SLU English 2 SBP


Transcript of SLU English 2 SBP

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Films, TV and Music

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Film, TV and Music `òfà, Uòbò Gaõ iõMúZ

Before We Start……..

Now that you have finished SLU 1, are you ready to start with SLU 2 ? Isn’t the theme of this unit, ‘Films, TV and Music,’ an exciting one ? We are sure you and your friends know a lot about this theme. You watch a lot of films and TV, don’t you ? And what about music ? You probably hear a lot of that too. 50 you and your friends can do the exercises in this unit quite easily. And we think you’ll have fun doing them and learn some English too !

So let's begin.

@ûe¸ Keòaû @ûMeê ............. SLU-1 Kê _êeû Keòaû _ùe SLU-2 C_ùe Kûc @ûe¸ Keòaû _âÉêZ jê@? Gùa Gjûe aòhd (Theme) - Film, TV and Music, cRû\ûe @ùU ^û? @ûùc RûYê Zêùc Gaõ Zêce iûw Gjò aòhd C_ùe @ûMeê ajêZ KòQò RûYòQö @ù^K `òfà Gaõ TV ù\Lô[ôaû ^û? Gaõ iwúZ? @ù^K iwúZ gêYò[ôa? ùZYê Zêùc Gaõ Zêce iûw Gjò unitùe \ò@û~ûA[ôaû Exercise MêWÿòK @Zò ijRùe Keò _ûeòaö @ûcKê fûMêQò, GjûKê Keòaû ùaùk You will have fun Gaõ AõeûRú c¤ gòLò _ûeòaö @ûi @ûe¸ Keòaûö

Activity 1: My Favourite Movies Write the names of the last 10 films that you saw, in the box below. If you can't think of 10 films, write 5 or any other number (but don't go beyond 10). You don't have to write the names in any particular order. You can include old movies too that you may have watched on TV

gòlY Kû~ðý-1: ùcû _âòd iòù^cû Zêùc ù\Lô[ôaû 10Uû `òfàe ^ûc Zùk aûKþiùe ùfLö ~\ò 10Uû `òfàe ^ûc cù^ _Wÿê^ò ùZùa 5Uû Kò´û ù~ùZûUò cù^ _WÿêQò ùfL (Kò«ê 10eê @]ôK ùja ^ûjó)ö ^ûc ùfLôaû ùaùk ùKøYiò aòùgh Kâce Reêeú ^ûjóö Zêùc _êeêYû `òfàe ^ûc c¤ ùfLô _ûeòa ~ûjû Zêùc TVùe ù\Lô[ôaö

a. Now, rate the movies from 'best' to 'worst'. You can use numbers - 1,2,3, etc. You can also use letters - a, b, c, etc. Write them next to the movie

For example:

(K) Gùa G MêWÿòK c¤ùe iaêVûeê bf Gaõ Leû_esequence (Kâcûu) \ò@ö Zêùc 1,2,3 AZýû\ò Number aýajûe Keò _ûeö GjûKê `òfà e ^ûc _ùe ùfLö ù~_eò:

Jab We met – (3) Main Hoon Na- (1)

Chennai Express – (2) b. Write your opinion on each movie.

(e.g. I liked Amir Khan's acting in this movie as well as the story). You can use one or two words instead of sentences. (e.g. Amir Khan - great acting; story - interesting, funny). You can write in Odia or English. You can even use some Odia words and some English words together.

(L) _âùZýK Movie C_ùe ^òRe cZ ùfLö (ù~_eòKò Movieùe ùcûùZ @còe Lûñue Acting bf fûMòfû) aûKý iÚû^ùe Zêùc ùMûUòG Kò´û \êAUò ward c¤ ùfLô_ûeö ù~_eò @còe Lûñ - Great Actor, Story-Interesting and Funny IWÿò@û Kò´û AõeûRúùe ùfLô_ûe, Kò´û IWÿò@û AõeûRú cògûA ùfLô _ûeö

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c. Show the list to your brother / sister / parent. Do they agree with you? If they do not agree, find out why

