Flynn full roason, BB ho boliovcd, totjuepect him of tbis act. Connsol then wont into an

analysis of the stock Mr. Flynn had account of thonight of tho fire , which ho calculated from the timohotnok stock in tho previous September, nnd observedthat his client considered ho had 100,000 laths of allkinds, split ami sawn that night. Ho bad originallymuch moro, bnt he sold somo to different parties,and, in order not to bo over the mark, ho had knockedoff 3,000 mnre, leaving tho numbers as stated, andthoso ifiO.OOO laths he valued at £172 10s. Ho thenhad 100 sacks of gnano, which ho set down at £114;ho had tiles, elm, mahogany, slates, saws, and variousother property, which , with damago to tho stores,and expense to military for aiding to put out tho firo ;tho fire-engine and other matters, ho estimated, asho believed , fairly, at tho sum ho pnt in of '£380.Counsel then produced cvideneo as follows :—

Joseph Whelan , examined by Mr. Andonion—Isyard-man to Mr. Flynn ; locked up tho yard on the7th April ; there was no sign of fire there then; saw twosawyers' saws, and Mr. Flynn's saw put into a housethero safe j fonnd tho storehouse- on firo nbout thomiddlo of tho night; saw a second firo in anotherhonso about fifty feet off from tho other ; tho firohero was under somo balks by tho side of the house ;tho sawyers' saws woro found safo outsido tho firsthouso the noxt morning, but Mr. Flynn's saw wasburned ; tho house was burned with tho othor things ;several peoplo camo out with depouont to tho firo ;no ono hnd access to the yard when ho locked it;ho left no ono after him in the ward when ho lockeditj know tho man Sullivan ; know him to apply toMr. Flynn samo night for work, and Mr. Flynn re.fused him ; Sullivan told Mr. Flynn to bear no malice,but Mr. Flynn rcfusod to givo him any work, andSullivan then made somo remarks.

Hoad-Constablo Ahcnrno, Dungarvan , doposod thaton tho night in question , he was ono of tho first toarrivo at tho fire , aud tho blazo was then so oxtonsivo ,that tho police, under his directions, had to cut offtho communication between tho shed on firo and thoother shed partially burnod, somo forty foot distant;Mr. Flynn told him ho suspected Sullivan as tho manwho did tho damage.

Mr. Patrick iflynn , tho claimant, daposcd bo foundtho placo on firo when ho was callod t* tho premises ;the shed opposite tho gate was then blazing ; .Sullivanwas in applicant's omploymont for some timo, and howas away from Dungarvan nbout twelvo months be-foro the firo ; iho ovoning of tbo firo Sullivan askedhim for work but ho refused him because ho broke asaw of his ; Sullivan sworo ho did not broak tho saw,bnt applicant would not employ him ; nbout a yearbeforo that, nt tho olection , when evorybody coulddo what thoy pleasod (laughter), Sullivan made usoof somo threats towards him. Mr. Flynn hero wentinto evidenco of value and, in tho courso of his depo-sitions, in reply to Mr. Bloomfiold , said ho did notoften tako stock ; ho kept a day-book and a legcr,but kept no account of his cash sales ; in theso salesho gavo his goods, put the money in tho till and tberowns nn end of them ; he wcuC over his calculationsof tho damago very carefully with his solicitor , andhad the fullest reason to bcliovo they were accurate.

A lengthened discussion took placo upon tho valuesof tho different items, aud somo grand jurors broughtoat tots on their respective calculations , whon ulti-mately the grand jury were dividing between £300,as proposed by Mr. llloiuulield , aud £:i:)S, suggestedby anothor , as follows :—

f or £liOQ—Rogers, Armstrong, Mnlcomson , Bloom-field, Barron , Ussher, Maguirc, Pulliscr, Humble,Paul—10.

V-Vii - .CI3S — l^uiun , Sherlock, Lloyd, Roberts,O'Shee, Kcano—(i.

Sir John Keauo said it. wa? nccoasary they shouldhave twelve members aflu-miug any proposition , andas that was not tho caso now, they would only hnvoto adjourn tho question to Monday morning to hnvoa full jury, This difficulty seemed insurmountable,when it was final ly got over by a compromise at£.'!20, and the compensation passod at tbut figure.

It was then debated whether tho amount, shouldbo levied off tho borough of Dangarvau, or off thoborough and barony, aud during its courso it was ro-marked that somo of tho abscut jurors might comoin nud now vote.

Sir Robert Paul remarked, in answor to tho obser-vation, that none ol tho absent jurors woro now fit togivo an opinion ou tho question , as they knew no-thing nbout it (laug hter and hear, hear) .

Both barony and borough wero negatived , and thodifficulty was Mottled by the adoption of a propositionmade by Mr. N. P. O'Siieo , to levy half ou Iho towns,land an.l half on tho county.

Jo John R. Dowor, to enmpensato him for tholoss of a largo slatod storo, maliciously burned on theniqht of Saturday, tho Hth , or morning of Sunday ,tho !)th of April , at Dungarvan, to bo levied off thocomity nt largo—Ml 7s. (id. Mr. Hunt , solicitor ,appeared for tho applicant. Tho storo in questionwas the second of tho two mentioned in the foregoing,of which Mr. Dowor was the landlord . Mr. H. Sin-nntt, C.K., proved his cstimato of tho damage to thoamount claimed. Tho injury was not questioned,and it was agreed, shortly, to assess £27 10i, leviableas in Iho preceding.

COS1IM OKK AMI l.'OSIIIIKtt .K.To John Murray, to compousato him for tho loss

of a foi>'« aud Iho implements contained therein ,maliciously burned on tho night of Tuesday, tho lithDecember, 1S70, on tho lands of Coolbeggan , in thoparish of 'fcmplcmichael—to bo levied oft" the parishesof Templeraichael and Kilcocknu—£12.

The presentment passed on proof of injury, audhero ended tho malicious injuries. Tho grand jurythen adjourned to ten ou Monday morning.

MONDAY.The Grand Jury met thi.-j morning nt cloven.The renewing of the collectors bonds for tho next

cess was completed, and amongst tbo documentsread by tho secretary was tho following:—

TUB liAOl.S." Wo have this day visited tho gaol , and aro happy

to bo able to eny that wo aro much pleased withovery department brought under our notice.

"Signed, "X. P. O'SIIKE ,"X l'iiBXT nVMII LK. K. G. OllEI.L.". KXTltA TOLICK.

This matter was referred to again this morning.Mr. J. Fisher , having obtained permission to

address the grand jury, said ho appeared as a ratepayerto bring the injustice of tho additional police forcebeforo them. Originnll y thero wcro only 21!) in thocounty : and I',!* of theso wore paid out of tho Con.solidatcd Fund. A (lor a good deal of trouble, owingto tho efforts of Mi- . Hassard and himself, a rear,rangement wns made, and they got n force in propor-tion to the population of tho county. Thero woronineteen counties in Ireland , which had a likoproportional force, nnd they had not to pay anythingextra for police. But tho subject ho moro particu-larly wished to allude to was this:—In 1.SS1, therewere but 2 I!) men in tho county ; in lS."i(i , 251 ; in1SC2, them were 200, and in 1 WO, it was raised to202. In that year the chargeon tho enmity WUS .C72Ofor tho whole year, whereas thoro is now a charge ofC 172 for the half year, which would givo t!) 11 for thoyear, being an increase of £211 on the charge of 1S(IS.This sum did not come buforo the presentment ses-sions, aud lit- would thcreforo suggest tn the grandjury to appoint a committee, which might have themagistrates' requisition under which tho extra forcewas KenL down. Tim committee- might also (inquirewhether the charge for extra men was too great, audif tho county was legal ly liablo to pay it. At onotimo thoy woro charged for policemen who were notin tho comity at all , but wero in the depot and otherplaces. Tho charge had now become- a serious one ,involving nearly £1 ,000, nnd ho would suggest tbatthe committee, when appointed, Bhould go throughthe records, to ascertain upon what authori ty, if any,the pulice force was increased. Thoy should recom-mend tho magistrates to bo satisfied with the numberof police assigned to thecounty by Act of Parliament ,which was considered sufficient in nineteen [othercouDiios in Ireland. Tho sum was rapidly rising, audmight increase- "ven higher. Having called tho at.tcution of tho grand jury to it, bo would leavo it intheir bauds to act as iu their discretion they wouldthink fit. Ho wns suro the only object they wouldhave iu view would bo to retluco tho expenses in thocounty ns much ns they could. If a recommendationwas made to the magistrates to reconsider tbo matterit might lend to n great saving. He thanked tho juryfor hearing him.

Sir John Kcane said ho had Reen Mr. Loch s alloca-tion of tho force. It would bo very easy to redistri-bute the men , without causing any deficiency in theiruscfuluoss. In Clashmoro thero wero cloven men,where fivo wonld do as well , and thero wero six menfrom one station at their disposal.

Mr. Fisher—Thoy will not leavo any station withICBS than fivo men, but in tho larger placos, liko Cap.poquin , Dungarvan , Portlnw, ,ic., they might save acouple of men each, and roduce the forco, but thatwas a matter to bo considered aftorwnrds by tho ma-gistrates. If the Lord Lieutenant of tho county woroto couvene a meeting of magistrates to consider thomatter, it wonld havo a beneficial effect.

Sir John Kcaue^—It would not taku an hour toredistribute them.

Mr. Fiuber—Tho magistrates got up a requisition tobring ten additional men to Watcrfonl. I opposedthe presentment and it was thrown out. Thu menwero not wanting at all.

A committee, consisting of Sir John Keano, SirNugent Humble, nnd P. Marcus Darron, Esq., wereappointed " to inquire- into tho amount charged to thocounty for oxtrn polico, to report at ncxtassizos." Mr.Fisher was asked and readily consented to givo themauv assistance ho conld.

TIIK f.U.VATIC ASVI.I .-M.The following report was hnndnd iu :—

Wi-. the uVputJitlun nf tlir County Wntrrfunl ('.rnlul .Iurv,lmv,- HIM iluv rl'itcl and limpetM tin- Diitrict Lunatic Avyluin ,t.n.l havi- niuL-1. plL-mMiro in tefttifyi.n; to tho jM-rf.-ct unl.-i', (u-At*III -MS i.uil n^ulnritj nrcTniliuc ill ,-v.-rv ,]i']mrtUK-iit nf tin, itiHti-tiiti.iu. Tl.r- pnti'-ni. UTI-P rl.-j in in tli,- ir }M -IVOIM . nn.l Fpeinclrlm-rful m,,l l,np|iT iimlcr tin- kiml ami ju.lfcinus trrntm.-ut ofthu doctor (Miu-Cnbr.) W. II. VALLISSER.

K. (J l'IKN."Itl, Jnlv 1N71. (!. 11,cms


Thn Hon. Mr. Justice Georgo oponcd tho Commis.sion'in this conrt shortly after twelvo, accompaniedto tho bench by the High Sheriff, A. Congrevc, Esq.,J.P., Mount Congrevu, who was attended by hisdeputy, R. G. Hudson, K B(|., having been previouslyrccoivod. in conjunction with tho Uiubt Hun. Baron

Deosy, on his arrival in tbo city, with the customaryhonors, tho corporate flogs on tno City Hall and Re-ginald's tower, floating mast high in honor of tboQueen's representatives. The Commission was readby Vf . J. Denneliy, Esq., Clerk of the Crown, whothen re-swore as follows,

THE ORANO Jl r l tV!Sir RICHARD MI S G H A V K , llart, DL, Tourin , foreman ;

Sir K J Paul, Bart, JP, Bullyglnn ;Sir J N Keano, Bart, JP , Cappoquin Houso ;Sir J N Humblo, Bart, DL, Cloncoskornn House ;X P O'Shee, Esq. DL, Gardenmorris;P J Power, Esq. DL, Woodlands ;J O'Neill Powor, Esq, JP, Nowtown Houso ;P W Power, Esq, JP, Pembrokestown;Wray B. Pallissor, Esq., J.P, Anncstown;Samuel E. Hagnire, Esq., J.P., Clonoa Castlo;Edward Odell , Esq., J.P., Carriglea ;liichard Ussbor, Esq, J.P, Camphire ;Pcirse Marcus Barron, Esq., Belmont Park ;Edward Roberts, Esq., J.P., Newtown ;Goorgo W. Lloyd, Esq., J.P., Stvancally Castlo ;Thomas. P Sherlock, Esq., J.P., Corrigmorua ;Edward Quiun, Esq., J P, Shaoakill ;Fitzmaurico G Bloomfiel d, Esq, J P, Nowpark ;Edmond Power, Esq, J P, Power's Court;John T Medlycott , Esq, J P, Ilockott's Castlo ;Frederick Mnlcomson , Esq, JP, Woodlnck ;Wm Armstrong, Esq, JP, Ballydavid Houso ;Cnngrovo Rocers, Esq., Tramoro.

HisLordshipsaid—Sir Richard Dlusgravoandgcntlo-mou of tho grand jury of tho county of Watcrford, itgives me uufoigncd satisfaction on this, tho secondtimo I have had tho honour of boiug a jndge of assizeon this circuit , and tho first time of presiding in yourcounty, of being ablo to congratnlato you on thepcacablo stato of tho largo district which you repre-sent. Since my arrival in town , I havo hnd pro-ncntcd to mo by the County Inspector, aud by thoClerk of the Crown—as they wcro in duty bound todo—reports as to the stale of tho county since springossiV.cs. In the former I find that in tho whole countyof Wnterford since last assizes thoro havo been onlyoightcon cases of crime, a matter of sincoro congratu-lation, tho moro especially from tho fact that nono «fthem wero, anything at all , of a serious character. Inthoso cases, gentlemen, thero is no indication ofanything liko a conspiracy of nn agrarian nature-oxisting in tho connty, nor of anything calculated todisturb its goneral trnuquility. Thero have beenthrco or four coses of alleged arson, in which noarrests have boon made, nor any informations swornas to their precise! nature, showing whethor they werotho rosnlt of accidont or tho conscquonco of design,and, so far, wo rtro without any information aboatthem. Tho othor casos were, ns I havo stated, of acomparatively light nature, either cattle or sheepstealing, or larceny, and tho great majority of themhave, very properly, been disposed of at QuarterSessions. I am happy to say thero nro bnt two billsto go beforo you at tho prcsont assizes, ono being achargo against .a sheriff's officer for ombo/.zliugmoneys of that officer , and tho other for burglary, aKtato of things clearly showing tho pcacablo state ofyour comity, aud forming sufficient grounds to en-able mo to cougratnlate you upon its present con-dition. His lordship then referred to a presentmentwhich , ho said, he understood had been sought for byIho Board of Works, through tho grand jury, for£GN,">, one-half to bo raisod on tho county, anil ono-half on tho barony of Middlothird , to coustruct a pierand harbor at Lady Elizabeth's Cove , Tramore, to boraised in ten half-yearl y instalments, with fivo percent interest. Ho understood that tho grand juryhad thrown out tho presentment on tbo grouud thatthoy nlready presented £1)00 for this work , accordingto resolution , aud also that they had dono so on thoexpress condition that tho Board of Works wouldcomplcto tho undertaking for that sum, so far :is thocounty wero concerned, but it now appeared thecommissioners of Public Works wcro (loinaudiu^ apresentment of double tho amount from tho gruudjury to complete it , and to doing that tho grand juryobjected. That being EO, his lordsbip said ho wouldlook iuto tho nets bearing on tho quostiou , but hohad also to say that unless tho Board of Works wouldbo represented by counsel wheu tho question wouldcomo on ho would not interfere, for ho was of opinionthat where n presentment was sent in for a hirgosum, and where .that presontment was rejected bytho grand jury, tbo least that could be expected wasto havo the gorerument represented by counsel ,when tlio question would come beforo tho court to beargncd. Ho would now feel obliged to tho grandjury retiring to consider the bills to bo sont beforethem. The grand jury retired accordingly.

In tho courso of tho evening tho question camo onagain for discussion,

Mr. C. U. Tandy, Q.C., instructed by Mr. II. Dobbyn ,appearing for the grand jury, aud Mr. Sargcuc , li.!.-,for tho Board of Works. Sir R. Musgravo, forcuiauof tho graod jury, and Mr. BloomKeld sat with hislordship (luring tho argumont, und several othermembers occupied seats in the grand jury gallery.

Mr. Tandy said that somo of tho residents at Tra-moro had applied! to have this pior repaired, and thogrand jury hnd, under tho provisions of tho !)th Vic ,cap. '), taken action iu the matter. It was cjtimatodby tho Hoard of Works that tbo necessary work couldbo dono for £l ,S30, £1,220 to bo given by thoHoard of Works itsolf, tho residents of tho localityto (,'ivo £310, and tho grand j«ry and barony ofMiddlethml £300 between them. On tho 21st ofFebruary, 1S07, the secretary of tho Board of Workswrote to request the secretary of tho grand jury tohavo a presentment passed for £300 for tho purpose,and that was dono. An award, enrolled in the Courtof Chancery, had lately been scut down by the board,stating that £2, IHO had been expended upon tho work ,of which sum Mr. A. Denny had handed ir. £.'U0 asthe local contribution , Ieaviug £2,175 to bo accountedfor. Of this amount tlio Board of Works gave £2,510 ,and now called it|>on thu couuty to pay tho remaining£033. Tho grand jury refused now to do moro thanpay tho sum they had already voted, £300, nnd thoquestion here really was for tho Board of Worksto prove, if they could, that they had the powor tocxpeud as much of the public money as they liked,and then put the amount on the county.

