SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data …

SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin Version 2011 SP1 (7.0.1) June 2010 / September 2010 DMAR1-PE-200042G-Updated

Transcript of SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data …

Page 1: SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data … Release Bulletin 7.0.1... · SP3D - Codelist ... means of a piping spec. In detail,

SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Version 2011 SP1 (7.0.1)

June 2010 / September 2010


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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin i

Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1

Highlights of this Release .......................................................................................................................... 2

General ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

New Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 4 SmartPlant Materials - Administrator‟s Guide .................................................................................. 4 SmartPlant Materials - DBA Settings ............................................................................................... 4 SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create a Component .............................................................. 4 SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create a Specification ............................................................ 5 SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - How to manage BOM ............................................................. 5 SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create Requisition MTO ........................................................ 5

Administration ............................................................................................................................................. 6

New EWN Options ................................................................................................................................. 6 Company Screen now CWS................................................................................................................... 6 User Fax Number optional ..................................................................................................................... 7 Audit - Tracking of User Changes .......................................................................................................... 7 Complex User Password ...................................................................................................................... 11

SmartPlant Reference Data ...................................................................................................................... 12

Attribute based Concept Commodity Codes ........................................................................................ 12 Attaching Documents to Commodity Codes ........................................................................................ 12 Deleting Idents ..................................................................................................................................... 13 SP3D - Copy Manual Destination Data ................................................................................................ 13 SP3D - Pending Manual Changes ....................................................................................................... 13 SP3D - Codelist Consistency ............................................................................................................... 14 SP3D - Adding Manual Data ................................................................................................................ 18 SP3D - Comment Records ................................................................................................................... 19 SP3D - Working with ............................................................................................................................ 20 SP3D - Bulk Load API Error handling improved .................................................................................. 21 SP3D - Publishing Procedure............................................................................................................... 21 PDS - Publishing Procedure ................................................................................................................. 22 PDS - SDD and SDL based on Project Specs ..................................................................................... 22 PDMS - Publishing Procedure.............................................................................................................. 23

SmartPlant Reference Data Plus ............................................................................................................. 24

Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 24 SPRD Spec Editor ................................................................................................................................ 24

Specification Revisions .................................................................................................................. 24 Coding on the Fly Improvements ................................................................................................... 25 SPRD Plus enhancements ............................................................................................................ 25

Component Management System (CMS) ............................................................................................ 26 Import job User Class Code ........................................................................................................... 26 Workload Tables ............................................................................................................................ 27 Automatic set of Input and Output Columns .................................................................................. 28

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ii SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

XML Import - Standard Notations .................................................................................................. 29 Class System Import changes ....................................................................................................... 30

E&PI (BOM) ................................................................................................................................................ 31

Unique Node Names ............................................................................................................................ 31 TSQ improvements .............................................................................................................................. 31 Copy BOM data with automatic Issue Status ....................................................................................... 33 FLC supports Item Types ..................................................................................................................... 34 New CIP to set the Req flag on BOM positions ................................................................................... 35 Link between BOM and PLL ................................................................................................................. 36 BOM Import into next Issue Status ...................................................................................................... 36 BOM load with FLC option calls custom screen................................................................................... 38 Lock BOM nodes by Issue Status ........................................................................................................ 38 Automatically lock BOM nodes during import ...................................................................................... 39

E&PI (Requisitions) ................................................................................................................................... 40

Requisition Material limitation............................................................................................................... 40

MSCM ......................................................................................................................................................... 41

eSupplier improvements ....................................................................................................................... 41 Company Qualification improvements ................................................................................................. 42 Add Reqs to Inquiry using Multi-Selection LOV ................................................................................... 43 Vendors„ Technical Evaluation ............................................................................................................. 44 Technical Evaluation Ident Values Synchronization ............................................................................ 46 Other Cost Descriptions ....................................................................................................................... 46 Associating Alternates/Options to PO/SC Line Items .......................................................................... 46 Global Update of Line Item Attributes .................................................................................................. 48 Hide Master Tags ................................................................................................................................. 48 Milestone Planning changes ................................................................................................................ 49 CWH enhancements ............................................................................................................................ 53 Item Shipment Quantity Check ............................................................................................................ 55 Expediting and Inspection Enhancements ........................................................................................... 56 Traffic Enhancements .......................................................................................................................... 57 Redesigned Traffic Reports .................................................................................................................. 59

Site.............................................................................................................................................................. 60

Field Material Control ........................................................................................................................... 60 Receiving with Shipment Groups ................................................................................................... 60 Multiple Certificates........................................................................................................................ 60 Undo Transformation ..................................................................................................................... 61 Pred on Site Date........................................................................................................................... 61 Site Inspection ............................................................................................................................... 62 Re-Design of Corporate Warehouse feature ................................................................................. 65

Subcontract Management .................................................................................................................... 68 Milestone Progress Details ............................................................................................................ 68

Integration ................................................................................................................................................. 69

SAP Integration with CMS - Part 1 ....................................................................................................... 69 SAP Integration with CMS - Part 2 ....................................................................................................... 70

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin iii

Others ........................................................................................................................................................ 72

Line Lists .............................................................................................................................................. 72 Attributes on Branch Level ............................................................................................................. 72 Multi Position View Fastcall ........................................................................................................... 72 Link between BOM and PLL .......................................................................................................... 73

Copy Attached Comments ................................................................................................................... 75

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 1

The purpose of this document is to give a technical overview of the major new features of the SmartPlant® Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data 2011 SP1 (7.0.1) software. The features are also described in the Release Notes delivered with the product.

This release of the software contains a number of valuable functions that increase productivity for users. This document presents a list of the major features, grouped by module. This document does not include workflow or end-user information.

You can send your documentation comments or suggestions to [email protected].


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Highlights of this Release

2 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

New Documentation SmartPlant Materials - Administrator’s Guide This document is a user‟s guide for SmartPlant Materials administrators.

SmartPlant Materials - DBA Settings This document describes all SmartPlant Materials DBA settings.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create a Component This tutorial manual explains how to create a component in SmartPlant Reference Data.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create a Specification This tutorial manual explains how to create a specification in SmartPlant Reference Data.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - How to Manage BOM This tutorial manual explains how to handle WBS and BOM in SmartPlant Materials.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create Requisition MTO This tutorial manual explains how to create requisitions in SmartPlant Materials.

SmartPlant Reference Data SP3D - Codelist Consistency The codelists can now be exported to SmartPlant 3D using commodity attribute table groups and details instead of templates to ensure the consistency between codelists and partclasses.

SP3D - Adding Manual Data This feature allows you to manually add records to sheets that cannot be created by any other function.

SP3D - Bulk Load API error handling improvement The error handling of the Bulk Load API was improved to cover all known error messages coming from SP3D.

SPRD Plus Spec Editor - Specification Revisions Specification revisions can now be managed in the Issue/Release Project Spec view, called from the Spec Editor.

SmartPlant Materials TSQ improvements The Transfer Site Quantity (TSQ) functionality has been enhanced with assign TSQ list job, force TSQ, and TSQ required.

Highlights of this Release

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Highlights of this Release

SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 3

BOM Import into next Issue Status The issue status of imported positions will automatically be set when importing BOM.

Milestone Planning Changes The Milestone planning screens were completely reworked for better user-friendliness, clear arrangement, and performance improvement.

CWH enhancements The CWH (corporate warehouse) functionality has been enhanced. The new warehouse type FIM (free-issue material) was introduced.

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4 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

New Documentation


SmartPlant Materials - Administrator’s Guide This document is a user‟s guide for SmartPlant Materials administrators. It describes administrator basics like the global setup, the user setup, and the project setup. You can find this document in the Administration -> System & Project Defaults section of the Printable Guides.

This document replaces the old documents „Administrator Basics’, „Copying Project Data’, and ‘Visual Attribute Handling A.30.14’.

SmartPlant Materials - DBA Settings This document describes all relevant general and application server specific DBA settings in SmartPlant Materials, their usage, and valid values. The DBA settings are global settings and preferences that control the general behavior and processing of SmartPlant Materials, independent of the login project or product group. You can find this document in the Administration -> System & Project Defaults section of the Printable Guides.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create a Component This tutorial manual explains how to create a component in SmartPlant Reference Data by means of a table detail-based commodity code. In detail, it describes how to:

Use Commodity Rules

Define Object Parameters

Maintain Commodity Attribute Tables

Create a Commodity Code

Define Geometrics

Set-up Geometric Relations

Build Idents

You can find this document in the Tutorials section of the Printable Guides.


New Documentation was added to the Printable Guides library to provide User‟s Guides with detailed information about the administration module and DBA settings. Further, the first set of A-Z Training manuals has been implemented.

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 5

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create a Specification This tutorial manual explains how to create a specification in SmartPlant Reference Data by means of a piping spec. In detail, it describes how to:

Use Short Codes

Define Specification Rules

Define Specification Types

Define Specification Headers

Create Specification Items

Build Idents within a Specification

You can find this document in the Tutorials section of the Printable Guides.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - How to manage BOM This tutorial manual explains how to handle Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) and Bills of Materials (BOM) in SmartPlant Materials. In detail, it describes how to:

Administer the BOM setup

Define a Work Breakdown Structure

Create BOM positions

Work with the issue status

Import BOM data from CAD systems

You can find this document in the Tutorials section of the Printable Guides.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training - Create Requisition MTO This tutorial manual explains how to create requisitions for bulk material based on BOM data with the material take off (MTO) functionality in SmartPlant Materials. In detail, it describes how to:

Administer the requisition setup

Define the requisition structure with nodes and templates

Define MTO types

Create MTO jobs

Run MTO jobs

You can find this document in the Tutorials section of the Printable Guides.

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6 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

New EWN Options


The new option „Every 15 minutes‟ was added for the Interval field in A.60.10 Early Warning Queries and A.60.45 DBMS Jobs. The new option „CURRENT‟ was added for the Mail Content field in A.60.10. Selecting this option will include NEW and UNCHANGED alert messages in the mail.

