Small Cell Forum: Lighting the path to 5G

Small Cell Forum: Lighting the path to 5G © Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016 Julius Robson Chair Steering Committee`

Transcript of Small Cell Forum: Lighting the path to 5G

Small Cell Forum:Lighting the path to 5G

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

Julius RobsonChair Steering Committee`

Small Cell Forum:

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016


4G densification Underway18 Million Small cells High Capacity

100% coverageUltra reliableLow Latency


Engage vertical marketsOpen and interoperablestandards for the new interfaces


Alternative ownershipand operations models

Scalable repeatabledeployment process

Lighting the Path to 5G: How do we get to 5G from where we are today?

The 5G Panel: Tuesday 28 Feb 4pm

• One of the few areas of consensus about 5G is that it will rely heavily on ever-smaller cells and unprecedented levels of density

• This panel will cut through the hype and address the real world challenges of planning a next generation network – in parallel with enhancing the performance and ROI of the current one

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5G use cases point to densification

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100% Coverage Lower Latency

Network Densification is fundamental to 5G

Higher Capacity

Densification delivers 5G Fundamentals

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Drivers forDensificationMore cells/km2

HigherCapacityfor eMBB

More cells per km2 àMore Hz per ‘user’Better signal à higher spectral efficiency

Lower Latencyfor URLLC

Bring applications & data closer to devices (MEC)Tighter radio co-ordination (C-RAN)

100%CoverageFor people & things (IoT)

Indoor: Enterprise and residential

Rural, Remote, Temporary, Moving

User deployable small cell coverage

Dense networks promise better performance

Network densification with small cells is already well underway…

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Small cell annual shipments Source: Mobile Experts, May 2016

• Now 18 Million small cells complementing 6M macro cells

• Operators start to shift from targeted hotspots to large-scale deployments

• Major short term growth is enterprisebut Urban, Rural and Remote address high value use cases


“¾ of all cells are small cells”

Densification with small cells

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So what’s stopping us from densifying?

(just some of the)Barriers to densification

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Market End users not aware of solutions or don’t know how to get themOperators worried that low cost process may damage $$bn brand

TechnologyAutomation (SON) needed to de-skill deploymentNew architectures needed to federate Heterogenous networksMulti-operator support to address some verticals: venue,hospitality etc

Business New ownership models need to be established for MNO, end users, property owners, IT service providers, etc.

TCO per small cell site needs to be ~1/10th of macro

Operational‘Old school’ macro processes too expensive and slowLocal administration fragmented, complex & macro orientatedSmall cell backhaul must be cheaper, but same performance

Interoperability New tech is often vendor proprietary, risking fragmentationHealthy competitive ecosystem requires interoperable standards

SCF has working groups addressing each of these areas

Our work to date

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 20182012





R3 R4R5









Enterprise R6


R5.1 R8nFAPIVirtualisation


Five years of themed releases have seen publication of over 100 papers addressing a wide range of technical, business, operational and ecosystem barriers



HyperdenseHetNet R9


Editorial note: consider another image which shows everything SCF has released to date

Maybe just the release names? Home, enterprise…

Two work streams to address barriers

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Deploying Hyperdense




The practicalities of densification in public and outdoor spaces and the underlying technologies needed for affordable and scalable HetNets

Helping operators and different vertical markets understand the value of small cell connectivity, and the new ownership models needed

Small cells for residential, rural, remote, temporary, transportation, etc. are addressed in other release themes on see

Commercializing hyperdense HetNetsWhat does it take to deploy a hyperdense network commercially?

