S.N. Grinchenko- Hierarchical structure of unalive nature and laws of the universe expansion

Электронный журнал «ИССЛЕДОВАНО В РОССИИ» http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru/articles/2004/156e.pdf  1700 Hierarchical structure of unalive nature and laws of the universe expansion Grinchenko S.N. ( [email protected] ) Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Affirms, that meta-evolution (the consecutive escalating of levels/tiers in system hierarchy) of unalive occurs to deceleration in time from the moment of the Big Bang (that distinguishes it from evenly life’s meta-evolution and accelerated social’s meta-evolution). Basing on analogy between these three hypostasis by the universe considered in the informatics-cybernetic terms as system of hierarchical search optimization (of energy character target criteria) [Grinchenko,2004], the "ideal" hierarchical structure of unalive nature is offered. The spatial and temporary characteristics of its tiers in hierarchy represent geometrical progressions with the denominator 15,15426... e e = , in which basis lay fundamental (M.Plank’s) length and time. The connexity, existing between them, determines dependence between the current time ( ) m T  of unalive’s meta-evolution from the moment of the Big Bang and "ideal" size ( ) m l , achieved to this time, of the Universe: ( ) ( ) m m l сT = . Received thus their calculated "ideal" meanings, on the one hand, demonstrate good enough concurrence of the majority of the appropriate real objects, and with another – allow to reveal a number of tiers, which material structures till now in experiments and supervision are not identified (having predicted thus their important properties). On this  base it is possible to estimate and functional dependence Hubble’s "constant" from number ( ) m n  of above tiers in hierarchy, on which the formation of material objects is possible:  ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 m m m n  H H n = + . 1. Introduction in a problem. On life’s meta-evolution and social’s meta-evolut ion  Earlier I put forward the offer to interpret adaptive behaviour of systems both life and lifeless  Nature, and also social-technological system of Humankind, as is  generalized adaptive , realized by means of the hierarchical search optimization mechanism of energy character target criteria (see [1-3]). Thus, I offer to expand a spectrum of languages involved within the framework of Big History researches by means of informatics-cybernetic language use. The important role is played in him with such enough aggregated concepts, as "search activity", "adaptive algorithm of search optimization", "target criteria of an extreme type, of equalities type and of inequalities t ype", "system memory", etc. In the specified publications, the basic accent is made on study from offered positions of life system, and, to a lesser degree, – of social system. The system of a lifeless nature was mentioned only  briefly: were resulted its block diagram and basic spatial-temporary characteristics. Its more detailed research, joint with the experts in concrete scientific areas, was referred to the future. Nevertheless, as has appeared, at least one important aspect of this research can be carried out already now. There is a  problem of lifeless (unalive nature’s) meta-evolution . The term meta-evolution means process of consecutive escalating of hierarchical levels/tiers of the appropriate hierarchical system in a course of formation it’s as such. Actually, this process is close to set meta-passage on V.F.Turchin [4]. Concept of life nature’s meta-evolution – as process of its  permanent development and complication, which characteristic attribute is the occurrence new (above) hierarchical levels/tiers in hierarchical system of search optimization of life and the complication enclosed in them before arisen – was entered earlier in job [3]. The consideration of lifeless, life and social systems as "projections" of the uniform hierarchical mechanism is permanent demonstrating determined – optimizational! – property, allows concretizing meanings of the spatial and temporary characteristics realizing it "substratum". In particular: the  practice of technical cybernetics shows, that the ratio of characteristic times should make some search of optimization process and process of its parametrical adaptation approximately 1 to 10 ÷20. Attraction for this ratio specification of results received A.V.Jirmunskiy and V.I.Kusmin [5] at the decision by

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Hierarchical structure of unalive nature

and laws of the universe expansion

Grinchenko S.N. ([email protected] )

Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Affirms, that meta-evolution (the consecutive escalating of levels/tiers in system hierarchy)of unalive occurs to deceleration in time from the moment of the Big Bang (thatdistinguishes it from evenly life’s meta-evolution and accelerated social’s meta-evolution).

