Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT...

Singing 07/17 Imprint

Transcript of Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT...

Page 1: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


07/17 Imprint

Page 2: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



This official syllabus of the GUILD are purposely designed to meet the needs of Private Teachers,

Professional Musicians, Members of the Acting Profession and Education Institutions, as well as to cater for

those of the large company, if not the majority, of music and drama lovers whose desire is to pursue the study

and practice of their art chiefly for its aesthetic and spiritual values, if not for professional reasons.

Because of the character of its constitution as revealed in the “Article of Association” the GUILD is

particularly suited for such a purpose. Therefore, the examination Lists will be found to be comprehensive,

catering for the academically minded, the performing artist, and for those who seek recreation, cultured

selfexpression and the development of a rewarding and satisfying professional life.

All of the work is carefully graded, and teachers preparing students for GUILD examination will have a very

useful outline upon which to develop their lessons. GUILD examinations provide for a wide range of abilities

and give an excellent goal for students in their music studies. They develop a sense of purpose and direction

and can be undertaken in addition to other activities, as they are not meant to be the only music event in a

student’s year.

The report provides a reliable assessment of a candidate’s progress, and contributes, through comments and

marks, to the student’s development.

In all GUILD syllabus, teachers will find the requisites of a ready planned system of training for their students,

in which due regard to the need for a broadly based knowledge and skill has been carefully integrated

throughout the Grades and Diploma areas, so as to encourage personal music development to the limit of the


It is the sincere desire of the GUILD council that the continuing growth of the GUILD national Music &

Speech education program, and of these highly developed and often innovative syllabus, will especially aid

teachers and their students in the furtherance of their personal studies and interests, thereby enhancing the

appreciation of the musical and dramatic arts in the community at large.

Page 3: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



1. Music Examination Options 03

2. Examination Information 05

3. Grade + Level One 08

4. Grade + Level Two 10

5. Grade + Level Three 12

6. Grade + Level Four 15

7. Grade + Level Five 18

8. Grade + Level Six 21

9. Grade + Level Seven 24

10. Proficiency Certificate + Level Eight 27

11. Associate Diploma 30

12. Professional Performance 33

13. Licentiate Performer Diploma 35

14. Licentiate Teacher Diploma 38

15. Diploma Public Performance 41

16. Fellowship Diploma 42

Page 4: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not




Option 1 : Practical GRADE Examinations Option 2 : Performance LEVEL Examinations

(with Technical works) (without Technical works)

Grade One Level One

Grade Two Level Two

Grade Three Level Three

Grade Four Level Four

Grade Five Level Five

Grade Six Level Six

Grade Seven Level Seven

Proficiency Certificate Level Eight

Associate Diploma Professional Performance

{AAGM} {P.Dip.AGM}

Licentiate Diploma (Performer or Teacher) Diploma in Public Performance

{LAGM (P)} {LAGM (TD)} {Dip.PP.AGM}

Fellowship Diploma


Page 5: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


Option 1 : GRADE Examinations Option 2 : LEVEL Examinations

Grade 1 to Grade 5 Level 1 to Level 5

Technical work 20 Marks List A 20 Marks List B 20 Marks

List A 20 Marks List C 20 Marks

List B 20 Marks List D 20 Marks

List C 20 Marks

Summary 20 Marks

Sight Reading 7 Marks

Ear Test 7 Marks

General Knowledge 6 Marks

Grade 6 to Proficiency Certificate Level 6 to Level 8

Technical work 16 Marks List A 16 Marks List B 16 Marks

List A 16 Marks List C 16 Marks

List B 16 Marks List D 16 Marks

List C 16 Marks List E 16 Marks

List D 16 Marks

Summary 20 Marks

Sight Reading 7 Marks

Ear Test 7 Marks

General Knowledge 6 Marks

Page 6: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


Examination Information


Open to public entries from individual, schools, corporations, etc. Age at time of entry : Candidates for all

Grades/Levels and Diplomas must be of a suitable vocal development to justify entry to the examination.

Exam are held twice yearly :- May/June (closing date 31st March)

Nov/Dec (closing date 31st August)

Latest exam forms and fees can be obtained @


The lists of songs are extensive and candidates are free to choose similar songs and arias which are not shown

in these lists. Therefore careful choices are expected, bearing in mind the standard, age and ability of the

student. At all times the Lists should be carefully and conscientiously consulted.

The songs are to be sung in any published key suitable to the compass of the candidate's voice. However, songs

may be transposed either up or down a tone if necessary. But all OPERA and ORATORIO ARIAS must be

sung in the original key. All songs with foreign words may be sung with either the original word(s) or to the

English translation, although candidates in the higher Grade and Diploma examinations should endeavour to

sing the SONG in the original language.

There is NO classification of voices (Soprano, Contralto, Tenor or Bass) in Grades up to and inclusive of Grade

FOUR. The differentiation is simply for High or Low Voice. Songs may be taken from different classifications

from Grade FIVE upwards, provided assent is obtained from the GUILD Director of Music before the

examination. Any National Song or any Folk Song in any Grade/Level may be accompanied by either the

Pianoforte, Electronic Organ, Guitar or other Stringed Instrument.


As an aid to individual student development, an “Own Choice” section is included in every Grade and

Diploma List throughout the entire Syllabus. In Grade 1 and 2, the “Own Choice” selection is left to the

discretion of the teacher and/or the candidate. Teachers need not refer to the GUILD for approval of a

substituted work in these two grades unless, it is normal procedure to apply to the GUILD for permission to

include “Own Choice” works in a candidate’s examination program.

A photocopy of the first page of the work, together with return postage, should be forwarded to the GUILD

office. If approved, the “Own Choice” work will be given the GUILD stamp and dated. The candidate’s name

and level of examination will be recorded. Teachers who wish to apply substitute works with “Own Choice”

selection are advised to apply to the GUILD before preparing the student for examination. This is to avoid

any disappointment should the works selected is not approved for the examination. All “Own Choice”

approval letters are required to be kept by the teachers/schools and must be presented to the examiner upon

request during the exam.

Page 7: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Although not in Grade requirement, the playing of all music from memory is to be encouraged as many

benefits can be derived from playing from memory. Style, skill and confidence often develop considerably in

this way as the student’s attention is not diverted by the need to continually look at the printed page. Memory

work is required in the Associate and Licentiate Diploma practical examinations.


For all Grades and the Proficiency Certificate, for which SUSTAINED SINGING is the basis, are detailed

in the GUILD Singing Examinations Technical Work Manual. All are well graded and are rhythmically and

melodically interesting. They develop from scales to the more difficult exercises, so that the voice can

'Warm up' in the examination. Exercises will be heard before the songs are sung, and must be presented in

the order in which they are set out. The technical exercises and scales may be sung in any key to suit the

compass of the candidate's voice, and should, unless otherwise indicated, be sung Legato mf.

Scales, arpeggios and exercises must be sung from memory, with or without accompaniment at the teacher's

discretion, unless requested by the Examiner. The key note will always be sounded before the requested

scale or exercise. Accompaniment is permitted for GRADES ONE to SEVEN if the teacher or candidate so

desires. No accompaniment permitted for Proficiency.

For examination purposes, candidates must sing scales, exercises and vocalises on the vowel "ah" with open

mouth, as this enables the candidate to produce the most relaxed sound. Consonants must not be used.


The exercises set out in each Grade are by no means exhaustive, but they are well graded and give a basis on

which to develop the voice. Other suitable exercises may be found in the list of suggested references. Exercises

should be practiced on vowel sounds, and staccato singing on the 'K' consonant to assist in the acquisition of

the correct technique. However, all scales and exercises should be sung Legato mf (unless otherwise indicated)

on the vowel sound "ah" in the examinations, as this enables the candidate to produce the most relaxed sound

and therefore assists in the best presentation of work.

The examinations provide for a wide range of abilities throughout the Grades, but it must be emphasized that

no attempt should be made at 'voice production' until the student's voice has matured. In the early stages, the

teacher should concentrate on a relaxed lower jaw, flat tongue. Good breathing and posture and a complete

absence of strain. In addition, work carried out with songs should strive for an understanding of the genre, the

meaning of the lyrics, the place of the song in the development of musical style and presentation - audience



This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not to neglect

the technical development of their students. Observed technical defects should be brought to the attention of

the student, and exercises from any approved method used to overcome the problem. All examinations require

a 'warm up' series of exercises before the examination.

Page 8: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Teachers and students should not overlook the importance of personal style development. This is in

accordance with GUILD philosophy in developing self-esteem and personal skill. But, attention to different

styles and accuracy of music in general must not be neglected. It should always be born in mind that the music,

which has been chosen for the examination, must be played with absolute precision and accuracy in respect

of the demands of the period and of the composer’s intention. It is expected that teachers and candidates will

give careful consideration to the development of technical skill and musical ability so that the necessary

styling demands of the music to be adequately met.


It is important to note that at least one of the pieces throughout the Grades and Levels must be perform with

an accompaniment. It can be lived or recorded music. If it is recorded music, candidates must bring their

own audio equipment which in a good quality. The examiners will not provide and operate the audio

equipment. It is essential that the examiner is able to clearly hear the recorded music. Headphones will not

be permitted.

If it is lived music, candidates must provide their own accompanist who may remain in the examination

room only whilst performing that task. The teacher may act as accompanist, but not the examiner.

Candidates should be very sure that their preparation has been through for the examination, and they have a

reliable pianist. All too often a candidate’s performance is marred and spoilt by poor and inefficient

accompanying. Remember to allow plenty of time for those very necessary rehearsals with your pianist.

Also remember that under the stress and tension of the examination room, poor or inadequate preparations

show up very quickly. So, know your work very thoroughly.


In the examination assessment of candidates, Examiners will carefully consider the following points:-

Breath control whilst singing. Posture, Presentation and Projection. (i.e. Communication.)

Quality of Voice and Intonation. (Singing in Tune.)

Accuracy of Time, Notes and Rests. Diction and Pronunciation.

Observation of Dynamics and Phrasing.

Voice Production. (Only in the higher levels of examination or if the age of the candidate warrants

this attention.)