February 2017

Release 9 Highlights:Commercialising Hyperdense HetNets

SCF is taking action to make today’s technology a commercial success…• MKT: Engaging with vertical markets: hospitality

• Value of small cell connectivity for hospitality industry [184] & simple installation guide [011]• Enterprise Advisory Council launched to deepen industry ties• Next: Healthcare and property verticals

• BIZ: Templates for new commercial models • Alternative ownership and operations models [181]

• OPS: Scalable repeatable deployment process• Simple and harmonised regs for small cell installation [012, 182]• Lobbying regional regulators & authorities for best practice policy [Global 190,US 192, LATAM 186, Local authorities 183]

• IOP: Healthy interoperable ecosystem for SON• New SON test cases [176] and PlugFest report [177]

..and is applying these learnings to ensure 5G is practical and profitable• Technology and 5G

• Small Cell Virtualisation [187] nFAPI standard [082] and remote management model [167]• Current working on: MEC and FOG, 5G x-haul, mIOT and URLLC, mm wave, Spectrum sharing (SAS, LSA, CBRS) & neutral hosting,

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• Market Research: Drivers and Barriers• Operations: Enabling a scalable, repeatable deployment


• Interoperability: Commercialising SON:

• Technology and 5G:

1) Deploying Hyperdense HetNetsDensification in public outdoor areas and the broad technology issues.

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Drivers for deployment of hyperdensenetworks [SCF180]

1. Support rising mobile data traffic affordability2. Maintain or improve QoE – customer satisfaction3. New services enable by capacity


4431 29

21 19 18 18 15 13



Support rising mobile data

traffic affordably

Maintain or improve QoE -

customer satisfaction

New services enabled by capacity

Extend life of macro with


Support new customers


New services enabled by proximity to


Resource efficiency with

targeted capacity

IoT services requiring

ubiquitous coverage

Foundation for fog/MEC services

Enable SLA-based services

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Top three drivers for deployment of hyperdense networks. Source: Rethink Technology Research operator survey, 62 responses, September 2016

• Opex• Access to sufficient site numbers• Streamlines approval process

Barriers to deployment of hyperdensenetworks [SCF180]


39 35 3227

18 15 13 11









Opex Access to sufficient site


Streamined approval process

ROI (new services)

Backhaul cost and availability

Simplified deployment

SON and automation

Network sharing/ new ownership


Interoperability and multivendor

Interference and macro


% o

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Top three barriers to deployment of hyperdense networks. Source: Rethink Technology Research operator survey, 62 responses, September 2016 © Small Cell Forum Ltd 2017

Operations: Enabling a scalable, repeatable deployment process

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

1) Industry Alignment on IEC Small Cell Installation Classes

2) Lobby regulators/policy makers to reduce administration for small cell classes as essential infrastructure

Defines installation rules according to transmit power

[SCF190] Small Cell Siting Challenges

[SCF183] Global Best practice for local councils

[SCF186] Deployment guidelines for Latin Americas, with GSMA

[SCF182] Small Cell Installation Classes, with GSMA

Interoperability: Commercializing SON

SON benchmarking [SCF176]Test cases are defined to verify proper implementations and interworking of some key SON functions.ü PCI / ANR / ICIC / MRO / FHM

Future work for commercializing SON [SCF085]HetNet SON Plugfest Enhanced SON for HD-SCNs and 5GExtended SON feature benchmarking

SCF PlugFests are driving healthy ecosystem for SON with open

interoperable standards

Building upon SCF SON foundations:[173] Using SON in HetNet deployments[172] Integrated HetNet architecture framework[170] HetNet market drivers[083] SON API for small cells [077] Urban SON use cases[066] Enterprise SON use cases[059] X2 interoperability in multi-vendor X2 HetNets

IOP: Commercializing SON:[176] Industry first performance benchmarking [177] 2016 Plugfest report [185] Summary and roadmap slides

Ensure ease of deployment, reliability,


Improve economics of testing (shared

resource) and deployment (scale)

Enhance operator confidence

Accelerate deployment

Increase investment in next generation of


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Real world commercial SON deployments

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Technology & 5G

• Technologies underpinning small cell HetNets towards 5G, covering radio, network architectures, services API and management systems. Also addresses license-exempt, Virtualization, multi-operator and neutral host technologies.

