Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can...

Skits Book

Transcript of Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can...

Page 1: Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint B scenes on or bed sheets. The material

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Theme Skits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Biblical Skits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Skits Book

Permission is granted to copy for use with Camp Courageous—Equipping for Life VBS 2015.

Page 2: Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint B scenes on or bed sheets. The material

2 Beginner Teacher for Grades 1 and 2

Series Aim: The student will learn that following Jesus leads to the good life . . . the genuine Chris-tian life!

Setting: Camp Courageous

Motto: Equipping for Life

Park Ranger: Ranger Wrightway

His Helper: Junior Ranger Randy

Director: Park/Camp Ranger

Teacher: Trail Guide

Student: Camper

Guide: Scout

Music Director: Campfire Songs Leader

Assembly: Camp Assembly

Snacks: Trail Treats

Music: Campfire Songs

Crafts: Craft Cabin

Games: Recreation Range

Ranger Wrightway instructs the junior rangers during the week to understand God’s plan of salvation, to learn how to pray, to appreciate their church, to value true worship and to share their faith in Christ. He will lead them to five beautiful locations surrounding Camp Coura-geous: Decision Divide, Prayer Pond, Fellowship Forest, Glorify Geyser and Witness Waterfall.

Page 3: Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint B scenes on or bed sheets. The material


Lesson 1where you receive the Savior

Lesson 2where you talk to the Savior

Lesson 3where you meet otherfollowers of the Savior

Lesson 4where you worship the Savior

Lesson 5where you tell others

about the Savior

Bible Account: Meeting the Savior —Luke 19:1-10

Additional Scriptures: Ephesians 2:8, 9; Acts 4:12

Lesson Text: John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Aim: By the end of this lesson the student will know that Christ offers

salvation for him and that Christ must be received to become his Savior.

Memory Verse: John 1:12, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”

Lesson Purpose: Students will understand God’s plan of salvation.

Bible Account: Praying like Jesus—Matthew 26:36-56

Additional Scriptures: Matthew 6:9-15; 14:23; Luke 6:12; 9:28; 11:1-10; 1 Timothy 2:8; Revelation 5:8; 8:3, 4

Lesson Text: Matthew 6:6, “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in

secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

Aim: By the end of this lesson the student will find a time and place for private prayer.

Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”

Lesson Purpose: Students will learn how to pray.

Bible Account: Growing as Christians—Acts 2:41-47

Additional Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 5:4; Hebrews 10:24, 25

Lesson Text: Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Aim: By the end of this lesson the student will realize the value of fel-lowship in a New Testament church.

Memory Verse: 1 John 1:7, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”

Lesson Purpose: Students will appre-ciate their church.

Bible Account: Learning To Praise—John 9:13-38

Additional Scriptures: Psalms 19:1-3; 150; Acts 3:1-11

Lesson Text: Matthew 4:10, “Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

Aim: By the end of this lesson the student will understand the impor-tance of truly worshiping God.

Memory Verse: John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

Lesson Purpose: Students will value true worship.

Bible Account: Sharing with Others—John 4:5-42

Additional Scriptures: Matthew 4:19; 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; 8:25-40

Lesson Text: John 17:18, “As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.”

Aim: By the end of this lesson the student will see the importance of

leading others to know Christ Jesus as their personal Savior.

Memory Verse: Mark 5:19, “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.”

Lesson Purpose: Students will share their faith in Christ.

Page 4: Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint B scenes on or bed sheets. The material

Laurie Clifton is a wife and mother who has been serving the Lord alongside her husband since 1996 at First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida. She has written and directed dramas for the Children’s Playhouse Theater at First Baptist Jacksonville since 2000. She has written and directed Vacation Bible School dramas since 2003 to support the curriculum of VBS and bring the Bible alive for the children. She also writes and assists in directing the Jacksonville Passion Play at First Baptist Church. Her passion is to see drama used to communicate God’s Word effectively with children using the talents of laypersons in the church. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Skits BookWritten by

Laurie Clifton

EDITOR IN CHIEF:Kyle Elkins [email protected]