Basing on analogy between these three hypostasis by the universe considered in theinformatics-cybernetic terms as system of hierarchical search optimization (of energycharacter target criteria) [Grinchenko,2004], the "ideal" hierarchical structure of unalivenature is offered. The spatial and temporary characteristics of its tiers in hierarchy represent

geometrical progressions with the denominator  15,15426...ee = , in which basis lay

fundamental (M.Plank’s) length and time. The connexity, existing between them,

determines dependence between the current time ( )mT   of unalive’s meta-evolution from the

moment of the Big Bang and "ideal" size ( )ml  , achieved to this time, of the Universe:( ) ( )m ml  сT = . Received thus their calculated "ideal" meanings, on the one hand, demonstrate

good enough concurrence of the majority of the appropriate real objects, and with another – 

allow to reveal a number of tiers, which material structures till now in experiments andsupervision are not identified (having predicted thus their important properties). On this base it is possible to estimate and functional dependence Hubble’s "constant" from number 

( )mn  of above tiers in hierarchy, on which the formation of material objects is possible: ( )

( )

( ) 1



n H H 



+ .

1. Introduction in a problem.

On life’s meta-evolution and social’s meta-evolution 

Earlier I put forward the offer to interpret adaptive behaviour of systems both life and lifeless

  Nature, and also social-technological system of Humankind, as is  generalized adaptive, realized by

means of the hierarchical search optimization mechanism of energy character target criteria (see [1-3]).

Thus, I offer to expand a spectrum of languages involved within the framework of Big History

researches by means of informatics-cybernetic language use. The important role is played in him with

such enough aggregated concepts, as "search activity", "adaptive algorithm of search optimization",

"target criteria of an extreme type, of equalities type and of inequalities type", "system memory", etc.

In the specified publications, the basic accent is made on study from offered positions of life

system, and, to a lesser degree, – of social system. The system of a lifeless nature was mentioned only

 briefly: were resulted its block diagram and basic spatial-temporary characteristics. Its more detailed

research, joint with the experts in concrete scientific areas, was referred to the future. Nevertheless, ashas appeared, at least one important aspect of this research can be carried out already now. There is a

 problem of lifeless (unalive nature’s) meta-evolution.

The term meta-evolution means process of consecutive escalating of hierarchical levels/tiers of 

the appropriate hierarchical system in a course of formation it’s as such. Actually, this process is close

to set meta-passage on V.F.Turchin [4]. Concept of life nature’s meta-evolution – as process of its

 permanent development and complication, which characteristic attribute is the occurrence new (above)

hierarchical levels/tiers in hierarchical system of search optimization of life and the complication

enclosed in them before arisen – was entered earlier in job [3].

The consideration of lifeless, life and social systems as "projections" of the uniform hierarchical

mechanism is permanent demonstrating determined – optimizational! – property, allows concretizing

meanings of the spatial and temporary characteristics realizing it "substratum". In particular: the

 practice of technical cybernetics shows, that the ratio of characteristic times should make some search

of optimization process and process of its parametrical adaptation approximately 1 to 10÷20. Attraction

for this ratio specification of results received A.V.Jirmunskiy and V.I.Kusmin [5] at the decision by

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more local (but close on sense) task of study of critical levels of biological systems development, allows

to accept the given ratio equal 15,15426...ee =  With reference to wild life in job [3] it was marked, that the calculated spatial and temporary

characteristics of the appropriate search optimization system should be considered only as the ideal  

estimations specifying some basis in the specified spaces variable, instead of as the requirements to

their exact meanings in a reality. It follows from interpretation them as parameters of the appropriate

hierarchical contours of search optimization living system that does not impose on their sizes of too

strong restrictions and does not require of them of high accuracy. The hierarchical contour of search

optimization will work and at significant (naturally, in "reasonable" limits) evasion of these parameters

from "ideal" calculated. As the characteristic spatial sizes of life and lifeless nature’s objects coincide

(thus, providing opportunity of occurrence life), the constant ee  appears as a progression denominator 

and for unalive nature.

