SKOPOS Defining Social Media

Darren Mark Noyce Kreator, SKOPOS [email protected]

Transcript of SKOPOS Defining Social Media

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Darren Mark NoyceKreator, [email protected]

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Prologue: The First Social Olympics

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In 2008 there was no official ‘social’ integration

The First Social Olympics

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They loved it…

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I loved it…

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Gold Medals Fuel Facebook Fans…2 August, 2012

1. US Olympic Team (2,305,000 fans)2. Team GB (374,000 fans, then 1m+ Sept 12)

3. Japan (347,315 fans)4. Canadian Olympic Team (203,515 fans)5. Australian Olympic Team (98,735 fans)

As Heather Stanning and Helen Glover crossed the line to

bring home Team GB's first Olympic gold of

the games, and British rowing's first ever female gold, their

names began trending worldwide on Twitter.

The First Social Olympics

Massive ImpactWe all joined in !

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The First Social Olympics

Massive ImpactWe all talked & became fans


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The First Social Olympics

Massive ImpactWe wished them luck!


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The First Social Olympics

Massive ImpactWe were fast too !


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The First Social Olympics

The official brands loved it too


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The First Social Olympics

And so did naughty ones !


Are all Brands now Media Owners?

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The First Social Olympics

And so did the stars & celebs !

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The First Social Olympics

Even the Media (& kids) seemed happy…

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A True (Social Media) Success

London 2012, the first Olympics feeling the full blast of the social media... An eye-popping 10 million tweets were posted during the opening ceremony alone.

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From a structured but measured & adaptable ‘Be Part of it’ Social Strategy…



Joe MorganDigital Manager

Team GB

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Negative Olympic Tweets:

• A Swiss footballer gets expelled from his team after

letting out a racist tweet.

• A British diver is at the receiving end of an

insensitive tweet form a twitter “Troll”.

• A Greek athlete is expelled for a racist tweet.

• And an English journalist gets his account suspended

for tweeting sensitive information

he should not have.

But some (Anti-Social) challenges too?

The First Social Olympics

Heavy social media usage disrupted a men's cycling race.

Spectators took up enough bandwidth to interfere with the

GPS devices that transmit location and time data to commentators.

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Defining & Differentiating…

1. Social Media2. Social Media Users & Usage3. Social Media Analysis (listening)4. Social Media For Research (asking & tasking)5. Social Media for Business (helpfully engaging)

• Why? Well confusion exists.

• E.G. for instance ESOMAR says that Social Media Research is “content analysis, text analysis, sentiment analysis, scaling, norms, sampling, and weighting” (ESOMAR 24 QUESTIONS TO HELP BUYERS OF SOCIAL MEDIA RESEARCH, May 2012)

• And yes there is overlap (especially when engaging customers/users/fans/advocates)

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Defining & Differentiating…

1. Social Media2. Social Media Users & Usage3. Social Media Analysis (listening)4. Social Media For Research (asking & tasking)5. Social Media for Business (helpfully engaging)

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But just what is Social Media?

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Social Media employ web- and mobile-based technologies to support interactive dialogue and “introduce substantial and pervasive changes to communication between organizations, communities, and individuals.” Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological multi faceted and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content." i.e. Social media are social software which mediate human communication. When the technologies are in place, social media is ubiquitously accessible, and enabled by scalable communication techniques. In the year 2012, social media became one of the most powerful sources for news updates through platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

BEWARE: A co-created definition !!

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Social media technologies (platforms) take on many different forms including…

…magazines, Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, social networks, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating/comparison, and social bookmarking.

Blogs, Forums, Communities

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Some Simpler Definitions…“Social” means people interacting with each other.

“Media” (plural for “medium”) means the types of material used to create artwork and communicate information or ideas. Media can include video,

photography, graphic design, writing, oil paints, etc.

“Social media” nowadays means websites that allow average users to create pages, photos, videos and other stuff, share it openly, connect with

each other, and develop conversations..

Blogs, Forums, Communities

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Defining & Differentiating…

1. Social Media2. Social Media Users & Usage3. Social Media Analysis (listening)4. Social Media For Research (asking & tasking)5. Social Media for Business (helpfully engaging)

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80% of UK Digital Citizens Use Facebook…

So Facebook users increasingly like the General Pop (use mobile/net)

But 20% reject Facebook

These tending to be more... - male- older- empty nesters- high SEG/income

Issues with Facebook relate to lack of perceived need and/or privacy, intrusion, idol gossip, self-promotion, etc.

Source: SKOPOS ChatTrack™ Q112

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Average user is 37 in the USA…

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Stereotypical differences ?


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Networks serve different needs…

FYI - 2,028% - the year-on-year growth rate of Instagram in the UK. It’s even more astounding in North America. Pinterest too, the other king of visual social media, is showing impressive growth.