Company Screen now CWS


The A.10.23 Companies screen now has CWS (core workflow screen) functionality. Among all other CWS features it enables you to add attributes and CIP fields. For the details of CWS, read the chapter Core Workflow Screens in the SmartPlant Materials User Interface Basics document, available on the Printable Guides page in the software.

The fastcalls are replaced as described below. A.10.22 Company Types Double-click on the Company Type field on the Company

Types tab in window 2 A.10.25 Address Types Double-click on the Address Type field on the Addresses tab

in window 2 A.10.26 Communication Types Double-click on the Communication Type field on the

Addresses or Contacts tab in window 2


The Company screen was changed to a CWS (core workflow screen) to enable adding attributes and CIP fields.

New options have been added to better control the Interval and Mail Content of the EWN (early warning notifications).

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 7

G.10.01 Company Symbols Double-click on the Symbol field P.20.01 Suppliers/Subcontractors Double-click on the Company Name field

User Fax Number optional


In the A.20.05 User screen, the Fax field is now optional.

Audit - Tracking of User Changes


With this user story the new Audit feature is implemented. You can now track and report changes made to SmartPlant Materials users. The changes that are tracked in the current version are listed below.

The Fax Number is now optional and does not have to be entered when creating a new user.

A new automated process has been implemented to track and report changes made to SmartPlant Materials users.

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8 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

User creation

Changes in user security for product groups or projects

Changes in user privileges.

User activation/deactivation You can activate or deactivate the user auditing feature using the new DBA setting AUDIT_ENABLE. Possible values of this DBA setting are:

Y - Audit is enabled

N (this is the default) - Audit is disabled. When audit is activated, various events are captured and stored in the audit trail table. Captured information can be viewed on the new A.60.86 Audit Trail screen. Currently, only user and user security changes are tracked. You can find details about the performed steps in the produced trace file. Trace files related to the audit management are named with the prefix AUDIT_. With the new DBA setting AUDIT_KEEP_TRAIL_DAYS you can specify how many days the audit trails will be available. Default value 0 means forever. With this parameter, you control when audit records are to be deleted by the DBMS job AUDIT_PURG. The new A.60.86 Audit Trail screen allows you to monitor tracked changes.

The Object Name field shows the type of change like „Users‟, „User Securities‟, and „User Privileges‟. The type of change is shown in the Type field; it‟s „Insert‟, „Update‟, or „Delete‟. The Performed By field shows the user who did the change. The user who was modified is stored in the Object Key field, the modification date in the Date of Change field, and the details of the modification in the Description field. The displayed records can be sorted by Object Name, Performed By, Object Key, and/or Date of Change, using the Sort Options at the bottom of the screen.

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 9

The Created Date and Activated Date fields were added to the A.20.05 User screen. The date when the user was created is stored in the Created Date field. The date when the first user security record was created for the user is stored in the Activated Date field. When audit is enabled, the following changes in A.20.05 will be tracked (Object name „Users‟ in A.60.86).

First Name

Last Name





Managed by


Complex PW

User who performed this action

Action timestamp On the A.20.06.01 User Security for Product Groups screen, changes (insert/update/delete) in the following fields are tracked when audit is enabled (Object name „User Securities‟ in A.60.86).


Product group




View name

User who performed this action

Action timestamp

On the A.20.06.02 User Security for Projects screen, changes (insert/update/delete) in the following fields are tracked when audit is enabled (Object name „User Securities‟ in A.60.86).






View name

User who performed this action

Action timestamp On the A.20.06.04 User Privileges screen, changes (insert/update/delete) in the following fields are tracked when audit is enabled (Object name „User Privileges‟ in A.60.86).


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10 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Project or product group



User who has performed this action

Action timestamp

On the A.20.06.21 Request for Rights screen, changes in the following fields are tracked when audit is enabled (Object name „User Privileges‟ or „User Securities‟ in A.60.86)..


Product group or project




View name

User who performed this action

Action timestamp User creation will be tracked on the A.60.01.01 Create User screen when audit is enabled, with the following information (Object name „Users‟ in A.60.86).


First name

Last name





Complex PW

Managed by


User who performed this action

Action timestamp User deletion will be tracked on the A.60.01.02 Delete User screen when audit is enabled, with the following information (Object name „Users‟).


First name

Last name



User privileges

User security for product groups, projects

User who performed this action

Action timestamp Password changes on the A.60.01.03 Change Password will be tracked when audit is enabled, with the following information (Object name „Users‟).


User who performed this action

Action timestamp

Privilege assignments done on the A.60.63 Valid Settings screen will be tracked when audit is enabled, with the following information (Object name „User Privileges‟).

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 11


Project or product group


Privilege name and status: active or deactivated

Action timestamp The new DBMS job AUDIT_PURG was added to the A.60.45 DBMS Jobs screen. This job will delete audit records depending on the value of the DBA setting AUDIT_KEEP_TRAIL_DAYS.

Complex User Password


The existing DBA setting USER_COMPLEX_PW is now assigned to the A.20.05 screen. When this setting is active, you cannot clear the Complex PW check box for any user. When this setting is active and you set the Complex PW check box for an existing user, the user password is checked against the password complexity policy. You will be informed when the password does not meet the password policy.

If you click OK, the system will discard your changes. Or, this message will appear:

Clicking the Change Password button will open the A.60.01.03 Change Password screen where you can enter a new complex password.

The existing complex user password functionality has been enhanced.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

12 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Attribute based Concept Commodity Codes


To allow the creation of attribute based concept commodity codes, the fields Type with option „Attribute Based‟ and Attribute Set were added to the screen S.30.11 Concept Commodity Codes, and further the tab Attributes.

Attaching Documents to Commodity Codes


The user will now be allowed to attach documents on the project level to commodity codes owned by the underlying product group. However, the login discipline must be the same discipline that the commodity code is assigned to. That means documents must be attached on the project level with the same discipline of the commodity codes.

SmartPlant Reference Data

Documents can now be attached on the project level to commodity codes owned by the underlying product group.

The screen S.30.11 was enhanced to allow the creation of attribute based concept commodity codes.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 13

Deleting Idents


It is now possible to delete idents that have already been transferred to SAP; that is, the ident exists in the m_sap_idents table. In this case, the user will need to confirm an alert informing him that the ident/idents have already been transferred. This functionality is only available on window 1 of screen S.80.01 Ident Management, but not for the mass deletion of invalid idents on window 5.

SP3D - Copy Manual Destination Data

( B-26209)

The new Copy Manual Dest. Data button was implemented in the SP3D 10.05 Destinations screen to allow copying manual destination data from one destination to another.

Select the target destination to which the manual data should be copied. Then click the Copy Manual Dest. Data button to invoke the copy dialog box.

Open the LOV in the Source Destination field and select the source destination from which you want to copy the manual destination data. Click the Copy button to close the copy window and to copy the manual data from the selected destination to the target destination.

SP3D - Pending Manual Changes

( B-26209)

The export job will be cancelled and a new instance will be started automatically whenever there are pending manual destination changes to be applied. When you start the export job on the SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs screen from the FILL_IF_TABS stage, the system checks for pending manual destination changes. If there are pending changes, an appropriate message is displayed

Idents can now be deleted in SPRD although they have been transferred to SAP.

When proceeding a transfer job from the FILL_IF_TAB stage, the procedure checks for pending manual changes.

Manual Destination Data can now be copied from one destination to another destination.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

14 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

and you can choose to apply the changes or ignore the changes. If you choose to apply the changes, the job will be cancelled and a new instance will be started automatically.

SP3D - Codelist Consistency


Codelists can now be generated during export using table groups and details of commodity attribute tables instead of SP3D templates. For this purpose, the new retrieval method TABLE_DETAILS was added in SP3D 10.07 Sheet Configs. For the mapping of sheet attributes to SPRD database columns, two methods are supported, mapping using table groups and table details and mapping using table details.

Mapping using Table Groups and Table Details

The PressureRating sheet displayed in the picture below will be used as an example for the table group/detail method.

The RatingPractice ShortDescription/LongDescription values are fetched from the table group short desc/description and the corresponding codelist number from the attribute CODELIST_NUMBER1, which is assigned to the table group attr_num1; see picture below. The table group is considered as level 1.

The codelists can now be exported to SmartPlant 3D using commodity attribute table groups and details instead of templates to ensure consistency between codelists and partclasses.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 15

The PressureRating ShortDescription/LongDescription values are fetched from the table detail short desc/description and the corresponding codelist number from the attribute CODELIST_NUMBER, which is assigned to the table detail attr_num1; see picture below. The table detail is considered as level 0.

Mapping using Table Details

The EndPreparation sheet displayed in the picture below will be used as an example for the table detail method.

As the codelist data will be fetched from table details of one commodity attribute table, the hierarchy (level structure) must be defined using the Parent Table Details field in the S.20.02 Tablenames with Details screen.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

16 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

The EndPreparation ShortDescription/LongDescription values are fetched from the table detail short desc/description and the corresponding codelist number from the attribute Codelist_Number, which is assigned to the table detail attr_num1. In our example, the table details AA, AB, AC, AD with parent table detail XA (Flanged) assigned are considered as the lowest level 0 (zero) because the table details are not assigned as parent table detail to other table details.

The TerminationSubClass ShortDescription/LongDescription values are fetched from the table detail short desc/description and the corresponding codelist number from the attribute Codelist_Number. The table details XA, XB with parent table detail YA (Bolted) assigned are considered as level 1.

The TerminationClass ShortDescription/LongDescription values are fetched from the table detail short desc/description and the corresponding codelist number from the attribute Codelist_Number. This table detail does not have a parent table detail assigned, so it is considered as the highest level 2.

Sheet Configs The retrieval method for the codelist sheets must be defined on the SP3D 10.07 Sheet Configs screen as TABLE_DETAILS. The picture below shows the example of the PressureRating sheet.

Select the commodity attribute table, which is used to hold the relevant data, from the LOV in the Source field. The Extended Customization indicator is automatically checked when TABLE_DETAILS is selected as retrieval method. Next, define the retrieval methods for the assigned sheet attributes on the Attributes tab.

