Skills developed


Transcript of Skills developed

Page 1: Skills developed


Page 2: Skills developed

Working in a teamFor the induction project we worked as a team, meaning we made all decisions as one group so everyone agreed to a change or a new idea for the documentary together. We had to spilt work in-between each other so everyone in the team had a contribution of making the product which was a documentary. Working in a team can be hard, people may not do things that you want them to do but you have to work around it somehow cause that’s what makes you a good team member. Another skill I gained would be that I leaned to be patient with all the members, cause people may get upset over what you say when your in a rush or angry.

How could I develop more skills in this sector? I would want to work in a more bigger team, this would challenge me, cause there would be more people which means there would be more decisions to be made cause everyone has their own opinion. Not only that but I would learn how to maybe give up my own ideas because someone's may be better then mine.

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Premiere- Software It’s the first time I have used this type of software, I had used something similar to it last year but this was quite different from it. The skills that I had gained were how to add music onto the timeline, also how to create different effects for example maybe making the video extremely slow at some pat or maybe extremely fast at some other parts. Another thing that I have learned in Premiere is how to place transitions in between scenes to make it look more professional and good looking. I know the basics about Premiere, however I would want to learn in more through detail, I would want to know how to change the lighting or the colour of the video. I would also want to make a film trailer i.e. for a horror movie, this would set me a challenge to complete and also I would learn about Premier in even more depth.

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PhotoshopPhoto shop is a software that I really like, I have used it last year as well it is quite a simple and straight forward software to use. One of the skills that I developed by using it was how to cut a image out and paste it into a different landscape, another skill that I have learned is how to change the swatch's colour and make your own colour. I think personally I know the basics of Photoshop but after watching a YouTube video on the things it can do I know for a fact that there are loads of hidden things and techniques that can be used which I have to learn.

There are differently more skills that I can develop in Photoshop, so in order to do that I need to do my own research on maybe YouTube or ask teachers what other magic I can do to faces and creatures to make a image look would and sensational. I should also experiment with new tools in order to gain a lot more knowledge about this particular programme. This would also challenge me, because when I was doing it in lesson I found it really enjoyable and entertaining.

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In-Design Using this software was not my first time like most of the others, but like they say practise makes perfect. This software isn’t my particular best one or favourite one but I still did learn some new skills, an example would be making the text linked this means whenever you decide to write more or in-between text the writing doesn’t over write what you have written it just starts typing normally in between. Another skill that I have learned is that always write more then less because we were writing a magazine spread the size of the writing had to be same, and believe me I had a million and one problems writing the right amount of text for it. In the future I would want to develop skills on the more technical part of in design by writing more magazine spreads whether that’s a review or different kind of magazine text. This will broaden my knowledge and make my work look more professional, not only this but it will also give me a creative mind.