BUSINESS MANAGER:Wayne Sewell [email protected]


ILLUSTRATOR: Connie Spears

GRAPHIC ARTISTS:Shawn Blase, Jeff AllenGreg Hilterbrand

LAYOUT DESIGNERS: Cindy Butler, Ashley Elkins Tammie Sutton

CONTENT EDITORS: Terry McKellar, Carolyn BurksDeby Turrentine, Joni Curtis


Copyright © 2015

Bogard Press4605 N. State Line Ave.Texarkana, TX 75503-2928www.BogardPress-VBS.org1-800-264-2482

Our team

Page 5: Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint B scenes on or bed sheets. The material


Getting Prepared Are you excited yet? You, and your team, are preparing to use one of the best venues to reach children with the gospel and that is drama! Why drama? The children of today are bombarded with CDs, DVDs, videos, movies and computers. They have an attention span of 30 minutes or less, so we need to use methods of communication that will get their attention, and share the gospel in a way to get a hearing with the children. Let’s get started.

Enlistment You will need to enlist women and men for these dramas. A great way to do this is to pray, asking the Lord to lay on your heart laypersons in your church who could help you with this. Ask your pastor to make an announcement in church or have announcements made in your adult Sunday School classes. Our church gets very excited about VBS and we end up having a lot of volunteers.

Casting Be very familiar with the drama script and be sure to look for people in your church who are about the right age for the character, can learn lines quickly, have a teachable spirit and are easy to work with. Remember that these volunteers are NOT professional actors. They are nervous church members who are saying to themselves, “I just signed up to hand out cookies.” Just kidding! You know the best way to direct a cast is through encouragement and appreciation! Don’t forget those thank you cards at the end of the week. And yes, it is that important!

Costumes Okay. Let’s talk costumes. Now don’t get upset. I know all of us are called to “sow” the seed but not to “sew” the cos-tumes! Costumes can be as simple as sheets, bathrobes or material with a hole cut in the top. You can even have your cast members wear black T-shirts with character name signs worn around their necks. Our church has a prop and costume closet that we keep handmade biblical costumes in, so if you have talented seamstresses in your church that can sew, let them! Patterns for biblical costumes are available online, at craft stores and any place fabric is sold. I encourage you to make this a major part of your budget because the more realistic the costume, the more believable the character.

Makeup If you want to upgrade the look of your characters costume with makeup then I would recommend the following:

• Beards: black or brown cream makeup (can be bought at costume store or online). • Stubble brush to apply (can also be bought at costume store or online).

This is easier than trying to glue on beards and the makeup comes off with cold cream. • Women’s makeup can be bought at the dollar store. • You can also find cheap accessories there, like jewelry, earrings, bracelets, anything to embellish the costume. • With your makeup, make sure that everything is sanitary. Try using gloves to apply the makeup and use throw-

away applicators.

Backdrops Backdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint scenes on or bed sheets. The material can be attached to PVC frames or wooden frames. This is the time you put out the call for the carpenters in your church. Backdrops can also be butcher paper or newsprint that you can buy from your local newspaper office. The newspaper office will sell you the end rolls which work beautifully to make backdrops. Enlist the people in your church that have the gift of artistry and let them use their gifts to the glory of God.

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Props I will be going into detail about the props you will need for this drama but the rule of thumb is that you make sure props are lightweight and mobile! Most of the props that you will need for these VBS dramas are plants, trees, flowers and rocks as you’ll use those every day.

Special Effects To make your dramas come alive, I would really encourage you to invest in some theatrical sound effect CDs that you can purchase online. Using these sound effects will make your Camp Courageous VBS come alive with bugs buzzing, birds chirping, wind blowing, waterfall sounds, and the kids will love it!

Staging Your staging is very important to how you will block your scenes. Staging can be as elaborate as a big stage in your auditorium or as a small scene in a classroom. In this drama, your stage is divided into stage right (SR), stage left (SL) and center stage (CS). This means that standing on stage and looking at the audience your right hand is SR and your left hand is SL and the middle of the stage is center stage (CS). These scripts are very detailed with stage directions and each day’s staging is listed as to how to set it up.

