Smart Environment Facilities

Smart Environment Facilities Unit-V

Transcript of Smart Environment Facilities

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Smart Environment Facilities


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• Water & Wastewater, Waste Management, Health & human Services.

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Smart Water Management

• Water management is a basic as well as essential service provided by the city government to its citizens and businesses. Most of the cities have a vast water distributions network running for thousands of kilometres.

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Smart Water Management

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Smart Water Management

• Most cities depend on a few key sources like rivers and ponds for water supply. Groundwater management does not exist in most of the cities. Water resources in India are depleting due to increasing consumption because of rising population and increased water consumption in urban areas. In 2010, India ranked 120th among the 122 nations in terms of quality of water available to its citizens. Most cities are unable to tap rain water up to its maximum potential.

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Smart Water Management

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Smart Water Management• There is no water metering in most of cities, leading to

irresponsible use of water and high non-revenue water and under recovery. For e.g., in Delhi, as much as 40 per cent of water is lost due to leaking pipes and many households go without water. It is estimated that 27 per cent of homes in Delhi receive tap water for less than three hours a day. In order to improve water management, India needs an integrated approach for water and wastewater management to meet the various needs to citizens and businesses.

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Smart Water Management

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Smart Water Management

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Smart Water Management for Smart Cities

Smart Water Management for Smart Cities• Technology plays an important role by providing visibility

in demand/supply to ensure equitable water distributions and optimise energy use to pump water in vast water distribution network, reducing the non-revenue water by detecting leakages faster and reducing theft by detecting ghost pipes. Smart meter technology shapes behavior of citizens and businesses by providing visibility in consumption and reduces under recovery by accurate metering. Water asset management, water management operations and customer services can be improvised significantly using technology.

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Smart Water Management for Smart Cities

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• Analytics: Data analytics is an efficient and inexpensive way to improve water management strategies. It helps in determining in real-time when, how much and where water is being used. Predictive analytics helps in understanding water availability pattern and forecasting to ensure adequate supply

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Water infrastructure management

• Water infrastructure management: Geospatial-based water infrastructure management (WIM) solution can provide all the details of a municipal or private water and wastewater distribution system. It helps to plan, conduct engineering analysis, design work orders and manage mapping, asset and maintenance records. It helps engineers, planners, designers, dispatchers, accountants and crews do a better job of utilising and managing the facilities

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Automate groundwater access approval process

• Automate groundwater access approval process: BPM solutions help in designing and building automated end-to-end business processes (starting with water rights administration) that coordinate the interactions among people, systems and information; increase transparency and performance of business processes and enhance business agility

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Ghost pipe detection system

• Ghost pipe detection system: Advanced technology and sensors to detect the ghost pipes to ensure zero theft

• Leakage sensors: Leakage sensors to automatically detect water leakages. Water leakage detection sensors can be used in a variety of applications. Once they detect water leakage they can raise alerts to shut-off the water flow to the leaky area in water distribution network

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Ghost pipe detection system

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Ghost Pipe Detection System

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Outage management system

• Outage management system: Identifies the likely cause of an outage based on inputs from the call centre, field crews, etc. and reduces outage resolution time and outage costs are contained

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Outage Management System

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Water pressure optimiser

• Water pressure optimiser: Ensures that the right pump configuration are running at the right time – all the time, at the right efficiency. For instance it can optimize the pressure. This minimizes the water lost in existing leakages and reduces the risk of new burst and breaks.

• Real-time hydraulic modelling water distributions tool: Informs the operator of any issues about volume, quality or pressure providing immediate knowledge about actions made

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Water and wastewater SCADA

• Water and wastewater SCADA: Helps to manage water and wastewater infrastructure by measuring, collecting and analyzing network data, making it available to operators Mapping and modelling of water distribution assets and network: Global data models and a suite of integrated applications that are fundamental to geospatial management of a water distribution network

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Water and wastewater SCADA

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Online hydrology maps

• Online hydrology maps: Hydro geological maps can estimate reserves of underground waters and determine the watering capacity of mineral deposits and determine the interrelationship of geological structure, terrain and underground water, hence, giving citizens a view of the current groundwater levels. Making hydrology maps available online can help citizens to identify right locations for groundwater

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Online hydrology maps

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Smart meters

• Smart meters: Smart metering provisions near real-time information enabling customers to understand and monitor their water usage and assists the water utility in managing its network and provide better customer service. Smart meters also provide a more detailed understanding of where water is being used, and in what quantities, enhancing the ability to pinpoint and tackle leakage

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Smart meters

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Water booster pump system

• Water booster pump system: Assess energy saving opportunities in the existing pumping systems and upgrade where necessary to the water booster pumping system so as to reduce annual energy consumption, improved system reliability and lower maintenance requirements Water quality meters: Leverage water quality meters to measure the water quality on real-time basis to take corrective action in case of any degradation of water quality

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Water booster pump system

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Water quality meters

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Water supply analytics

• Water supply analytics: Use of predictive analysis to better understand how the citizens use water, how this affects a city's water network and how can it be optimized to ensure adequate supply of water

• Sensors in sewer line infrastructure: Help in quick detection of leakages and blockages in sewer lines to avoid flooding and overflow

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Sensors in sewer line infrastructure

• While government is planning to modernize and extend the existing water infrastructure and water network. Smart Cities technologies for Smart Water management can be leveraged to improve efficiency and capacity of water management.

