SMRT-CORE: A revolutionary foam roller that combines self

SMRT-CORE: A revolutionary foam roller that combines self-massage and core strengthening all in one.

Transcript of SMRT-CORE: A revolutionary foam roller that combines self

SMRT-CORE: A revolutionary foam roller that combines self-massage and core strengthening all in one.

THE PRODUCTThe SMRT-CORE GRID is the first of its kind – a travel-friendly, hollowed-out foam roller that features a precision engineered pattern of 3-Dimensional Distrodensity Zones to deliver a massage with different levels of intensity, all meanwhile challenging the core and creating a full-body workout.

THE PROGRAMSMRT-CORE is self-myofascial release therapy and core strengthening work efficiently combined in the same workout using a revolutionary foam roller, the GRID. Presented as an educational DVD collection, the program is easy to follow, caters to various fitness levels and is designed for in-home use.

THE INNOVATORCassidy Phillips is a biomechanical specialist concentrating on sports performance, injury prevention and the muscular structure that supports the efforts of the body in motion. Once told that he could never be an athlete again due to a muscular dysfunction called Fibromyalgia, it became his personal mission to understand muscular structure and the regeneration of dysfunctional muscle tissue. In 2002, he developed a revolutionary set of massage products, education and techniques specifically designed to support the massage associated with trigger point, myofascial release and other forms of massage therapy. From the NFL to triathlon, athletes and non-athletes worldwide have been trained by Phillips and have used his products and techniques with incredible and sometimes life-altering results.

THE COMPANYTrigger Point Performance Therapy, based in Austin, TX, has established itself as a life enhancing brand, concentrating on empowering people with its revolutionary methodologies and patented products that mirror the feeling of a human hand. For years, Trigger Point Performance Therapy has helped professional athletes in football, baseball, soccer and triathlon by providing efficiencies to muscular and fascial movement. It has successfully become one of the leaders in personal performance care by marketing its in-home massage products to consumers in the athletic, healthcare and personal wellness markets. For more info, visit

“My ultimate goal is to empower people to be able to take care of themselves through the education and use of my products.” -Cassidy Phillips |


ensional Distrodensity Zones


Cassidy Phillips Launches SMRT-CORE: A Revolutionary Core Strengthening Program

Cassidy Phillips, biomechanical specialist and creator of Trigger Point Performance Therapy Products and Education, has launched a revolutionary core strengthening system and self-massage program called SMRT-CORE that uses a revolutionary foam roller, the GRID. Having had great success in endurance sports and fitness with his Trigger Point Performance Therapy Products, this program marks Phillips’ second major program and product launch.

SMRT-CORE is self-myofascial release therapy and core stability work efficiently combined in the same workout. Phillips has worked with several world-class athletes and there are two things that he concentrates on: self-massage and functional core work. Cassidy decided it was time to combine these two areas of expertise. The result is an incredible combination of core stability exercises and self-myofascial release therapy using one product: The SMRT-CORE GRID.

Through the development of a travel-friendly hollowed-out foam roller, Phillips provides athletes and fitness enthusiasts with a tool that can significantly increase their core strength and stability while providing them with an incredible soft tissue massage, due to the EVA Matrix of Distrodensities. “The precision-engineered pattern and density of our exclusive Distrodensity Foam design allows one to control the level and intensity of the massage. While most foam rollers are one-dimensional, I sought to invent a platform that would allow blood and oxygen to travel throughout the tissue as the muscles are compressed to deliver an optimal yet customizable massage,” says Phillips.

The SMRT-CORE program launch firmly positions Phillips and Trigger Point Performance Therapy as a premium source for injury prevention, strength training and overall wellness. Chris Lieto, 3-time Ironman Champion, comments, “with Cassidy’s products, I always perform better and feel like my legs can do so much more – they have more power and more speed. It is a must in my training and recovery.”

Phillips remarks, “I have listened to feedback from my athletes and customers and am ecstatic about how well the SMRT-CORE program and the GRID have been received. I have no doubt that this is the most versatile and comprehensive foam roller and workout tool available. My ultimate goal is to empower athletes to be able to take care of themselves through the education and use of my products.”

