SLySv T W Cloud Chiel:. BBK IF1 m IIWIF I liii J?5Ek9WfSa 3SE.W? r.TWiraBE'!SHBB?i3r "ir52--i...

l:. BBK IF1 m IIWIF I liii J?5Ek9WfSa 3SE.W? r.TWiraBE'!SHBB?i3r "ir52-- i L V -- l - . ST , ct's- - iivr :y!v it If -- V. ?u. f " j.1 -- J. Clti "T- - " ' ' 4. &- - &- - . - 5. J - V - - T. - - oi . - tTr-3-.- T 3r.- - , je. Je.."r ,... 'jTV luf - , . A 1v "- - '." - - , - ., X "Jj-?- , ?r?y-- - W JT - - ' W v?3. .z- - "i t '' iff r - v --. .' "'.' . .ambers j&. za-j-- - - -- rr lt :7 ' i T CLOUD CHIEF Bed Cloud fcR. SHED !S CLOUT), EVEUT, 17ZSIASXA. THURSDAY AT The -- ur- fl. L. THOMAS, Cdtter mh4 Proprietor. S:- -- $1.50 a yew If jt4 It Airiaci. 0 EAST -- VIA. THE tot M - Wntm Railway- - go klLES OF ROAD. IthcSllOiT.Eurc anJHAFE rout, between Cornell Bluffs i AND CAOD, MILWAUKEE and nlloints EAST and NORTH. igtcn, 3Jl0f Tittsturgli, Cincinnati, JIontrcol.Tcrcato, Detroit, Cluve- - bnd, Colunto. "it ouks tlic IraTclSng publio reatir Facilities! I AND Mole Advantages Than xl other road in the west. It is tfcOiVLY ROAD between tiuicilpHiiflfr Jind Chicg Fpon which it rn ILLICIT HOTEL CAES ! Id ndditionithwe and to iilejuenll claw es of it id FIBST CbASS WEALS at its VTiMu blA,''"' ' ccuuj wivu. Tract is frel Bail 1 Its cches tr tie Finest I i Its Equipment First diss I i train? arofi Kquipped with with air braKes- - mcntJ'! i ol which combined. Innit FasiH Speeeai i Sure and close Ccncecuois I And everting a passenger can oenre to t make a journey fQlCK P jsant & COMIfUiiTAISJjJS I Mnian Slipcra on all Night Irainsl IT IS THE People's Favorite Route At Council lafis the Through .i rains 01 tnt i,j ! a " Vni . fi KfflC KaimCPMU torn, wi i is v - juuRjoint un.ucpou L. fP is-o- wihlo hef t travelinic.atnttodatioM has will buy r ticket bytnu iwuve mm auu IriLLTAKKOSB OTUEU. Ticket fccnts can sell yo11 Through pickets H tnis Bead and enc: usual Slcage Pree cf Charge. 4 Isma Tick! OrriCM-13- 24 Farnam Street, Cnr.4thJnd at Union Pacific Depot. IroancU Ulullricket OffiecF-C- or. Brodwar ana Union l'alSc Transfer Dcjot. . , . . lenver Offic In Colorado Central ana union Tfset OQcc. .. 3an Trancisi Office 2 cw Montsomery tsu i., . For infornkion, folders, maps. etc.. notob-niiwb- lo at fowe Ticket OfliccF. address any aIOLOi iuo njiau, i UTIUEEITT, W. H. STBHKBTlf Mon'l Mafescr, Ocn'lTass. Agent. Calico. 111. 2HIM2R BKOTRERS nilDQUAmF-R- S FOR I LSTiSJ 1SSSW7v itH 'eaesj s I inn - n,Sis,lraeUieric&s SFWIIVG MArniiSES ROBINSON .Wagon Company, h? Mi JLVXCFACTCREUS OF Farm & WAGONS .Buggies & Phaetons. )o( We do not Want Agents WE OFFER OUR -- Standard Trade Vehicles, TQ- - THE TKADE. Work that lias an established reputa- tion, anil thatrcan be handled witn sat- isfaction, both to buyer and seller. Send for designs and prices to ROBINSON AVAGON CO. trJy Cincinnati, Ohio. GOOD liOlfWS. Quick Time I Through Traine I Close Connections 1 No Delay-- ! Burlington Rou TO CHICAGO AND THEE Voir titrates of Fare will "be made. S3HOs Through Cars vriU beran from B.& U.C881HWB "UIMU IU yQICa0.'tjsr? A ten minuiec connectioa'wia w naf?'m?in cuncJBeioB. j C.vsuoauu uuse. coiBeaMSSl e BMS.W we east, so SJeepiH Dem tt.lM TilSiMrr Wsltetew0 y iei re MKfJM aa-J- i- MOri Bi . J T01ST.OX)UM OTESOUT fTw Thelwrli resgrnKtr ifcifii. rr -- ? sac; leeaebs IMUBMUM, JiiSEVBTl . SS m Kline krra : i::mk m i Eleetosfs-v- u rsa- - ,USl.Lttis. lNAPOLIS. ATJ.lAND THE BNUWEAST. We nbU t the wwtii- - eati'emoriui wt KaJlroH far IacltU- - sbus. .asrf(;ll -- detrl ;, WWHMUVWi .1" i3t - Jt- - s "' ;?:aMtXMli'LfiMii. wtWw:ast tiwsl wf r wtsit-iet- e. eu&Tei Chie VOL. VIII. BU8IXESS DIJIECTOIIY. O. C. CASE, A TTORXnV AT LA1V. OJpcc one door north of Gurbcr's Store. BED CLOUD, XKB. Collections msiile & promptly remitted. M. J. S. GILHAM, A TTORXEY AXD COUKeELOR AT LAW. Office one door north oKaley Brox. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. C. REILLY, AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. ATTORNEY REAL. EBTATB AOE2T. Red Cloud. Neb. 3Propt Attention Given to Collections. Orric- r- with C. II. rOTTER. at Red Cloud Drue Store Edwin C. Hawley. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offico over Farley's Drag Store. BED CLOUD, 1IEB. James Laird,. A TTORN'EY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Juniata, - Neb- - Will practice in all the Courts of the State, rroinpt attention jriven to all business entrusted to his care. Oflice on the east side Juni jta Avenue. juljl-- 7 !T. S. Kalxt. J. L. Kalkt, O. W. Kalkt, iJlooininton, Itcd Cloud. Neb. Nebraska. KALEY BROS., A TT0RNEY8 AT LAW & REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Will practice in all the Courts in Nebraska and northern Kansas; collections promptly at- tended to and correspondence solicited. BED CLOTO, Ketrasbu Also. AsenU for B. & M. R. B. Lands. I. W. TCLIiEYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, .U. S. PenHion Surgeon. Office over Kaley-Bros- . law office. BED CLOUD. 2TEEBASEA ELBERT A. H AJLi RI. D. ;Piysiciaxi& Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NED. Assistant Suntcon B. M. R. R. R. a Office oicr Johnson Ar Creps' dry goods store Resi-disi- co ovcr-F- . Nowhauee's store 196in J." MM0SENA, M. D. E. SlPES, M. D. EliECTIC Physicians and Surgeons, RKD CLOUD. NEB. Will pay special attention to Obstotrics and diseases of women Also ueneral and special sureiTy. Ditcnses of the Kyo and Ear. Charges moderate. Office over Hhorer's Drug More Dr. Moseuas residence is 4 honses north of school house. Dr. Sipes' residence is first bouse northjof J.Z Thomas. go-- 1- JAS. IV. CALLENDER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALLOPATHIC SCHOOL.) Prompt attendanco on all calls in tho practice of tsedicincs or surgery. CoVlES, - NEBRASKA. . tU MORAXVILLK, C. .F. MOIUNVILLE, keb. AM DOT, NKB. MORANVILLE BROS., Homoeopathic Physicians. ortrt.PS Jfe AMBOY. KEBUASKA. i .'ill profcssionalcalls will receive onr 40in6 prompt nil caremi aiwnuuu H Dr. H. A. Baird, EESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. W. . Richardson. S. Garter. Eichardson & Garher, DEALERS IN Lxve stock:. BED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Highest marltet price paid for hogs and cattle. E Smith S. C.8ttn M.B.THnm-sO- K. F?A First Nat. Cash. First Late Teller First B.Btrice Nat-Ban- k Nat. jank neat- - jjeb. Beatrice Heb. miif rorshomp5on, BANKERS. RED CLOUD, NEB. make collections iu any part of the Uiitld exchance upon the pnnei-pallSte- rn oities-L- oan money npon improved subject to sijht TMt nen time deposits, and trans- - acticcneralBaBkins; business. Omaha National, Bank, A. S.iddeck.tL .SSenaton First NaUonal Bank NeYOTk,CambridgeYaUey National Rank. Cwitidce New York. : OMAHA Sample roruiOH. Room, TWO DOORS WE8T OF BOY'8 nOME. iKtsps on hand the best brand of "Wines. Lidtei. Beer. Ale. and fine Cigars. A share of thet;Hi; rotronase isaolieeted. NRT COOK, PKOPR1ETOE RED CLODD Drug . Paints, kVSSHSSV' J m VARNISHED is Ifi m- - ? rxm rif b jbsjt Liac kept esiMtMvuy ea uhiih tA aje A Jsvite U sumhh ei HENRY COOK. st MSB mi: l gS, t tu-MfZ- .