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Sensors in sewer line infrastructure

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Waste Management

• Growth in population and change in lifestyles has led to increase in waste generation. Municipal solid waste includes residential and commercial wastes generated in city areas in either solid or semi-solid form including bio-medical wastes. Safe and cost-effective management of municipal solid waste is a significant social, environmental and health challenge for modern society.

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Waste Management

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Waste Management

• Indian cities alone generate more than 100 million tonnes of solid waste a year. It is estimated that up to 40 per cent of municipal waste in India remains uncollected. A large number of cities do not have any processing facilities which mean that the municipalities tend to haphazardly dump wastes all over the landfills.

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Waste Management

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Waste Management

• Lack of storage and collection facilities, segregation of waste, pollution and contamination due to dumping of garbage on roads, open transportation in trucks, space constraints with landfills, social and environmental issues associated with landfills and lack of reusable and recyclables are the key issues in solid waste management.

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Waste Management

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Waste Management

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Waste Management

• Considering the social, environmental and health impact of waste management and sanitation, Government of India has launched Swachh Bharat Mission. The objective of the Mission is to improve solid waste management practices leveraging modern technologies, eliminate open defecation and manual scavenging by providing toilet facility, capacity augmentation of ULBs, involving private sector, bring behavior change and social change.

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Waste Management

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Waste Management

• While the Government is committed to building millions of toilets to eliminate open defecation, technology plays an important role in improving solid waste management, sanitation and citizen communication/awareness.

• Technology can provide visibility on city sanitation & solid waste management, route planning for garbage collection, resource optimisation, efficient asset management, efficient maintenance, visibility of waste bins, air quality measurements etc.

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Waste Management

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Some of the key technologies relevant to achieve objectives of Swachh Bharat Mission includes:

• Online platforms: Online platforms provide options and alternatives to the user to look into reusing old stuff. The existing user is also encouraged to look for options to sell and regain value from the product before discarding the product as waste.

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Online platforms

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key technologies

• Analytics: Accurate projections on total waste generated, waste type and identification of high waste generation areas enable effective planning and management of solid waste management services. Use of analytics during events with large citizen involvement such as festivals and fairs can ensure smooth collection and transport of waste

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key technologies

• Crowd-sourcing: Citizens can be encouraged to report (web/mobile/social channels) waste-related activities which need urgent attention from the authorities.

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key technologies

• Sensor-based waste collection: Sensor-based waste bins to identify status of waste bins if it is empty or filled so as to customise the waste collection schedule accordingly and save costs

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Sensor-based waste collection

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key technologies

• Automated waste collection system: Automated Waste Collection System (ACS) is a long-term solution and can take care the conventional methods like door-to-door, curb-side, block, community bins collections and transportation via chute system from high rise buildings with waste sucked though pipes and minimal human intervention

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Automated waste collection system:

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key technologies

• GPS devices and sensors on waste truck: GPS technology to route the waste collection trucks to optimise the collection efficiency and ensure contractors dump waste in designated places. It will also give a clear picture of waste generated per ward

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GPS devices and sensors on waste truck

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key technologies

• Sensor-based sorting: Sorting waste material with the use of sensor technology helps in smart sorting. The sensor technology can recognise materials based on their visible spectrum or colour with infrared/ultraviolet spectra or based on their specific and unique spectral properties of reflected light, or atomic density or conductivity/permeability or atomic characteristics

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Sensor-based sorting

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key technologies

• Pollution sensors: Leverage the pollution sensors to gauge pollution levels at landfills

• Energy simulation (waste to energy): Use of energy simulation software and analytics can provide accurate projections of waste generation and energy production from waste

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Pollution sensors

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key technologies

• Analytics-based landfill management: Accurate waste generation and collection projections along-with break-up of type of waste can enable smart landfill management

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Analytics-based landfill management

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Analytics-based landfill management

• Technology will become the key enabler in improving efficiency & capacity of city services to improve waste & sanitation value chain. Technology will also enable real time governance & control of waste and sanitation value chain for Swachh & Smart Bharat.

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Analytics-based landfill management

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

• In countries around the globe, the cost of taking care of people continues to rise accounting for an ever-growing percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). At the same time that the world’s population is aging, chronic diseases like asthma, heart disease and obesity are increasing in every age group.

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

• Add to that a shrinking workforce and a disturbing worldwide shortage of doctors and nurses (India: is currently running short of at least 600,000 doctors and 1 million nurses), along with the fact that fewer young medical professionals are training to replace them.

