SMART LEADERSHIP (Situational Leadership) Training

By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si [email protected] SMART LEADERSHIP (Situational Leadership) TRAINING

Transcript of SMART LEADERSHIP (Situational Leadership) Training

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By : Kanaidi, SE., [email protected]


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Tell about your best subordinate

Jakarta 27 J u n i 2011 By : Kanaidi, SE., [email protected]

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Decision Making





Leader Actions


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Which skills are demonstrated?Conceptual, Interpersonal and technical.

Which attributes are implied by

these observations?

Really only mental, good desire, will and initiative.

Any values implied here?

Perhaps “duty” by ensuring the readiness of his equipment.

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Step 1 - Observe and record leadership actions

Step 2 - Assess and compare what you see to performance indicators; classify the observations to determine if the behavior exceeds, meets, or fails to meet the standard

Step 3 - Coach the subordinates - tell the subordinates

what you saw and give them a chance to assess


Step 4 - Conduct developmental counseling

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Assessment Methodologies

to Evaluate Competencies

or MotivationJakarta 27 J u n i 2011 By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si

[email protected]

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Assessment Methodologies

• Both assessment and development centers use a number of simulation techniques to evaluate competencies however any other effort for competency assessment can also use same methods or look for other appropriate ways to evaluate behaviors.

• It would be interesting to explore a little about some of the most used methods and best practices for assessments in organizations across the world.

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Assessment Methodologies :

• Observing the candidate at his/her work.

• Structured Interviews.

• Simulation Exercises :

- Role Play

- In Basket

- Case Study

• Psychometric Assessments/Aptitude Tests

• Appreciative Inquiry and Development Dialogue

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Bandung, 03 - 04 Desember 2009 By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si [email protected]


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Coaching:• A directive process by a manager to train and orient an

employee to the realities of the workplace and to help the employee remove barriers to optimum work performance.

• In general, helping someone else expand and apply his or her skills, knowledge, and abilities.

• A coach helps someone get from where they are now to where they want to be.

• Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives (International Coaching Federation)

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Opportunities for Coaching

• Appearing unmotivated.

• Excessive errors.

• Missing deadlines.

• Falling below standards.

• Displaying need to fine-tune skills

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Benefits of Coaching

• Coaching is the most effective way to develop your employees.

• Coaching is the key to managing multiple priorities.

• Coaching leads to improved employee performance, which leads to increased productivity and bottom-line results.

• Coaching increases employees’ self-esteem and job satisfaction.

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Coach as Guide

• Defining “success”

• Creating a vision of the future

• Setting goals

• Action planning

• Evaluating progress

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Leadership strategy for high/ low competency

Jakarta 27 J u n i 2011 By : Kanaidi, SE., [email protected]

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Guidelines for Developing Leadership Competencies

• Keep them few and simple

• Limit to the genuine priorities

• Link to capability needs

• Identify critical derailer competencies -Lominger does this

• Embed throughout systems and processes

• Continually revisit staying future focused

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• Focused Drive

• Emotional Intelligence

• Trusted Influence

• Conceptual Thinking

• Systems Thinking

• Change Management & Coaching/Mentoring

• Communication & Negotiation

• Problem Solving.


Leadership Competencies:

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By : Kanaidi, SE., [email protected]

Leadership strategy for

high/low motivation

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Bekerja tulus & penuh syukur• Rahmat adalah kebaikan yang kita terima karena kasih

sayang Sang Maha Pemberi.

• Rahmat adalah fasilitas ilahi bagi pertumbuhan dankemajuan kita menuju puncakpotensi diri kita sehinggakita bisa hidup sepenuh-penuhnya.

• Rahmat adalah wujud kasih sayang Tuhan yang melimpahkepada kita.

• Rahmat adalah sumber mentalitas berkelimpahan.

• Rahmat adalah pangkal dari semua sikap dan pikiran positif.

• Rahmat adalah segala yang membuat manusia dapat hidup dan tumbuh secara wajar.

• Rahmat adalah fasilitator dan navigator keberhasilan.

• Rahmat selalu bermaksud melindungi dan mendukung hidup kita menuju taraf yang lebih baik.

Spirit :

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KERJA adalah AMANAHBekerja dgn benar & penuh tanggung jawab• Kita menerima amanah kehidupan dari Sang Pemilik Hidup, karenanya

kita bertanggungjawab atas setiap detik hidup kita.

• Kita semua adalah pemegang amanah. Tidak hanya satu tetapi banyak amanah.

• Barangsiapa berhasil mengemban amanah kecil akan mendapat kepercayan mengemban amanah besar.

• Tanggungjawab harus diwujudkan dengan benar, baik esensi, semangat, maupun teknis pelaksanaannya.

• Tanggungjawab harus ditunaikan setara dengan bobot amanah yang dipercayakan.

• Tidak ada tanggungjawab tanpa kesadaran amanah. Amanah melahirkantanggungjawab

Spirit :

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KERJA adalah IBADAHBekerja serius & Penuh Kecintaan– kerja itu Ibadah, yang intinya adalah tindakan memberi atau membaktikan

harta, waktu, hati, dan pikiran kepada dia yang kita abdi. Melaluipekerjaan, kita bertumbuh menjadi manusia yang kualitas kepribadian, karakter, dan mentanya berkembang kearah yang ilahi.