- 9 M . , IB iji ., - BL-HBtisBi- w-" 1 4 "JFm Vigilance Is RED CLOUD, THE CHIEF. L. THOMAS, tuiiur-- i . J THURSDAY, SEIT. 16, 1880. I NATIONAL BErUBLICAl' 7ICEET. For Frondad, JAMES A. GARFIELD, of Ohio. For Vice Frcridml, CHESTER A. ARTHUR, of Xrw York. PBSSI32NTZAL ZLEST0B5. G. W. COLLINS, afFamic. J. M. THURSTON, of J)out,la. JAMES LAIUD, of Adam. For Congress. E. K. VALENTINE, of Canting Co. For Contingent Congramnan. T. J. MAJORS, ofXamaha Co. For Governor. ALRINUS NANCE, of Polk Co. For Secretary of Stole. S. J. AJ.EXANDER.'oJrtfi'mm Co. For Auditor of Fidilie Accounts. JOHN WALLICIIS, of Hail Co. For Trcumrcr. G. M. BARTLETT, oflMucaslcr Co. For Attornq General. C. J. DILWORTII, of Phelps Co. For Chin's, of Public- - Ldtul and Buildings A. G. KENDALL, ofHoimrd Co: For Snpt. of Public Instruction. W. W. W. JONES, of Lancaster Co. SENATORIAL. For Senator 24th District. C. B. COON, of Thayer Co. COUNTY TICS3T. For Representative. HON. II. S. KrVLBY, of lied Cloud. For Commissioner ?,d District. HUGH STEVENSON, of Inmate. For County Judge. JNO. R. WILLCOX, of Pal Cloud. The Republican campaign in Ne- braska, will open in earnest on the 29 lh of this month. Tlic Hon. Lorenzo Crounsc will, at that time, address the people of Red Cloud and vieininy, at the court house at 7 r. M. OUB WASHINGTON LETTE3.- - . W.Vs'HINOTON, D. C, Sept. G, 1S80. ) So far as any discrepancy in the ac- - counts of Captain I fowgatc ns disbure- - ing officer of tho signal service .Bureau has been reported, I am authorized to say that the report is false. The Captain has of late made himself prominant in an effort to secure by questionable means the position made vacant by General Meyer's death, and to that extent, however great his merits, deserves condemnation. But he is a man trusted by all who know him, and j who was lately relieved from the duties of disbursing officer simply became his other official duties were enough to ' tax the energies of even so industrious a man as himself. Captain Payne, the indomitable in- vader of the Indiau Territory, has writ- ten that he will be in this city before Congress meets and will push nn inves- tigation of the whole subject, of citizens rights in the lands he has invaded. He claims, that the legitimate residents of the Indian Territory Indians and otlicrs do not object to anything which he has done, or proposed; that he has kept himself within the 1nwM and that the Iudian oflice, and the authori - ties generally in this eity have been misled by reports from interested par- ties. General Grant has refused the presi- dency of the San Pedro Mining Com- pany, Jhe despatches this morning say. For sonic time past there has been a story here, said to come from the Gen- - coupon fers it to any other, and if to able to live without future employment, I have no doubt he will do so Washington owes to him more than to any other president since Washington and would givo him a cordial welcome. He owncs several pieces of property here. Ex-Govern-er Sheppenl this Dis- trict '"Boss Sheppenl" writes to his friends that is suffering from injuries received,during the lafe journey to his Mexican Mines, and irom fever, but lIOTafcyBMOthingoftbe productiveness me mines. InirecentJetterlsaid that the next session Congress, tho. balance of the Geneva- - Award fund would distributed, The great obsticle to Con- gressional action in the past been the persistent chums of the Insurance Companies to the balance the award. There claims were finally rejected by the last Congress, on the grounds that ' ;thcy,.(tlie Insurance Compames) were not actual loosers, and that they were paid when shown to bev actual loosers under the iaw; of 1 874. Tlie;rcmaindic willnow Jbe distributed, as a partofli has alreadj-bee- n, toflfcitijww ijpo w.i r d&&'i2Z&ZZ:-'- ueuA. ;vmi?.M? W- J'vrL:' rTMKiBjMUjSBBMMBMBHj "P'W,I-- 1 ' - ll;aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayiaaaaaj the prica of Llberti," and 16, ISSa CO. those "ivlio lost by tlio payment of heavy war premium1 to thee Insur- ance Couiiuutiea. JlHLi favorable to the above claw of claimauts have pitt- ed the House time and again, but have failed lo pas the Senate; At the last CAion the Sciinte reuued to pas a bill ' tn tlio Iiisiiranre Cinntank. f W -- -j j , . -- ... e.. tl.l .'. f uilu u i iimj.jiuj ui uitv, iuiu nit ter over till the next so&iion. Ksox. leauritlc Cctutj Csnretla. There will be a county. convention the democratio clecto' of 'Avebster county, at, Rejl ' jCl AiUf .. yu An V?M.'.', &4fi,v1nl' ' September 25,1 Bt'alb' JjbrFoe of chos-ingono- aBsBM;K WlM State . - . convention, one HMMHCIOJM&U udiclal ansBr bi - r convention, kmmmmmmmWrJ&? Senatorial jrtko eiich action '! re gard to nomii HLSflLK3HLIJiLflBnW4K ek Tlic scyeraljii &mmmm OW i BmmmmmmmmWmmW. - "T Z- ' to a reprcseftj iH'-Ttw- - each. 'T wasSilaEn"r' Cv2 Y A CATJtt?" f SATI TT Call for Republican Pet-Cquvtm-- j tion of the 5th JudtcialOwrtpcfc of Jie-bnin- ka. Tlic Republican electors of the 5th Judicial District are hereby icalled to send delegates from the Several coun- ties to meet in district convention in HantingiJ, Nebraska, on Friday, the day of October A. D., 1880, at 10 o'clock A.M., to place in nomination a candi- date for the office of District Attorney, for the 5th Judicial District, and to transact such other business as may come before the convention. The several counties aro entitled to representation in District Convention as follows: COUSTIIS. DEL. COUNTIES. DEL. Adams 11 Harlan G Buflalo 7 Hitchcock 2 Cheyenne 3 Keith 1 Custer 2 Kearney 5 Dawson 3 Lincoln 3 Furnas 5 I'help" 3 Frontias 1 Red Willow 2 Franklin 5 Sherman 3 Gosper 2 Webster 9 ed By order of Rep. Dist. Ccn. Com. m A. E. IIakvky, Saji. L. Savidge, Secretary. Chairman. Kearney, Neb., Aujj. 20, 180. She came intolhe office with a jerk and a slam. Her hair was cut s'nort and a patent eye glass straddled her As her wine dropped on the table she snaimcd. "1 want the busi ness inanatjer." "He stands before i you, madam," "Don't call me 'madam,' a. mv ii:iim! is Dr. Clvmer and l want a buVmeS3 card inserted in the Globe." V(,. rfi hnvc voll the c0l)Vv" "Copy! I'd like to know what you're hero fore, if it isn't to get up advertise- - ments. My name is Dr. Cfymcr. 