Snake escape pipeline

SNAKE ESCAPE DEVELOPMENT PIPELINE IDEATION We all sat down and discussed what kind of game we wanted to make. We decided that we wanted to make a maze/puzzle game. After looking at various puzzle game ideas, we decided that we wanted to implement a scary/horror aspect into the game, so the idea of a young boy trapped in a scary maze came to mind. PRE-PRODUCTION We started by making character sketches and maze designs. We also decided that there should be a threat/enemy within the game, we agreed that snakes were a good choice. We wanted the game to have some kind of challenge to it, so we agreed on adding an exit door that only opened once you pick up a key. We assigned everyone different roles in the production process; I (Ryan) was to make the art assets, design the maze and do some of the coding, Jacob was to create the sound effects, soundtrack etc. as well as code and Beth designed the title menus, credits and also helped out with the art assets and maze design as well. We asked a group of people our age (16-18) to give feedback on our idea with suggestions to improve. We then started by creating a paper prototype to see if the idea would work. Once the idea worked, we created a flow chart showing all of the events that could happen within the game. This would help us later when we came to code the game as we could see what the game had to do to work. PRODUCTION We started the development process by creating a “bare bones” (barely any art assets) prototype in GameSalad. This was to make sure the actors, attributes and scenes were working correctly before we worried about sound effects and visual assets. This involved adding the actor Jimmy, the snakes, the maze walls and the key.We then tested to see if it worked.

Transcript of Snake escape pipeline

Page 1: Snake escape pipeline

SNAKE ESCAPE DEVELOPMENT PIPELINE!IDEATION!We all sat down and discussed what kind of game we wanted to make. We decided that we wanted to make a maze/puzzle game. After looking at various puzzle game ideas, we decided that we wanted to implement a scary/horror aspect into the game, so the idea of a young boy trapped in a scary maze came to mind.!!PRE-PRODUCTION!We started by making character sketches and maze designs. We also decided that there should be a threat/enemy within the game, we agreed that snakes were a good choice. We wanted the game to have some kind of challenge to it, so we agreed on adding an exit door that only opened once you pick up a key. We assigned everyone different roles in the production process; I (Ryan) was to make the art assets, design the maze and do some of the coding, Jacob was to create the sound effects, soundtrack etc. as well as code and Beth designed the title menus, credits and also helped out with the art assets and maze design as well. We asked a group of people our age (16-18) to give feedback on our idea with suggestions to improve. We then started by creating a paper prototype to see if the idea would work. Once the idea worked, we created a flow chart showing all of the events that could happen within the game. This would help us later when we came to code the game as we could see what the game had to do to work.!

PRODUCTION!We started the development process by creating a “bare bones” (barely any art assets) prototype in GameSalad. This was to make sure the actors, attributes and scenes were working correctly before we worried about sound effects and visual assets. This involved adding the actor Jimmy, the snakes, the maze walls and the key.We then tested to see if it worked.!

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SNAKE ESCAPE DEVELOPMENT PIPELINE!Once the prototype worked, we started to add the visual assets. This was a simple process but helped make the game feel like it was progressing. We tweaked some of the attributes and behaviours, added more snakes and the game started to come together. !

!!Beth started on the title menus and credits, Jacob made the sound effects and soundtrack whilst I created the death animation for Jimmy, then we added them into the game. The last thing we needed to do was to add the restricted field of vision into the game. After that was done, our beta build was complete.!!POST-PRODUCTION!After the bet build was complete, it was time for testing. We got a group of 16 people (aged 16-18) to play our game and to answer a selection of questions to determine if our game was fun or not. After gaining feedback or any bugs and improvements, we fixed the game where it needed to be fixed, improved the gameplay where i needed improving then eventually we had our finished game.