The SMRT-CORE GRID and program is in specialty stores around the world. To learn more about Cassidy Phillips and SMRT-CORE, visit and

Why is the SMRT-CORE GRID a technological breakthrough in foam rollers?

2. With its hollow core and sturdy EVA foam construction, the GRID uses less foam than your ordinary foam roller and will not break down with normal day-to-day use. The durable, travel-friendly and environmentally conscious product is backed by a 1-year warranty.

3. When used with the SMRT-CORE program, the GRID will create incredible core strength. The program is designed to deliver a series of killer core workouts all meanwhile providing a precision massage at different levels of intensity.

1. It features a 3-dimensional surface whereas traditional foam rollers have a flat surface and prohibit bloodflow at the point of pressure. The Matrix of 3-D Distrodensity Zones allows for blood and oxygen to channel through and create elasticity in the muscle to deliver a precision massage associated with Self-Myofascial Release Therapy.

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SMRT-CORE GRID Distrodensity Zones and Matrix Technology



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SMRT-CORE is self-myofascial release therapy and core stability work all at the same time in the same class. The SMRT-CORE program is designed to be used with the GRID, for optimal results.

Presented as an educational DVD collection with several individual workouts, the program is easy to follow, designed for various fitness levels and challenges the core while delivering a self-massage like no other foam roller.

Level 2 Incorporating the foundational movements from Level 1, Level 2 adds intensity with a ‘press’ after many ‘push-pull’ exercises to build power, increasingly work the core and further improve performance.

Level 3 We step it up from Level 2 by taking the “push-pull-press” and adding a “pause” at the peak intensity of each movement. We go to the hardest part of each exercise and hold that position to give you the most challenging strength and stability workout.

Level 1 This level engages the core and teaches the foundational “push-pull” movements needed to perform all the SMRT-CORE exercises. A great starting point for increasing strength and stability.


REFINE AND RECHARGE YOUR EXERCISE PROGRAM Traditional exercises such as push-ups, crunches, planks and bridges are modified to be performed with the GRID for a more effective and more demanding workout.

VARIETY IN WORKOUT FORMAT Each DVD contains one warm-up and two individual workouts. By offering a variety of routines, SMRT-CORE allows you to customize your workout to suit your time and intensity preferences.

SMRT-CORE DVDs AND EDUCATION Each DVD contains an easy to learn step-by-step guide for all of the exercises. Learn to master the movements and challenge your core while creating a self-massage like no other foam roller.

1. WHAT IS FASCIA? To better understand the need for muscle and fascial efficiencies, we must first understand the fascia and its function. Fascia covers the entire body; every bone, muscle and organ is surrounded by fascia. Fascia is a very powerful tissue that supports the movement of the muscle and can allow athletic greatness or create acute and chronic injuries/pain. If dysfunctional fascia is left unattended, the fascia within specific areas of the body can lose elasticity and redefine the entire body’s biomechanics, creating challenges for the fulcrums and the levers to perform optimally and efficiently. The results from such challenges can cause trigger points, scar tissue and other forms of muscular dysfunction. Through Self-Myofascial Release Therapy, this injury or discomfort can be prevented.

2. HOW IS THE SMRT-CORE GRID AN ADVANCEMENT OVER A TRADITIONAL FOAM ROLLER?A traditional foam roller is one-dimensional, meaning that its surface compresses an entire muscle group and does not allow blood and oxygen to transfer through the area that is being compressed. The GRID, our revolutionary foam roller, has a Matrix of 3-D Distrodensity Foam Zones that allows blood and oxygen to channel through and compress tissue to deliver a precision massage based on your unique needs. The GRID also offers a challenging core workout utilizing our SMRT-CORE program.

3. HOW CAN I MOST EFFECTIVELY USE THE GRID? provides great illustration and demonstration on how to use the GRID in the most efficient and effective manner. We also offer a series of DVDs that incorporate not only massage, but also some incredible core work ranging from beginner to advanced ability levels.