3iy office is at the Commercial, No. 502. Make a regular card and put in, par- ticular attention paid to surgery." "Very well, Miss " "Don't -- Miss' You newspaper men think you're smart. I tell von there is no such Uli ai? M;Ss. o; Mr. There should be Ln ,i!s,:ni.l:Vrt llftinft for m;lio and female in the English language. There is no need of it. I'm a doctor. Is it anybody's business whether I'm a man or a woman? l nose two worus snouiu be buried." "Yes, M I mean doctor, but tho words must be used some- times." "I tell you there's no need of them. Your arithmetics, and your law books, and all your other hcathinish boolcs always commence a proposition, 'If a man,' why don't they say, 'If a woman?' There isn't a place in tho language where the wont "woman , COuld not be used for the word 'man,' j flm vjt.0 versa." "Rut, Mad Doclor, , wlien we tilink of Auditor Lidtke's case, it secTns all right to have a man UitlilltC. ill ifUUlll If lltl 1 J fc It fill Hi- - r damus, would you?" "Ipu will have pretty quick if you call me 'Madam' again." "Then there's Mandrake, tho pill man, did you overhear of a woman drake?" "He's a quack." "Then j there's Hancock, how much enthusiasm she cackled,. "Then there w:us a famous professional person who died in Nor- way a few days ago. His profession was not tho same as yours, but it re- quired equal skill and nerve. We allied bun 'Ole Bull.' 2sbw suppose sonic one should you ole hcifei' ." But the business manager got no further with his suppositions; for, by the way the cane rattle around his shoulders before ho reached the stairs, one would have said tlio Doctors name had been changed from Clvmer to - Hewa Itcas. boa all cvertia State.' AusTora Trill soon have an elevator competed. ETiiwigs sighs Xor a pork packing '' S Cwmbus talks of buying achemical fireMigine. Penea Landinsr will have- - a steam. fermto the Dekota side. - sJ v. jHStuitn has rrTflivwl tlm ap.rnntcr-- tmeetfo'r its military company, 33ie "Catholies of Albion wul sbon "boffin , ., worlcoa achemical bculdinir. - Brldits!are considerably dariikced In hXcuha-rxmit- y byliighwater-t- " - t flHwAInRHrI- - Tjf (AflM rtT. Il. Tl T - lin.' UUWBUIB iVK l"U VII il i win w iftrexljn JiMto9fetfinty Taridshinpcd BfSlAA a. ' 'iWW' d oral ana Mrs. urant, mat ne would get up shouting for 'ILui-mak- e his home in this city. He pre- - t, ,,? ito n r,Pt m-lm- he much of he hopes to be restored to him, Ztnco7 Globe. oi at of be has of of 1st no.Je. me. one call ; Colfsud, awrfeNiaa&KLpv;:! - Jt- 9J r. K tS iiipssstfjfc-'s:'-j v. "s LK'ffstfS'' -' tnSMSG " r u illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH SLySv $150 ayear is tJiepriceoltc WEBSTER NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER cstaJpRiincnt. fuirYigorsodnelimb KuchoTlneilisirmfkcdIu fcsyssgsjas5 A Cbicnso man intends starting a wholesale dry goods store in Lincoln Tliorc are now on the Xcbraska Mei of the river 100,000 ucs tor uie onui. line. convention was called at Palinyra tn take action for uniform protection front norsc inicvea. Hastings v.-I- Il clablih a wind null faetorv on an improved mill, patended recently by one of her citizen. At the railroad junction lx?tween Jackhon and Dakota City in Dakota county, a new town will oo tarted. Work has been commenced on the Nebraska Citv tlutillerv improvement and a fall force will bo. put on tins week. ? ; Thcfioralhnll at tbcFronOHt foir grouhdis one of the Ik1 arrngd and most commcKlious of anyiiu tbetUj. It is said that notwithstarKlinfr the drought the wheal crop 'of Jlaniilton will average more per acre than last 3'dar. Tlio hav industry continuous to de- velop. .Nebraska will furnish Colorado with a great proportion of what she .will consume. Another drove of nlicep from Now fexice v on tho way to trcmont ana will retch there in about three weeks. The flock numbers 7200. There is talk of organizing a G. A. R post at North Bend, there being no less than IOO cx-soiui- wiinin a ramus ui jjix miles of town. Dakota county has three saw mill-- , three flouring "mills, thirty schools, twelve church organizations, with a population of 3500, mostly American-- . Several men with plenty of capital, who island ready to form a stock com- pany to build a hotel at Grand Island, and" furthermore that work will soon bo begun. The Hasting Episcopalians have their new church edifice niistl and nearly roofed. The Methodists are a little behind on their church, but it will be enclosed by the lal of the month. Two young women recently drove through the Kcpublican valley with no escort ami think that it speaks well for a frontier country that they were never to much as offered an affront. Clay of excellent quality for brick near Ord, Valley county, and a real brick industry is likely to be de- veloped. Prairie has is used in the kilns, instead of wood, and the bricks ! manufactured aro of good quality. Tlio exodus negroes who were ir.imrlit tn Ilimilinlt Inst imrini' rettirn- - to iheir old homes in the south last weel Thev found good friends here ie braska, but longed for the Jjunny South Tlio road between Blue Springs ami Beatrice is being pushed forward very rapidly. The rails have been laid from Beatrice to the Blue, and the balance of the grading will soon be finished. Stromsburg is moving to have a fire department .since its narrow 'escape from destruction a few days ago. A donation of a part of a hook and ladder apparatus lias been accepted, aim a meeting will soon be called lo oianize company and equip it. Recently the legs of a man were found on the river at St. Paul, and last week the thighs, and lower portion of the body were washed ashore at Loup Ferry. It is thought that a murder has l)ccn committed and the body cut up to cover up the crime. A Columbus inaiij who has just ad- ded InOO sheep to his large flock, says that there arc capitalists in Chicago ready to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars iu sheep in Nebraska on shares, provided they can find careful and thoroughly competent men to take them. A meeting was recently held in North Bend to take action respecting the pro- posed crcamerv, which is to be a branch of the Fremont concern.. There was considerable interest manifested, and a committee, to raise the $3000 capital needed, was appointed. It looks now vs though the North Benders would be ready for the enterprise as soon :is work is begun on the Fremont creamery, which will be by January 1. There is great kicking against the imposition, at the republican state con- vention at Lincoln, of making delegates purchase ice water. Two boys cleared $19 by this small business and The Democrat says thev deserve no credit for their enterprise. It continues further: "As much as Lincoln has re ceived from tho hands of the people of Nebraska and then to charge a repre- sentative body, like the republican SLttc convention, an nickel each fur a glass of ice water, is simply an outrage. hoever is responsible for tins piece of inc,inno33 should bo shown up to tho commnnitv." MRS. O. ITI. HAWLEY, Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC W. H. REED DEAIXtt IK FRUITS rrr:ARQ. .. tor Arm. w.i w ...-wwr- . CONFECTIOEERY FRESH OYSTERS Green i Gannetl -- FRUITS- vmBaBswaa aw Era, etc, etc.' A-sh- are of the public patronase rer BDUUUUJy.-aOUClie- a ' " - rtakrwpcuLvpain3 iokcep fi:k,fivruL;t. ,. .'n.-,- i'u:ui e.uiFWHHMU V t "??TTm BBBBBBBBMBBBy BaaBaaaaMBwlBWwar"2S2CBaaBaaW?