(M) Zêc ZûkòKû Kê Zêc bûA-bCYú, cûZû-_òZûuê ù\Lû@ö ùicûù^ K’Y Zêc ijòZ ijcZò Kò? ~\ò ùicûù^ Zêc ijòZ Agree ^êj«ò, RûYòaûKê ùPÁûKe Why ?

d. Look at all the movies you ranked second and lower. For each movie, say what could be changed in the movie. How could the movie be made better so that you could give it a higher ranking? (E.g. changing the actor for the hero's role, changing the actress, the ending of the film, better acting, better music, singer, etc.).

For example: Jab We Met: the ending was boring, the actor should have been Salman Khan, the story had no action, etc You could discuss this with a friend, or if you want to, you can also write your views down. Again use Odia if you like, but try to write as many English words as you can. e. Which combination according to you would together make the best film? Choose the person and write his/her name next to each word.

(N) Gùa Zêùc ùiA Movies MêWÿòK ^ò@, ~ûjûKê Zêùc \ßZúd Kò´û Zû Zùk rank ù\AQòö _âùZýK Movie C_ùe Kêj ùi[ôùe K’Y Change Keû~ûA_ûùeö Gjò MovieKê K’Y Keò[ôùf bf ùjûA[û«û? ù~_eò. . . . Heroe role Keò[ôaû actor Kê change Keò[ôùf? Kò´û actress Kê? Kò´û filme ending Kê? Kò´û acting better Keò[ôùf? Kò´û Music better Keò[ôùf? Kò´û MûdK? AZýû\òö

C\ûjeY: Job we met, ending boring [ôfûö Salman Khan actor ùjaûe [ôfûö Storyùe action ^[ôfû etc.

Zêce ù~ KøYiò friend ijòZ discuss Keö If you want ^òR cZ ùfL ö Again ~\ò Pûjóa IWÿò@û use Keö Kò«ê ù~ùZ i¸a ùiùZ English Words ùfLö

Zêc jòiûaùe ùKCñ ù~ûWÿò ùjùf best film Zò@ûeò ùja? ^ûc aûQ Gaõ Zùk VòKþ RûMûùe ùfLö

Director…………..…………………….. Singer …………………..……… Hero……………………………….. Heroine……………………………………………………, Location………..…………………………………… Can you think of another great combination?

Zêùc K’Y ùKøYiò great combination (ù~ûWÿò) Pò«û Keò _ûeêQ?





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Activity 2: A Film Based on Sambalpur Can you think of a film story based in Sambalpur District? Write a small description of the story. Just a few lines will do. You can work on this with your friends. Would it be an action movie? A romance? A comedy?

gòlY Kû~ðý-2 i´f_êe C_ùe @û]ûeòZ GK `òfà Keò_ûeòa ~ûjû Sambalpur distrit C_ùe @û]ûeòZ ùjûA[ôaö ùiA

Storye GK iõlò¯ a‰ð^û ùfLö ùKùZUû Lines ùjùf ~ù[Áö ^òR friends ijòZ Gjû C_ùe Kûc Keò_ûeòaö

K’Y action movie ùja? ^û ùeûcû^þiþ ^û Comedy?

Think of 2 or 3 main characters and how you would make the story around them. E.g. How do they meet? What happens to them after they meet? How does the story end ?

2-3 RY cêLý PeòZâKê ù^A Pò«û Ke, Kò_eò Zêce story ùicû^u C_ùe _~ðýùaiòZ ùja? ù~_eò ùKùa ùicû^u ùbU ùjfû? ùicû^u ùbU ùjaû _ùe what happened? story end Kò_eò

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Supposing you are the director, and your entire family is asked to act in that movie, whom will you choose for which roles ? (If you have to choose from among from among your friends, whom will you choose from among your friends, whom will you choose for which role ?)

Suggest a title for the movie. You can think of more than one title so that the producer can choose one!

During which part of the year will you shoot

the movie? Where in Sambalpur or nearby will you shoot the movie?