Court—Did tho grand jury givo a general consentto the work by the Board of Works?

Mr. Tandy—No, my lord , thoy limited their liabilityto the £300, and now they aro called npon to payover £000, nnd it is that sum to which they object.

Jlr. Sargont relied on tho Kith nud 17th Vic, cap.HKi , sees. 11 , 12 , and 15 , to provo thut where miaward of thu Ci>mmi*?ioiicrs mentioucd a sum nfmoney as payable by any county or district in regardto thi! improvement of piers, harbors, or tho liko , thogrand jury were reqnircd , without application toPresentment Sessions, to present n sufficient sum tomeet the demands.

His lordshi p asked for tho net under which thoBoard of Works wcrc granted powers to assess auyamount of taxation they might think proper to com-plete any public work.

Mr. Sai-gcnt replied that tho net ho had quotedgave them thut power, and it was not to lie supposedthat the Board of Works would act without reason inthe matter.

His Lordship said ho could hardly be of that opin-ion when ho saw tho Board of Works demandingdouble tho sum specified by tho grand jury. Has thisnier been nut under tho Piera' and Harbours' Aet ?

Mr. Tandy— > cs, my lord ; in March last it was putupon tho county against its will , but, of courso, thoalterations uud repairs BI'UCC then must bo at tho ex*penae of tho county.

His Lornship—Tho proiwr courso is to aHow thismatter stand until the next assizes, und let tho Boardof Works come iu in tho meautimo aud show, if theycan, that they havo a strict legal right to follow outtho courso thoy Jiavo adopted iu this particular.—Postixmed accordingly.

CIII3 1I.VAI, ItU.SIXKSS.Bi iHJ.ABV. — U'iUi'ciu Fnlcij pleaded guilty to hav.

ing, on thu night of tho lMth of tho present Jul y, bur-glariously entered tho confectionary establishmentof Richard Carey, Strand-street, Tramore, nnd withendeavoring to Rtenl therefrom two bottles of brandy.Being an old ofleudor, Foloy was sentenced to twoyears at hard labor.

EMHKZZ T . KMK .VT.--Jnuics Kin-j was inditod for, ou tho 21st May, whilst bailiff to tho high sheriff,embezzled over £7, tho procoeds of three civil billdecrees givon him by tho sub-shoriff , R. G. Hudson'Esq., for tho purposo of executiou. Tho followingjury tried the caso:—

M<*)>ra. Mivlm.-l I>o, (furi-itutu) ; .Tulin Ston>>, Fmm-ii.0'Gnulr, Diivi.l (Jus-/, Iticlmnl (inmhli-, Mitlnu-1 Sliulloc, JnlinM<-iul.'. Dnnk-1 Cnniptn, Kirhnru Gnux-, Martin Biirmn, , Ktlmnuil D.-1fihuntr.

Messrs. P. White, Q.C., nnd Coatos, instructed byMr. Anderson, crown solicitor, prosecuted. Tho pri.nnnnr wnn llt.dnfpn.ln.l.

Mr. Hudson deposed that King was thrco ycani inhis employment as a bailiff ; ou tho 21st last May hogavo him three civil bills for exooution ; ono was atthe suit of Joseph Fisher against Houry Wilaon , for£1 12s. (id. ; ono by S. G. Going against F. Gilbrido,for £7 9a., and a third by John Tobia against JamosRyan, for £3 5B. Sd. ; issued warrants in those casesto King ; received two of thorn aftortrards ; tho onein thu caso of Fislior ho got from the pound-koopor ;tho second ho novor received, but the ono againstRyan ho got from Kane, assistant to King, with apound in money, and that wns all the money ho re-coivod out of the entire ; did sot see King after-wards until he saw him at petty sessions, bnt ho hadlottors from him from Dublin apoa the subject.' 3Ir.Hudson here read extracts from thoso letters, inwhioh King Bnid tbat Kane had seduced him fromjnstice ; that Kano had got £3 on foot of those oxecu-tions, and that ho told him (prisonor) tbat ho wasrobbod, and positivoly stilting that ho (King) lostwhat portion of the money be received, and that honevor convorted any of it to his owe uao.

Prisoner (in a sorrowful tone)—I havo to state,sir, that wheu in Dublin I called upon tho Attorney.General to ask him for a loan of the money, but hewas from home (laughter).

Mr. Hudson—I bog to say, my lord, that I attri-buto tho whole thing to tho assistant, Kane. Thisman, King, always condaotod himself honestly whilstin my employment, and he was only wrong wbon boindulged in nnforf unate drink. I never could chargehim with anything wrong except when he would takedrink.

His Lordship briofljr charged tho jury, aud told

them that whore there was no proof that tho prisoner The" following evidence wa» then given for thehad converted any of this money to his own. use,thero was no ovideoco of embeizloment, and the in-dictment should fail. '

The jury acquitted tho prisoner, who was dis-charged, with a caution from bis lordship to koopolear of such conduct for tho future, and being toldthat be might thank tho fiiot of the indictment notbeing sustained by evidouce, nnd tho good characterso kindly grivoa him by Mr. Hudson for bis escapeTho nrimiunl rnmnnan hnra endoH.

RECORDS.McKenna r. Kmrney and Others-—Sorgcant Arm-

strong applied to his lordship for lrnvo to amend r.hodefence in tho action of ejectment of Sir JosephNeale McKenna, against Kearney and others, forlands at Ardnogeeha. Tho defence was simplyn denial of the tenancy. A junior counsel inDublin—a gentleman not connected with thatcircuit—^-had recoived instructions, and had filedthat defonco. It was, however, quite unsuitableto tho merits of tho case—in fact, tho tenant holdrccoipts for n year's rout and upwards, and thoro wasnot a year's rent duo. He read an affidavit ofdofondant, nud asked his lordship to allow him to setdown A diflnranfc dflfftnftn.

Mr. Homphill opposed the application. He thoughtit most nnroasonable. Tho defence had been preparedand filed by ono of tho most ominent momhors of tboUlster bar. It was not contended that full iustrnc-tious bad not been given to that gentleman, and, thoidea tbat now, when the caso was about to bo tried,and Sir J. N. McKenna was prepared to meet a par-ticular issue which had boon raised, that an ontirclynow dofenco conld bo opened was preposterous. To meettho nowdofenco sought to be put iathoy should examineA number of bank books, which required a lengthenedinvestigation of hill transactions. Tho presont defencewas merely an afterthought, for tho purpose ofinvolving Sir Joseph Nealo MoKenna in a sarpriso,and would thus load to a miscarriago of justice Ifthoy gave a consent for judgment,' thoy would givothem everything that would be just and fair, und towhich they wero entitled ? Up to this Sir Joseph hadacted in a most liberal manner towards them.

Sergeant Armstrong naked to have it referred totho sessions, against which tho plaintiff would havotimo for investigation.

Mr. Hompbill—I again offer what 1 am not boundto do. Wo will givo thom overy ponny to which theyare entitled, if thoy givo a cooscnt to judgment.

Sergeant Armstrong—How will wo find out towhat they aro ontitlod ? Appoint two rcspectablopersons to decide tbat point. :¦

Mr. Hempbill said Mr. McCarthy, of Cork, tho soli-citor for Sir Joseph, wns not present, and he wouldask his lordship to lot it stand over till morning,when thoy would hnvo his answer.

His lordship agreed to let tho caso stand ovor.l'hclan v. FihgimOA.—This was an actiou to reco-

vor possession of 5a. 2r. 8p. of the lands of Ballioavoogn,barony of Decies Without, brought by William Phelnnagainst William Fitzgerald.

Sergeant Armstrong, Mossr3. C. II. Tandy, Q.C.,and Andersou, instructed by Mr. 31. Delandre, appea-red for plaiutiff. Messrs. C. H. Hcmphill , Q.C.,Piers Whito, Q.C., and W. L. Uackott, instructed byM r. P. Kelly, for defendant.

Tho following jury was sworn :—Messrs. Thomas Power, (foreman), Johti Stone,

Richard (iambic, Michael Shnlloc, John Dunphy,Nicholas Kirby, Richard Uenncssy, William Baggott ,William C. Draper, John Atchcson, John Kirby, audThomas H. Curtis.

Mr. Anderson opened the pleadings and Mr. Tandystated the ease. From the address nf tho latter learnedgentleman , it appeared that both parties were farmersliving iu t ho locality named, plaintiff being a tenant ofThomas P. Shorlock , Esq., J.P., Carrigmorna. InApril , ISfiU , Juntos Fitzgeral d, brother to defendant,married Margaret I'holan, daughter to plaintiff , on nnarrangement entered into between tho parties thattho farm hold by Phclao, containing 10CJ acres, at arent of £1'.)!) , under a leaso from Jlr. Shorlock , dated25th of October, 1S53, was ".o be divided, JamesFitzgerald getting hal f, with half tho stock andfurniture , he paying l'holan £125 as a fortuno to tbodaughter. It was also stipulated that should anyportion bo wanting to make up a full half of the farmtho deficiency would bo made good by an addition fromany other portion of tho land. Under this arrange-ment, James Fitzgerald took possession of a 'field upontho holding, called tho Calf field , containing 5 acre.-',2 roods, S perches, to mako up a deficioucy in hishalf, aud held it ag.iiust tho wil l , as alleged, of plaintiff ,who offered to mako up tbo deficiency from any otherpart of thu land , so that this field was not inter-fered with. In tho samo year, Jnmcs Fitzgeraldcommitted suicido, but ho previously mode a willunder which disp^sitinn the present defendant,William Fitzgerald , camo into possession, Williammaintained n right to this calf field ; several attemptswere mado by tho landlord to arraugo between thom .all failed , aud tho prcsont action was tho result. '

Sergeaut Armstrong put in in cvideneo the leasounder which tho furm wns held, tho assignment andother documents, and then cvideneo was gono into.

William Phelau examined by Sergeant Armstrong—Is plaintiff in this actiou ; his daughter Margaret gotmarried tn tho lato Jumos Fitzgerald nndor anagreement that tho furm was to bo divided, that howas to get half, and to pay plaintiff £ 125 ; plaintilweut on tho lands with tho Fitzgeral.U to point outtho halves ; knows tho field containing 5 acres, 2 roods,8 perches, tho field now in dispute ; tho part hopointed nut to Fitzgerald did not include! this field;lie told Fitzgerald that if ho bad not his right numberof acres he could como into this iivc-acrc field andsatisfy himself out of it , but not to tako all ; tho mar-riage theu took place, and Fitzgerald camo to livothere ; thero wero two houses on tho lands ; afterhaving walked tho land*, plaintiff and tho Fitzgcraldswere in the utfico of Mr. M. Dolaudro, attorney, tomake out the agreement; there was nothing said thennbout Fitzgerald having this five-acre field ; Fitzgeraldtook possession of it afterwards ; plaintiff told him heshould not havo it ; this was after tho marriage ;defendant said ho should have it in spito of plaintiff ;plaintiff did not liko to bo contrary wi'h him on the.-nurriagu end left it so ; Fitzgerald died in April oftho year ho wns married ; hi3 brother William, thepresent dofendant, then camo iuto possession ; askeddefeiulaut to give up this field but ho would not.

Cross-examined by Mr. Hcmphill , Q.C.—Thinks hopointed out tho half of tho laud tho day before bowont to Mr. Delaudrc's olfico ; whon ou tho landsWilliam and tho deceased were with him ; James wasalways very anxious to get this field ; it was calledtho Calf field ; ho never said ho would not bo marriedif ho did not get this field; bo never said ho wouldnot pay tho fortune uf .€125 unless ho got this field ;plaintiff got tho fortuno frnm James Fitzgerald ; whenthu stock wu divided James put some of his ou thisfield; j ilaiutitf had uc-no of his there at tho titr.c;plaiutiff did not then object to hid doing so; ro-mombers iu June, aftor James's death , plaintiff wcutto mako up tho gaps iu the Calf field , to keep de-fendant out of it; William threw them doivu again,aid plaintiff went away ; tho landlord proposed toarrange between them, aud mndo an offer, butplain till' objected to tho expenso of making a boands*ditch bctwvcu him and defendant , which wns part oftho proposal ; romombers Kelly, tho surveyor, goingthero iu April , 1870, to survey tbo land ; does not re-member William on that occasion claiming tho calf,field ; William gavo £200 also to James's wife, underhis will ; remembers 3Ir. Gallwoy, tho surveyor, beingthere ; did not sco William pointing out tho calf fieldto him ; sned Fitzgerald for half tho rent ; it wasnever tendered to plaintiff, but his attorney, Mr.Delandre, told him it was tendered to him.

To Sergeant Armstrong—riovor gavo up his claimto this five aero field.

Mr. M. Dolandrc, solr., cxamiuod—Is attorney totho plaiutiff; tho assignment was drawn up iu hisoffice. His lordship hero said it was a pity this disputocould not bo settled. Tho wholo thing wm) a smallmatter, aud it was to be regretted it could not bearranged by nrbitration-. Iu response, both sidos saideach had niado offers which camo to nothing, and thoaction should go on. Tho caso procoedod.

Witness then detailed tho conversation which tookplaco in his office whilst the settlement was boingdrawn up, and added that thoro was a good deal saidabout u bull; they both tossed for tho animal, anddefendant's brother won tho toss ; it wa« arrangedthat any deficiency of land on the part of JamosFitzuor&td should be made, (rood out of this five acrefield.

Cross-examined by Jlr. Hcmphill , Q.C.—There wasa draft of tho eottlomcnt , but he docs not know whathas becomo of it; he thiuks ho gavo it to Mr. Kelly(Mr. Kolly, solr. : No) ; tho instructions for thissettlement wcro noted on a slip of paper, bnt thatpicco uf paper was dostroytd; ho never keeps thoseiustrnctiouu.

Mr. Honry Sinnott examined by Mr. Tandy, Q.C.—Is a surveyor ; snrvoyed part of those landi in July,18C0 ; niado a map of it from a survey made forMr. Shorlock ; made tho lurvey for Phelan.

Mr. Clmrlos Gallwey, C.E., oiamined—Is a sur.vcyor ; surveyed tho part of tho land iu defendant'spossession, H la. 2r. 8p., with commonage of 2r. and32p. ; plaiutiff had 70 acres, with 1 rood nf plantation.

To Mr. Hackott—Mr. Sherlock, the parlios here,and witness's assistant woro with him that day ; thecalf field was in Fitzgerald's possession. Plaintiff'scase here closed, aod ilr. Heraphill, Q.C, repliedfor defendant. As ho was opening the conrt againseggested an arrangement by Mr. Sherlock, tho laud-lord.

Mr. Uomphill said, in order to carry ont the sug-gestion of his lordabip, his client would bo ready toconsent to havo tho farm divided equally betweenthom, and let each side turn back to back as to costs.

Sergeant Armstrong observed bis client was alwaysready to givo np half the calf fiold , and would do tonow. As to costs, howover, his client proposed tbatabould Mr. Sherlock decide ho was right in the courseho took, bo should rccoivo his costs. • •

Mr. Hemplril! doniod that an offer of half the calffield had ever been made, and said h» oould notadviso bis client to nccopt those terma. The casoagain procoedod. - . ',"., i I

Mr. Hemphill continued hit addroM,'and stoted.itwould bo proved by his client that hit cattle were putupon this calf fiold with the consent of tho plaintiff,aud that fact created a Cur presumption, that thisfield was to La the property of Jams*. Fitzgerald.

defence :— . ¦ ¦ i •William. Fitzgerald examined by Mr. White, Q.C—

In defendant in this action ; remembers his brotherJames's- marriage in April 1869 j is aware-of anagreement being made about the lands ; walked thelands for the carrying out of this agreement; thep'nintiff was then living at Kildmra j dofend»nt nndhis brother went' to his house ; they spoke about thocalf fiold, acd James said he wonld never be marriedor pay his raoner if he did not get the calf field ;plaintiff saH—" I will give yon that, what I never in.teudod to do j" was in Mr. Delandre's office next daywith the rest to draw np the settlement ; there wasnothing said to Mr. Delandre about the calf field ;wns on the land afterwards with Jamos when takingtho possession ; Jnmes was to get twenty cows fromPhelan ; James's cattle were put into the cal f fieldand plaintiff's put out ; plaintiff said he thought thecattle would go all together for a time, as tho grasswas a foot high, and Jamos (aid that was not whatho paid his money fnr ; at somo time afterwards Mr.Sherlock snggestod boands botwecn them, nnd thosobounds would give defendant this fivo acre fiold.

To Sergeant Armstrong—As wo walked tho bouudsfho fivn nr.n. finld wnfl nt Phnlarfs itidn nf them.

