Sir Frederic Osborn School Welcome to the Year 11 Information Evening K. Koupis- Director of...

Sir Frederic Osborn School Welcome to the Year 11 Information Evening K. Koupis- Director of Learning Year 11 A Specialist Sports College

Transcript of Sir Frederic Osborn School Welcome to the Year 11 Information Evening K. Koupis- Director of...

Sir Frederic Osborn School

Welcome to the Year 11Information Evening

K. Koupis- Director of Learning Year 11

A Specialist Sports College

Sir Frederic Osborn School



The purpose of this evening is to:

Keep parents informed about the requirements of the various areas of the Year 11 curriculum, particularly with reference to controlled assessment and final exams.

Provide parents with practical information so they can help their children to meet the demands of Year 11 work, in partnership with the students and the school.

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolOur Pastoral Team Aim

To support all students in Year 11 to achieve their



Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolOur Year 11 Team

Mr Koupis- Director of Learning Year 11 Mr Smith- Assistant Head SLT link to Year 11 Mrs Lewin- Form Tutor 11F Mr Lower and Mrs Moretto- Form Tutors 11R Ms Sayers- Form Tutor 11E Mrs Malewicz- Form Tutor 11S Miss Scourfield- Form Tutor 11B Mr Brophy- Form Tutor 11N Mrs Terry- Link Tutor


Sir Frederic Osborn School


Why parental support is needed

“Parental involvement in a child’s education can mean the difference between an A* and an “also-ran” at GCSE” The Times Educational Supplement.

Sir Frederic Osborn School


Introduction: common frustrations for parents in Year 11

He seems he is not motivated in his studies- how will I change this?

She is not sure what to do after GCSEs- help!

She always leaves everything to the last minute – one minute she has all the time in the world the next it’s all stress and panic!

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolStudents’ experiences

Last Year 11 students will share strategies used in their studies.


Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolRecently in the News…

An extra hour a day of television, internet or computer game time in Year 10 is linked to poorer grades at GCSE, a Cambridge University study suggests.

The researchers recorded the activities of more than 800 14-year-olds and analysed their GCSE results at 16.

Those spending an extra hour a day on screens saw a fall in GCSE results equivalent to two grades overall.

"Reducing screen time could have important benefits," said co-author Dr Esther van Sluijs.


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Getting off to a good start

Attendance – the most important thing is that your child attends lessons.


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Sir Frederic Osborn School


Attendance matters 2

90% attendance = ½ a day missed every week

90% over the school year = 4 whole weeks of lessons missed

In order to achieve their GPGs, students MUST ATTEND EVERY DAY

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Attendance matters 3

Research has shown that 17 missed school days in a year = a drop in one GCSE grade (Dept. for Education & Skills).

Attendance needs to be at least 96% for potential to be achieved.

Sir Frederic Osborn School


Getting off to a good start

Daily discuss what your children are learning in their lessons

Encourage them to see the relevance of every lesson to the final exams

By all means, help with homework …. but only by support and encouragement

Praise is a very effective motivator

Sir Frederic Osborn School


The partnership with school 1

Contact subject staff if subject related information is needed.

Use the school’s website for information about work.

Many students may fall behind, feel overwhelmed or struggle with finding the balance between social, work and school demands.

Check the student planner for homework and coursework information and please sign it!

Sir Frederic Osborn School


The partnership with school 2

Put key dates and deadlines in your own diary so that you can support before the “panic stage”.

Support the strategies the school will put in place in order to raise the students’ achievement

Extra sessions tend to take place after school hours to prepare for modules or coursework deadlines

Several students will be invited to join “intervention” groups working with a variety of people who will act as a Mentor.

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolMATHS FACULTY


• Two examinations at the end of the two year GCSE course (May/June 2016)

(provisional dates 26th May and 9th of June)

• Non Calculator paper (50%)• Calculator paper (50%)


Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolMATHS FACULTY

Exam Board – EDEXCEL Course codes: 1MAOH – for higher tier 1MAOF – for foundation tier Sets 1-4 follow higher course Sets 5-6 follow foundation course For set 5, a decision will be made later on in the

year on tier of entry, depending on pupil performance throughout the year.


Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolSelf help & guidance

Maths Faculty revision sessions/intervention sessions when they become available.

Students will be given regular exam papers to complete.

Strongly recommend frequent use of: mymaths, GCSE bitesize, Samlearning websites and use of revision guides and workbooks.

Extra exam papers and mark schemes available on the EDEXCEL website.


Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolHelp & guidance this year

Lessons – be prepared (equipment/calculator)

Homework (Completion/deadlines) Each student should be spending 1.5

hours on Maths homework per week. Revision guide/workbooks Practice, Practice , Practice!!!


Sir Frederic Osborn School

Year 7Parent Information Evening

“Achieving Success Together”

English IGCSEYear 11

40% exam

40% Coursework

20% Speaking & Listening

Sir Frederic Osborn School

Year 7Parent Information Evening

“Achieving Success Together”


Heroes text for Literature exam Revisit and improve courseworkPreparation for mock examsMini exam practice throughoutPreparation for Speaking and Listening exam

Sir Frederic Osborn School

ExpectationsStudents will have to meet tight deadlines in order to complete all coursework and allow enough time for exam preparation

Students will be required to attend intervention session where appropriate and attend all lessons without exception

Absence or missing work must be addressed as soon as possible

Students who work hard and invest time will be rewarded with strong coursework and Speaking and Listening marks which puts them in a very strong position prior to the final exam

Sir Frederic Osborn School

Year 7Parent Information Evening

“Achieving Success Together”

How will the English Department support the students?

