Sketchin Pirate Policies

A new policy Photo Credit: Moyan Brenn -

Transcript of Sketchin Pirate Policies

A new policy

Photo Credit: Moyan Brenn -

Holidays and overtime

The three layers

Law How To Supercazzola

The Sketchin Layer

Guiding principles

Absolute freedom


This is it. Nothing more, nothing less.

General principles

Use your brain, and your common sense.

Use Sketchin money as if it was your money.

“With great power comes great responsibility”Uncle Ben - Spider-man, 2002

Everything will always be “in the making”


No matter what happens in a program. If someone needs you, go!

You have at least 20 days off every year.

•Your team must guarantee at least one working pipe at each given moment.

•Your team is supposed to deliver 76 iterations each year.

•You must not unbalance the team. •You need to advertise your holidays at least two iterations in advance.

•The ops team is your friend, talk to the about your holidays. They’ll be happy to hear from you.

Those Swiss bank holidays that are marked as ‘Sundays’ must be taken.“Giorno parificato alla domenica”

• Capodanno • Epifania • San Giuseppe • Lunedì di Pasqua • Ascensione

• Festa Nazionale Svizzera • Assunzione • Ognissanti • Natale • Santo Stefano

Work time is from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm.

•There is an exception. On Wednesday work time starts at 9.30 to preserve the integrity of key studio meetings.

You can work from remote.

• If you work in a team, a continuos video conference must be open with the rest of the team.

• If you are not part of the team you must be constantly available on Slack.

• Remote working must be agreed during the planning meeting.


All of T&L bookings are managed by the Ops team for you.

•If you wish you can use the company Booking, Uber and MyTaxi account. The Ops team will be happy.

We will have a set of pre-paid credit cards to be assigned to teams.

•Pre-paid card will be loaded with money and assigned to the team according to project needs.

Every Architect and Strategist will have a post-paid credit card.

We will pay you additional money for every night you will spend away from home.

We will have to stick with the values we have given to the authority for the maximum amount of money you can spend on lunch/dinner/hotel.

You decide!

We will reimburse the kilometres you will run for us.

but, again

Use your brain, and your common sense.

•0.56 CHF per kilometer with fuel. •0.30 CHF per kilometer without fuel.




Din, don, done!