Select the retrieval method BASE_COLUMN from the dropdown list in the Retrieval Method field for all sheet attributes except for Sort Order. The retrieval method of the Sort Order attribute must be kept as NONE; this attribute will be used internally by the export procedure to sort the records.

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Select the appropriate column for each attribute from the LOV in the Source field. In our example of the PRESSURERATING table, the RatingPractice ShortDescription/LongDescription values are fetched from the table group short desc/description. The PressureRating ShortDescription/LongDescription are fetched from the table detail short desc/description. The corresponding codelist numbers are fetched from the attributes assigned to the table group/table detail attr_num1.

The codelist number attributes on the table group and table detail level must be assigned to the same physical attribute, TG.NUM1 and TD.NUM1, or TG.NUM2 and TD.NUM2, or TG.NUM3 and TD.NUM3. To complete the sheet attribute definition, set the level for each attribute except „Codelist Number‟ and „Sort Order‟ on the Level field.

In our example, the PressureRating descriptions are defined as table details on the lowest level, which is 0 (zero). The RatingPractice descriptions are defined as table groups on the next level 1. Finally, enter 1 in the Order by field for attribute „Sort Order‟. The picture below displays the sheet attribute definitions for the example of the EndPreparation sheet.

Since all attributes except „Codelist Number‟ and „Sort Order‟ are mapped to table details, the column to be selected from the LOV on the Source field is either TDN.SHORT_DESC for the ShortDescription attributes or TDN.DESCRITPION for the LongDescription attributes. The corresponding codelist numbers are fetched from the attribute assigned to the table detail attr_num1. The level must be entered in the Level field according to the hierarchy definition as explained above. The value 1 must be entered in the Order by field for the attribute „Sort Order‟. Restrictions

1. The maximum hierarchy level supported by the retrieval method „TABLE_DETAILS‟ is 7. 2. The new retrieval method „TABLE_DETAILS‟ supports only sheets of category

„CODE_LIST‟. 3. The procedures of type „POST_EXP_SHT‟ and „PRE_EXP_SHT‟ will be available for

this retrieval process.

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SP3D - Adding Manual Data


It is now possible to add manually entered records in the exported Excel sheets during the SP3D export process. This manual data has to be entered in the SP3D.10.15 Add, Find and Replace screen based on a sheet under a sheet configuration. When exporting to Excel or completing the job, this manually entered data will be appended to the sheet.

This functionality is available only for sheets configured on the SP3D.10.07 Sheet Configs screen with the Extended Customization check box selected.

The functionality is available for the retrieval methods TEMPLATE_COPY, TABLE_DETAILS, and SHT_STND_METHOD.

The manual data based on the sheet must be entered on the new Manual Data tab of the SP3D.10.15 Add, Find and Replace screen. The manual records will be considered for uniqueness verification and against the existing inventory. The manual records will be stored in the inventory. The existing find and replace functionality is not applicable on the manual data.

These new general config items have been introduced with this feature:




The assigned values will be used as dummy values when creating manual data. The user does not have to be concerned about this data (ident code, spec code, and spec item) when entering the manual data, but the database requires this data as the corresponding columns are mandatory. To add the manual data, open the SP3D 10.15 Add, Find and Replace screen, select the Sheet Config and the Sheet in the first block, and click the Manual Data tab. Now enter the records to be added to the selected sheet.

This feature allows you to manually adding records to sheets that cannot be created by any other function. The screen is renamed to SP3D 10.15 Add, Find and Replace, and the new

tab Manual Data was added.

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Creating the sheet during the export job will append the manually added records to the sheet.

The manually added records will be displayed with a light blue background color in window 3 of SP3D 20.01 (click the Show Results button, and then select the sheet on window 2).

SP3D - Comment Records


It is now possible to comment out an entry in the Excel sheet during the SP3D export process. The special character (!) will be shown under the column „Head‟ to indicate that the corresponding record is commented out in the exported Excel sheet.

This functionality is available only if the sheet is configured on the SP3D.10.07 Sheet Configs screen with the Extended Customization check box selected.

The functionality is available for the retrieval methods TEMPLATE_COPY, TABLE_DETAILS, and SHT_STND_METHOD.

To comment out any sheet data, you must enter the value „!‟ in the Action field on the Replacement Information block of the SP3D 10.15 Add, Find and Replace screen.

With this new feature you can comment any record out during the export to the SP3D Excel sheets, using the special character „!‟.

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The records with „!‟ in the „Action‟ column will not be considered for uniqueness verification. No check will be performed against the existing inventory. These records will be shown in the generated Excel sheet but will not be inserted into the inventory.

SP3D - Working with


In preparation for future enhancements, the new Working with pop-up list item was implemented in several screens to allow the selection of a pre-defined interface. With a future version of SmartPlant Materials, it‟s planned to use these screens also for other interfaces, but the current version does not provide any functionality in context with the pop-up list. The new Working with pop-up list item was implemented into the following screens: SP3D 10.02 Sheets

SP3D 10.06 Transfer Types

SP3D 10.07 Sheet Configs

SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs

The new Working with pop-up list item was implemented in several screens to allow the selection of a pre-defined interface.

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With this „Working with‟ item, the user can select an interface defined on the A.70.01 Interfaces screen. Changing the item will query the screen for data related to the selected interface. Any LOVs or validations in the screen will only offer data related to the selected interface. The „Working with‟ item will keep its value in all affected screens, unless it is changed or the application is closed. The default value for this item is „SP3D‟. The migration will create the interface „SP3D‟ if not yet existing, and assign all data to „SP3D‟.

SP3D - Bulk Load API Error handling improved


Improvement on analyzing the bulk load feedback logfile during transfer of data from SPRD to SP3D in screen SP3D 20.01. Recognition rate should now be 100%. Additionally, the program is now capable of processing rows that were not skipped but modified. The inventory will be updated in the same way as the bulk load changed the row before importing into SP3D. That ensures that the inventory is in sync with SP3D.

SP3D - Publishing Procedure

(B-25751) The new CIP package M_PCK_SP3DEXP_CUSTOM was implemented. This CIP can be called from the SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs screen after the transfer job is finished successfully. The new Run CIP indicator was added to the SP3D 10.05 Destinations screen.

The value of this indicator will be populated to the Run CIP on the SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs screen when creating a new transfer job with the destination predefined on SP3D 10.05. The new Run CIP indicator was added to the SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs screen.

The error handling of the Bulk Load API was improved to cover all known error messages coming from SP3D.

New CIP package M_PCK_SP3DEXP_CUSTOM was added to be used with SP3D export jobs.

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The custom procedure „publish‟ will be executed if the Run CIP indicator is selected and the export job is finished. When you create a new supplement of the job using the New Run button, the value of the Run CIP indicator is populated from the previous supplement of the job.

PDS - Publishing Procedure

(B-25751) The new CIP package M_PCK_PDSEXP_CUSTOM was implemented. This CIP can be called from the PDS 10.12 Generate and View PMC/PDS screen after the job is finished successfully. The new Run CIP indicator was added to the PDS.10.12 Generate and View PMC/PCD screen.

The custom procedure „publish‟ will be executed if the Run CIP indicator is selected and the generation of the output files, which is initiated by clicking the ASCII button, is finished

PDS - SDD and SDL based on Project Specs


On the PDS 10.01 Configure PDS screen, the new option "only Spec Item Idents in project" was implemented for generation of SDD (Size Depending Data) and SDL (Short Description Library).

New CIP package M_PCK_PDSEXP_CUSTOM was added to be used with PDS PMC export jobs.

With a new option, you can specify that the SDD and/or SDL are generated using only the project specifications and not the specs of the underlying Product Group.

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Both will toggle synchronously between the new option and "only Spec Item Idents". So if it is changed for SDL it will also be for SDD and vice versa.

PDMS - Publishing Procedure

(B-25751) The new CIP package M_PCK_PDMSEXP_CUSTOM was implemented. This CIP can be called from the PDMS 10.02 Create PDMS Spec-File screen after the job is finished successfully. The new Run CIP indicator was added to the PDMS.10.02 Create PDMS Spec-File screen.

The custom procedure „publish‟ will be executed if the Run CIP indicator is selected and the generation of the output files, which is initiated by clicking the Transfer Selected Specs button, is finished.

New CIP package M_PCK_PDMSEXP_CUSTOM was added to be used with PDMS spec export jobs.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus

24 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

For more and detailed information about the enhancements of the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus application, read the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus User's Guide.



As a user of the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus (.NET) client, I want to automatically get an update of the client every time I open the client. Server and Client (server-based) Installation.

SPRD Spec Editor

Specification Revisions


The Issue/Release Project Spec screen allows the users who are responsible for maintaining specifications to manage specification revisions. This screen allows you to manage the revisions of specifications during a project. You can get to this screen by opening the Spec Editor and selecting the Issue/Release Project Spec view.

SmartPlant Reference Data Plus

To make sure that all users are working with the same and latest version of the software, the automatic application update was implemented. Each time the user launches the SPRD Plus client, it checks for available updates on the server and prompts you to download when found.

Spec revisions can now be managed in the Issue/Release Project Spec view, called from the Spec Editor.

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Coding on the Fly Improvements


When only one applicable detail is available for a mandatory table, the system automatically inserts this value in the COF (Coding on the Fly) dialog box.


When creating a commodity code using the COF dialog box, the software automatically creates the corresponding company commodity code and/or interface commodity code depending on the setting of the project default ZS_ADD_CCB.

SPRD Plus Enhancements For more information about SPRD Plus enhancements, see the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus User’s Guide, available from the Printable Guides page in the software.

The performance of the Generate process for large component groups has been improved.


For non-template specifications, you can now select CMS idents as well.



The creation of commodity codes using the COF dialog box has been improved.

A new button, Selective Copy, has been added to each filtering default grid on the Cover Page. This button allows you to copy only some filtering defaults from the project for that area.

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The Help menu now includes test cases and a global flowchart.

(B- 29682)

The Notes functionality has been enhanced. A new Note Type column has been added to all Notes grids in the Spec Editor. When you create a new note, you can specify the note type.