Set Up for Each Lesson’s SkitLesson 1: Decision DivideStage: Set up your stage with tents, campfire, mobile plants and trees, a sign that says Camp CourageousBackdrop: Drawing of mountains, rivers and treesProps: Bible Backpack Coin bag for Zacchaeus’ money Zacchaeus’ tree Make the tree with a ladder, brown packing paper for trunk and cardboard for the tree topper. Cover the back of the ladder half way up with brown packing paper to look like a tree trunk. So that your tree won’t look slanted, use round dowels from the lumberyard to extend the tree trunk at the top of the ladder to straighten the tree. Make a copy of the drawn tree topper and place it on an overhead to enlarge it enough to copy it on butcher paper or poster board. Place the tree topper on cardboard. Then take tree topper to top of the ladder. Zacchaeus will climb up ladder like he is climbing up a tree. See below for diagrams of this. Pattern for tree topper can be found on page 63.Costumes: Ranger Wrightway wears khaki shirt and pants with a park ranger hat (check online). Randy, Sarah and Caleb wear regular T-shirts with VBS bandanas and blue jeans on first day. Sound effects: If you use them—birds and forest animals.

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Lesson 2: Prayer PondStaging: Set up your stage with a covered swimming pool as a pond. Use the following to make the covered pool. Buy a small plastic children’s pool and place green material around it. Place fake grass (Astroturf) around it and trees (we use tall trees in pots). Make your staging look like a clearing in the woods surrounded by a pond. The rock where Jesus kneels is made from chicken wire covered with papier-mâché and painted to look like a rock. Backdrop: Trees, blue skies and even the pond can be drawn or painted on white butcher paper, but be sure to use flowers or plants in front of stage to give it a 3D look. Props: Bible Backpack Campers’ VBS Decision Divide buttons Trees Rock for JesusCostumes: Ranger Wrightway wears the same outfit. Caleb, Sarah, Randy wear T-shirts with the Decision Divide button, bandanas and blue jeans. Jesus and disciples wear biblical costumes. Sound effects: If you use them—birds, forest animals, moving water. For the garden scene with Jesus use cricket noises and nighttime insect noises.

Lesson 3: Fellowship ForestStaging: Clutter stage with plants and trees; use fake grass and small plants to create a path. It needs to look like a deep forest area. You can use cardboard trees, trees from a party supply place, a drawing of trees or a video of trees on screens. Backdrop: Drawings or paintings of trees—use different colors for trees. Props: Bible Backpacks Campers’ VBS Prayer Pond buttons Sticks to make a fire Basket for the following items: Pita bread Apples Fruit Raisins DatesCostumes: Ranger Wrightway wears the same outfit; Sarah, Caleb and Randy also wear the same outfit with Prayer Pond buttons. T-shirts, blue jeans and ball caps for the two other campers. Biblical costumes are worn for disciples and New Testament church members. Sound effects: If you have them—birds, animals in a forest.

Lesson 4: Glorify GeyserStaging: Make your stage look like a clearing with a group of trees around it. Put the focus on the geyser area. You can add plants and flowers if you would like. If you are using your auditorium and the baptistry area cover the glass and wall in front with a drawing of water with flowers and plants and have someone behind in the baptistry. When Ranger Wrightway has counted down have the person in the baptistry use a garden hose or a toy water shooter or water cannon to shoot water up like a geyser. If in a fellowship hall or room, you can place a small pool on the floor. Place in front of the pool a wooden 1 × 2 frame covered with material or butcher paper or newsprint in front of it. On the covering, paint it with grass and flowers and use live flowers to give a 3D effect. Place a person in the pool behind the covering so that he will be hidden. When Ranger Wrightway has counted down, the person in the pool will shoot the water cannon to give the geyser effect. See next page for ideas on how to create the geyser.