Can you create an advertisement for the movie? You can create posters, advertise-ments for the Tv, radio and newspapers. Each medium will need a different kind of advertisement, don't you think? Try writing one for each medium.

ùjûA_ûeòa? cù^Ke Zêùc director Gaõ Zêce _êeû

familyKê movieùe act Keòaû _ûAñ Kêjû~ûAQò, Zêùc ùKCñ role _ûAñ KûjûKê chose Keòa? ~\ò ZêcKê friends cû^u c¤eê choose Keòaû _ûAñ _ùWÿÿ ùKCñ roleùe KûjûKê ù\a?

Zêc movie e ^ûc K’Y ùja? GKeê @]ôK gòùeû^ûcû ~\ò Pò«û Keò[ôa director ùi[ôeê ùMûUòG select Keò _ûeòùaö

Moviee iêUòw Yeare ùKCñ icdùe Keòa? i´f_êe Gaõ Gjûe @ûL_ûL ùKCñVò shoot Keòa?

Movie _ûAñ aòmû_^ Zò@ûeò Keò_ûeòa? Zêùc

Posters Kò´û TV, radio and newspaper _ûAñ advertisements Zò@ûeò Keò _ûeòa? ZêcKê ùKcòZò fûMêQò _âùZýK cû¤c _ûAñ @fMû @fMû _âKûee advertisement e @ûagýKZû ùja? _âùZýK cû¤c / Medium _ûAñ ùfLôaû _âdûi Keö

Activity 3: Dialogues! a. Here are some famous dialogues from Hindi movies but they are translated into English. Can you identify the dialogues and say which movie they are from? You could work on this with one or two of your friends.

gòlYKû~ðý: ‘WÿûAfMþ’(K) GVûùe Odia Filmse KòQò famous

dialogues \ò@û~ûAQòö K«ê ùi MêWÿòK Englishùe Translate Keò \ò@û ùjûAQòö Zêùc K’Y Gjò dialogues MêWÿòK PòjÜò _ûeòa? Gaõ ùKCñ movie eê ^ò@û~ûAQò Kjò _ûeòa? One or two friends ijòZ Keò_ûeòaö

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“Today, I have car, bungalow and lots of money. What do you have ?” “I have, I have …….

Mother !”

Hey Sambha ! How many men were there ?”

“Dog ! Cheat ! I will drink your blood now.” (Clue: it was said by Dharmendra)

“In relationship I am like your father, my name is ‘King of Kings’.”

“I can talk English, I can walk English, I can run English….. because English is a very Funny

language.” (Can you translate this at all ? If not, why not ?)

“You should not take any tension, you should only give it.”

“To catch the Don is not difficult. It is impossible !”

b. In the previous activity, you tried to identify the names of movies based on dialogues translated in English. Now try reading the lyrics of some famous Odia songs which have been translated into English. Can you make out which Odia songs they are? Look at the movies they have been taken from. Does that give you a clue?

(L) Previous gòlY Kû~ðýùe Englishùe translated KòQò dialogues @û]ûeùe @ûùc moviese namesKê identify KeòaûKê try Kùfö Gùa Odia songse KòQò famous lyricsKê read Keòaû try Ke, ~ûjû Englishùe translate Keò \ò@û~ûAQòö Zêùc K’Y PòjÜò _ûeòa Gjû ùKCñ Odia filme songs? ù~Cñ movie eê ^ò@û~AQò Zû nameKê ù\L Kûùk KòQò iêeûKþ còkò_ûùeö

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If you are alive, fill your cup Make a broken marble glass

Take the pot of life And drink in one swig

Why die in hiccups Have it whole

(Bhag Milka Bhag) In these lines, in these borrowings Why do you suffocate My habit of being alive Without rules, I am from the lane Where there is no decency, no shame My mind tells me if you take pleasure in life The cost is the world turns enemy Everything not your own Set fire to it My mind says,

my mind says Live as you want or just die Our right, give it here. (Rock Star)

