sJEL - NYS Historic Newspapers · I ft HMDt-f6t£l l*S txmg fb* [car? after ' and it it pfobihi*...

I ft HMDt- f6t£l l*S txmg fb* [car? after ' and it it pfobihi* [however . jrcTojit- k placed xi. States J AcUi&g [ire witb at the ]&te ( lidenfc, as i& follow- , Tor taxa- impied for is q/ Jesa, [iittlitnjs hundred ( lorn ifer os- lo I4AND },$sssi strar, i ^ blowing! t -The i>e- |ty Seatof a*t fertile .- (tog bitter- as in that lailars and Kty dollars [dollar pet roast be imigmnts [as tbelo- fmg all bi- •-ear neatly of Ohio [nd of hogs imoa *par- iese parts, tdotlara.f csatiLir,,— , 4 Feh, 18, ie Admin- [the public the cjir- [sentinel at iments, to tad opera- Ifocal rnsti- alarming- |plyin^, in free and channels red. JPro- I, and* con- fa purchase [ttgecultttxori traded, and \es, as pom* it concert l&w of Half- time call I will exag> Jrfress., viide fki banking Bank of IESS.—TQ* PRCMJr pp ATjijirfpau. hty-^rMttersP arf'^gtxsisidn jta presents fctive Seiiar id there - fo> [to receive -;-< |e» be BQa^fiT'- ItetmJne on lm may be (the United 1 caused tfea^ kt» be hare^C the same [ingten, the ' lbe~ year of/ fcht hundred Ie indepeBd- tbe gixty- [EUREN. to/ Sfate. Himdred *pers of Satr - irig account* In tag of the j Mississippi,, (and the":de- bt ef 200 on have taken close to the PEACE.— |e> Peace of pshaGoodall Id sentenced for 2 yeala sat 15.year*, toy and gen- ie in file city fyoiland.—-A. t the 25tb Jan. / fnng: coitditipnT^ * 3a and islands' ; large* portion [. awtol and as* t£Companr- fto Jvarwhelro about to pro- J-vyjtlr tbe-vfeyr Ipnncjpaleitjei favor* tonus* STATIC? : suffrage* *t ° the follow- Nbe Orator* *»,'• 124,507.52 e,sss.3i 6,100.00 581.00 1,480,471.59 160.40 15.64 207,61 35.00 305.25 94.82 JBTelp one Jln*ihA&'*$? T**NOlI«A*laA DTINGSTOK^MtTTWIji} Iiretotarfcx Cojcrairr 1 * Omcae-^- . J Wtitllowni!eN t N«y$K9&, ' T H E Ifo»rd of Directors of thi*©bmpa- uf irjDfcit to its tnemneri thefoflwrtojtAft- uSil Report and statement of its affairs: '3rfiey commenced inuinc Policies on the :lfe«jnd Wednesday of May m the year 1836. T&BMEVnPptit ftii tn«r« havefcteni»- anedl^lPelictea. Amount of property inmred §l»5!f»?!i , !f Amount o# prcia'jum notes. Tier* h«i«fcfaeen parrenderod do. Tinf *t»« P*«* ?«» r > Policie* wr. ; •ring proptrty btuied to Amount of premloro note»ti«r*on» Leaving now Inauttd* Amount of premium note. no» m force* 123,926.52 BJWIMIM. NOTHING. In«ia«p:tal ^p«in«M» ? 1,0.22.37 ijedactcd from th» 5 por cent., on hand iud da« learei a bal. anco to pay loaaea of 5,206.9* '• ttcidantal«kpadtea ware as follow. : For Books, Stationary and Printing, «203.75 »* Label*, " Poetago, PreBident & Director*, Traatnrer' ^ Seoritary pr.To.^of Directors, . Paid 4g«nta and other expinaes, S o exertions ha*e been made to extend the operations of the Company into distant counties, and most of the property insured is situate in the counties' of Ontario and Livlnigstori. And it is submitted that the Members of a Company founded on recip- rocal, aid and mutual assistance may well congratulate each other on their present prosperous condition. JOHN DICKSON, Secretary. OFFICERS JFOR THE ENSUING TEAR. A. A. BfiirarETT, President. JE. B, HiltL, Vice President. JOHIT DICKSOS, Secretary. HJLAKD B. HAI.L, Treasurer. ' / . r DIRECTORS. Augustus A. Bennett, Asahel Warner, Henry Grant, Erastus Clark, " OKver Phelps, Canaiidaigua. Benjamin C. Cook, Dantville Village. W i l l iarn T. Cayler, Moscow. Enoch A. Hall, West Bloomfield. Adonijah H- Fairchild, * TteTnold Peck, William Pilisbury, Elisha Eggleston, " Charles Webb. Travelling Agent* $ Surveyors. Xewis Griffin, West Bloomfield. Isaac W. Philips. " Local Agents Sf Surveyors. James Silsbee, jfvoca, Steuben County. msm edition) -I Clerk '-i iiwiaUnt, R^WiiNlOrd«rs <j>f the Supreme Court of Ne*"Ttotlk. adopted at the January Term, ISSTT-JM* rec^iTed and for sale at the Can- aodaigua Bookstore, by C. MORSE. M»yJ837. 10 Lima. Mojses'VanCampen, Edgar 6arhp, Comfort Hamilton, Amos Dann, Malacca Loveland, Angus Cameron, Isaac Halstead, Seth M. Gates, C. Dickinson, Edwin Hendee, Asa Chapin, Manena Stone, ' John Lapham, Harmon, Dansville Village. , Mount Morris Genesseo. Avon. tc Caledonia. Leicester. LeHoy. Rush. West'Bloomfield. << Mendon. Faminglon. _ . Manchester Centre. Other Agents and Surveyors will from '.Tlfinfe- to time be appointed to' accommodate %e public and promote the interests of the 'C&nipany. * C-THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. FOR APRIL, 1837. COSTEKTS OF No. XCV. Aa*. I.—DRAKE'S INDUN HISTORY.—Biography'and History of the Indians of North America, from its : % First Discovery to the Present Tims, with an Ac- count of thieir Antiquiriee, Manners and Customs, Religion aijjd Laws. By SAMUEL G. DRAKE. . II.—AM.EKIC4N FOREST TREES.—Sy!va Americana; or a Description of the Forest Trees indigenous to the United Slates, Practically and Botanically considered^ Illustrated by more than One* Hun- dread Engrkvinge. By Daniel J. Browne. III^-JtfoDKKjp FKEXCH POETRY.— 1. CEuveres Com- pletes de C| DELAVIGNE. * '2. Chansons de BERANGER- 3. CEuvresld'ALPHONSE DE LAMARTINI. 4. Hartnon[e9 Poetiqueset Religieusea, par A. DK LAM,ARtlSE. IV.—LABORI^'S JOURNEY IN ARABIA PSTRAEA.— 1. Voyageide TArabie Petree par MM. Leon de Labordfe et-Linant. 2. Journey jthrough Arabia Patrcea, to Mount Si- nai and tbej excavated City of Pctro, the Edoro of Propheciesj. By M. LEON DE LABORDE. . V. WRITINGS OP BOLWER—Tbe Duchess de la Val- liere. A Play. In Five, Acts. By the Author of " Eugene Aram," &c- TI. POUSSIN; ON AMERICAN RAH.-ROADS.—Chemins de Fer Americains; Historique de leur Construc- tion; Prif de Revient et Produit; Mode d'Ad- ministration adopte; Resume de la Legislation qui lea regh- Par GUILLAUMK-TELL POUSSIN. VII. THE GREAT METROPOLIS.—The Great Metrop- olis. By the Author of "Random Recollections of ^he Lords and Commons." VIII. TALFOURD'S 'ION.—Ion; a-Tragedy, in Five Acts- By THOMAS NOON TALFOURD. IX MASSACHUSETTS COMMON SCHOOLS.—1. Ab- Bfract of Massachusetts School Returns, for 1836 Prepared for the Use of the Legislature.— By JOHN P. BISELOW, Secretary of the Common- wealth. 2. History of Massachusetts, for two hundred years, from 1620 to 1820. By ALDEN BRADFORD, an Orig- inal Member of the Massachusetts Historical So- cieiy, and Honorary Member of the Historical Society of. New York. X CRITICAL NOTICES.—1. Plymouth Charter and Laws. .^SL Song of the Bell. 3.,Columbian Bard. ^ 4. Whittier's Mogg Megone. 5. Peirce's Natural Philosophy. 6.-Goddard'ft Address. ?. ioeie Say's Political Economy. 8. Woalaey'e Greek Tragedies. •& Address on Education. lo. Guida dell' Educatore. !1 Edwards's Discourse. EDITOR'S NOTE. QUARTERLY LIST OJ NEW PUBLICATIONS. C, MORSE, Age7tf,Canandaigna Book Store. CAHAJSliyAJtGtJA. BOO&STORC JN MORSE has Wt received his spring ^kSm supply of BOOKS and STATION- KUY ; among which are the following : Davis's Life ot Aaron^orr, bockhart'i Lift of Sir Walter Scott, part lit, Astoria, by Washington Irving, Memoirs of Hannah Mbre, Miscellaneous Works of do. The Poor Kich Mori, and Rich FOOT Man, WayJand'a Moral Science; do. Political Economy, Wraxall'e Historical Memoirs, Gleanings in Europe, by Cooper, Great. Metropolis, by the author of the House of Commons, <S^c. Prior's Life of Goldsmith, Sprague's Contrast between True and False Re- ligion, Cause and Cure of Infidelity, Chapman's Sermons to Presbyterians, The Young Di.cip! e, by Rev. J. A, Clark, Walk about Zion, by do. , Gathered Fragments, by do. Guide to Church Fellowship, byRev.T.S.Brittan, Colton, on the Religidus State of the Country, Protestant Jesuitism, ' Mellichnmpe, s Legend of tho Sahteo, by the au- thor of " Guy Rivers," &c. Sheppnrd Lee, a Novel, Falkner, a Novel, by Mrs. Shelly. The Economy of Health, by J. Johnson, M, D. 0 History of China, by J. F. JJavic, Jack Brag, by Boz, Nick of the Wood*, a Tale of Kentucky, Three Experiments of LiYing; Sequel to do. Combe on the Constitution of Man, Awen'a British Poets, Robinson's Caliret; do. Btbio Dictionary, ; Sprague's Letters to a Daughter. Sigoumey's Letters to Young Ladies, (Harpers' edition,) . The Doctor ; One in a Thousand, &c Sec. Also, new supplies of thefollowing: Buckland'8 Geology apd Mineralogy, De La Beche's Geology, by Hitchcock, . Comstock's do. do. Mineralogy; do Philosophy; do.Chemistry, Elements of Nat. Philosophy, b y L . D . Gal«,M. D. Day's Algebra; Colhurn's do. Legendre's Geometry, Smellie's, Philosophy, Wilkin's Astronomy, 'Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, Preston's Book-keeping, Webster's 8vo. Dictionary, Wonostrocht's French Grammar, Cubi's Spanish do. Flint's Surveying!, Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, Cooper's Virgil; Newman's Rhetoric, Parley's Geography, Hale's United States, Child's Guide. &c. &c. May 22,1837. lOtf Grain Cradle factoryT HE subscriber has removed to the lower part of the village, and taken tho shop formerly owned by Enoch Nobles, where he i* manufacturing and keeps for sale GRAIN CRADLES. He hat furnished himself with tho second growth of ash timber; well seasoned—its equal cannot b« produced in the county. Gontlomcn Farmers, you can he accommodated with the first rate Cradles, which for ease and utility of work, are unsurpassed. His experience in Ihe business fully warrant him in saying that histwork cannot be surpassed at any othor factory. Gentlemen Farmers, bring in your cradles for repairs in sea- son, and not wait till yon wan't to use them. WAGONS made and repaired as usual. GILBERT SCHELLINGER. Canandaigua, May 27, 1837. *3wl0 B Y virtue of an execution issued out of the Clerk's office of the county of Ontario, to me directed and delivered against the goods and chatties, lands and'tenements of Amaaa S. Tifft, I have seized and taken all tho right, title and interest of the said Tifft, iri 1 and to the follow- ing pieces of Land, viz : part of lot number 12, in the ninth range of lots, in the township of Naples in said county—bounded o n t h e east by land owned by Jerry W. Peirce, on the south by land lately owned by William Kibbe, and on the west and north by the original lines of said lot, supposed to contain ten acres of land. Also a part of lot number 12, in tho tenth range of lots in said township, bounded as follows, viz : be- ginning at a stake and stones on the east side of the highway which was run across said lot, run- ning southerly seventy two degrees east, eighty four rods to the east line of said lot, thence northerly on tbe east line of said lot i rods seventeen links to the northeast corner of said lot, thence west on the north lino of said lot forty four rods to the highway aforesaid, thence southerly on the line of said highway to the place of beginning, containing' twenty five acres one rood and twenty-seven porches, more or le*s— which I shall shall sell at public vendue on the 8th day or.Juty next ar. Z o'eloc* V. M. at the public house of Alanson V. atkins in the village of Naples.—Dated May 22, 1§37. J. GARLINGHOUSE, Sheriff. M. H. CLARK, Deputy Sheriff. 6wl0 More New Goods* T H E subscriber has just received from New York, a fresh assortment of Fan- cy Articles, Jewelry, Perfumery, &c. and now offers them for sale at his recess— among which.are the following articles,viz :, Fancy Work Boxes, Purses, Pocket; Books, elegant Pin Cushions, highly scent- ed Soaps, Broaches, Beit Clasps, Rings, Ear Drops, Toys of all kinds, and a great variety of articles too numerous to mention particularly. Ladies and gentlemen may depend on finding as great and good a variety as can be found in the place. J. CORSON. Canandaigua, May 17,1837. 