The Short Description, Description, and Project fields have been added to the Filter Line Lookup Selection dialog box.


Component Management System (CMS) For more and detailed information about the enhancements of the Component Management System within the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus application, read the SmartPlant Reference Data Component Management System (CMS) document.

Import Job User Class Code


This user story deals with importing the Class Code, Keywords and Short / Long Descriptions of the Classes. Following are the assumptions / behavior for this functionality.

Sl. Remarks


1 Elements, Attributes and Data for Class Systems (including Revision and Description) should appear before the first element corresponding to Class Code.

2 The XML for structure should contain at least one Class Code.

3 Data for Class Code will always correspond to an Element in XML file.

4 Data for all Classes will be at the same hierarchical depth. This does not mean that all elements for the Class Code will have the same parent element.

5 All child or supporting data for a Class will appear below its corresponding element but before the element for next Class.

6 One of the Class Codes shall be supplied as the Parent Class Code.

7 Class Commodity Groups, Commodity Parts, or Commodity Codes can either be

Data for all CMS logical structures shall be available in the XML file for structures. The distinct elements / attributes of the XML file will be mapped to a unique CMS logical structure.

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specified as elements or as attributes of the element representing the Class Code.

8 It is assumed that the provided Commodity Group, Commodity Part and Commodity Codes are already available in the system.

Class NLS

9 If the Class Short Description (and Long Description is also not available) is not found, then it will be same as Class Code.

10 If the Class Long Description is not found, then it will be the same as the Class Short Description. Similarly If the Class Short Description is not found, then it will be the same as the Class Long Description (if available).

11 The Class Description (Short and Long) will always correspond to an Element (and not Attribute) in XML file.

12 The Class Keyword will always correspond to an Element (and not Attribute) in XML file.

13 If the Class Keyword is not provided, then it will be same as the Class Code.

14 If only the Keyword is provided against the Class and both Short and Long Descriptions are not there in the data, then the Short and Long Descriptions will be same as the Class Code.

15 Language Attribute / Element must accompany the Short and Long Class Descriptions.

Workload Tables


This functionality provides a mechanism to transfer selected Idents to a specific database table, which is referred as “Workload Table,” from where the SAP interface can read them and transfer them to the SAP system. The group of selected Idents at a time will always be linked to a code name called the workload name. These workload names shall be defined first and made available for further use of transferring Idents.

The workload name shall be defined through a separate UI identified as XC4010 Define Workload. Please note the following:

1. Workload name will not be allowed for modification.

2. Delete will not be allowed once a workload name is used.

3. Workload names shall be unique.

4. An inactive workload name cannot be used for transfer.

Call the XC4010 Define Workload screen from the main menu CMS -> XC40 CMS Workload Management.

The CMS user can now put selected idents into a workload table. This workload table can be used to load the selected idents to SAP.

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Selection of idents for transferring can be done in both the Multi Article View (MAV) as well as in the Classification Tree View of the XC20 CMS Component Manager of CMS module. The mechanism to select and transfer is supported by a right mouse click menu of both the views.

On selecting the Idents for transfer, a separate dialog appears where the user can put the priority and reason for Ident transfer to SAP. The user also selects the specific workload to which the Idents will be associated.

Click the Add To Workload button to complete the link.

Please read the SAP Integration with CMS chapter in the Integration section below to learn how to pick up such a predefined workload for an SAP transfer job in SmartPlant Materials.

Automatic set of Input and Output Columns


The new combo box Target Dimension Column was added to the Assign Properties screen, with the available values INPUT_1 to _4 and OUTPUT_1 to _15. When creating the Ident the value of these properties will be written to the corresponding input or output columns of the ident.

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Presently when a CMS Ident is created, all the input (except INPUT_5) columns of table M_IDENTS have the value 0. Column INPUT_5 has the same value as in column IDENT. Output columns have the value NULL. The property values for Idents are stored in the tables M_IDENT_PROP_VAL and M_IDENT_PROP_VAL_NLS. Presently, the class properties do not correspond to any input or output dimension.

The new Target Dimension Column was added to the Class Properties screen.

The user can select any of the listed input or output dimensions against the class properties:

• INPUT_1..4

• OUTPUT_1..15

INPUT_5 will continue to be reserved for internal CMS usage and will not be available to be assigned against any class property.

When a CMS Ident is created or updated, the data of the class property value will now also go into the corresponding columns of M_IDENTS as specified by the input or output dimensions.

XML Import - Standard Notations

( B-29589)

A facility is now provided to enable users to define standard notations for a particular language. Standard notations for a particular language can be defined on the A.10.01 Languages screen. Select the language and double-click in the Nls or Description field of this language to open window 2.

Here you can define the NLS notation codes for the selected language.

A standard notation code is unique across the languages.

Standard notations can now be defined to be used at the XML data file import.

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Class System Import changes

( B-29590)

During a class system import from XML, all data corresponds to one language only. Hence, in the same file, we do not have class system descriptions in different languages. Also, language itself cannot be an attribute of an XML element. It will always correspond to an XML Element only.

If the class system revision is not provided in the XML data, then by default it is taken as 0. Similar to language, revision also cannot be an attribute of an XML element. It will always correspond to an XML Element only. Also, data for revision should always occur after the data for class system code in the XML file.

The class system import from XML file was changed due to the fact that the import is made for one language and one revision only.

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Unique Node Names


Now it is possible to control whether the node names for a node type shall be unique within the project or not. This feature is controlled by the new project default ZB_NODE_UK. If the project default value is set to N (default), then the node name under a node type may not be unique within the project. This means you can assign the same node name multiple times to a node type. If the project default value is set to Y, then the node name under a node type must be unique within the project. This will be checked when creating BOM nodes manually, when editing existing BOM nodes, when copying BOM nodes, when importing BOM nodes via OMI, or when creating BOM nodes via „Populate from PLL‟. When trying to create a duplicate node name for a node type, the error message MAR-20391 is displayed.

TSQ improvements


New project default ZB_LJ_TSQ List Job for TSQ. This parameter will be used in module B.20.01 to transfer site quantities for a node from within the screen. The parameter points to a defined Verification Job from B.20.01.41. This job must be a master job. If the assigned job is gone, an error message will occur at execution time. The functionality is almost the same as in B.20.01.41. In the first step, the assigned job will be copied to a new job. The second step is to start the new job. New project default ZB_TSQ_FRC Force TSQ processing for BOM copy, load, or insert actions. When set to 'Y', this setting prevents BOM import jobs from being run without the TSQ option set.


The Transfer Site Quantity (TSQ) functionality has been improved. New project defaults allow you to assign a list job for TSQ and to force the TSQ. Additional fields and check boxes are displayed on the BOM screens.

With a new project default, you can control if the node names for a particular node type must be unique within a project.

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Additionally, if this project default is set to 'Y', additional checks prevent B2001/B2003 users from adding/changing position data under certain conditions: 1) If there are positions with site quantities (issued/reserved) in an issue status that is not the highest at the current node and 2) there are already positions with an issue status higher than the status with site quantities. Under these conditions, you are not allowed to enter position data with another issue status. The system forces you to apply Transfer Site Quantity logic for this node first. Changes on the B.20.01 Edit BOM screen

There is a new check box TSQ Required on the multi position view (window 3) and the single position view (window 4) displaying BOM list positions. Values for the check boxes are only set by the system and will be checked if there are positions with site quantities (issue/reserved) in a lower issue status than the highest issue status at a node.

The new field Site Status on the List Nodes page displays the issue status containing position data with site quantities.

The item prompt has changed from 'IS Stat' to 'Highest Iss. Status'.

Both fields Site Status and Highest Iss. Status are only displayed when project default ZB_INDICAT is set to 'Y'.

There is a new button Call TSQ on the toolbar. Using this button, you can directly start a TSQ job (B.20.01.41 Job) for the current (selected) node.

Changes on the B.20.03 Adv. Maintain BOM screen

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There is a new check box TSQ Required on the multi position view and the single position view (both window 2) displaying BOM list positions. Values for the check boxes are only set by the system and will be checked if there are positions with site quantities (issue/reserved) in a lower issue status than the highest issue status at a node.

TSQ jobs can be started by the available functionality of calling 'BOM Procedures' from the

right mouse-click menu on the BOM node tree. Changes on the B.40.01 BOM Import screen

When finishing the import job successfully but with entries of type 'Warning' or 'Error' in the Import Protocol (window 2), a B40R01 report will be started automatically and offered to the user for download or view directly.

Copy BOM data with automatic Issue Status


It is possible now to copy BOM data (node structure and positions) from a source to a destination, with the destination issue status automatically determined by the copy process. This is controlled by a new list box „Type‟ having values „Automatic‟ and „Manual‟ on the screen B.20.03.08 Cut/Copy Nodes.

When copying BOM positions, the issue status of the copied positions will automatically be set to the next available highest issue status for the destination node.

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If the selected type is „Manual‟, you must enter the issue status for the destination in the Issue Status to field. This issue status will be set for all copied positions at the destination. If the selected type is „Automatic‟, the positions will be copied from the source to the destination and for each destination the issue status will be set for all copied positions as follows.

1. Existing positions at the destination node: based on the highest issue status of the existing positions, the issue status of the copied positions will be set to the next available issue status. If the maximum available issue status is already assigned to existing positions, the procedure automatically creates a new issue status and assigns the copied positions to this new issue status. The name for the new issue status is “AUTO” concatenated with the next available sequence number, for example, AUTO51.

2. No positions exist at the destination node: the issue status of the copied positions will be set to the lowest available issue status.

FLC supports Item Types


It is possible to configure the different item types when loading a BOM using the Flat Load Config data source option. You must use the POS_ITR item while creating Flat Config on the B.10.41 Flat Configurations screen.

The flat loading config feature was improved to support the load of item types.

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After selecting the POS_ITR in the Item field, use the list of values in the Value field to select a valid item type from the list of available values.