This essential skill will always be tested in an examination. The tests given will generally reflect the key

signature and technical requirements of the grade level being examined. Therefore it is necessary for teachers

to insist that their students give each day to the development of this skill. Always train the student to look

well ahead and to be ready for what is coming along. Candidate will be allowed a time to practise their sight

reading prior to being asked to perform it, from which point they will be assessed.

Page 9: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Candidates who are taking Performance Exam should prepare a short information segment in a small folio

about each piece being played. This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room and

candidates are required to announce the pieces performed and present as if for a performance. In addition, this

is also section for examiner to make overall comment of the full examination. This included general musicality,

control, presentation etc. The SUMMARY takes all of this into account. Please refer to each specific Level

for further details.


100 ~ 96 = High Distinction

95 ~ 90 = Distinction

89 ~ 85 = Honours

84 ~ 80 = B+ Credit

79 ~ 75 = B Credit

74 ~ 70 = C+ Pass

69 ~ 65 = C Pass

64 ~ 0 = Not Grade Standard {NGS} (No certificate issued)

Minimum Pass marks are as below:

Grade 1 to 5 = Minimum Pass of C 65 marks. Grade 6

to Diploma = Minimum Pass of C+ 70 marks.

In addition, Examiners sometimes use NGS when marking a particular section in an examination. This is

always an indication that much more work remains to be accomplished in that section.

DIPLOMA EXAMINATIONS are either Pass or Not Diploma Standard {NDS}, Minimum Pass 70 marks,

Page 10: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Examination Time : 15 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

1) Technical Work : 20 marks

From memory With or without accompaniment at the teacher's discretion.

Scales: TWO major scales to be sung.

ONE OCTAVE ascending and descending, TWO breaths, Legato mf. Vocalise of the vowel

"ah". The keys can be changed to suit the individual voice, and the keynote will be sounded

before the requested scale. The scales are to be sung to the patterns as outlined in the

GUILD Singing examinations Manual for Grade One. No 1 & 2.

Arpeggios and Exercises.

To be sung in the order listed. For requirements, refer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade

One. No 3. 4. 5.

2) Sight Reading : 7 marks

A simple test on a monotone, in 2/4 time. Consisting of crotchets and minims only.

3) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a short two bar phrase played twice by the Examiner. No note value

smaller than a quaver.

Intervals : To hum or sing and identify any note of the C Major common chord. The candidate can use

either letter names, degree names, solfa or intervals ( when answering.

Pitch : To state which is the higher or lower of any two notes played consecutively by the Examiner. To

hum or sing the Tonic at the end of a short unfinished descending melody played by the Examiner.

4) General Knowledge : 6 marks

General questions based upon the music performed. Including note and rest values, staff, clefs,

accidentals, time and key-signature. Simple signs and terms found in the examination pieces.

The outline given is a guide to the candidate. The Examiner may choose to ask any reasonable

question relative to the grade in order to reach an assessment

Page 11: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


5) Performance : 60 marks

Candidates are required to perform THREE contrasting pieces. ( 3 X 20 marks )

Candidates are advised to choose suitable songs which will illustrate:-

a) Flexibility of voice.

b) Sustained singing.

c) Interpretation and style.

d) A Story Line.

Candidates may select any three songs of different style from the following list, or substitute other songs

which fit the above criteria.

A Saing for to Go. R. Hunt. Boosey & Hawkes.

A Tragic Song. B. Britten. Boosey & Hawkes.

All Through The Night. Welsh traditional. Allans.

Any Boy to Any Ship. A.Baynon. Boosey & Hawkes.

Any National Song or Folk Song.

Australia My Homeland. Clyton/Eggington. Leeds Music.

In My Garden. Firestone. Allans.

Lullaby. Mozart. Boosey & Hawkes.

O Sleep My Baby. Irish Traditional. Boosey & Hawkes.

Other Days. Edith Harry. Imp. 626.

Poppies for Forgetting. C. Clark. Chappell.

Robin Adair. Scottish Traditional. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Garden. Wyman (School Songs.) Imp. 389.

The Leaf. Edith Harry. Imp. 626.

The Little Boy. Edith Harry. Imp. 626.

The Little Fairy Songs. M. Besley. Chappell

The Little Sandman. Brahms. Boosey & Hawkes.

The New Umbrella. M. Besley. Chappell.

The Possum. Edith Harry. Imp. 626.

Own Choice. No GUILD approval required


Page 12: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not




Examination Time : 10 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

In addition to the normal grade examination, performance exam is also available for candidates who prefer

purely performance only, no other technical works required.

1) Performance : 80 marks

Candidates are required to perform FOUR contrasting pieces from any of the above selections. Full marks

for each piece are 20 marks. The FOUR chosen pieces have a total of 20 marks each and will form a list to

be submitted for the examination. If the total performance time of the chosen pieces do not meet the minimum

requirement of 6 minutes, the candidate is allowed to choose additional pieces but the marks will be shared

i.e.10 marks each to make a total of 20 marks for that section.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare a short information segment in a small folio about each piece being played.

This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce the

pieces performed and present as if for a performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality,

control, presentation etc. all these take into account.


Page 13: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Examination Time : 15 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

1) Technical Work : 20 marks

Scales: From memory With or without accompaniment at the teacher's discretion.

TWO major scales to be sung plus the additional scale exercise. Grade Two. No 2. GUILD

Singing examinations Manual. ONE OCTAVE ascending and descending, TWO breaths,

Legato mf. The keynote will be sounded before the requested scale. The keys can be changed

to suit individual voices.

Arpeggios and exercises.

To be sung in the order listed. For requirements, refer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade

Two. No 3. 4. 5.

2) Sight Reading : 7 marks

A simple test on a monotone, in 4/4 time, consisting of semibreves, minims and crotchets only, with

their rests.

3) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a four bar simple passage played twice by the Examiner in 2/4 time.

Undotted minims, crotchets and quavers.

Intervals: To hum or sing and identify any two notes of the C Major common chord. The Examiner will first

play the chord as an arpeggio before the two notes within the Compass Middle C-C. The candidate can use

either letter names, degree names, solfa or intervals ( when answering.

Pitch : To hum or sing the tonic of a short descending or ascending phrase played by the Examiner

4) General Knowledge : 6 marks

General questions based upon the music performed. Terms, words and signs found in the music.

Time and key signatures, staccato, accent and all dynamic signs used in the examination pieces.

The outline given , is a guide to the candidate . The Examiner may choose to ask any reasonable

question relative to the grade in order to reach an assessment.

5) Performance : 60 marks

Candidates are required to perform THREE contrasting pieces. ( 3 X 20 marks )

Candidates are advised to choose suitable songs which will illustrate:-

a) Flexibility of voice.

b) Sustained singing.

c) Interpretation and style.

d) A Story Line.

Page 14: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


Candidates may select any three songs of different style from the following list, or substitute other songs

which fit the above criteria.

A Funny Fellow. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

A Goblin Went A-Hiking. Alex Rowley. W. Rogers.

At Dawning. C. Cadman. Boosey & Hawkes.

Dawn Gentle Flower. Bennett. Boosey & Hawkes.

For England. Alan Murray. Boosey & Hawkes.

I Heard You Singing. E. Coates. Chappell.

Ladybird. (Marienwurmchen) No 1. Schumann. Treasury of Song.

O Lovely May. Golden Treasury. Mozart. Boosey & Hawkes.

When Song Is Sweet. (San Souci) Allans. Wishes.

Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. No GUILD approval required




Examination Time : 10 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

In addition to the normal grade examination, performance exam is also available for candidates who prefer

purely performance only, no other technical works required.

1) Performance : 80 marks

Candidates are required to perform a minimum of FOUR contrasting pieces from the above list of

selections). The FOUR chosen pieces have a total of 20 marks each and will form a list to be submitted for

the examination. If the total performance time of the chosen pieces do not meet the minimum requirement of

6 minutes, the candidate is allowed to choose additional pieces but the marks will be shared i.e.10 marks

each to make a total of 20 marks for that section.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare a short information segment in a small folio about each piece being played.

This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce the

pieces performed and present as if for a performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality,

control, presentation etc. all these take into account.


Page 15: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Examination Time : 20 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

1) Technical Work : 20 marks

Scales: From memory. With or without accompaniment at the teacher's discretion.

Four major scales within the compass of the candidate's voice. ONE octave ascending and

descending in TWO breaths. The keynote will be sounded before each requested scale. Refer to

the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade Three. No 1. a b c d.

Arpeggios and Exercises.

To be sung in the order listed. For requirements, refer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade

Three. No 2. 3. 4.5. 6.

Breathing exercise.

The candidate is required to show the correct breath control by counting out aloud, at a medium pace, up

to 20 with one breath.

2) Sight Reading : 7 marks

A n easy passage in either C, G or F major. In simple time, using no note shorter than a

crotchet with no accidentals.

3) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a simple four bar passage played twice by the Examiner in ¾ time.

Crotchets, quavers and dotted minims will be used.

Intervals : To hum or sing and identity any of the first FIVE notes of the major scales. The

Examiner will first play the tonic chord of the scale selected, then the five notes of the scale. (Not more than

3 sharps or 3 flats), before playing one note and requesting the answer. The test will be given twice. The

candidate can use either letter names, degree names, solfa or intervals ( when answering.

Tonality : To hum or sing and then identify as major or minor, a short diatonic phrase of 5-7 notes played

twice by the Examiner. No dotted rhythms used.

4) General Knowledge : 6 marks

General questions based on the music performed. All terms, signs, time signatures and key

signatures used in the chosen examination music. In addition, questions on scale information,

tetrachords, tones and semitones. The outline given, is a guide to the candidate. The Examiner

may choose to ask any reasonable question relative to the grade in order to reach an assessment.

Page 16: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


5) Performance : 60 marks

Candidates are required to perform THREE contrasting pieces. ( 3 X 20 marks )

Candidates are advised to choose suitable songs which will illustrate:-

a) Flexibility of voice.

b) Sustained singing.

c) Interpretation and style.

d) A Story Line.

Candidates may select any three songs of different style from the following list, or substitute other songs

which fit the above criteria.