It being now six o clock, the court adjourned to tennoxt morninsr.

TUESDAY.Mr. Justice Georgo sat this morning at ten o'clock,

and resumed the record ofPhdnn v. Fitzgerald.—Thomas Sherlock, Esq., J.P.,

examined by Jlr. Hemphill, Q.C.—Is the landlord ofthose parties ; they divided tho land pretty muchagainst his will , bat to settle tho matter he proposedto givo William a leaso for his half; tried to nrran^'obetween them in May, 1870 ; Fitzgerald then had thooalf field ; neither would give up tho claim to this field.A map oftbe farm was here producod to tho jury,showing the calf field, and witness continued :—Ho gotthe farm surveyed by Mr. Sinnott, so ns to sco whateach party should pay for ; Fitzgerald wag alwaysready to pay half tho rent; would havo no difficultyin making bounds betweeu those parties if they con.sented to leave tbo matter to him.

Cross-examined by Mr. Anderson—Phelan alwayswanted to have this calf field back.

The case for the defence here closed, and Mr. nemp-hill , Q.C, asked for a direction, on tho ground thattho plaintiff had not shown any title to this field.Mr. Anderson asked for a direction to tho contraryeffect, bnt his lordship declined to direct for cither.

Mr. White, Q.C, was about to address the jury,when another attempt was made to settle the matter,on the basis of the evening beforo, to divido tho calffield , and turn back to back as to costs, in which sug.gesticm some of tho jury appeared to concur.

A consultation took place between tho plaintiff andhis counsel, which ended in plaintiff consenting to harothe cal f field divided by Mr. Shorlock, back- to backto bo turned as to costs, Phelan to get tho side of thofield next to his haggard, tho wholo thing to bocarried ont by Mr. Sherlock.

Court—What will we do with tho jury ?Mr. Hemphill—I think thn jury ought to bo paid.Mr. Dclnndro (for plaintiff)—I think it would ho

very hard that that expense should como out of ourpockets.

Conrt—Oh, for goodness sake, don't havo any diffi-cnlty in tho matter now. Tho court would ratherpay tho cost itRel f than have a settlement, go off uponsuch a point. Let tho expenso bo paid half and half.

This course was adopted, and tho caso euded in thosettlement bcinir left with Mr. Sherlock.

Previous to tho caso being resumed in tho morn-ing, a delay of somo quarter of an hour occurredwaiting for an absent juryman, nnd during the inter-val his lordship nnd tho foreman, Mr. Thomas Power,had a conversation in refcrenco to tho pending dis-pute, which thoy lamented vory much, and both judge-and foreman repeatedly oxprcssed their sincere desirofor a settlement, a wish thoy had finally tbo satisfac-tion of seeing realised.

M'Orath v. Cnolc.—This was an action by a farmernamed John M'Grath, living near Kiltinann, in thocounty Tipporary, against Robert Cnokc, Ksq., J.I'.,Kiltinano Castle, in samo county, for nllegcd Ions ofsovon cows caused by defendant's nogligencn iu al-lowing a bullock of his, affected with pleuro pucunio-nia, to minglo with thom and causing thoir death.

Mr. Homphill , Q.C, moved on affidavit to havo thorecord pnst|mncd to next assizes, owing to tho fact oftho herd, John l.oughlin , who was in charge of thisbullock , having gone to Ameriea sinco the vnmio wasstruck for Wnterford. This man bad gouo for Amer-ica wholly without dofendant's knowledge, and honow asked on affidavit to havo the record postponedto next assizes, so as to havo Loughlin examined by

Mr. Whito, Q.C, with him hcrgcaut Armstrong,said ho wou'd wish to havo a little consultation withhis lender boforo stating any opinion on the applica-tion.

Mr. Hcmphill saft that of courso his client wouldpay witnesses' expenses attending this usaized. Coun-sel entered into a statement of tho caso, showing thatit begun so far back as 1S70, and was set down fortrial nt tho Spring Assizes of Nenach in that year.The plaintiff then withdrew tho action , and defend-ant henrd no more of it uotil recently, when plaiutiffmoved tho Court of Exchequer Chamber for leave toamend his pleas, and Mr. Cooko took defence to thoaction. Tho venno was then fixed for this county.

Tho matter was allowed to stand over, and it wasfinally postponed to next assizes, defendant payingcosts of the day.

Sergeant Armstrong, Messrs. White , Q.C, and W.L. Hackctt, instructed by Mr. J. Luther, Cloumel ,for plaintiff.

Messrs. Homphill , Q.C, Tandy, Q.C, and Gibson ,instructed by Mr. Honnor, Clonmcl , for defendant.

The jury who, it should bo remarked, had receivedtheir guinea in the first record, still remained in theirbox, and tho foreman now inquired if they wcro re-lieved ? Tbo registrar nsked if thoy would havo anyobjection to try two short records, and Mr. T. Powerreplied no, on tbo usual terms. They wero accord-ingly re-impannelled in the following :—

M 'Kc tnta. v. Kearney f ind others.—Those were twoactions by Sir J. N. M'Kenna, in ono caso for rent of£20, and in another for £80, against defendants forlands near Youghal.

Sergeant Armstrong, with, whom was Mr. Coatcsfor defendant, stated that an attempt was mndo thoday beforo to havo thnsc cases settled but failed. He-wonld now proposo that plaintiff would tako £50,paid in a mouth, £50 on tho 12th of October , defend-ant paying costs.

Mr. Hcmpbill, with whom was Mr. Anderson , statedthat Sir Joseph's claim was for £200, and he wnswilling to take £100 in full. Ho would bo ready nowto tako £50 at once ; £50 on tho 12th of October , thodofendant undertaking not to remove tho crops exceptto market, nnd giving a consent for judgment.

It wns fiually arranged that £50 would be paid ina fortnight, security to bo given for tho other £50 ontho 12th October, tbat security to be approved of byMr. M'Carthy, (M'Carthy and Hnnrnlmn) solr., Cork,tho crops not to bo removed except for murkctablopurposes. Messrs. M'Carthy and Hanrahan werosolicitors for plaintiff; Mr. Barry, of Youghal , fordefendant. In thoso two records the jury received aguinea each, and now seemed content lo await afarther golden showor.

Tho remaining record, tho trustees of tho LeporHospital against Cooke, respecting right* of common-ago at Lcpcrstown, was called, but Sergeant Arm-strong stated the record wonld bo withdrawn. Thocounty business here concluded, and a leavo takingpassed botweon judge and jury. His lordship saidhe was glad to bo ablo to releases them from furtherattendance at tho assizes, and Mr. T. Power, thoforeman, for self and fellows, aaid they parted fromhis lordship with sincere regret, and wcro only sorrythey could not, as jurors, accompany him the rest nftbo circuit, a remark eliciting much laughter from bislordship, referring as it did, to the easy money-mak-ing of tho morning. His lordship then retired.

THE CITY COURTPrecisely at twelve, the Right Hon. Barou Dcasy,

who alighted at tho Conrt-Houso etsps under *aflourish of trumpets from the Inniakilling escort, wasreceived at tho main entrance by the Sight Worship-ful II. F. Slattcry, Mayor, in his robes, wcariug tboIntacta chain of office and attended by sword andmace-bearers (Messrs. Thomas and Uahony), the for.mer creating a great sensation with a magnificentnew official bat, High Constable Pallia nnd constables,all in full uniform, his Worship and tho High Sheriffattocdiog his' Lordship to the bench, tho Mayor onhis right and'the High Sheriff on his loft hand. TboCommian'on was read by L. J. Donnehy, Esq., deputyto the clerkof the crown, who handed tho precept tohis lordahip by whom it was transferred, under char,ter, to tbo mayor, who retains it as an appendageto his office. Mr. Denneby then, as follows, ro-impan-nelled THE GRAND JIRV :

8lr BEKJIXIN H'osmis, D.L., Tho Moll , Foreman-T. Wilnon, J.P.. Parade, Qnay. John Malicr, Brtxul.ntrevt.Wm. Johnson, J .P., Nuwtown. H. Oallwoy, J.P. (ironreVat.John Midway, M.D.. J.P. Mall. T. C. Spcnocr, J.^MorchaiiU1T. B. Prowior, J.P.. Tho Mull. Qoav.Edwnnl CUMioni . Mary-rtrttt, Matthew Blmaer, J.P, TnunoraT. W. Jacob, J.P., Merchant*1 J. A - Tobin, Mtrclmnt«--<1n».r.

Qnnv. Ald.P.K.B*!d.J.P.,Quecu.rf.Samuel HarrU, QiiKnutroot. John Wlton, Bolton-itrcct.Aid. Tho«. MnrpV. Pitrlck t. A. P. H«l»r, Tho QIWT.AM. Patrick A. Power, J.P., Edward Conrtramj, Klng-at.

Merchant/,' Quay. AM. '• Sotterj, Marj-ntmt.R. W. Peurotc, BercafonUt Edward FenncMyJiMcrchiuiU'.Henrj White, Fund* Qoay. ¦ • • Qo»r, Eiqmn*.

His Lordahip addreued the grand jury as follows :—Sir Benjamin Horrii and gentlemen of the grandjury of tho city of Waierford, I am much gratifiedindeed in being able to inform you that your dutiesat this auixei will be, as I believe thoy generally are,of a very> light character. I understand that theroarebot gve be»ent up to yon, and none ofthem of a leriooi mrtara., Two of those bills are foralleged manslaughter, not, however, presenting anyfeature of aggravation; two are for larceny, and onob charging . a'woman with cutting aod woundingwith » razor. Thoee-are the only cases of anymoment occurring in jour city aince the last assizes,M appetring by the report of the constabulary,presented to me, and I feel extremely gratifiod,gentlemen, in being able, npon those grounds, to con-gratulate yon. upon the freedou from crime whichyour'city enjoyi. Those ibills will not oconpy yon,gentlemen, for any oousidarable .time, and when dis-poeed of I shall be happfcjft'mtfii iui i 70a. ;

The gri*i-jurTi»til*$;a»*<UMtogait went into: ' iisi;|'

Page 4:'HK AVATKRFORn NEWS i:sTini,lsu1:D 18*7. (Alilrrman HEiiHONn, Proprietor.) l..»l:ilK«T

1FPEALSDonovan v. Freeman.—This wns an appeal by Mrs.

Bridgot Donovnu, bnker, Ac, Pctor-street, in thiseity, against a ruling of thu chairman at qunitcr•casioud, givinp a ilccrco for £19, alleged duo sis abalauco on a fluur transaction in thu nioDth ofJanuary in this year.

From the statement of Mr. (iibsoii , who opened theeaso, hi.i client having boon thu plaintiff below, itwould «oom that dealing* in tlunr look place betweenthe parties in October, 1S7O, nnd in Jnnunry, 1K7 1,>Ir. Frw-nian , corn and flout- mi-reliant, &c, Koyzcr's-¦troct in thin city, supply ing 20 sacks of supers inOctober at :tSs a sack , and, as ltd nllc-Rnd, SO more inJanuary, ]*/] , at I) J, but, ns appellant nrerrod onlyton in that innntli , thu dispute binn-; wholly upon thoquestion whether (la- supp ly in Juutnirvwns ten sucks•r twenty.

.Mr. ij. i* rci'man , on b'.>in£ sworn , stntcil ho was thoplaiutiff bulow; ho supplinl twenty sacks of flour to.Mrs. JJoiiuvim in .l.imttiy hist ; oil tho Ut li ten sackswhich came to CM 111.*, and on tho Kith , ten 'moro ;i> mnn n:imi>il l-'oli-y had tlm fust, ten delivered on thoDth , nml a man ii.iniwl l fcgn n ib.'liveri-d tho other tenfrom bn:it upon thu Kith of tho snmo month ; ho ro.enived t'l!< on foot of tho account , nnil l'l!>, tho sumnow claini'd , remained duo; in rutt-riii;; thn JnuunryriVlivrry he inndo a mUtaki; of over L''l u;;:iinst him-self, in only changing the flour at. 3S.i in place of 41sii barrel : lw sent to Mi**. D movau in January forompty eaekn nnd Rot ten , lint duimoil ten moro. On«ri».-<-rxniniiiatinn , Mr . Freeman steadfastly supportedhis original statement.

Mr. J ames Ijim.nli ioy, tlio miller supply ing Mr.Freeman, sworn that nn" I ho iltli January two of hi«men, Hoimc-wr, and Whulan , *>vero in towu with twoearls, nnd they told him whim thuy wvno back theywc-ro di-taineil in town delivering ten sacks of (lour toMr*. Donovan lor Mr. Freeman.

James Jicmitsxy, John Wliol.m nnd Thomas Kolryaworc to thi.i delivery, and Thomas ltequn swore thatho di'liverod , on the ll i ih January, ton s.ick.-i of flour*for Mr. to Mrs. Donovan on his ass's car,firo on each load.

Tho case for the defendant was thnn gono into asfollows :—

Mm. Donovan examined by Mr. Cnrti.1—1« flofnnd-nnt here ; remembers t-c '-ting twenty sacks of flourin October; oue caino as a simple, and tho nine wereafterwards f;ot ; the second ten sacks were not de-lirernl for some tir.-ic aft^r ; Foler brongbt tho ninesacks ;ho and tho with him were drunk ; all thatwas got in October were piu'il for ; bought ten sacksfrom him after Chri^tinar* , delivered on an usii'seart ;no Uour came to her in .laimary but tho two loadsthnt came mi an ass and cart; ho camo to bor afterthe ten sacks were delivered and uskcl for money ;»»nt him a chci|iio for tho ten sacks, and ho thenabused her: one of the men examined to-day statedit was a mistake of his muster to chaise for twentysacks ; ulio wns not very certain whether it was onoof the men produced hero to-day. CrnSii-cxamim.'d byMr. (libr-on: Docs not believe Mr. Freeman is¦loins it through rnjsnery , but believes lie is makinga mistake in charghn; thoso ten sacks of Hour. JohnDonovan, a ]mrter in the employ of Mrs. Donovan ,hut no rrlniivu *.»f bi'r':*, ilf-po-*ril thnt in Jauuary lastMr. Krccmnu's man delivered ten sacks of flour, anddemanded 2O empty sacks, hut hn was refused. Mrs.Morris deposed to Mr. Freeman ••etting nn order inthu simp for tho ten s:icl;s nf Hour , which was allthere was room for in store, and that was nil wasdtilivi:r»>d ; the im.-ncv wns .-i..-1-vil fur by Mr. Freenian ,and a cbcijuo was sent down for £l!> It) .*., tho flourhnrin); lici-n snld fur II.Ss*., thoug h the iiricu was thtMinu*- ; it was alter the eliequo was receivedMi\ Krtetnan said it w:is twenty Nicks he had du.liveroif , as in October, ou£ t l t . i t watt tlcuiotl ; Oio m:t nwho nfterivards came for the empty sacks asked onlyfor ten, ami wileiss mud to liim—"II Mi". rYeuiimn«f nt ») sacks of flour , why doesn't ho send for ~Memptv sacks I-1" and tho man said it. was a mistake—ten snks of Uour only IISKI been delivered. Cross,examined by Mr. (iibsou : Keeps the books ;did nut mako any entry of tho onler ; sawfive of the sacks delivered ; Hussi'll is the mnn whodelivered the sack*; is sure that Jtusscll delivered noflour in February ; liune of the other men deliveredany Hour fiotu October; Kussell I think is tin 1 m»u ;I think he Imd a boy with him ; keeps I MIO US ati f laeeonutt , hut them is no entry of i t ; keeps no orderbook ; Donovan may have made a jmi.-Uaku when hosnid that Freeman's man a*ke«l for twenty sack*,iiussi'll was re called , and stated ihat ho ilemandedtwenty sicks. O'Neill , ftirctiiuu-biker, deposed thatIn- knew the ten sacks of Mr. 1'ivciiiaii '.-* flour, amiwhen they were brought in they filled the flour store ;tho.-".: ten sack* had 1,0 label;. His lordship said t!ioweight of evidence, by Ihe block* in the book , andthe two entries in tho day-book of Mr. Freeman, often s:icks each, was in favour of Mr. Freeman, andhe should iillirm the ilcci-imi against Mrs. Donovan ,w i t J i rusts. I'or appellant—Mr. S. 1'. Curti- , in-Ktinetnl by Mr. I. Thcrntun ; Mr. (jiliron , in-struete .l li v Mr. T. F. Stitin"e for respondent.

il .'lMiN. i l. i:r<ivi:s.« .The ;_ri *r*Tii l jury here returned into court with pomo

l» il).i. :I >"1 th";i ll ir ie was calleil nnTnr (" i-t : HI" I I KI w 3I"t.i."V , who was charred

willi indcccrir :is*anlt »i» his servant irl , AnnoKirwau , in thi'- eity, lav t Denfinber, nn their arrivalhere , wi ih ore nf his wives , fiom lirisml. It will 1«:rptnenilierrd that, this e:ur was heard at last- a-*-i/.es,and then full y repmtiil , when the jury disaqreeil ,and the i:eeu-eil has sinee remained in cu:*t(nlv. Inthe meantitne , a woman , to whom he had beeniiwi m'H ftnirrirr In t i e inaningi- wiih thi: femalewho w:*^ in cor.rt on la>t and this oreasinn, appliedin the Dnhlitl cmrrs lor i'Wi uf conjuga l ri^'ht ,wliieh ;;r:n,ii»l. siul in adililinn lo tile critm , tnwhic h iie is now called on lo plead , hv is bievsed iv ilhtwo wives.