In streets and lanes, in ration lines In bullocks and seeds, in Eid and festivals In every grain of sand, in film songs In street ditches, in gatherings Fill everything with a roar, not once but ten times Don't lag behind even if you are pulled back Don't budge an inch, if you are called stubborn so be it Keep grinding on that grindstone

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Take a stand, either swim or die Come on, come on India! (Chak de India)

Again and again, speak my friend

May victory be ours and defeat be theirs - (2) May no one be able to defeat us

Come, let's move onwards May whoever confronts us be defeated, come

Even if pitch darkness shadows us Come, let's move onwards

May no one halt on the road, come The accusing finger upon us has been broken

Because we five have come together like a fist May our unity only grow

Come, let's move onwards May no one halt on the road, come

The accusing finger upon us has been broken Because we five have come together like a first

May our unity only grow Come, let’s move onwards

However much anyone tempts us, come May no one be able to defeat us

Come, let’s move on May whoever threatens us be defeated, come


This country of yours is your motherland And is calling out to you

This is a bond which can never break - (2) How can you forget the scent of your earth

You can go anywhere, you will always come back In new paths, in every sigh

Of your lost heart Someone will say

This land of yours is your motherland And is calling out to you ....

This is a bond which can never break (Swades)

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How do the songs sound when they are translated into English? Do they sound funny? silly?

AõeûRúùe translate _ùe songs MêWÿòK ùKcZò fûùM? Funny? cRû ? aòPòZâ?

Activity 4: Here are dialogues from a few latest Hindi movies. Can you translate them into English? It is fine if you translate a few of the words and phrases in each dialogue. Try and do as many as you can. You can always come back to this exercise later and translate more words and phrases.

GVûùe Latest Hindi Moviese KòQò dialogues

IWÿò@ûùe \ò@û~ûAQòòö Zêùc K’Y G MêWÿòKê Englishùe translate Keò_ûeòaö ~\ò _âùZýK dialoguee KòQò words Kò´û aýûKýûõg Englishùe translate Keò_ûeòa It is OK. _ùe Gjò exerciseKê @ûC [ùe Keò_ûeòaö Gaõ more words and phrasesKê translate Keò _ûeòaö

Zêce ù_âc ùjfû^ò UPSC e Exam ùjûAMfûö \g ahð ùjfû _ûiþ ùjûA_ûeê^ (iõ¬^û) ~\ò còZâ Keò Kûc jûif ùjûA_ûeêQò, Zû’ùjùf gZî KûjóKò Keòaû (Once upon a time in Mumbai) (@Rd

ù\M^)ö Activity 5: TV Advertisements

Read the following text, which is part of a television advertisement.

At the bus stands.

A man got down from the bus.

He was holding a bundle in both his hands. He went to the paan shop. 'How far is the hospital?' he asked.

'It is about 8 kms from here,' said Ramesh, the shop owner.

'How can I get there quickly ? There is no auto-rickshaw at the bus stand?'

'Oh, why do you need an auto? What happened?'

The man held up the bundle. 'My baby is very ill. I have to see the doctor immediately.'

'Oh no, it will take you a lot of time to get there.

Today, all the rickshaws and auto-rickshaws are on strike.'

'Oh no, is there any other doctor nearby?'

gòlY Kû~ðý 5: Uòbò aòmû_^Zùk \ò@û~ûA[ôaû textKê ù\Lö Gjû GK TV

advertisement e @õg @ùUö

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'There's only Dr. Vaid. But he has gone on holiday. To see his relatives.'

'Oh God, what shall I do now?'

Call ..•....•..•....•...•...•...•...•....•..• Hospital and they

will send a doctor and a fully-equipped ambulance, in case of an emergency. All you have to do is to dial 2000 2000 from your cell, PCO or any telephone and tell them where exactly you are and what the problem of the patient is. This is a free service offered by the government for the people of Sambalpur district.

Can you fill in the name of the hospital ? The text above is spoken by two people – the man and the shop owner. What should appear

on the TV screen ? Can you get your classmates, friends, or people at home to enact the scene ? What should a fully ‘equipped’ ambulance have ? (For e.g., an equipment to measure blood

pressure must be there). How will you find out this information ?