4. I USE A STABILITY BALL FOR MY CORE WORKOUTS. HOW WILL THE SMRT-CORE GRID IMPROVE MY CURRENT CORE WORK ROUTINE?The GRID combines the efforts of a stability ball and a foam roller into one product. We found traditional foam rolling to be ineffective, and traditional core work atop a stability ball inevitably puts the user’s body into an awkward position. One of Trigger Point Performance’s objectives in designing the GRID was to keep the body as close to a horizontal position as possible while on a vertical plane. In other words, while using the GRID, your body’s position is consistent with the way it would be when you’re standing. We wanted to create a product that enabled your body to be in a more natural position so we could apply its uses to everyday life – the way you sit, the way you stand, the process of both are able to be duplicated on our SMRT-CORE GRID.


5. WHAT IS THE GRID MADE OF?The GRID is made of EVA, which is the same material used on the soles of running shoes. Running shoes are designed to run for 400-500 miles, so we’ve designed the GRID to be durable. It will not break down with day-to-day use like traditional foam rollers. The GRID features a soft surface, which allows it to absorb the bony structure of the body as you roll over it. It also has a hard, hollow core, so no foam is wasted on the inside. The GRID is a “GREEN” ecologically-friendly product which will make you feel environmentally responsible while working out.

6. HOW MUCH DOES THE GRID COST AND WHAT IS INCLUDED WITH IT?The GRID is priced at $39.99 and is backed with a one-year warranty. The labeling for the product is a poster that illustrates various SMRT-CORE exercises you can perform with the 3-dimensional foam roller. There is virtually no waste in the creation and packaging of this product.

7. I HAVE A TIGHT IT BAND. IS THE GRID A TOOL THAT CAN HELP ALLEVIATE THIS?Absolutely. When it comes to aches and pains within a specific area in the body, there’s no doubt that massage is a helpful form of therapy. Our SMRT-CORE GRID safely and effectively enables you to massage any area on your body. From a therapeutic standpoint, we would direct you to our Trigger Point Therapy products. You can see examples of how to use these at From a massage standpoint, the GRID will give you a better massage than similar products on the market because of its exclusive Matrix of 3-D Distrodensity Zones that provide self-myofascial release therapy at different levels of intensity. Sample exercises can be found at

8. HOW LONG IS A SMRT-CORE WORKOUT?SMRT-CORE workouts can range anywhere from 2 to 30 minutes in length. Our objective with SMRT-CORE is to have you master our foundation movements and, applying one after another in a linear fashion, get the optimal core exercise to meet your needs. You can find examples via our SMRT-CORE website, YouTube, and our structured DVDs.

9. WHAT IS DISTRODENSITY?Distrodensity is a term that we created to define the matrix of varying densities that surrounds the core of our revolutionary foam roller, the SMRT-CORE GRID. Our objective was to create a platform that would allow the distribution of compression in varying ways in order to generate more blood flow and oxygen to specific areas of the body. The varying pressures allow the surface compression to change throughout the massage process.


10. WHY DOES THE SMRT-CORE GRID LOOK THE WAY THAT IT DOES?The SMRT-CORE GRID features 3 Distrodensity Zones: a low and flat zone to mirror the general feeling of one’s palm or forearm; a high and firm zone, to mirror the precision of fingertips; and the medium and tubular zone, to mirror the general feeling of fingers and thumb. This Matrix of Distrodensities creates a massage experience that mirrors the feeling of a hand.

11. WHY IS THE SMRT-CORE GRID SO SMALL COMPARED TO THE TYPICAL FOAM ROLLERS I’VE SEEN? When Trigger Point Performance’s founder, Cassidy Phillips, created the product, he looked at it from the perspective of a traveler. “I wanted to accomplish 2 things: a socially responsible product and something easy to travel with,” said Phillips. The SMRT-CORE GRID can be used in any way that the longer foam rollers are used. The only difference is, you have to activate the core while using it in similar manners. You can use it lengthwise spanning across your back between your shoulders and you’re still capable of opening up your shoulders. Or, you can use it parallel to the spine from butt to upper neck. Our DVDs and website illustrate how you can use the GRID in many ways to achieve more effective results than what you would get with a traditional foam roller.