4w9 ? *S .llusic tor the M>h ano-fortc. A^iarge fupply of PIANOFORTE MC- $10; also Cramer's and Hunton's Instruc- tion Books, and Burrows' Pianoforte Eftm- «r, just received and for sale at the Canan» jdajgua Bookstore, C. MORSE, , -\ May- 24, J1837. lOtf Win? PERPUMET> FRENCH, OiLET, and SHAVING SOAP, a article also Cologne "gaiter, ii, Perfumed Bags, Hair, Nail and rushes, Feather Fans new 4Hi- Balls, Snuff Boxes, &e. &c|. in ', just received by , . J. B. HAYES. SRj '43S. t ' ' " 1 ' OUT. v W, 4 nwm QOODS. -jf A BATES hast tlur^bMMfet* of announcing . *l** «t rtotipt of his fr»*iN,pi, 0 f Goods, , ewBe^siW^geod assortment of Jmti Fruits,fyc,*e, *rMa*i %* w|ll Whippy to sell cheap jf«r ea.h or "lilwit credit. >• MayU, 1837. Ipf ONTARIO BANK, Canandaigua, 12//» May, 1887. T^yOTICE is hereby given, that tho Annual -L% -Election of Directors for the Ontario Bank and for Inspectors of the next election, will bo held at the Banking Houio in this village, on tho third Monday of June noxt, at 11 o'clock, A. M. By order of the President and Directors. H. B.GIBSON,Cashier. 9w9 . Safety Fund Bank Notes. f BitfliE subscriber is receiving a great Ysriety JL of new and fashionable SILKS, MUS- LINS, FRENCH & AMERICAN PRINTS, and all sorts of nice G O O D S , which he wishes to exchange for the notes of tbe SAFE. TY FUND BANKS in this state. The Goods will bs sold Cheap for CASH— the Specie is not wanted except for change. J. A. GRANGER. , Canandaigaa, May 15,1837. , 6w9 HEW GOODS, at Reduced Prices. i T H* subscriber is now receiving a choice as- •ortmwrto|.|iirand seasonable GOODS! which he offer* for sii|.io h*» friends and custo- mers Very loW-callands*e |&r yourselves. « A , ^ * f . - A N T I S , jr. Camm^ugpa, W*J MS37* , 8tf StocK Blndlnfj. "JBB Rubscriiber h a s <p han'^ •IjoT^n* teutii to keep the tliove tHlcl* «*• tantly for sale,' SAMUEL K. ANDttEWS. Canandaigua,flfcy10,1^37, mm MSTABLISHME» T, J*Vt» Goods * JVm Prim. T and das- ISfR subscribers ars now reqeivin(r opening an extensive and well sclec sortment of j , JD>RY G O O D S , GROCERIES, ilaYthvate, sNails, &e. entirely niw/ recently purohasod in Now York at Auction, and at the most reduced prices ; by whichi they »ro enabled to offer them for CASH at fan lower rates, than can bo obtained else. wberai. In arelecttng their Goods tboy have paid partlealar attention to BROADCLOTHS ftnd CA.SSISZERES. and those wishing to purchase, will fund their stock much belter and more com. plete, than has ever been offered in this vicinity. Thflj would invite particular attention to an extensive assortment of , LADIES' STRAW HATS, together with ehoice Hot Tutnniings. A f e w piicesi of LYONAISE AND FRENCH MUSLINS, splendid patterns and fast colors. A complete assortment of CAMBRICS, JACONETTS, SWISS MUSLINS, AND ORIENTAL AND BAR»D CAMBRICS. Ladlies' Hosskin, Kid, Silk, Thread, Lace, and long Tissue GLOVES. A capital stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. of evairy description ; also, four cases of !P & !? IS 3 t&&Sr&!XSr<B8B from S15 to 75 cts.—a splendid article. Tbei subscribers feel the utmost confidence in saying;, that their stock of mornhandiio U such as cannot fail to pleaso, and thoy pledge them, solves to do every thing on their part, especially as to prices and attention to customers, that can merit n liboral share of public patronage. E. HALE & Co. A JL Canohdoigua.May 3,1837. 7lf NOTICE. T HE partnership heretofore subsisting 'between the subscribers under tbe firm ofT. U. BRAD BURY &. Co. isdis.olved by mu- tual consent. All persons indobted to., tho sad firm, are requested to make payment to Thomas C. Bradbury and Orson'A. Branch, who aro au. thorited to collect tho same. J. M. WHEELER, T. U. BRADBU&Y, O. A. BRANCH. Camandaigna, May 6, 1837. 8tf T i NOTICE. HE CARRIAGE MAKING busi- ness, in all its branches, will he con- tinued! by tbe subscribers, under the firm of BRAD- BURY Si. BRANCH, at the old stand of T. U. Brad- bury & Co. BRADBURY $ BRANCH. c Caniandaigoa, May 6, 1837. 8lf JVEW GOODS. T HE subscriber ia now receiving at his old stand, opposite to the Franklin con- House, a large assortment of New Goods, silting of "Paints, Oils, T)^c TNOOAS, AY^e--stwi*fe, ¥amV\y and Tatcnt aM-fciViciufcSjTmUaj c iwsits, &c, whichi he offers for Cash or on short credit, al- low, or lower than at any other establishment in the County. Those wishing to purchase would do wall to call and examino his stock and his prices.. His motto im~a quick ei&pmce is better than ti slow shilling, 8. S, LAMPMAN. Canandaigua^JUay 17, 1837. 9tf Ikl A Ladies* Shoes* •W ABJCEf* .flNK SHOES of superior ftyte ud quality, just rteeivtd airf fer itla bv my tt I AM just receiving idy spring supply of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLE. RY, fyc. &.C. A choice assortment of * Knivigs Sf Fortcsj Razor*) Scissors f Shears, Sheep-shears, «§-c, Also, House-keeping Hardware, agoodsupply of IYOII, Steel, >Tai\s, BauA- Iron, Hoop-lxoi., -Vail Hoas, Wagon, l?i\»e., Axle AYIUS, * Sledges, Hammers, Vi- ses, Anvils, fyc. fyc, for Cash, or approved Credtt at six months NEW GOODS, AND LOWER rmcM§> T HE Subscribers have just rtcoivod and now offer for sale an extensive and splendid as- sortment of ! IFaney & Staple llirs Goods, which have been recently purchased Jin New York for cash, and at prices which enable tbetn to soil lower than tho same kind of goefds have^ ever been sold in tbls TJcinity. They feel a con. iluinco in laying tbtt their uioftment will bonr inspection, not only a s t o prices* but alaro AM to quality, Their pronnt nooK comliti of; ilio iol. lowing articles: Broadcloths, Cassimercs, Sat- inets, Sil/i8, plain, striped, figured, and plaid, a nefjo and splendid article of Satin striped Shalhj 7 plain do., Merino, Thibet SiShallij - Shaioli, etc. ALSO, a good as- sortment of Fancy TPress Hartdhsl Irish and German Linr en*, unusually low, Ingrain and French Carpeting, four cades pf Straw and Tuscan Hats— Men's Straw Mats—'French English and Domestic Prints, Englsh and Scotch Giijghami—a very supc rior article. Also a great Variety of SUM- MER CLOTH'S forMonfe wear—Plain. Strip. G A R D E N A N D F L O W E R SJKEDS. W M. CHFPMAWjhaviog been^ippointed arrant for the Rmifi.Hler Slid Store, will constantly keep oa band a large assortment pf OardtnmdFlower&/<fd#of'Uie Ijeiiflmjit/. In his assortment are it f«w pounds of JHangel Wurzcl, fluttiDaga, Sugar Beet, White Italian Mulberry^ and many other choice and rare seeds. W. M. C> will recoive orders for Bhrub| f plants, &-Cwhich he will deliver at the Rochester prices. Canandaigua, April 5, 1837. -' 3 ped and Fig'd Muslins—Thread. Laceaand Edg- ings, Bobbinetls, do. Also, almost ovcry other article usually found i n a Dry Goods Store, ail of which will be sold at prices which cannot/a; i to give satisfaction. Thoso wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine our stock befor purchasing cUowhere. j. The subscribers feel grateful for the! libera:) patronage thoy have heretofore received,! and a sure their customers that nothing will bo wan ing on their part lo merit a continuance . P. JLEDDY &. CO Canandaigua, May 3,1837J. 7tf SDICINES, DRUGS AND M W. M. CHH'MAN respectfully informs tho public that ho has purchased tho DRUG ESTAlt L1SUMENT of DOCT. JAMES B> DUNCAN, and intends carrying o tho business at the old stand or door below the Franklin House. . lie will constantly keop on bar a a largo and well selected assortl mont of DRUGS, MEDWINEil PA INTS. OIIS, DYES7>UFF& FRUITS, CONFECTIONARY, PERFUME. RY, Ac. ij-c, all of which he will soil on the most favorable terms. Having spent somo timo in the study of McB icine, and from his acquaintance with busine-i generally, he hopes to merit and obtain a portic rj> of public confidence and patronage. Ho intends making a largo addition to hi stock at the opening of navigation. Physicians and others aro respectfully invite^ to call and examine htft assortment. Canandaigua, April 5,1637. S _M»r Q , I&37. J. L. WOODRUFF. B Y STEEDS, the Quart or Peck, for sale by W. HL CHIPMAN. Maiy 10th, 1837. 8tf BIS SOL UTMOJT. T^TOTICE is Hereby given that tho copartner. ±% ship heretofore existing between Ebenezer Hale and Albert G. Murray, under the firm of E. Hale &. Co. was dissolved by its'own limita- tion om tho 20th day of April 1837. EBENEZER HALE, A. O. MURRAY. Cana'daigua May 1, 1837. 7 Copartnership Notice. T HE undersigned, successors of the late firm of E. Hale & Co. have formed a Copartnership, and will continue busi- ness, at tho old stand, under the firm of E. Hale, 06 Co,. EBENEZER HALE, HARVEY STONE, WM. S. CLARK. (Jjanandaigna, 20th April 1837- 7 PASTRY, FRUITS, &c T [HE subscriber respectfully informs the la- dies of Canandaigua, and tho public that she bus opened a shop for &ONFECTIONA. RIES, PASTRY, FRUITS AND CAKES of all kinds, where she will be happy at all times to accommodate all person who may favor her with thoir custom. Families can also be accommodated with RUSKS fresh for Tea, and DRY RUSKS by the keg if required. " CAKES for parties, WED- DING CAKES and all kinds of pastry cook re- freshments, by applying at her shop one door south of Doct. Bristol's office. The Subscriber will also be happy to wait upon any who may wish to have cooking dsne for Dimner Parties or for private families. PHOEBE RAT. Canandaigua, May 3, J 837. 7tf (CONGRESS WATER. J CORSON has just received and will keep constant!/ for salo, CONGRESS WA. TERl, at his recess. Canandaigua, May 10,1837. 8tf I NDIGO, Cochineal, Madder and other Dyss, olf prime quality, for sale by 35tf J, B, HAYES, Hull Itheum *f* Ring Worm. B OCT. MOORE'S celebrated British Oint- tnsnt.for curing Salt Rhsum.Ring Worms, Fsvsr Boras, &e. foraalaby m M. CHIPMAN. 0thv <*• - 8tf f k: ' , " fc " 1 "" " I " fc "--T-;"; if T'Y : : ' r n u r MJmiliin-iiiii-iisnirmni•>jshi —- r n-y''r - '' jjiii MMMtmMitsh-LWftotts, 4- coungJcLLOMs 0J#*»fcAirik miQ* '•'... Flower Seeds* J UST received and for sale by W. M. Cinr MAS, 100 varieties of choice FLOWER SEEDS. Canandaigua, M«y 2, 1837. B ROOM TORN SEED.—25 bushels enperi or new Broom Corn, of tho long bush va riety, from Pennsylvania. For salo a t t h e Roch ester Seed store, by 3w4 REYNOLDS & BATEHAM. WOOD AND 'JmiBUR, FOR SALE AT A&L TIMES FPLY to JAMES half a mile West of Canandaigua, 1836. K. BENNETTi Fobes's Inn. Iy41 SATIN BE-AV1ER 11-ATS. 1 f| OOZ. LADIES 1 an I MISSES' HATS\, JL\W of superior quality, embracing a great variety of*splendid colon, f( r sale by tho doze or single. Nov. 30, 1836. BULL 37t|fl floury Pilclicr, nntiAts nnixncD, ^j\'D P1AXO FORTE nrJtrpQ, MAIN.fiTBEBT, CANANDAIGUA. RGANS and Piano Fortes tuned and re paired.—An elegant fine-tonod BARREL ORGAN for salo cboap. 41 tf O' r „•••,• ,,. ••—».-I..I.I.—J,,-. — .••«•——isn.sf—i,.!. ., TO ?TJH[J3 ^UJPJFJBlfcJ]?!<?r» T ANjGWORTOY'S CELEBRATED JU 9lh 9r JVIARI^—This wefjiqnf is highly approved of by the American Board of Health atfNew York, and might be attended" with certificates to the amount of rising one hundred, but the author has discontinued them to save the cost of printing. This medicine has not been in use but ttro years, and in that time has. effected more cures, than an? other othor medicine evsr given for the following diseases, viz : Rheuma- tism, St\f.Joints, Strains, Bruises, to be appli, ed oxlorniJly and bathed l>y tho fire. Consump- tion, Live, Diseases, Asthma, Coughs, Pains in the side and breast, Croup, <fc, to be given inter- nally, ten to twenty drops three times a day. The abbvo medicine is for sale by IV. M. CHIPMAN. May9t]j>, 1837. 8tf Canandaigua Academy. . T HE Summer Term of this School will bepin on Thursday, May 4th, under the same! instructors as heretofore. Board,, gl.50 per week. Tuitioh, 4.00 " quarter. Room Rent, 1.00 " " Washing;, 37J ** dozen. Tuitiort in the.Prirnary Department, will hereafter be g 3 per quarter. If the num- ber of pupils in this Department shall con- tinue Jul large as heretofore, additional in- struction will be supplied. The students furnish their own beds and bedding:, towels, &c. The rooms are sup- plied with bedsteads, chairs and tables. HENRY HOWE, Principal. Canandaigua, April 18,1837. » 5tf Groceries, Frnitt, At. J ' CORSON is now opening his Jrwh asKortment of Groceries, IVats, &c. at tiis Recesr. ct>mprising: HyRon, Y °' ,D J^ Hvaon, Hy<ioi» >kin; and Imperial l^as,— •Ja'va anil Green G$jfFee», Brow s n and" White Sugars, Pepper, Splice, dinger, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Nut*, Raisins, TFigs, Currants, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, &c. ALSO -. Camp Sauce, Pepper fiance, Mushroom Catsup, Lemon Syrop, Olives, Capers, and many other articles not here mentioned. JLra.