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Backdrop: Again, make the center of focus your geyser so just have blue skies behind it. Maybe you could draw in a sun, but you will want the children to see the water shoot from the geyser. Props: Bible Backpacks VBS Fellowship Forest buttons For the blind man scene you could put down blue paper on the floor to represent the pool of Siloam. Costumes: Ranger Wrightway wears the same outfit; Sarah, Caleb and Randy wear the same outfit with Fellowship Forest buttons. The blind man, Jesus and crowd are in biblical costumes. Pharisees can be in black robes with white material on their heads. Take a black marker or fabric pen and make four black strips across bottom of white cloth. These will go over their heads as prayer shawls. (See drawing.)

Lesson 5: Witness WaterfallStaging: The focus is on your waterfall. Be sure to place rocks and flowers around it even if you make your waterfall a backdrop drawing. Waterfall is made of 2 × 4 towers and Visqueen plastic sheeting in blue. Staple gun plastic sheeting to 2 × 4 and attach a hose or have a bucket brigade to pour water over the falls. The well is made with chicken wire frame covered with papier-mâché and strips of brown packing paper. A great tip: try using wallpaper paste which is made to glue paper–it dries clear. (See drawings below for ideation.) The rock finish on the well can be drawn on with a black permanent marker or painted on with black paint. Backdrop: A drawing of blue skies, trees, plants to compliment your waterfall. Props: 2 Bibles Backpacks Rocks Buttons and patches The woman at the wells’ clay pots A ladle to give water to Jesus (needs to be a wooden one not metal) The wellCostumes: Ranger Wrightway, Sarah, Caleb and Randy all wear the same costume. Hattie is in camp shirt and blue jeans or a blue jean skirt. The woman at the well, Jesus and disciples are in biblical dress.

Page 9: Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint B scenes on or bed sheets. The material


Here you see a picture of a waterfall and pond we built for VBS a couple of years ago to give you some ideas about what you can do.


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The following scripts are an optional way to open your assembly if you do not choose to play the video segments. They are written in 5-7 minute segments. The children in our VBS love the drama done this way and cannot wait to come back the next day to find out what happens next.

Theme SkitsPreview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Lesson 1: Decision Divide Meeting Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Lesson 2: Prayer Pond Sharing with Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Lesson 3: Fellowship Forest Fellowshipping with Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Lesson 4: Glorify Geyser Worshiping Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Lesson 5: Witness Waterfall Witnessing About Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Finale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

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Narrator/ VBS Director: Are you packed yet? Do you have everything you need? ’Cause we’re headed to a place where you can’t bring enough bug spray! The mosquitos are as large as horseflies. This years’ theme for VBS is. . .

Sarah: (Carrying a backpack and holding a camping lantern) I found the lantern, but I can’t find the matches.

Caleb: (With a box of matches and his backpack) I’ve got the matches, but I can’t find the tent. The flashlights are in my backpack.

Sarah: How many sets of clothes do you think we need to pack?

Caleb: I’m just bringing a change of clothes and what I’ve got on.

Sarah: Caleb, we’re going to be there a whole week. I think you need to bring more.

Caleb: Okay then, I’ll bring two more T-shirts and two pairs of pants. (Caleb and Sarah continue to pack up their gear as VBS director continues to watch them.)

Narrator/ VBS Director: This is Caleb and Sarah. They are getting all of their equipment ready to go on an exciting adventure this week at Camp Courageous where they will come in contact with others who are all on the same adventure including you. Sarah and Caleb are going to learn this week that following Jesus leads to the good life. . . the genuine Christian life. Looks like they’ve packed everything that they will need. But, are they really equipped? We will find out this week. Please join us (fill in script with your times and location and any other pertinent information).


Cast list:• Narrator/ VBS Director• Caleb• Sarah

Props:• 2 backpacks• Camping lantern• Box of matches• Miscellaneous camping supplies


Page 12: Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint B scenes on or bed sheets. The material



(Lesson 1 opens with Sarah and Caleb entering from SR coming up to Ranger Wrightway and his nephew, Randy CS.)

Ranger Wrightway: (Tipping his hat) Hello campers. Welcome to Camp Courageous.