12. WHAT MAKES THE GRID A GREEN PRODUCT?Several things distinguish the GRID as a green product. First, we put a hard core inside the GRID, making it structurally sound and able to withstand up to 800 pounds of pressure without compromise. Second, the GRID is hollowed out, so as not to waste a significant amount of foam that would traditionally be used inside the core area. Third, we used EVA on the exterior to create a durable product that won’t break down with day-to-day use. As a result, the GRID will last longer than traditional foam rollers, which break down quickly and end up occupying our landfills.

13. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE BLACK GRID AND THE ORANGE GRID?Just the color. It’s up to you to decide which one you like best.


“Breaking it down, the GRID is simply my greatest weapon in my arsenal of training and therapy tools. The ease of use for injury prevention, myofascial release and core training has made it a favorite of my clients, who ask for it by name. Personally, I never start a run or workout without a roll on it.”

Steven Lake - Celebrity Trainer, ACE and Masters Of Motion Certified Personal Trainer, Member of I.D.E.A. 20 years experience, 4-time marathoner

“I have been using TP therapy for 4 years now and have incorporated the products into my daily routine. I don’t leave home without them and know it makes the difference in keeping me injury free.”

Chris Lieto - Multiple Ironman Champion

“Trigger Point Performance Therapy has become a vital part of our recovery system and is essential in addressing our athletes’ soft tissue needs. These precise, portable tools should be used by anyone looking for a sustainable method to optimize their performance and enhance recovery.”

Mark Verstegen - Founder and Chairman of Athletes’ Performance

“I use Trigger Point Performance Therapy tools everyday regardless if it’s a training or a rest day. I had surgery for Compartment Syndrome when I was in high school in both of my calves so muscle tightness and fatigue have been a chronic problem throughout my ski career. Massage is great and appreciated, but using Cassidy’s products and resources, I have learned so much more about how my muscles work and how to take the best care of them. This knowledge is invaluable in becoming an elite skier.”

Haley Johnson - 2010 Olympian in Biathlon, Member of 2008 and 2009 World Championship Biathlon Team

“I spend six to seven months traveling during the year and Trigger Point Performance Therapy tools are invaluable for staying injury-free and healthy, which are key to great performances.”

Craig Alexander - 2-time Ironman World Champion

“As a movement specialist, I educate people about what their bodies need to perform most efficiently and powerfully without injury. The SMRT-CORE program has been integrated into MovementU’s interactive performance education as a must-have performance solution from day one.”

Jessi Stensland - Founder of MovementU, Professional Triathlete


CASSIDY PHILLIPS Phillips is a biomechanical specialist and personal trainer concentrating on sports performance, injury prevention and the muscular structure that supports the efforts of the body in motion. Having been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia almost a decade ago, it has become his personal mission to understand muscular structure and the regeneration of dysfunctional muscle tissue. Phillips has approached this in two different ways. First, Phillips created a line of patented therapy tools that mirror the feeling of a human hand so that one can apply pressure and movement (MCT, Myofascial Compression Techniques™) through the fascial planes and muscular structures that may be defining the aches and pains or biomechanical challenges of an individual. Second, Phillips most recently launched a revolutionary program called SMRT-CORE™ that he developed by combining his two areas of expertise: Self Myofascial Release Technique and functional core work. The result is an incredible combination of core stability exercises and self-myofascial release therapy, using one product: The GRID. Phillips explains SMRT-CORE is more of a workout with a touch of massage whereas his other Trigger Point Products are really geared towards therapy. Athletes and non-athletes alike will be amazed by the effects of both types of training. To learn more about Cassidy Phillips and Trigger Point Performance Therapy, or to use the Virtual Therapist, visit: or

CONTACT INFOTrigger Point Performance Therapy5321 Industrial Oaks Blvd., Suite 110Austin, TX [email protected]