-'''- - h W I ' aBHPF aavan ''-'- . fc., ,j bj?:-- F: i' EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD, NEB. The fhofwt of re? eU. Sar. rowUand evemhisc In lb Due lbt lb. --- krt 5orU.iJAjon h.jl. vSb jp to doort wuth f ocrr s drsr trr. F. NEWHOUSE, -- DLALUR I- K- DRY-GOOD- S, Groceries and Notions, RED CLOUD, - NKBBASKA. Tlic public generally an reuuiwtcd to call and examine :ny gixxis and prices, as a shaseof tho patronage is solicited. Store, first door north of Mother's meat market. lt-2- 0 F. NEWHOUSE. SAM'L GARSER i DT11I.KK IN Dry Goods and Groceries BOOTS and SllOllS Hats? Caps. & Ready Made Clothing! We have the Largest Stock in the Valloy and will not be undersold. Give us a call, one and all. Sam'l Garber Ked Cloud Xeli. fMluino.Mnnwbcfor',tbcpnbliciott for us than altinytbluc cle. capi tal nni rmulrrJ. no will Mart jou Jliadar and upwards mtdeat home by the industrinu. tuna ronien. boy anil irl nnnteJ KVrrrwhcre. t" work for tu. now the time. u can dnrute jonr whole tiiaa to the work, or only ynnr pro mnnirtiH. no othi-- r Lusincv will pay yti nrnriy M well, no one villinr tu wtirk caw fail to m;ko enormous p.iy hy tBi,-iKii- i: at om-c- . Cctlr out-l- it and terms ffc. A pre"t pi'rtninty Tur ine-i- n iaony e.cly nl honorably. AiJrji. J rue Co.. AuruU. Maine y 7 lRlNDAuis SPAVIN CUREJ Kendall's Spavin Cure. The mostiracec?fal itemTr rcr diorrrl. it is rcrtAin in its tflects and dots not blister. Head nroof telow. Fkom Kev. P. X. GRANGER, PrejidinzElderoftheHt. Albw DlstHct. St. Albans. Vt.. Jan. 20th. 1SW. Ok. B. J. Kkkdau. rt 'o.. OenU-I- n rei4x to rourletlcrl will say that my esrerienee with Lendll's Soarin Cnre hw been rery satufs-tor- y iadowl. Three or fonryer aro I ireureil a bottle of your agent, and with it. rureU a honw nf lamenoM by a spavin. lat ea-'n- my horse becamo rery lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he becama better, bat when I put him en Uie rod ho grew worse, when I dis- covered that rinsbono wiu formloit. I proeared a bottlo of Kendall's Spavin Care and with lei tb.-i- a bttlc enrcl him so that ha is not lame. neither can the baneh be. fonnd. Kepectfally yoat. P. N. OIVSUER. PEIWEVEKANCE WILL TELL. Stonehton. Mass.. Mareh J6lh,15S0. B.J. Kendall X Co., (ients; In jnrtie Vt yon and myself. I think I ouht f It tyou know Uwt I have reinoTcd two bone !pains with "Kro-daJ- I's Spariit Cace.' oao very lwe one. don't dnow how lon?e the spavin hwl ben there. I have owned the horse euht msnlhs. It Ucxl me foar months to ttke the larce one o!f and two lor the suall on. I have osed ten bottles. The hore is entirely well, not at all stiff, and no buueb to be ien or felt. This is a wonuorim inedicide. It is a new thins; here, bntifitdoe frnll what it his done for mo iu sale will be very sreat. Uespectlully jrours. Cras. E. Passu. eml address for Illustrated Cirralsr which w think Rtves rositive pnwf nf iu vlrtnes. No remedr has ever tnet with suc.i unqualified sac cet to our knowledge, for beast u well a man. ITice 51. Pr bottle, or x. botues lor 5--j Hrnpriit hsl it nr pan ceL it fir TOU. or it will be sunt to nay address on "eeeiptf price by the nmnnrtnn. 11. J. KKNUALL .fc CO. Enosbnrjih s'alls Vt. NO. Ch Samuel West, Tobacco, Cigars, CONFECTIONERY, CANNED KUCITJi, m:sif nunH OKACKKKS, CUKESE. OKANiire-LBMONS- , .ucn a mx mc ok & CASHES, AXK A Klferr CLAM Ice Cream Parlor, Wheiv yti can 1ity get a nioe dUh of W Cream dnrinjr the SKtoru A rhare of the nnMi jwtronstr m rcovtfuUv nltcitcl. Kirt tUwr .uih of 'Mitchell & Morhart . Ilnn Cloci - - NrontuK. PRQUDFTP & HARSH, (1ENERAL tx mi .1 Jin n9.u: e )and STOVES, Guide Rck. - IVc. Kvrrrtblas utlly Vept la 6rt eU Hardware Store- - come and sec us us we will not be UNDERSOLD. Holcomb Bros?, Dealers In BAR SWABS. of 11 kind. They sell CHEAP fur CASH: o.l If they have net wh.t you wnt. leave fnur order aaJ the nfll fill It. CALL ON THEM 0n door north o m arbor's. ud Mr. II0I.COM tt will wait oa you. prltl KTil GbOUD. NEU. cofivaE For Tour LUMBER? DRY LUMBER A SPKCIALTY. thk By. st is Tnr. siaujczt Huld itt J,otc1 rrlrr -H- V- PS mmi, RED CLOUD NE3. ft m wdmimk a sjjl 2. - E i h Si 6 3 K Si CD I "w 8 $ CZi 2 s ea a if oa w r . saSM' 9 mS- - RZmSIMZXi -- iXAtr jtkjcar axsjk suwirxi 4--ti ! U 4r KiKfcA CHICAGO Lumber Yard ItKI t'liOIllf. Wcfc. Yard oth if !fritun. ,$ lttimf hj f M; UeL gfi. Km? ,'vtly t 1M.4J wiit t . t Jm Mwtr , rnss PLATT &FRKES l'roprisstors. t1tt f W i ?t W i.4 r ?lf w" tiULU. lHtrl Utt iM1l l 1i IH.W w rV f rt tt tt. fci4ftfc t Ki tA isl fWiw"n- - v - is t tK rt ! r J r Hit' ' lit i . AH ( I 6tr yr .M -- .!. to 3'. j, !.. r riH 4irt- - 44 tf tr r.H tmAA U tt it , l. tk.Lttitotw && J. tut i suit MJ. A4iMnfi. glMM 4 1'i.rtUna. Mi, m & .i in . your .. w j t tUr ... v. It ltH. HV1, V J (TWII t.nipt t whufa mn Vf Htfcl kf R i& tKWr t It. H)trtl C-- . tVttUaMl, X!its. rll-- ! MUi qsat's znxrz Bcnrr. TRAOC MASmyVj Q;e&ttllAMIIAMC Zagiivs, 5t ttT A av! tjt nir r i m, tt.t. .Vkrt4. t,l3lM, l'H f e- - eii n. (HMrMf ta" itrisc taii. . " Z,h mt tamm tl r. . ixtJtrttMiOtlll It Bity it t'.t(iJiM ltl4r -- rll MrtlHlr ii r W Iur t(ra.t frt Uf P fl' I h,rtfir-- l tvKiKnui 10 M hr M 4rgsHtl , J IH drrwm rMR H ' 4 1 i K CO N t SI,wm. IMftkMbfii -- tolJ fjist re,rll, I, K. l ttwal,. .St . Wu ?wla n. VJr m"" 3 jBHaa lllV A oWfMem TUw f Water 4e wVfiW BLACKING. K.lf-Pflllkl- ir LUr freMrTftUTf NO FAMILY SHOULlTir: WrTlWUT It, SM ask Touri xAJ.en rem t t, s. -- s swiX wmmmmemm THE Cle?elaid Sim CLEVErUND, OIU0, CIIICAI.0 ILL.r ST. LOUIS, XO., ST. PAUL, XINtf, STOVES im HOLLOW M H TW UNITED STATES. KfMsUr Tsali MltMMf .i Ufor cstah l- -. kt Mf hnt 4;htft.lsn jj to tb ! I W way f to jakes a ift l t W tXecuit. wfckh cTfice U Wi, la W Utt J5 fr St jfe ant ftlwV f voA wsmyanM. .ljr?-tJe- n of epai p""1 f y rs J8 tared Vy ihW Cpr "& i f C ' fjrunt J rrity, 1 Ur4 Rr frrlW a4 or A wl fc sm pvtfe 71 r.Ww&. AJc 3Tsr Jraslrr tmT fHvss Um ClrrelafKi Htr uir JbrJ isks. !!--- " THIS INTERESTS YOU! .k. ! -- . J AS'IC' 25i5!r?aBia I1L iL 1, BBBBaBHHlfe .. , V- - ,W F- - . I. I rt II BBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK ifsr3-- J rr-o- ?C. bIBsIIIHbHb1IBIV'' LilSifHirSiMCv e7.' HjHHH j.i ilFfiiiv Jrusrwvj? HHK e MP vAlfr rfS.1& aHMHBW & Trwsfwzir Hvt lrffi2afilfiST "bBHbbbbbB 3.AA mMi rxz&h-fr-em- B u feiri-,x.5i.-w-A ., mi9Rm"j'iiKa,LMvsirr-ammmimKsn- J6' s"""."""-- " :7iJ a WSTMSm' i, LKjidB ,' LLLLLLC?kaSb4BsVCtK 4t -- . . .. SB ''! ' svsra- ? "Jti r MWKNfc. . Vili t-- j 11 V&k . - ' 9, 5i aaBI m if Nv f,vA l u Im : . i . " - ir I? - : VWL I lr 1 r 'AAMBmaVaaBB St? rtfLf- - 1 j se j-- JsT - av 'w-" It SfckSffifiHaHlv5aBBMrPll5MlHaO'ias-a- ,BMti?rrTr7-;-"- " 'WJF" jjtfj"' -- 1 It I lanaTaaBBBS wV ljfaawy?t-- sapyEag--1j- g J ..-.- --J w- -i jwy-rjw- -i v , .aBBg.Blatamaftgrr"&'e jtPPPM; J ffyfilTWnMr ' jrl'' Jmrife&-E- f onlkadd'-iSJSSWl- i XaKi wjft-1lrrl!wlyir--- . .rj, - tBKSSrl-.'.t.'- : !' - 4--- i. c .. ."Jd3Mlifr-- . - B BBBmBBB"TB JC"W-4Wr- :- B.aj.-'a- a -- '. BB - V - JBBBBBBar i - d ,i-- V " .BBBlBBB. "BaaaW. . ' - - Hilll'S BW- "- ?. &"sy'T?iawyrr.c -- s,m-ii 33t. .'!s9"K3aBBBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaaaate - rBSiBJT"3Bwaw. MJia ''.,''" -- "Ai. " BBBBl t-- .tPt lf3Ht . sHBBB"V,VBv: - VTkaBPfe!jJf 4aaBBaV!si.kv!.m-- , 1 ! Iaaa"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a arac TJ?k.",Ajiraift :- -. 'TS 9"'8wiwaBBBBBBvlBSKBBBBl ;bMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TaWEaaBlWSj&is5 saH yWaMI9aBBSBAaVasrLiMtL,'R ' "Cji, .b- - Xal BBafenWaBeSBBBfV'- - aaal