Mr. S. P. (.'nrtU. wi th whnm was Mr. Trover,instrueted by Mr. Itnxwcll. solieitor, Wexlonl , nowapplied to withdraw the plea nnteri'd at last assi/.csnf imt guilty, ml to throw themselves on thi> meri'.vel* the crnn'n. Mr. f'urtis proceeded to Mate that atthe last trial , it transjiinil that the prisoner wan aman nf weak intellect , mid counsel now unfolded along aflidavit "f the. snliritiir in tin 1 case , m-itingforth MiitRinci 'ts as to bi< pirvinu< resiliences inlunatic :i«v!um*. on the eotiliuent and in tin's cuiiiry,and he had been at times so violent , that, it wasfnuiid nrrrsvary lo chain him by the le;/ it\tlni-" (•sMlilishm"iit< . ihc nnrk o!'a rilr^ used nn 1:110nf tl inse i«T:i>i|ins being at. present, tj uite visible nn1110 In-, which hi- Itinlenrc had cut. li. was alsonri;^'l rl ,nt be had been ci-,'M. ninntlis in eanl. I l i ^family had beeniue so tired nf li im ami his IrnuMes ,that l l iev wnii 'd dn tin mure tnr him , but. if he wen-^• til in an a-y lutn : i t j Itruu'e*, where he had heforfbei- ii . lie wi - uhl be paid I'm- l l ie ie .

S> rreaut Ai in-tlni i ^ .-ai«l the rmwn were lint,ii(. [» ( - l»i e<v) f.«"ihiw.>iir«." ailnji ted bv t l , , . pri<.,i:er 'sO ' t u i i x l . aii 'l ai ltuiued the just ice itf it ; but it wasimi •!>! ¦ • tha' they cmild ¦nnseiif to have him let nil'to the a-y liim named, in the nuintier de~i i i . i l . Thornurl shnllld prnaounee .«»m»n<:>" , and then the slatr.nienis tend h(l i e could be furwindMl t«> the goreni.ment , wlm wniild lake the rase into itimsiileiat inn ,ami eirreiM ." cleuieiicy , if it were found to be n ca.-««for such.

H:t rou Dea>y said it would lm his (liny to Jiass afenlenti" on 'he prisoner nf penal sei viiude , whichcould not be (nr a lesser p'-rind than five year.-, andhe tl uhl it mit'lit be butter if tint niea nf gui l tywere ni:lnlr:i'.vn , anil that. Ilie trial priKeeded. liewmi 'd allow c'iiri<e| tinio lo consider.

After a consularaltlc p'-'riod liad clapped , cniinhcl inti-maud that they had: resolved t.i allow the plea ulguiltv to stand , and would hand in the nllidavils ,reiving <ia the clemency yf the crown. Certificatesfrom Dr. Hanks, Dublin , and Dr. f'.inoll , Watci liird ,were read, stating I h a l l n - wasa p"r>ou of weak mind.

During the day, the last Mrs . Mnllny , who was incourt , jl'it 10 talk tn t i ie pii-nner, tlirme h ihe railingof the dixrk, and he, in a very e\ei» ed stare , stmsl up,and roared out—.M y turd , sin- trlls me i!iat ¦me nl" mychildren has In en limned to i leai l i . ( IS , my lord , thatin cruel. My lord . I ask you not to s"n 1 me back InU'nterfold gaol ; I have lc.'en their "Vi'r right nioutln ,and , iny hud , 1 eai t eat the Inn.l ; 1 would bestarved 1 mly I g'il something tn in .", from my friend*.Oh, my lord, I li-g nt you not tn send me back. Al ierthis el'mllilii in , tin." juisnuer subsided , and the biisiuenproceeded.

Mr. t". N. liiil ton , in.-peWor, afterward s ivi|iio.«tedto In: sworn, ami entirely denied the allegations of theprisoner ns to his treatment in tho ganl. llnriiig thegreater portion of his iniprwmmctit lm Ind been 1,11hospital dietary, and there were not the slightestgrounds fur any objecti'111 to (he quality of his /nod.

Mr. Lapbatn, governor, mode a corroborative state-meut .

Jlis Iiordsbip said it was very proper those gentle,men should have comu forward to disprove thi<prisoner's statements. It was u painful case, but hrknew nouo of the facts, except whnt appeared on theinformations. Ho rcfcrre«l to tho grossnoss o f t h f fprisnner'K offence and fontenced him to fivo vrniVjinnal servitude.

Mr. Curtis drew his hirdship's attention to the factthat it was disc retionary with him to recommend thrattention of thu executive to tho prisoner's mentalcondition.

His Lordship snid hi» dnty was to sentenceiho prisoner, and it was fur tho eiftutito to inrjiiireinto UU stnto.

I.Mi t' KSV . —Jfi'rjnrrf lioacht , fur utroling H kettlefrom tbu houso of Mr. Kiniicnlly, ('corBD's-strcct,pleaded gnilty, nml also to a couriction ih lWiU 0(Jimitlirr relony. Sentcucud to peuid servitude.

Crriix« *>'" Wor.vnixii.— .Worj» fj'ij, whoso per.

loriniincc <«i her husband'a Taco, with a ra/.or, will bo

remembered, now plcad«l Rniltj. At qnai tcr sessions

the hnsliatid , in bodily fear of his beloved sponse, do.

rliiird tn give uvidcueu, nnd tlio cuso was «ent for-

iT-inl to the present assize*. Thu prisoner's busbam!,

in' rep'.v t« his lordship, Btnted ho gavo tlio prisoner

pnirwit.vw, nnd if »h» was ucc|iiitlC(I ho would go

laiil Tor her. His lordship acceded to h:8 reqacst, and

llu> prisoner was discharged.At.l.V.r.KII HOBUEKT »KO« TIIE I'F.ltSOX.

'j'lic foliowiug jury wore sworn :—H. W. Hnfrgy,ruvrinnii ; Jmnoa Budd , James' Brcnnnu, Williamf''a" i '" ^" "'

xo"i l*»W"'"k Kauniug, Jiimos

Ifwnu'i'i'y. I<aurcnco lloly, Thomas Hamilton, ThomasKin*eU», i'atrick Kinabbn, sad Robert O'Leary.

TUu tilluwiujj juivrs were challenged ou bulialf uf

tho prisouer named Imlow:—Step hen Miblo , WilliamDownoy, David Daridsou, Jaraes Kuox, Hugh M'I,can ,John O'Hara.

Thnma." Co'Ii'us was Indicted for stoaling tho sum of£14 IDs. from tho person of David Keill y, nt Bally-bricken, in this city, oti tbo fair day of Juno liv't.

David Roilly deposod—Knows tho prisoner for aOyears ; wont into Arnold's public lioiMcin JJ.dlybrickennn tho fnir day in June , nnd met thoro tho accused ;lio wna driiikinp;; I had with mo-C I f 15s. in notes andsilver, which wore rolled up, nnd in my coat pocket ;Wnltcr Grnnt wns with ns, nnd wo were drinking fornn hour; after Hint , when jjoing to leave, I regulatedmy money ; paid for drink out. of other money I had ;Collins followed rnt? oat , and brought mo in njjnin ;Grant, Collins , nnd myself wcro tlio only porsons intho room then; Collins, after four or firo mimitos,caught mo by tho Coat , put. his hand down in mypocket, nnd took tho hionov out; nsked him what howas doincj with my pocket , and ho said "Nothing,Dnvey—it's all right;" I got up, went out nnd motniy dnughte 1*, and shn a*"ked mo for money ; nextmorning I went , nt. four o'clock , to Collins' house, andnskru! him for my money ; Jin was in bed, nnd said hoknew nothing about it ; thcnwnnt away , as I had nomore, business thoro ; I hud confidence in hint , andthought mo "fi than that would bo pafo in his posses,sion ; mv wi:*e asked him for tho money nfte.rwnrds.

Cross.examined by Mr. Gibson—This wns on a fairday nt Rally hricken ! was in t-lirno public houses, nnddrank five pints nf beer that, day ; rlrnnk no otherdrink—neither whiskey, porter, or cordial ; was notdrunk , but was middling (laughter) j was unre I hadthe ninnoy when I was leaving first , and I wasbrought. ba(:k against, my will ; had nothing else inmy pocket but the money, nnd Collins took it ; bo-lioveil it w.»9 for srifoty ; Ornn *< nnd himself hnvobeen drinking ever Rince, with my money (laughter) .

Mr. Whito, Q.C., for tho crown , said that was thoc.i«e for tlio prospcnfion.nnil then thoro was caller! fordefence, hy Mr. Gibson , who was instructed by Mr.PriMidccrsist. mlicitor, Clonmcl, Walter Grant, whodeposed that- ho drank fivo or si* pints of on thatday, and was a litt lo moro sober than Keilly, whowanted to 'vrestle for .C."i , nnd witness, did not wishhim to I JB luanelling : Collins loft first, nnd lloillyfollowed ; saw tho two in tho street, outsido thowindow , an:l heard them talking about being gossips;beh'erp.i tho money could not bo taken in tho mannerdescribed without iny knowledge. Mr. White cross-examined witness ns to tho number of honses ho wasdrinking in that day, and ns to w-hen he consideredhe wonld In drurk i ho believed ho could bear twclropints withmt being beastl y (Inughtcr) .

Martin Connors deposed being present in the publichouse, nnd heard Hcilly wnnting to wrestle ; wns noiin their company.

William Arnold , owner of tho public-hnusi?, deposedthnt he saw lleilly thoro on the day of tho Juno fnir,about three o'clock ;did not hear Hcilly sar anythingabout tho wrestling ; there wrro many peoplo pre-sent that day, ns on nil fair days. Mr. fiibson, fordefence, addressed tho jury, nnd dealt on the. factth at no etl'Drt was made tn recover the lost, property,contrary to the practiec in cases of febny, andthoush the accused is a respectable man in his posi-tio n,it wnitld h i v n been easy fur tlif? police. if they were,asked , to .-.srerfnin where be. would change n i!5 notc ,twn of which were alleged to hr .stolen ; and ho sug-gested that lieilly had Ins', the money out of bispocket , whilst he was evidently drunk. Mr. Whitoreplied for the crown , urging that the respectabilityof the pri.oner wns not an isme in tho cast) and ,fl int beiiia Fn, it. was impossible to find any otherTCldict than guilty. His I*urdship hnving chnrged,the jury, after .1 short consultation, admitted thoaccused, who wns discharged.

i l l K KXTiiV ixro ST. rxruirn's rtivsrn./ I.1...W MVvi-ls- and Mi 'l in t l } lnn",,nj, two bny p , were

indicted for enterilig thn Vrofestnnt Church of St.Patrick , in this city, in June last , and stealing there-from, tine ink bottle , the property of ArchdeaconAlrnck. Mr. White , for thn crown , said what lheyproposed -:o dn was , to allow tho two lads now ar-raigned tc stand nut on thn hail which they had pre-viousl y rntered into , and the other two , who weremero children, to l>e discharged. The court acccedfidTin: T.ATK cm: o f U K A T I I MUM M I I I S K K T or A S 1 N -

rmiTrxATK../...-¦•y Ji. H 'tst ic , otherwise Jf '/ra.-iV*% was indicted for

kil l ing and slay ing Mary Anno Ijuiiiu , in this city, inApril lasl , bv ndmiuisteriig to her an over doso o1

whiskey, from th« elfecls fit * which she died.The following jurv wero *vrui-n :—Messrs. Alfred

Parker, It . I) . Valmer, William Sage, Step hen I'.ible ,I' . F. White , l'.dwnrd Wardell , Unbelt Whnlley, jun.,Henry Hel l , Danii'l Comau, William Downey , .lohnO'Hara , .lames Know

The crown prosecuted , and the prisoner was un-defended .

Thomas Conwa y drpnvd tn Mr. White, C/ .C!.—Onthe nigh 1; of the 17th of April lasr., met ihe prisonerwith others in High-street; if wasabnnf.eight »Y"h>i"k ;went, wi th tlicni into the public house of Walsh , inHighotteet , and drank there two tnniMers ofwhiskey ; soon niter staggered out , and n^-ain metUyrne, v.-hnhad n jar of whiskey ; he gave it to me tocarry , and 1 fell under it. .it. Mnsley 's corner; we metwomen afterward s, at the Town Hall—Kllen (ilee-nn ,An.-.sras ;: l^ninn, anil another; liyrnc was then car-ry ing thf * jar ; the girls n.-ked for :i drink , and theywere fold they cmiid have if with a heart and n half;we all went to the (N.ruer of Colbeck-street , and I wnsr>o drunk there f had togn hnme. To prisoner: I wasnot sobe r when I went into Walsh's, but. the whiskeyt drank there made me beastly drunk ; I do not knowi f I put up ihe girls to drink ; the whiskey was theiefur niiyunc tn drink ; cannot, say who gave the girlnu imi i l m whiskey fir.-st ; cauiint sav whether or notit was I mvself.

Kami lleare , to Mr. C m tf t - Was in W.ilsh'« ]mli.Hi: ho:i«e with Hyrne, on Mnnilay evening, the 17thApril : ilmtit seven livrne called in Cnnwny ; I wentnvvay li-sr , nrounil the 1,'nny ; met them afterwardson th" l ,) u.'i3" : Ifyrue. iva.s am-riitz Ihe jar, nnd gaveit tn (.nnuay, who ran away with it. and fell inSpring (linden Alley ; met four girls , Nell (ilne-tin ,two l.iuiims , and another : t'niiway told Mary Aiini s(J iiinn ro gn get a cup and , when she. got it , llyrupfilled up the cup, which deceased drank ; lilrlvmi

[ then drank , and next Ihe woman who gave the cup :the jar would omtain four gallons ; I then wenthome. Tn prisoner: I did not ask you to go down

. the l i iiay In meet gi l l s ; it. was with you I saw tin-I jar lirn , and I .«uw no line fill out whiskey from it butI you j the whiskey was there for any one to drink ;I two men ar, the si earners *rufc a drink.

l.llen Clecsnu , known as " l.'url y Nell ," and whospend. miKt nf her time i n '.'anl , tn tlio relief of therin/.ei s, was then uslu'rcd from the ilmtk tn the wit -iii- ss 1 aide , and depn-ed to Mr . White , Q.C.— KnewMary Anne l .iuinn , the deceased ; saw Omway nndHnan at ihe enru-r nf Mall- lam ' ; (.'onway had thejar nn his >fion)d '.'l a»'l )i'.' iv.iv slaggcring; going lipby lli • Palneo Wall , we met Myrne ; went intn Spring,g.inlri. Alley, and gut a cup: drank two cups , andthe d rea-ed did the r.niio ; We. drank two rnps morein the eliurcliyard , hill. 1 eammt 1:1? who filled themup. The witness made a Itii'j r , lamhling sla l rmi'i it ,dilfering tuueli from her evi 'lence at the ini|iie<u . Inreply tn his Inrilshi p, she said she s-iw him dn iinth-ing t "> Hie deeea«ed. The crown declined fo prnci p.ilfin lhej* , a verdict of " not gui l lv " was recniileil . Midthe 1 ii"oi;er was di<vl;arged. Miss ( '.1. M .«..II W.I * senthack I" :mul. This mnrluded tin- criminal case.,- , nodM* I inlship Ihen resumed th" 1.earing of

.M-l'ltu. -...'.f.i. !,•¦>,• J/ .u l y'!..•' V. /¦'. .S'.-.>,. :j.', «;)j ..)/.nl ..- : Th'

.<;. l l 'i s n- ij , ,-.'.%;iii iii/ i- .i*.— Mr. Ander.-on , iniiriicli'd byMr. Slrango, snlicitnr , for appidlants; Mr. lty laml,instructed by Mr. 'I'horntnn. for respondent. I t wasnil actir.a af-ainsl -Mr. Hnrrey (,,r .Cll' ].">.«., heiligporlinn of a larger sum of (.*( « ' wf iich had hern de-jv»<ited in r"Sjiondenf 's keeping, ns stakeholder, topay the cos's nf making a transfer nf the premisesfnnnerly held hy Mrs. Manning, I'ntrick-street , toMr. Meal y. Mi". Meal y depose d that, ho was inne-4 iM- (or the purchase nf the house, nnd eitherparlies having made * a claim , ho put tho matte r intothe haiuli of Mr. Slrnnge for proper assignment;Mrs. Manning was not to be seen, and wi.nld untvi._-t : In- was tn pay JCM l for possession, and then Mr.llni rey, for the nwner, Mr. Malemnsou, proposed thntnn ei- 'etment slu.uld be brought , tho expenses locniueout of the parel.ase money : fare LIU tn Mr. Harvey,and liai'l a Veal 's rent : the balance , when the rostfwen* paid , was tn h" handed tn Mrs . Mannim;'..*. re-pie-eillatiTes ; paid 1 lie year's rent, tn Mr. ll .irvey,wlm refured to pay the eci«ts of ejectment , iVc. ;bmui.'ht. a b(>fnrfr tin* chnirnian nt sessions,and il was di-mi-yed ; the year's lent was C'<¦"• Ms. ToMr. lUlaiid : The ."penal mm of £."i ns costs wnsnoter mentioned : Mint is the cost nf the lease, hutwo want the cost, nf the assignment from the trusteesnf Mrs. Manning. Mr. Strange mis examined ns to*hc nriTingemcnts, and deposed that, he (witness) andMr. Harvey ntrreni] thnt. all costs should he paid nutof the IT.Opnid by M ealy ; Mr. D..b'ivn , on lw dia lr nfIMi: *lan and U'alsh , fhe tru-tees, nlsn a'.'ieerl. .Mr. ;[.Dnlibvii . sr.lieina , depo-ed thai he «i.s acting furI'helan and Wal-h : heard of the .','fd lodg"d in iliehauls nf Mr. Harvey, but einilil imt say what partof the cosls ii!' the transfer was to lm pnsi! ivit nl it :th'i nrigin.'il lransfer need lint hare been in existence ,as (lie title, was bad, because the lease originally to Thomns Mniiniti!;, deceased,and his wife never look out administration ; tried toscitlc the case, and thinks he ought not In have lieouput up for exnminnlinn ; doe* not know what niranjre-ment was made between Mr. llarreyand Mr. Strange .Mr. Hur vtiy dnpon"<l that he agreed to pay £."> to Mr.Strango for the pjectment nnd the len»e, nnd it wanaccepted ; was nstoi)i.*heil when he got the bill for£1.2 10s. ; believes an ejectment nnd a lease ong hl notto bo moro than C3; handed nn r the bilanee of Ihei-'IO to a creditor nf MM. Mnnniin.', nn nn nnliT frinntlio truRtces ; (lint was nl'tor tin" ilisuuVs nn themerits by* tho chairman. His lnrdship decided thattho plaintiffs hnd no claim to tho cost nf the assign-ment, anil the £5 lodged in court was Kiil'icicnc to paytho £3 costs of tho Icano, and the costs nf the ej .ci.jnent wero botwocn tho trustees nnd Mr. Strange.Dismiss affirmed.