A Fairy Lullaby. Roger Quilter. B & H. or Chappell. A Spring Song. H. Parry. Boosey & Hawkes. Caro Mio Ben. Giodani. Imp. 424. Cradle Song. Brahms. Any Edition. Greetings. Mendelssohn. Treasury of Song. Hark, Hark, The Lark. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes. Hedgerose. (Heiden-Roslein.) Schubert. Allans. I Thought I Heard a Magpie Call. Hill. Chappell. In a Strange Land. (Golden Treasury.) Boosey & Hawkes. Linden Lea. V. Williams. Boosey & Hawkes. Little Shepherd. Donald Ford. Chappell. My Lovely Celia. Celebrated Songs Bk.3. Munro. Chester. Nymphs and Shepherds. Purcell. Any Edition. On Wings of Song. Mendelssohn. Any Edition. Passing By. Thomas Ford. Any Edition. To A Wild Rose. E. McDowell. Any Edition. The Fairy Tailor. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes. Vieni, O Cara. (Serenta) Handel. Imp. 795. What Christman Means To Me. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes. When Love is Kind. Old Air. Imp. 424. Where The Bee Sucks. Thomas Arne. B & H. or Chappell. Who is Sylvia. Schubert. Any Edition. Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Page 17: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not




Examination Time : 15 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

In addition to the normal grade examination, performance exam is also available for candidates who prefer

purely performance only, no other technical works required.

1) Performance : 80 marks

Candidates are required to perform a minimum of FOUR contrasting pieces from the above list of

selections. The FOUR chosen pieces have a total of 20 marks each and will form a list to be submitted for

the examination. If the total performance time of the chosen pieces do not meet the minimum requirement of

10 minutes, the candidate is allowed to choose additional pieces but the marks will be shared i.e.10 marks

each to make a total of 20 marks for that section.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare a short information segment in a small folio about each piece being played.

This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce the

pieces performed and present as if for a performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality,

control, presentation etc. all these take into account.


Page 18: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Examination Time : 20 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

1) Technical Work : 20 marks

Scales: From memory With or without accompaniment at the teacher's discretion.

TWO Major, ONE Melodic Minor and ONE Harmonic Minor scale, (4 scales) within the

compass of the candidate's voice.

ONE octave ascending and descending in ONE breath. The keynote will be sounded before

each requested scale.

efer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade Four. No 1. 2. 3.

Arpeggios and Exercises.

To be sung in the order listed. For requirements, refer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade

Four. No 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Breathing exercise.

The candidate is required to show the correct breath control by counting out aloud, at a medium pace, up

to 30 with one breath.

2) Sight Reading : 7 marks

A six to eight bar passage in simple or 6/8 time. Up to one flat or sharp in a Major key.

3) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a four bar phrase played by the Examiner in 3/4, or 4/4 time. Dotted

minims and dotted crotchets may be used.

Intervals: To hum or sing and identify any note of first SIX notes of the major scales. The Examiner will first

play the tonic chord of the scales selected, then the six notes of the scale. (Not more than 4 sharps or 4 flats),

before playing one note and requesting the answer. The test will be given twice. The candidate can use either

letter names, degree names, solfa or intervals ( when answering.

Tonality : To hum or sing and then identify as major or minor, a short chromatic phrase 5-7 notes played

twice by the Examiner. Dotted rhythms may be used.

Page 19: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


4) General Knowledge : 6 marks

General questions covering scale formation, tetrachords, tones and semitones, notation, rests,

main keys of the chosen pieces. Binary Form. Easy intervals above C. G and F (Major 3rd and

Perfect). The outline given is a guide to the candidate. The Examiner may choose to ask any

reasonable question relative to the grade in order to reach an assessment.

5) Performance : 60 marks

Candidates are required to perform THREE contrasting pieces. ( 3 X 20 marks )

Candidates are advised to choose suitable songs which will illustrate:-

a) Flexibility of voice.

b) Sustained singing.

c) Interpretation and style.

d) A Story Line.

Candidates may select any three songs of different style from the following list, or substitute other songs

which fit the above criteria.

Auf dem Rhein. Schumann. Schirmer.

Come Sweet Lass. Old English. Chappell.

Das Wandern. Schubert. Any Edition.

Des Mullers Blumen. Schubert. Any Edition.

Four Ducks on a Pond. Needham. Cramer.

Fox Gloves. Keel. Chappell.

Gute Nacht. Franz. Any Edition.

Here Amid the Shady Woods. Handel. Boosey & Hawkes.

I Will Sing of Thy Great Mercies. Mendelssohn. Novello.

If There Were Dreams To Sell. John Ireland. Boosey & Hawkes.

In The Spring. V. Williams. Oxford Univ.

It Was a Lover and His Lass. Morley. Any Edition.

Like to a Linden Tree am I. Bk.1. Dvorak. Chester.

My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair. Haydn. Boosey & Hawkes.

O Mistress Mine. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes.

Plaisir d'amour. Martini. Any Edition.

Romance. From 'Rosamunde'. Schubert. Allans or Any Edition.

Seligkeit. Schubert. Universal.

Silent Worship. Handel. Curwin.

Sylvia. O. Speaks. Allans.

The Asra. Standard Songs. Rubinstein. Imp. 61.

The Aviary. Bennett. Universal.

The Barefoot Boy. Jacobs. Clarendon. Any Edition.

The Devon Maid. Keats. Chappell.

The Early Morning. Peel. Chappell.

The First Primrose. Grieg. Peters or Schirmer.

The Insect World. Bennett. Universal.

Page 20: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


The Lotus Flower. Schumann. Any Edition.

The Merry Month of May. Stanford. Cramer.

The Pilgrim's Home. (Theodora.) Handel. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Robin's Carol. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Self Banished. John Blow. Boosey & Hawkes.

To My Lady. Buck. Cramer.

To A Wild Rose. (Standard Songs) McDowell. Imp. 61.

Two Brown Eyes. Grieg. Peters or Any Edition.

Under The Greenwood Tree. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required




Examination Time : 15 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

In addition to the normal grade examination, performance exam is also available for candidates who prefer

purely performance only, no other technical works required.

1) Performance : 80 marks

Candidates are required to perform a minimum of FOUR contrasting pieces from the above list of

selections. The FOUR chosen pieces have a total of 20 marks each and will form a list to be submitted for

the examination. If the total performance time of the chosen pieces do not meet the minimum requirement of

10 minutes, the candidate is allowed to choose additional pieces but the marks will be shared i.e.10 marks

each to make a total of 20 marks for that section.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare a short information segment in a small folio about each piece being played.

This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce the

pieces performed and present as if for a performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality,

control, presentation etc. all these take into account.


Page 21: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Examination Time : 20 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

1) Technical Work : 20 marks

Scales: From memory With or without accompaniment at the teacher's discretion.

Any Major, Melodic Minor and Harmonic Minor scale within the compass of the candidate's

voice. ONE octave ascending and descending in ONE breath. The keynote will be sounded

before each requested scale. Refer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade Five.

No 1. 2. 3.

Arpeggios and Exercises.

To be sung in the order listed. For requirements, refer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade

Five. No 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Breathing Exercise.

The candidate is required to show the correct breath control by counting out aloud, at a medium pace, up

to 35 with one breath.

2) Sight Reading : 7 marks

A passage in simple time with some two quaver groups in the keys of C, G, D, F, Bb Major.

3) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a four bar passage played twice by the Examiner in simple or

6/8 time. No note shorter than a quaver.

Intervals: To hum or sing and identify any degree of the major scale. The Examiner will first play the tonic

chord of the scale selected, then the entire scale. (Not more than 5 flats), before playing one note and

requesting the answer. The test will be given twice. The candidate can use letter names, degree names, solfa

or intervals ( when answering.

Pitch : To hum or sing the higher of two notes played simultaneously by the Examiner within the Diatonic

scale octave C-C. The key may be changed to accommodate voice range.

Tonality and Cadences: To identify whether a phrase played by the Examiner is in a major or a minor key,

and if the end cadence is Plagal (1V-1) or Perfect (V-1).

4) General Knowledge : 6 marks

General questions covering terms and signs found in the examination pieces, keys and

modulations, intervals including diminished and augmented above the notes D, A and B Flat.

Time and accent. Binary and Ternary form. To be able to demonstrate these forms in the

examination pieces. Scale formation and tetrachords. To recognize Perfect and Plagal cadence

examples in the examination music presented. The outline given, is a guide to the candidate. The Examiner

may choose to ask any reasonable question relative to the grade in order to reach an assessment.

Page 22: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


5) Performance : 60 marks

Candidates are required to perform THREE contrasting pieces. ( 3 X 20 marks )

Candidates are advised to choose suitable songs which will illustrate:-

a) Flexibility of voice.

b) Sustained singing.

c) Interpretation and style.

d) A Story Line.

Candidates may select any three songs of different style from the following list, or substitute other songs

which fit the above criteria.

SOPRANO and MEZZO SOPRANO. (Songs marked '*' are suitable for Contralto.) A Blackbird Singing. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes. A Lovely Evening in Summer. Grieg. Peters or Schirmer. * A Soft Day. Stanford. Stainer & Bell. Ave Maria. Gounod. Any Edition. Boat Song. Stanford. Boosey & Hawkes. * But The Lord is Mindful. St Paul. Mendelssohn. Any Edition. Cheeks as Fair as Roses. Brahms. Treasury of Song. 8. Come Unto Him. Messiah. Handel. Novello. Cradle Song. R. Korsakoff. Imp. Edition. Die Stille. Schumann. Any Edition. Five Eyes. Gibbs. Winthrop Rogers. Gather Ye Rosebuds. Thomas Arne. Novello. Hark! Hark! The Lark. Schubert. Any Edition. Love Not The World. Prodigal Son. Sullivan. Any Edition. Nina. Treasury of Song. Vol 1. Pergolesi. Allans. O Can Ye Sew Cushions. Traditional. Any Edition. * O Rest In The Lord. Mendelssohn. Any Edition. Queen Mary's Song. Elgar. Ascherberg. Serenade. Gounod. Any Edition. Slumber Song. Delius. Augener. So Teach Us Lord. St Luke Passion. J.S. Bach. Any Edition. * Song Of The Palanquin Bearers. Shaw. Curwin. Tell Me Gentle Shepherd. Boyce. Chappell. The First Mercy. Peter Warlock. Boosey & Hawkes. The Heart Worships. Gustav Holst. Stainer & Bell. The Mermaid's Song. Haydn. Augener or B & H. The Rivulet. Shaw. Cramer. The Violet. Mozart. Any Edition. Own Choice. GUILD approval required.