Sarah: (Looking at boy next to Ranger Wrightway) Randy? Is that you? I told you that was him, Caleb.

Caleb: You are right, Sarah. Hey Randy, what are you doing here? Is your family camping here this week, too?

Randy: Hey guys. No, I’m here this week staying with my uncle, Ranger Wrightway. He is the park ranger for Camp Courageous and he is training me to be his junior ranger. (Stands at attention and salutes) Junior Ranger Randy at your service.

Ranger Wrightway: (Laughing) At ease there Junior Ranger. How about we welcome the campers first and see that they are equipped for everything that they will need.

Randy: (Coming out of his salute) Yes, Sir.

Sarah: (Laughing at Randy and taking off her backpack) We are only going to be here for a week. I think we have everything we need.

Ranger Wrightway: (Reaching for her backpack) I wasn’t speaking of physical needs, Sarah, but something else.

Caleb: What? We brought a tent and we have extra clothes to change into.

Ranger Wrightway: Food, shelter and clothing get us by day after day, but I’m speaking about something that equips us for life. . . eternal life.

Sarah: I don’t understand.

Ranger Wrightway: (Pointing off toward SL) Look over there, campers. That is Decision Divide.

Cast list:• Caleb• Sarah• Ranger Wrightway• Randy• Jesus• Zacchaeus

Props:• Stage set up (page 6)• Bible• Backpacks• Coin bag for Zacchaeus’ money• Zacchaeus’ tree (instructions on page 6)

Lesson 1

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Randy: See the two trails?

Sarah and Caleb: (Together looking) Yeah.

Ranger Wrightway: (Opening his Bible) Just like you would have to make a decision—which trail to take, we are all asked to make a decision in life. (Turning the pages in his Bible) Jesus said in the Bible, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

Caleb: How do we do that Ranger Wrightway?

Ranger Wrightway: (Looking in his Bible) This reminds me of an account in the Bible about a little feller named Zacchaeus. He was a man who collected money from others and this made him very rich. But he was not very happy in life. And he wanted to see who Jesus was and just to know Jesus himself.

Sarah: So, what did he do Ranger Wrightway?

(As Ranger Wrightway is speaking Zacchaeus enters from SL and climbs up a tree and begins to look back and forth.)

Ranger Wrightway: (Looking in his Bible) Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was coming into his town that day. He knew that he could never see over the crowd of people, so he decided to climb up in a sycamore tree to see Jesus as He passed by.

Caleb: Did he see Him, Ranger Wrightway?

(Jesus and crowd enter from SL talking and laughing. Zacchaeus is smiling at the children in audience and pointing down at Jesus.)

Ranger Wrightway: (Looking in his Bible) Oh yes, he saw Him all right. As Jesus was passing by the tree, He stopped and looked up and said to Zacchaeus. . .

Jesus: Make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house.

(Zacchaeus comes down from tree.)

Ranger Wrightway: Zacchaeus came down from the tree and said to the Lord. . .

Zacchaeus: (Holding out his coin bag to Jesus) “Behold Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold” (Luke 19:5, 8).

Randy: What happened next Uncle, Ranger Wrightway?

Ranger Wrightway: (Looking in his Bible) Jesus said unto him. . .

Jesus: This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost (verses 9, 10).

(Jesus, Zacchaeus and crowd exit SL.)

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Ranger Wrightway: Just like Zacchaeus needed to know the Savior, you and I have that need as well. First we have to admit that we are sinners. That means we have done things that God is not pleased with.

Sarah: Then what do we do?

Ranger Wrightway: Then we need to tell God that we believe that He sent Jesus, His Son, to live on the earth and die for our sins.

Randy: Then we choose the right trail of following Jesus every day. That’s what a junior ranger does.

Caleb: Wow! I want to know and follow Jesus!

Sarah: Me, too!

Ranger Wrightway: (Looking at audience) Okay campers. We are going to take a little break here and explain to Sarah and Caleb how they can come to know Christ. Your teachers can help you to do that today and then we will see you back here tomorrow at Camp Courageous. ’Till then . . . (tips hat) peaceful trails.