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

• Combine all this with legacy hospital infrastructure and technology, paper-intensive recordkeeping, and inconsistent standards, and there is no doubt that the situation calls for a smarter, more effective approach to healthcare.  This is also critical because a robust healthcare system is the hallmark of organized development. Healthy citizens will translate into a productive workforce and a thriving economy

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

• By definition this is a holistic approach to healthcare that integrates the best of technologies to remove information barriers, enabling data to be analyzed and shared in real time. Smart healthcare is about forging time and creating cost-saving collaborative partnerships among doctors, administrators, insurers, and healthcare institutions.

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

• It is about integrating communications into a single, consolidated infrastructure, and giving communities and individuals the tools and knowledge they need in order to make more informed choices. Such digital healthcare delivery systems powered by the Network can significantly improve operational efficiency, optimize collaboration, and lead to better patient care and outcomes.

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

•  Smart healthcare solutions can help improve both care delivery and business operations for hospitals and medical professionals by:

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

• Providing essential information to doctors and staff, regardless of the devices they are using 

• Giving real-time access to patient records, images and expert consultations, using any device, anywhere

• Accurate tracking and location of patients, staff, equipment and medical supplies 

• Education programs for medical staff and patients

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

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Accurate tracking and location of patients

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Healthcare in Smart Cities

• These solutions take full advantage of the limitless possibilities of telehealth, or care- at- a- distance. IP video technology (e.g.: telepresence) can link patients and providers  to specialists and primary care professionals, paving the way to faster and more cost-effective remote medical consultations, patient diagnoses, and chronic disease management.

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telehealth, or care- at- a- distance

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Internet of Everything (IoE) in healthcare

• When one thinks of the Internet of Things (IoT), usually digital homes and connected consumers come to mind. However, the scope of IoT is expanding rapidly and healthcare is an area of application that is emerging at a fast pace. Advances in information and communication technologies are making healthcare services smarter and improving lives every day

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Internet of Everything (IoE) in healthcare

• IoE can transform the healthcare sector, result in better health outcomes, increase productivity and provide an enhanced patient experience. As more and more objects that were not connected to the internet, begin to connect with each other and with powerful sensors, they interact to generate huge amounts of data.

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Internet of Everything (IoE) in healthcare

• Smart cities will take medical care to the next level enabling connectivity across devices and remote monitoring of patients. Here’s how connected solutions can play an important role in improving health care services for city residents:

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Advanced medical equipment for health services

• The central government of India has prepared a map for the development of 100 smart cities in the country. One of the key elements of the proposed smart cities includes state of the art health facilities for everyone. The potential applications of technology to improve efficiency, safety, and quality of health care in India are truly enormous.

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Leveraging telemedicine to deliver better patient care

• Health monitoring devices have made it possible for physicians to remotely collect patient data to foster diagnostics, preventive care, and measurement of treatment results. They offer residents the convenience of receiving alerts for medication and health checkups. Users can also set up notifications and workflows based on health status so that proactive action can be taken.

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Health monitoring devices

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Leveraging telemedicine to deliver better patient care

• For example, in hospitals, electronic medical records can be used to set up notifications that are automatically sent to the staff when it’s time for a patient to take medicine or when a test is due. In a similar manner, patients receive text messages on their phone to remind them of scheduled appointments.

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Leveraging telemedicine to deliver better patient care

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Internet of Everything (IoE) in healthcare

• Analyzing that data in real time can positively impact patient outcomes and transform the way medical services are delivered. As more and more devices start talking to one another, the need for human intervention will go down, saving time, increasing efficiency and improving healthcare delivery.

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Internet of Everything (IoE) in healthcare

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Internet of Everything (IoE) in healthcare

• IoE solutions can alter doctor-patient interaction leading to quicker and intelligent decision making. For example: with the help of biometric and sensor technologies, doctors can assess a drug’s efficacy quickly. Basis, that information, the further line of treatment can be decided. IoE thus empowers caregivers with the requisite information to transform healthcare delivery from a ‘disease-centric’ discipline to a system focused on promoting and maintaining wellness.

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Internet of Everything (IoE) in healthcare

• Solutions like the Cisco Patient Connect provide a single platform for delivering digital content, streaming media and personalized patient information. 

• Other solutions such as Virtual Patient Observation helps doctors monitor patients from a centralized location.

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Cisco Patient Connect

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Virtual Patient Observation

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e-health and the future

• In countries like India, critical investments are needed in healthcare (remote health, elderly care), health information exchange, and telehealth. Evidence strongly suggests that implementing Information and Communications technologies (ICT) can result in higher quality and safer, more patient-responsive healthcare. Mobile collaboration technologies and BYOD for example can be useful in delivery of better health outcomes.

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e-health and the future

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e-health and the future

• In summary therefore, adoption of technology enabled solutions complimented with an array of healthcare management services, will help the healthcare industry in India leapfrog into 'information age healthcare', much quicker than imagined before.

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