Page 23: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


CONTRALTO. See Songs marked '*' in above list. Ah, How Pleasant 'tis to Love. Purcell. Schott. An die Musik. Schubert. Any Edition. I Know a Bank. Bury. Curwen. I Will Sing New Songs of Gladness. Dvorak. Chappell. Romance. Debussy. Kalmus. Sapphische Ode. Brahms. Schirmer. The Birds. Benjamin Britten. Boosey & Hawkes. The Fuchsia Tree. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes. The Legend. Tschaikowsky. Allans. The Sky Above The Roof. V. Williams. Boosey & Hawkes. Traume. Franz. Schirmer. Own Choice. GUILD approval required TENOR. Der Nussbaum. Schumann. Schirmer. Ein Schwan. Grieg. Peters. Geheimes. Schubert. Boosey & Hawkes. Go Not Happy Day. Frank Bridge. Allans. My Life's Delight. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes. Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes. Rest Sweet Nymphs. Peter Warlock. Warlock Edition. Road To The Isles. Arr. Kennedy. Boosey & Hawkes. Sigh No More Ladies. Stevens. Boosey & Hawkes. Spring Song. Parry. Boosey & Hawkes. The Cloths of Heaven. Dunhill. Stainer & Bell. The Knotting Song. Purcell. Augener or B & H. The Maiden Blush. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes. The Ploughboy. Arr. Britten. Shield. Boosey & Hawkes. The Temper of a Maid. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes. The Trumpet is Calling. Arr. Somervell. Handel. Curwen. Where are You Walk. Messiah. Handel. Any Edition. Own Choice. GUILD approval required. BARITONE & BASS. An den Mond. Schumann. Allans. Bush Night Song. W. James. Allans. Down By The Sally Gardens. Brash. Chappell. Fair and True. Peter Warlock. Edition Warlock. Limehouse Reach. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes. Love is a Sickness Full of Woes. Gibbs. Elkin. None But The Lonely Heart. Tschaikowsky. Any Edition. O Men From The Fields. Hughes. Boosey & Hawkes. Old Clothes and Fine Clothes. John Ireland. Treasury of Song. Bk.3. She Never Told of Love. Haydn. Any Edition. The Stockbroker's Song. W. James. Ricordi. Tradewinds. Keel. Boosey & Hawkes. When Laura Smiles. Rosseter. Boosey & Hawkes. Whither Must I Wander. V. Williams. Boosey & Hawkes. Wohin? Schubert. Any Edit. Own Choice. GUILD approval required. ……………………………………………………..oOo……………………………………………………

Page 24: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not




Examination Time : 15 minutes Minimum Pass : 65 marks

In addition to the normal grade examination, performance exam is also available for candidates who prefer

purely performance only, no other technical works required.

1) Performance : 80 marks

Candidates are required to perform a minimum of FOUR contrasting pieces from the above list of

selections. The FOUR chosen pieces have a total of 20 marks each and will form a list to be submitted for

the examination. If the total performance time of the chosen pieces do not meet the minimum requirement of

10 minutes, the candidate is allowed to choose additional pieces but the marks will be shared i.e.10 marks

each to make a total of 20 marks for that section.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare a short information segment in a small folio about each piece being played.

This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce the

pieces performed and present as if for a performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality,

control, presentation etc. all these take into account.


Page 25: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Examination Time : 30 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

1) Technical Work : 16 marks

Scales: From memory With or without accompaniment at the teacher's discretion.

Any Major, Melodic Minor and Harmonic Minor scale within the compass of the candidate's

voice. ONE octave ascending and descending twice in ONE breath. The keynote will be

sounded before each requested scale. Refer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade

Six. No 1. 2. 3.

Arpeggios and Exercises.

To be sung in the order listed. For requirements, refer to the GUILD Singing Examinations Manual. Grade

Six. No 4. 5. 6. 7.

Plus:- Concone. One study from 50 lessons. Nos 31 to 38. Or

Marchesi. One vocalise from 24 vocalises. Op 2. Nos 14 to 18.

Breathing Exercise.

The candidate is required to show the correct breath control by counting out aloud, at a medium pace, up

to 35 with one breath.

2) Sight Reading : 7 marks

A passage in simple time or in 6/8 time,in a Major key up to TWO flats or sharps, or in a Minor

key up to ONE Flat or sharp. Modulation may occur from a major key to its dominant and from a

minor key to its relative major.

3) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a four bar passage played twice by the Examiner in simple or 6/8 time

with no note shorter than a quaver. Moderate tempo.

Intervals: To hum or sing and identify any two notes of the major scale. The Examiner will first

play the tonic chord of the scale selected , then the entire scale. (Not more than 6 sharps or 6 flats), before

playing the two notes and requesting the answer. The test will be given twice. The candidate can use either

letter names, degree names, solfa or intervals ( when answering.

Pitch : To hum or sing the higher or lower of two notes played simultaneously by the Examiner within the

diatonic scale octave C-C. The key may be changed to accommodate voice range.

Tonality and Cadence: To identify whether a phrase played by the Examiner is in a major or a minor key,

and if the end cadence is Plagal (1V-1), Perfect (V-1) or Interrupted (V-V1)

Harmony : To identify as MAJOR or MINOR, triads played in root position by the Examiner. These

will be played twice if necessary

Page 26: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


4) General Knowledge : 6 marks

Questions covering the form and structure of the selected pieces. Advanced questions on intervals,

including compund, inverted , diatonic or chromatic. Ornaments and abbreviations, terms, keys and

modulations found in the chosen examination music. Knowledge of, and recognition of Plagal,

Perfect and Interrupted cadences within the examination music performed. The outline given is a

guide to the candidate. The Examiner may choose to ask any reasonable question relative to the grade in order

to reach an assessment.

5) Performance : 64 marks

Candidates are required to perform FOUR contrasting pieces. ( 4 X 16 marks )

Candidates are advised to choose suitable songs which will illustrate:-

a) Flexibility of voice.

b) Sustained singing.

c) Interpretation and style.

d) A Story Line.

Candidates may select any four songs of different style from the following list, or substitute other songs

which fit the above criteria.


A Green Cornfield. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Addio de Mimi. La Boheme. Puccini. Ricordi.

Auf ein altes Bild. Hugo Wolf. Imp. Edition.

Ave Maria. Schubert. Any Edition.

Boat Song. Stanford. Boosey & Hawkes.

Buds in Spring. Thomas. Boosey & Hawkes.

Clouds. Charles. Allans.

Elizabeth's Song. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Hear My Crying, O Lord. Dvorak. Biblical Songs. Bk 2.

Im Fruhling. Schubert. Any Edition.

Laughing Song. Jacob. Oxford.

Maria Wiegenlied. Max Reger. Ascherberg.

My Heart Ever Faithful. J.S. Bach. Allans.

Nod. Gibbs. Boosey & Hawkes.

Sleeping. Thiman. Augener.

Songs My Mother Taught Me. Dvorak. Lengnick.

Solvieg's Song. Grieg. Any Edition.

The Land of Dreams. Tamerlane. Handel. Curwen.

The Lass with the Delicate Air. Thomas Arne. Cramer.

The Piper. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

They Call Me Mimi. La Boheme. Puccini. Any Edition.

To The Queen of Heaven. Dunhill. Curwen.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.

Page 27: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



An den Mond. Brahms. Schirmer.

Auf ein altes Bild. Hugo Wolf. Peters or Imp. Edition.

But The Lord is Mindful. St Paul. Mendelssohn. Any Edition.

Come Take Your Lute. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Du Bist Wie Eine Blume. Schumann. Any Edition.

Fruhlingssehnsucht. Schubert. Allans.

June. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes.

O Men From the Fields. Hughes. Boosey & Hawkes.

Songs My Mother Taught Me. Dvorak. Lengnick.

The Homecoming of The Sheep. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Lament of Isis. Bantock. Allans.

The Water Lilly. Grieg. Peters.

Turn Thee To Me. Dvorak. Biblical Songs. Bk 2.

Twilight Fancies. Delius. Augener.

Villanelle. Scott. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required


Amaryllis. Caccini. Any Edition.

Autumn Thoughts. Grieg. Peters.

Halt. Schubert. Augener.

Hear My Prayer O Lord. Dvorak. Any Edition.

Hindu Song. Sadko. R. Korsakoff. Boosey & Hawkes.

Intermezzo. Schumann. Allans.

Little Star So Bright. Moussorgsky. Boosey & Hawkes.

Lullaby. Brahms. Any Edition.

Man is for the Woman Made. Purcell. Novello.

Romanze. Franz. Schirmer.

Sweet Chance That Led My Steps. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

There's a Bower of Roses. Stanford. Boosey & Hawkes.

To Chloe. Mozart. Augener.

Turn Thee To Me. No 8. Dvorak. Biblical Songs. Bk 1.

Young Love Lies Sleeping. Somervell. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


A West Sussex Drinking Song. D. Gow. Boosey & Hawkes.

An Old Carol. Roger Quilter. Winthrop Rogers.

Bush Silence. W. James. Ricordi.

Come Take Your Lute. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Der Musikant. Hugo Wolf. Allans.

Der Possente. Faust. Gounod. Any Edition.

Die Wetterfahne. Schubert. Augener.

Page 28: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


God is My Shepherd. Dvorak. Boosey & Hawkes.

Gute Nacht. Schubert. Augener,

In an Old Homestead Garden. Anthill. Allans.

I'll Sail upon the Dog-Star. Purcell. Any Edition.

None But The Lonely Heart. Tschaikowsky. Any Edition.

Over The Mountains. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes.

She Never Told Her Love. Haydn. Augener.

The Blunder. Michael Head. Oxford.

The Stockrider's Song. W. James. Ricordi.

The Two Grenadiers. Schumann. Any Edition.

The Vagabond. V. Williams. Boosey & Hawkes.

To The Soul. Stanford. Boosey & Hawkes.