(Ranger Wrightway opens his Bible, and he and Randy begin leading Sarah and Caleb to Christ as all exit SR.)

Lesson 1

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(Scene opens with Sarah and Caleb at their tent unpacking their gear. Ranger Wrightway and Randy are sitting around the campfire.)

Sarah: It’s so exciting that I’m learning to be a junior ranger. I loved learning about Zacchaeus today.

Caleb: That’s right Sarah. It looks like we’ve chosen the right trail to take.

Ranger Wrightway: I’m very proud of you both. As we’ve learned today, we all have a decision to make at Decision Divide.

Randy: Now that you and Caleb believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He came to live on the earth and to die for our sins, that makes us brothers and sisters in Christ.

Sarah: That is so awesome, Randy. I can’t wait to learn more about becoming a junior ranger.

Ranger Wrightway: There is more to share with y’all, but right now it’s time to hit the sack. You’ll need your rest for what’s still to come.

Caleb and Sarah: Good night, Ranger Wrightway.

Randy: Good night, Caleb and Sarah.

Ranger Wrightway: Peaceful dreams.

(Ranger Wrightway and Randy exit SL and Caleb and Sarah go into their tents.)

Cast list:• Caleb• Sarah• Ranger Wrightway• Randy

Props:• Stage set up (page 6)• Backpacks• Miscellaneous camping supplies

Lesson 1

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Biblical SkitsLesson 1: Decision Divide—where you receive the Savior Zac Meets Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Lesson 2: Prayer Pond—where you talk to the Savior Jesus’ Garden Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Lesson 3: Fellowship Forest—where you meet other followers of the Savior There Is Fun in Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Lesson 4: Glorify Geyser—where you worship the Savior Once I Was Blind, Now I See . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Lesson 5: Witness Waterfall—where you tell others about the Savior The Well, the Woman, the Messiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

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ZAC MEETS JESUSBible Account: Luke 19:1-10

Prepare your stage by placing small table with camp supplies on SR and Zac’s tree on SL.

Scene will open with Josiah entering SR and addressing the children.

Josiah: Well hello there! Welcome to the Camp Courageous Supply Store. My name is Josiah, and I am Miss Hattie’s store assistant at your service! You all have heard of Miss Hattie, right? (Wait for response) No. Well, Miss Hattie is the sweetest, most nicest woman here at Camp Courageous! Miss Hattie told me about Jesus and how He loved me and wanted to be my friend! Me! Old Josiah!! She told me I reminded her of another feller in the Bible named Zacchaeus. We will call him Zac for short. (On SL Zac enters shaking his coin bag and smiling.) (Pointing at him) There he is now. Zac was a short little feller, and he was a tax collector who made the people not like him very much. (Crowd enters SR and gives mean looks at Zac.)

Crowd woman: Sinner!

Crowd man: Tax collector!

Josiah: They did not like him at all.

(Crowd woman and man walk away.)

Josiah: Little ole Zac heard that Jesus was passing through Jericho, and he really wanted to see Him. Because of his small stature, Zac couldn’t see over the crowd, so he decided to climb up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus as He passed by. (Crowd enters from SR. They are yelling “Jesus is coming” and getting into a straight line in front of Zac’s tree. Zac climbs up tree and looks for Jesus.)

Josiah: Well, Zac didn’t have to wait long because Jesus came walking down the road (Jesus and disciples enter from SR and go to SL. Jesus stops and looks up at Zac’s tree) and when Jesus got to Zac’s tree, He looked up and said. . .

Cast List:• Josiah (Narrator)—

Camp Courageous Store Assistant

• Zac (Zacchaeus)• Jesus• Disciples• Crowd Man• Crowd Woman• Crowd: Men and Women

Props:• Zac’s tree (instructions to make this

tree are found on page 6) • Coin bag for Zac• Small table with rope, matches,

lantern, bug spray on it giving the look of a camp store with supplies

Lesson 1

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Jesus: Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house.