There was shown, that life’s meta-evolution occurs in due course evenly: the occurrence of each

new tier in this hierarchy requires identical  time. Moreover, the identity here should be understood

doubly: in the theory of ideal model system formation – in direct sense, and in empirics of similar 

 process realization (which for us while is known only in one, Terrestrial specimen) – in some rounded,

approached sense.

Specified empirics contacts to the theory with the help of the assumption, that to each of eons

(  Katarchaean (Hadean), Archaean, bottom Proterozoic, top Proterozoic and current Phanerozoic)there corresponds occurrence "ternary" of adjacent levels in life’s hierarchy. This process began about

4,6 milliard years back from cooling of a superficial layer of the Earth up to temperatures, at which the

synthesis of organic molecules became possible, and on everyone "ternary" is spent about 1,01 ± 0,16

milliard years. From here follows, that for formation of each separate tier in hierarchy of life it is

required about 337 million years, which well demonstrates other empirical estimation – duration of 

Palaeozoic era (which beginning coincides with the beginning Phanerozoic about 570 million years

 back, and end define about 235 million years back) in 335 million years.

For the description of the specified process in [3] such metaphor is offered: "Meta-evolution’s

wave, determined by a combination current spatial-temporary ( l  τ  − ) characteristics of optimization life

hierarchical contour, varied from the minimal meanings l  τ  − in a direction of their increase at

 preservation of their ratio, forms meta-evolutionally new bio-objects on the  front (or "horizon of life’s

meta-evolution"), having maximal (achieved on the appropriate moment of time) meanings l  τ  − . After 

the occurrence similar bio-objects evolve, according to laws of their adaptive behaviour, but not meta-

evolve". That is horizon of life’s meta-evolution is understood as the spatial characteristic determining

for its any moment of time the maximal size of hierarchical formations (generated on this moment) of 

life, as holistic search optimization system.

In other job [2] was shown, that social’s meta-evolution occurs in due course is accelerated : the

occurrence of each new tier in this hierarchy requires the lesser and lesser  time. It follows from the

assumption, that the key moments of "reclamation" by a formed human society of space, environmental

it, (i.e. achievement of sizes of the appropriate tiers in hierarchy) are joined to cardinal events of meta-

evolution of Humankind’s social-technological system. That is from a beginning cephalization of 

vertebrata, through some important events, before occurrence the man of speech/language (about 120

thousand years back had tier spatially appropriate to a biogeocenosis tier), writing (about 8 thousandyears back, biomes tier accordingly), technology of the information duplicating (about 550 years back,

tier of natural zones), electronic memory (about 60 years, Biogeosphere tier), distributed network 

memory (about 25 years back, tier of near-the-planet Space) etc. Thus, being based both on offered

theoretical representations and on empirical data, it is possible to insist, that the periods between such

moments represent a geometrical progression with a denominator besides ee (more precisely speaking,

as the progression decreasing, here it makes 1/ , 15,15426...ee или 1/ ) Thus,  social  has property "to

reclaim" the same spaces (tiers in hierarchy), as living nature, not only in one much faster, but also in

consecutive speeding up tempo.

2. On "ideal" structure of lifeless nature’s meta-evolution 

The consecutive approach to representation about the Universe as uniform system essence isnecessary results in a conclusion that all three hypostasis of a Nature – lifeless, life and artificial (or 

"second", created by Humankind in a course of his social-technological development and indissolubly

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with him associated) – should be considered as "projection" of this complete system essence. Which

can be exhibited (or  not  be exhibited) in those or other zones of the Universe. Nevertheless, near 

interrelation of which allows putting forward hypotheses basing analogies: transferring (expansion) of 

some properties, characteristic for one of such "projections" of uniform system, on others.