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: 7 ' i T






fl. L. THOMAS,Cdtter mh4 Proprietor.

S:- -- $1.50 a yew If jt4 It Airiaci.


tot M - WntmRailway- -

go klLES OF ROAD.IthcSllOiT.Eurc anJHAFE rout, between

Cornell Bluffsi AND


igtcn, 3Jl0f Tittsturgli, Cincinnati,JIontrcol.Tcrcato, Detroit, Cluve- -

bnd, Colunto."it ouks tlic IraTclSng publio

reatir Facilities!I AND

Mole AdvantagesThan xl other road in the west.

It is tfcOiVLY ROAD betweentiuicilpHiiflfr Jind Chicg

Fpon which it rnILLICIT HOTEL CAES !

Id ndditionithwe and to iilejuenll claw es ofit id FIBST CbASS WEALS at its

VTiMu blA,''"' ' ccuuj wivu.

Tract is frel Bail 1

Its cches tr tie Finest I

i Its Equipment First diss I

i train? arofi Kquipped with with air braKes- -

mcntJ'! i ol which combined.Innit FasiH Speeeai

i Sure and close Ccncecuois I

And everting a passenger can oenre tot make a journey


Mnian Slipcra on all Night IrainslIT IS THE

People's Favorite RouteAt Council lafis the Through .i rains 01 tnti,j ! a " Vni. fi

KfflC KaimCPMU torn, wi i is v -juuRjoint un.ucpouL. fP

is-o- wihlo hef t travelinic.atnttodatioMhas will buy r ticket bytnu iwuve mm auuIriLLTAKKOSB OTUEU.

Ticket fccnts can sell yo11 Through

pickets H tnis Bead and enc: usualSlcage Pree cf Charge. 4

Isma Tick! OrriCM-13- 24 Farnam Street,Cnr.4thJnd at Union Pacific Depot.

IroancU Ulullricket OffiecF-C- or. Brodwar ana

Union l'alSc Transfer Dcjot. . , . .lenver Offic In Colorado Central ana union

Tfset OQcc. ..3an Trancisi Office 2 cw Montsomery tsu

i., .

For infornkion, folders, maps. etc.. notob-niiwb- lo

at fowe Ticket OfliccF. address anyaIOLOi iuo njiau, i

UTIUEEITT, W. H. STBHKBTlfMon'l Mafescr, Ocn'lTass. Agent.

Calico. 111.




s I inn -

n,Sis,lraeUieric&sSFWIIVG MArniiSES

ROBINSON.Wagon Company,





.Buggies & Phaetons.)o(

We do not Want AgentsWE OFFER OUR

--Standard Trade Vehicles,TQ- - THE TKADE.

Work that lias an established reputa-tion, anil thatrcan be handled witn sat-isfaction, both to buyer and seller.

Send for designs and prices toROBINSON AVAGON CO.

trJy Cincinnati, Ohio.

GOOD liOlfWS.Quick Time I Through Traine I

Close Connections 1 No Delay--!

Burlington RouTO CHICAGO AND THEEVoirtitrates of Fare will "be made. S3HOsThrough Cars vriU beran from B.&

U.C881HWB "UIMU IU yQICa0.'tjsr?A ten minuiec connectioa'wia w naf?'m?incuncJBeioB. jC.vsuoauu uuse. coiBeaMSSle BMS.W we east, soSJeepiH Dem tt.lM TilSiMrr

Wsltetew0 y iei re MKfJMaa-J-i- MOri Bi . J


Thelwrli resgrnKtr ifcifii.rr-- ?

sac; leeaebs IMUBMUM,JiiSEVBTl .SS m

Kline krra: i::mk mi Eleetosfs-v- u rsa--



We nbU t the wwtii--eati'emoriui wt

KaJlroH far IacltU- -sbus. .asrf(;ll --detrl;, WWHMUVWi

.1" i3t - Jt- - s "';?:aMtXMli'LfiMii.wtWw:ast tiwsl wf

r wtsit-iet- e.





OJpcc one door north of Gurbcr's Store.


Collections msiile & promptly remitted.M.


Office one door north oKaley Brox.




Red Cloud. Neb.3Propt Attention Given to Collections.

Orric- r- with C. II. rOTTER. at Red CloudDrue Store


Offico over Farley's Drag Store.



Juniata, - Neb- -

Will practice in all the Courts of the State,rroinpt attention jriven to all business entrusted

to his care. Oflice on the east side Juni jtaAvenue. juljl-- 7

!T. S. Kalxt. J. L. Kalkt,O. W. Kalkt, iJlooininton,Itcd Cloud. Neb. Nebraska.


AGENTS.Will practice in all the Courts in Nebraska

and northern Kansas; collections promptly at-

tended to and correspondence solicited.BED CLOTO, Ketrasbu

Also. AsenU for B. & M. R. B. Lands.


.U. S. PenHion Surgeon.

Office over Kaley-Bros- . law office.



;Piysiciaxi& Surgeon,RED CLOUD, NED.

Assistant Suntcon B. M. R. R. R. a Office

oicr Johnson Ar Creps' dry goods store Resi-disi- co

ovcr-F- . Nowhauee's store 196in

J." MM0SENA, M. D. E. SlPES, M. D.


Physicians and Surgeons,RKD CLOUD. NEB.

Will pay special attention to Obstotrics anddiseases of women Also ueneral and specialsureiTy. Ditcnses of the Kyo and Ear. Chargesmoderate. Office over Hhorer's Drug More

Dr. Moseuas residence is 4 honses north ofschool house. Dr. Sipes' residence is first bousenorthjof J.Z Thomas. go-- 1-



Prompt attendanco on all calls in tho practiceof tsedicincs or surgery.CoVlES, - NEBRASKA.



Homoeopathic Physicians.ortrt.PS Jfe AMBOY. KEBUASKA.


.'ill profcssionalcalls will receive onr40in6prompt

nil caremi aiwnuuu

H Dr. H. A. Baird,


W. . Richardson. S. Garter.

Eichardson & Garher,DEALERS IN


Highest marltet price paid for hogs and cattle.

E Smith S. C.8ttn M.B.THnm-sO- K.

F?A First Nat. Cash. First Late Teller FirstB.Btrice Nat-Ban- k Nat. jank neat- -

jjeb. Beatrice Heb.

miif rorshomp5on,


make collections iu any part of theUiitld exchance upon the pnnei-pallSte- rn

oities-L-oan money npon improvedsubject to sijht

TMt nen time deposits, and trans- -acticcneralBaBkins; business.