<3te« aod Gentlemen will do %*-ell to give m A all bifoFg »u^haiiug almvhm. ° C»nand»i S oa, M a y 1 7 , 1 8 3 7 . 4w9 sJEL T ' HE Subscriber pontinues the Boot and Shoe busi- ness in all its branches, at his old stand in Canandaigua,' and solicits a. continuance of tbe public patronage. ^ i SAM'L H. -• Canandaigua, May 10, 1837. ANDREWS. f 3mos8 S HERIFF'S PROCLAMATION.—In obedience to a precept issued pursuant to law, and to me directed and delivered, a)l persona bound to- appear at the Court of Oyer Bnd Terminer and Jail Delivery., to be held at the Court House in the village of Capandaigua, in and for the county of On- tario, on the second Monday of June next, at 10 o'clock A. M* by cognizance or other- wise, are hereby notified to appear thereat; and all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, or other officers who havd taken any reepg- nizaneo for the appearance of any person al said Court, or who have taken any in- quisition or the examination of any person, or witness, are hereby required to return such recognizances, inquisitions and exam- inations to the said court at the opening thereof, on the first day of its sittings. Pa- ted May 17th. 1837. Kw9 J. GATILINGHOTJSE, Sheriff. \ B FLOURING MILL FOR SALE. T HE Flouring Mill erected 4 years since by J. Dixson in N^'est Richmond, Ontario Co. ia now offered for stile on reasonable terms. This Mill is BituatOt} iu ibe heart of a wheat growing oountrv.,20 m^tes south of Pittsford (on the Erie Canal) a n d in ion a never foiling stream of water. The Mdl has four run of Burr Stone driven b y t w o over-sh >{ wheels, with 20 feet head, and is one of tho bos built Mills in the Western Country. ALSO FOR SALE at the same place a SAW.MILL, A ICARD. ING # CLOTH DRESSING ESTABLISH MENT, A LARGE BUILDING for manufar. tunnjr purposes. A FURNACE, BLACK. SMITH'S SHOP and several DWELLING. HOUSES. Attached to the Mills are about 50 acres of choice Land. The shove property will be sold altogether or divided as may best suit purchasers. This is one of for tho Manufacture Country. Any please call on the Assignees of John Disxjon JJGARLINGHOUSE, Y A»- WHEEI.BR REED, > sign. AMOS DICKSON. S ees. Richmond, April 25th-, 1837. 6tf the most desirable situations of Fiour in the Wostoro qne wishing to purchase, will A GOOD BUGGY.&suhstantial IRON AXLETREE LUMBER WAGON, for sale low, and DO liberal credit, by Sept. 1,1836. 25 WM. ANTIS.JE. GENERAL and well selected assortment of Medicines, (Frujt, Paints f Dyo-Stuffs, Family Groceries, ccc. eco. just received by Nov. 15,1836. 35tf J. B. HAYES OIL S KERRITT'S and for sale by .manufacturer's pricei .—A new supply just ree'd the dozen or single bottle at : by J. B HAYES. 35tf THE CELEBRATED BLACK HORSE. CIiOCKFAST W ILL be kfpt the ensuing season at bis former stable in the Tillage of West Mehd6u, Monroe Co. and will be happy to ac- commodate ali who may want his services, for a rsnonabls compensation. The Sanson wilt end the tenth of July next. ABEjL MITCHEI.. WestMendan, May 1, 1837J N. B. The abova Hqrse is for salt oalf ceom. twodatlng terms. ... 4*7 DAVID f,, JOHNS, ATTORNEY # COUN&EI.LOR AT JLAW Y virtue of an execution issued out of'the Supremo Court of Judicature, in and for the State of Now York to me dirocted and deliv ered against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of James Farrant in my bailiwick, I havo seized and taken all the right title and in- terest of tho said James Farrant to the follow- ing piece or parcel of land, viz:—All that cer- tain tract or parcel of land situated in the said town of East Bloomfield, in township number ten. in the fourth range of townships, in Phelps and CJorham*s purchase, being part of Eli Lyons and David Lyons mill lot, so called, beginning five and a half rods south from the north east corner of tho mill lot, running thence a westerly direction ten rods and ten feet, being four rods from the north line of soid lot, and two rods and six feet from the west lino of the said lot, thence southerly about nine rods to the corner of the said lot, thence easterly thirteen rods 'on the line of the said lot thence northwardly seven and a half rods to the place of beginning, containing 2-3 ol an acre of land more or less,'-.being the same premises conveyed to the said Jamef Far- rant, by Frederick Boughton and Elizabeth his wife, by doed bearing date the oleventh day October 1828, and recorded in Liber 48 of deeds of Ontario county at folio 37, and beirlg the said Farrant's flouring mill establishment with the lands and tonemenlo appertaining thereto now in his possession—together with all and singular the rights, powers and privileges to use water up- on the said premises and control and conduct Wa- ter thereto,and toonjoy the useof the same whieh belong or appertain to tbe said parties of the first part or either of them or to the said premises, all of which I shall expose tor sale at publis Auc- tion on Saturday the 24th day of June next at 10 o'clock A. M. at Blossom's Hotel in the vil- lage ot Canandaigua.—-Dated this 10th day of Msy 1837 6w8 M. WHEELER.. Late Sheriff. Biirrall's Geitera Store. T HIS is an entirely new article, neat and' pjj&in in its style, without any in- ner plates, and with very simple furniture ; yet it comprises all the advantages of the latest and most approved Stoves. It has a large and convenient OVEN, with a re- volving rack, and an excellent COFFEE ROASTER: it boils, bakes, broils, and roasts, at the same time ; it broils without smoke; "it heats flat-irons at an open fire, and is converted into a Franklin, by a mo- ment's change :—it requires less fuel and! answers more purposes, with less labor, than aify other stove in use. , For sale by 49tf J. L. WOODRUFF. O* The following Testimonials to the worth of this Stove, are Submitted: Friend Woodruff—AhoT having used Burrall's Geneva Cooking Stove sufficiently, I can now say,-that st'answers my expectation. I believe it lo be preferable to the much famed Rotary. Thine, sincerely, . DANIEL A. ROBINSON. Farmington, Ulh mo. 30, 1836. To J. L. Woodruff; ~~ Dear Sir—After examining Burrall's Stove and Stanley's Rotary, 1 ] I purchased the former, and am satisfied that it is the best article of the kind now inuso. i Yours, &c. ! , ISAAC PARISH. Canandaigua, Feb. 1, lb"37. Having used Bufrall'ls Geneva Cooking Stove, I con recommend it jo the public, believing it to pos- sess advantages ov|er arty other. i BENJAMIN GAUS, Jr. Eaot Bloomfield, March 7,^1837. Many more testimonials can be seen at my store. i J. L. W. FOK S.1LL. T HE subscriber offers to sell bis .DWELLING HOUSE and LOT, on Gibson-street. Terms made known by applying at tho Canandaigua Bookstore. - Also, for salo eniap. a good second hand BUG- GY WAGON. C. MORSE. March 88,, 1837 J I ' Fall Assortment Complete. ADIES' BEAVERS and SATIN BBAVEJI& a{ the Grecian and Go/tag'e styles Lrimmed and untrjmmcd. AdSp » good aesorUnent of SenUamen's Fashionable Hats ind paps | and « ^r«f-r«tt* *»• SZZZL.o^X 1 *'** of BntfcbRob*»,lN~ ^XFmttMSSlsB} common Buffalo Rons*; r* ':' '":, f ; T jr. 6. CHESSGBRO.- Wissou's Books. T HE following recommdations of these School Books, from' highly valued sources, ha^ve recently been received : Troy Female Seminary, MarelQA, 1837. Having examined, and for thetwp past terms used, Wfllson's Practical and Theoretical Arithme- tic in classes, I recommend it, as deserving a high standing a&ipng books of education. 1 have found it, as a guide'and assistant to teachers, towork well in practice -, Both they and the learners being better pleased with it as a work to succeed Golburn's First Lessons, than any other among several whieh we hav^ used.' It is ngta patch-work, made up of other men's labors, but it is a consistent piece, the pro- duct of an original and- comprehensive mind; judg- ing wjih remarkable accuracy of what the young in a certain state of their progress in a mathematical course, can-, and what they cannot comprehend; thus wasting no efforts in useless endeavors to explain what/after all, must be unintelligible'';, and using ef- fectual means by apt words and plain: drawings, "to give clear ideas where explanatioiJsaiii*e £iven. I have also examined and used ns a.,reatl'ng boph for classes, Mr. Willson's AMERICAN CLASS-READ- ER, and consider it an excellent school book, and well adapted to its object. EMMA W1LLARD, Principal Extract from a noiico of Willson's Arithmetic, •in the.-FRANKLIN (Mass.)'MJER.CURV, furnished by the Rev. Henry Jones, A. M. Principal of tbe Greenfield (Mass.) High School for Young Ladies. " It has been felt t o b e a great defect in Colburn, that be has no rules; and others who have followed him have endeavored to supply this defect. Taking all the advantage of his I analysis, and adoptinghis shorter methods, they have given to these methods the form of clear and concise rules, and thus com- pleted the work he left but hall accomplished. Stil] they have for the most part encumbered their works with too many inductive examples, forgetting that, in mathematics, one clear case is better than more, and they have 'multiplied points' and explanations of points, running into endless minutiaa, till they have left the clearest of sciences a perfect mace. "Mr, Willson has taken a wiser course. His rules describe the shortest methods in tbe clearest lan- guage. His explanations are at once brief, com- prehensive and conclusive. He has a wonderful skill in making the scholar possessed of the few fundamental principles of the science, and in show- ing their application in more complicated processes. As an instance of the direct and happy manner, in which he leads the scholar to comprehend a diffi- cult subject, I would mention what he terms the ' Comparison of Numbers.' If you would find^wbat part one number is of another, write it over that other in the form of a vulgar fraction. Thus: what part of 9 ia 2. Ans. 2-9. Thja relation of numbers, he observes, may he ap- plied, in the resolution of problems. Thus: If 6 men- cut 9 cords of wood in a day, how many can 2 men J is 2-6 of C; therefore 2-G of 9, or 3 cords < ' is the answer. ' By this comparison of numbers, he then remarks, we learn their RATIO. And the scholar finds him- self possessed of this difficult matter, before he is aware of it. The Rule of Three, and the whole sub- ject ot Proportion, simple and compound, is put in sunlight by this little device. There is no one who will not be struck with the simplicity and original- ity of this method. The same spirit of simplicity and directness prevails throughout the work. Another advantage secured by the above method is, that t}ie scholar is from the first, led to the prac- tice of cancelling equal factors in corresponding terms. Indeed this piinciple is applied, wherever it is applicable in the whole work, and often with great ingenuity. Another peculiarity of the book is, that Menssra- tiotvis carried much further than usual. Thjeauthor confines himself principally to opera- tlonson the slate. The work presupposes in the pupil a famiharitv with Colburn's First Lessons, than which, fdr mental arithmetic, nothing can be better, and which no one can wish to see snperse- ded. Mr. Willson has long been distinguished ss a suc- cessful teacher, particularly in this branch, of sci- ence': he brings to his subject the light of experience as well as of theory. His Arithmetic is confidently recommended to the attention of Teachers and of School Committees. Greenfield. 