• In Release 9:• [171] Comprehensive overview of small cell security• [082] nFAPI and FAPI specifications • [167] NFAPI service: 1.0 service object definition

• Currently working on:• Architectures for 5G small cell HetNets• Enhanced SON for HD and 5G• Shared Spectrum (SAS Operations)• HD small cell networks for 5G (eMBB)

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Commercial challenges of addressing the needs of different vertical markets

Enabling the digitized enterprise

• Workstream goals• Hospitality package: • Business Principles: Alternative ownership and operation models for Hospitality• Enterprise Advisory Council• 2017 roadmap

Goals for enterprise workstream

• Articulate the value proposition for small cell solutions and enterprise, identifying and providing references for key use case, services and business benefits, business models and operational modes

• Promote this value proposition to MNO, enterprise and industry• Deployment simplification to enable mass adoption• Moving forward, ensure small cell solutions play an increasingly important role for

Enterprise, influencing and aligning with key standards and industry groups e.g. MEC, 5G etc.

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Small cells for Hospitality

A specific package of collateral and marketing campaign designed to help the hospitality boost mobile coverage, through the deployment of small cells.• Using small cells to boost mobile coverage

in Hospitality venues• Easy installation guide• Industry specific case studies• Partnerships with industry associations• Social media and digital marketing


Boosting coverage in Hospitality venues

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Business principles

[SCF181] Alternative ownership and operations models

• Indoor mobile coverage is now a business necessity but MNOs only serve a small percentage of the market

• New ownership models will stimulate the market and improve indoor coverage for business and consumers

Category or stage Function Current MNO-Led Neutral host Enterprise purchase

Sales and marketingSmall cell equipment purchase Mobile operator Neutral host EnterpriseMarketing and sales to enterprise Mobile operator Neutral host Small cell vendor


Project management Mobile operator Neutral host System integratorPlanning and design Mobile operator System integrator System integratorConnectivity Mobile operator Neutral host Enterprise

Installation and commissioning Mobile operator System integrator System integrator

Acceptance testing Mobile operator System integrator System integratorOptimization Mobile operator System integrator System integrator

Operations and maintenance

System monitoring Mobile operator Neutral host Mobile operatorUser/Enterprise tech support Mobile operator Neutral host Mobile operator

System upgrades and expansions Mobile operator Neutral host System integrator

Supporting mobileinfrastructure

Spectrum ownership Mobile operator Mobile operator Mobile operatorMobile core network Mobile operator Mobile operator Mobile operatorWAN backhaul Mobile operator Neutral host Enterprise

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Business principles

Next: The small cell value proposition for IoTIoT is one of the major growth opportunities for mobileOn premise use cases require excellent indoor coverage

Starting with the manufacturing sector we will identify the key uses for small cell and how these can drive business efficiency and growth

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Enterprise Advisory Council

Focused on deepening industry ties and working alongside businesses to enhance their cellular coverageSCF Enterprise Advisory Council founder members

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SCF Hospitality deployment stories

SCF Hospitality deployment stories

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Current SCF Activities and Roadmap

SCF’s cross functional approach



Technologyand 5G


SCF embodies joined-up thinking to ensure the technology is not only performant, but practical and profitable too


Stimulate mainstream adoptionArticulate value propositionPublish market researchVerticals outreach & social proofs

Tomorrow’s technology roadmap:SON, shared spectrum, virtualisation, MEC, FOG, 5G eMBB, IOT, URLLC

Alternative ownership modelsMulti-stakeholder interactionsNew value chains

The people, teams, regulation and backhaul for a scalable, repeatable deployment process

Testing to improve standards for ahealthy, competitive ecosystem


Release programme

PlugFest programme

Enterprise advisory council

Regional operator groups

Partner organisations

Standards creation

Market research

Regulator lobbying

SCF Activities

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

We fund and share market research to help our members understand the market potential as well as the drivers and barriers currently faced by operators

Release programme

PlugFest programme

Enterprise advisory council

Regional operator groups

Partner organisations

Standards creation

Market research

Regulator lobbying

SCF Activities

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

We have developed and published over 120 papers addressing different aspects of nine themed release

All free to download from SCF release website

Release Themes1 Home2,6 Enterprise3,4 Urban 5 Rural and Remote7 HetNet and SON8 Virtualisation9 Hyperdense HetNets

Over 120 papers published

Release programme

PlugFest programme

Enterprise advisory council

Regional operator groups

Partner organisations

Standards creation

Market research

Regulator lobbying

SCF Activities

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

SCF has initiated development of a number of standards needed to support densification with small cells, many now maintained by our partners




Services API



Drove consensus on joint proposal to 3GPP

Internal small cell interface for baseband silicon

Management support with TMF/BBF

API to expose precise location, caching etc.