New CIP to set the Req flag on BOM positions


The new custom package M_PCK_BOM_CUSTOM was implemented. With this new package the new CIP function get_lp_req_ind was added. This new CIP function has been incorporated into this package in order to allow customers to define when the requisition flag (requisition_ind) should be set or not after inserting or updating BOM positions (table m_list_pos).

A new CIP is introduced to automatically set the requsition flag after inserting a new BOM position or updating an existing BOM position. This CIP can be used to identify material not required to purchase and thus not needed to be considered for requisition by the MTO job.

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The function get_lp_req_ind is called within triggers on the table m_list_pos, so do not use any commit in the function body. The function has to return „Y‟ when the requisition flag should be set to 'Y', and it has to return „N‟ when the requisition flag should be set to „N‟. Use „-„ as the return value when the requisition flag should not be changed.

Link between BOM and PLL


For the details, read Link between BOM and PLL in the Others - Line List section of this document.

BOM Import into next Issue Status


The Next Issue Status check box was implemented on the B.40.01 BOM Import screen in the Runtime Options section.

When the Next Issue Status check box is selected,

the issue status specified in the Issue Status field will be ignored,

the issue status specified in the uploaded file will be ignored,

BOM positions are created with the next highest issue status available for the node into which these positions are being imported.

With regard to the issue status, various cases are to be considered when importing a BOM with the Next Issue Status option activated. These cases have been investigated on the basis of issue status definitions as displayed in the picture below.

With the Next Issue Status option, the issue status of imported positions will automatically be determined and set when importing a BOM.

The BOM and line list (PLL) are linked to avoid duplicate data entry in both screens.

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1. BOM node with existing positions The next higher issue status based on the highest issue status used for the existing positions is considered for the new positions being imported. For example, BOM positions exist with issue status 02 and 03. The new positions will be imported with issue status I1, which is the next available issue status in the sequence.

Node A1 Pos Status


10 02

Existing max. Issue Status 03

20 02

Next available Issue Status I1

30 03

Positions imported with Issue Status I1

40 03

2. BOM node without any position The minimum issue status, defined in B.10.08 with the lowest sequence, is considered for the new positions being imported. For example, the new positions will be imported with issue status 01, which is the issue status with the lowest sequence (10).

Node A2 Pos Status


Existing max. Issue Status None!

Next available Issue Status 01

Positions imported with Issue Status 01

3. The next highest issue status does not exist The existing BOM positions have the highest available issue status assigned. In this case, a new issue status is created as „AUTO‟||next_order_seq. For example, BOM positions exist with issue status FI, which is the issue status with the highest available sequence (70). The new issue status AUTO71 with sequence 71 will automatically be created and assigned to the new positions being imported.

Node A1 Pos Status


10 FI

Existing max. Issue Status FI

20 FI

Next available Issue Status None!

30 FI

Positions imported with Issue Status AUTO71

40 FI

The issue statuses having the usage defined as „Not Selectable and Exclude Best QTY‟ on the B.10.08 Issue Status screen will not be considered while determining the next highest issue status.

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BOM load with FLC option calls custom screen


The new Load Option „Custom Screen‟ has been introduced in the B.40.01 BOM Import screen under the FLC section.

When the Data Source of the BOM import job is set to „Flat Load Config‟, choosing this load option „Custom Screen‟ will call a custom screen before starting the actual import. The purpose of this custom screen is to copy data into the FLC tables. The custom screen has to be defined by the new application server specific DBA Setting 'FLC_CUSTOM_SCREEN' on A.60.04.

Lock BOM nodes by Issue Status


Now it is possible to lock BOM nodes by the selected issue status and all the lower issue statuses of the node in one step from the screen B.40.31 Manually Lock BOM. With a right mouse-click on the tree node to be locked you open the menu. Select the option „Lock Selected Node‟ or „Lock Sub Tree‟ to invoke window 2.

With the manual lock of BOM nodes, the selected issue status and all issue statuses underneath can now be considered in one step.

A custom screen can now be opened during the BOM import with „Flat Loading Config‟ data source to copy data into the FLC tables.

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The new option „Selected and Lower‟ was introduced in the Issue Status section of this window 2. Choose this option and select an issue status from the LOV in the adjacent field. Now click the Continue button to lock the selected issue status and all issue statuses underneath.

Automatically lock BOM nodes during import


Now it is possible to automatically lock the nodes, node values, positions, and position values imported using the B.40.01 BOM Import screen. The new Lock BOM check box is introduced in the Runtime Options section of B.40.01 for this purpose.

Select this Lock BOM check box to automatically lock the nodes, node values, positions, and position values during the BOM import.

The BOM import procedure was enhanced to allow the automatic lock of nodes during the import.

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E&PI (Requisitions)

40 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Requisition Material limitation


Now it is possible to restrict the material of manual requisitions in the R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions screen. When creating new requisition line items for a requisition on window 2, only material that matches the where condition assigned to the requisition template is available. This feature is controlled by the new project default ZR_RES_MAT. If ZR_RES_MAT is set to „Y‟, only material that corresponds with the where condition of the requisition template is allowed and available to be selected when creating manual requisition line items. The LOVs on Group, Part, Commodity Code, and Ident are restricted accordingly. Furthermore, the creation of new material (tagged items) is prohibited. If ZR_RES_MAT is set to „N‟ (default), there is no restriction on the material selection.

E&PI (Requisitions)

Selectable material to be added to a manual requisition can be limited by a where condition assigned to the requisition template, controlled by the project default ZR_RES_MAT.

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eSupplier improvements


When an eSupplier has logged on successfully via eSupplier login, he gets a message about that and additionally a hint what to do next.

A check box indicates whether the eSupplier is logged on or not.

After the eSupplier has logged on successfully and selected the 'Profile & Qualification' logon option, the P.20.03 Questionnaire screen opens displaying the automatically expanded qualifications tree.

When you click in an empty Answer field on the questionnaire, this LOV with a list of available values opens automatically.

The reminder that is displayed when the user tries to close Window 2 of P.20.03 without having clicks the Submit button first now appears without taking the revision of the Company Profile/Qualifications into account.


A few enhancements were implemented to improve the eSupplier functionality.

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When creating a new company via eSupplier login and the P.20.02 Login Requests screen, the language depending descriptions will now also be created. The Short Desc field will be filled with the company (code), and the Description field will be filled with the company name.

New buttons Add and Delete have been implemented.

Clicking the Add button will automatically open window 8 to select the Material/Work Group(s). A hint will pop up with instructions on what to do next.

Clicking the Delete button will delete the selected record after acknowledging the question with Yes. You do not need to commit the changes afterwards.

The Upload Files button at the bottom and the Document Attached check boxes have been removed from the screen. Instead, new Upload/View buttons were implemented on the answer record level.

Clicking this Upload/View button, window 6 is opened to view or maintain the attached documents, as the old Upload Files button did. If the button is displayed with a green color, it indicates that documents are already attached to the question.

Company Qualification improvements

( CR-MA10576, CR-MA10716, CR-MA10293)

A few enhancements were implemented to improve the Company Qualification functionality.

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It is no longer possible in P.10.25 Question List to specify the same mapping for more than one question (per company type). (CR-MA10293) It is now possible to add additional free text questions/answers on the Qualification Questions tab of P.20.01 Suppliers/Subcontractors; that is, questions not available on P.10.25 Question List and therefore not visible on P.20.03 Questionnaire. These questions and answers remain modifiable on P.20.01; however, updates and deletions will be protocolled in the supplier history (if enabled). In order to be able to easily distinguish between questions added manually via P.20.01 and questions the answers to which have been submitted by the respective supplier/subcontractor via P.20.03, the new Manual check box has been added to the Qualification Questions folder. This check box is ticked for all questions/answers that have not been submitted via P.20.03. (CR-MA10576)

The display of the Company Profile tab on window 2 of P.20.01 Suppliers/Subcontractors now depends on the setting of project default ZP_SUP_QLF (formerly named ZP_QL_MODE). This tab folder will be visible if and only if the Qualification Questions tab is also visible. That means ZP_SUP_QLF is either set to BOTH or to ESUP. (CR-MA10716)

Add Reqs to Inquiry using Multi-Selection LOV


When assigning engineering requisitions to an inquiry on the Requisitions tab of screen P.30.21 Prepare RFQ, a multi-selection LOV is now available.

A new multi-selection LOV was implemented to simplify the assignment of multiple requisitions to an inquiry.

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Select the Sel check box on all the requisitions to be assigned to the inquiry and click the Add button to finalize this action. It will close this window and add all selected requisitions to the inquiry.

Vendors‘ Technical Evaluation

( B-25697)

The new Technical Evaluation button has been implemented on P.30.27 Bidder Quotation so that you can call the screen P.30.23 Technical Evaluation.

Equipment values/attributes resulting from vendor specific engineering and design may differ from what the main contractor originally specified during basic design. To enable vendors to define their own values of equipment (Tag) attributes through the eSupplier login environment, a new button was implemented to allow calling screen P.30.23 from P.30.27 Bidder Quotation.

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Calling the P.30.23 Technical Evaluation screen from P.30.27 (eSupplier environment), only the Ident Values tab is displayed with data related to the vendor who is logged in.

If the „TECHNICAL EVALUATION‟ privilege is granted to the eSupplier role, the vendor is allowed to select the TE Passed indicator, to enter text into the Evaluation Text field, and to enter the value or select it from the LOV in the Value field. All other fields on the screen are read only and cannot be changed by the vendor.

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Technical Evaluation Ident Values Synchronization

( CR-MA11002)

For agreement line items without a predecessor that are based on a quote summary, ident values that have been changed during the technical evaluation are now synchronized when approving an agreement. That is, the values that have been entered on screen P.30.23 Technical Evaluation are taken over to screen S.80.22 so that the information is available downstream.

When reversing the approval of an agreement, the synchronization of ident values (result of the technical evaluation) is reversed for line items without a predecessor.

Other Cost Descriptions

( CR-MA10667)

When manually entering known other costs on screens such as P.30.22 or P.50.07 (instead of using the LOV), the language dependent description is now also taken over from P.10.33 Other Costs into these screens.

