Slides on Man and nature(conference2015)

1 DEPARTMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL AND INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDIES Man & Nature: An Islamic Perspective By: Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUR'AN AND SUNNAH Date: 13 th & 14 th March, 2015 Organized By: Dept. of Qur’an & Sunnah, KIRKHS, IIUM

Transcript of Slides on Man and nature(conference2015)



Man & Nature: An Islamic Perspective


Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak


Date: 13th & 14th March, 2015

Organized By: Dept. of Qur’an & Sunnah, KIRKHS, IIUM

• Man was given the natural disposition

• Man is placed on the highest pedestal in the hierarchy of creations

• Man was not the First Creation of Allah SWT

• The world was prepared for Man before his coming

• Man was created in the best of moulds

• Man was taught by Allah, as such, he possesses the creative intelligence


At times man’s position can go higher than the angels and lower than animals

Man is given the freedom of choice to choose his way, either to be thankful or ungrateful to Allah

Man is given the ‘Amanah’



“We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof. But man undertook it (the Trust);- he was indeed unjust and foolish...” (Surah Al-Ahzab:72)


the material world, especially as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities

the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization

the elements of the natural world, as mountains, trees, animals, or rivers

natural scenery

the universe, with all its phenomena (


All matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole

The earth together with all its inhabitants and created things

The human race

The sphere or realm in which something exists or takes place



Word "environment" is most commonly used describing "natural" environment and means the sum of all living and non-living things that surround an organism, or group of organisms


Two Types of Environments:

1. Natural Environment

2. Controlled Environment


Everything is created for the benefit of Man and he has been created to stand on trial on the Day of Judgment

This world is given to man as an unfinished product, but all the necessary requirements for Man’s survival can be found in it

Man takes the position of Allah’s representative on earth (Khalifatullah fil Ardh)


It should be a cordial relationship

Man and Nature need to respect one another

Both are creations of Allah

The natural world is a gift of Allah

Utilize/benefit from Nature appropriately

In the case of Muslims- they control large reserve of oil and gas in the world today



“ O you assembly of Jinns and men! If it be you can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and earth, pass you! Not without authority shall you be able to past!” (Surah Ar-Rahman55:33)


“Behold in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of night and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding” (Surah 3:190).

There are communities in the world that worship Nature and other life forms present in Nature

From ancient to the modern age there are people who worship the sun, fire, snake, and other objects found in nature


There are communities in the world that equate Nature to God

Nature is the manifestation of God

Pantheists say, “God is everything and everything is God”

In Islam, though the natural world offers splendour, source of light, energy, food, etc. to man, Islam forbids Man from worshipping Nature or the Universe.


In Islam, worship is only due to Allah, as our Lord and Cherisher.

Contrary to the Pantheists, Islam says

“Everything is God’s”


Air pollution in the form of emission of toxic gases

Water pollution- rivers and the oceans around the globe

Deforestation- ‘Slash and burn’ results in Haze

Global Warming- Unpredictable weather conditions, melting of the ice at the poles etc.

Acid Rain

Modern Warfare


Wars are devastating on the environment. Often, as in the gulf war, millions of tons of crude oil are dumped into the ocean….. Military vehicles burn millions of gallons of fuel and dump millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. There is no real way to measure the exact amount pollution caused by war, but in general, it is safe to say that war is bad for everyone and everything.


At the moment there is somehow greater consciousness in the West on the conservation of Nature compared to the people in the East

Green Peace/ Nature lovers/ Animal Rights( creatures on land and sea) all coming from the West.


People in the West have learnt their lesson after the two World Wars.


The ‘Here and Now’ is very important

They would love to preserve the flora and fauna for their posterity

Research orientated life

Research funds are available




War & Crisis

Taken for granted that the Natural World is a gift from Allah

Consumer Mentality

Attitude towards life: over emphasis on the ‘Hereafter’


Oil rich Muslim countries should provide funds for environmental studies

Nature study should be included in the curriculum at all levels of schooling

Science subjects should be given equal emphasis like all other religious subjects

Muslims should be in the forefront in producing documentary movies on nature

There should be more laboratories in the schools to conduct scientific investigations


Ecology in the countries involved in the mining, oil and gas industries should be constantly monitored as they do not pose a threat to human lives.


Syukran Jazilan

Thank you

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