Thoiium H. Stfnmjmau, nppfUnnt 1 William Lemnnl ,r tf p o n d c uf . —This cnvj has been in vntinus formsreported before. Tho is a gentlemanfarmer, nnd tho respoudont, in reply to an ndveiiise-ment , was engaged as stownrd in 1S7I I, determinablea\< a WuotU'i Uliliw". Thu wagej were tl a. wuuk,

nnd ix commission ou tho growing crops. A disputoarose bctiyeon tlio parties, lrlicu Luonnrd was dis-miasud on tho "ind of October. Ho suod nt that Oct.sessions fur thu commission, nudi there, was a findingin lii* favor for £'1\, against wfaicb au appeal wustakou to tho assi/.us, whuro tho decrco wan affirmedby Mr. Justico Lawsoii. At Patrick's Kail PottySessions, Leonard was prosecuted for disobedience oforders and abusivo languago to his employer, when howas adjudged to forfeit a month's wages, bnt thisdecision was reversed ou appeal. At jauuary ses-sions, a process was brought by Leonard for £1,wages alleged to bo duo for n month's notico to whichha claimed to bo entitled from tho day of dismissal to1st of November, which bo proposed to remai n, nndtho nnswor ho received was a reference to Mr. Dclan-dro, solicitor. Tho Chairman gavo a decrco for theamount claimed , 11 . and ill (is. 00. cxpousos, and theprcdout appeal was ngainst that decisiou. Leonardwns now examined, and detailed his caso of dismissalafter he hod gircn a tnnutii 's notico to I LVIVC. y ir.Strnugiuan was then examiuod. nud deposed thatafter the rent of tho farm was deducted from grossnmnnnt of receipts of £1,101), there would bunothing lclt—111 fact , theio was not nnougli to paywhat would bo tho ront ; Leonard served notico outhe :22nd September to leave , because ho wad notsatisfied ivith his pay, nnd from that out ho was¦unbearably impertinent , nnd unwilling to obey orders ;ho said his family had dined with Queen Victoriii , andthoy wcro bottor than Mi". Strongman's (laughter) ;ho then had to bo discharged. To Mr. Anderson : Thocharge of misconduct was preferred by ma befuru thomagistrates ; after he told him ho would not havehim on tho 2!lth, gave the men direction* not to obeyLeonard , but he saw him oil tho f.irm for two or thrcodays after ; never mudo any complaint of misconductagainst Leouard until after ho sent in his resignation ;tho reason of that was becaudo witness was waitingfor the agreement to terminate, which could not onduntil after harvest. Patrick Kohoe , in Mr. Straog-mail's employment , deposed to tho languago ho henrdLeonard use, nud that In: refused to dig tlio potatoes,until tho corn was weighed ; .vituess and bis brothorthen dug the potatoes. On tho grouudu of the im-proper langu.igo, his lordship bclierod that Leonarddoservod to bo discharged , and ho would thereforodismiss the decree, as ho did not ocliero him entitledto this mouth's waies.

ror uppellant—Mr. Gibson , instructed hy Mr.Delundro ; for respondent, Mr. Audersou, instructedby Mr. T. i\ Strange.

Tl'Jiiiin* Fi im l l, .Amu:, his v:ifc, «j>j>ci?<'-ifs ;M ai'itai '4t Di ibby v , i'4.ipoi>dc»t.—This was an appealfrom a decree of tuc cliairmnu nt last Apri l (QuarterSessions for £21 "in . !)d. for rent. It appeared thattbo lato Mr Wm. Dooloy, of Spring (tarden-AUey, inthis city, coal tnorchunt , held priMiiises at Kocksltiro ,Ferryh.uik, us assigueo under a lease made 10 17H0 bypersons named Dowiics to parties named Kuox, andthat ho paid rent for samo for cloven years and ahalf to tho lato Mr. Michael Dobbyn , solicitor, asrepresenting lossors' interest. Mr. Dooley demisedtho premise* to his wifo (now Mrs. Fin rcl) , ooc of theappellants) nud appointed her executrix. She noughtto rcpmliiito the demise, refusing to pay any rent and,in consequence, nn ejectment was brought and thupiemises oricted for non-payment of one, and a halfvc,irs' rent, due 1st May, 1W. Tho appellants didnot redeem, and tho respondent , widow of Mr.Dobbyn, brought her action for recovery of the rent.Thu Chairman held that as Mr» . Rirrell was Mr.Doulcy 'n executrix, anil thereby possessed herself ofhis assets, it was not competent fur her in repudiatethe beiptest , utid made 11 decree for the sum claimed.From this decision , tho parties appealed , but tbolearned judge now atlirmcd tho decree with costs.Attorney for appollant , Mr. -Mark Dulaudru.. Forrespondent , 1'eirsu Kelly.

ACTION >Olt— IM.Kli .W. MSNIAIXT.Jfrs. K l lv n A'oivnm./ /i , v. /•'iW-urt/ II ' II U, 61 *•<•/>'<;«•-«!-

f'li'.*.—Tin's was au action insLiluteO hy tlio p hiinlilT ,a lady liv ing in liridge-street, iu this city, agaiust thodefendant , Counsellor WiUsh , residing iu 'framorc,butthe landlord of considerable houso property ill thijiity. Tho action wus lo recover damages, laid ntX'SMII) for alleged trespass and illegal distraint of herguilds and chattels, ut her hnuso iu H ridge-stn»et , forrent claimed to he due to him on £nid premises*.

I'or plaintiff—Sergeant Armstrong, < iC , Mr. TandyQ.C., and Mr. Gibson , iustrucleil by Mr. IVirsn Kelly,solicitor, tor ilcl^iiclaul : .Mr. Harris , <i.C., Mr. ,(^.C , and Mr. il yland, iu.itnictcd by Mr. IsaacThornton.

Thu veinio having been laid iu tho count }*, the ful-lowing jury were sworn :—l'ranoi-i O'drady, (lore,man) ; iV. "(¦'race, 1'atrick Williams, 1'. Murphy, T.l'nwcr, David (.'a.sey, Thomas (loll *, IV'tej * Maekcy,llnberi. Dimly, Patrick l'lynn , lleiuy Wilson , ThomasHayes.

Mr. Gibsnn o].ened the pleadings. T!ut dufciidaur.madti a justilicat.ion of his trusp-iss, but dea:1.*.! theother (".own*.

Serueaiii. Armstrong stated the caae. Tin: plain-till', Mrs. Kllen Karanagh, was a respeclabh: woman,nud tin: defendant was a gentleman of tho legal pro-fessinn , :uid a uiaii iA' much wenith and iiiJlij L*ui:o inthe district. In 17li:l tie: (.'orp.jrar.inn nf Waterl'onlapp lntted a pcicn of ground tu .Mr. linoig.." llackas fora term of '.111 years, at the yearly rent nf .til). Sumntwenty years ago, Mr. Walsh , def'eiiitanl , ontered intoau agrei.'ini.'nt. w i t h a Mr. ( "hiiinery for this pint nfground , on which ihere wcr- ' some houses, lor twentyyears : and it was a significant, fact that this termexpired iu 1ST*). A person named Murp hy was tenantto Mr. H'afsli lor this place, ami liu afterward** handedilorer to Mrs. Kavanag h, wii o had previously carried011 business in a house named the ffridgc Hote f.Mrs. Kavatineh took it ou the 2 1 t h March , IKTlt , andon the 2 l ib March of the present year, Mr. Walsh,accompanied by Mr. Dolahuuty, called on Mn.KavauaL'h, wlm was demanded to give up tho key tnMr. Walsh, which sho did; she was then |put

into pusSi!-!iii»ii as caretuki-r , and directi'd oyMr. Delahunty U> jny no further 'cut to Mr. Wul.<h.Snme timi: after «he received a letter from Mr. Walsh ,asking her to pay him his rent , and counsel thenread suveial letters iu which ho called upon her topay rent. She refused lo. do .*>o, and referred him toMr. O'llrii .-ii , the town clerk. Ou tin: Uth of May hewrote stating that he would make a distress 011 herfurniture , and 1111 the l i l th May thedcXcudani eiiteie.i lher house with two hailiris, and niv.h: an inventoryof her irnnds ; she protested agaiasf. his doing so, andsent lo her solieitnr , Mr . Kelly, and that, gentlemaneatne and told Mr. Wulnli that In's eoniluet wasillega l nndoutiiigeous. Mr. Walsh would not hearken,and Mr. Kelly told him he would bring an action ;anil defendant, .said ho ilid mil. care I'm- any aclinn.l iv the advice of Mr. Kelly sho paid the. rent nf thehalf-year claimed , nml bailiff-.' costs, t.s ISy. . !,„ •.she paid it under prntest. Cuunsel i-ti ginaiisi'd the¦lel 'iMidaii l 's culidiiel as cruel and illega l, ami n-kedthem to give her damages iu accordance with the

uncial pnsilinu nf tho defendant. Hi; ciimiueuledupon thu lianl.-hip of a latulliird making an e.vces>ivedistress under any circumstance- .

Mrs. Kl len Kavanng h exauiined by Mr. Tandy, ( > .C.— Iteinciiibfi'S ii man named Julin Murp hy ; iu March ,|A"ll , she got Ihe key ol l.i , llndge-srreel, ; saiv Mr.Walsh , the defend mt , next day j had a conversationwith him about. Mr. Murp hy ; -Mr. Walsh told m*.* thathe wnuld take me as a te'.iaul , and Murphy mid hewould regulate it *. L becamii his tenant on the 2.'ithMa ich , and in October Inllowiug .sin: paid him half ayear's rent (recei pt produced) ; continued tn carry nnthe l/ ii-iiiess; mi the 2 l l l i -March last she had nn in.terview with Mr. \Vnlsh , wlm was accompanied hyMr. JHuhunty; he told her tn givo tho key (o Coun-sellor Walsh , that In: was tonic for her protection ;Mr. Del.dimity then desired Mr. Walsh lo hand himher key, which he hid ; Mr. Dulaliutily then handedme the k"y as c*ari.*-laker m the CVrpdiaiinu nfWaltiliird ; he said , ¦• M r*. Kurniingh , I dn this foryour proteclinn ;" on the l ib May, Mr. WaUh wiiiti :to her, and nil the 2-"»th April , slii; ria.-t-ivei l :t letter ,which she sent to Mr. IMahuiity ; nn th-j !J:ii May hecalled and said that, on the lollowing dav , if i l ie n.ntwas not paid , he wnuld put. keepers, iu on her ; nnthn Hllh May, iu the li ioil i ing, .-ho and her .- i-terwent nut; when she ntur i i ed the keepers, weiu inthe Imuse, 1 an inventory taken of the gi««ls ;tin: defendant was wi ih the plaiutilV, and Inld her togo and consult her al loiney ; he became very violentand he went nut fi the sinet with 11 p. .'!..,. ii, |,j.,hand ;she i-equi>tril him to come 111 ,bnt he refused andbecame very violent *. hi* n-ked his hailill* 1,, g,, f,,r acar and reiivive the g'suls , nud would have be;;,gared her; she had twn parties wlm IM II . H I |. t i i ikulndgiugs the next d.iy, hil t .-he could not fake themiiwing t" ihe bailill's b.'ing ill the house ; they re-mained in •K/-se.s,ion I tnm OIII * o'clock ou Wednesdayuntil a imurterpast. live oVlnck on Saturday evening ;Mr. Walsh culled and asked lor tho ImilifK *; said allhis CTJMMISU S were paid ; he and the bailiff 's then wentout nnd i-timil mi the street for some time talking;valued the property ilistraiued at .C2il lUs.

Crnsi.-.examined by Mr. Ilnrrii t— Culled on .Mr.Walsh tn make 111 ranj>cments ns to her futuretenancy ; enl 'red into tin agreement , her realivas due in Srpt , 1S7H ; tin: receipt produced wasobtained on Oct. *. an interview took place iuMarc h 1N71 ; i*: snro it tho 2- llh ilarch ; Mr.De'.ahuiity previoiulv tohl mn that ho would hikepns^ession on the 2"ith ; if liny person told tho jurythat il. was the " 01 - 27th it would not be true ; ot. the rent under protest; Mr Delahiinly,as ngent "f the ('nrpoiiitinii , l|id not u'kme for i l; i-1 •«• ill iu occupation of the hoii*c a.s c.uv-taker to the Corixiralion; on" bearing thut lm woulddistrain nio I went to Me, Kell y ; went liofiuc the dis-tress, but ilfK'S nut kiimv whetlu i* it was on the !)tliorIII1I1 May that she did so; had but one lodger on tholl l th May ; had Mr. O'Sulliran ns a lodger in Ihohouse, and he remained all the timo in tliii house ;lm did not know ihey were iu tho house ;imni' of the bailitl's nH'ered me nuy oll'enee : the UdllllWsoeuiid lo feel for me and 1 gave them newspapoii".At this pniiit- the witness apjieuicd to bo overpowereddud wea k, and wnii nlluwed to retire limn thewiiue.sst«blo and take fresh :iir iu tho cuurt hiitiso gn>iiniln.After thu lnp-io of about a quarter of an hour, H I IO

again took her seat in tho wituojs chair, but did u<itseem entirely restored; howevor, «hu ahcrtly wnaohlo to answer 3lr. Hnrris an follows:—When thobailiff Hearne went away, Grant camo; tho bailiffnsn'iitiiPi l to feel for me; 1 wnscilTurcd Imlgeriinextdny,lint would not take them, whilst them was u chaucoof their luugayi' buiiio ntuwl ; Mr. Kelly aud defeud-

aat woro in tbo bouso in conforenco for about an hour;tho blinds wuropallod down, nnd tho notico for lodg.ers was romnvod ; two clorgymon who wore in thohabit of stayiug with me olTuredjbut I could not, norwould not, tnko them whilst tho bailiffd were in thehonae ; tho furuitnro was not removed, bat a oar wassent for to tnko it awny.

James Dolahunty, M.P., borough treaauror, to Sor-goant Armstrong, Q.C.—KUOWB tbo premisos in qacs-tiou ns portion of corpora to proporty ; is handed leasefor 9!) years from 1771 to Goor-jo Baokas j in Marchlast, rcmembors boirnj nt tho huuso with defendant;it was tho 24-th or tha 2Gth • thero wax 110 arrange-meut. with tho dofeudant and tho corporation ; ho wasnovcr thoir tonant for thoso premisoa ; ho Was withmo uu tho occasion referred to; told Mm. Kavanngh Icamo to get possosjioD , and that it was necessary forher first, to givo it to Counsellor Walsh, that bowould then givo it to mo, and I would tbon.pnt herback as carotaker ; I told her to go and get tho key ofthn li.ill door ; sho ironl aud brought it; sho gave itto Counsellor Walsh, ho gavo it to me, and I gave itback to her, putting iiur into tho lionso in caretaker.Counsel : When did this tnko placo ? Either on tho2'ltli Ol" tho 20'tli of tlio month. Sorgoant Armstrong(looking at an almanac) : It could not be on tho 2f>th ,for l hat was a Suuday. Witness : It was certainlynot on a Sunday ; it was oil 11 week day. SergeantArmstrong: Then ir must havo boon tho 2 Itn.