Associating Alternates/Options to PO/SC Line Items

( B-13562/CR-MA10065)

Alternates and options can now be assigned to agreement line items. For this purpose, the new Line Item(s) field has been added to the Alternates/Options tab on the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen.

In this field, you can see whether any line items have already been assigned to an alternate or option. If no assignment has been done so far, the field shows the value 'NONE'. If exactly one line item has been assigned, you will see the position and sub position number of that line item. If more than just one line item has been assigned to the alternate/option, the value 'MULTIPLE' is shown.

The descriptions are now populated when manually adding other costs to quotes or agreements.

Ident values being changed during the technical evaluation are now synchronized when approving an agreement.

Alternates and Options selected as included on the Alternates and Options tab can now be assigned to agreement line items.

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Regardless of the current value displayed in this field, you can double-click on the value to open the new window 37 where you can do the allocation of the alternate/option price (in case of new records, provided that all mandatory information has been entered).

In this new window, you can assign agreement line item numbers to alternates and options by selecting the line items from a list of values in the Pos field. You can either set a percent value in the % field or a fixed value in the Value field to be associated with that line item for the selected alternate and option, respectively. Setting the percent value automatically calculates the fixed value and vice versa. The sum of the percentages of all line items that have been assigned must total up to 100. The fixed value is added to the extended price of the line item and used to calculate a new unit price for the line item. You can only select agreement line items that are included in the current supplement and that do not have a supply price or an install price. The quantity of the line item must be greater than 0, and in case the price base is "Weight", the unit weight must also be greater than 0. If a line item that you need is not yet included in the current supplement but was included in a previous supplement, you can do a dummy update on any field, for example, quantity unit or weight unit, to include the position in the current supplement. The price of an alternate/option is only included in the total costs of an agreement if the Include indicator is selected and if line items have been assigned. Moreover, the Alternate/Option Costs field has been added to the Line Items folder on screen P.50.07.

Here you can see the costs that are included in the extended price caused by alternates and options. Only alternates and options that have the Include indicator checked on the Alternates/Options tab are taken into account.

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Global Update of Line Item Attributes


The Global update option is now also available for attributes on the line item level on the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen.

Hide Master Tags

( CR-MA4950)

The design of the P.70.31 Shipment Groups screen was changed. Underneath the first (Order Header) block, the second (Shipment Groups) and third (Item Shipments) are displayed.

The existing project default ZP_HIDE_MT is now also used on this screen. It controls the visibility of shipment groups. If ZP_HIDE_MT is set to 'Y', the shipment groups that only contain master tags without any detail tag are hidden, and in the Item Shipments block, all item shipments of the selected shipment group are displayed except the master tags, which means only normal item shipments and detail tags. You can split detail tags, and the label of the split button in the Item Shipments block is changed to Split Master Tag.

The Global update option is now also available for attributes on the line item level on the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen. .

The screen design of P.70.31 was revised, and the project default ZP_HIDE_MT will now also be used in this screen to control the visibility of master tag shipments.

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If ZP_HIDE_MT is set to 'N', all shipment groups of the selected order are visible, and on the Item Shipments block, all item shipments including master tags are displayed. You can only split master tags, and the split button in the Item Shipments block is labeled with Split Tag.

Milestone Planning changes

( B-25729)

In P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning, the list of values in the Tag Number field has been revised. It now offers all tagged items (TWM) available on bills of material (BOM) as well as on manual requisitions. (CR-MA1061)

The new Calc All Forecasted button has been added to P.60.03 Requisitions Planning, and this button allows for calculating the forecasted dates of all planned requisitions within the project to which the user is currently logged on. (CR-MA1822)

The new Calc All Forecasted button has been added to P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning, and this button allows for calculating the forecasted dates of all planned tagged items within the project to which the user is currently logged on. (CR-MA5164)

The legend of the tree in P.60.05 Milestone Explorer has been enhanced with explanations of the icons used for detail milestones. (CR-MA5277)

The Milestone planning screens were completely reworked for more user-friendliness, clear arrangement, and performance improvement.

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P.60.03 Requisitions Planning now allows for attaching attributes to planned requisitions. This feature can be used to assign (non-standard) properties, for example, a 'requisition title' to planned requisitions. (CR-MA5817)

Clicking the Attributes button opens screen D.50.21 Attached Attributes, where you can attach attributes to the selected planned requisition. The Orig. Days and Days fields in all the Milestones blocks of screens P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning, P.60.03 Requisitions Planning, and P.60.05 Milestone Explorer have been vertically indented to be aligned with the Span Days field in order to improve comprehensibility. (CR-MA7995)

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The length of the Plan Comment and Forecast Comment fields in all the Milestones blocks of screens P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning, P.60.03 Requisitions Planning, and P.60.05 Milestone Explorer has been increased to 255 characters. (CR-MA8967)

The P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning screen has been partially redesigned. The 'Engineering Non Commodity Item Values' block was removed; instead, you can now attach attributes directly to planned tagged items using the new Attributes button. Existing ENCI values are migrated accordingly. Furthermore, the number of records shown in the Planned Tagged Items block (formerly named 'Tagged Item Links') has been reduced, thus providing enough space to place some tab folders below, which include

the General tab – allows you to view properties of the planned tagged item currently

selected, without needing to scroll right or left in order to make the sought-after data visible;

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the Milestone Planning tab (including CWS features) – covers the same functionality

that has been provided by screen P.60.02 Tagged Item Milestones so far, thus allowing quick access to tagged item milestones without having to jump back and forth between screens; On the Milestone Planning tab, milestones with details are now highlighted in order to indicate the existence of detail milestones to the user. By double-clicking on the milestone label, another window is opened that displays these detail milestones.

the Planning History tab – visible only if maintaining planning histories has been

enabled by setting project default ZP_PL_HIST to 'Y' (default is 'N'). This displays all modifications that have been applied to the tagged item currently selected, or to its attached attributes or milestones.


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The P.60.02 Tagged Item Milestones screen is no longer available because of the integration of its functionality with P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning (new Milestone Planning tab, see above). The design of the P.60.03 Requisitions Planning screen has been optimized. Similar to the new layout of P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning, the block 'Engineering Commodity Item Values' has been discarded; instead, you can now attach attributes directly to planned requisitions using the new Attributes button. Existing ECI values are migrated accordingly. Furthermore, the number of records shown in the Planned Requisitions block has been reduced, thus providing enough space for the tab folders that were previously located on window 2 of the screen. This means that all information related to a planned requisition is available on the main window now, thus eliminating the need for switching between windows. Finally, CWS features have been added to the Milestone Planning tab folder, as well as highlighting of milestones for which detail milestones exist (see description above of the new Milestone Planning tab of P.60.01).

The P.60.05 Milestone Explorer has been tuned to increase performance.

CWH enhancements

( B-25645)

The corporate warehouse functionality has been re-designed and enhanced. For further information about the re-design, read the Corporate Warehouse functionality re-designed chapter in the Site section below. With this re-design, the new warehouse type FIM has been introduced. FIM stands for „free-issue material‟, which is material that is received from the EPC‟s customer and made available for usage. This material can be used to reduce the purchasing quantity like corporate warehouse quantities do. The CWH Quantity and FIM Quantity fields have been added to the Line Items tab of the R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions screen. This allows you to see at an early point in time whether material is available in one of these warehouses.

Please consider that the usage and availability of warehouses and their quantities is

limited by the warehouse-to-user-concept. If you want quantities that are available in the corporate or FIM warehouses to be taken into account when creating inquiries, you have to set the new project default ZP_RDQTYCF to „Y‟.

The CWH (corporate warehouse) functionality has been enhanced. The new warehouse type FIM (free-issue material) is introduced.

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Per default (value = 'N'), quantities in these warehouses have no effect on the quantity placed on an inquiry. If this project default is set to 'Y', the quantity on the inquiry is reduced by the quantities available in these warehouses. This means the inquiry will only contain the remaining quantity for which you need a quote. This can lead to inquiries that only contain parts of the requisition and not all released lines if some positions are completely covered by corporate or FIM warehouse quantities. Please note that although the quantity on the inquiry is reduced, these quantities remain in the warehouses. If you do not block them promptly by creating an agreement for the corporate or FIM warehouses, you run the risk that the quantities have been used by someone else in the meantime. In that case, you have to go through the inquiry cycle for the remaining quantities or create an agreement for a real supplier. The new option 'Create from FIM Warehouse' has been added to the P.30.01 Requisition Workload screen. This option is only available when quantities were found in the corporate or FIM warehouses.

The new option 'Based on FIM warehouse' has been added to the P.50.01 Maintain Agreements screen. This option is only available when quantities were found in the corporate or FIM warehouses.

Choose the „Based on FIM warehouse‟ option and click the Continue button to open window 3.

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Use the LOV in the Engineering Requisition field to select a requisition. Only requisitions with material available in the FIM warehouse are displayed. After selecting the requisition, click the Continue button to call window 4.

The „virtual‟ supplier is entered automatically and cannot be changed. This „virtual‟ supplier is not available on any other screen; for example, this supplier cannot be assigned to an inquiry as bidder. Click the Create Agreement button to finalize the agreement. The software will create line items for the available CWH and/or FIM quantities, with separate item shipments for each inventory item. These (inventory) quantities are now reserved and are no longer on hand. When approving the agreement, the inventory quantities will be issued.

Basically, the FIM warehouses are used in the same way as the corporate warehouse. Quantities that are retrieved from these warehouses are reserved and not available for other users unless the quantities are reduced or positions or even complete agreements are deleted. When approving such agreements, the quantities are issued. Please note that expediting (screens P.70.62 and P.70.72) has NO effect on the corporate or FIM warehouse quantities. With the re-design of the corporate warehouse feature, the project defaults ZP_CORPPRJ and ZP_CORP_WH are no longer needed; hence, these project defaults will be deleted by the migration procedure.

Item Shipment Quantity Check


On the P.70.62 Logistics Details and P.70.72 Expediting Details screens, a warning is raised if an item shipment quantity is entered that is less than the quantity already received.

Item Shipment Quantity is checked against already received quantity.