1st Mafch, 1837. NEW YORK WEEKLY MESSENGER. - OFFICE 100 NASSAU ST. N. Y. Anawwt, to pxaxxmU, tova to God and good , will to man, the iVrto York Weekly Messenger has been established on the broad ground ot Chrjstian charity. It claims allegiance for every good word and work—yet cannot recog-. nize those lines of party distinction which di- vide the great mass of the religious community into sects and parties. This indifference to sec tarian prejudice is founded «n the^belief that the discrepancy between the various denomina- tions of Christians, who lake the Bible, without addition, diminution, or distortion, as the stand- ard of their faith,.is more apparent than real.— Pledged to no single parly, tho MESSENGER holds itself in readiness to do 4-he worthy bidding of all; to rejoice with those that rejoice, and sym- pathize with those that mourn. But in every thing admitted to its columns, the highest re- gard will be had to the purity snd force of the moral impressions intended lo be left on the mind of the reader. Religion, virtue, morals, }it. erature, science ond philanthropy, may claim an interest in tho fulfilment of.the editorial pledges of tho New York Weekly Messenger. TERMS—Two Dollars and Fifty Cents a year, payable in advance. As two dollars and fifty cents is an inconve- nient sum to remit by mail, subscribers in the Country, tor rAree dollars remitted in advance, will be credited one year and one fifth, or by re- mitting fine dollars will be credited for two years. Any person who will procure tour subscribers, and remit the amount of their united subscrip- tion ($10) to the publisher shall be entitled to receive the MessengerWone year gratuitously. A liberal diicount-made to agents who become responsible. All subscribers who do not give express notfeeao the contrary, will be considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions, and the paper will be sent to {.hem accordingly. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the discretion of the proprietor. Rrates of Advertising.—For 16 lines, equal to one square in the daily papers, first insertion 75 cents : each repetition of do. oO cents. jP*or 8 linos or less, first Insertion 50 cents; each repe- tition of do. 38 cents. Payment for advertise, ments to be made in advance. 5 tr» To Xtwnm Tmantair^T^ BdpMi «f "The DeUvxrnfn? puMi^ed at 'VVi1fijj|nt;too. Delftwweipnj-pOsentophiwfr * JH5W»fAER •DTRECI'OltY, |and. therefore, asfceaaa *dfavx«v State* -wvtff 4iab.wp.r6 fete, byroaji <j8*«op^o£!flffiMr paper. % httejnd* tetmnpifyfe' W- '&***?* giving their doiittes, &e. f*or this faver,«seb«d- itorpepdjng;bisbap0rirbaOfeee|yeoiie copy oT the .Directory «fi soon as made ready, , fM ad- vantages of a she<st of tin* kind *p pil»?i«faer«, must be appaierjttpalt , " ffj" Editor)) win please copy tfi* xho-ro pijc» or twjee, in e ivtyr U give it elr68!jition. feb. 1 i •The only JEfitifin- fntSfashedjin Zifambir* U* ittmhfMaU. •„.'•. Six JYim be]r» now rea«b[j%f iltlpserxf* I NDUCED! i y the ex»aojtdipstr|r. jsn,i». M hvs beautiful edition of Maxxjf'sfflfa;.HoyeTf, tbe Publisher of pose works didrojti theJlsidl^ 0* July, commence in the same, ftoTliess style, »n "edition of the| celebrated BUtWEK 3 # F t o , comprising Relbam, Devereax. Disowwejd, Eu- gene Ararfl, Rieozi, Paul Cllfjord/fcjisjt P a y s of Pompeii, flalkldnd. Pilgrims eJjEpe^Jfcbine-~roa- king a uniform edition of uearfy fifteen Zmnfatik" pages—four hundred more lban3fej*yait» TJbey are published iip serni e mostfa^-int*mbersj^eaeb^>3f which contains! one complete ^ork, With title- page and cover* The whole-series- wilfcbe^com- pleted in eight numbers, and wJJllSe furnished to subscribers at ;he extraordinary lew-price -of three dollar* and fifty cents, payable^n ajdyapee. They will be st.nt by mail carefully packed,, to- any part of the United States «r^Cajna<fa, " *' Three eomphte *ete- may be badVfbrTieri Dol- lars, payable in advance, by directing orders to thftt effect, enel wing-the cash, postage .paid. "Office of JRepobficatroB of Poptijar Novelist.'* NOTICE—'The publication»f;jtir# above, w*» commenced in July. - , / . In January next, another republication of some celebrated modern Novelist whTJalce plAee^either James, Cooper.i Irving, or eoroe--o*faBx *ofr:ee,aBiI repute. It isiditerniifled by jt'be"-present Fahlish. er, that tho Am!errean' Public shall famished with the most beautiful, and a? the same tima cheap, edition olf modern 2SToveli»ts extact. _ . JD" A few conies of Marryatt are yet for sale at Three Dollars. L,. A~ &&&EY, 6tf ! Publjsher,,P6aadelphia. D.' **r -w»! ONTARIO HA1B-B8ESSJNG ROOM. H. RAY begs leave respectfully to inform the people of Canandaifrua, that he taken .the old stand of J. Adams, opposite the! Canandaigua Bookstore, whore ho will' be found ever ready to wait upon alt who may favor him with their custom. . From bis long experience In Sbayinf and Hair Dressing, be assures the pub- lie that lie has the o6iftry_and tbe will to give, satisfaction to all who m» j require hii .sriioes, Particular attention will be paid to cutting and dressing^LADIES' HAIR* Gentlemen's hair' willb^fifiiiea *M curled, *t all-times. . \ •'" *' '' f*~ ' *" ; ' Ha will keep constantly on hand en assortment of PERFUMERY, and bthar articles such as Cologne Water, Lavender Water* Honey Water, Ate. Bear'* Oil* Macassar Oil, Antique OH and PowpiaWj T«oth and *T«M BrsHbes, Ivoiy Coasts and Hair Brush.*. Alao aA. i a».ortm*nt «f lasiiienaWe Stock* a»«l Coltairt,' 4 . C^aaAdstr.s, Afril »6th, 1MT. LADIES coM?&m<m;: W ITERARY ENimsi^0mi^.Mtom M-A more especially to theHvfefesi '»'f'tS4••-Xa*- dies ! TERMS—i-Three Bollars-aryear. The Ladies' Companion,* roo*»tbly*perfddieaJ,' commenced on the broad groondrx>f difibsmg general information, far and wrde—at a price, " which is within the reach of alj^lasse* ot the community. The plan hassucceeded beyond the most sanguine anticipations of-tbe proprietor. Tbe first number was issued to the public, with only seventeen names of sBbscrmers, atHM&tftis day it boasts ot a circulation nearly double that of any monthly Magazine in America % and is riaily increasing;, at an average of ^wenty^BbeCri- bers. In the pages of tbe Ladies' 'Coiiipairiioii, every class of readers will find tlia>wb*iCh will tend to their enjoyment; tales, of ^very-nature, pathetic and humorous; ehoice essay esnd'ffketch- os by tbe best writers of the day ; literary and scientific intelligence; copious extracts from American and (English Annuals-; ttneteres on the drama and fine arts; notices Of all'Jpfis'ttew . publications as :hey issue from the pje**; t*ans- lations from tho French, Sp*m&r&xeekj. Ger- man, Italian and Hebrewlafll^uages^ ojfigSrral and selected pojtry ; opgifyal^mpsiv and- engrav- ings, with fine 1 woofftcuts and ^mtterns^f iSn>- broidery of evejry description, independent of a& immense variety of miscellaneous sriieif s^n «y. ery subject of the least interest t o t h e most e&stt- ; al reader, embracing^ passing events j biography ical sketches of noted individuals-; discoveries in the arts and Bcrcnces, &c. &c. &c.j"a;ccQUiSf ot colleges and A.meriean btstltntions J : afee'icijeia! from scenery of o n r o w n coaqlry ?rpoofictaseein bles, painting, popular lectures.speafeeraicridau thors ; view,of olden times of the eiigr of ! Goth- am; Brondwav Analyzed; comments oh'Goed' Society, & e . & c . & c . Emblished nrontlilY Witl» a splendid Steel Engraving j. popular rotisje*^ original pr sejieeted ; and em broidery ->f or.stlift working of lacje patterns, In abort nothing re- quired to insure interest, amastmefitj-orathejim- provement of the mind in tbe pages of the pa*- dies' Companion, will be -wanting o n t h e part of the proprietor, and it will be-^ * " wiifi sweetest flo , wersJ!nrich''di From various gardens cutf d with care," Articles from the pens of the first authors in either Europeior America have ^appeared inibe pages of Abe Ladies' Compa»ton,"crarin|r the^wo last volumes without reference tojespense ; soch OS j ' Mrs. S. ,C. nkll, Sheridan KnbwIes,,R. ^Shetton McKetizie, Robert Hamilton, Airs., -Crawford, Miss L. E. London, the aothor-of'** MariatrrCof. fin," Mrs. Abdy, G. P. R. James, John Neal, Miss Ann Sargeant, Miss Allison, Edvv;ard Ula- turin, John J.. Adams, Hetiry Coleman, ,L»-F* Warren, Dr. If. A. Worrall, gapwrel J. Bur*, J. D. Germon, Mrs. S. J. Hale, James M,r Yai^ .Jo- nas B. PhillipsJ Isaac C. Pray, Hastings, W*!d, Miss A. D. Wo|odbridge, Mrs, Emma C. Embury^ F. Saunders, Ji G. Perciva), W. D- Thomsons J.-s McJilton. W. G. Simms, Professor Ingrablam, and hundred others, too nunferous %o name, which stamps it the cheapest andmoat diyersiSed periodical issued in America, , - - ,'.-• Npgociations have been commenced with *t» additionsl number of popular writers, for origin- al contribution's tor tbe ensuing-year, among them are E. L.jBuhver, Miss Leslie, J. G, Perei val. R . S . McKJen^ie, Mrs. E - F . Eljett,' Miss,l» H. Medina. Leigh-' Hunt. Jblfn Neal,, Sargent Talfourd, Mrs. Jarpit-son, G.lP. R. Jamesft^ren-• villa Wellen, Professor 0 Ingrabaim, Mrsl'L. H. Sigournhy, Mrs. A'nn S. Stevens, W.&i Simms, Capt. MarryattJ Sheridan Knowles, Mt*»L. E. I^andon, Mrs. tijilirian, rfon. Mrs. Norton!, Lady Blessington, E/Burke Fisher, Edgar -Al Pae, Miss II. F.G"o!ld, N. C. Brook*, A. M, IsaacjC. Pray; jr. H. Hayings WeldTB. W. Thalcfier.SlM, Cbilds, in conjunction with those wbo have here- tofore favored tjhe Ladies' Companion with orig- inal contributions. t ^ It has ever b^cn the aim of the proprietor>t& inculcate and piromote the cause of moralitjC Jt' cannot be .denied that tbe* periodical'p.lteisi"'ftJ^r- cise a decided influence' upon the moral and in- tellectual character j and where tTipt prJe|iB:is|in«- traihmelled by .mercenary • censideratlo-nf: or vicious principles, its effect must be eleyMh^^ia5nd refining to a community/Hfee thalt of Maierica. With these vietvs, every thing operating irgtirt. ousJy to morals or religion ba^'?beib'*td|lip^|'|y avoided and not allowed a place in*be|it*g$*fe(J!j for, we-hold those men as traftdrs lo*tljeir.;c1fSift* try, who would seek to-destroy thepnr«>do(^ri#i of virtue and roligion, either'by Open pp$>i*|^bi*. or secret intrijfup In sustaining the iliiefjity character of tlib Ladies' Companion, the propri- etor will not confine himself to the mere task of pleasing, without imparting vigor to tha mind; but will endeavor to present both} that--wtrtch. w v i}! be attractive tosupfrficiaHeaderet at well at that whtch will furui*b spbjects for reflection to the student. N,o work in America presents U* subscriber* with such a melenj"* vt Invaluable reading aa tho Ladies' Campanion,fotit«extf«me. ly low price (thlree dollars a year ;) ano* fetter*are continually being received from Europa,. inqmr- ing hoi\»it is possible for a periodical to be issued at such a small rate, wbich pr >JM» tt« undeniable, claims to the alippori of tbe American people, particularly theft) of the State of JTeVr iSiorkmnd adjacent ones, j _ - It is nnt generally a00wnjtMh».piio]iis IhtA each number of'the La<3ies> C o m p a n i o n contain*" woTe reading'than wij othep WajwSneln Am«N ! a n d i t s subscription price U IIM ittXlftrt l*ti* % ^ ~ -f ~^%i s <i \ - *• •>« A,= #-> than those tsswad n New Twk. A amgl* page contai,ns mor» vhaif two page* of too other Maf. azmot, and some of them thro*. ^ , . The term*Tir« tbrey dolkt*. a year, pay able tit j advance, ar«d no sftlwun^tinn taken'for 1««* ib* n | o«se v year„ I t i s published wn t h * l ^th olwisehf inn.ith, Hitched. \n»colored w o t e*d forwardwll t* »ttbseno*r*o«nt oi th* CUTV 4h* MKtaf* mail*? rtronf ly mHtejiA i n d o l e wrappers to *nwm ftietio* «»f x w M , W, UiOffDW, J i i C