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Networks serve different needs…

Source: LinkedIn Research reported Sept 2012

Personal Business

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© SKOPOS 2012 Looking forward… 33


Upload photos



View video clips



4Use an instant messenger/

chat service


Send/receive messages



41% Download video clips34% Play games

33% Read newspaper articles24% Listen to the radio

Source: SKOPOS ChatTrack - Base: 460 respondents (all who use social media) - wave 4 data (2010 v 2012); Q32. Thinking about your personal social network sites, chat forums or online communities, which of the following do you currently do...


View photos

Wave 4

Wave 1



Our Social Media Activity Top 5…

Sharing (of Media)




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© SKOPOS 2012 Looking forward… 35




Use social networks




Download new apps



4Play games that came

with the phone


Listen to the radio



1Send / receive emails on your mobile

40% Read newspapers/magazines/articles 18%39% Use instant messenger service 22%

37% Download new games 19%37% Downloaded music tracks/albums 21%

Many things going Mobile, fast…

Wave 4


Wave 1



SKOPOS MTrack - Base: 521 respondents (UK Active Digital Society) - wave 4 data (Feb 2012); 488 respondents - wave 1 data (Feb 2011)Q16. Thinking about your mobile phone(s) and/or mobile device(s) which of the following do you currently do…

All Activity IncreasingOne Year

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is now a mobile company

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So, Social goes Mobile goes Local

Local = Location

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Social Media Analysis v Research

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Passive v Active Buzz v Bespoke

Social Media Monitoring/AnalysisSentiment Monitoring/AnalysisBuzz Monitoring

Digital PanelsCommunities

Forums Blogs



Monitoring Bespoke Built




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Defining & Differentiating…

1. Social Media2. Social Media Users & Usage3. Social Media Analysis (listening)4. Social Media For Research (asking & tasking)5. Social Media for Business (helpfully engaging)

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Defining & Differentiating…

3. Social Media Analysis (listening)

• AKA…

• Buzz Monitoring• Sentiment Analysis• Social Media Analytics• Social Intelligence• Etc.

Variously via…

Free SoftwarePaid for SoftwarePaid ServiceManaged (Full) ServiceConsulting

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Social Media Monitoring/Analysis

Buzz monitoring is the tracking of consumer responses to commercial services and products, to establish the marketing buzz surrounding a new or existing offer. Similar to media monitoring it is becoming increasingly popular as a base for strategic insight development alongside other forms of market research … involves the checking and analysis of myriad online sources such as internet forums, blogs, and social networks.


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A managed service for buzz and brand social media monitoring

Example (“National Express”)

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Does Social Media Analysis = Research?ADVANCE PREVIEW

ESOMAR 3D Conference November 2012, Amsterdam

Joint SKOPOS/Porsche paper & presentation

- scientific EU/USA comparison of Social Media Analysis v Custom Research- examining automotive brands and touchpoints/experiences- what insights does Social Media Analysis provide v Research (vv)?- versus typical ad hoc market research study- how similar/different are the findings & insights?- why?- what does the client take away from this comparison?- what can the MR industry learn?- will Social Media Analysis kill off traditional MR?- why not?- ask me for more details (client yet to approve final output)

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CAVEAT: Good Research Should Ideally Predict And/Or Challenge Assumptions...

A fail for Social Media Analysis? Helpful Research about Social Media usage?

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• Good for tracking high level sentiment & for identifying invisible or urgent topics/trends

• Additional and supplementary, but not a replacement for targeted market research

• Industries/Activities so far quite separate

Current Concerns?• Passive not Active (you listen

to what people want to talk about only, no asking)

• Sources & Sampling (only certain information accessible, not everything, fake accounts)

• Computer v Human Coding (Accuracy, 30% v 80%?)

• Volumes of Automated Data (with no interpretation & little insight)

• Ethics, Privacy, Informed Consent, etc.

Social Media Monitoring/Analysis

But, are concerns dissipating as understanding & experience

improves and experts emerging, and integration occurring?

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Defining & Differentiating…

1. Social Media2. Social Media Users & Usage3. Social Media Analysis (listening)4. Social Media For Research (asking & tasking)5. Social Media for Business (helpfully engaging)

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Digital Panels & Communities









AKA Social Media as a Methodology(or a channel for research), orASKING & TASKING via Social Media

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Our Breadth of Brand & Sector


Digital Panels & Communities

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Profiling - participant profiles can be created, so that you can learn more and create richer, deeper, relationships.

Live Focus Groups - content, ideas, concepts can be posted – and you can observe your respondents sharing their feedback in real-time. The sessions are recorded and transcripts logged.

Forums - discussions can be broadcast to large participant groups in an engaging environment, to explore relevant topics.

Segmentation - participants can be grouped into specific sub-communities and assigned particular tasks and exercises (this also aids back-end analysis & reporting).

Messaging - the messaging functionality enables us to contact participants via their email in-boxes - to prompt response and/or update them on new assignments.

Auto Reporting - custom reports can be extracted to Excel mid consultation, or upon conclusion of consultation period.

Surveys & Polls - quantitative tools, such as surveys and polls, can be utilised to provide the ‘hard’ numbers.

