Skellig Unit.docx

YEAR 8 ENGLISH SKELLIG 1 Renée Maloney 2015

Transcript of Skellig Unit.docx

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David Almond uses a lot of descriptive language throughout the book “Skellig”.

In partners, describe a member of your class using as many adjectives as you can. It is your partner’s job to listen carefully and guess who you are talking about. If they guess correctly, they get a turn.

Remember to talk about

Their appearance Their likes and dislikes Their voice Their habits

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Read Chapter 2 of “Skellig”.

In this chapter David Almond describes the inside of the garage as Michael is standing in the doorway shining a flashlight into the darkness.

Read through the description on Pages 3 & 4 and jot down, using the table below, examples of the author using the different senses to describe the place


- Roof was rotten


- Scratching from one of the corners


- Cracked lino


- Stank of rot and dust

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Draw an illustration of the garage using only information from the book. When you finish label the drawing using quotations from the text

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SIMILESA simile is a comparison of one item with another. It can usually be spotted by the use of the words ‘as’ or ‘like’ to bring two ideas together.

For example George ran away from them

Could become George ran like a fox chased by a pack of hungry hounds.

The first sentence makes sense but the second create an image in our minds which is more effective.

Fit these adjectives into the sentences below.







(1)Without his glasses, he's as ____________ as a bat.

(2) That's a pretty dress! It's as _____________ as a rainbow.

(3) Be quiet. You are as ______________ as a herd of elephants.

(4) Are you feeling sick? You are as ______________ as a ghost.

(5)Her hands are dirty. They are as ________________ as night.

(6)She's quick. She's as _______________ as lightning.

(7)After he squished it, it was as _______________ as a pancake.

(8) I can't grab it. It's as _______________ as an eel.

(9) She is so skinny. She's as _______________ as a toothpick.

(10) Don't touch that broken glass. It's as ______________ as a razor.

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If you want to say a kid is very noisy you can say:He is as noisy as an elephant.

That is an ok simile, but we can improve it by thinking of something even noisier than an elephant. Well, what is noisier than an elephant? A whole herd of elephants. And so a better simile might be:

He is as noisy as a herd of elephants.

If you want to say something is old you could say:It's as old as the pharaoh.

Some pharaohs are 5000 years old after all. But, how can we improve that? By thinking of someone even older than the pharaoh like the pharaoh's grandmother. So we can improve this simile like this:

It's as old as the pharaoh's grandmother.

Try to improve the following similes.

It's as smelly as socks.

It's as dangerous as a shark.

It's as cold as a milkshake.

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How does the author introduce you to the man in the garage? What words does he use to describe him?

‘dusty ancient suit’ (pg. 149)

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Read the statements below then decide if they are true or false

Statement True False

Michael and his family have moved in to a new home

Michael is excited about the new house

Michael’s parents are worried about their new born baby

The garden is overgrown and contains an old run down


Michael misses his friends and his old home

Michael is neglected by his parents

Michael is an introvert and a secretive boy

Michael discovers a dead body in the garage

Michael is close to his parents

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What are your first impressions of Mina? What words or phrases could be used to describe her?

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Fill in the table below with research notes on the topic of Angels.

TOPIC NOTESDefinition of the

word ‘angel’

Origin of the word ‘angel’

Different religions that believe in


Different types of angels

Famous stories about angels

Purpose of angels

Physical appearance of


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Answer the following questions; remember to include page numbers to show where you found your answers.

Chapter 1-2

1. Who is the man in the garage?

2. Why is he there? Is he real?

3. Who is Ernie Myers? Do you think he will be important to the story?

Chapter 3-4

1. How is the conversation between Mum and Michael different to the one at the end of Chapter Two?

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2. Why does Michael refer to Doctor Dan as “Doctor Death”?

3. What was Michael’s first thought when he saw the man in the garage?

4. Give three ADJECTIVES (describing words) from Page 7 that describe things in the garage.

Chapter 5-7

1. Why did Michael want to catch the bus to school after they moved houses?

2. What does Michael’s dad find in Chapter 6?

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3. Why does Michael think he is dreaming in Chapter 6?

4. What does the old man ask Michael for?

5. What happens at the end of Chapter 7?

Chapter 8-9

1. What were numbers 27 and 53 on the Chinese menu?

2. What did the baby do to Mum when she was fussing over Michael?

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3. What were Mum and Michael teasing Dad about?

4. What were used to describe people in Chapter 8 (Clue: there are three!)?

5. What meals did Dad order for Mum and himself from the Chinese Takeaway shop?

6. How many different types of birds are mentioned? Can you name them all?

7. Mina says Michael is seen as “dangerous” to the birds. Why?

Chapter 10-12

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1. What lesson does Michael have with Rasputin? What are they learning about?

2. “Sometimes I think she stops breathing,” I said. “Then I look at her and she’s fine.” Who says this and to whom? What does it tell us about the way Michael is feeling?