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Expediting and Inspection Enhancements


P.10.57 Events to Levels screen modifications

A new check box labeled 'Skip' has been added to the 'Events to Levels' block. It can be ticked for events the event start of which has been set to 'Order Approval' in order to prevent the system from scheduling this event on the day of order approval itself. Per default, the check box remains unchecked, thus preserving the traditional way of working.

P.70.73 Order Reference screen modifications:

On the Expediting Events and Inspection Events tab folders, it is now possible to amend this specific expediting/inspection plan in individual cases by deleting events that turn out to be superfluous or by adding additional events of the expediting level assigned.

On entry of the initial planned date for an event with frequency 'Once', the forecasted date is now automatically set to the same value.

A new 'Comment' field has been introduced for both expediting and inspection events.

Documents can now be attached to expediting/inspection events or tasks. For this purpose the new fields Document Code, Rev, Document Date, Short Desc, Description, Origin, Path Type, Source Path, File Name, Format, Client Ref., and Partner Ref. have been added to the Expediting Events, Inspections Events, Expediting Tasks, and Inspection Tasks tabs.

To add a document use the LOV on the Document Code field and select an existing document from the list. All other fields will be populated automatically from the selected document. Double-clicking on the Document Code field opens the D.10.11 Documents screen.

Expediting and inspection enhancements have been implemented.

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To restrict the list (LOV) of available documents to a particular document type, use the new project defaults

ZP_EX_EV - Document type of expediting events

ZP_IN_EV - Document type of inspection events

ZP_EX_TSK - Document type of expediting tasks

ZP_IN_TSK - Document type of inspection tasks To view the attached document click the new Open button at the bottom of the tab.

Traffic Enhancements


Screen P.70.74 Packages

The 'Freight Ton' field was renamed to Total Freight Ton. (CR-MA10922)

Screen PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages

The Delivery Place field in the multi-selection-LOV (window 2) on the Preliminary Package Items tab is now filled. (CR-MA10920)

Screens P.70.74 Packages and PT.30.02 OSD for Packages

The package Description field was expanded to 2000 digits. (CR-MA10213)

Several Traffic enhancements have been implemented.

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Screens P.70.74 Packages and PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages

The new Supplier field is shown on both screens, but only filled in case of a PO. (CR-MA10212)

The order of the fields on the With Release Notes tab of the P.70.74 Packages screen was changed to:

Order Number

Release Note Number



MOT Code

Screen P.10.83 Package Types

The new screen P.10.83 Package Types was implemented to allow maintaining package types.


Now the combo boxes on P.70.74 Packages, PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages, PT.30.02 OSD for Packages (in LOV), and C.20.05 Prepare MRR by Packages for choosing the package types are substituted with LOVs.

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Screen P.70.74 Packages

The templates for the Excel Import and Export have changed. The columns ...PCK_TYPE for the package type have been changed to ... PCKT_CODE.

While importing data, you can use all package types defined in P.10.83 Package Types. If an unknown package type is entered in the Excel file, it can be generated while importing the data.

These are the names of the new Excel templates provided with this release:





Redesigned Traffic Reports


Due to the fact that the traffic module (PT) was redesigned, two reports were newly developed.

PT.20.R.01.A Traffic Tree / Actual

PT.20.R.01.F Traffic Tree / Forecast

Two reports were newly developed to support the redesigned traffic module (TP).

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Field Material Control

Receiving with Shipment Groups

( B-26446)

On the C.20.01 Prepare MRR by PO screen, the LOV in the Shipment Group field in the first (Material Receiving Report) shows all shipment groups when project default ZP_HIDE_MT is set to „N‟.

If ZP_HIDE_MT is set to „Y‟, shipment groups that have only Master Tags are not shown in the list of values.

Multiple Certificates

( B-25159)

An item with a Heat number can be supplied with multiple Certificate Numbers assigned. The system now accepts the entry of the same heat number with different Certificate Numbers.

The changed screens are listed below.

C.10.04 C.10.24 C.20.01 C.20.01.02 C.20.03 C.20.04 C.20.05 C.20.08 C.20.15.01 C.20.16 C.20.17.01


The list of values in the Shipment Group field of the MRR header is controlled by the setting of project default ZP_HIDE_MT.

You can now assign multiple Certificate Numbers to a Heat Number.

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C.20.17.02 C.20.25 C.20.25.02 P.70.72

The unique key of the tables M_HEATS and M_HEAT_DETAILS are enhanced with the field certificate_number.

Undo Transformation

( B-25691)

It is possible to cancel a manual transformation on window 2 of the C.10.19 Allow. Substitutions screen by clicking the Undo Transform button. As a pre-requisite, the transform onhand qty must be greater than or equal to the transform qty.

Pred on Site Date

( CR-MA7501)

The Pred On Site (Predicted on site date) field was added to the item shipments window of the C.40.01 Information by Commodity screen.

The pred on site date was added to C.40.01 screen window 5.

The new Undo Transform button allows you to cancel a transformation.

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Site Inspection

(B- 25697)

Particular equipment/tagged items might require additional or final inspection and performance tests at site. For this purpose, the new site inspection feature has been implemented.

Material that requires the site inspection will only be received at the final warehouse and location and thus be available for issuing after passing the inspection. When receiving this particular material on site, it will be booked into a virtual quarantine location. It will not be available to be issued as long as it does not pass the inspection.

The scope of Engineering Technical Review is to verify “As Is” values for the technical properties of incoming equipment, as the vendor declares them from so-called “Equipment Passport” / equipment data sheet. In case of differences against what was originally agreed during negotiation and awarding, the engineering department decides whether the given equipment property value is “Technically Usable” or not, in the design context of the relevant equipment. If usable, the work process proceeds, and the system will record the actual value of a given property as the new value. If it is not usable, the system will create an OSD report to reject the delivery, and return the material to the vendor.

The material that requires site inspection will be identified by properties (ident values) specified as Site Inspection Required. This means all idents with item type TAB (Tag Attribute Based) and with Site Inspection Rqd attributes assigned will automatically be received into the quarantine location when the MRR is posted. When the ident passes the site inspection, the material is transferred to its real location. Then it will be available to be issued for installation and construction.

Quarantine Location The quarantine location is used for site inspection. New project default ZC_QUA_LOC: With this project default, you define the quarantine location of the project. If the quarantine location is in use, the project default is not updateable. This project default is used for material receiving. The received ident will be moved into this quarantine location, if

the material receiving report is in revision 0

the commodity type of the received item is 'CT' (Commodity Template)

the ident has ident values assigned that have the site_insp_ind indicator selected (set to 'Y') Attributes can be defined with the Site Inspection Rqd indicator selected on the A.50.01 Attributes screen.

The new Site Inspection feature has been implemented for particular equipment that requires final inspection at site.

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Locations are defined on the C.10.01 Site Locations screen. By selecting the Quarantine Loc check box, this location can be assigned to the project default ZC_QUA_LOC and thus be used as the quarantine location.

Scrap Warehouse The scrap warehouse is used for site inspection. New project default ZC_SCR_WH: With this project default, you define the scrap warehouse of the project. If the scrap warehouse is in use, the project default is not updateable. This project default is used for material receiving. The scrap warehouse is used for site inspection. With screen C.50.11 Site Inspection, idents that failed the site inspection are moved into the scrap warehouse. Warehouses are defined on the C.10.02 Warehouses screen. By selecting the Scrap Warehouse check box, this warehouse can be assigned to the project default ZC_SCR_WH and thus be used as the scrap warehouse.

New C.50.11 Site Inspection screen. In the first (Inventory Receipts) block, the idents of all inventory receipts are displayed,

which were moved to the quarantine location (set with project default ZC_QUA_LOC)

which are not placed in a scrap warehouse (set with project default ZC_SCR_WH)

the receiving report of which is posted, meaning the material is received in the inventory. In this block, you can only query data, not do any changes. Only the ident code is queryable and can be selected from an LOV that displays all idents placed in the quarantine location.

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If the selected ident is located in one warehouse only, the warehouse is displayed in the Warehouse field. Otherwise, SEVERAL is displayed with a red background color to indicate that the ident was received in more than one warehouse. The Location field displays the quarantine location. Possible values for the Inspection Status field are „Inspection Pending‟, „Passed‟, and „Failed‟. Inspection Pending

The Passed indicator is not checked and the Status is not filled, and thus the Approved Date and Approved by fields are not filled for all displayed ident values.

The Deviations indicator is not checked and the Status is not filled, and thus the Approved Date and Approved by fields are not filled for all displayed ident values.

The Deviations indicator is checked, the Status is filled in, the Tech. Usable indicator is not selected, and the Vendor Actual Value field is not filled.


The Passed indicator is checked, and the Status is set to „Passed‟.

The Deviations indicator is checked, the Vendor Actual Value is filled, the Tech. Usable indicator is selected, and the Status is set to „Passed‟.


The Deviations indicator is checked, the Vendor Actual Value is filled, and the Tech. Usable indicator is not selected.

The Status is set to „Failed‟ or „Not Applicable‟. The Execute CIP button can be used to call the custom procedure m_pck_site_custom.site_inspection with input parameter ident. Click the Documents button to open the D.90.21 Attachments screen to attach a document to the selected ident code, or to open attached documents. The Approve button will only be available if the inspection status of all ident values is set to „Passed‟ or „Failed‟. If any inspection status is set to „Failed‟, a warning will be displayed when using the Approve button.

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Click Cancel to stop the approval or Continue to proceed. If you continue, the material will be transferred to the scrap warehouse, defined with the project default ZC_SCR_WH, and will no longer be available to be issued or reserved. When the ident was received by PO, the C.20.09.01 OSD for Receiving screen is opened to maintain the OSD data for the ident. If the inspection status is set to „Passed’, a message will be displayed. If the user wants to continue, the material is transferred to the original location and will be available to be issued or reserved. In the second (Ident Values) block, the Ident values (attributes) are displayed with the group, name, and value. These fields are not updatable. a) Proceeding if the displayed value is the same as on the given data sheet document

The Passed check box must be checked. The Approved Date and Approved by fields will be filled automatically with the current date and the login user.