Activity 6: Film Names Several Hindi / Odia films have English titles. These titles have been translated into Odia. Can you guess the English names of the movies?

gòlY Kû~ðý 6: `òfàe ^ûc ùKùZK Odia/ Hindi films Gaõ Odia

Filmse titles Englishùe @Qòö Gjò titles GVûùe IWÿò@ûùe translate Keò \ò@û ùjûAQòö Zêùc ùijò English Movies e names @^êcû^ Keò Kjò_ûeòaö

ùUûKòIùe ù_âc, ù~ûiòKû Kê ùKjò cûeò^ûjûñ«ò, \òfäú ù_U, 3 ^òùaðû], CVò Rû iòWòÿ, MêWÿò, Ne _êeû, Kû�ðòK WÿûùK Kû�ðòK, ùZR iòõ, jZýû, _[e Zûeû, ù\jelK, \eKûeú, aòKò \û\û, _âZò^ò]ô aòù^û\, ùLkê@ûWÿ, _ò_þf Rúa^, _éÂû Zò^ò, _âùag

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^òùh], _eòaj^ iõùKZ, ùagbìhûe ùg÷kú, @õgú\ûeö ^òMc i´§òZö c^ i´§úd, cêñ ZêcKê bf_ûG, KòQò KòQò, flýiÚk, \kZûeû, bf_ûC[ôaû gòlK, ^òùaûð]ö ................................................................................................................................................


Activity 7: Folk Songs Do you know any folk songs? Can you write down the words of one folk song? (If you don't know a folk song, write down any song)

gòlY Kû~ðý 7: ‘ùfûK MúZ’Zêùc K’Y ùfûKMúZ (folk song) RûYòQ? ùKøYiò one folk songe words ùfLò _ûeòa? ~\ò folk

song RûY ^ûjóò ù~ ùKøYiò songKê ùfLôô_ûeö How many words can you translate into

English ? Can you translate into English any

sentences or parts of sentences from the song ?

Choose the following words that best describe your village / town:

ùKùZ words englishùe translate Keò _ûeòaö Zêùc songe ùKøYiò sentence Kò´û part of

sentence Kê ~\ò translate Keò _ûeòa Ke û Zùk \ò@û~ûA[ôaû words c¤eê ùijò words

MêWÿòK aûQ, ~ûjû Zêc village Kò´û towne iVòK a‰ð^û KeêQ«òö

beautiful, dusty, friendly, brave, small, large, noisy, silent, hot, dry ...

What other words can you add? You can use Odia words too.

ùKCñ ùKCñ g± ù~ûWÿò_ûeòùaö You can use Odia words too.

Activity 8: TV Show

If you have to organize a TV show discussing the problems in your village/town what would the three top topics be ?

Who would you invite to the show to talk about the problems ?

Can you make a list of questions you could ask the people you have invited ?

gòlY Kû~ðý 8: Uòbò ùgû

~\ò Zêùc Zêce village/Towne problems C_ùe discuss Keòaû _ûAñ TV show Keòaûe @Qò top 3 topics K’Y ùja?

Problems C_ùe showe talk Keòaû_ûAñ KûjûKê invite Keòaö

ù~Cñ ùfûK cû^uê Invite Keòa ùicû^uê _Pûeòaû _ûAñ questionse list Zò@ûeò Keö

Activity 9 : TV Serials Here are the names of the top Odia/Hindi serials on TV networks in 2013 - but the names are given in English. Can you guess the Odia/Hindi serial names?

gòlY Kû~ðý 9: Uòbò iòeòGfþTV Nework ùe 2014e Top Odia/ Hindi Gaõ Odia serials e names \ò@û~ûAQò – Kò«ê English

ùeö Gjò serials e Odia Gaõ Odia names MêWÿòK guess Keö

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Mother Tulshi

Big House having Big Secrete Daughter in law

Princes Reverse Spectacles of Tarak Meheta

We Accept What this Relationships is called

Loves pain Sweet and Lovely Dreams of Beautiful childhood

Pure Relationship Child Bribe

Winter Solstice I am the Tulshi of your yard.