In particular, in a context of a considered problem pertinently to raise the question: if meta-

evolution of most advanced (in the most various aspects)   social-technological system of Humankind  develops with acceleration, and meta-evolution of some less perfect life’s system occurs evenly, what is

  possible to say about lifeless (unalive) meta-evolution? How occurred (and there is) this process,certainly, most "primitive" of all three?

As it is represented, for the answer it is necessary to involve reasons of symmetry/asymmetry.

Moreover, he then is obvious: unalive nature’s meta-evolution should pass with deceleration. That is

the occurrence of each new tier in this hierarchy should require the increasing and increasing time. To

find out validity of this hypothesis (as is mentioned, basing only on rather abstract analogy and – 

indirectly – on the items of information from branches of knowledge rather far from physics of micro-,

macro- and mega-world), it is necessary to address to the empirical facts saved by a physical science.

The moment of a beginning of lifeless meta-evolution is, certainly, moment of occurrence (our)

Universe. As far as it is possible to judge under the literature, last is usual associated with the

hypothetical moment of the "Big Bang", for the proof of which reality the rather wide circle of 

arguments is put forward.

Then, as it is represented, the zero step unalive nature’s meta-evolution is, that the linear size of 

the arising Universe is increased from zero up to fundamental (gravitational, M.Plank’s) length   f l  , i.e.

up to ~0.16 10-32

cm. Zero it is expedient to consider it for the reason, that on its extent the new tier in

hierarchy does not arise. The linear size of the Universe by the end following, first step unalive nature’s

meta-evolution – occurrence of the first "maximum" tier in hierarchy – is determined with the help of 

multiplication of fundamental length  f l   on a denominator of a progression ee , second – multiplication

of the received thus result to this denominator, etc. That is by calculated way the same sequence of 

estimations of the linear sizes derives which earlier already was is interpreted as set of the spatial

characteristics of the ideal framework of hierarchical system of Nature search optimization.

Here it is necessary once again to emphasize, that the speech goes about the ideal  sizes of 

structural hierarchical elements of the Universe. The material structures, their filling, not necessarily should be near to the borders, achieved by it, though also it is quite probable.

The time (duration) of a zero step unalive nature’s meta-evolution is similar represents

 fundamental time   f T  (which is determined as time, for which light passes distance  f l  , i.e. ~0.54 10-43


sec.). And as the denominator of a progression of the temporary characteristics in system hierarchy

alive also makes ee , by the specified analogy the duration of the first step unalive nature’s meta-

evolution is determined with the help of multiplication of fundamental time  f T  on this denominator,

second – multiplication of the received thus result to a denominator, etc.

The received thus results, with the necessary comments, are shown in the table 1.

Table 1. The theoretically designed spatial-temporary characteristics

of unalive nature’s hierarchical system№ tier 

№  ps.tier ☼ 

The characteristiclinear size of a tier 

in hierarchy(calculated) 

The names of the empirically observable representativesof the given hierarchical level/tier and their typical sizes 

Meta-evolution’scharacteristic time of a

tier in hierarchy(calculated)

0 0 0.16 10-32


 f l  - Fundamental



Fundamental (primary) cell of space-time

of the Universe, or "plankteon" *

0.54 10-43


Fundamental time

/ f f T l c=  

1 0.24 10-31 cm ? 0.82 10-42 sec.

2 0.37 10-30 cm ? 0.12 10-40 sec.

3 1 0.56 10-29

cm ? Spheres of "postplankteon-1" * 0.19 10-39


4 0.85 10-28

cm ? 0.28 10-38

sec.5 0.13 10

-26cm ? 0.43 10


6 2 0.19 10-25

cm ? Spheres of "postplankteon-2» * 0.65 10-36


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7 0.30 10-24 cm ? 0.99 10-35 sec.

8 0.45 10-23

cm ? 0.15 10-33


9 3 0.68 10-22

cm ? Spheres of "postplankteon-3» * 0.23 10-32


10 0.10 10-20 cm ? 0.34 10-31 sec.

11 0.16 10-19 cm ? 0.52 10-30 sec.