Josiah: That little feller did make haste and came down and received Jesus joyfully, but some did not receive Zac joyfully. (Zac comes down tree and embraces Jesus – crowd reacts.)

Crowd man: Abide at the house of a sinner?

(Crowd responds in agreement.)

Zac: (Holding out his coin bag to the crowd) Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.

(Crowd reacts to Zac with “He is repentant” and “This man has changed.”)

Josiah: Ole Zac met Jesus and took Jesus into his home and into his heart. Jesus loves all of us and wants us to know Him. Would you like to know Jesus? Talk to your teacher about it. I’ve got to get back to the store. Have a good day.

(He walks off stage SR.)

The End

Page 19: Skits Book - · Backdrops. ackdrops add so much more to your dramas. Backdrops can be made from canvas material that you can paint B scenes on or bed sheets. The material


JESUS’ GARDEN PRAYER Bible Account: Matthew 26:36-56

Cast List:• Kassie—a Camp

Courageous trail guide• Jesus• Peter• James• John• Bill—another trail guide

Props:• 2 flashlights• A big stick for Kassie• 2 moveable trees (for

garden) • Rock (for Jesus)• Plants (for garden)• A bundle of sticks like

kindling for a campfire

Sound effects:• Night sounds• Bugs• Frogs• Bear growling (If you

don’t have sound effect CD, have someone off stage growl.)

Lesson 2

(Prepare your stage to look like a forest with trees and plants. Try to make the room look dark like at night. Place rock on SR.

(The scene opens with Kassie entering from SR with flashlight in hand. She is acting very scared. She addresses the children.)

Kassie: Have any of you seen Bill? We were told to go gather some more sticks for the fire, but we got separated. I had just picked up this stick when I heard (she is interrupted by a sound of a bear growling) Did you hear that? That sounded like a bear growling! Hearing that sound makes me a little stressed (she looks around with the flashlight). And when I’m stressed, you know what I do? I pray! I know the Lord will always hear my prayers. (Looking around at her surroundings) Hey, you know this kinda reminds me of the garden that Jesus prayed in. It’s in the Bible, Matthew 26:36-56.

(Jesus and Peter, James and John enter from SL.)

Kassie: Jesus came into the Garden of Gethsemane and said to His disciples. . .

Jesus: Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder.

Kassie: He took with Him His closest friends—Peter, James and John. Jesus was very sad, and He was very stressed. Jesus told them. . .

Jesus: My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.

(Disciples sit as Jesus goes to pray at rock—SR)

Kassie: Jesus went a little farther and, then, fell on His face and began to pray. . .

Jesus: O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

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Kassie: Jesus felt alone so He went back to His disciples again. . .

(Going over to disciples who have fallen asleep)

Jesus: What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Jesus returns to the rock.) O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.

Kassie: Jesus even prayed a third time saying the same words. He knew His Father would hear Him. We can learn to pray just like Jesus did in the garden. His garden prayer was answered because God did give Jesus the strength to go through what He was about to go through. I know I can always pray to Jesus about anything. I can (Kassie is interrupted by a bear growling, and she holds flashlight closer to her) pray right now (she closes her eyes and prays). Father God please keep that bear away from me. Please let him find some delicious berries for his nighttime snack, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

(As Kassie is finishing praying, Bill enters from SR carrying a bundle of sticks and speaks.)

Bill: Kassie, I’ve been looking all over for you! Did you find some sticks?

Kassie: Bill! I’m so glad to see you. I heard. . .

Bill: You can tell me later, I’m starving! Let’s get these sticks back to camp for the campfire so that we can eat!

(Sound of bear growling as Bill drops the sticks and holds his stomach.)

Bill: Oh, me! My stomach is so empty it’s growling like a bear!

Kassie: (Smiling) Like a bear? Huh?

Bill: (Picking up sticks) Let’s get back. I don’t want to miss dinner.

(Bill exits SL.)

Kassie: (Looking up) Thank You, Father, that it was Bill’s stomach and not a bear! I’m right behind you, Bill. (She waves at children and exits SL.)

The End

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Lesson 1Zacchaeus’ Tree


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