Und wusstens die Blumen. Schumann. Any Edition.

Walking The Woods. Peter Warlock. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.




Examination Time : 25 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

In addition to the normal grade examination, performance exam is also available for candidates who prefer

purely performance only, no other technical works required.

1) Performance : 80 marks

Candidates are required to perform a minimum of FIVE contrasting pieces from the above list of

selections.. The FIVE chosen pieces have a total of 16 marks each and will form a list to be submitted for

the examination. If the total performance time of the chosen pieces do not meet the minimum requirement of

15 minutes, the candidate is allowed to choose additional pieces but the marks will be shared i.e.8 marks

each to make a total of 16 marks for that section.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare an information segment in a folio about each piece being played, evidence

of research and give details as to the Composers/ Style/ Period/ Formal Analysis/ Keys and Key Modulations,

etc. This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce

the pieces performed, special features of the pieces performed may be mentioned and present as if for a

performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality, control, presentation etc. all these take

into account.


Page 29: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Examination Time : 40 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

1) Technical Work : 16 marks

Scales: From memory With or without accompaniment at the teacher's discretion.

Any Major, Melodic Minor and Harmonic Minor and Chromatic scale within the compass

of the candidate's voice. ONE octave ascending and descending twice at two speeds - Andante

and Allegro at the Examiner's discretion.

The keynote will be sounded before each requested scale. Refer to the GUILD Singing

Examinations Manual. Grade Seven. No 1. 2. 3. 4.

Arpeggios and Exercises.

To be sung in the order listed unless requested by the Examiner. For requirements, refer to the GUILD

Singing Examinations Manual. Grade Seven. No 5. 6. 7. 8.

Plus: Cconcone. Any one of 15 Vocalises. OR

Marchesi. 24 Vocalises. Op 2. Any one. 19 - 24.

2) Sight Reading : 7 marks

A passage in simple time or in 6/8 time, in a Major key up to three sharps or flats, or in a Minor

key up to two sharps or flats. Modulation may occur from a Major key to its dominant, or from a

Minor key to its relative Major.

3) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a substantial four bar passage played twice by the Examiner. Dotted

crotchet, quavers and semiquavers used .

Intervals: The Examiner will play the Tonic chord of a suitable key and then play three notes

consecutively within the scale octave. The test will be given twice before the answer is requested. The

candidate can use letter names, degree names, solfa or intervals ( when answering.

Pitch : To hum or sing the higher or lower notes of a Major or Minor Triad played in Root position by the

Examiner. To hum or sing a phrase of 7-9 notes, either diatonic or chromatic after it has played twice by the


Harmony : To identify as Major, Augmented or Diminished, Triads played in Root position by

the Examiner.

Page 30: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


4) General Knowledge : 6 marks

Background of the composers and of the works performed. Questions covering the form and

structure of the pieces played, keys and modulations. Advance questions on intervals including

compound, inverted , diatonic and chromatic. Cadences, Perfect, Plagal, Imperfect and interrupted.

Knowledge of, and recognition within the examination music performed. The outline given is a

guide to the candidate. The Examiner may choose to ask any reasonable question relative to the grade in order

to reach an assessment.

5) Performance : 64 marks

Candidates are required to perform FOUR contrasting pieces. ( 4 X 16 marks )

Candidates are advised to choose suitable songs which will illustrate:-

a) Flexibility of voice.

b) Sustained singing.

c) Interpretation and style.

d) A Story Line.

Candidates may select any four songs of different style from the following list, or substitute other songs

which fit the above criteria.


An Meimem Herzen. Schumann. Schirmer.

At Night. Treasury of Song. Vol 3. Rachmaninoff. Allans.

Ave Maria. Otello. Verdi. Ricordi.

Beloved. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Bist du bel mir. J.S. Bach. Allans.

Clouds and Darkness. Dvorak. Lengnick.

Consider.Peter Warlock. Oxford.

In Autumn. Franz. Schirmer.

Nach und Traume. Schubert. Any Edition.

O Had I Jubal's Lyre. Joshua. Handel. Novello.

Open Thy Blue Eyes. Massenet. Any Edition.

Orpheus With His Lute. Blomfield. VCME.

Princess of The Dawn. Eric Coates. Boosey & Hawkes.

Spring. Henschel. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Ships of Arcady. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Small Christmas Tree. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

To One Who Passed Whistling. Gibbs. Curwen.

Traume. Richard Wagner. Allans.

We Sing To Him. Purcell. Novello.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.

Page 31: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Addio. Mozart. Boosey & Hawkes.

An Meinem Herzen. Schumann. Schirmer.

Ann's Cradle Song. Gibbs. Curwen.

Der Tod und des Madchen. Schubert. Allans.

He Shall Feed His Flock. Messiah. Handel. Novello.

How Lovely are Thy Dwellings. Mendelssohn. Any Edition.

Nebbie. Resphigi. Ricordi.

O del mio dolce Ardor. Gluck. Allans.

O Rest in the Lord. Elijah. Mendelssohn. Any Edition.

October Valley. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Silent Woods. Dvorak. Lengnick.

Summer Meadows. Brahms. Any Edition.

The Fairy Lough. Stanford. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Spirit's Song. Haydn. Boosey & Hawkes.

Where Corals Lie. Elgar. Boosey & Hawkes.

With Swanlike Beauty. Mozart. Any Edition.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Abendlied. Schubert. Schirmer.

Dalla Sua Pace. Don Giovanni. Mozart. Boosey & Hawkes.

Faery Song. Boughton. Stainer & Bell.

Go Not Happy Day. Frank Bridge. Boosey & Hawkes.

Hear My Prayer, Oh Lord. Dvorak. Augener.

If With all Your Heart. Elijah. Mendelssohn. Any Edition.

Je Crois Entendre. Pearl Fishers. Bizet. Any Edition.

Little Star So Bright. Moussorgsky. Allans.

Mattinata. Leoncavallo. Allans.

My Life's Delight. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes.

Onaway Awake Beloved. Cowen. Any Edition.

Questa o Quella. Rigoletto. Verdi. Boosey & Hawkes.

Romance. Debussy. Durand.

Sigh No More, Ladies. Peter Warlock. Warlock Edition.

Sonntag. Brahms. Allans.

Summertime. Gibbs. Boosey & Hawkes.

Sweet Chance That Led My Steps. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Flower Song. Carmen. Bizet. Metzler.

The Summer Palace. Gibbs. Boosey & Hawkes.

There's a Bowl of Roses. Stanford. Boosey & Hawkes.

When I Think Upon The Maidens. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

When June is Come. Osborne. Boosey & Hawkes.

Why Have you stolen my Delight? Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.

Page 32: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Bush Silence. W. James. Ricordi.

By The Waters of Babylon. No 7. Dvorak. Biblical Bk 2.

Captain Stratton's Fancy. Peter Warlock. Augener.

Der Lindenbaum. Schubert. Any Edition.

Heimwah. Hugo Wolf. Allans.

Ich Grolle nicht. Schumann. Any Edition.

In questa tomba oscura. Beethoven. Allans.

In Summertime on Bredon. Arr. Bredon. Boosey & Hawkes.

Morning. Rachmaninoff. Allans.

Over The Mountains. Roger Quilter. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Fairy Lough. Stanford. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Minstrel's Song. Grieg. Peters.

The Ship of Rio. Gibbs. Allans.

To The Soul. Stanford. Boosey & Hawkes.

Warum? Tschaikowsky. Allans.

Youth and Love. V. Williams. Ashdown.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.




Examination Time : 35 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

In addition to the normal grade examination, performance exam is also available for candidates who prefer

purely performance only, no other technical works required.

1) Performance : 80 marks

Candidates are required to perform a minimum of FIVE contrasting pieces from the above list of

selections. The FIVE chosen pieces have a total of 16 marks each and will form a list to be submitted for the

examination. If the total performance time of the chosen pieces do not meet the minimum requirement of

20 minutes, the candidate is allowed to choose additional pieces but the marks will be shared i.e.8 marks

each to make a total of 16 marks for that section.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare an information segment in a folio about each piece being played, evidence

of research and give details as to the Composers/ Style/ Period/ Formal Analysis/ Keys and Key Modulations,

etc. This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce

the pieces performed, special features of the pieces performed may be mentioned and present as if for a

performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality, control, presentation etc. all these take

into account.


Page 33: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



This exam is a pre-requisite examination for entry into the Associate Diploma. This examination consists of

TWO parts – (Part One : Theoretical & Part Two : Practical ). Candidates are allowed to take each part in a

separate exam but must complete within the span of 3 years.


All candidates must obtain a minimum pass of C+ 70 marks in AGMS Grade 6 (or higher) theory of music



Examination Time : 45 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

1) Technical Work : 16 marks

Scales: From memory With or Without accompaniment.

Any Major, Melodic Minor and Harmonic Minor and Chromatic scale within the compass

of the candidate's voice. ONE octave ascending and descending twice at two speeds - Andante

and Allegro at the Examiner's discretion.

The keynote will be sounded before each requested scale. Refer to the GUILD Singing

Examinations Manual. Proficiency. No 1. 2. 3. 4.

Arpeggios and Exercises.

To be sung in the order listed unless requested by the Examiner. For requirements, refer to the GUILD

Singing Examinations Manual. Grade Seven. No 5. 6. 7. 8.

Plus:- Concone. One study from 50 Lessons. Nos 45 - 50. OR

Henschel. Progressive Studies. Pt 2. Nos 19 - 23.

2) Sight Reading : 7 marks

A passage in simple or compound time, in a Major key up to three sharps or flats, or in a Minor

key up to two sharps or flats. Modulation will occur. From Major to the dominant, or Minor to the

relative Major.

3) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a substantial four bar passage played twice by the Examiner. Dotted

rhythms and semiquavers will be used.

Pitch : To hum or sing the middle or lower note of a major or minor triad played in Root position by the

Examiner. To hum or sing a two bar phrase played twice by the Examiner in a key to suit the candidate. Either

chromatic or diatonic, including one or two quaver groups.

Harmony : To identify a Triad as a Major or Minor when played in root position or 1st inversion by the


Page 34: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


Cadences : To name the cadences in a passage in a major key, played by the Examiner, with slight pauses at

the cadence points. The passage will consist of a four phrase melody of which only the four cadences will be


4) General Knowledge : 6 marks

Background of the composers and of the works performed. Period from which the music derives.