3. Read pages 35 and 36. Describe the mood of Michael’s parents. Give reasons for your answers.

4. What does Michael’s mother say shoulder blades are for?

5. On page 37, Michael’s mother says, “Maybe that’s why she has such trouble staying here.” What is she talking about?

Chapter 13-15

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1. What was the name of Mina’s cat?

2. Where did Mina take Michael in Chapter 13?

3. What was in the room?

4. What is Mina’s motto? Where is it located?

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Chapter 16-17

1. The man in the garage says that 27 and 53 makes a change from what?

2. When Michael asks the man in the garage what he should call him, the man offers four names. What are they?

3. Who wrote the poem that Mina reads to Michael?

4. What word beginning with “P” describes the hollow structure of birds’ bones?

Chapter 18-20

1. What is suggested for those who suffer from arthritis?

2. Who is Doctor MacNabola?

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3. What craft activity was Mina’s doing when Michael arrived? What was she making?

4. Where does Michael take Mina?

5. What is ‘calcification’?

Chapter 21-23

1. How does Mina describe the old man?

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2. What does Michael dream about in Ch. 22?

3. At dawn, Mina and Michael carry him to the empty house. What is his name?

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Chapter 24

Match the sentences in Column One (1-7) with the correct one on Column Two (a – g).

Column One Column Two

1. In the beginning of the chapter a. lying halfway up the first floor staircase

2. When they look for Skellig b. that their new friend has the wings of an angel

3. Eventually they discover him exhausted

c. they are unable to find their mysterious friend

4. It is a promising sign that Skellig d. and the two children help him up the stairs

5. Skellig wishes to move up “higher”

e. Mina removes his jacket to make him comfortable

6. Once they have given Skellig some food

f. Michael and Mina enter the old building

7. Michael and Mina are amazed to discover

g. was able to move without help from anyone.

Chapter 26 – 30

1. Mina has a dictionary out. For what word is she looking?

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2. From what does Mina believe birds have evolved?

3. Why do you think that Michael is so upset when Leakey and Coot come by?

4. Why does Dad nail some more boards across the garage door?

5. Leakey has a nickname for Mina, what is it?

6. Unfortunately, Michael and Mina have an argument. What was it about?

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Chapters 31 – 35

1. During the night, where do they find Skellig?

2. As they watch, what is bringing food for Skellig?

3. When Michael’s father comes looking for them, what excuse do they give for being out so late?

4. Who is the poet Mina’s mother sings about?

5. They are going to operate on the baby tomorrow at the hospital. What kind of operation?

Chapters 36 – 40

1. How does Mina compare herself and Michael to the baby chicks?

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2. Why does Mina want Michael’s help?

3. About which goddess does Mina’s mother tell Michael?

4. While Mina’s mother watches out for the baby birds, Mina and Michael go to the empty house. What do they find?

5. Why do you suppose Michael fainted?

6. When he feels for his heartbeat, why is Michael worried?

Chapters 41 – 46

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1. How does the nurse describe the baby’s heart?

2. Who do you suppose Michael’s mother saw in her dream?

3. Is Skellig human? In words, how would you define Skellig?

4. Why does Skellig thank Michael and Mina?

5. His baby sister comes home on a Sunday. What does Michael do with the little white feather Skellig had left?

6. What name do they give the baby?

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Imagine that you are Michael. A lot has happened to you in recent weeks and you decide to record your thoughts and feelings in a diary (see the template on the next page). Use the questions below to help you brainstorm some ideas.

List the main things that have happened:





Now complete a quick brainstorm of some of the thoughts and feelings you have had about these things.

For example: angry, upset, left out

Add some more of your own.





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Dear Diary,

I’m feeling very confused about things. I’ve got a lot on my mind. Firstly, I’m worried about the baby…

The man in the garage is always in my thoughts….

I’ve also met somebody new, she’s called…

Key words:

house Ernie Myers school Doctor Death

garden garage Mina baby sister

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Mina and Michael have very different lives. Their friendship is based on mutual respect and understanding for each other.

Find three examples from the novel to illustrate this

Quote/Example How does this show respect and understanding?Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

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The main themes in Skellig are;

- Faith- Hope - Loss

- Love - Friendship

Fill in the table below using FOUR of the themes listed above. Then use the story to show what David Almond (the author) is saying, what themes are linked and which characters show the theme. Where you can, include quotations to support your views.

Theme: Theme:

What does the author say about this theme?

What other themes are linked to this one?

Which characters demonstrate the theme in either a positive or negative way?

What does the author say about this theme?

What other themes are linked to this one?

Which characters demonstrate the theme in either a positive or negative way?

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Theme: Theme:

What does the author say about this theme?

What other themes are linked to this one?

Which characters demonstrate the theme in either a positive or negative way?

What does the author say about this theme?

What other themes are linked to this one?

Which characters demonstrate the theme in either a positive or negative way?

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