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about to pro-J-vyjtlr tbe-vfeyr Ipnncjpaleitjei favor* tonus*

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* » , ' •

124,507.52 e , sss .3 i

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160.40 15.64

207,61 35.00

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JBTelp o n e Jln*ihA&'*$?

T**NOlI«A*laA DTINGSTOK^MtTTWIji} I ire totarfcx C o j c r a i r r 1 * O m c a e - ^ - . J

• Wtitllowni!eNtN«y$K9&, ' T H E Ifo»rd o f Directors of thi*©bmpa-

uf irjDfcit to its tnemneri the foflwrtojt Aft-uSil Report and statement of its affairs: '3rfiey commenced inuinc Policies on the

:lfe«jnd Wednesday of May m the year 1836. T&BMEVnPptit ftii tn«r« have fcten i»-

a n e d l ^ l P e l i c t e a .

Amount of property inmred §l»5!f»?!i,!f A m o u n t o # prc ia ' jum n o t e s . Tier* h«i«fcfaeen parrenderod do.

T i n f *t»« P * « * ? « » r > P o l i c i e * w r . ;

•ring proptrty btuied to A m o u n t o f p r e m l o r o n o t e » t i « r * o n » Leaving now Inauttd* A m o u n t o f p r e m i u m n o t e . n o » m

force* 123,926.52

BJWIMIM. NOTHING. In«ia«p:tal ^p«in«M» ? 1,0.22.37 ijedactcd from th» 5 por cent.,

on hand iud da« learei a bal. anco to pay loaaea of 5,206.9*

'• ttcidantal«kpadtea ware as follow. : For Books, Stationary and Printing, «203.75 »* Label*, " Poetago,

PreBident & Director*, Traatnrer' ^ Seoritary pr.To.^of Directors, . Paid 4g«nta and other expinaes,

S o exertions ha*e been made to extend the operations of the Company into distant counties, and most of the property insured is situate in the counties' of Ontario and Livlnigstori. And it is submitted that the Members of a Company founded on recip­rocal, aid and mutual assistance may well congratulate each other on their present prosperous condition.

J O H N DICKSON, Secretary.

OFFICERS JFOR THE ENSUING TEAR. A . A. BfiirarETT, President. JE. B, H i l t L , Vice President. J O H I T D I C K S O S , Secretary.

HJLAKD B. HAI.L, Treasurer. ' / . r DIRECTORS. Augustus A. Bennett, Asahel Warner, H e n r y Grant, Erastus Clark, " OKver P h e l p s , Canaiidaigua. Benjamin C. Cook, Dantville Village. Will iarn T . Cayler, Moscow. Enoch A. Hall, West Bloomfield. Adonijah H- Fairchild,

* TteTnold Peck, Will iam Pilisbury, Elisha Eggleston, " Charles Webb.

Travelling Agent* $ Surveyors. Xewis Griffin, West Bloomfield. Isaac W . Philips. "

Local Agents Sf Surveyors. J a m e s Si lsbee , jfvoca, Steuben County.


ed i t ion) -I

Clerk '-i i iwiaUnt, R^WiiNlOrd«rs <j>f the Supreme Court

of Ne*"Ttotlk. adopted at the January Term, I S S T T - J M * rec^iTed and for sale at the Can-aodaigua Bookstore, by C. MORSE.

M»yJ837. 10


Mojses'VanCampen, Edgar 6arhp, Comfort Hamilton, Amos Dann, Malacca Loveland, Angus Cameron, Isaac Halstead, Seth M. Gates, C. Dickinson, Edwin Hendee, Asa Chapin,

Manena Stone, '

John Lapham, Harmon,

Dansville Village. , Mount Morris

Genesseo. Avon.


Caledonia. Leicester.

LeHoy. Rush.

West'Bloomfield. <<


Faminglon. _ . Manchester Centre.

Other Agents and Surveyors will from '.Tlfinfe- to t ime be appointed to' accommodate

%e public and promote the interests of the 'C&nipany. * C-THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW.


A a * . I.—DRAKE'S INDUN HISTORY.—Biography'and H i s t o r y o f t h e I n d i a n s o f N o r t h A m e r i c a , f r o m i t s

:% First Discovery to the Present Tims, with an Ac-c o u n t of thieir A n t i q u i r i e e , M a n n e r s a n d C u s t o m s , Religion aijjd Laws. By SAMUEL G. DRAKE. .

II.—AM.EKIC4N FOREST TREES.—Sy!va Americana; or a Description of the Forest Trees indigenous to the United Slates, Practically and Botanically c o n s i d e r e d ^ I l l u s t r a t e d b y m o r e than One* H u n -dread Engrkvinge. By Daniel J. Browne.

III^-JtfoDKKjp F K E X C H P O E T R Y . — 1. C E u v e r e s C o m ­p l e t e s d e C | D E L A V I G N E . *

' 2 . C h a n s o n s d e B E R A N G E R -

3 . CEuvresld'ALPHONSE D E L A M A R T I N I .

4. Hartnon[e9 Poetiqueset Religieusea, par A. DK LAM,ARtlSE.

IV.—LABORI^'S JOURNEY IN ARABIA PSTRAEA.— 1. Voyageide TArabie Petree par MM. Leon de Labordfe et-Linant. 2. Journey jthrough Arabia Patrcea, to Mount Si­nai and tbej excavated City of Pctro, the Edoro of Propheciesj. By M. LEON DE LABORDE.

. V. WRITINGS OP BOLWER—Tbe Duchess de la Val-liere. A Play. In Five, Acts. By the Author of " Eugene Aram," &c-

TI. POUSSIN; ON AMERICAN RAH.-ROADS.—Chemins de Fer Americains; Historique de leur Construc­tion; Prif de Revient et Produit; Mode d'Ad­ministration adopte; Resume de la Legislation qui lea regh- Par GUILLAUMK-TELL POUSSIN.

VII. T H E GREAT METROPOLIS.—The Great Metrop­o l i s . By the Author of "Random Recollections of he Lords and Commons."


IX MASSACHUSETTS COMMON SCHOOLS.—1. Ab-Bfract of M a s s a c h u s e t t s S c h o o l R e t u r n s , for

1836 Prepared for the Use of the Legislature.— By JOHN P. BISELOW, Secretary of the Common­wealth.

2 . History of Massachusetts, for two hundred years, from 1620 to 1820. By ALDEN BRADFORD, an Orig­inal Member of the Massachusetts Historical So-cieiy, and Honorary Member of the Historical Society of. New York.

X CRITICAL NOTICES.—1. Plymouth Charter and Laws. „

. SL Song of the Bell. 3.,Columbian Bard.

^ 4. Whittier's Mogg Megone. 5. Peirce's Natural Philosophy. 6.-Goddard'ft Address. ?. i o e i e Say's Political Economy. 8. Woalaey'e Greek Tragedies. •& Address on Education. lo. Guida dell' Educatore. !1 Edwards's Discourse.


C, MORSE, Age7tf,Canandaigna Book Store.


J N MORSE has Wt received his spring ^kSm s u p p l y o f B O O K S a n d S T A T I O N -

KUY ; among which are the following : D a v i s ' s L i f e o t A a r o n ^ o r r ,

bockhart'i Lift of Sir Walter Scott, part lit, A s t o r i a , b y W a s h i n g t o n I r v i n g , Memoirs of Hannah Mbre, Miscellaneous Works of do. T h e P o o r K i c h Mori, and R i c h F O O T M a n , WayJand'a Moral Science; do. Political Economy, Wraxall'e Historical Memoirs, Gleanings in Europe, by Cooper, Great. Metropolis, by the author of the House of

Commons, <S c. Prior's Life of Goldsmith, Sprague's Contrast between True and False Re­

ligion, Cause and Cure of Infidelity, Chapman's Sermons to Presbyterians, The Young Di.cip! e, by Rev. J. A, Clark, Walk about Zion, by do.

, Gathered Fragments, by do. Guide to Church Fellowship, byRev.T.S.Brittan, Colton, on the Religidus State of the Country, Protestant Jesuitism, ' Mellichnmpe, s Legend of tho Sahteo, by the au­

thor of " Guy Rivers," &c. Sheppnrd Lee, a Novel, Falkner, a Novel, by Mrs. Shelly. The Economy of Health, by J. Johnson, M, D. 0

History of China, by J. F. JJavic, Jack Brag, by Boz, Nick of the Wood*, a Tale of Kentucky, Three Experiments of LiYing; Sequel to do. Combe on the Constitution of Man, Awen'a British Poets, Robinson's Caliret; do. Btbio Dictionary, ; S p r a g u e ' s L e t t e r s t o a D a u g h t e r . Sigoumey's Letters to Young Ladies, (Harpers'

edition,) . The Doctor ; One in a Thousand, & c Sec.

Also, new supplies of the following: B u c k l a n d ' 8 G e o l o g y apd M i n e r a l o g y ,

De La Beche's Geology, by Hitchcock, . C o m s t o c k ' s d o .

do. Mineralogy; do Philosophy; do.Chemistry, E l e m e n t s o f N a t . P h i l o s o p h y , b y L . D . G a l « , M . D . Day's Algebra; Colhurn's do. Legendre's Geometry, S m e l l i e ' s , P h i l o s o p h y , Wilkin's Astronomy,

'Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, Preston's Book-keeping, Webster's 8vo. Dictionary, Wonostrocht's French Grammar, Cubi's Spanish do. Flint's Surveying!, Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, Cooper's Virgil; Newman's Rhetoric, Parley's Geography, Hale's United States, Child's Guide. &c. &c.

May 22,1837. lOtf

Grain Cradle factory•

TH E subscriber has removed to the lower part of the village, and taken tho shop

formerly owned by Enoch Nobles, where he i* manufacturing and keeps for sale

G R A I N C R A D L E S . He hat furnished himself with tho second growth of ash timber; well seasoned—its equal cannot b« produced in the county. Gontlomcn Farmers, you can he accommodated with the first rate Cradles, which for ease and utility of work, are unsurpassed. His experience in Ihe business fully warrant him in saying that histwork cannot be surpassed at any othor factory. Gentlemen Farmers, bring in your cradles for repairs in sea­son, and not wait till yon wan't to use them.

WAGONS made and repaired as usual. GILBERT SCHELLINGER.

Canandaigua, May 27, 1837. *3wl0 BY virtue of an execution issued out of the

C l e r k ' s o f f ice o f t h e c o u n t y o f O n t a r i o , t o

me directed and delivered against the goods and chatties, lands and'tenements of Amaaa S. Tifft, I have seized and taken all tho right, title and interest of the said Tifft, iri1 and to the follow­ing pieces of Land, viz : part of lot number 12, in the ninth range of lots, in the township of N a p l e s i n s a i d c o u n t y — b o u n d e d o n t h e e a s t by land owned by Jerry W. Peirce, on the south by l a n d l a t e l y o w n e d b y W i l l i a m K i b b e , a n d o n t h e west and north by the original lines of said lot, s u p p o s e d t o c o n t a i n t e n a c r e s o f l a n d . A l s o a part of lot number 12, in tho tenth range of lots in said township, bounded as follows, viz : be­ginning at a stake and stones on the east side of the highway which was run across said lot, run­ning southerly seventy two degrees east, eighty f o u r r o d s t o t h e e a s t l i n e o f s a i d l o t , t h e n c e northerly on tbe east line of said lot

i r o d s s e v e n t e e n l i n k s t o t h e n o r t h e a s t c o r n e r o f said lot, thence west on the north lino of said lot forty four rods to the highway aforesaid, thence southerly on the line of said highway to the place of beginning, containing' twenty five acres one rood and twenty-seven porches, more or le*s— which I shall shall sell at public vendue on the 8th day or.Juty next ar. Z o'eloc* V. M. at the public house of Alanson V. atkins in the village of Naples.—Dated May 22, 1§37.

J. GARLINGHOUSE, Sheriff. M. H. CLARK, Deputy Sheriff. 6wl0

More New Goods* TH E subscriber has just received from

New York, a fresh assortment of Fan­cy Articles, Jewelry, Perfumery, &c. and now offers them for sale at his recess— among which.are the following articles,viz :,

Fancy Work Boxes, Purses, Pocket; Books, elegant Pin Cushions, highly scent­ed Soaps, Broaches, Beit Clasps, Rings, Ear Drops, Toys of all kinds, and a great variety of articles too numerous to mention particularly.

Ladies and gentlemen may depend on finding as great and good a variety as can be found in the place. J. CORSON.

Canandaigua, May 17,1837. 4w9

? *S .llusic tor the M>h

ano-fortc. A^iarge fupply of P I A N O F O R T E MC-

$ 1 0 ; also Cramer's and Hunton's Instruc­tion Books, and Burrows' Pianoforte Eftm-«r, just received and for sale at the Canan» jdajgua Bookstore, C. M O R S E ,

, -\ May- 24, J1837. lOtf


OiLET, and SHAVING SOAP, a article also Cologne "gaiter,

ii, Perfumed Bags , Hair, Nail and rushes, Feather Fans ( « new 4Hi-

Balls, Snuff Boxes, &e. &c|. in ', just received by ,

. J . B . H A Y E S .

S R j '43S.

t ' ' " 1 ' •

OUT. v W,


nwm Q O O D S . - j f A B A T E S hast tlur^bMMfet* o f a n n o u n c i n g

. *l** « t rtotipt of his fr»*iN,pi, 0f Goods, , ewBe^s iW^geod assortment o f

Jmti Fruits, fyc, *e, *rMa*i %* w|ll Whippy to sell cheap jf«r ea.h o r

" l i l w i t credit. >• MayU, 1837. I p f

ONTARIO B A N K , Canandaigua, 12//» May, 1887.

T^yOTICE is hereby given, that tho Annual -L% -Election of Directors for the Ontario Bank and for Inspectors of the next election, will bo held at the Banking Houio in this village, on tho third Monday of June noxt, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

By order of the President and Directors. H. B.GIBSON,Cashier.

9w9 .

Safety F u n d B a n k Notes . f BitfliE subscriber is receiving a great Ysriety JL of new and fashionable SILKS, MUS­

LINS, FRENCH & AMERICAN PRINTS, and all sorts of nice G O O D S , which he wishes to exchange for the notes of tbe SAFE. TY FUND BANKS in this state.

The Goods will bs sold Cheap for CASH— the Specie is not wanted except for change.

J. A. GRANGER. , Canandaigaa, May 15,1837. , 6w9

H E W G O O D S , at Reduced Prices. i

TH* subscriber is now receiving a choice as-•ortmwrto|.|iirand seasonable GOODS!

which he offer* for s i i | . io h*» friends and custo­mers Very loW-callands*e |&r yourselves.