Questions on Form, Keys, Modulation, Cadences and the Musical Characteristics of the

examination music performed. The outline given, is a guide to the candidate. The Examiner may

choose to ask any reasonable question relative to the grade in order to reach an assessment.

5) Performance : 64 marks

Candidates are required to perform FOUR contrasting pieces. ( 4 X 16 marks )

Candidates are advised to choose suitable songs which will illustrate:-

a) Flexibility of voice.

b) Sustained singing.

c) Interpretation and style.

d) A Story Line.

Candidates may select any four songs of different style from the following list, or substitute other songs

which fit the above criteria.


Auf dem See. Schubert. Any Edition.

Bless'd the Day. Solomon. Handel. Boosey & Hawkes.

Dedication. Widmung. Schumann. Peters.

I Will Magnify Thee. Handel. Solo Series.

If My Songs were only Winged. Hahn. Ashdown.

Le Colibri. Chausson. Hamelle.

Les Papillons. Chausson. Allans.

My Song Resounds. Gipsy Songs. Dvorak. Lengnick.

Orpheus With His Lute. Sullivan. Boosey & Hawkes.

Rusalka's Song to the Moon. Dvorak. Allans.

Serenade. R. Strauss. Any Edition.

Spring. Handel. Allans.

Through The Long Days. Elgar. Allans.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Do Not Go My Love. Hageman. Allans.

Dream in the Twilight. R. Strauss. Universal.

Ein Schwan. Grieg. Peters or Allans.

Page 35: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


Fac ut portem. Stabat Mater. Rossini. Novello.

Litani. Schubert. Boosey & Hawkes.

My Song Resounds. Gypsy Songs. Dvorak. Lengnick.

Neue Liebe. Hugo Wolf. Allans.

Orpheus With His Lute. Sullivan. Boosey & Hawkes.

Serenade. R. Strauss. Any Edition.

Sonntags am Rhein. Schumann. Schirmer.

The Soldier's Bride. Rachmaninoff. Allans.

Treue Liebe. Brahms. Schirmer.

When all was Young. Faust. Gounod. Any Edition.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Amarilli, mia bella. Caccini. Schirmer.

Any one. Collection of Songs. Handel. Boosey & Hawkes.

Auf dem See. Schubert. Peters.

Die Nacht. Hugo Wolf. Peters.

Ein Traum. Grieg. Peters.

Go Lovely Rose. Roger Quilter. Chappell.

Ich Liebe Dich. Beethoven. Kalmus.

If With all your Hearts. Elijah. Mendelssohn. Novello.

Lydia. Celebrated Song Bk 2. Faure. Chester.

Recondita armonia. Tosca. Puccini. Ricordi.

Un'aura amoroso. Cosi fan tutti. Mozart. Allans.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Apres un Reve. Faure. Hamelle.

Dein blaues Auge. Brahms. Lengnick.

Der Doppelganger. Schubert. Any Edition.

Di Provenza il mar. La Traviata. Verdi. Any Edition.

Honour and Arms. Samson. Handel. Novello.

Neue Liebe. Hugo Wolf. Allans.

Night of Stars. From 43 Songs. Debussy. Kalmus.

O Isis and Osiris. Magic Flute. Mozart. Novello.

O Sing No More. Rachmaninoff. Allans.

Song of the Flea. Imperial Album. Beethoven. Boosey & Hawkes.

Song To The Forest. Tschaikowsky. Any Edition.

Three Fine Ships. Bizet. Allans.

Why Do The Nations. Messiah. Handel. Novello.

Youth and Love. Imperial Album. V. Williams. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Page 36: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not




Examination Time : 40 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

In addition to the normal grade examination, performance exam is also available for candidates who prefer

purely performance only, no other technical works required.

1) Performance : 80 marks

Candidates are required to perform a minimum of FIVE contrasting pieces from the above list of

selections. The FIVE chosen pieces have a total of 16 marks each and will form a list to be submitted for the

examination. If the total performance time of the chosen pieces do not meet the minimum requirement of

25 minutes, the candidate is allowed to choose additional pieces but the marks will be shared i.e.8 marks

each to make a total of 16 marks for that section.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare an information segment in a folio about each piece being played, evidence

of research and give details as to the Composers/ Style/ Period/ Formal Analysis/ Keys and Key Modulations,

etc. This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce

the pieces performed, special features of the pieces performed may be mentioned and present as if for a

performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality, control, presentation etc. all these take

into account.


Page 37: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



PRE-REQUISITE : All candidates for this Diploma must at the date of entry hold the Proficiency Certificate

of the GUILD in the same subject.

This exam is a pre-requisite examination for entry into the Licentiate Diploma. This examination consists of

TWO parts – (Part One : Theoretical & Part Two : Practical ). Candidates are allowed to take each part in a

separate exam but must complete within the span of 3 years.


All candidates must obtain a minimum pass of C+ 70 marks in the GUILD Grade 7 (or higher) theory of

music examination.


Examination Time : 50 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

1) Sight Reading : 7 marks

At a standard commensurate with this Diploma.

2) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a substantial four bar phrase played twice by the Examiner. Dotted

rhytms, semiquavers and triplets will be used. Simple time signatures or in 6/8 time. Candidate

will also be asked to state the time signature and to name the notes in any portion of the passage

played separately.

Interval : To recognise and name intervals formed by two notes played together within the compass of an


Harmony : To recognise and name Major, Minor, Augmented and Diminished Triads played by the Examiner

in Root position or on 1st Inversion.

Candences : To recognise and name the four cadences in a passage in simple chordal form, played twice by

the Examiner with short pauses at the end of each cadence point. The key will be stated and the tonic chord

will be sounded before the passage is played.

3) General Knowledge : 6 marks

Background of the composers and of the works performed. The Period from which they derive.

Questions on the Form, Key, Modulation and the musical characteristics of the examination music

performed. The outline given, is a guide to the candidate. The Examiner may choose to ask any

reasonable question relative to the grade in order to reach an assessment.

Page 38: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


4) Performance : 80 marks

• The full program must be representative of four different composers, styles and to select those songs

which will emphasize quality of voice, flexibility, interpretation, control and sustained singing. Complete

works must be performed. A concert standard of performance will be expected.

• A recital program of at least 30 minutes duration is mandatory. It is therefore possible that the candidate

may find it necessary to select more than one work from a List to provide a program of the required length.

• The listed pieces can be used or replaced with works of a similar standard and style. It is necessary to

submit the planned Associate program to the GUILD for approval.

• At least ONE LIST is to be performed from memory. Any additional memory work by the candidate is


Candidates are required to perform FOUR contrasting pieces. ( 4 X 20 marks )


Alleluia. Exultate Jubilate. Mozart. Allans.

At the Well. Hageman. Allans.

Auf dem Wasser Zu Singen. Schubert. Schirmer.

Batti Batti. Don Giovanni. Mozart. Novello.

Caro Nome. Rigoletto. Verdi. Allans.

Comme autrefois. The Pearl Fishers. Bizet. Allans.

Evening Hymn. Purcell. Cramer.

Fruhlingsnacht. Schumann. Allans.

How Fair This Spot. Rachmaninoff. Boosey & Hawkes.

Ich will dir mein Herze schenken. J.S. Bach. Novello.

Aria. St Matthew Passion. J.S. Bach. Any Edition.

Jewell Song. Faust. Gounod. Any Edition.

Lullaby. Village Scenes. Bartock. Universal.

Mandolin. Debussy. Durand.

Mausfallen-Spruchlein. Hugo Wolf. Allans.

The Doll's Song. Tales of Hoffman. Offenbach. Chappell.

The Embroidery Aria. Peter Grimes. Benjamin Britten. Boosey & Hawkes.

The New Ghost. V. Williams. Oxford.

The Nightingale. Delius. Augener.

Una voce poco fa. Barber of Seville. Rossini. Chappell.

Vedrai Carino. Don Giovanni. Mozart. Novello.

Why do I Love? Gibbs. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Agnus Dei. B Minor Mass. J.S. Bach. Paterson.

Am Meer. Schubert. Allans.

Clair de Lune. Faure. Hamelle.

Die Mainacht. Brahms. Boosey & Hawkes.

Evening Hymn. Purcell. Cramer.

Flower Song. Rape of Lucretia. Benjamin Britten. Boosey & Hawkes.

Gypsies. Gibbs. Oxford.

Page 39: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


Habanera. Carmen. Bizet. Any Edition.

Like to the Damask Rose. Elgar. Ascherberg.

Love Went a-Riding. Frank Bridge. Boosey & Hawkes.

Lullaby. Village Scenes. Bartok. Universal.

O Mio Fernando. La Favorita. Donizetti. Ricordi.

Return, O Lord of Hosts. Samson. Handel. Novello.

Sleep. Peter Warlock. Oxford.

Spring. Grieg. Any Edition.

The Estuary. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Uber Nacht. Hugo Wolf. Allans.

Zweignung. R. Strauss. Universal.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required


An die Nachtigall. Brahms. Allans.

Auf dem Wasser zu singen. Schubert. Augener.

Celeste Aida. Aria. Verdi. Ricordi.

Com' e gentil. Don Pasquale. Donizetti. Ricordi.

Der Traum. Rubenstein. Boosey & Hawkes.

E lucevan le Stelle. Tosca. Puccini Ricordi.

Fruhlingstraum. Schubert. Allans.

Isobel. Frank Bridge. Chappell.

Love's Philosophy. Delius. Oxford.

Nessun Dorma. Turandot. Puccini. Ricordi.

The Fields are Full. Gibbs. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Lover's Maze. Peter Warlock. Warlock Edition.

The Water Mill. V. Williams. Oxford.

Waft Her Angels. Jephtha. Handel. Any Edition.

Wie Bist du Meine Konigen. Brahms. Allans.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required


Abendstern. Tannhauser. Richard Wagner. Boosey & Hawkes.

Aufenhalt. Schubert. Boosey & Hawkes.

Autumn Twilight. Peter Warlock. Oxford.