The Deviations check box, the Vendor Actual Value, and the Tech. Usable check box will be protected against update.

The status must be set by selecting a value from the dropdown list in the Status field.

A performance test certification can be entered in the Certification field. In this case, the Cert. Date field will be filled automatically with the current date.

If all ident values are correctly filled and passed, the Approve button will be activated. Click the button to approve the ident.

b) Proceeding if the displayed value is not the same as on the given data sheet document

The Deviation check box must be checked. The Approved Date and Approved by fields will be filled automatically with the current date and the login user.

The Passed check box will be protected against update.

The value deviation must be entered in the Vendor Actual Value field.

The Tech. Usable check box can be checked, if the deviation is technically usable.

If the Tech. Usable check box is checked, the vendor actual value is copied to the Value field.

The status must be set by selecting a value from the dropdown list in the Status field.

A performance test certification can be entered in the Certification field. In this case, the Cert. Date field will be filled automatically with the current date.

If all ident values are correctly filled and passed, the Approve button will be activated. Click the button to approve the ident.

Re-Design of Corporate Warehouse feature

(B- 25695)

The new corporate warehouse functionality was implemented to replace the old. The migration procedure will completely remove the objects (tables, table fields, screens, procedures, and functions) related to the old CWH feature. If you have already used the CWH feature in previous versions, existing corporate warehouse data will be stored in new tables (m_corp_wh_item_hists_sic, m_corp_wh_items_sic, m_inv_receipts_cwh_sic). In that case you should contact the SmartPlant Materials Support to ask for assistance with the data migration.

The Corporate Warehouse (CWH) functionality was completely re-designed. The new warehouse type FIM was introduced.

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Corporate Warehouse (CWH) To specify a corporate warehouse (CWH) and assign it to other projects, you have to define a warehouse on the C.10.02 Warehouses screen and to select the Corporate Warehouse indicator.

This indicator can only be selected or deselected if no material has been received in the warehouse. All other available indicators cannot be used in combination with a corporate warehouse, except the Use for Issues indicator.

If you have defined a corporate warehouse, you can assign projects to this CWH. These projects will be associated with the same product group as the project of the CWH.

You can use the button to assign all the projects in one step.

These projects can access the inventory items of the CWH, which means the CWH can be used for material issues, material transfers, and forecast and reservation runs. The material receiving and the physical count functionality are not available for other projects.

You can only receive and transfer product group idents to the corporate warehouse. It is not allowed/possible to use project idents in the corporate warehouse.

If you want to use a pre-defined corporate warehouse from another project, you must assign the CWH to users who should have access in the project on the C.10.03 Warehouses to User screen.

After you have defined the corporate warehouse, assigned a project, and assigned this corporate warehouse to a user, this user can access this corporate warehouse in the assigned project. He can use the CWH for forecast and reservation runs, and transferring and issuing material.

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Free Issue Material (FIM) Warehouse

With this re-design of the corporate warehouse functionality, the new warehouse type FIM has been introduced. FIM stands for „free-issue material‟, which is material that is received from the EPC‟s customer and made available for usage. This material can be used to reduce the purchasing quantity like corporate warehouse quantities do.

Similar to a corporate warehouse, the FIM warehouse is defined on the C.10.02 Warehouses screen, specified as FIM by selecting the Free Material Issue Warehouse indicator. Unlike the corporate warehouse, a FIM warehouse can only be used in its project.

The access to FIM warehouses is controlled in the same way as for other warehouses. Users have to be assigned to the FIM warehouse on the C.10.03 Warehouses to User screen to grant access.

Read the CWH Enhancements chapter in the MSCM section above for more information about how requisitions, inquiries, and agreements can use the FIM warehouse material.

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Subcontract Management

Milestone Progress Details

( CR-MA9946)

The layout of window 14 has changed. The Forcasted Start and Forcasted End fields are now displayed between the Planned Completion Date and Expected Progress (%) fields.

The layout of the window displaying the Milestone Progress Details has been changed.

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SAP Integration with CMS - Part 1


It is now possible to use CMS Workloads defined in SmartPlant Reference Data Plus in the SAP material transfer on the SAP.20.01 Transfer Jobs screen. The new option „Workload‟ for transfer mode allows the selection of one or more workloads for a transfer job by selecting the workloads using the Workload button. The idents belonging to the selected workloads will be shown when you click the Workload Idents button. Starting a job with transfer mode „Workload‟ automatically creates a where condition on A.60.06 together with the corresponding MV_WHERE-view.

When the transfer mode „Workload‟ is selected, the Workload and Workload Idents buttons are activated. Click the Workload button to open window 7 for the selection of workloads. Using the LOV in the Workload Code field opens window 8 with a multi -selection LOV of the CMS workloads. Tick the Select check boxes of all the workloads to be added to the job, and then click the Fill In or Fill In and Return button to add the selected workloads. Click the Return button to go back to the main window.


CMS (Component Management System) Workloads defined in SmartPlant Reference Data Plus can now be used in the SAP material transfer.

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Click the Workload Idents button to open window 6 displaying the selected idents.

SAP Integration with CMS - Part 2


It is now possible to use CMS properties of a CMS class for the feature mapping on SAP 10.07.

The new type „CMS‟ will require the user to select a CMS class code and select a CMS property of this class as the value.

This will transfer the value of the table detail code assigned to the ident or the attribute value (depending on the property definition).

When selecting the Use NLS check box (only for type CMS), the table detail description or attribute value for the SAP default language as defined on SAP.10.01 will be used as the value

Property Values can now be fetched from CMS (Component Management System) idents.

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for the transfer instead. If an attribute is already defined as NLS dependent, then the language dependent value for the SAP default language is automatically used.

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Line Lists

Attributes on Branch Level


Similar to attributes assigned on the Process Line level and on the Nominal Diameters level, attributes can now also be assigned on the Branch level. A double-click on a diameter record in the Branches block opens window 4 where attributes can be assigned to the branch.

Multi Position View Fastcall


A right mouse-click on the Unit field in the PLL Units block or on the Line field in the Process Lines block opens a menu with the item „Show BOM data‟. Select this item to open the multi position view (MPV) of the B.20.03 Adv. Maintain BOM screen, depending on the content of the Reference in BOM field.

If the Reference in BOM field shows a BOM path, the corresponding node‟s MPV is opened.

If the Reference in BOM field shows „duplicate‟, out of the multiple references found the last modified node‟s MPV is opened.

If the Reference in BOM field shows „not found‟, the main window of B.20.03 Adv. Maintain BOM is opened.


The new fastcall via right mouse-click menu opens the multi position view of B.20.03 for quick access for reviewing and validating the associated BOM data.

User definable attributes are now also available on the branch level of the line list, for example, to be used for wallthickness calculation.

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Selecting the „Show BOM data‟ menu item in the example above opens the multi position view of B.20.03, displaying the positions of the associated BOM node as displayed in the picture below.

Link between BOM and PLL


The following features were implemented to prevent duplicate entries in BOM and PLL. 1. The new Populate from BOM button is introduced on the L.20.01 Process Line Lists screen.

Click this button to open the B.20.03 Adv.Maintain BOM (LOV for multi select) screen where you can select multiple nodes.

Only nodes of the node type assigned to project default ZB_LS_UNIT are available. After selecting the nodes, click the Fill In button. Next, you have to choose the PLL status from the LOV showing the pre-defined statuses from L.10.01 PLL Status. Once the selection is done, the PLL Units are created with the same name of the selected BOM nodes. For these PLL Units, the Process Lines are also created with the same names of those nodes of the next BOM level underneath the unit level. Only nodes of the node type assigned to project default ZB_LS_LINE are available.

Linking BOM and line list (PLL) was done to avoid duplicate data entry in both screens.

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If the PLL Units already exist with the same name of the selected nodes, then only the missing Process Lines are created. 2. The new Populate from PLL button is introduced on the B.20.01 Edit BOM screen.

This button is not available for those nodes that are locked by a user other than the logged-in user. If the project default ZB_BOMHIER is set to „N‟, the button will not be available for those nodes whose node type is not the parent of the node type mentioned for the project default ZB_LS_UNIT as per the hierarchy defined on the B.10.07 Node-Type Hierarchy screen. Clicking this button opens window 11, where you can select multiple PLL Units to be populated to the BOM.

Tick the Select check box for all nodes to be created in the line list, and then click the Use in BOM button. All selected PLL Units are created as child nodes underneath the selected BOM node. These child nodes will get the same name of the corresponding PLL units and the node type assigned to the project default ZB_LS_UNIT. Any existing process lines of the selected PLL Units will be created as child nodes of the unit BOM nodes. These child nodes will get the same name of the corresponding Process Lines and the node type assigned to the project default ZB_LS_LINE.

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3. The new Populate from PLL menu item on the right mouse-click menu is introduced on the B.20.03 Adv. Maintain BOM screen. The behavior of this option is similar to the behavior of the Populate from PLL button on the B.20.01 Edit BOM screen.

It is mandatory that the project defaults ZB_LS_LINE and ZB_LS_UNIT are correctly defined.

It is mandatory that the node type hierarchy is defined on B.10.07 Node Type Hierarchy with the node type assigned to project default ZB_LS_UNIT set as the Parent Node Type of the node type assigned to project default ZB_LS_LINE. For an example, see the picture below.

Copy Attached Comments


The D.50.21 Attached Comments screen has been enhanced with the Copy Option radio group and the Copy button.

Attached comments from requisitions, inquiries, and agreements can now be copied when creating new supplements.

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If you enter comments for objects with the ability to build supplements (requisitions, inquiries, and agreements) there will be new elements visible on the screen to copy attached comments from the previous supplement. Depending on the object, you can copy comments from the previous supplement on the header level, on the header and line level, only on the line level, or only the current line. If you want to copy comments within quote summaries (P.30.22 Commercial Evaluation) and quote details (P.30.22 Commercial Evaluation: Window 2), the comments to be copied must be related to the previous supplement of the inquiry and the actual bidder.