12 4 0.24 10-18

cm ? Spheres of "postplankteon-4» * 0.79 10-29


13 0.36 10-17

cm ? 0.12 10-27


14 0.54 10-16 cm ? 0.18 10-26 sec.15 5 0.82 10

-15cm ? Spheres of "postplankteon-5» * 0.27 10


16 0.12 10-13 cm ? 0.42 10-24 sec.

17 0.19 10-12 cm ? 0.63 10-23 sec.

18 6 0.29 10-11

cm Spheres of nucleuses of atoms (~ 10-12

– 10-13

cm)  0.96 10-22


19 0.43 10-10

cm ? 0.14 10-20


20 0.66 10-9

cm ? 0.22 10-19


21 7 0.999 10-8


(1  Å )

Spheres of atoms (N.Bohr’s radius of hydrogen atom0.529 10


0.33 10-18


22 0.15 10-6

cm (bioanalogue – organic molecules) 0.50 10-17


23 0.23 10-5

cm (bioanalogue – macromolecules) 0.76 10-16


24 8 0.35 10-4

cm Spheres of "dusts" * (bioanalogue – prokaryote units)  0.12 10-14


25 0.53 10-3

cm (bioanalogue – sub-compartments of cell) 0.17 10-13

sec.26 0.80 10-2 cm (bioanalogue – compartments of cell) 0.27 10-12 sec.

27 9 0.12 100cm Spheres of "kern" * (bioanalogue – eukaryote cells)  0.40 10


28 0.18 101cm (bioanalogue – tissues) 0.61 10


29 0.28 102cm (bioanalogue – organs) 0.93 10


30 10 0.42 103cm (4.2


Spheres of "boulders" * (bioanalogue – pluricellular organisms) 

0.14 10-7


31 0.64 104cm (64

m)(bioanalogue – populations) 0.21 10


32 0.97 105cm (970

m)(bioanalogue – parcels) 0.32 10


33 11 0.15 107cm (15


Spheres of "mille-planets" * (bioanalogue – 


0.49 10-4


34 0.22 108cm (222

km)(bioanalogue – biomes) 0.7410


35 0.34 109cm (3370

km)(bioanalogue – natural zones) 0.11 10


36 12 0.51 1010

cm (51


Spheres of planets (bioanalogue – Biospheres)  0.17 100


37 0.77 1011

cm (770Mm)

(bioanalogue – sub-compartments of terrestrial group planets: a complex "Earth-Moon and near satellites")

0.26 101


38 0.12 1013

cm (11.7Gm)

(bioanalogue – compartments of terrestrial group planets: a complex "Earth-distant satellites")

0.39 102


39 13 0.18 1014

cm (177

Gm = 1.18 a.u.)

Spheres of group of planets (bioanalogue – Sphere of terrestrial group planets) 

0.59 103

sec. (10


40 0.27 1015 cm (18a.u.)

Complex "Star-planets" 0.90 104 sec. (2.5 hours)

41 0.41 1016

cm (270a.u.)

Complex "Star-distant not planetary formations" 0.14 106

sec. (1.57 day)

42 14 0.62 1017


(4130 a.u.)

Star systems 0.21 107

sec. (24 days)

43 0.94 1018

cm (0.3 parsec)

Large globules (~unto 0.3 parsec) 0.31 108

sec. (0.99 year)

44 0.14 1020

cm (4.6 parsec)

Clusters of stars (~several parsec) 0.47 109

sec. (15 years)

45 15 0.21 1021

cm (70


Associations of stars (~ 40-200 parsec)  0.72 1010

sec. (227 years)

46 0.32 10


cm (1.06kiloparsec) Star complexes (~unto 1 kiloparsec) 0.11 10


sec. (3.4Thousand years)

47 0.49 1023

cm (16kiloparsec)

Dwarf galaxies (~unto 10 kiloparsec) 0.16 1013

sec. (52.2Thousand years)

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48 16 0.75 1024

cm (242


Galaxies (seen part ~ 30-40 kiloparsec)  0.25 1014

sec. (790

Thousand years)