Cavatina. Faust. Gounod. Boosey & Hawkes.

Der Einsame. Op 58. R. Strauss. Boosey & Hawkes.

O Mistress Mine. Gerald Finzi. Boosey & Hawkes.

Romanze. Franz. Schirmer.

The Lord Hath Exalted Thee. Elijah. Mendelssohn. Novello.

The Prologue. Pagliacci. Leoncavallo. Ascherberg.

The Roadside Fire. V. Williams. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Sea Gypsy. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Water Mill. V. Williams. Oxford.

Traum durch die Dammerung. R. Strauss. Schirmer.

Wie bist du meine Konigin. Brahms. Allans.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Page 40: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



PRE-REQUISITE : All candidates for this Diploma must at the date of entry hold the Level 8 of the GUILD

in the same subject.

Examination Time : 50 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

1) Performance : 80 marks

• The full program must be representative of FIVE Lists (5 x 16marks) different composers and styles.

Complete works must be performed. A concert standard of performance will be expected.

• Minimum performance time of 30 minutes is mandatory. It is therefore possible that the candidate may

find it necessary to select more than one work from a List to provide a program of the required length.

• Candidate can choose from the listed pieces or pieces from Associate Diploma or replace with works of a

similar standard and style. It is necessary to submit the planned Professional Performance program to the

GUILD for approval.

• At least ONE LIST is to be performed from memory. Any additional memory work by the candidate is



Alleluia. Exultate Jubilate. Mozart. Allans.

At the Well. Hageman. Allans.

Auf dem Wasser Zu Singen. Schubert. Schirmer.

Batti Batti. Don Giovanni. Mozart. Novello.

Caro Nome. Rigoletto. Verdi. Allans.

Comme autrefois. The Pearl Fishers. Bizet. Allans.

Evening Hymn. Purcell. Cramer.

Fruhlingsnacht. Schumann. Allans.

How Fair This Spot. Rachmaninoff. Boosey & Hawkes.

Ich will dir mein Herze schenken. J.S. Bach. Novello.

Aria. St Matthew Passion. J.S. Bach. Any Edition.

Jewell Song. Faust. Gounod. Any Edition.

Lullaby. Village Scenes. Bartock. Universal.

Mandolin. Debussy. Durand.

Mausfallen-Spruchlein. Hugo Wolf. Allans.

The Doll's Song. Tales of Hoffman. Offenbach. Chappell.

The Embroidery Aria. Peter Grimes. Benjamin Britten. Boosey & Hawkes.

The New Ghost. V. Williams. Oxford.

The Nightingale. Delius. Augener.

Una voce poco fa. Barber of Seville. Rossini. Chappell.

Vedrai Carino. Don Giovanni. Mozart. Novello.

Why do I Love? Gibbs. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.

Page 41: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Agnus Dei. B Minor Mass. J.S. Bach. Paterson.

Am Meer. Schubert. Allans.

Clair de Lune. Faure. Hamelle.

Die Mainacht. Brahms. Boosey & Hawkes.

Evening Hymn. Purcell. Cramer.

Flower Song. Rape of Lucretia. Benjamin Britten. Boosey & Hawkes.

Gypsies. Gibbs. Oxford.

Habanera. Carmen. Bizet. Any Edition.

Like to the Damask Rose. Elgar. Ascherberg.

Love Went a-Riding. Frank Bridge. Boosey & Hawkes.

Lullaby. Village Scenes. Bartok. Universal.

O Mio Fernando. La Favorita. Donizetti. Ricordi.

Return, O Lord of Hosts. Samson. Handel. Novello.

Sleep. Peter Warlock. Oxford.

Spring. Grieg. Any Edition.

The Estuary. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Uber Nacht. Hugo Wolf. Allans.

Zweignung. R. Strauss. Universal.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required


An die Nachtigall. Brahms. Allans.

Auf dem Wasser zu singen. Schubert. Augener.

Celeste Aida. Aria. Verdi. Ricordi.

Com' e gentil. Don Pasquale. Donizetti. Ricordi.

Der Traum. Rubenstein. Boosey & Hawkes.

E lucevan le Stelle. Tosca. Puccini Ricordi.

Fruhlingstraum. Schubert. Allans.

Isobel. Frank Bridge. Chappell.

Love's Philosophy. Delius. Oxford.

Nessun Dorma. Turandot. Puccini. Ricordi.

The Fields are Full. Gibbs. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Lover's Maze. Peter Warlock. Warlock Edition.

The Water Mill. V. Williams. Oxford.

Waft Her Angels. Jephtha. Handel. Any Edition.

Wie Bist du Meine Konigen. Brahms. Allans.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required

Page 42: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Abendstern. Tannhauser. Richard Wagner. Boosey & Hawkes.

Aufenhalt. Schubert. Boosey & Hawkes.

Autumn Twilight. Peter Warlock. Oxford.

Cavatina. Faust. Gounod. Boosey & Hawkes.

Der Einsame. Op 58. R. Strauss. Boosey & Hawkes.

O Mistress Mine. Gerald Finzi. Boosey & Hawkes.

Romanze. Franz. Schirmer.

The Lord Hath Exalted Thee. Elijah. Mendelssohn. Novello.

The Prologue. Pagliacci. Leoncavallo. Ascherberg.

The Roadside Fire. V. Williams. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Sea Gypsy. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

The Water Mill. V. Williams. Oxford.

Traum durch die Dammerung. R. Strauss. Schirmer.

Wie bist du meine Konigin. Brahms. Allans.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.

2) Summary : 20 marks

Candidates are required to prepare an information segment in a folio about each piece being played, evidence

of research and give details as to the Composers/ Style/ Period/ Formal Analysis/ Keys and Key Modulations,

etc. This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are required to announce

the pieces performed, special features of the pieces performed may be mentioned and present as if for a

performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality, control, presentation etc. all these take

into account.


Page 43: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



PRE-REQUISITE : All candidates for this Diploma must at the date of entry hold the Associate Diploma of

the GUILD in the same subject.

This exam is a pre-requisite examination for entry into the Fellowship Diploma. This examination consists of

TWO parts – (Part One : Theoretical & Part Two : Practical ). Candidates are allowed to take each part in a

separate exam but must complete within the span of 3 years.


All candidates must obtain a minimum pass of C+ 70 marks in the GUILD Grade 8 (or higher) theory of

music examination.


Examination Time : 60 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

1) Sight Reading : 7 marks

At a standard commensurate with this Diploma

2) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a substantial four bar phrase, with or without an anacrusis, played twice by

the Examiner. Dotted ryhthm, triplets and any time signature will be used. The candidate will

also be asked to state the time signature and to name the note values in any portion of the passage

played seperately.

Pitch : To sing or play from memory the lower part of a passage in two part harmony consisting of four bars

in simple time. The key will be stated and the key chord sounded before being played not more than three

times by the Examiner.

Harmony : To recognise and name Major or Minor Triads played in Root position, 1st inversion and 2nd

inversion by the Examiner.

Cadences : To recognise and name the four cadences in a passage played by the Examiner in Pianoforte style.

The key will be stated and the tonic chord sounded before the passage is played. Occasional inversion of

cadences will be used

Modulation : To recognise and name the modulations to related and nearly related keys in a passage in four

part harmony played by the Examiner with a short pause at the end of each modulatory phrase. The passage

will consist of 6 to 8 phrases, the tonic key will be stated and the key chord sounded. The test will not be

played more than three times.

Page 44: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


3)General Knowledge : 6 marks

Background of the composers and of the works performed. The Period from which they derive

Questions on the Form, Key, Modulations and the musical characteristics of the examination music

performed. The outline give is a guide to the candidate. The Examiner may choose to ask any

reasonable question relative to the diploma in order to reach an assessment.

4) Performance : 80 marks

• The full program must be representative of four different composers and styles. Complete works must be

performed. A concert standard of performance will be expected.

• A recital program of at least 40 minutes duration is mandatory. It is therefore possible that the candidate

may find it necessary to select more than one work from a List to provide a program of the required length.

• The listed pieces can be used or replaced with works of a similar standard and style. It is necessary submit

the planned Licentiate program to the GUILD for approval.

• At least ONE LIST is to be performed from memory. Any additional memory work by the candidate is


Candidates are required to perform FOUR contrasting piece. ( 4 x 20 marks )


Altisidora's Song. Purcell. Schott.

Any Song. From any Song Cycle. Gustav Mahler. Any Edition.

Casta Diva. Norma. No Recitative. Bellini. Boosey & Hawkes.

Das Lied im Grunen. Schubert. Peters.

Depuis le jour. Louise. Charpentier. Schott.

Del primo pianto. Turandot. Puccini. Ricordi.

Die Junge Nonne. Op 43. No 1. Schubert. Augener.

Du bist die Ruh'. Schubert. Augener.

Elsa's Dream. Lohengrin. Richard Wagner. Novello.

Fac ut portem. Stabat Mater. Rossini. Novello.

Gypsy Songs. Any One. Brahms. Peters.

Hear Ye Israel. Elijah. Mendelssohn. Boosey & Hawkes.

Heimliches Lieben. Schubert. Peters.

Hymn to the Sun. Coq d'or. R. Korsakoff. Boosey & Hawkes.

Let the Bright Seraphim. Samson. Handel. Novello.

Mad Bess. Orpheus Brittanicus. Purcell. Schott.

Micaela's Recit and Aria. Carmen. Bizet. Cramer.

Morgen. Strauss. Universal.

Nachtigall. Op 97 No 1. Brahms. Allans.

O Don Fatale. Don Carlos. Verdi. Ricordi.

Oh, For a March Wind. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Philine. Hugo Wolf. Peters.

St. Matthew Passion. J.S Bach. Novello.

The Kiss. Sibelius. Breithopf.

The Soldier Tir'd. Artaxerxes. Thomas Arne. Novello.

Und ob die Wolke. Der Freischutz. Weber. Boosey & Hawkes.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.

Page 45: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not


CONTRALTO and MEZZO SOPRANO. Mezzo Soprano select also from the Soprano List.

De Konig in Thule. Listz. Schott.

Divinites du Styx. Alceste. Gluck. Ascherberg.

Erda's Warning. Das Rheingold. Richard Wagner. Breitkopf.