« A , ^ * f . - A N T I S , jr. Camm^ugpa, W*J MS37* , 8tf

StocK Blndlnfj. "JBB Rubscriiber has <p han'^ •IjoT^n*

teutii to keep the tliove tHlcl* «*• tantly for sale,'

SAMUEL K. ANDttEWS. Canandaigua, flfcy 10,1^37,

mm MSTABLISHME» T, J*Vt» Goods * JVm Prim.

T and

das-ISfR subscribers ars now reqeivin(r

o p e n i n g a n e x t e n s i v e a n d w e l l s c l e c sortment of j

, JD>RY G O O D S , G R O C E R I E S ,

ilaYthvate, sNails, &e. entirely niw/ recently purohasod in Now York at Auction, and at the most reduced prices ; by w h i c h i t h e y » r o e n a b l e d t o of fer t h e m for C A S H

at fan lower rates, than can bo obtained else. wbera i . I n are lect tng t h e i r G o o d s t b o y h a v e p a i d

partlealar attention to BROADCLOTHS ftnd CA.SSISZERES. a n d t h o s e w i s h i n g t o p u r c h a s e ,

will fund their stock much belter and more com. plete, t h a n h a s e v e r b e e n o f f ered i n t h i s v i c i n i t y .

Thflj would invite particular attention to an e x t e n s i v e a s s o r t m e n t o f ,

L A D I E S ' S T R A W H A T S , t o g e t h e r w i t h e h o i c e H o t T u t n n i i n g s . A f e w


splendid patterns and fast colors. A complete assortment of


BAR»D CAMBRICS. Ladlies' Hosskin, Kid, Silk, Thread, Lace,

and long Tissue GLOVES. A capital stock of

DOMESTIC GOODS. of evairy description ; also, four cases of

!P & !? IS 3 t & & S r & ! X S r < B 8 B

from S15 to 75 cts.—a splendid article. Tbei subscribers feel the utmost confidence in

saying;, that their stock of mornhandiio U such as cannot fail to pleaso, and thoy pledge them, solves to do every thing on their part, especially as to prices and attention to customers, that can merit n liboral share of public patronage.

E. HALE & Co.


Canohdoigua.May 3,1837. 7lf

N O T I C E .

TH E partnership heretofore subsist ing 'between the subscribers under tbe firm

ofT . U. BRAD BURY &. Co. isdis.olved by mu­tual consent. All persons indobted to., tho sad firm, are requested to make payment to Thomas C. Bradbury and Orson'A. Branch, who aro au. thorited to collect tho same.


Camandaigna, May 6, 1837. 8tf

T i

N O T I C E . H E CARRIAGE MAKING busi­ness, in all its branches, will he con­

tinued! by tbe subscribers, under the firm of BRAD­BURY Si. BRANCH, at the old stand of T. U. Brad­bury & Co. BRADBURY $ BRANCH. •

cCaniandaigoa, May 6, 1837. 8lf

JVEW GOODS. TH E subscriber ia n o w rece iv ing at his

old stand, opposite to the Franklin con-House, a large assortment of New Goods,

silting of

"Paints, Oils, T)^c TNOOAS, AY e--stwi*fe, ¥amV\y and Tatcnt aM-fciViciufcSjTmUajc

iwsits, &c, whichi he offers for Cash or on short credit, al­low, or lower than at any other establishment in the County. Those wishing to purchase would do wall to call and examino his stock and his prices . . H i s m o t t o im~—a quick ei&pmce is better

than tii slow shilling, 8. S, LAMPMAN. C a n a n d a i g u a ^ J U a y 1 7 , 1 8 3 7 . 9 t f

Ikl A

Ladies* Shoes* •W ABJCEf* . f l N K S H O E S of superior ftyte

ud quality, just rteeivtd airf fer itla bv



I AM just receiving idy spring supply of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLE.

RY, fyc. &.C. A choice assortment of *

Knivigs Sf Fortcsj Razor*) Scissorsf Shears,

Sheep-shears, Ǥ-c,

Also, House-keeping Hardware, agoodsupply of

IYOII, Steel, >Tai\s, BauA-Iron, Hoop-lxoi., -Vail

Hoas, Wagon, l?i\»e. lSox .es , A x l e

A Y I U S , * S l e d g e s , H a m m e r s , V i ­

s e s , A n v i l s , fyc. fyc,

for C a s h , o r a p p r o v e d C r e d t t a t s i x m o n t h s


TH E Subscribers have just rtcoivod and now offer for sale an extensive and splendid as­

sortment of !

IFaney & S t a p l e l l i r s G o o d s , which have been recently purchased Jin New Y o r k f o r c a s h , a n d a t p r i c e s w h i c h e n a b l e t b e t n to soil lower than tho same kind of goefds have^ e v e r b e e n s o l d i n t b l s T J c i n i t y . T h e y f e e l a c o n .

iluinco in laying tbtt their uioftment will bonr i n s p e c t i o n , n o t o n l y a s t o prices* b u t alaro AM t o

quality, Their pronnt nooK comliti of; ilio iol. l o w i n g a r t i c l e s :

Broadcloths, Cassimercs, Sat­inets, Sil/i8, plain, striped, figured, and plaid, a nefjo

and splendid article of Satin striped Shalhj7

plain do., Merino, Thibet SiShallij -

Shaioli, etc. ALSO,

a good as­sortment of

Fancy TPress Hartdhsl Irish

and German Linr en*, unusually low,

Ingrain and French Carpeting, four cades pf

Straw and Tuscan Hats— Men's Straw Mats—'French

English and Domestic Prints,

Englsh and Scotch Giijghami—a very supc r ior a r t i c l e . A l s o a g r e a t V a r i e t y o f S U M -

MER CLOTH'S forMonfe wear—Plain. Strip.


W M. CHFPMAWjhaviog been^ippointed • arrant for the Rmifi.Hler Slid Store,

w i l l c o n s t a n t l y k e e p o a b a n d a l a r g e a s s o r t m e n t

pf OardtnmdFlower&/<fd#of'Uie Ijeiiflmjit/. I n h i s a s s o r t m e n t a r e it f « w p o u n d s of JHangel

Wurzcl, fluttiDaga, Sugar Beet, White Italian Mulberry^ a n d m a n y o t h e r c h o i c e a n d r a r e s e e d s . W. M. C> will recoive orders for Bhrub|f plants, &-Cwhich he will deliver at the Rochester prices.

Canandaigua, April 5, 1837. -' 3

ped and Fig'd Muslins—Thread. Laceaand Edg­ings, Bobbinetls, do. Also, almost ovcry other a r t i c l e u s u a l l y f o u n d i n a D r y G o o d s S t o r e , a i l of which will be sold at prices which cannot/a; i to give satisfaction. T h o s o w i s h i n g t o p u r c h a s e will do well to call and examine our stock befor purchasing cUowhere. j.

The subscribers feel grateful for the! libera:) patronage thoy have heretofore received,! and a sure their customers that nothing will bo wan ing on their part lo merit a continuance

. P. JLEDDY &. CO Canandaigua, May 3,1837J. 7tf

SDICINES, D R U G S A N D M W. M. CHH'MAN respectfully informs tho public that ho has purchased tho DRUG ESTAlt L1SUMENT of DOCT. JAMES B> DUNCAN, and intends carrying o tho business at the old stand or d o o r b e l o w t h e Franklin House. .

lie will constantly keop on bar a a largo and well selected assortl mont of DRUGS, MEDWINEil PA INTS. OIIS, DYES7>UFF&

FRUITS, CONFECTIONARY, PERFUME. RY, Ac. ij-c, all of which he will soil on the most favorable terms.

Having spent somo timo in the study of McB icine, and from his acquaintance with busine-i generally, he hopes to merit and obtain a portic rj> of public confidence and patronage.

Ho intends making a largo addition to hi stock at the opening of navigation.

Physicians and others aro respectfully invite^ t o c a l l a n d e x a m i n e htft a s s o r t m e n t .

Canandaigua, April 5,1637. S

_ M » r Q , I & 3 7 . J. L. WOODRUFF.

BY S T E E D S ,

the Quart or Peck, for sale by W. HL CHIPMAN.

Maiy 10th, 1837. 8tf

BIS SOL UTMOJT. T^TOTICE is Hereby given that tho copartner. ±% ship heretofore existing between Ebenezer Hale and Albert G. Murray, under the firm of E. Hale &. Co. was dissolved by its'own limita­tion om tho 20th day of April 1837.


Cana'daigua May 1, 1837. 7

C o p a r t n e r s h i p Not i ce .

TH E unders igned, successors of the late firm of E. Hale & Co. have

formed a Copartnership, and will continue busi­ness, at tho old stand, under the firm of E. Hale, 06 Co,. EBENEZER HALE,


WM. S. CLARK. ( J j a n a n d a i g n a , 2 0 t h A p r i l 1 8 3 7 - 7

P A S T R Y , F R U I T S , & c

T[HE subscriber respectfully informs the la­dies of Canandaigua, and tho public that

she bus opened a shop for &ONFECTIONA. RIES, PASTRY, FRUITS AND CAKES of all kinds, where she will be happy at all times to accommodate all person who may favor her with thoir custom.

Families can also be accommodated with RUSKS fresh for Tea, and DRY RUSKS by the keg if required. " CAKES for parties, WED­DING CAKES and all kinds of pastry cook re­freshments, by applying at her shop one door south of Doct. Bristol's office.

The Subscriber will also be happy to wait upon any who may wish to have cooking dsne for Dimner Parties or for private families.

PHOEBE RAT. Canandaigua, May 3, J 837. 7tf


J CORSON has just received and will keep • constant!/ for salo, CONGRESS WA.

TERl, at his recess. Canandaigua, May 10,1837. 8tf

INDIGO, Cochineal, Madder and other Dyss, olf prime quality, for sale by

35tf J, B, HAYES,

Hull Itheum *f* Ring Worm. BOCT. MOORE'S celebrated British Oint-

tnsnt.for curing Salt Rhsum.Ring Worms, Fsvsr Boras, &e. foraalaby

m M. CHIPMAN. 0thv <*• - 8tf

fk: ' ," fc"1 "" " I " f c " - - T - ; " ; i f T ' Y : : ' r n u r MJmiliin-iiiii-iisnirmni•>jshi —-r n - y ' ' r - '' jjiii

MMMtmMitsh-LWftotts, 4- coungJcLLOMs

• 0J#*»fcAirik miQ* '•'...

Flower Seeds* J U S T received and for sale by W. M. Cinr

MAS, 100 varieties of choice FLOWER SEEDS. Canandaigua, M«y 2, 1837.

BR O O M T O R N S E E D . — 2 5 b u s h e l s e n p e r i or new Broom Corn, of tho long bush va

r i e t y , f r o m P e n n s y l v a n i a . F o r s a l o a t t h e R o c h ester Seed store, by



F P L Y to J A M E S half a mile West of

Canandaigua, 1836.


Fobes's Inn. I y 4 1

S A T I N B E - A V 1 E R 1 1 - A T S .

1 f | OOZ. LADIES1 an I MISSES' HATS\, JL\W of s u p e r i o r q u a l i t y , e m b r a c i n g a great

variety of*splendid colon, f( r sale by tho doze o r s i n g l e .

Nov. 30, 1836. B U L L


f l o u r y P i l c l i c r , nntiAts nnixncD, ^j\'D P1AXO FORTE nrJtrpQ,


R G A N S a n d P i a n o F o r t e s t u n e d a n d re p a i r e d . — A n e l e g a n t f i n e - t o n o d B A R R E L

O R G A N f o r s a l o c b o a p . 41 t f O'

r • „ • • • , • ,,. • • — » . - I . . I . I . — J , , - . — . • • « • — — i s n . s f — i , . ! . .,

T O ?TJH[J3 ^UJPJFJBlfcJ]?!<?r» T ANjGWORTOY'S C E L E B R A T E D J U 9lh 9 r JVIARI^—This wefjiqnf is highly approved of by the American Board of H e a l t h a t f N e w Y o r k , a n d m i g h t b e a t t ended" w i t h

certificates to the amount of rising one hundred, b u t t h e a u t h o r h a s d i s c o n t i n u e d t h e m t o s a v e t h e cost of printing. This medicine has not been in u s e b u t t t r o y e a r s , a n d i n t h a t t i m e has . e f f e c t e d more cures, than an? other othor medicine evsr given for the following diseases, viz : Rheuma­tism, St\f.Joints, Strains, Bruises, to be appli, ed oxlorniJly and bathed l>y tho fire. Consump­tion, Live, • Diseases, Asthma, Coughs, Pains in the side and breast, Croup, <f c, to be given inter­nally, ten to twenty drops three times a day.

The abbvo medicine is for sale by IV. M. CHIPMAN.

May9t]j>, 1837. 8tf

C a n a n d a i g u a A c a d e m y . .

TH E Summer Term of this School will bepin on Thursday, May 4th, under

the same! instructors as heretofore. Board,, g l . 50 per week. Tuitioh, 4.00 " quarter. Room Rent, 1.00 " " Washing;, 37J ** dozen. Tuitiort in the.Prirnary Department , w i l l

hereafter be g 3 per quarter. If the num­ber of pupils in this Department shall con­tinue Jul large as heretofore, additional in­struction will be supplied.

The students furnish their own beds and bedding:, towels, &c. The rooms are sup­plied with bedsteads, chairs and tables.

H E N R Y H O W E , Principal.

Canandaigua, April 18,1837. » 5tf

Grocer i e s , F r n i t t , At.

J ' CORSON is now opening his Jrwh • asKortment of Groceries, IVats , &c.

at tiis Recesr. ct>mprising: HyRon, Y°' ,DJ^ Hvaon, Hy<ioi» >kin; and Imperial l^as ,— •Ja'va anil Green G$jfFee», Browsn and" White Sugars, Pepper, Splice, dinger, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Nut*, Rais ins , TFigs, Currants, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, &c.