49 0.11 1026

cm (3.67megaparsec)

Groups of galaxies (~ 1-2 megaparsec) 0.38 1015

sec. (12Millions years)

50 0.17 1027

cm (55.7megaparsec)

Cluster of galaxies (~ 12-14 megaparsec) 0.57 1016

sec. (182Millions years)

51 17 0.26 1028

cm (844

megaparsec =2.75 Billions of 


Supercluster of galaxies ~ 200 megaparsec  0.87 1017

sec. (2.75

Billions years)

 –   – ~4,2 gigaparsec,or ~13,7 Billionsof light-year 

The current moment: Meta-galaxy  ~13,7 Billions years

52 0.39 1029 cm (12.8gigaparsec = 42

Billions of light-year)

? Sub-compartments of post-meta-galaxies * 0.13 1019 sec. (42 Billionsyears)

53 0.59 1030

cm (194gigaparsec = 632Billions of light-


? Compartments of post-meta-galaxies * 0.20 1020

sec. (632Billions years)

54 18 0.90 1031

cm (2.94

teraparsec = 9.58

trillions of light-


? Post-meta-galaxies * 0.30 1021

sec. (9.58

Trillion years) 

… … … … …

The notes: ☼  – № of a pseudo-tier ; * – names operative, preliminary 

For comparison with existing representations about chronology of the Universe I shall bring the

table of article "Big Bang" of the Astronomical dictionary [6], placed on a site of Space Research

Institute (IKI RAS):

Table 2. Approximate chronology of the events, which have followed from the zero moment of time [6].Time from a beginning of Big



Event Consequences

0 – 5*10-44 sec. 1,3*1032 Any authentic items of information no


– 10-36



– 1028 

A beginning of action of the known physicallaws, era of inflationary expansion

Expansion of the Universe proceeding and until now

10-36 – 10-4 sec. 1028 – 1012 Era of intermediate bosons, and then – era of adorns, existence free quarks

10-4 – 1-3 sec. 1012 – 1010 Occurrence of particles and antiparticles fromfree quarks, and also them annihilation,

occurrence of a transparency of substance for 


Occurrence of barion’sasymmetry, occurrence of neutrino relict radiation

1-3 – 100-120sec.

1010 – 109 Passing of nuclear reactions of helium nucleusessynthesis and some other easy chemical


Determination of a primaryratio of chemical elements

Between 300

thousand – 1million years

3000 – 4500 Ending of recombination era Occurrence of relict radiation

and neutral gas

1 million – 1 billion years

4500 – 10 Development gravitational heterogeneities of gas

Formation of stars andgalaxies

The comparative analysis of these tables allows formulating the following preliminary


A). Rushes in eyes the absence in the second table (together with in the majority of other 

references – see, par example, [7-9])  spatial characteristics enumerated there basic (from the point of view of their authors) events of the Universe chronology after the Big Bang. Sometimes them adduce

(par example, [10], fig. 1), but there is a problem of conformity interpretation of spatial and temporary

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scales: in particular, not clearly, what material object by size 10-8

cm was generated in time about 1 sec.

after the Big Bang, the size that in 1 cm was achieved in time about 107

years after the Big Bang, etc.

On itself the addition of estimations of the linear sizes, – and, hence, and volumes – in the

appropriate analysis is rather productive, as immediately allows to switch on in consideration many of 

the additional characteristics. Thus information basis necessary for understanding of properties of a

  Nature, exhibited by it on all meta-phases their meta-evolution, at addition by their "ideal"

characteristics (based on the offered informatics-cybernetic approach), can be rather essentially

extended – see section 3.B). Besides it is necessary to note, as temporary characteristics of the second table it is possible

referent fairly from being with all possible "cellules" for first. But for those cases, when it to make work 

out, that fact is obvious, that in all such cases the times of events from the second table are not less the

appropriate times from first (if to treat one of tiers " postplankteon-1" or " postplankteon-2" as a tier of 

intermediate bosons). That is the "ideal" tiers as such in the beginning have time to be generated, and

only then on them begin to arise those or other material formations.

