SMART Infrastructure Business and Policy Dialogue 2014: Reflections on UK infrastructure planning...

14 Reflections on UK Infrastructure Planning Reform Presented by: Sir John Armitt CBE, Chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority (UK)


A presentation conducted by Sir John Armitt, CBE FREng FICE, Presented on Wednesday the 13th of August, 2014. Sir John Armitt CBE is currently Chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority, National Express Group, City and Guilds and is Deputy Chairman of the Berkeley Group. Sir John is also a member of the Board of Transport for London and the Airports Commission, he is a Vice President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. In September 2013 The Armitt Review Sir John’s independent review of long term infrastructure planning in the UK was published. After leaving John Laing plc in 1993, where Sir John had been Chairman of Laing’s international and civil engineering divisions, he joined Union Railways, the company responsible for development of the high‐speed Channel Tunnel Rail Link, as Chief Executive. In 1997 he became Chief Executive of Costain, a position he held until 2001. Sir John was Chief Executive of Railtrack plc from 2001 and Chief Executive of Network Rail from 2002 to 2007. He was Chairman of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council until March 2012. Sir John was awarded the CBE in 1996 for his contribution to the rail industry and received a knighthood in the New Year Honours List 2012 for services to engineering and construction.

Transcript of SMART Infrastructure Business and Policy Dialogue 2014: Reflections on UK infrastructure planning...

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Monday, 30th September 2013: Business & policy Dialogue

Tuesday 1 October to Thursday, 3rd October: Academic and Policy Dialogue


The following are confirmed contributors to the business and policy dialogue in Sydney:

• Rick Sawers (National Australia Bank)

• Nick Greiner (Chairman (Infrastructure NSW)

Reflections on UK Infrastructure Planning


Presented by: Sir John Armitt CBE, Chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority (UK)

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Sir John Armitt SMART 13th August 2014

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Victorian Period Railways, Water supply, Sewage collection Private and Public Sector Opportunity and Crisis

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Two World Wars


Government Control


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60s/70s Energy, roads, water, housing BT, CEGB, BR, DFT Beaching, Serpel Aviation reviews

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80s to date

Privatisation/ Regulation

Telecoms growth

Energy/ Climate change

Rail benefit

Roads - static

Aviation on/off

Olympics lessons learnt

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Living off our forebears UK Infrastructure 24th in the world Airport capacity – 40 years Energy policy

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London 2012 Key Success Factors Cross party political support A fixed deadline Early attention to governance structures A sensible budget Clear client leadership Rigorous approach to programme control and change management Strong assurance and risk management

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Institutional process for long term infrastructure planning & implementation

Cross party political support

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Consulted 150 organisations and experts Reviewed international experience for example Australia Considered UK political process

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The Armitt Review Recommendations Statutory Body

Independent Infrastructure Commission Parliament Decides

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30 year analysis of need

Agreed by Parliament

Sector plans

Agreed by Parliament

Oversight and annual report

10 year cycle

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Ongoing Steps Adopted Labour Party policy Draft White Paper

Draft Bill