Crnis-exnmined by Mr. llyaa Q.C.—My impressionis that it took placo towards tho end of tho wcok ;could nob say Whit day he Clmo back from Londonthnt time; mot Mr. Walsh that day near my office ,and had a conversation with him ; there was. nothingsai.l about rout of this house.; the letting lay, I toldhim , with thu corporation ; I havo not made any do.mnud for rent on Mrs. Kavauagh ; tho question ofront was not settled thon.

To Jfr. Flynn, juror—Called on Mrs. KavanagUabout tho middle of tho dny ; the corporation havenot got tho rent of that house m'nec.

Sergeant Armstrong was hero putting in ovidencoa proposal from Mr. Walsh to Jfr. Denny, to takothis house in Drid gc-streiit at £11 a year, when hawns inot by

Mr, Harris, Q.C, stating tho loUor required astamp to mako it evidence. It boro no stamp, andwns over £10.

Sergeant Armstrong—Tt docs not, roqniro a stampto make it evidence. It only rofcri to a collnttcra]isRiin iu tho case, aud is not a main fcaturo in thoevidence .

Court—Then, for the present, it is bottor to post-pone it. Armstrong—Oh! wo don't want it nt all .Thn letter wa3 then put aside".

Mr. William Sago evaniined by Mr. Gibson—la aenhinob maker ; knows Mrs. Ktivanagli; valued somothing's iu her housn she pointed out to mo; that; iff thoaward I made ; the tot is £2!) tOs. Tho award washero handed in nnd proved. Cross-examined by Mr.ltylaml i Is a manufacturer nf furniture ; I exchangoold furniture. ; I do not buy furnituro sold underseizure at tl iri pound ; donta in tho bost class of fiirni.turo ; Mrs. Kavan-iRh'a furnituro was good ; somo ofit was my own make, but it was several years old.Witness hero looked at tho inventory,hut then said liecould not point, out moro than a tablo in it which shabought from him. ; it was a second-hand ono, but nvery good ono ; if selling it iu hi.s shop he wouldcharge a purchase]* as mucli as was marked down asthe value in thnt list.

Mr. Joseph Walsh examined by Mr. Tandy, Q.C.—Is son of Mr. Thomas Walsh, of Walorford, and amember of the firm ofWalsliaud Son nuctiouoor.i, thoMall : valued this furnituro at C25 os ; tho furniturewould realiso that much at nn auction. Cross-exami-ned by Mr. Harris, Q.C. : 'Che figures in that valua-tion were in witness's handwriting. Counsel : If theywcro suld under a distress by tho shoriff , would thoybring en much ? Witness : [ don't know what thoywould bring at such an auction, but I do not thinkthey would. Counsel : Such a. sale would reqniro thousual atteudauts of a first-class auction ; thoro wouldbe wanting the proper advertising, tho ring ing of thobell-man, aud your persuit-jivo eloquence, 3tr. Walsh ,to make them bring their value, and they would notsell for so much ut tho pound. Is not that so ? Inever sold at the pound. Court : Thoy need not ne-cessarily bo brouiht to tho pound. Counsel: Then ,at thn house V Witness : That would notbo material.

Mr. I'cirsu Kelly, sol., examined by Sergeant. Arm-si rung — Itetnomhers this transaction ; was sent for byMrs. Kavauagb ; wont, to her house, and Mrs. Kava-nagh lold him what had taken place ; witness motCounsellor Walsh in thn houso and told him his con-duct, in this matter was outrageous; Mrs. KavanaghInld witness of the surrender to Mr. Walsh ; hnd an-other interview same day with Counsellor Walshupon Ihe subject , and told him ho would bring au"ictinn nguiuv. him : he said he did not care. .'-aniined by Mr. Kyau , Q.C.—Had a com-munication with Mr. DeKhunty upon tho subject ;the action was then brought against CounsellorWalsh ; there wen: due CM runt, a half year, withl .Ss. expenses. Counsel : You always take a strongview in favor of your clients' cases ? Not. always ,but I do sometimes in particular instances ; I alwaysfeel I'or thoni when thoy i»ro right ; was then" on tho10th of tho month ; the rent was paid out of witness'sofiice ; Mis. Kavanagh handed him out tho greaterportion of the rent, aud witness paid thn amount ofthe rent by cheque ; could nor, say that that was onn Thursday ; thinks it was not until Friday or Satur-day. Could sho not pay it on the Thursday ? Ithink nor. In vicve of the action did you not think itdesirable to have tho baililfs iu possession ? No, I:did not ; I told Mrs. Kavanag h to pay the money ntoucu ; I spent over an hour in tho house ou that oc-casion try ing to get Counsellor Walsh out. of it; I amnot aware there was a good deal of furniture i:i thehouse lint seized upon at all. Tiiu plaiutiira casehero closed, and

Mr. Harris , Q.C, addressed thu jury in defonce,clinnicter/Aii/g tho it\nmii>}* statement of SergeantArmstrong as ono of thn most exaggerated ho hadever heard fall from his li ps, und the only etemont ofrespectability about the caso of the plaintiff was itsrespectable attorney. Tho four counts in tho summonsand plaint raised a very simple question for tho juryto decide. They were : two counts complaining oftresp.Ts.i, 0110 more genera l in it.i nature than the other ;the third count complained of a conversion, and nf a •'• *'•. »" of the |>laintiH~ s goods. Theplaintill ' cnmpl.iined of trespass, but the evidenceshows rent , a half-year's; rent , due.; the plaiutiif wa-mil paying ii . and defendant , iu the exercise nf hisundoubted right M the landlord , sent iu his bnilifl'sto distrain. That wns no trespass, and no actioncould lit: upon that count Then, again , if Mr. Walshbelie ved that the rent was due on the 2">th March ,even although ho might, not have actually been herlandlord

Court—How* could rent be due [o hirr. when :il)t i t le on his part iu th i s hnuse had ceased ? Thelease had exp ired in l.VT*', and if any oue was entitled,ii. was the e.iipoiati'm , who beeanio the landlords onthe falling' in of this lease.

Cniiiisel—Itut , until my client would have sur.rendered, or the cm'|xir*it.iuii taken some steps inobtain possession , sin.1 was liable to Mi* . Walsh. Hewas iu pnsseshion.

Court—Xn matter; -sin: was liable to the corpo-ration , his tenancy having expired.

f' i>uiu*c)—That , my lord , becomes a question of law.Court—I ilmll take, the opinion of the jury whether

tli eii! in< nn actual surrender, and whether therowas an excessive d is tra int .

Counsel then , leaviu;- iliis part of the case, coin-nu*n:ed i.!i tho evidence in re.-]ii:et to Iho surrenderby Mrs. Kavnuag h, whothcr it, was upon the 21th orupim the 2lilh, and then staled that Ilia client wouldtell them it took place upon tin: 27th. Alluding toihu illeess of Ihe plaiutiif that miuuiug in court , andthe arrival o! Mr. Dnlaliunty, M.I 1., as a witness , Mr.Harris ccjiieluded by xtatiuy that , the pill it) l.i IV hadfailed to Iliak'.! nut her case ; that the defendant wouldshow the vcrv reverse to be the fact, and submittedthat. uvi'U il ' the jury should find for the plaintill' itcnuld only he a Vi .'idict fnr nominal damages for<:i''htccn shillings lln-'-Cn'l of the seizure.

Patrick Hearne, shcntl s nlliccr, examined by Mr.)!)•»», Q.C—(lot that warrant from iho defendant ;made a dimness under it oil the 10th of May. in thislaiiue iu llridgu-i'treet; offered it to Mrs . Murray,plaintiffs sister , and demanded th'; rent due lo the2."ilh ot'March before ; this' notice is in his writing ;-aw Ilii! notice he left there, and there was a mis.lake iu il nf hi*., of M-a-y, in plae.e nf M-n.-r-1.-l1,(spelling the word - ami-l much laughter) ; thinks liewent there after twelve ill the day ; the housn wasvery well fiirnisheil ,* there was plenty nf furniturethere he did not seize ; Mrs. Kavanagh had au ob-ject ion that witness, ivlio was Mull Known iui a sherifTsoKicer, should be i-een coming about the place ; heagreed in that objretiou , and he fold her thero wereHome corporation works going 1111 outside, mid thathe could havo in oneoftlie workmen as nil assistant ;one of these men was put- in as an assistant , and wit.ness made himself as scarce as possible ; that, man//ut his tea nnd bed in Ihe bnuse, and as Im* himsell(witness), he and Mm. Kavanagh were on tho Insistpnssible (e in i H during his vi.-it (laughler) ; «]i» broughtliim up tn tlni di*a«*iii*i-io"iiii, gave him a newspaperto read , and gave liim » tumbler nf—

Jisd gi!—Water, I suppose (laughter) ?Witness—(If water, with some cream nf tnrtar and

ginger in it (grea t laughter). I drink nothingstronger, my lord, this many :i dny. lleing askedab'.'ii. the dHtr*?s<, Mr. Hoarne, with 11 benevolence offeeling fnr which lie is lonjf and decidedly noted, gavejudge, jury, liar uud public, bin experience, generally,nf how such HI I CS nit; utar.nged. In the first place, hov.*ns in the profession finco itKi:) a« liailiir, and nincoI S I S us nhcriiTK olncor, nnd ninny a tinio had he UOUII

the broker* coming to the auction nf this unfortunateI'urnitii ie . loud in their expressions of sympathy forthe iitilbriunato owner, nnd gcntlo intimations l t > thebyestnnder.s thnt they wuro there, abounding with themilk ol'hitaiti n kiuiincs. to purebnso iu for tho un-f'ortiiimto debtor. They lxmglit in, of course , nt theirown pri':n, ndded l'at, but uimh, my jewel , that done,dare either tho ouco owner or any 0110 elso H3 muchns Bneczo at them, except at a doublo profit (loudlaughter, Pat throwiug back his bead, with a gravecountouuuee, na becamo a legal luminary, carolu&slytoy ing with tho chain of his Solomons, hut just a¦slight tv.inklo of Ins right oplic duiioling thut hoiuwurdly enjoyed thu clfcct he moduced) . That's ut.

truo ns I'm a sinner, added Fat, who then, comingagain to the particular point, announced that ho didnot distrain for £H, but for £11, calculating that itwonld bo necessary to meet tbo pay of two bailiffsfor fifteen dayu at two shillings a day for eaob. man,a very small foo, added Fat, amid renewed laughter;two shillings for making tho distress, and fire shillingsfor tho necessary advertisements, besides paying fortho boll-man, nud tbo otber legal etceteras (bursts ofhearty laughter hero gave another rest to the giftedbailifT) . Counsel : Waa that too moeb ofa distressfor the claim ? Witness : Well , if tbe matter was leftfx> my own conscionoo, I would not have taken somuch ; but if I did not take moro than £5 worth Ishould have sold thorn if tho ront was not paid. Iremained iu charge until Saturday, wbou tho diatreaswas taken off; th6 day after tho distrosa was put ouI got 11 receipt from Couusollor Walsh to give if Iwas paid tho rent ; I kept the receipt until now, andtlicrs; it is, and horo the witness drew forth tho docu-ment from his legal pocket-book and placed it upoutho rogistrar'u desk.

Cross-examined by Sergeant Armstrong—I am. dis-training sinco '33. Counsel : Do people liko thooperation ? Rogues don't liko it at all events (laugh-tor) . I To A* about honest peoplo ? Honest peoplodon't like to bo distrained either. If I thought Coun-sellor Walsh had uot an honest claim he wonld neverhavo got Faddy Hcaruo to havo gono there. Andwhat do yon think uow ? I don't know; one will sayono thing, another will say tho opposite, and both(and hero Mr. llcarno mado a wido circuit with hisindex finger) both, may bo a pair of roguea for ull Iknow (shoots of laughter), but mind you, I speakgenerally (ronowed mcrrimont). If I knew oa muchthen as I do now, Paddy Hearno would novcr havobeen there, but I do not pas3 any rash judgmonts (abeautiful ray of bonignity pervaded Mr. licarne'aprofilo as he uttered this Tory commendable scuti-ment), but I think thoro are moro robbers amongsttbo landlords than thero aro amongst tho poor tenauts(reuowed laughter). Counsel : Do you think Mrs.Kavauagh's n rogue ? Witness (steadfastly lookingat tlio'Bci-gcr.nt) : Tho less I say tho bottor aboutthat ; both parties may havo bcon mistaken. Counsel(reading from tho notice of distross) : Do you knowCounsellor Wash, Paddy ? Witness: No, nor Coun-•p.llnr Slush (great laughter) . Counsel : Sco hero,Paddy, this is signed " llicbard Wash, Esq., barriatcr-at-law." Witness (sprightly, and smiling commisso-ratingly at his interrogator) : Ah! Sergeant , that'sonly a letter out in tho name, bnt I'm not a goodgrammarian (laughter). Had you your whito gloveson when you made tho distross ? OU ! I'm used to apresentation of whito gloves, sir, and that's more thansome I know can say (great laughter). You'hndn'tyour polo with yon either, I snppoic, but maybe jouhad your littlo stair of ouice in your pocket, with acron-D upon it, to nso upon th* occasion ? Witness(with a kind of disdainful surprise) : Ah! man, that'stho law that wns given to tho Jows ; that's all gonelong ago (shouts, of laug hter greeted this answer, hislordship heartily joiutug. Indeed tho learned Baronappeared to relish l'addy amazingly). Ask Mr. Mol-don, of Dublin , or Mr. Fitzgerald, and they will tell youwho I am; Mrs. Kavanayh told me she would get £liOOby this business, nud that nothing may hinder her if shodoserrca it. Counsel : Was Counsellor Walsh satisfiedwith what you distrained ? what did he say to you ?Ho told me to distrain plenty, but ho did not tell meto lay it on heavy ; I told him I would not wish tomake an over-distress ; I felt that tlio things wouldnever be removed to the pound ; after I mado the iu-TOntory, dofeudant did not seem to be satisfied. Didyou ever distraiu u ttnant for him before ? Idid, ouo Duggau who weut to America. Where wasthis notico signed ? It was sigued in the sheriffsolHco, with which I am connected (witness docs thoconnection credit by the important look he assumedbcforulho jurors), but it was done in a hurry ; hu washurry, hurry all the time. Counsel : You did not fearthat any of tho things wero going to bo removed ?Well no, reRcctivoly replied Mr. Hearue, but (and heroho ussnmod aconlidential air only to be fouud in tlioprofession) you can novcr depend upon them (thedebtors) you know ; I seized ODOUg b to mcot anythings wuicb might bo taken away through a backwindow wheu I would bo away, a littlo stratagemwhich is allowed by law, as is well known (tho judi.cial gravity with which this nostrum was laid dottiimust havo been a fair specimen of Blackslouc in hisvigorous days). Mr. llearno hero retired from tliochair, which lie had so well adorned for nearly tinhour, hearing with him tho regards and admiratiouof a very crowded court, but ho took his honors meeklynnd came to the staff amongst his brother officers .asquietly as if lie had uover delighted Serjeant orJuugc.

Mr. James Henncssy examined by Ifr. Ky land—Is au auctioneer ; cxamiucd this t'uruiturc , whichwas pointed out by Mrs. Kavangh ; valued it at £2012s ; thoy would bring that if sold out of tho houseby him as an auctioneer ; has sold thiugs at a pouudand things tlicro sold go at about 1b per cent underthe price they would bringjelsewhcre ; if sold ut Mrs.Kavanug li 's house they would tiring moro thero tlinnanywhere olse. To Sergeant Armstrong : This ismere matter of opinion.

Mr. Hichard Walsh , the defendant , examined byMr. Harris , Q.C.—Lives iu Tramure ; lemember-i theplaintiff and her sister coming out to him on a Sun-day evening, when they arranged about this house, inwhich ho had lived himself; directed plaintilf to getthe key from Murphy, tho former tenant ; plaiutiifpaid her first half year's rent throug h Mr. J'. Kelly'sodice ; ho thought that a rather strange and incon-venient, way to pay rent , but, for quietness sake, heenn-jonted ; remenibci-i having had an interview withMr. Delahunty about this house afterwards; thinksthat interview took placo on a Monday; it was notbefore the Siitli of March ; went with l'addy Hcarnc,the bailiff, to the house when the distress mis beingmade ; went up to Mr. Kelly, in tho drawing-room,and remonstrated with him about the conduct of .Mrs.Karauagh iu not pay ing her rent; the distress tookplace ; it was tho mo-it inoeuous distross he ever saw(Inug lilor) ; when tho fi rst invnutory of tbo goodsseized w:is taken ho thought it was too small , andto the bailiff , " take caro that you bavo a sufficientdistress ;" iho rent was paid to him afterwards ; Mr.Kell y 's clerk came out with it to Tramoro, and tlire wit to him 011 the road, as defendant was walking- upfrom the strand with his daughter.