3. On speed of the Universe expansion

So, – from positions of the offered informatics-cybernetic approach, – the Universe really 

extends! At least, its ideal  borders – or, by analogy to living system, horizon of unalive’s meta-

evolution – are moved apart with a course it meta-evolution, and with speed of light. And entered for interrelation of fundamental length and time the interrelation  f f l  сT = is generalized not only on fair 

for any tier in hierarchy of a nature a ratio between the size of this tier and time of unalive’s meta-

evolution from the moment of the Big Bang, but also on a ratio between any current time( )mT  of 

unalive’s meta-evolution and "ideal" size( )ml  , achieved to this time, of the Universe:

( ) ( )m ml  сT = (1)

So, the current moment it meta-evolution, which define in 13,7 Billion years from the moment

of the Big Bang, corresponds to the horizon of unalive’s meta-evolution, achieved to this time, in 13,7

Billion light-years, or ~4,2 gigaparsec. Moreover, any attributes (and, main, possible reasons!) end of 

 process of such expansion of ideal borders of the Universe – in its offered "cybernetic" approach – is

not looked through …

From expression (1), in general, follows, that the specified ideal  borders act faster in a role

asymptote of expansion process of the Universe real structures as material objects, which always

  proceeded and proceeds with speed V  с< , not necessarily identical at the various moments of 

unalive’s meta-evolution. Thus, it is expedient to raise the question about an estimation of value of 

speed V    of existence sphere expansion of  material objects in the Universe in a course of unalive’s

meta-evolution, that, in turn, will allow to specify, how and depending on that can vary so-called

Hubble’s "constant".

Some hypothesis about interrelation of the "ideal" sizes of tiers in hierarchy of the Universe

with by their "ideal-real" sizes is necessary for the answer to these questions. She can look as follows:

"Time, for which the horizon of unalive’s meta-evolution grows from fundamental length up to size

some n -th of a tier in hierarchy, and the time, for which the horizon of the Universe material structures

 formation grows from fundamental length up to size some ( 1)n − -th of a tier in hierarchy, coincides".

Here under horizon of the Universe material structures  formation (we shall designate it  G ) we

shall understand that maximal size of their size, within the limits of which the material objects in a

course of their expansion (after the Big Bang) already can arise (and, hence, to be accessible to

observation), and outside which - still no, the only appropriate "ideal" tier for their subsequent possible

occurrence is formed.

As well as any hypothesis given also is vulnerable for criticism (for example, "why the meaning

( 1)n − is chosen?"), but from something you see it is necessary to begin …

Therefore, according to a hypothesis it is possible to write down, that: n nn


l GT 

c V = = ,

whence nn


GV cl 



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Let's estimate the tendency of change of values nG , nl   и  nV  . Let us assume, that the sizes of 

"distances" in (2) are measured not in the linear sizes of tiers, and in their "pieces" (i.e. actually in the

logarithms of distances). Then at n =1:1

0G = ,1

1l  = , and, hence,1

0V  = ; at n =2: 2

1G = ,2

2l  = ,

and, hence,2


2V c= ; at n =3:

32G = ,

33l  = , and, hence,



3V c= ; etc. Is generally finally received:

1n nV cn−= (3)

For last achieved by material structures of the Universe (about 11 Billion years back – see tab.

1) in a course of their meta-evolution, of a tier № 5151


51V c c= ≈ , for formed by them

(will be achieved through ~28 Billion years …) tier  № 5252


52V c c= ≈ , for formed

"ideal" circle (will be achieved through ~660 Billion years …) tier № 53 53


53V c c= ≈ .

That is for a "today's" situation it is quite possible to accept this coefficient equal 0,98 .

Let us compare this expression with empirical Hubble’s "the law recession":v HR= , (4)

where v –  speed of recession;  R    – distance;  H  –  Hubble’s constant, in round figures equal


световых лет


6/10 [8].