Coursework will be marked rapidly to allow improvements within days

Students will have significant exam preparation time

Registration, Lunchtime and After school sessions will be made available – initially for coursework but ultimately for exam practice too

Students will be pushed to achieve challenging target grades

Revision materials will be made available.

Students will sit mock exams and opportunities to learn from these experiences

Parents can contact the Department with any issues at any time

Sir Frederic Osborn School

Year 7Parent Information Evening

“Achieving Success Together”

“Time dedicated to reading for pleasure as a teenager has a

demonstrable impact on GCSE results"

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolScience at Sir Frederic Osborn School;Course structure

GCSE; OCR 21st Century Science Double; Core (May 2016), Additional (June ‘16)

Triple; 3 GCSEs – Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 9 exams – May/June 2016.

Both; 25% controlled assessment (Autumn 2 and Spring 1), and offered at Foundation and Higher.

BTEC; Edexcel, 2 Awards; Principles and Applications. 75% portfolio – throughout the year, 25% exam – March/June.

Additional support; revision classes, tutorial sessions, after school clinics. 25

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolScience at Sir Frederic Osborn School;ensuring the best outcomes.

Action; Complete independent study; build

confidence and knowledge base. Revise early; use BBC Bitesize,

Samlearning, OCR website, revision guides. Practice writing and reading; past papers. Get involved with current science. Apply yourself – now.


Sir Frederic Osborn School


At home 1

Help your child to organise a work area.


Your child’s expectations about work.

Sir Frederic Osborn School


At home 2

Working with the TV or music on?

Fuel & Relaxation

Agree regular “check-ins”.

Sir Frederic Osborn School


At home 3

Work and social life.



Sir Frederic Osborn School

Now that you are at the start of Year 11 you still need to think about what you will do afterwards.

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolQuestions to ask yourself:

Where can I go?

What can I do?

Why am I doing it?

Sir Frederic Osborn School

Sixth Form at school, as part of the Welwyn and Hatfield 14-19 consortium.

A college, either locally or further away.

Full-time employment, apprenticeships or training schemes.

Where can I go?

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolPost 16 (APS):

All courses at Key Stage 4 count towards an average points score (APS).

Courses at Sixth Form, College and Apprentices all require a certain APS to move on to them.


Sir Frederic Osborn School

Each GCSE grade is worth points e.g. A* = 58 points. The points decrease by 6 for each grade decrease e.g. A = 52 points.

Each grade that a student achieves is added together and then divided by the number of GCSE’s (or equivalent) that they did.

Every student will have their total points divided by at least a minimum of 8 if not more.

This is a directive from the Government.

APS Explained:

Sir Frederic Osborn School

A*=58 A = 52 B = 46 C= 40 D = 34 E = 28 F = 22 G = 16

If you add all your grades together and then divide them by the number of grades you have. This will give you your APS.

APS Explained:

Sir Frederic Osborn School

Entry Requirements: School/Consortium: 4x AS Levels (or equivalent) = 46+ points 3x AS Levels (or equivalent) = 40+ points 1 BTEC and 1x AS Level = 38.5 points

Oaklands College: AS/A2 Courses = 6+ A*-C Grades at GCSE (40 points) Oaklands do not accept BTEC grades within the 6+

A*-C Grades.

Academic Courses

Sir Frederic Osborn School

Entry Requirements: School/Consortium: 29.5 points APS

College: Similar to school although changes for

particular courses – check with individual colleges.

Vocational (Job related) courses

Sir Frederic Osborn School



In Year 11 all subjects set weekly Homework relevant to the Exam Board requirements, including pieces of coursework.

All subjects put the homework on ‘Show My Homework’

Homework timetable/recording.

Homework should be completed to a GCSE standard, spending approximately 45 minutes per subject for completion.

Sir Frederic Osborn School


Sir Frederic Osborn School


SAM Learning

Students who use it for over the 10 task hours should expect an improvement by 5% in achieving 5 A* to Cs.

2 years ago 2649 task hours were completed in our school across the Years while the National average was 1658

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolKey Dates- part 1

Year 11 Information Evening 7h September Open Evening 24th September MFL Mocks 20/21/22/23 October  Half Term 26th – 31st October  Sixth Form Consortium Information Evening 11th November MFL Oral exams 17/18/19 November Occasional Day 27th November Year 11 Mock Examinations (two weeks) w/b 30th November Upper School Presentation Evening 17th December End of Autumn Term 19th December


Sir Frederic Osborn School


Key Dates-part 2

 Start of Spring Term 5th January, 2016 Year 11 Parents’ Evening 21st January  INSET 12TH February Half Term 15th – 19th February  English Speaking and Listening Exams 7 – 11Th March End of Term 1st April  Summer Term Starts 19th April  Half Term 31st May – 4th June External Exams start 3rd May External Exams end 24th June  Year 11 into Year 12 Induction Days 24th – 26th June Year 11 Leavers Assembly and Proms 15th July GCSE Results 25th August

Sir Frederic Osborn School


And finally…

A very big thank you for attending this session tonight and don’t forget to keep

up-to-date by logging onto our website:

Sir Frederic Osborn SchoolBefore you leave...

Please pick up an information booklet from the front.

If you have any questions please talk to anyone of us.