Cross-examined by Sergeant Armstioug—-Docs uotremember asking Mr.s. Kavauagh to hand him overthe key the day lie and Mr. Dclahimty went to tbebouse ; did not approve nf such a vul gar mode of tak-ing |up possession ; never hea rd of taking pnsses.-iimiby sod und twig. Counsel ? Is that possible- ? !¦• is ?Did you hear of the statutes of Kilkenny, ngainstexcessive distraint ? No, I did not? Ilid you everread them? Do ynii know anything of tbeiu ? No,I know nothing nboiii them, but 1 know about theStatute oi 1' (laughter) ; l elieve.s the commonlaw is against, (.¦vcs.-iru disir.iinl , lint to speak ofstatute law ; does not believe he made nu e.\ci.*ssivedistr.-iiiit in this ease ; defendant has no term of thishnuse himself. Arn you tenant nf thn corporation ?Ibcliuvc 1 am ; I think I am tenant of the corporation.

C'oiiusi-I — Xow, do you know anything of this let-ter 1- The learned Sergeant here read a letter fromthe defendant to Mr. Henry Deuny, projjosing to takethis I IOIIM : for a levin of years , which term expiredon Ihe —111Ii September, 1.S7K, and tlien asked himwhat explanation ho gavo of that ofler whilst swear-ing himself tho tenant of (he house ? Defendant:Oli! that letter went nut of my head altogether(laughter.) Cnun-tol : Is not ymir teuaucy determinedaccording to that letter ? According to that letter itwould scorn it was. If you got tho rent from Mrs.Kavanagh would you not insist you wero -still thetenant to tho corporation ? Xo, I wonld not. AVbatday did you go to tin's house to tafco up poasefsiViii ?Thinks it was ou 11 Monday ; heard tho pi nin tiff.swearit was on a Friday, but does uot boliuvo that thatstatement is correct. Counsel: You heard Mr. Dela-hunty's evidence ? Yes. Xow, Mr. Delahnuty xworoit was either on lhe °.'lth or 2C>th. Xow , the 2(ithhapp'-ns to be 011 a Sunday ; it could not lie on thatday and , therefore, it must have been upon tho 21thIs not that ? De'i ndant: Then it must have beenupon the 27th (great. Inug htvr) ; do'.'s not remembertolling Mrs. Kavnnugh time liu would distiain her,and sho telling bim to do so at hi.s peril.

Counsel—llii you reuioaiber this letter ? Yc^, Ido. Counsel llii-n read a letter fi om defendant topliiintifl 'of th» 25jh April las', in which he wrote.* "Icannot g« to Wuterford unti l iho streets nro dry formy sore f<M»t lo walk on , hut J expect to IK.1 then) onMonday next, ple.ife (!od, when I hopo to got thubalf yeiir'*! lent" (laughter) . Witness : Yvs , that ismy letter. Counsel : .Vnw, toll me, did you got uppossession from Mrs.. Kaviiuiig h in the way deposed toby Mr.IVIubunty ? Xo, 1 have no recollection. Doyou know anything of tho symbolical dolivery of ahouso?—I do not mean nnytbiug about midwifery(laughter), but tbe giving up possession of n bouse byhanding over a key ? Xo, I know nothing of such athing; I did imi hand the key to Mr. Deluhiiutv.

Counsel—>u'.v see (referring tn the foregoing let-ter), you write lit say to Mrs. Kavanagh you will buin town , please tto.l by Monday, when you will expectthn half-year's rent ; now listen further, you my in con-clusion : " the time may soon come when I will handyou over nil my riirhtnnd titlo iu thoHamu lions-.-, whenyou will be something moro than n caretaker. Thisto your own car" (laughter). Then you were uwarothero was something about u carutuker ? Kh! weren'tyou ? I dou't kuow. What did you menu by writingabout a enretnkor ? I meant I would bo doua withthu houso altogether, aud with all troiihlo about thorent. Then you did eay to Mr. Dclahuntj that sheshould bo a caretaker in thu house ? 1 rnmemberthat part of it. Under tbu.statute of frauds I thoughtthat would be a nullity. Do you know tho statute, offrauds ns to caretakoM ? I don't kuow it (laughter).Xow tell me, what in the statute of frauds ? This ispart of it (great laughter) . What did you main bywriting ; " this lo your own o 11 " ? was it to bo 11secret ? I meant it wns to Ue private.

To Mr. Harris, (J.C.—I paid my rent tii Mm.Hluir ; I nover paid the corikiratiou.

Sergeant Armstrong—I did not p»y her the rontof Septombor, 1.S70. And you sought to get the rentfrom this poor woman here ? Yes, becauso I did notwant to bo ousted out of my rights by bur. 1 didnot waut to get a proforenco from tlio corporation.

Mr. Harris—Why dirt you uot pay tho Septemberlout ? I bud u frioudly feeling towards UIT laud-

lady, and did not charge her with th? improTomentjI made, from time to time, in tho house, and I stoppedtho Septombor rent on foot of income tax and of re-pairs done in tbe honso.

Sergeant Armstrong—You wanted to get a pro-foreueo yoarself by remaining in ppsaession, snil youwore afraid you woutd not get it if you did nt get outMTS. Kavnna'gh. Is not that it ? No.

Tha oTidcnco here closed, and Mr. Ryan, Q.C, spoketo the jury for tho defendant.

Mr. Tandy, Q.C, replied for the plaintiff, andcharacterised tbo case of the defendant, tu the wordsof Mr. Kolly, as a most outrageous one, and in thatopinion ho felt confident tho jury, the respectable and•'utelligeut jury ho had the honor to aidress, wouldfnlly concur. Thoy «ad it proved beforo them thattho plaintiff had, witkout any right ipon hn part,gouo into this rospeojablo woman's louse "with hisbuilifTa; that bo there made an exooasiye distressupon her furnituro, hnd, not" satisfied with the in-inventory raude by Poddy Hearno, tboshorifTs officer,told him to go back »nd seizo more. He waa quiteeuro such conduct wiuld meet with that reprobationa.t tho hands of tbo jury, in tho shipe of a Tordictfor substantial damages, as would teach Mr. Coun-eoilor Walsh, nnd allpthor porsons iielinod like bim,to abstain from sudi acts in future. Ho (Mr. T.)was happy to think thero woro not many ouch aotscommitted in tbo cify of Watcrford, and iie was quiteconfident that the rirdick of the jury would show tbodefendant that be rauld not walk into the houso ofanother withont auibority, and thero porpetrato anact calculated not mly to injure bnt to ruin a mostrespectable, industrious lady.

His Lordship, in eumraiog up, told tho jury bohad put upon papei the two questions le would askthorn to answer; mo was, to say whether tho giv-ing up of possessim, to Sir. Dolahuntf, took placebefore tho 23th of March ; tho other, w»s tho distressexcessive, aud if s>, what damages ttoy would givefor that excessive listraint ? As to tbo first questiontiny Imd lint plaint?, .Mr-. K- I -WIXK II, wear-in* to themthat the sorrruJer vni mule opnn a KriiliT. »lla in suppnrtnf that Malein?nf , BITO vrry lull tnii npprenlly utiHinctuiytestimony. Tliai wiilenct would show 1"'' poise.-M.rn w..»lfi««n up on ilie 2-M» of .Marcb. Tlie net wilnrsi w»» Mr.Uislabuiity, M.r1., ind he w»» quite Miutli- it Hi-: nurrmulrri». mnile iinnu eitl»r Ihe 2Vli 01 the 26» of Mnrch. Now,rcferencu to tho alimnack sboweJ ll'nt Ut 20tli of Marctiwas 11 Sunday, »ml »'<» hi ghly iiprirtMtlr, nty, itwas iiuiKM siblr , tint .Mr. DiUhuntjr wul.l do any att otthe kiwi , airy serviii work upuu tli« "Sabntli. Tlim «s l»its btitis dune upol tins 23th, there was • »ery »tri)lii{ re.ijuiiirby tint could net h«»« ba-o lh« caie, . reuon not lunch-dupim in ibii courncuf the trial , mid Ilia was, tin: 23tli olMatch WH » a very particular huliiUy, •••! many «' H"« Jurywen-, d,,uhll«s, watt, in the Cliu:cU , a* Komtn CatholicCliuicli .uf wliiclilm (court) wa« a mriDer, and to wlucli beurlievril Mr. Ddiliunty bulounol , am! it w.u not hi alllikely Una h» vratld lure cn-diRcd in Oe buune»» on lh.itdny. Whether bi« doiuic «o would beeug^Jins n acrtilework In wnuld lure 10 llieul.iiti-iiis to ilrteoniw, «'«ne olwhom, he belieful , were li*tenini; to lim—.» ln^lO-bul ,IwlliHt nt il iui(jli ( , they liml Ai r. Ulilmity «w««riiij} 11w«3 |iusiliveiy uieitber tlie 21! Ii or lie 2b"li ; it could notluivi! liriui up'Jii dio BGili i «a tl"-' wi« H Minday, so that,tliocfloiH , it inu-t IMVO bfon Hie 34:lt , aairtiii em rob.r.iiooof lln: endriice uf the pliiiillfT upou tlii*purl»l Hie <:a-e. Asto the quraliuii of diilr&i . they '.id the evidenceof 1 ipini-nceif valuators IM to UM- furnitm*«ized, mid llitrewin nn m.iterinl dillori-nco lielwecn the val« they 'ut up™it. One net it down at i.'-'O, aiioilier *t ii, ¦> "i "u on andtlit - n iliK ij upslioi was, wm tho •.piiure <iurmtuie tu thatamount an pxcissive f eizii tc lur H rrut •>) 3 dor, or alliedto bo dur, by the |iUiu:in" liure ? Th^o-itm-ses atnt^J itmiiilit briui; a Imle more lli.m tlje ir raluion il dupo l mnt 11 regular iiuctiun in pUintill 's house, opetly adreriu. d,and it was adiuittttl it nduld go muub l«w ii» v.due it ?oldat llio l'ound, lur all auction tlierc wouj be wuutiui; iu tbeMperience and the eloquence ot u mful.iiociioiieer; but, «tthe MIIIIR time, he uliould ..dinit , «nu Iu U .10 with ple.i-iure,tlmt .Mr. Hi-arm-'. I he rfiJenilr i-xwrrirfi sd »lieriff '» oiKcei(bero Mr. lle^rue nmed Ilia bcdiieued It Irani UM -IUIIOII

in n Jills box ami buv;td to !>is lorilslii pinid muill lauj li-terl , w.ta f rf r liuia w.mtiug clotiuouLr-, i\vaa amply p:ovetithai d*y (tlio Hearue I1.1t iwaiu rai«*d, a) two (jralitiea eonst.j his loidtlnp, with i-xceeding hil.uuy (court), lie WHI , nodoubt , a rc-jjeclabln IIIKII , mid (jouiU >*ld nut -julfer M Insluudit i»c.n at Ihe l'ound (the It itnff «i!i , tliia tiiiw amidroars nf lauii liti r, three proiuoiid boiv Mr. Hi-nrne at thelast xaljniu, finding tun<ne t-nnugh ii*y—Xbunk j 00, mylurd). Tlio jury wuulJ my wlieilwiuiider the cucuiu-•itmici s druoed 10, ibe di.ii.iesj wan ;i:e«ive lor Iliu SUID

•oug fn , ami, ll no, Iu what Hiimunt ili> lordship llieuniien»i iuiu ibu ^••iieial leaturu, ut l|ca5e, and iib.-ervejtlm l>reui 'ilU> WCIU lldd uuikr a uii^-nine vearV IciSefrom Hie i>irpuMliuu , nud Uwt 1 i determined in Stp-temlier, 1H"U. Jin. ICav.uiaJi t»*a5 letit to .Mr. Walsh upto lh.11 date , but liu longer, lor Mr. \1sh'i owu intm-aL 111it l li'ii enwi-d , and Innn llial ont Irnid no more ruht laclaim roal ullt ul Hie house tll.iu hud OKT he (jud ^e) or nuyOf lite jury. He I MI I liu rl|{lit wlinlr »ller lllat dale IucUiin iltU rant , ullbuOkk be ini glil b4»aid Ins rent lo .Mr».Ulair , .uid liere fie (couit; ohuaM uW<: be would u.,t dr-•lie In have 11 tenant who ivoulJ pif IU in mull a Way mtin: ilvleii.Unt poid bii >cpl-ruibrr teulstop fur lucuirn: laimil iinpioveiueut - , aud retmu the ttaro lUtuhtci '. lao.iicln-loll bin Ilililslii p said lie w.i.1 of Hniuit Unit Hit plain.istTwa,^ eiililled to damages ; il woullof course, lij lur Ib^jury to H3X * tu what atnuuat. *

Tin- juiy, "Her tbrre quarters ufj boui '.« dL-lib^riitiin,fnotid lh« lull ¦n un; aiis»'ei< tu tbeq- fiunsput lo tbeiu 1 —We find that Ibu puisi-asiun mis iju up un the 21:ta olAtarcb; *Vi- find t(i:it rile (|isuc*i»Ai t-JtL'cssivi*, auj WeK111I lur ibu pliiiitil f , with £o'J J HIII ijauil vu-i,.

A[r. Kyau , t .'J., n>kr.f Ins luidnhao re-ipite execution,ati-1 bin lunUlnp Hhki'd upon wbal bond t Cuun-tl le-|ilud upon the i;riiuii<l if,iiuji;iiere i-ice--<.u.

UU L.'ird.s.ii[i—Tllr L'uurt aWref'l never ntrt utide thisVi-ribct upou MixC KiO'iuif , in vicar ibosed-iinaxt *^,

•Mr, Ujau *Htd be would be prtpil iu renew Ibe appli-cation at miotluT that', and

Hi* L'inUliip imid be could he would be propair*! lo bear bun.

With tin* I'**** ttic a-*:z?j ciKic!dl , anil tbeir lurdkhi p^li:tt U*4 U'rdlle^ lur UV-xfolifrilf lC tllC L*UII!II)I )»)O!|opcilrd ycs'ciday.

TUB NATI0X.-V BANK.The secoml mcetiug iu Dull of tho shareholders

in tbu National Bank was U> ou Tuusday, at theoffices of tbo company iu Coljj-grccu. Tho attontl-anco from all partn of Jrelauicii from England waamost 'numerous, aud tbu atigementK for their re-ception wcro completed witjiitnirublo tiute, undortho direction of tho clKciuuti paius'.uking manager,ilr. 11. V. Power. Tbo Ki| Hon. W. N, MASSKV ,Chairman of tho directors, -jiided, and Jlr. GcorgoBim, secretary , read the ;>ort uud statemont ofaccounts a-j follow :

TUc lirolit nut! In*-! act-ount «if tldink fur tlie pfL-t Jinlf-rr;i rrindiitlin-,' il.U7> 1' M Kirri"! 0 from l-vt nccoiiut, hurw ah-il-mrc njipliniltli for divitUtnl 171,5:;i Si -W. Tbe lxunlhavi- thm-furi! ilrclnrnl 11 diviiUjvt the Kite "f 8 ]icr rent, PITannum, nr 21." |»T fharv (tir tlig f .ri-nr, leiyn Wi- tnv ot in.-..motix •>n Mitt nft«r tin: 1-t j inix. J o ilivnli-ud nlH«)rl>-i ilijn.ijl 'i),antl ILMVI-" t it.: AIIUI <if 1'11,.VI1 1. ul which amount !7,~»» li.itbcrn carried to rr^crvt-. itntl 04 'I-* Ul tii Jirntit anil liy." newtctiiiuit , I be iiiiprovL-nn-ut -all )ia^ taki-it plaif ia ^¦lum <iftill' .-titraritif." IKii 'l nu'.iia>t tin:1!.up nfctiiuit* furuirriy I'lil slaiulri' tlio brail uf ^nitinf uitvr t wnrnmt the dirii-tur.t, withtin: full cuiiciim:tn.v nf«ir!», in at 01100 rwlnciii^ tfieliiwu lirtivi-iulii t uiade fur tluf lvuiiei^ liv till: mini of JtlS.dUU,which itui.ttiiit , U-iti-,' tuldttl V n^ervi', thi." /nml u-ill ."tnm]nt ilul .V'i *'. I<1. Tin' iliMr-* ni»irt with nati-irai'tiuii tUccoQtiaaitl iiii-risi.*i' in the ilrp-t nuil current jUTtiuut1, whichli'iiraiu 'Mint to U5,8l5.!llii 1*'- flu* ilinrttm have O)x.-oMdiirin- tin- l-a". h alf viar ui*«iclim ut CaliirriTcvn, KuiiUtv -IIVIII , 11111 I I 'nliir, r.ntl i <tnl>lii'l<li :utilitiou:il snh«irKc<y. Thi-yhave rviTV cullHilvlic that t hfbUtioual itccmoiutiilatiiiii tn thi-i'rfrit-iuL- aad cii>t<fiiicrs ivtl) b'»«-* tin* couiiL^tiuii nnj rcTtu.110uf the ltauk.