Omaha National, Bank, A.S.iddeck.tL .SSenaton First NaUonal BankNeYOTk,CambridgeYaUey National Rank.Cwitidce New York.

: OMAHASample


TWO DOORS WE8T OF BOY'8 nOME.iKtsps on hand the best brand of "Wines.

Lidtei. Beer. Ale. and fine Cigars. A share ofthet;Hi; rotronase isaolieeted.




Paints,kVSSHSSV' Jm VARNISHEDis Ifi m- -

? rxmrif b jbsjt Liac kept esiMtMvuy eauhiih tA aje A Jsvite U sumhh ei




mi: lgS, t

tu-MfZ- .-

9 M . , IBiji.,




"JFm Vigilance Is



L. THOMAS, tuiiur--i. J

THURSDAY, SEIT. 16, 1880. I



of Ohio.

For Vice Frcridml,CHESTER A. ARTHUR,

of Xrw York.


G. W. COLLINS, afFamic.J. M. THURSTON, of J)out,la.


For Congress.

E. K. VALENTINE, of Canting Co.

For Contingent Congramnan.T. J. MAJORS, ofXamaha Co.

For Governor.ALRINUS NANCE, of Polk Co.

For Secretary of Stole.S. J. AJ.EXANDER.'oJrtfi'mm Co.

For Auditor of Fidilie Accounts.


For Trcumrcr.G. M. BARTLETT, oflMucaslcr Co.

For Attornq General.C. J. DILWORTII, of Phelps Co.

For Chin's, of Public-- Ldtul and BuildingsA. G. KENDALL, ofHoimrd Co:

For Snpt. of Public Instruction.W. W. W. JONES, of Lancaster Co.


For Senator 24th District.C. B. COON, of Thayer Co.


For Representative.HON. II. S. KrVLBY, of lied Cloud.

For Commissioner ?,d District.HUGH STEVENSON, of Inmate.

For County Judge.JNO. R. WILLCOX, of Pal Cloud.

The Republican campaign in Ne-

braska, will open in earnest on the 29 lhof this month. Tlic Hon. LorenzoCrounsc will, at that time, address thepeople of Red Cloud and vieininy, atthe court house at 7 r. M.


. W.Vs'HINOTON, D. C,Sept. G, 1S80. )

So far as any discrepancy in the ac- -

counts of Captain I fowgatc ns disbure- -

ing officer of tho signal service .Bureauhas been reported, I am authorizedto say that the report is false. TheCaptain has of late made himselfprominant in an effort to secure byquestionable means the position madevacant by General Meyer's death, andto that extent, however great his merits,deserves condemnation. But he is aman trusted by all who know him, and j

who was lately relieved from the dutiesof disbursing officer simply becamehis other official duties were enough to '

tax the energies of even so industriousa man as himself.

Captain Payne, the indomitable in-

vader of the Indiau Territory, has writ-ten that he will be in this city beforeCongress meets and will push nn inves-tigation of the whole subject, of citizensrights in the lands he has invaded. Heclaims, that the legitimate residents ofthe Indian Territory Indians andotlicrs do not object to anythingwhich he has done, or proposed; that hehas kept himself within the 1nwM andthat the Iudian oflice, and the authori -

ties generally in this eity have beenmisled by reports from interested par-ties.

General Grant has refused the presi-dency of the San Pedro Mining Com-

pany, Jhe despatches this morning say.For sonic time past there has been astory here, said to come from the Gen- -


fers it to any other, and if to able tolive without future employment, I haveno doubt he will do so Washingtonowes to him more than to anyother president since Washingtonand would givo him a cordial welcome.He owncs several pieces of propertyhere.

Ex-Govern-er Sheppenl this Dis-

trict '"Boss Sheppenl" writes to hisfriends that is sufferingfrom injuriesreceived,during the lafe journey to hisMexican Mines, and irom fever, but

lIOTafcyBMOthingoftbe productivenessme mines.InirecentJetterlsaid that the

next session Congress, tho. balanceof the Geneva- - Award fund woulddistributed, The great obsticle to Con-gressional action in the past beenthe persistent chums of the InsuranceCompanies to the balance the award.There claims were finally rejected bythe last Congress, on the grounds that

' ;thcy,.(tlie Insurance Compames) werenot actual loosers, and that they werepaid when shown to bev actual loosersunder the iaw;of 1 874. Tlie;rcmaindicwillnow Jbe distributed, as a partoflihas alreadj-bee- n, toflfcitijww ijpow.i r d&&'i2Z&ZZ:-'-

ueuA. ;vmi?.M?

W- J'vrL:' rTMKiBjMUjSBBMMBMBHj"P'W,I-- 1 ' - ll;aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayiaaaaaj

the prica of Llberti," and16, ISSaCO.

those "ivlio lost by tlio payment ofheavy war premium1 to thee Insur-ance Couiiuutiea. JlHLi favorable tothe above claw of claimauts have pitt-ed the House time and again, but havefailed lo pas the Senate; At the lastCAion the Sciinte reuued to pas a bill '

tn tlio Iiisiiranre Cinntank.f W -- -j j, . -- ... e.. tl.l .'. fuilu u i iimj.jiuj ui uitv, iuiu nitter over till the next so&iion. Ksox.

leauritlc Cctutj Csnretla.

There will be a county. conventionthe democratio clecto' of 'Avebstercounty, at, Rejl ' jCl AiUf

..yuAn V?M.'.',&4fi,v1nl' '

September 25,1 Bt'alb' JjbrFoeof chos-ingono- aBsBM;K WlM State

. - .

convention, one HMMHCIOJM&U udiclalansBr bi - rconvention, kmmmmmmmWrJ&?

Senatorial jrtkoeiich action '! regard to nomii HLSflLK3HLIJiLflBnW4K ekTlic scyeraljii &mmmmOW

i BmmmmmmmmWmmW. - "T Z- '

to a reprcseftj iH'-Ttw- -

each.'T wasSilaEn"r'Cv2 Y


Call for Republican Pet-Cquvtm-- j

tion of the 5th JudtcialOwrtpcfc of Jie-bnin- ka.

Tlic Republican electors of the 5thJudicial District are hereby icalled to

send delegates from the Several coun-

ties to meet in district convention inHantingiJ, Nebraska, on Friday, theday of October A. D., 1880, at 10 o'clock

A.M., to place in nomination a candi-

date for the office of District Attorney,for the 5th Judicial District, and totransact such other business as maycome before the convention.

The several counties aro entitled torepresentation in District Conventionas follows:COUSTIIS. DEL. COUNTIES. DEL.

Adams 11 Harlan G

Buflalo 7 Hitchcock 2

Cheyenne 3 Keith 1

Custer 2 Kearney 5

Dawson 3 Lincoln 3

Furnas 5 I'help" 3

Frontias 1 Red Willow 2

Franklin 5 Sherman 3

Gosper 2 Webster 9ed

By order of Rep. Dist. Ccn. Com. m

A. E. IIakvky, Saji. L. Savidge,Secretary. Chairman.

Kearney, Neb., Aujj. 20, 180.

She came intolhe office with a jerkand a slam. Her hair was cut s'nort

and a patent eye glass straddled herAs her wine dropped on the

table she snaimcd. "1 want the business inanatjer." "He stands before i

you, madam," "Don't call me 'madam,' a.

mv ii:iim! is Dr. Clvmer and l want abuVmeS3 card inserted in the Globe."

V(,. rfi hnvc voll the c0l)Vv"

"Copy! I'd like to know what you'rehero fore, if it isn't to get up advertise- -

ments. My name is Dr. Cfymcr. 3iyoffice is at the Commercial, No. 502.

