Slade Mill 001

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    T h e C o m m o n Things: Essays on T h o m i s m and Educa t ionEdited by Daniel Mclnerny, 1999ISBN 0-9669226-0-3Distributed by The Catholic University of America PressThe Fai lure o f Modern i sm: T he Cartesian Legac y an d Contemporary Plural ismEdited by Brendan Sweetman, 1999ISBN 0-9669226-1-1Distributed by The Catholic University of America PressBe au ty , Art , an d the PollsEdited by A lice Ram os, 2000ISBN 0-9669226-2-XDistributed by The Catholic University of Am erica PressR eassess ing th e Liberal State : R ead ing Ma r i ta in ' s M a n a n d Sta teEdited by Timothy Fuller and John P. Hittinger, 2001ISBN 0-9669226-3-8Distr ibuted by The Catholic University of America PressF a i th , Scholarship , and Cul ture in the 21s t CenturyEdited by Alice Ram os, and M arie I . George, 2002ISBN 0-9669226-5-4Distributed by The Catholic University of Am erica PressJ acque s M ar i ta in and the M a n y W a y s o f KnowingEdited by D ouglas A. Ollivan t, 2002ISBN 0-9669226-4-6Distributed by The Catholic University of Am erica PressTru th Matters: E ssays in Ho n o r o f J acque s Mar i ta inEdited by John G .Trapani, Jr.,2004ISBN 0-9669226-6-2Distributed by The Catholic University of Am erica PressT he H u m a n Person and a C ul ture o f FreedomEdited by Pe ter A. Pagan Agu iar and Terese Au er, O.P., 2009ISBN 978-0-9669226-7-7Dis tr ibuted by The Catholic University of America PressMari ta in an d A m e r i c aEdited by Christopher Cullen, SJ. an d John Allan ClairISBN 978-0-9669226-8-4Distributed by The Catholic Unive rsity of Am erica Press

    Maritain and AmericaEdited by

    Christopher Cullen, SJ.and

    Joseph A llan C lair

    A M E R I C A N M A R I T A I N A S S O C I A T I O NDistributed by The C atholic University of Am erica Press

    Washington, DC 20064

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    Copyright 2009 American M aritain A ssociationAll rights Reserved

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMaritain and America / edited by Christopher Cullen and Joseph

    Allan Clair.p. cm. (American Ma ritain A ssociat ion publicat ions)

    Includes bibliographical referenc es and index.Summary: "Jacques Maritain was a leading French phi losopher ofth e twentieth century. He came to know Am erica first hand and taughtat four American universi t ies. This book explores his thought in its

    engagement of the American political system and the American cultureof liberal individualism"-Provided by publisher.

    ISBN 978-0-9669226-8-4 (alk. paper)1. Maritain, Jacques, 1882-1973. 2. Political science-United States-

    Phi losophy History 20th century. 3. United States Politics andgovernm en t 20th century. I. Cullen, Christopher M. II . Clair, JosephAllan, 1980-

    B2430.M34M27 2009194-dc22


    Manufactured in the United States of AmericaDistributed by The Catholic Universi ty of America Press

    620 Michigan Avenue, N . E . /240 Leahy HallWashington, DC 20064

    C ONT E NT SINTRODUCTIONJoseph Allan Clair


    C A T H O L I C I S M A N D T H E D E C L A R A T I O N O F I N D E P E N D E N C E :A N A M E R I C A N D I L E M M A A B O U T N A T U R A L R I G H T S l

    Robert P . KraynakS O C I A L C O H E S I O N O F A P L U R A L I S T C IV I L S O C I E T Y :A C H A L L E N G E T O M A R I T A I N 'S P O L I T IC A L P H I L O S O P H Y 31

    Henk E.S. W oldringR E S O L V I N G T H E T E N S IO N B E T W E E N T O L E R A N C E A N D T R U T H :J A C Q U E S M A R I T A I N O N T H E M O R A L E X T R E M E SO F R E L A T I V I S M A N D F A N A T I C I S M 4 9

    JohnG.TrapaniJ r .Y V E S R . S I M O N A N D A Q U I N A S O N W I L L I N G T H E C O M M O N G O O D 5 8

    John A . C u d d e b a c kJ O H N S T U A R T M I L L ' S D E O N T O L O G I C A L H E D O N I S M 7 3Francis Slade


    M A R I T A I N A N D T H E P R O B L E M O F C H R I S T I A N P H I L O S O P H Y 9 6Matthew S. Pugh

    A C O N T R O V E R S Y R E C O N S I D E R E D 118Ralph C. N e l so n

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