AS.SCTS AND I.IAHTIKS. :>Jtb JUXK , 1-J71.t-i -r-j,

GoM ami AVnv iiiin ut lin*» ... k\,w};Ml 11 1,Cil'll till band lit tilt: lianf-'ufc-hnil, iin.l at

call ... .' - - 5.'!7,*ll? M IIXftvamn-- ull st-enritict atl aDtl at .-liurt

liutiet: •*• .r — — 7V--,1S*> 7 '1OurvniimiitStiicl! Kubtnj ilIilL-, II0111L-, an.l

Drlvaliirr.- ... i ... ... Of:!,*.-." (i 5Ditto ailvuncnl im Pnrlist»»ry nlltl utliir

di>po"iti .. - ••• ... TtiJUX " nOtiviniiuciit ut CuiiUll svtbiT DI I II I U ... KO.I W H .*!Ailv.mcc." nil rt.vnritiii ""*'""lr.v r.itt- nml

furrrnt lutiiiuit*', iiifkn I'-dauix-* due livi-mnitrj I IAU VCM «. ... l.TWi.T-^ 0 1

llilU aUomutnl ... ... *J,51S,715 IU liBaukt ri' umiRiiitn" audiritirs li'Mn>aiii-t

•H-t -ptaiia^ per etmtn ... ... 5,700 - 10Batik iir>riul^-s iu Ixmdottlblilt, anil linim-hr*,

tcccuttkl autl fci. .*I*«)f' ... ... 217,6*17 I 0

Toti ... ITVJUS.SiU 12 11T.unlLiTlt:s.

»iti> in lirtailt '.i .- ... 1:1, 1*2:1, 100 0 IIDat* liv tin.- iauk un o^it-l ati'l citrnait ac-

connti • '. ... ... 5.HW .910 18 5Ac-ci'prjuiorH ti buiiktirnft-t iinilou iH-cnrity... .*»,7ftn, |Miil up ... ... .„ 1,S« I,".JII 0 uItiwn'f fiintl . — ... ~ .W.IO2 8 iBalance ¦¦( iimHt 1111 i ... ... ._ 71.531 :l t

Tut» .- ... Xl .SW.OSI 11 S< ... S.aOjS*-"!) 1-J 11

riioyrn I.IISS , :>rr« J I X E , 1«71.Drci'iiiinT (1K7UI i»nt tr.iu»(erriil

to Kv»rvt* Vmul 't - ~ ~ i3,5H0 0 0Jaannrv (1S71 hallrillriditiil to :!l,t Dc-

irinlKT, 1H7O ¦ '¦ ... ... ... il'.JW 0 0Tutil «-xjx-iitlitiinlvli r lu-a« nfflcr. anil nil

bniueluf , iiu*lii4Ji*ut. tii\i>, .-uilariii1, .fee. Ac. *Xi,!KtJ 1G IlI.ilalK-i: tn profit ¦'!>." iirwatitianl , applic.i-

We to i«>liit u6oiilfiltHu :luth Juiiv , 1»71 71,511 :! I

;* TutiJ .. „ JL1*I,5--'1 1!) iny l«tuireat:U'>inl«T, l'ffO „ _ fcVi/rTS 1 Jllni.-* prtitit." fiirfiaff-/i'ar cti'lln ' thi." «l«j-

alter payiiii*iitj*iiU*n t, hiifiuin-tjix, dutyno i*iTvmaUiii'%f liruvidiii}.'t,ir all Kid ik-litiautl dutiUfui a ... ... ... l.,7.11:l 18 1

U>s ivlrati1 of UK on liill" nut dno ... 10.WI 0 0

S ... ... i;l*J0,&40 18 1©I total ... ilW,Ml 1!> J

Kxiuiiinpt and H ittrnrt ,¦- H KMIV T. Si-trrcRV, ')![ r. II. O'lli ilKX , f Anditiin... J. >'. lli-niiK, 1

l^inilun, l!tfv, Wfl. JTho Cli.Jtn.iu inovim; the adoption of tho roport ,

•aid—Wo if' cnileavonretl to rammgo tho affniraof this b;ufith so much care, and with such strictnilliHrcnca'jtbujc principloi which should regulateiiiatituliowthii character, that wo have very fewerrors lo ail ; on thu contrary, wo hnvo very muchcamo toZ gralnh tlv the sb-ircliDluVra on tho «tateof theiriirs (hear, hear). The talo we havo totell "ronghiy is a short and «IRI|J FO one. It is atnlu of nniug confiilenco to thin bank, und of itsinurcusitti-ospcrity (hear, henr). Tlio balance-sheet Mil wo havo u> submit to you may not beof thut jiant clinmcter which aomo of our moreKauguiistudu nntici|)ateil ; but, gcntlcmon, I speakhoro nAjlin, uu old, I am sorry to my, 0xpcrieoct.1lnmn olMincsy , nnd I hare 110 faith in indilon amirapid iiition-i from 11 atato of prostration to astate utHpurity. I would luthur travul clmt roadby rcjp<l dcgirp.i m> :« to mnko «uro every utupof niyflxriM-*, anil to ba iinito certain 1 shall nothnvo Jlvtruco my Rteps (hear, hear). Thcrrforu,geutljl , I ncc<l hardly tell you thnt any id™ ofthu bttnaking a -sudden and rapid atrido from onestatojiiuga to the other, i-i a result which no sen-aiblum<tiii acqaainted with buainess xfTuin wouldi\utiML>. I uai quito sutiaRud that if you look tothu ;%it> liislory of liio buut you will U) content

with the progress it has made (hear, hear). Now,just lot me remind you for a momont of tho positionin trbieh tbe bank stood somewhere about ten yearsago, when I first had tho plewnre of meeting the¦haroholden of the National Bank. I had then arery 'long story to tell, because it was a atory ofdisaster' and misfortone, which I thought it best tolay in undisguised terms before you in order that youmight know the worst. I must say that at that time,although I bad satisfied myself that the capital ofthe Bank was not in jeopardy, yet I could not dis-guise somo feeling of anxiety with respect to thofuture fortunes of this institution. It was -possiblethat tbo coufidenco of tbo public would not be re-stored to us, and if that was tho caso I saw no possi-bility of this bank contiuning to transact businceg.Now, when I mot you in July, '69, the Bum that w«bad to distributo available for dividend amounted tono more than £15,000. In July, 1871, the sum ia£71,000 (hear, hoar). These figuros surely speakfor themselves (bear, hour). If our prosperity is toadvance at all in the samo ratio which it has travelledduring the last two years, I think we may look for-ward to placing this bank upon snch a basis of pros-perity as to defy competition (hear.bear and applause.)This being tbo case—our resources availablo fordividend having increased in two years from £15,000to £71,000—let ns look at the state of our depositand eurreut accounts. This time two years theseaccounts stood at £|,C20,000. At the present daythoy Jaro £5,890,000, or nearlyjsix millions sterling(applause). That fact is surely the best criterion ofoar position; it is ono of theso proofs which nro in-fallible. Ton havo often heard it said, I Uaro say,that an ingenious and practised band can manipulatefigures so as to mako them anything he wants. AllI say is this—wo havo not falsified the books of thobank, and when I state that your advance in tboconfidence which tho public reposes in this ioBtitn-tion is represented by the difference between Umillions and six milliong of mpnoy, these are figuresunmistakable, unalterable, to which every man ofbusiness may look, if he wants to form an opinion ontbo affairs of au institution in which ho is interested.It is a positivo fact that at ono period, and thatnot a very distant period, this bank was under lia.bilities of a most porcarious character, to tho amountof £3,700,000. Supposing tho glocmy anticipationsthat any prudent man of business may have formedof tho result of thoso liabilities had been realized and thero woro such anticipations entertained by nunof business in London—supposing wo had realisedonly one-half of tho securities on which tbo advancesworo made, you would havo lost tho whole of yonrcapital, and you would havo botn called on to pay up•fiXJO.OOO moro to mako yourselves straight. If sucha Btato of things had happened, we would not b»holding our meoting hero to-day—and certainly Iwould not bo congratulating you upon tho moderaUand reasonable amount of prosperity which you haf»attained. Thero was a sum amonnting to £1,300,000advanced to contractors, to now companies to spec-ulators. I venture to say that not one pouud of thatmouey ought to have been advanced by any prudentinstitution (hear, hear, and applause). They werotransactions in which you hail no business to engage,aud although you have emerged from them withoutthat cnormou-s amount of loss which thoy wero cal-culated to entail, yet tho los» which you havo sus.tainod is very considerable aud irreparable, and whatis still moro important to us, the amount of loss ofprestige and reputation which this bank austaiucdwas still moro disastrous (hear, hear) ; because whenI talk nf the pre-jtigo aud reputation of a bank, whatdocs that racuu ? It really means its power for earn-in-; mouoy ; il is tbo very foundation on which itsgreat prosperity rests. Loss of prestige "and roputa-tion means loss of credit, and credit you know is tbosoul of commerce. Well , gentlemen, I vooturo tosay, without I think overstating the matter, that roarcredit has come back to you—that this bunk is noIongor slightingly spoken of in high commercialcircles ; it ia to my knowlcdgo spoken of with respect,and many who thought that its affaire wcro irru-triovable two years ago, now admit that you arc onthe road to u prosperous future (hear, hear). I havesaid that .tl ,300,UU0 wcro advuueed to persons whoought never to havo had any accommodation from aniudtitutio u of this kind, and upon securities whichwere wholly inadequate. Tho securities offered weroiu a great measure tlio speculations on which themoney was borrowed. Well , theso speculationsfailed. You know tho stid history of litigation whichbaa been inflicted on this bank, and it was only theother day that wo sustained a reverse—I am happyto say, thn last of the disgraceful catalogue wo havohad to encounter; but it is a reverso that must havefjeou painful to tho feelings of us all—painful notonly in the enormous amount which according to thodecree (a decree, I hope, only of a temporary char-actor) we aro liablo to pay, bnt alao in tho revival oftho dUcroditabto trasactions which tho litigation in.volvcd. 1 wish to say no moro ou that point. Th»matter is now iu trainiug, and I hopo when we meetagain that I shall be able to give you a better accountof it. But besides this million tbreo hundred thousandpounds advanced in that manner, the bank was undoracceptances to other banks with which it bad no con.nection whatever to tho amount of 2i millions atcrl-ing. Most rortuuntely tho Bank of Hindostau, havinggono into liquidation, has discharged tho wholo of thoclaims upou it. I huvo only now, gentlemen, in tbonamo ot my brother directors aud myBelf, to thankyou for your great kindness and coufidenco, and onthis poiut I tnuat say that, however gratifying it isthat you should have bestowed your approbation asyou have done, it is to yourjolvcs belong ia thogreatest degree tho happy results that havo beennobiercd. It is to that, constant determination tosupport the present board, to listen to nouo of idlutalcs—(A Voice—" J'ampblcts")—tho idlo tales whichthose who have been removed with ignominyfrom the management of your affairs venture to circu.late. It is to that constant support of your boardyour prosperity is mainly due. Of conrso it is theirinterest to disparage their successors and endeavonr todisturb yonr confidence in them. But yoar confi-dence was never for a momont shaken (hear, hear),aud I aud my colleague* felt that wo might relyupon tha uawavorlog nnd determined support of thowhole body of tho shareholders ; and it was this con-fidence, I say, that mainly enabled us to placo thobank iu the position it now occupies.

Mr. W. Emmcns, doputy chairman, seconded tboresolution, which was adopted nnauiniously.

Mr. Edmond Smithwick, J. I'., Kilkonny, proposedthat the folloiving gentlemen be appointed auditors •—II. P. Slattcry , P. 13. O'Brien , and John V. Bourkejand that tho auditors bo remunerated for their ser-vices in £50 each for each half year, and that theirusual ojepeuses ho paid. Ho observed that ho couldspeak from experience of tho integrity aud capabilitiesof theso gentlemen.

Dr. Shicl seconded the resolution , which p.-is.srd.Jfr. Lnurenco IJoyie moved tlie following reso.

Iui ion :—That UiM iiut'tinslniniK ivit h i-itisfactinii that the tm> n.iidinir-uit.-i hi 1-li.ineiTr, iritii-b, n-mi-nhly t.i the ii*Mh. - ,,f th ' «li-m-litil,li r> , win* lu-titutitl <m MvM of tin; Inuk rcraiu.t tlm M«

ilirivtur-. Sir Jiwpli XiTilt* M'Ki-uua, Mr. llnrvtrv Lra-U MrJ. P. H-ii-iuiw nud Mr. P. Vamlerhyl,-, are bvi,,r. rf^^Wpro-HHaititl l.y tho lirveltt lumnl. .-,-»vu-«j

Sir. Thomas Hruukcr secouded the resolution.Thoy thonght the nature of this resolution was acandid, houost, open, and fcarlosss way of dealingwith the question. The shareholders felt that thoboard might imagino they woro doing too much, so itw»* thought bettor to nucortnin tho fooling of thomeeting on the subject, and he had not tho slightestdoubt that tbo courso which tho board hud boonadopting, tho meeting would ask them to continuo(applause) . Tho Chairman said he hoped tho resultof tho suits would bo satisfactory, and that theywould to somo extent compensate the proprietors forthe loss tioy Jiad sustained, (licar, hear).

Tho resolution passed unanimously.Mr. P. J. Roche moved, and Mr. John Maxwell J.P. IiLongford, seconded :— E'That il li'iviiu*; come to the knmvlnfci' of tlie proprietor- that G?iiMiiiitk* or JxivuicnU biiic been onkreil or Mliitiontd liv tbo ¦• ihfunuer iK-anl of director* to curtain retired offlcos without tho ¦ r?.jiuictiou ot the pniprietori bavlui; burn •.•vtcn, that the uiKtinit •' ¦ ¦?hcrvby rv<]iiirv* thejin^tnt director, tu discontinue »och ui. • K?nic-ttti. r J ¦ £;.The Chairman, in putting tho motion, said ho need i£

hnnlly i-av that that resolution would bo strictly at- ?¦*;tended to by tho board. •¦ |5

Tho resolution waa unanimonsly adopted. • pMr. Jamos Milo Borke, J. P., moved.— 14

That the thnuk^ nf the shareholder! be nnd hereby riven to 5^tlir l»nrd i>t din-rton forthvirtervlc-M dnrliiff tbe U-.t liilf.vmr » Mnnd tbo nharchiiMcrx hereby H1M> data to record thrir ai-Drc- 'i"SSciiituni of the valuable ivrrka mndend by tho Right Hon -' «Wm. Ji. M:WM.<T niul hy Wm. Kmmen», tb» ikpnty chnlrmaa. to f- SJ•o-hnni' joint nWUtiit and imloni exertions ilnriiu: the »rjor» -1*1ir.iniaition of the honk itn wwent reitormtion tn public, con. rV$5ndi iico h raHlnlyattribatuhft. ¦" ^SJHo said it gave him groat plensnro to come for- M

ward to propose that resolution in tho prcsonco of so x^largo n meeting of shareholders—n meeting whiok *4wns tbe largest of the kind he bail ever Been in Eng- f } *land or Ireland. Tho shareholders abonld feel proud i*8to havo Bich a board guiding their nffaira, and ho 48boliovod, if tho progress of tho institution continood, **?.ithoy would soon, instead of six, havo 20 million* of '-11-deposit accounts, nnd, instead of 8, 20 per cent. (bear. »fihoar, nod laaehter) v ?>5g

Tbo Bor. Canon Palvey seconded the resolution, Cwhich was unanimously adopted, nud tho chairman 'j ,having very handsomely acknowledged tho compli. '¦>ment, tho proceedings terminated. ~i

THE HiraSTEB BAHK.From tho baU-vcirly report of tho Dirccton nf tba Umuter

w"Vt.'3)Ta"ftlVnrj1lPnilt.'Or ^f * iS.

Ssa-fess-ss.'s-M-i flIM)1*.STIUAI. Sciioou.—An official circular ha* been y £ia-utxl to magistrates, reminding them thnt uodor flie.^llnl 11 th sections or the Induitrial School*'Act

^cvi'rv ordoi- for tho detention ; of daj ohild under tfw. Mact (iwixpt only in, tbo Dublin Metropolitan Polieo (KDistrict), sball be'mado by two or more jottioei iCv|&petty sessions beforo whom the obild znnst bo broegfc* 'JJJWITIBIOED 1—friateil «nd PuhiUbed >y E6W»«J>-;:rMfc'TEPnr* Ki*»»rr, «t 7>< Wattrfori Stci Otutat '. jMPrintini?, Book-hiodin< tail Machine-rnliBf ¦ •EtrUtHtW "-<Mucnb i» Kiiu tnrl, la tb« ParUi ofTrioity Witto. 'S'M