From (4) follows, that the speed v can unlimited (at least, up to light speed) to be increased.

 Nevertheless, according to the put forward hypothesis v cannot be higher  V  . That is the increase of 

speed v "today" is limited only insignificantly, up to 0,98c (but at the first stages of unalive’s meta-

evolution after the Big Bang this restriction was essential large, up to 0,5c ). Thus account (3) allows to

formalize dependence Hubble’s "constant" – in this case from numbers( )mn of the summit tier of 

material structures in the Universe’s hierarchy (arising in a course their meta-evolution), closelyconnected with time

( )mT  and sizes( )mG ,

( )ml  . Moreover, if the given hypothesis is correct, then( )

( )

( ) 1



n H H 



+ .

4. On other consequences of proposed unalive’s meta-evolution concept

1. As it is easy to see, concept of horizon of unalive’s meta-evolution rather close to known

concept horizon of the Universe (see, par example, [11]). But last concept fixes only fact of restriction

of an opportunity of events viewing: " …any event which was having place outside this distance, not till

now be rendered on us of any influence – by it is behind horizon" [there]. As against it, horizon of 

unalive’s meta-evolution in addition accent attention on system hierarchism by the Universe, allocatingin a course of the consecutive growth the certain tiers in this hierarchy.

2. In job [3] is shown, that the tiers in the hierarchical mechanism of search optimization

lifeless as a  first approximation represent so-called "pseudo-tiers" – set at once of three adjacent tiers

from the table 1, and each pair such adjacent pseudo-tiers forms "pseudo-contour" of hierarchical search

optimization (which name are selected in tab. 1 with a bold font). And already within the framework of 

activity (the realizations of adaptive behaviour) such pseudo-contour on the basis of elements

concerning a triad of tiers, making its maximum pseudo-tier, plus of elements of its lowest pseudo-tier,

can arise sporadic optimizational sub-contours (any of six possible combinations: three dyads, two

triplets and tetrad). That is – in the second approximation – in unalive’s hierarchy role is executed also

 by separate tiers from tab. 1 (detail see in [3]). Thus, at the analysis of occurrence process of unalive’s

hierarchical search optimization system tiers, which have been not marked by a bold font in tab. 1, also

should be involved in consideration – by analogy with alive – as a little- and medio-dimensionalvariants of the full-size representative of maximum tiers of the appropriate triad.

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3. It is necessary to recognize what to give exact "referencing" – with sufficient reliability – of 

electrons, neutrino, quarks etc. of real or theoretically entered formations to the appropriate "ideal" tiers

" postplankteon-1,2,3,4,5" in the given first publication on a considered problem it is not obviously

  possible. Too differ available in the literature as theoretical estimations of their sizes (and time of 

occurrence), and appropriate experimentally received results. Nevertheless, as it is represented, for the

appropriate experts, based on proposed concept about a sequence of occurrence of these tiers in a course

of meta-evolution development of the Universe after the Big Bang, it not only is quite possible, but also

can give a positive effect.

The conclusion

Use for the description of some aspects of structure and behaviour of the Universe of 

informatics-cybernetic language, and is concrete – terminology of hierarchical search optimizational

systems, – it is represented rather perspective in the given area of knowledge.

Unalive, alive and social, reproducing the most general laws of adaptive behaviour of search

optimization hierarchical systems and differing among themselves by concrete kind of the appropriate

structural skeleton, show and differing properties its meta-evolution: "reclaim" the appropriate spatial

formations according to delay, uniform and with acceleration.

On an offered basis, with reference to unalive’s meta-evolution:- it is possible to detail both moments of occurrence, and the spatial characteristics of "ideal"

hierarchical tiers of system of unalive’s nature, within the framework of which after the Big Bang

consistently arise natural objects;

- for each of such objects (some of which while were not known at all, and their existence only

hypothetically follows from proposed concept about unalive’s meta-evolution) it is possible to specify a

number of the additional characteristics reflecting their place and a role in is permanent to formed

hierarchical system of search optimization unalive’s.

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