Transportable L2 split for virtualised small cells

Supports small cell self organising features

Release programme

PlugFest programme

Enterprise advisory council

Regional operator groups

Partner organisations

Standards creation

Market research

Regulator lobbying

SCF Activities

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

We work with our partners to maintain a range of standards, promote technology integration and reach out to regional operators and regulators

Release programme

PlugFest programme

Enterprise advisory council

Regional operator groups

Partner organisations

Standards creation

Market research

Regulator lobbying

SCF Activities

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

Since 2010, SCF’s PlugFest programme has tested interoperability of small cell interfaces and features to debug implementations and resolve standards ambiguities

Release programme

PlugFest programme

Enterprise advisory council

Regional operator groups

Partner organisations

Standards creation

Market research

Regulator lobbying

SCF Activities

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

Working with our regional partners, we support regional operator groups in establishing best practice policy with their regulators and authorities

Release programme

PlugFest programme

Enterprise advisory council

Regional operator groups

Partner organisations

Standards creation

Market research

Deployment Stories

SCF Activities

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

focused on deepening industry ties and working alongside businesses to help enhance their cellular coverage

SCF Enterprise Advisory CouncilFounder members

Release programme

PlugFest programme

Enterprise advisory council

Regional operator groups

Partner organisations

Standards creation

Market research

Deployment Stories

SCF Activities

© Small Cell Forum Ltd 2016

A growing body of 45 real world case studies of how operators are getting value from small cell deployments

more stories: https://smallcellforum/stories


• Densification delivers the 5G fundamentals: Higher Capacity, 100% Coverage and lower latency

• Small cells deployments are ramping, but barriers limit their full potential• SCF has a two pronged approach to breaking these barriers

• 1) Deploying Hyperdense HetNets • The practicalities of densification in public and outdoor spaces and the underlying

technologies needed for affordable and scalable HetNets• 2) Enabling Digitized Enterprise

• Helping operators and different vertical markets understand the value of small cell connectivity, and the new ownership models needed

• SCF Release Nine describes the range of industry activities underway to Make Hyperdense HetNets a commercial reality

In summary: What we’re doing to make densification a commercial reality

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Technology & 5G

Operational & Backhaul

Business Principles

5 Working Groups

Deploying Hyperdense


Enabling Digitized


2 Work Streams

Small Cell Forum has been working since 2007 to make densification a commercial reality We’ve evolved standards, changed regulation, tested products and changed the industry perception of what a base station is. We’re now lighting the path to 5G

150 Members

Mobile Operators

Technology providers

Neutral Hosts

System Integrators

Why join?

SCF membership • Access market research and SCF working documents, ahead of your competition• Unlimited networking opportunities and warm introductions to other members, including

leading operators and vendors• Take your place among the industry leaders and innovators to increase your influence

and visibility• Exclusive participation in Plugfests, industry showcases, trials and workshops• Amplify your company marketing• Discounts on relevant conference attendance Get involved with SCF today!

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OPERATIONALEnterprise deployment

MEC-NFV impact on operations5G x-haul requirements

GSMA-SCF regulatry alignmentHyperdense Operations

BUSINESS PRINCIPLESOwnership models for

hospitality and propertyIoT use cases for small cells

Value added servicesLight/unlicensed spectrum

MARKETINGAccessing healthcare,

hospitality & property marketsConnectivity & public policy

advocacy Guiding operators to 5G


HetNet and SON PlugFest

PLUS: Enterprise taskforce workshopAgreeing release themes and deliverables for 2017GSMA & OMA partner alignmentNetworking with your customers and suppliers

TECHNOLOGY AND 5GnFAPI & virtualisation

MEC & FOGHyperdense HetNet Architecture

Security Task Force

Deploying Hyperdense HetNets Enabling the Digitized Enterprise

SCF Cannes Plenary 27-29 Mar 2017