Media Sharing - rich multimedia can be broadcast, whilst participants can also upload home-made media clips quickly and easily.

Customisation - platform can be customised (& re-skinned) with unique banners, login pages, branded emails, etc.

Participation Management - the admin centre facility allows you to review and probe the latest responses, as well as manage participation in one seamless environment.

Nowadays feature rich...

Digital Community Platforms

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Open v ClosedSoft v Hard

Recruited v Transferred

MROC = more QualPanel = more Quant

Community = more engaged

Quant v Quant/Qual v QualOnline-only or Online + +

Users/Customers/FansOr Non?

Surveys, discussions, ideation, co-creation

Digital Panels & Communities

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Example: A One Handed World?

Source: InsightFarm Inc. from Quirks MR Review, August 2012

GOAL: Follow trends within an extreme population to create product ‘Foresight’ Bespoke online community of arm amputees (one armed/handed)Trusted network built slowly over time and mostly from referralsOpen visible online conversations and exchangesVideo blogging/diaries plus surveys“True Connectedness”Life beyond the project

One-handed Dexterity…

Requires Many Product Improvements

Teeth=third hand?

Applied Social Insight for Foresight!

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Harnessing customer creativity

Co-Creation: Customer Collaboration

Co-creation refers to joint client/customer initiatives.

With the rise of the internet and social media, it has evolved into a mostly (but certainly not always) digital method to jointly create and develop new ideas in collaboration with selected customers.

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Co-Creation: Customer Collaboration

Infographic: Co-creation Hub

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Example: Beefed Up Facebook Qual

Source: Consumer’s Eye View from Quirks MR Review, August 2012

GOAL: Understand small group of Millennials’ beef consumption

Bespoke FACEBOOK page Target audience recruited to ‘Friend’ the pageHighest level of privacy selected post build phaseIncentivised on-going conversations and exchanges for 6 weeksRelevant moderationPrize Draws

Some meaty insights…

PackagingDistributionPromotionsSocial Media !

No software orpartners required !

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• Good for actively engaging a chosen audience• Great for Asking and Tasking & Collaboration• Can be used as an advocacy creator too

But beware…

• Over sensitisation• Strain, fatigue, or worse…• Lack of activity (starvation)• Lack of in-person interaction• Etc.

SMFR: An Overall Evaluation





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Social Media For Research (SMFR)

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But can these two work together?Passive v Active Buzz v Bespoke

Social Media Monitoring/AnalysisSentiment Monitoring/AnalysisBuzz Monitoring

Digital PanelsCommunities

Forums Blogs




Bespoke Built




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More Beef…A Possible FutureClients Integrating Social Media Analysis…

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Integrating Social Media Analysis…Be brave! Experiment, apply learnings, then integrate with other research…

Focus Group guide creationCodeframe optimisation (& auto-coding?)

Sharing of Social Media-generated insights with respondents?

Go beyond the survey

“to present it as an alternative to focus groups is like asking if you should replace your scuba mask with a pair of ski goggles!” Ricardo López , Hispanic Research Inc.

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But still some way to go?

Market Research

Social Media


Less than 5% overlap (in members)

NOT to scale

c.500 UKdirectory Listings

Just 1% state they offer social media monitoring

c.40 UK CompanyMembers listed

Just 5% appear to be from the MR industry

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Social Media For Business (SMFB)

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Defining & Differentiating…

1. Social Media2. Social Media Users & Usage3. Social Media Analysis (listening)4. Social Media For Research (asking & tasking)5. Social Media for Business (helpfully engaging)

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Brands v Consumers





helping acting



Brands Consumers





Engagement + Advocacy (fans/reviews) = Social Commerce

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Social Media for Connecting

Sky actively uses social media to connect with potential customers


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Social Media for Sales/Payments

Kellogg’s exchanges samples for Tweets (or vice versa)


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Social Media for Service & Loyalty

Sky actively uses social media to help their users.

Open. Transparent. VFM.


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But of course this does not always lead to happy

customers. And this is all in the public domain, viewable

by everyone. HANDLE WITH CARE.

Social Media – still a big challengeEverything open & transparent


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And finally, to link things up…

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Brands: Should Listen closely (and act, appropriately)


“Your brand is what Google says it is, not what you say your brand is.”

51% – The percentage of social media users who agree that a brand being inactive on social channels reflects negatively on the company.

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Brands: Should Engage actively & well (and be careful)…

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Brands: Should Be prepared for everyone to share…

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Brands: Should Act fast to manage the unexpected…

It’s now24/7Monitoring,Attention,Action

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And finally, AGENCIES should…

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OPPORTUNITY: less than a quarter (22 percent) of large businesses agree that ‘they are able to harness social data’ (2012). Brands need help.

Think Helpfully & Holistically…

OPPORTUNITY: social = New ready-made data sources Plus bespoke insight creation channels (tools)

OPPORTUNITY: Include Social Media data with other methods for integrated holistic insight

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That’s all folks….

…must fly

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Darren Mark NoyceKreator, [email protected]