Make a regular card and put in, par-

ticular attention paid to surgery.""Very well, Miss " "Don't --Miss'

You newspaper men think you'resmart. I tell von there is no suchUli ai? M;Ss. o; Mr. There should be

Ln ,i!s,:ni.l:Vrt llftinft for m;lio andfemale in the English language. Thereis no need of it. I'm a doctor. Is itanybody's business whether I'm a manor a woman? l nose two worus snouiube buried." "Yes, M I mean doctor,but tho words must be used some-

times." "I tell you there's no need ofthem. Your arithmetics, and your lawbooks, and all your other hcathinishboolcs always commence a proposition,'If a man,' why don't they say, 'If awoman?' There isn't a place in tholanguage where the wont "woman

, COuld not be used for the word 'man,'j flm vjt.0 versa." "Rut, Mad Doclor,, wlien we tilink of Auditor Lidtke'scase, it secTns all right to have a manUitlilltC. ill ifUUlll If lltl 1 J fc It fill Hi- -

rdamus, would you?" "Ipu will have

pretty quick if you call me 'Madam'again." "Then there's Mandrake, thopill man, did you overhear of a womandrake?" "He's a quack." "Then

j there's Hancock, how much enthusiasm

she cackled,. "Then there w:us a famousprofessional person who died in Nor-

way a few days ago. His professionwas not tho same as yours, but it re-

quired equal skill and nerve. Weallied bun 'Ole Bull.' 2sbw supposesonic one should you ole hcifei' ."But the business manager got nofurther with his suppositions; for, bythe way the cane rattle around hisshoulders before ho reached the stairs,one would have said tlio Doctors namehad been changed from Clvmer to

- Hewa Itcas. boa all cvertia State.'

AusTora Trill soon have an elevatorcompeted.

ETiiwigs sighs Xor a pork packing'' S

Cwmbus talks of buying achemicalfireMigine.

Penea Landinsr will have- - a steam.fermto the Dekota side.

- sJ v.jHStuitn has rrTflivwl tlm ap.rnntcr--

tmeetfo'r its military company,33ie "Catholies of Albion wul sbon

"boffin, ., worlcoa achemical bculdinir.


Brldits!are considerably dariikced InhXcuha-rxmit- y byliighwater-t- " -t flHwAInRHrI- - Tjf (AflM rtT. Il. Tl T - lin.'UUWBUIB iVK l"U VII il i win wiftrexljnJiMto9fetfinty Taridshinpcd

BfSlAA a. ''iWW' d

oral ana Mrs. urant, mat ne would get up shouting for 'ILui-mak- ehis home in this city. He pre- - t, ,,? ito n r,Pt m-lm-





hopes to be restored to him, Ztnco7 Globe.











; Colfsud,awrfeNiaa&KLpv;:! - Jt- 9J r.KtSiiipssstfjfc-'s:'-j v. "s

LK'ffstfS'' - 'tnSMSG "r u








A Cbicnso man intends starting awholesale dry goods store in Lincoln

Tliorc are now on the Xcbraska Meiof the river 100,000 ucs tor uie onui.line.

convention was called at Palinyratn take action for uniform protectionfront norsc inicvea.

Hastings v.-I- Il clablih a wind nullfaetorv on an improved mill, patendedrecently by one of her citizen.

At the railroad junction lx?tweenJackhon and Dakota City in Dakotacounty, a new town will oo tarted.

Work has been commenced on theNebraska Citv tlutillerv improvementand a fall force will bo. put on tinsweek. ? ;

Thcfioralhnll at tbcFronOHt foirgrouhdis one of the Ik1 arrngd andmost commcKlious ofanyiiu tbetUj.

It is said that notwithstarKlinfr thedrought the wheal crop 'ofJlaniiltonwill average more per acre than last3'dar.

Tlio hav industry continuous to de-

velop. .Nebraska will furnish Coloradowith a great proportion of what she.will consume.

Another drove of nlicep from Nowfexice v on tho way to trcmont ana

will retch there in about three weeks.The flock numbers 7200.

There is talk of organizing a G. A. Rpost at North Bend, there being no lessthan IOO cx-soiui- wiinin a ramus uijjix miles of town.

Dakota county has three saw mill-- ,

three flouring "mills, thirty schools,twelve church organizations, with apopulation of 3500, mostly American-- .

Several men with plenty of capital,who island ready to form a stock com-

pany to build a hotel at Grand Island,and" furthermore that work will soonbo begun.

The Hasting Episcopalians havetheir new church edifice niistl andnearly roofed. The Methodists are alittle behind on their church, but it willbe enclosed by the lal of the month.

Two young women recently drovethrough the Kcpublican valley with noescort ami think that it speaks well fora frontier country that they were neverto much as offered an affront.

Clay of excellent quality for bricknear Ord, Valley county, and a

real brick industry is likely to be de-

veloped. Prairie has is used in thekilns, instead of wood, and the bricks

! manufactured aro of good quality.Tlio exodus negroes who were

ir.imrlit tn Ilimilinlt Inst imrini' rettirn- -

to iheir old homes in the south lastweel Thev found good friends here

iebraska, but longed for the JjunnySouth

Tlio road between Blue Springs amiBeatrice is being pushed forward veryrapidly. The rails have been laid fromBeatrice to the Blue, and the balanceof the grading will soon be finished.

Stromsburg is moving to have a firedepartment .since its narrow 'escapefrom destruction a few days ago. Adonation of a part of a hook and ladderapparatus lias been accepted, aim ameeting will soon be called lo oianize

company and equip it.Recently the legs of a man were

found on the river at St. Paul, and lastweek the thighs, and lower portion ofthe body were washed ashore at LoupFerry. It is thought that a murderhas l)ccn committed and the body cutup to cover up the crime.

A Columbus inaiij who has just ad-

ded InOO sheep to his large flock, saysthat there arc capitalists in Chicagoready to invest hundreds of thousandsof dollars iu sheep in Nebraska onshares, provided they can find carefuland thoroughly competent men to takethem.

A meeting was recently held in NorthBend to take action respecting the pro-posed crcamerv, which is to be abranch of the Fremont concern.. Therewas considerable interest manifested,and a committee, to raise the $3000capital needed, was appointed. Itlooks now vs though the North Benderswould be ready for the enterprise assoon :is work is begun on the Fremontcreamery, which will be by January 1.

There is great kicking against theimposition, at the republican state con-vention at Lincoln, of making delegatespurchase ice water. Two boys cleared$19 by this small business and TheDemocrat says thev deserve no creditfor their enterprise. It continuesfurther: "As much as Lincoln has received from tho hands of the people ofNebraska and then to charge a repre-sentative body, like the republicanSLttc convention, an nickel each fur aglass of ice water, is simply an outrage.

hoever is responsible for tins pieceof inc,inno33 should bo shown up totho commnnitv."


Vocal and InstrumentalMUSIC


FRUITS rrr:ARQ... tor Arm.w.i w ...-wwr- .



Green i Gannetl--FRUITS-vmBaBswaa aw

Era, etc, etc.'

A-sh- are of the public patronase rerBDUUUUJy.-aOUClie- a '


rtakrwpcuLvpain3 iokcepfi:k,fivruL;t.,. .'n.-,- i'u:ui e.uiFWHHMU V

t "??TTmBBBBBBBBMBBByBaaBaaaaMBwlBWwar"2S2CBaaBaaW?-'''- -

h W I ' aBHPFaavan ''-'-. fc.,


bj?:-- F: i'



The fhofwt of re? eU. Sar.rowUand evemhisc In lb Due lbt lb. ---krt

5orU.iJAjon h.jl.vSb jp to doort wuth f ocrr s drsr trr.



Groceries and Notions,


Tlic public generally an reuuiwtcdto call and examine :ny gixxis andprices, as a shaseof tho patronage issolicited.

Store, first door north of Mother'smeat market.

lt-2- 0 F. NEWHOUSE.



Dry Goods andGroceries

BOOTS and SllOllS

Hats? Caps. &

Ready Made Clothing!

We have the Largest

Stock in the Valloy and will

not be undersold.Give us a call, one and all.

Sam'l GarberKed Cloud Xeli.


for us than altinytbluc cle. capital nni rmulrrJ. no will Mart jou Jliadar andupwards mtdeat home by the industrinu. tunaronien. boy anil irl nnnteJ KVrrrwhcre. t"

work for tu. now the time. u can dnrutejonr whole tiiaa to the work, or only ynnr promnnirtiH. no othi--r Lusincv will pay yti nrnriyM well, no one villinr tu wtirk caw fail to m;koenormous p.iy hy tBi,-iKii-i: at om-c- . Cctlr out-l- it

and terms ffc. A pre"t pi'rtninty Tur ine-i- n

iaony e.cly nl honorably. AiJrji. J rueCo.. AuruU. Maine y


Kendall's Spavin Cure.The mostiracec?fal itemTr rcr is rcrtAin in its tflects and dots not blister.