– Beribadah berarti berbakti dengan segenap hati, mengabdi tuntas penuhtotalitas, dan berserah pasra dengan segenap cinta.

– Ibadah yang benar harus dilakukan dengan khusuk, serius, dan sungguh-sungguh. Bengitu pula bekerja yang benar.

– Ibadah memerlukan pengorbanan, namun pengorbanan untuk suatuidealisme adalah kebahagiaan, dan pengorbanan yang didorong oleh rasa cinta adalah suka cita.

– Makna ibadah adalah persembahan diri, pemasrahan diri, penyerahan diri.

Spirit :

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KERJA adalah PELAYANANBekerja sempurna & penuh kerendahan hati

• Apa pun pekerjaan kita sesungguhnya kerja adalah untuk melayani. Secara

sosial pelayanan adalah yang mulia, karena itu hakikat pekerjaan kita pun

mulia dan sebagai makluk pekerja kita semua adalah insan yang mulia.

• Cara umum untuk memperoleh kemuliaan ialah dengan melayani sebaik-baiknya untuk khalayak seluas-luasnya

• Ciri utama kemuliaan adalah karakter yang altruistik, yaitu sikap tidakmementingkan diri sendiri bahkan rela berkorban demi melayani orang lain.

• Dengan melayani di dalam dan melalui pekerjaan kita maka aspirasikemuliaan kita terpenuhi sekaligus harkat profesi kita pun bertambahmulia.

• Melalui pelayanan maka pekerjaan kita termuliakan sebagaimana jugaakhlak, kepribadian, dan budipekerti kita.

Spirit :

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What is motivation?

MOTIVATION = Value of outcome x expectation of

achieving it

Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal,

combined with the energy to work

towards that goal.

Motivasi merupakan satu penggerak dari dalam diri

seseorang untuk melakukan atau mencapai sesuatu


Motivasi adalah kekuatan pendorong yg akan mewujudkan suatu perilaku guna

mencapai tujuan kepuasan dirinya

Motivasi adalah proses yang menjelaskan intensitas, arah, dan ketekunan

seorang individu untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu

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Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation

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1. Cultivate meaning awareness Positive work environment, vision, purpose, relevance, wholeness of


2. Develop a sense of choice Delegated authority, trust, security, clarity, information

3. Develop a sense of competence Knowledge,

positive feedback, skill recognition, challenge, standards

4. Develop a sense of progress Collaboration,

milestones, celebrations, access to customers, improvement measures

Intrinsic Motivation Four Building Blocks

Intrinsic more powerful and readily available – Growth opportunities, meaningful work, teamwork, positive work


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Model of Intrinsic Motivation

- Ken Thomas

Employees are intrinsically motivated when

rewards an employee gets from work result from: Choice – the ability to freely self-select and perform task activities.

Competence – the sense of accomplishment from skillfully performing

chosen tasks/activities.

Meaningfulness – pursuing a task that matters in the larger scheme of


Progress – the feeling of significant advancement in achieving the task’s


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Situational Leadership Theory

Jakarta 27 J u n i 2011 By : Kanaidi, SE., [email protected]

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Hersey–Blanchard Situational Leadership Model– A model aims to provide a practical way for a

leader to decide how to adapt his or her style to the task.

– Model focuses on four leadership styles:• The delegating style lets the members of the group

decide what to do.• The participating style asks the members of the

group what to do, but makes the final decisions.• The selling style makes the decision but explains the

reasons.• The telling style makes the decision and tells the

group what to do.

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Situational Leadership Theory

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Situational Leadership Theory

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Situational LeadershipManagerial Leadership Styles

Adapted from “Leadership and the One Minute Manager”, Kenneth Blanchard









Low High



Turning over responsibility for

day-to-day decision-making

For people who have

High Competence High Commitment


Praise, listen, and facilitate

For people who have

High Competence Variable Commitment


Structure, control, and


For people who have

Low Competence High Commitment


Direct and support

For people who have

Some Competence Some Commitment

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Maturity Level Most Appropriate Leadership Style

M1: Low maturity S1: Telling/Directing

M2: Medium maturity,

limited skills

S2: Selling/Coaching

M3: Medium maturity,

higher skills but

lacking confidence

S3: Participating/Supporting

M4: High maturity S4: Delegating/Empowering

Situational Leadership

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1 Managers makes decision and announces it

2 Manager “sells” decision

3 Manager presents ideas and invites questions

4 Manager presents tentative decision subject to change

5 Manager presents problem, gets suggestions, makes


6 Manager defines limits; asks group to make decision

7 Manager permits subordinates to function within limits

defined by superior

Adapted from: “The Tannenbum and Schmidt Leadership Continuum”

Managing bydirecting

Leading by empowering

Situational LeadershipContinuum of Leadership Behavior that Emphasizes Decision Making



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Contact Us :

Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Trainer & Dosen, Penulis,

Peneliti, dan PeBisnis)

e-mail : [email protected] atau

[email protected]

Telp : 022-2009570 ext.118

Fax : 022-2009568 HP. 0812 2353 284

BBm : 27CBC148 “Sukses kanaidi”

Ω Problem StatementΩ Mapping Ω Strategic Direction Conclusion