Feast of Lanterns. Bantock. Elkin.

Fetes Galantes. (Any one.) Debussy. Durand.

Gypsy Songs. (Any one.) Brahms. Peters.

Gretchen am Sprinnrade. Schubert. Augener.

Hungarian Songs. Any One. Bartok. Boosey & Hawkes.

Joys that are pure. Samson. Handel. Novello.

Kennst du das Land. Listz. Schott.

Nocturne. Michael Head. Boosey & Hawkes.

Ombra felice. Concert Aria. K225. Mozart. Schirmer.

Qui Sedes. Gloria. Vivaldi. Ricordi.

Seguidille. Carmen. Bizet. Cramer.

Sehnsucht. Schubert. Peters.

St. John Passion. It is Finished. J.S. Bach. Novello.

The Soldier's Wife. Rachmaninoff. Boosey & Hawkes.

What can we poor females do? Purcell. Boosey & Hawkes.

Wie lange schon. Hugo Wolf. Peters.

Wiegenlied. R. Strauss. Universal.

Woe unto Them. Elijah. Mendelssohn. Novello.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


Allerseelen. R. Strauss. Universal.

An die Musik. Schubert. Peters.

From any Song Cycle. (Any song.) Mahler. Any Edition.

Benedictus. Mass in B Minor. J.S. Bach. Novello.

Black Roses. Delius. Oxford.

Dichterliebe. Op 48. (Any Songs.) Schumann. Peters.

Die Nacht. R. Strauss. Universal.

Die Schone Mullerin. Any Songs. Schubert. Peters.

Du bist die Ruh. Schubert. Peters.

E Lucevan le stelle. Tosca. Puccini. Ricordi.

Il mio tesoro. Don Giovanni. Mozart. Boosey & Hawkes.

In Rosy Mantle. The Creation. Haydn. Novello.

Men, Brethren and Fathers. St. Paul. Mendelssohn. Novello.

Night is Mournful. Rachmaninoff. Boosey & Hawkes.

On Wenlock Edge. No 1. V. Williams. Boosey & Hawkes.

See the tall palm. Solomon. Handel. Novello.

Sonntag. Brahms. Peters/Schirmer.

Wir wandelten. Brahms. Peters/Schirmer.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.

Page 46: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



Allerseelen. R. Strauss. Universal.

Any Song. (By the Composer.) Gerald Finzi. Boosey & Hawkes.

Any Song. From any Song Cycle. Mahler. Any Edition.

Der Linderbaum. Schubert. Peters.

Der Wanderer. Schubert. Peters.

Der Tod und das Madchen. Schubert. Peters.

Die Nacht. R. Strauss. Universal.

Du bist die Ruh'. Schubert. Peters.

Erlkonig. Schubert. Peters.

Hat man nicht auch Gold. Fidelio. Beethoven. Boosey & Hawkes.

Heimlich Aufforderung. R. Strauss. Universal.

Honour and Arms. Samson. Handel. Novello.

In diesen heil'gen Hallen. Mozart. Boosey & Hawkes.

Les Berceaux. Faure. Hamelle.

Madamina. Don Giovanni. Mozart. Boosey & Hawkes.

Mit Myrten und Rosen. Schumann. Peters.

Morgen. R. Strauss. Universal.

O Isis and Osiris. The Magic Flute. Mozart. Boosey & Hawkes.

O tu Palermo. Sicilian Vespers. Verdi. Ricordi.

Praise Ye the Lord. Solomon. Handel. Novello.

The Two Grenadiers. Schumann. Peters.

Wie bist du meine Konigin. Brahms. Peters.

Own Choice. GUILD approval required.


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PRE-REQUISITE : All candidates for this Diploma must at the date of entry hold the Associate Diploma of

the GUILD in the same subject.

This exam is a pre-requisite examination for entry into the Fellowship Diploma. This examination consists of

TWO parts – (Part One : Theoretical & Part Two : Practical ). Candidates are allowed to take each part in a

separate exam but must complete within the span of 3 years.


All candidates must obtain a minimum pass of C+ 70 marks in the following papers :-

1. PAPER ONE : The Guild Grade 8 (or higher ) Theory of Music Examination

2. PAPER TWO : The Principle of Teaching Theory of Music Examination


Examination Time : 60 minutes Minimum Pass : 70 marks

1) Sight Reading : 7 marks

At a standard commensurate with this Diploma

2) Ear Test : 7 marks

Rhythm : To clap or tap a substantial four bar phrase, with or without an anacrusis, played twice

by the Examiner. Dotted ryhthm, triplets and any time signature will be used. The candidate will

also be asked to state the time signature and to name the note values in any portion of the passage

played seperately.

Pitch : To sing or play from memory the lower part of a passage in two part harmony consisting of four bars

in simple time. The key will be stated and the key chord sounded before being played not more than three

times by the Examiner.

Harmony : To recognise and name Major or Minor Triads played in Root position, 1st inversion and 2nd

inversion by the Examiner.

Cadences : To recognise and name the four cadences in a passage played by the Examiner in Pianoforte style.

The key will be stated and the tonic chord sounded before the passage is played. Occasional inversion

of cadences will be used

Modulation : To recognise and name the modulations to related and nearly related keys in a passage in four

part harmony played by the Examiner with a short pause at the end of each modulatory phrase. The passage

will consist of 6 to 8 phrases, the tonic key will be stated and the key chord sounded. The test will not be

played more than three times.

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3) General Knowledge : 6 marks

Background of the composers and of the works performed. The Period from which they derive.

Questions on the Form, Key, Modulations and the musical characteristics of the examination

music performed. The outline give is a guide to the candidate. The Examiner may choose to ask

any reasonable question relative to the diploma in order to reach an assessment.

4) Practical Demonstration of Teaching Principles (Viva Voce) : 20 marks

• This section of the LAGM(TD) examination requires that a candidate has a wide, active and general

musical background and has the ability to demonstrate the various skills required in relation to the teaching

of the choose instrument.

• The candidate will be required to give a demonstration lesson to the Examiner using material from the

particular Syllabus from and inclusive of Grade One through Proficiency Certificate

• Candidates will be expected to demonstrate any technical work and exercises prescribed for the particular

instrumental examination in the Guild syllabus. Also to discuss common student errors and to suggest

means for their correction.

• Candidates will be asked to explain and demonstrate methods for the teaching of phrasing, interpretation

and style, to further discuss these aspects in relation to the use of the chosen instrument.

• Candidate will be aurally examined in the basic theoretical principles of teaching and performance.

• Candidate will be expected to discuss and demonstrate the various techniques and control used on the

chosen instrument.

• Candidate will be asked to outline the reasons for Music Education and to discuss with the Examiner the

philosophy inherent in this concept.

• General questions on the History of Music, musical styles and different techniques used on the chosen

instrument in the performance of these styles.

• To demonstrate to the Examiner a comprehensive knowledge of the history and construction of the chosen

instrument and its relationship to music and to the repertoire.

• Candidates must submit to the Examiner a comprehensive teaching folio listing their teaching repertoire

from the particular Syllabus from and inclusive of Grade One through Proficiency Certificate. Written

comments attached to each work must clearly give an indication that the candidate is aware of the musical

requirements and technical difficulties in the listed works. Written comments must include practise

methods to overcome both observed and potential faults.

Note : The Teaching Principle paper is a written extension of the above Viva Voce examination.

5) Performance : 60 marks

• An executing examination on the candidate’s chosen instrument and a practical demonstration of teaching

principles. The full program must be representative of four different composers and styles. Complete

works music be performed. A reasonable concert standard of performance will be expected.

• A recital program, to be selected from the Licentiate Performer Diploma List ( 4 x 15 marks ) to be of at

least 30 minutes duration. It is therefore possible that the candidate may find it necessary to select more

than one work from a List to provide a program of the required length.

• The listed pieces can be used or replaced with works of a similar standard and style. It is necessary submit

the planned Licentiate program to the GUILD for approval.

• Performance from memory by the candidate is OPTIONAL in this examination.

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PRE-REQUISITE : All candidates for this Diploma must at the date of entry hold the Professional

Performance Diploma of the GUILD in the same subject.

1. Application for this exam must be made in writing to the GUILD Council by the candidate. From the date

of approval, the candidate has 12 months to present the performance.

2. The candidate should have the ability to publicly present each item of the proposed program at high level

of professionalism.

3. The performance program must favourably compare with the standard required for the GUILD Licentiate

Performance Diploma Examination and should be performed at that minimal standard. Candidates can

choose the pieces from Licentiate Diploma or replaced with works of a similar standard.

4. A recital program of One hour duration is mandatory inclusive of short break in between pieces, with a

minimum performance time of 40 minutes.

5. Candidates are required to prepare an information segment in a folio about each piece being played,

evidence of research and give details as to the Composers/ Style/ Period/ Formal Analysis/ Keys and Key

Modulations, etc. This is given to the examiner when entering the examination room. Candidates are

required to announce the pieces performed, special features of the pieces performed may be mentioned

and present as if for a performance. Presentation, clarity of voice, suitable dress, musicality, control,

presentation etc. all these take into account.

6. The examination will be a public performance either in a Hall or suitable examination room with a

minimum audience of eight persons present.

7. An associate artist will be permitted to perform to allow a small break in the program of the candidate. It

is recommended that this artist performs in a different instrument.


Page 50: Singing - · (with Technical works) ... 7. CONCONE EXERCISES. This is NOT required in Singing Examinations until Grade Six. However, teachers are advised not



PRE-REQUISITE : All candidates for this Diploma must at the date of entry hold the Licentiate Diploma

of the GUILD in the same subject.

GUILD Council approval is necessary for entry to the Fellowship Diploma. The candidate must be able to

demonstrate a long association with the GUILD and an empathy with its philosophy.

This advanced qualification will be awarded in the following areas for proven excellence OR as an Honour

for outstanding services to the GUILD.

1. Research Theses 50,000 words.

2. One major composition work.

3. A full concert performance.

4. A long and outstanding teaching career.

5. An original and unique innovation of outstanding importance within the framework of the GUILD.

6. Any sustained area of excellence in Music by which teachers and students will benefit.

Note : It is mandatory in section 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 above for a supporting Thesis to be written