Head nroof telow.Fkom Kev. P. X. GRANGER,

PrejidinzElderoftheHt. Albw DlstHct.St. Albans. Vt.. Jan. 20th. 1SW.

Ok. B. J. Kkkdau. rt 'o.. OenU-I- n rei4x torourletlcrl will say that my esrerienee withLendll's Soarin Cnre hw been rery satufs-tor- y

iadowl. Three or fonryer aro I ireureila bottle of your agent, and with it. rureU a honwnf lamenoM by a spavin. lat ea-'n- my horsebecamo rery lame and I turned him out for afew weeks when he becama better, bat when Iput him en Uie rod ho grew worse, when I dis-covered that rinsbono wiu formloit. I proeareda bottlo of Kendall's Spavin Care and with leitb.-i- a bttlc enrcl him so that ha is not lame.neither can the baneh be. fonnd.


Stonehton. Mass.. Mareh J6lh,15S0.B.J. Kendall X Co., (ients; In jnrtie Vt yon

and myself. I think I ouht f It tyou know UwtI have reinoTcd two bone !pains with "Kro-daJ- I's

Spariit Cace.' oao very lwe one. don'tdnow how lon?e the spavin hwl ben there. Ihave owned the horse euht msnlhs. It Ucxl mefoar months to ttke the larce one o!f and two lorthe suall on. I have osed ten bottles. Thehore is entirely well, not at all stiff, and nobuueb to be ien or felt. This is a wonuoriminedicide. It is a new thins; here, bntifitdoefrnll what it his done for mo iu sale will bevery sreat. Uespectlully jrours.

Cras. E. Passu.eml address for Illustrated Cirralsr which w

think Rtves rositive pnwf nf iu vlrtnes. Noremedr has ever tnet with suc.i unqualified saccet to our knowledge, for beast u well a man.

ITice 51. Pr bottle, or x. botues lor 5--j

Hrnpriit hsl it nr pan ceL it fir TOU. or it willbe sunt to nay address on "eeeiptf price by thenmnnrtnn. 11. J. KKNUALL .fc CO.

Enosbnrjih s'alls Vt.

NO. Ch

Samuel West,

Tobacco, Cigars,CONFECTIONERY,



.ucn a mx mc ok


Ice Cream Parlor,Wheiv yti can 1ity

get a nioe dUh of W Cream dnrinjrthe SKtoru

A rhare of the nnMi jwtronstr m

rcovtfuUv nltcitcl. Kirt tUwr.uih of 'Mitchell & Morhart .

Ilnn Cloci - - NrontuK.


mi .1 Jin n9.u: e)and

STOVES,Guide Rck. - IVc.

Kvrrrtblas utlly Vept la 6rt eU

Hardware Store- -

come and sec us us wewill not be

UNDERSOLD.Holcomb Bros?,

Dealers In

BAR SWABS.of 11 kind.

They sell CHEAP fur CASH: o.l If theyhave net wh.t you wnt. leave fnur

order aaJ the nfll fill It.

CALL ON THEM0n door north o m arbor's. ud Mr. II0I.COM ttwill wait oa you. prltl


cofivaEFor Tour


thk By. st is Tnr. siaujcztHuld itt J,otc1 rrlrr

-H- V-


ft m

wdmimk a sjjl 2. -

E i h Si 63 K Si

CD I "w 8 $

CZi 2 s

ea a ifoa w r .

saSM' 9mS- -


jtkjcaraxsjk suwirxi4--ti ! U 4r KiKfcA

CHICAGOLumber YardItKI t'liOIllf. Wcfc.

Yard oth if !fritun. ,$ lttimfhj f M; UeL gfi.

Km? ,'vtly t 1M.4J wiit t. tJm Mwtr , rnss

PLATT &FRKESl'roprisstors.

t1tt f W i ?tW i.4 r ?lf w"tiULU.

lHtrl Utt iM1l l 1i IH.Ww rV f rt tt tt. fci4ftfct Ki tA isl fWiw"n- - v -

is t tK rt ! r J r Hit''lit i . AH (I 6tr yr .M --.!. to 3'.j , !.. r riH 4irt- - 44 tf tr r.H

tmAA U tt

it , l. tk.Lttitotw && J. tuti suit MJ. A4iMnfi. glMM 41'i.rtUna. Mi, m

& .i in.your .. w

j t tUr...v. It ltH. HV1, V J (TWIIt.nipt t whufa mn Vf Htfcl kf

R i&tKWr t It. H)trtl C-- . tVttUaMl, X!its.

rll-- ! MUiqsat's znxrz Bcnrr.

TRAOC MASmyVj Q;e&ttllAMIIAMCZagiivs, 5tttT A av!tjt nir r i m,tt.t. .Vkrt4.t,l3lM, l'Hf e- - eii n.(HMrMf ta"

itrisc taii. . " Z,h mt tamm

tl r. . ixtJtrttMiOtlll ItBity it t'.t(iJiM ltl4r-- rll MrtlHlr ii r W

Iur t(ra.t frt Uf P fl' Ih,rtfir-- l tvKiKnui 10 M hr M 4rgsHtl

, J IH

drrwm rMR H ' 4 1 i K CON t SI,wm. IMftkMbfii

-- tolJ fjist re,rll, I, K. lttwal,. .St . Wu ?wla n. VJr

m"" 3 jBHaa lllV

A oWfMem TUw f Water 4e wVfiW

BLACKING.K.lf-Pflllkl- ir LUr freMrTftUTf


ask Touri xAJ.en rem tt, s. -- s swiX wmmmmemm


Cle?elaid Sim





KfMsUr Tsali MltMMf .iUfor cstah l- -. kt Mf

hnt 4;htft.lsn jj to tb ! I Wway f to jakes a ift l t WtXecuit. wfckh cTfice U Wi, la W Utt J5 fr

St jfe ant ftlwV f voA wsmyanM. .ljr?-tJe- n

of epai p""1 f y rs J8tared Vy ihW Cpr "& i f C 'fjrunt J rrity, 1 Ur4 Rr frrlWa4 or A wl fc sm pvtfe 71 r.Ww&.

AJc 3Tsr Jraslrr tmT fHvss Um

ClrrelafKi Htr uir JbrJisks. !!---





ifsr3-- J rr-o- ?C. bIBsIIIHbHb1IBIV''LilSifHirSiMCv e7.' HjHHH j.i

ilFfiiiv Jrusrwvj? HHK eMP vAlfr rfS.1& aHMHBW &

Trwsfwzir Hvt lrffi2afilfiST "bBHbbbbbB3.AA mMi rxz&h-fr-em- B

u feiri-,x.5i.-w-A ., mi9Rm"j'iiKa,LMvsirr-ammmimKsn-

J6' s"""."""-- "

:7iJ a WSTMSm'i, LKjidB , ' LLLLLLC?kaSb4BsVCtK 4t --. . .. SB






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:VWL I lr 1 r 'AAMBmaVaaBB





se j-- JsT - av 'w-"

It SfckSffifiHaHlv5aBBMrPll5MlHaO'ias-a- ,BMti?rrTr7-;-"- " 'WJF" jjtfj"'--

1 It I lanaTaaBBBS wV ljfaawy?t-- sapyEag--1j- g J ..-.- --J w- -i jwy-rjw- -i

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onlkadd'-iSJSSWl- i XaKi wjft-1lrrl!wlyir---

. .rj, - tBKSSrl-.'.t.'- : !' - 4--- i. c .. ."Jd3Mlifr--. -

B BBBmBBB"TB JC"W-4Wr- :- B.aj.-'a- a -- '. BB - V - JBBBBBBar i- d ,i--V " .BBBlBBB. "BaaaW. . ' - - Hilll'S BW- "- ?.

&"sy'T?iawyrr.c --s,m-ii

33t. .'!s9"K3aBBBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaaaate - rBSiBJT"3Bwaw. MJia''.,''" -- "Ai." BBBBlt-- .tPtlf3Ht . sHBBB"V,VBv: - VTkaBPfe!jJf4aaBBaV!si.kv!.m-- , 1 ! Iaaa"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a arac TJ?k.",Ajiraift :--. 'TS 9"'8wiwaBBBBBBvlBSKBBBBl;bMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TaWEaaBlWSj&is5 saHyWaMI9aBBSBAaVasrLiMtL,'R ' "Cji, .b-- Xal BBafenWaBeSBBBfV'- - aaal