SIPfoundry CoLab 2013 - sipXecs Cloud Architecture (UCCS)

moderator: michael picher March 10, 2013 / Bentley University / Boston MA sipXecs Architecture & Direction 1


At the SIPfoundry CoLab users conference members of the sipXecs team present an architecture overview and explain why sipXecs is optimized for cloud production.

Transcript of SIPfoundry CoLab 2013 - sipXecs Cloud Architecture (UCCS)

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moderator: michael picher

March 10, 2013 / Bentley University / Boston MA

sipXecs Architecture & Direction


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>Load Testing & Build Team:>Douglas Hubler

>Ciprian Hacman

>SIP Core Team:>Joegen Baclor

>Daniel Tacalau

2Intro of Presenters Team

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>sipXecs 4.6 Architecture Overview

>Testing Procedure

>Test Automation

>Status of 4.6

>Roadmap Near-Term / Long-Term


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Typical sipXecs Cluster

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Multi-master (Before… 4.4 and earlier)

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Single Master - Now

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>Needed better interprocess communications>Lightweight


>Evaluated several>Build?



Message Queuing Introduced7

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Publisher / Subscriber

Message Queuing8

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Dealer / Worker

Message Queuing9

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sipXecs 4.6 Architecture10

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>Manual smoke test

>Basic tests that catch major issues

>Manual sanity test

>Detailed tests for each feature

>Manual regression tests

>Complex tests for features that are added/changed

>Automated Load Tests

>Deployment for a week on our Production System

>Dog fooding…

11Testing Procedure

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>Placing and receiving calls is the core feature and we want this to be stable

>Basic testing cannot predict

>How a server behaves over time

>How a server behaves under stress

>Call Load tests helps address both problems

>Allows determination the performance of a Certain Server

>All servers are different (physical, virtual)

>Allows for determining how well sipXecs scales

12sipxtestAutomated Load Tests

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>Simple install ‘yum install sipxtest’

>Pink – Files or Commands that test user can interact with.

>Yellow – Generated files (you can edit these files, but know that sipxtest changes overwrite edits)

sipxtest - Architecture13

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>3 days of load testing for all major builds

>15 calls per second

>4 million calls total

14What do we do as part of build testing?Load Test Numbers

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>Running in house on production system since end of July 2012

>Controlled release since August 2012

>GA December 1, 2013

>Update 1, February 5>Polycom Firmware Updates, New iptables capabilities, bug fixes.

>Update 2, February 6 (small revert)

>Update 3, March 13>fail2ban, bug fixes.

sipXecs 4.6 Status15

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>openACD w/Supervisor & Agent Portals

>Multiple Level Administrator

>Multiple Time Zone

>Polycom VVX 300/400 Support


>Session State Services – SSS (clean up RLS / XMPP link)

>Improvements to HA (get rid of odd # of server requirement)

>Call Queuing

>Unite 2.0

End of Q1 to End of Q2

Roadmap – Near Term16

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>openACD Reporting

>Branch Office Solution>Will likely involve looking at User & System management differenly (i.e., more like a

directory structure).

>User Portal re-write>Browser based client, WebRTC. Zero Install Communications Solution.

>New Admin GUI>Time to modernize a bit. The old interface is efficient but dated.

Roadmap – Longer Term17

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>What is different as compared to traditional architectures?

>What makes sipXecs an IT application?

>High-level intro to sipXecs architecture (diagram)

>Hardware independence: What does this mean?

>Resulting deployment options: Focus on flexibility, global scale, redundancy

>Redundancy, branch redundancy

>Focus on our ‘secret sauce’. What makes this architecture better than all the others?


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>What is new?

>Experience with 4.6 in the field

>Test results and test methodology

20Status of the 4.6 Release

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>Pick 2 to 3 examples. E.g. Axcess Finacial

21Deployment Examples

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>Discuss near term and longer term roadmap

>What is our goal?


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3:00-4:00 sipXecs Architecture Moderator: Mike

Participants: Douglas, Daniel, Joegen, CiprianEngineering provided content:•Architecture overview (Mongo, SIP, XMPP, CFEngine high-level arch diagram). •Features and improvements delivered with 4.6•Test automation (how do we test?)•Status of 4.6 •Deployment examples (distributed, virtualized, redundancy)•Roadmap – what to come next?

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