A L S O -.

Camp Sauce, Pepper fiance, Mushroom C a t s u p , L e m o n S y r o p , O l i v e s , C a p e r s , a n d

many other articles not here mentioned. JLra.<3te« a o d G e n t l e m e n w i l l d o %*-ell t o

give m A all bifoFg »u haiiug almvhm. ° C » n a n d » i S o a , M a y 1 7 , 1 8 3 7 . 4 w 9

sJEL T ' HE Subscriber pontinues the Boot and Shoe busi­

ness in all its branches, at his old stand in Canandaigua,' and solicits a. continuance of tbe

public patronage. ^ i SAM'L H.

-• Canandaigua, May 10, 1837.

A N D R E W S . f 3mos8

SH E R I F F ' S PROCLAMATION.—In obedience to a precept issued pursuant

to law, and to me directed and delivered, a)l persona bound to- appear at the Court of Oyer Bnd Terminer and Jail Delivery., to be held at the Court House in the v i l lage of Capandaigua, in and for the county of On­tario, on the second Monday of June next, at 10 o'clock A. M* by cognizance or other­wise, are hereby notified to appear thereat; and all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, or other officers who havd taken any reepg-nizaneo for the appearance of any person al said Court, or who have taken any in­quisition or the examination of any person, or witness, are hereby required to return such recognizances, inquisitions and exam­inations to the said court at the opening thereof, on the first day of its sittings. Pa-ted May 17th. 1837.

K w 9 J. GATILINGHOTJSE, Sheriff. \



TH E Flouring Mill erected 4 years since by J. Dixson in N 'est Richmond, Ontario Co.

ia now offered for stile on reasonable terms. This Mill is BituatOt} iu ibe heart of a wheat

growing oountrv.,20 m^tes south of Pittsford (on t h e E r i e C a n a l ) a n d in ion a n e v e r f o i l i n g s t r e a m of water. The Mdl has four run of Burr Stone d r i v e n by t w o o v e r - s h >{ w h e e l s , w i t h 2 0 f e e t h e a d , and is one of tho bos built Mills in the Western Country.


at the same place a SAW.MILL, A ICARD. ING # CLOTH DRESSING ESTABLISH MENT, A LARGE BUILDING for manufar. tunnjr purposes. A FURNACE, BLACK. SMITH'S SHOP and several DWELLING. HOUSES. A t t a c h e d t o t h e M i l l s a r e a b o u t 5 0 acres of choice Land. The shove property will b e s o l d a l t o g e t h e r o r d i v i d e d a s m a y b e s t s u i t

purchasers. This is one of

for tho Manufacture Country. Any please call on the Assignees of John Disxjon

J J G A R L I N G H O U S E , Y A»-WHEEI.BR REED, > sign. AMOS DICKSON. S ees.

Richmond, April 25th-, 1837. 6tf

the most desirable situations of Fiour in the Wostoro

qne wishing to purchase, will


for sale low, and DO liberal credit, by Sept. 1,1836. 25 W M . A N T I S . J E .

G E N E R A L a n d w e l l s e l e c t e d a s s o r t m e n t

of Medicines, (Frujt, Paintsf Dyo-Stuffs, F a m i l y G r o c e r i e s , c c c . e c o . j u s t r e c e i v e d b y

Nov. 15,1836. 35tf J. B. HAYES

OIL SKERRITT'S and for sale by

.manufacturer's pricei

.—A new supply just ree'd the dozen or single bottle at :by J. B HAYES. 35tf


CIiOCKFAST WILL be kfpt the ensuing season at bis

former stable in the Tillage of West Mehd6u, Monroe Co. and will be happy to ac­commodate ali who may want his services, for a rsnonabls compensation. The Sanson wilt end the tenth o f July next. ABEjL MITCHEI. .

WestMendan, May 1, 1837J N. B. The abova Hqrse is for salt oal f ceom.

twodatlng terms. . . . 4*7


Y virtue of an execution issued out of'the Supremo Court of Judicature, in and for

the State of Now York to me dirocted and deliv ered against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of James Farrant in my bailiwick, I havo seized and taken all the right title and in­terest of tho said James Farrant to the follow­ing piece or parcel of land, viz:—All that cer­tain tract or parcel of land situated in the said town of East Bloomfield, in township number ten. in the fourth range of townships, in Phelps a n d CJorham*s p u r c h a s e , b e i n g p a r t o f E l i L y o n s

and David Lyons mill lot, so called, beginning five a n d a h a l f r o d s s o u t h f r o m t h e n o r t h e a s t

corner of tho mill lot, running thence a westerly d i r e c t i o n t e n r o d s a n d t e n f e e t , b e i n g f o u r r o d s from the north line of soid lot, and two rods and s i x f e e t f r o m t h e w e s t l i n o o f t h e s a i d l o t , t h e n c e southerly about nine rods to the corner of the s a i d l o t , t h e n c e e a s t e r l y t h i r t e e n r o d s 'on t h e l i n e o f t h e s a i d l o t t h e n c e n o r t h w a r d l y s e v e n a n d a

half rods to the place of beginning, containing 2 - 3 o l a n a c r e o f l a n d m o r e o r l e s s , ' - . b e i n g t h e

same premises conveyed to the said Jamef Far-rant, by Frederick Boughton and Elizabeth his wife, by doed bearing date the oleventh day October 1828, and recorded in Liber 48 of deeds of Ontario county at folio 37, and beirlg the said Farrant's flouring mill establishment with the lands and tonemenlo appertaining thereto now in h i s p o s s e s s i o n — t o g e t h e r w i t h a l l a n d s i n g u l a r

the rights, powers and privileges to use water up-on the said premises and control and conduct Wa­ter thereto,and toonjoy the useof the same whieh b e l o n g o r a p p e r t a i n t o t b e s a i d p a r t i e s o f t h e first part or either of them or to the said premises, all of which I shall expose tor sale at publis Auc­tion on Saturday the 24th day of June next at 10 o'clock A. M. at Blossom's Hotel in the vil­lage ot Canandaigua.—-Dated this 10th day of M s y 1 8 3 7

6w8 M. WHEELER..

Late Sheriff.

B i i r r a l l ' s G e i t e r a S tore .

THIS is an entirely new article, neat and' pjj&in in its style, without any in­

ner plates, and with very simple furniture ; yet it comprises all the advantages of the latest and most approved Stoves. It has a large and convenient OVEN, with a re­volving rack, and an excellent C O F F E E R O A S T E R : it boils, bakes, broils, and roasts, at the same time ; it broils without s m o k e ; "it heats flat-irons at an open fire, and is converted into a Franklin, by a mo­ment's change :—it requires less fuel and! answers more purposes, with less labor, than aify other stove in use.

, For sale by 49tf J . L. W O O D R U F F . O * The following Testimonials to the worth of

this Stove, are Submitted: Friend Woodruff—AhoT having used Burrall's

Geneva Cooking Stove sufficiently, I can now say,-that st'answers my expectation. I believe it lo be preferable to the much famed Rotary.

Thine, sincerely, . D A N I E L A. ROBINSON.

Farmington, Ulh mo. 30, 1836.

To J. L. Woodruff; ~ ~ Dear Sir—After examining Burrall's Stove

and Stanley's Rotary,1] I purchased the former, and am satisfied that it is the best article of the kind now inuso. i Yours, &c.

! , ISAAC PARISH. Canandaigua, Feb. 1, lb"37.

Having used Bufrall'ls Geneva Cooking Stove, I con recommend it jo the public, believing it to pos­sess advantages ov|er arty other.

i BENJAMIN GAUS, Jr. Eaot Bloomfield, March 7, 1837. Many more testimonials can be seen at my

store. i J. L. W.


THE subscriber offers to sell bis .DWELLING HOUSE and

LOT, on Gibson-street. Terms made known by applying at tho

Canandaigua Bookstore. - Also, for salo eniap. a good second hand BUG­

GY WAGON. C. MORSE. March 88,, 1837 J I '

Fall Assortment Complete. ADIES' BEAVERS and

SATIN BBAVEJI& a{ the Grecian and Go/tag'e styles Lrimmed and untrjmmcd.

AdSp » good aesorUnent of SenUamen's Fashionable Hats ind paps | and « r«f-r«tt* *»•

SZZZL.o^X1*'** of BntfcbRob*»,lN~ ^XFmttMSSlsB} common Buffalo Rons*;

r* ':' '":, f ; T jr. 6 . CHESSGBRO.- •

W i s s o u ' s B o o k s .

TH E following recommdations of these School Books, from' highly valued

sources, ha^ve recently been received : Troy Female Seminary, MarelQA, 1837.

Having examined, and for thetwp past terms used, Wfllson's Practical and Theoretical Arithme­tic in classes, I recommend it, as deserving a high standing a&ipng books of education. 1 have found it, as a guide'and assistant to teachers, towork well in practice -, Both they and the learners being better pleased with it as a work to succeed Golburn's First Lessons, than any other among several whieh we hav^ used.' It is ngta patch-work, made up of other men's labors, but it is a consistent piece, the pro­duct of an original and- comprehensive mind; judg­ing wjih remarkable accuracy of what the young in a certain state of their progress in a mathematical course, can-, and what they cannot comprehend; thus wasting no efforts in useless endeavors to explain what/after all, must be unintelligible'';, and using ef­fectual means by apt words and plain: drawings, "to give clear ideas where explanatioiJsaiii*e £iven.

I have also examined and used ns a.,reatl'ng boph for classes, Mr. Willson's AMERICAN CLASS-READ­ER, and consider it an excellent school book, and well adapted to its object.

EMMA W1LLARD, Principal

Extract from a noiico of Willson's Arithmetic, • in t h e . - F R A N K L I N ( M a s s . ) ' M J E R . C U R V , f u r n i s h e d

by the Rev. Henry Jones, A. M. Principal o f t b e G r e e n f i e l d ( M a s s . ) H i g h S c h o o l for Young Ladies. " I t h a s b e e n fel t t o b e a g r e a t d e f e c t in C o l b u r n ,

that be has no rules; and others who have followed him have endeavored to supply this defect. Taking all the a d v a n t a g e o f h i s I a n a l y s i s , a n d a d o p t i n g h i s shorter methods, they have given to these methods the form of clear and concise rules, and thus com­pleted the work he left but hall accomplished. Stil] they have for the most part encumbered their works with too many inductive examples, forgetting that, in mathematics, one clear case is better than more, and they have 'multiplied points' and explanations of points, running into endless minutiaa, till they have left the clearest of sciences a perfect mace.

"Mr, Willson has taken a wiser course. His rules describe the shortest methods in tbe clearest lan­guage. His explanations are at once brief, com­prehensive and conclusive. He has a wonderful skill in making the scholar possessed of the few fundamental principles of the science, and in show­ing their application in more complicated processes.

As an instance of the direct and happy manner, in which he leads the scholar to comprehend a diffi­cult subject, I would mention what he terms the ' Comparison of Numbers.' If you would find^wbat part one number is of another, write it over that other in the form of a vulgar fraction. Thus: what part of 9 ia 2. Ans. 2-9.

Thja relation of numbers, he observes, may he ap­plied, in the resolution of problems. Thus: If 6 men-cut 9 cords of wood in a day, how many can 2 men

J is 2-6 of C; therefore 2-G of 9, or 3 cords < ' i s t h e a n s w e r .

' By this comparison of numbers, he then remarks, w e l e a r n the ir R A T I O . A n d the s c h o l a r finds h i m ­s e l f p o s s e s s e d o f t h i s diff icult m a t t e r , b e f o r e h e i s aware of it. The Rule of Three, and the whole sub­ject ot Proportion, simple and compound, is put in sunlight by this little device. There is no one who will not be struck with the simplicity and original­ity of this method. The same spirit of simplicity and directness prevails throughout the work. •

A n o t h e r a d v a n t a g e s e c u r e d b y the a b o v e m e t h o d is, that t}ie scholar is from the first, led to the prac­tice of cancelling equal factors in corresponding t e r m s . I n d e e d this p i i n c i p l e i s a p p l i e d , w h e r e v e r it is applicable in the whole work, and often with • g r e a t i n g e n u i t y .

Another peculiarity of the book is, that Menssra-tiotvis carried much further than usual.

Thjeauthor confines himself principally to opera-tlonson the slate. The work presupposes in the pupil a famiharitv with Colburn's First Lessons, than which, fdr mental arithmetic, nothing can be bet ter , and w h i c h n o o n e c a n w i s h t o s e e s n p e r s e -ded.

Mr. Willson has long been distinguished ss a suc­cessful teacher, particularly in this branch, of sci­ence': he brings to his subject the light of experience a s w e l l a s o f t h e o r y . H i s A r i t h m e t i c i s c o n f i d e n t l y recommended to the attention of Teachers and of School Committees.

Greenfield. 1st Mafch, 1837. N E W YORK WEEKLY MESSENGER.

- OFFICE 100 NASSAU ST. N. Y. A n a w w t , t o pxaxxmU, t o v a t o G o d and g o o d ,

will to man, the iVrto York Weekly Messenger has been established on the broad ground ot Chrjstian charity. It claims allegiance for every good word and work—yet cannot recog-. nize those lines of party distinction which di­vide the great mass of the religious community into sects and parties. This indifference to sec tarian prejudice is founded «n the^belief that the discrepancy between the various denomina­tions of Christians, who lake the Bible, without addition, diminution, or distortion, as the stand­ard of their faith,.is more apparent than real.— Pledged to no single parly, tho MESSENGER holds itself in readiness to do 4-he worthy bidding of all; to rejoice with those that rejoice, and sym­pathize with those that mourn. But in every thing admitted to its columns, the highest re­gard will be had to the purity snd force of the moral impressions intended lo be left on the mind of the reader. Religion, virtue, morals, }it. erature, science ond philanthropy, may claim an interest in tho fulfilment of.the editorial pledges of tho New York Weekly Messenger.