Activity 10 : Slogans a. Can you recognise any of these advertising

slogans? For which products are they used? If you don't recognise them, can you think of a product for which the slogan is suitable on a TV advertisement.

gòlY Kû~ðý 10: ùgäûMû þ̂Zêùc K’Y Zùk \ò@û~ûA[ôaû advertising slogans MêWÿòK PòjÜò _ûeêQ? ùKCñ product _ûAñ G MêWÿòK use Keû~ûG? ~\ò Zêùc G MêWÿòK recognize Keò_ûeê^ Pò«ûKeò Kjò _ûeòa Kò ùKCñ product _ûAñ TV advertisement of

slogans C_~êq ùjaö Ek idea Badal de dunia

Buy Fresh Eat Fresh

Good food good life

Power of 100 Lemon

Das hathoon ka kamal

Bade problem ka chhote solution

Dil jo kahe raha he suno

Kuch Kuch metha Hu jaye

Pahele istimal fir Biswas

Bunty Tera Sabun slow hai kia

Zindegi ke sath Bhi Zindagi ke Bad Bhi

Aaj kuch Tophani Karte hain

Becaue you are worth it !

ùMûUòG aòPûe \ê̂ ò@û a\fûA \òGö iùZR KòY iùZR Lû@ bf Lû\ý bf Rúa^ gùj ùf´êe gqò \gUò jûZe Kcûf aWÿ iciýûe ùQûU icû]û^ jé\d ~ûjû KjêQò gêY KòQò còVû ùjûA~ûC _â[ùc aýajûe _ùe aògßûi a�ò ùZûe iûaê^ c^Úe Kò? Rúa^e iûùwùe aò Rúa^e _ùe aò @ûRò KòQò ]cûKû Keòaû Pûf KûeY @û_Y Zûue ù~ûMý @U«ò ! iaê KòQò VòKþ @Qò ! He who loves his wife, can never refuse Prestige !

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Let’s make things better !

“Jo Biwi se karey pyarr, who Prestige se kaise karey


How many did you guess? Can you think of 'one line' catchy TV advertisement slogans for the following products?

G[ôeê Zêùc ùKùZ guess Keò_ûeòfö Zùk \ò@û~ûA[ôaû products MêWÿòK _ûAñ Gjò _âKûee @ûKhðYúd one line slogans ùfL

Sambalpuri Sarees, Sambalpuri Chaulibara, sports shoes, a particular kind of shirt, loan for higher education from a bank, fertilizer, insecticide, floor cleaning liquid for homes About this SLU :

So how was this unit for you – easy, medium, difficult ?

Which activities did you do and which activities did you leave ?

What can you do now in English, that you could not do before ?

Gjò SLU C_ùe Gjò @¤ûdKê Keòaû _ûAñ ZêcKê ùKcòZò fûMòfû?

ijR, c¤c Kò´û KVò^? ùKCñ ùKCñ gòlY Kû~ðý Zêùc Keò_ûeòf Gaõ ùKCñ

MêWÿòK QûWÿò ù\f? a�ðcû^ AõeûRúùe K’Y Keò _ûeêQ - ~ûjûKò _â[ùc Keò _ûeê ^ [ôf?



Gjò GKKKê _Xÿò aêSòaû _ùe Zêc c^ùe @ûiê[ôaû _âgÜ ~ûjû Zêùc _PûeòaûKê Pûjêñ[ôa ùfL?................................................................................................................................................






ZêcKê K’Y Gjò SLU ùe cRû fûMòfû? G[ôùe [ôaû gòlY Kû~ðýakú MêWÿòK ZêcKê ùKcòZò fûMòfû Zêùc ^ò½d Kjòa? Zêc gòlKu cû¤cùe @ûc ijòZ iõ_Kð Keö ................................................................................................................................................




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