Six way to engage your patients with Social Media Marketing

Six Way to Engage your Patients Using Social Media

Transcript of Six way to engage your patients with Social Media Marketing

Six Way to Engage your Patients Using Social Media

Innovative Engagement

“A recent study found that over 90% of 18-24 year olds

said they would trust health information

they found on social media.”Let’s face the facts: we live in a digitally

connected society where social apps replace traditional communication.

Actively engaging on social media tells your patients you care, that you’re listening, and that you want to be

involved in their health.

Here are six ways you can use social media tools to engage your patients:


Make it easy for people to connect

with you.

By ‘make it easy’ we mean impossible to miss. Include

your social icons on all digital communications and

websites. Every piece of communication should serve

as an invitation to learn more.

Encourage participation.

Feedback is beneficial to both the provider and the

patient. Give your followers ways to contribute to the

conversation. Ask for ‘likes’ or ‘shares’ to find

the most relevant topics.

Share your content across multiple platforms to make the most out of each engagement. 2

Start conversations by asking questions.

Try to ask questions that offer insight while also

providing valuable information. This can be

tricky for healthcare professionals, but keep

them open-ended, positive and relevant.


Increase your trustworthiness

index: Answer questions.

Let your audience know you’re paying

attention. Weigh in on important

conversations and answer questions where able. Keep

current with industry topics and engage to become an expert in

the field.


Check the pulse of your social media on a regular basis.

Someone in your practice should always be monitoring

and responding to any interactions. Social listening is a great way to see what people are saying about

you, the industry, and your competitors.


Show your personality.

Humanize your “brand”. Add photos,

show off new technology, or office

renovations. Audience will have more

meaningful connections with human elements.


Not sure where to start?

Need content ideas? Cardinal Web

Solutions’ team of digital strategists can

help put your practice in a position

to reach the right target with the right message at exactly

the right time.