TERMS—Two Dollars and Fifty Cents a year, payable in advance.

As two dollars and fifty cents is an inconve­nient sum to remit by mail, subscribers in the Country, tor rAree dollars remitted in advance, will be credited one year and one fifth, or by re-mitting fine dollars will be credited for two years.

Any person who will procure tour subscribers, and remit the amount of their united subscrip­tion ($10) to the publisher shall be entitled to receive the MessengerWone year gratuitously.

A liberal diicount-made to agents who become responsible. All subscribers who do not give express notfeeao the contrary, will be considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions, and the paper will be sent to {.hem accordingly. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the discretion of the proprietor.

Rrates of Advertising.—For 16 lines, equal to one square in the daily papers, first insertion 75 cents : each repetition of do. oO cents. jP*or 8 linos or less, first Insertion 50 cents; each repe­tition of do. 38 cents. Payment for advertise, ments to be made in advance. 5 tr»

To Xtwnm Tmantair^T^ BdpMi «f "The DeUvxrnfn? p u M i ^ e d a t 'VVi1fijj|nt;too.

Delftwweipnj-pOsentophiwfr * JH5W»fAER

• D T R E C I ' O l t Y , | a n d . t h e r e f o r e , a s f c e a a a *dfavx«v

S t a t e * -wvtff 4iab.wp.r6 fete, b y r o a j i <j8*«op^o£!flff iMr

paper. % httejnd* tetmnpifyfe' W- '&***?* giving their doiittes, &e. f*or this faver,«seb«d-itorpepdjng;bisbap0rirbaOfeee|yeoiie copy oT the .Directory «fi soon as made ready, , fM ad­vantages of a she<st of tin* kind *p pil»?i«faer«, must be appaierjttpalt , "

ffj" E d i t o r ) ) w i n p l e a s e c o p y t f i * xho-ro p i j c »

or twjee, in e ivtyrU give it elr68!jition. feb. 1 i •The only JEfitifin- fntSfashedjin Zifambir* U*

ittmhfMaU. • „ . ' • . Six JYim be]r» now rea«b[j%f iltlpserxf*

INDUCED! iy the ex»aojtdipstr|r. jsn,i». M hvs beautiful edition of Maxxjf'sfflfa;.HoyeTf, tbe

Publisher of pose works didrojti theJls idl^ 0* July, commence in the same, ftoTliess style, » n "edition of the| celebrated BUtWEK 3 # F t o , comprising Relbam, Devereax. Disowwejd, Eu­gene Ararfl, Rieozi, Paul Cllfjord/fcjisjt P a y s o f Pompeii, flalkldnd. Pilgrims eJjEpe^Jfcbine-~roa-king a uniform edition of uearfy fifteen Zmnfatik" pages—four hundred more lban3fej*yait» TJbey are published iip serniemostfa^-int*mbersj^eaeb^>3f which contains! one complete ^ork, With title-page and cover* The whole-series- wilfcbe^com­pleted in eight numbers, and wJJllSe furnished t o subscribers at ;he extraordinary lew-price -of three dollar* and fifty cents, payable^n ajdyapee. They will be st.nt by mail carefully packed,, to-any part of the United States «r^Cajna<fa, " *'

Three eomphte *ete- may be badVfbrTieri Dol­lars, payable in advance, by directing orders to thftt effect, enel wing-the cash, postage .paid.

"Office of JRepobficatroB of Poptijar Novelist.'* NOTICE—'The publication»f;jtir# above, w*»

commenced in July. - , / . In January next, another republication o f some

celebrated modern Novelist whTJalce plAee^either James, Cooper.i Irving, or eoroe--o*faBx *ofr:ee,aBiI repute. It isiditerniifled by jt'be"-present Fahlish. e r , t h a t t h o A m ! e r r e a n ' P u b l i c s h a l l o » f a m i s h e d

with the most beautiful, and a? the same tima c h e a p , e d i t i o n olf m o d e r n 2SToveli»ts e x t a c t . _ .

JD" A few conies of Marryatt are yet for sale a t T h r e e D o l l a r s . L,. A~ &&&EY,

6tf ! Publjsher,,P6aadelphia.


**r -w»!

O N T A R I O H A 1 B - B 8 E S S J N G R O O M .

H. RAY begs leave respectfully to inform the people of Canandaifrua, that he

taken .the old stand of J. Adams, opposite the! Canandaigua Bookstore, whore ho will' be found ever ready to wait upon alt who may favor him with their custom. . From bis long experience In Sbayinf and Hair Dressing, be assures the pub-lie that lie has the o6iftry_and tbe will to give,

satisfaction to all who m» j require hii .sriioes, Particular attention will be paid to cutting and

dressing LADIES' HAIR* Gentlemen's hair' willb^fifiiiea * M curled, * t

all-times. . \ •'" *' '' f*~ ' *" ; ' Ha will keep constantly on hand en assortment

of PERFUMERY, and bthar articles such as Cologne Water, Lavender Water* Honey Water, Ate. Bear'* Oil* Macassar Oil, Antique OH and PowpiaWj T«oth and *T«M BrsHbes, Ivoiy Coasts and Hair Brush.*. Alao aA.ia».ortm*nt «f lasiiienaWe Stock* a»«l Coltairt,' 4.

C^aaAdstr.s, Afril »6th, 1MT.

LADIES coM?&m<m;: W ITERARY ENimsi^0mi^.Mtom M-A more especially to theHvfefesi '»'f'tS4••-Xa*-dies ! TERMS—i-Three Bollars-aryear.

The Ladies' Companion,* roo*»tbly*perfddieaJ,' • commenced on the broad groondrx>f difibsmg general information, far and wrde—at a price, " which is within the reach of alj^lasse* o t the community. The plan hassucceeded beyond the most sanguine anticipations of-tbe proprietor. Tbe first number was issued to the public, with only seventeen names of sBbscrmers, atHM&tftis day it boasts ot a circulation nearly double that of any monthly Magazine in America % and is riaily increasing;, at an average of ^wenty^BbeCri-bers. In the pages of tbe Ladies' 'Coiiipairiioii, every class of readers will find tlia>wb*iCh will tend to their enjoyment; tales, of ^very-nature, pathetic and humorous; ehoice essay esnd'ffketch-os by tbe best writers of the day ; literary and scientific intelligence; copious extracts from American and (English Annuals-; ttneteres on the drama and fine arts; notices Of all'Jpfis'ttew . publications as :hey issue from the pje**; t*ans-lations from tho French, Sp*m&r&xeekj. Ger­man, Italian and Hebrewlafll^uages^ ojfigSrral and selected pojtry ; opgifyal^mpsiv and- engrav­ings, with fine1 woofftcuts and ^mtterns^f iSn>-broidery of evejry description, independent of a& immense variety of miscellaneous sriieif s^n «y. e r y s u b j e c t o f t h e l e a s t i n t e r e s t t o t h e m o s t e&stt- ; al reader, embracing^ passing events j biography i ca l s k e t c h e s of n o t e d i n d i v i d u a l s - ; d i s c o v e r i e s i n • the arts and Bcrcnces, &c. &c. &c.j"a;ccQUiSf o t c o l l e g e s a n d A.mer iean b t s t l t n t i o n s J :afee'icijeia! f r o m s c e n e r y o f o n r o w n c o a q l r y ? r p o o f i c t a s e e i n bles, painting, popular lectures.speafeeraicridau thors ; view,of olden times of the eiigr of! Goth­am; Brondwav Analyzed; comments oh'Goed' S o c i e t y , & e . & c . & c . E m b l i s h e d n r o n t l i l Y Witl» a splendid Steel Engraving j. popular rotisje*^ o r i g i n a l p r sej ieeted ; a n d e m b r o i d e r y ->f l i ft working of lacje patterns, In abort nothing re­quired to insure interest, amastmefitj-orathejim-provement of the mind in tbe pages of the pa*-d i e s ' C o m p a n i o n , w i l l b e - w a n t i n g o n t h e p a r t o f the proprietor, and it will be-^ *

" wiif i s w e e t e s t flo,wersJ!nrich''di From various gardens cutf d with care,"

A r t i c l e s f r o m t h e p e n s o f t h e first a u t h o r s i n

either Europeior America have appeared inibe p a g e s o f Abe L a d i e s ' C o m p a » t o n , " c r a r i n | r t h e ^ w o

last volumes without reference tojespense ; soch OS j '

Mrs. S. ,C. nkll, Sheridan KnbwIes,,R. Shetton M c K e t i z i e , R o b e r t H a m i l t o n , A i r s . , - C r a w f o r d , Miss L. E. London, the aothor-of'** MariatrrCof. fin," Mrs. Abdy, G. P. R. James, John Neal, Miss Ann Sargeant, Miss Allison, Edvv;ard Ula-turin, John J.. Adams, Hetiry Coleman, ,L»-F* Warren, Dr. If. A. Worrall, gapwrel J. Bur*, J . D. Germon, Mrs. S. J. Hale, James M,r Yai^ .Jo­nas B. PhillipsJ Isaac C. Pray, Hastings, W*!d, Miss A. D. Wo|odbridge, Mrs, Emma C. Embury^ F. Saunders, Ji G. Perciva), W. D- Thomsons J.-s McJilton. W. G. Simms, Professor Ingrablam, and hundred others, too nunferous %o name, which stamps it the cheapest andmoat diyersiSed periodical issued in America, , - - ,'.-•

Npgociations have been commenced with *t» additionsl number of popular writers, for origin­al contribution's tor tbe ensuing-year, among them are E. L.jBuhver, Miss Leslie, J. G, Perei v a l . R . S . M c K J e n ^ i e , M r s . E - F . E l j e t t , ' M i s s , l » H. Medina. Leigh-' Hunt. Jblfn Neal,, Sargent Talfourd, Mrs. Jarpit-son, G.lP. R. Jamesft^ren-• villa Wellen, Professor 0Ingrabaim, Mrsl'L. H. Sigournhy, Mrs. A'nn S. Stevens, W.&i Simms, Capt. MarryattJ Sheridan Knowles, Mt*»L. E . I ^ a n d o n , M r s . t ij i l irian, r f o n . M r s . N o r t o n ! , L a d y Blessington, E/Burke Fisher, Edgar -Al Pae, Miss II. F.G"o!ld, N. C. Brook*, A. M, IsaacjC. Pray; jr. H. Hayings WeldTB. W. Thalcfier.SlM, Cbilds, in conjunction with those wbo have here­tofore favored tjhe Ladies' Companion with orig­inal contributions. t ^

It has ever b^cn the aim of the proprietor>t& inculcate and piromote the cause of moralitjC J t ' cannot be .denied that tbe* periodical'p.lteisi"'ftJ^r-cise a decided influence' upon the moral and in­tellectual character j and where tTipt prJe|iB:is|in«-traihmelled by .mercenary • censideratlo-nf: or vicious principles, its effect must be eleyMh^^ia5nd refining to a community/Hfee thalt o f Maierica. With these vietvs, every thing operating irgtirt. ousJy to morals or religion ba^'?beib'*td|lip^|'|y avoided and not allowed a place in*be|it*g$*fe(J!j for, we-hold those men as traftdrs lo*tljeir.;c1fSift* try, who would seek to-destroy thepnr«>do(^ri#i of virtue and roligion, either'by Open pp$>i*|^bi*. or secret intrijfup In sustaining the iliiefjity character of tlib Ladies' Companion, the propri­etor will not confine himself to the mere task of pleasing, without imparting vigor to tha mind; but will endeavor to present both} that--wtrtch. wvi}! be attractive tosupfrficiaHeaderet at well at t h a t w h t c h w i l l f u r u i * b s p b j e c t s f o r r e f l e c t i o n t o

the student. N,o work in America presents U* s u b s c r i b e r * w i t h s u c h a m e l e n j " * vt I n v a l u a b l e

reading aa tho Ladies' Campanion,fotit«extf«me. ly low price (thlree dollars a year ;) ano* fetter*are continually being received from Europa,. inqmr-ing hoi\»it is possible for a periodical to be issued at such a small rate, wbich pr >JM» tt« undeniable, claims to the alippori of tbe American people, particularly theft) of the State of JTeVr iSiorkmnd adjacent ones, j _ -

It is nnt generally a00wnjtMh».piio]iis IhtA e a c h n u m b e r o f ' t h e La<3ies> C o m p a n i o n c o n t a i n * "

woTe reading'than wij othep WajwSneln Am«N ! — a n d i t s s u b s c r i p t i o n p r i c e U I I M ittXlftrt l*ti*



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than those tsswad n New Twk. A amgl* page contai,ns mor» vhaif two page* of too other Maf. azmot, and some of them thro*. ^ , .

The term*Tir« tbrey dolkt*. a year, pay able tit j advance, ar«d no sftlwun^tinn taken'for 1««* ib* n | o«se v year„ I t i s p u b l i s h e d w n t h * l ^ t h o l w i s e h f

inn.ith, Hitched. \n»colored wot e*d forwardwll t* »ttbseno*r*o«nt oi th* C U T V 4h* MKtaf* mail*? rtronf ly mHtejiA i n d o l e wrappers to *nwm ftietio* «»f x w M , W, U i O f f D W , J

