Smarketing for growth


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Transcript of Smarketing for growth

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PURPOSE OF MARKETING“the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two - and only two basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce

results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business.”

“The aim of marketing is to understand your customers so well the product or service fits them and sells itself.”

Peter F. Drucker, 1973, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices

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PURPOSE OF MARKETING● Huge relevance even now in the technology-driven marketplace

● Self-guided buying has become the norm

● The majority of businesses have never marketed effectively and more importantly

are failing to adapt their approach for today’s more empowered buyer

● Businesses today must display their fit to prospects in a better way, through more

communication channels and earlier than previously if they are to survive and grow.

Today’s buyers have evolved through self-direction, become self-informed and more increasingly they want to self-qualify.

Ineffective marketing is a growth killer

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● Not generating enough high quality new leads○ No objective measurement of ROI of marketing campaigns/channels

○ No measurement of quality of leads

● Not converting a high enough number of new leads into customers○ New business sales cycles taking too long

○ No joined up metrics between sales and marketing functions

○ Unhealthy tension between sales and marketing functions

● Detouring from core strategy to plug gaps and shortfalls○ Chasing non-core business and undertaking bespoke work just to win new customers

○ Competing on price too often instead of value

○ Forcing cross-sell / up-sell campaigns and price increases at existing customers

● Not achieving planned new business growth.


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WHY THIS HAPPENS● Not understating the true purpose of marketing

○ Marketing being used as a support for the sales team

○ Marketing not being made accountable for results.

● Strategy detours○ Employees not understanding the value proposition and secret sauce of the company

○ Chasing poor fit opportunities and competing on price not value.

● Stretching too thinly○ Business owner has to be too involved with the commercial side of the business

○ Can’t sustain the amount of involvement needed to achieve the desired growth.

● Sales and Marketing tension○ Lack of communication, joint planning and aligned measurement between sales and marketing

○ Sales under-value marketing and marketing become frustrated with sales not working leads.

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GROWTH IS POSSIBLEBy embracing and fully implementing smarketing and content-based inbound marketing

through Smarketing for Growth from The SMarketeers.


● A tailored solution based on specific objectives and current situation


● A collection of five defined modules carefully designed to deliver tangible value

● Guides startups, SME’s and turnarounds through the journey of implementing

smarketing and inbound techniques

● Generates, accelerates and sustains new business growth.

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WHAT IS SMARKETING?Smarketing is the process of aligning sales and marketing so closely, through strategies

based on common goals, language and metrics that they become two halves of the same

team, with the final objective being revenue growth achieved by attracting new

customers to the business.

“Organisations with aligned sales and marketing teams achieved 20% annual revenue

growth”A 2010 study by the Aberdeen Group, Boston, MA

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WHAT IS CONTENT-BASED INBOUND MARKETING?Content-based inbound marketing responds to the needs and wants of today’s self-

directing buyer. This is the process by which a business makes available the right

information, in the right medium at the right time. Businesses need to guide their

prospects to purchase. Direct them to the right resources at the right time to get the

information they need to make an informed decision.

“54% more leads are generated by inbound than by outbound.”Hubspot’s 2013 State of Inbound Marketing report

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WHY US?● Through our unique approach we enable businesses to achieve their true growth


○ We don’t just tell our customers where they are failing and what they need to fix

○ We immerse ourselves in our clients’ industries and products

○ Becoming a tactical supplementary resource

○ Coaching existing teams to sustain new business growth on an ongoing basis

○ We focus on delivering tangible value through our defined Smarketing for Growth modules

○ Delivering framework, process, toolsets and dashboard

○ Making the journey to winning customers faster, easier, repeatable and more measurable.